g. A quick tam in the tide might be ï¬rm about by either oi two _ _ ' . Firstahilure of crop, or a mien or. hilures, would cause _t.iqtttbls depression. Die: such a with however, no gmernmcn: or. people could have control, Hard times might also be precipitated by the severe straining ot the relationship jetveen capital and labor. In the “Fitment ot my dittererwes which 3.15!“ arise between thew iicerests, ‘tbunll Ample room on both sides tor the exercise of reason, and right- hou- judgment. By the application ot the golden rule all dangers of a â€on of depression owing to labor foam-I wlll be removed, $B,iir, lltlt8 ae.' _ ' . my} _ l 1tiRCalt,"t1'2 ‘ Il,1r, ,0 - . try both Bl Ln W Proeieiat Cow-v Ill6i'j'i"ial ‘ your 'arN8ttedgt - 'if, - r - I 3 T mu-. llti 'i-rar “a , alt-sh Mluiht it) illrt'rt,i, Mum pom-munch ot- . ' {a inn-u numb-n the beat ~ ‘ ‘ . from all put: Mabe globe. A spirit ot contentment Timm among the people, All these u, to “unite the coutidersce oi ear â€I. both home ud toreigu, who *mting many in immense in- “.ud mahoturing tutdertah- {Iii-$3 u a. - pro-penny it“ Won the pendulum pi†hm]: t Heretofore periods of has?!†hue been lollowed by bttMcot deptessxon Lmast inun- dyIvory seven or ten years, but â€in evety reason to trelie/e that this tulg_will now be broken. ' Numetous cues of scarlet fever are â€ported in Waterloo Tonnshxp Ar- 7eordin3 to medical men there is iconiderwle ulmculty experienced in “muttono! cases in We country bring» the [net that in min! cases' theheads ot families do not think u necessary to have medical attendance, ay, no diagnosis being made, there ‘5 no quarantine put upon the infected household, the members of Nhlch min- gleuusuel with people of the nough- borhood and come to town to do their business without observing any of the precautions against the soroad ot the disease. This, It is clan: ed, is rc'- sponsible for may ot the octyreaks in SD town when an etreetr o quaran-‘ ttrt. hkeptoe such - sid it Is I‘loubtful whether many of these peo- "tie realize the sutiering and incon- "enienee to which they are thus CE- posing the community. Parents and pita! should co-operate mm the $tirard of Health authorities and noti- 1y lphysicinn assoon as any sym- “an. lhow themselves and mus pro- to: in community trom c. a nugea titanium: disease, Many have been accustomed to distinguish between scarlet lever and when iooking upon the letter as mild type of the A §OURCE OF CONTAGION former, but in the eyes of the tnedital ptolelsion, they no on and the nine Mum nun mm of cont-.5- 10. is concerned, more cases ot b'car- let - often being contracted through will; in contact mtb case, ot muting. . ttie reported that convicted criar mdltrom Denmark and other Euro- pa: countries nre regularly and sys- tematically sent to Canada A Ber- lin dean!†indicates that the Berlin Society for the Reformation oi Dis- tharged Prisoners, has decided to grant $125 to $150 per head to mist ex-convictl to emigrnte alter six month- trial. The United States be- ttte barred spin“ the immigration rt criminnia, Cumin is especially lav- oid " ndumping ground. Anything more Audacious than the idu oi nuk- iunpnni colony at Canada for the tau-hunt ot criminal: trom than countrie- cumoi be conceived. " “be cannula hue, through bed PE- mpie, or through the by at good dimple, unseeded in producing ii cle- ot downed criminals, it in Iii: m to keep them. _ A I" weeks ago the Dominum Ptr- ltht an! m tolmpoce . tax at - a Cilia. Immigrants. which W1! admin them lrom the my. " upon- .1. true, union all h “I. at that Muslim tr,t--eeta.sr"s oi do“. Icons eehttittah and w a thaMiatt dam 5* W Col-nub of the wu- Myllt. Praia-‘1 mm lump-l Wk. huh“ m. to In mu: or muuuww, win MCIWHVQM NO PE NAL COLONY tt.-rtit" duo-pm: um EDITORIAL NOTES ppm-dynamic am. It In that an cum ' will in M to *3 T . _ and duck the dry and m , blur “it howl! (All. 'lt.' in.“ an a. - d_ a.- )diiit-ttr- a m with, h. at a - al a. M (ogr6aroiVimateettts M1. at an 'rniheuei" ad the - that could "dr"lored. Darin; th. pater part at the year, It is and, than in enough nu: ttomag dz "tn the Grand River, with the MI mel- uolud, to tarnish all the power all tight required by the Tris-City. " in up to lam. cumming Inn-mud bod "but into this qua-dot We “link not, The young man nurt- ingin life with no money, but with good digestion good sleep, good hum: and ability to work in name pr 1mm. emptoyment, has mt. the aged capi- talllt would be glad to exchange :1: " millions for. Does "an coma“ in money, how a. buds. bulk stash, who“ mum etc., “on: t What compensation is money for sleepless nights, and painful hys. or the misconduct of dissipated children ? Which brings the greater uppiness- the glitter, show, jenlouaies and tut- sity ot fashionable life, or the, heart- felt triendships which prevail so hrrge- ly inthe homes ot the industrious poor , - twat-during ' ' g as»; i _ Mud-VIVMM.‘ C thtlfftt a “my“ um artiiiat"'Sat. We 'uri-tet-do-tet'., ',utetJ,'t"at"l,ST,t Menu. in, lou- or one {Idh‘m br_,tt-festu: lull: n h chimad um an“ m- met “d m- In how many of the places of our millionaires will you timi greaner harr- piuess in the parlor than in the kit, chen , How many millionaires will tell you that they are happier now than when starting in lite without a dollar , Let no man envy tttape richer than himself, until taking all things into account -Me, health, wife, children, friends-he is sure he would be willing to exchange. On the tops ot mountains we fmd rocks, and ice and snow. It is down in the valleys that we find the "ne- yards. T Gait Reporter-One of the two new motor cars‘purchased from the 0t- awn Car Company, tor service on the new Preston & Berlin, Railway, ar- rived this morning at the C. P. ll, Galt, The car is fifty three that long, and 14 inches wider than the stgnd- ard width, and is heavily eottswacteal, The interior of the car is finished ir. quartered oak, and opposite each seat is an electric button to appraise the conductor when persons want to sto" the at. The seats. which or: " in number (10 down each side) are up- holstered in leather, and are placed crossways. They will actcommrrinte (tut passengers There in also a combin- ation Name And smoking compare trtetstittthe car which is frtted up with Westinghouse equipment, includ- ing four 45 Ire. motors, air broke! Toylor trucks, two fenders, and two trolley poles. DEAD FLIES TICKLE NO NOSES It is the little worries that bother us. and nothing i! more annoying than to have fiietg buzzing all around YOZL settling first on your ear, then on your nose and face, particularly wlwn you want to rest, To brush them on is useless, they mm " once, Tue also! Wilson’s Fly Pads is the only sure way to get rid ot the little pests. Buy a packet and clear your house in , few hours. Wr- arr told, says a co.rpspomttutt ot the 'Dominion Presbyterian,' tint the Chinese come to this country to make money, end when they have amused whet they regard u a. com- petence they will carry on their wealth to their own country, ls that not just what Britishere and Amen- ‘cens and French and Germans DO when they go to China-only they are not "tinert with such a small “mount ot wealth u the Chinese can secure in Canal in the course of a. tew - Why should our people re [use to Chinunen in Certain what theynlelm the right to do in China, with e tree, sometimes with t high hand , Soft and crooked bones mean- bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood must have blood food and " 009mm! tht lut.. . . . BONE MII Scott's-Emulsion is the right Wentlfor‘ soft boundin chi ten. in ado-u: ay tr, the stittm- “up: -- healthr!ttteteotttPtr.t [We Bow lg; become stmighter, loose joints grow Wand has cons. to ttit not! THE CHtNESE IN CANADA W food mused the cubic. itl'lllurl'lrlud'il'. In thouuitik of mkoth w WHAT IS WEALTH? AN ELEGANT CAR GEO. T. ANGELL £333 "air. "a! it iii. no but u A. 't'4',dti'tt - #5 - a 'pt/tf, mu In you but I. - the m. to- _agyehtirttr, vs, 'iThete, My. Mun; In l, .tslreet and “I“! met on tombs, E . ..' ... .. ' f.00 ‘Geo. Sch-act. u m - pins, 100! ... mmF _...p. "." Louis Rank. bin. till atoll Con-1M“. who! -- "a -d, mad at“ " would. * m†It we: loved by J? Inâ€. on.“ by RU. Kerr, um amusmumw WELFiI‘l “coup-pm tar two sheep kil- led hydogot dun unknown. end an the new luau * " order tog the 23.31:. - "'srrud. More the closing of the menu; " well moved by J. B. Lichty And seconded by R. J. 'Kerr, that this council do how ndjonrn to meet again the tVtrt Monday in June, at the township Ball. Ctoelhill, " 10 o'clock, mm. Burp. The Court ot Revision to hie plwe lune day at one o'clock pm. when only such com- plu’nu will be token into conside‘m- tion of which the clerk had preUous- ly to such Court been ttotitUt in writirsg.-CBrritrd, All parties having business " said Court will kindly notify the clerk bu- tore the lst day of June next at the uture ot their apnea]. The Council met the some day " Wellesley village, to inspect a. bridge and partly decided to build A con- crete arch which will be about so teet in length. The Council Seem to nlwnys be glad to visit Wellealty vu- lage and seem to tahe interest m the prosperity displayed in the various business enterprises there. PETER SCHUMMER, Clerk, Guelph Herald. 1 ht the Legislature on Thursday the question ol the management ot pub- lie libraries received some attention) or. the second reading ot the bill in- troduced by the Hon. Richard ENE court. The trend ot the discussion was decidedly in lsvor oi generous encouragement to public libraries and the extension of the system to the public schools ot the province. But the opinion was lreely expressed on both sides at the House that a more stringent process of selection of work ot fiction should be inaugurated. Too often the iihrsry shelves are burden- ed with books that ere frothy and ephemeral in character-mere literary trash. Some ot them through we suspicious charity ot the reviewers enjoy a temporary popularity. They ere the use (or the time. They strut their little hour upon the stage and then Ire heard no more. Why should the money ot the irrrrle be devoted to the purchase ot such books t The purpose ot tree librar- Clerk's ottice, 9th, 1903. ies in not to mom idle r?reation to their patrons. Much les ' is it lo promote the perusal ot literature ab- solutely vulueless and in somc cases hurtful to the reader. A work ol fiction should not be given a place in a libnry until It has demonstraz- ed its enduring merits. When it ap- pears to the Board that the creation cl my author deserves to rank as at standard work ol fiction, it is quitc proper that the book should be placed upon the shelves of the library. Un- til it has stood the teat of criticism until it is clear that it In. mer- its that will preserve it from the corroding itttiuences of time, we be Ii-wn nuhlie monev should not iGirGuir, rmoney should tte devoted to its purchue. 5 The works ot Dickens, Scott and Thackeray wtll anon! delight and pur‘ m. es long as the English language is spoken and written. The chutn- atg hue drawn will be u tam. ih end " loveble end as hateful to our children's children " they have been to tw. In some degree we should apply the measure ot their worth to the present day Betion he- lore we give it the certifies" that when by a Free Libnry Board menu. FICTION IN THE LIBRARIES Mm. Xtreme-What do you think ttt my new ninydny skirt, dun Mr. Xtreme--" that 1 ninjduy dirt? Nhr. hinly. Wink did you think it mi" "A rvdNr on your Wu! Mrs Wither» lat trW,'laet WET; Foill"rd,'i-2tdl "I h I or -_ on . â€I 'tottss.ttgttom*Ua L2ht' In I†you otr-uatttr.-"'T- " tp.tot'r, to , 2a,',',', an", "as; in, In " man" 1 lim n Mar Lu,e2,t. "Copper,†how. mr, deem- uczllent won tor d+ te1'trtqa-tssbrtmrsmnsu up Wig Wm: in . ',t'i'i'hitl, r','ikF,','ilCi',ii?iutr/i-','iyr'i' VIII - a. with. at '.'a.'r. ml at.†a. pd“ at $64- - at ' 'l'll.'LAht " your law ngohny," "id the uncle, who u in. «with c “nix to on ffht2G'gltgfiittg'2t '.'Mrd m.mm S'N,2t'...t d.- --It h’t . e'?tl'i'r,ltl'ii,tlith, iii)eiiir, no Mullw‘i’t" 'iit"ji'ii'ehiiirk:ilCilcli tuc-Nu, York Wald, St. Clements, May midi-III}! " T ' a .13- "difihr, m In at " mtâ€! than with in d - m. an aquatic: In Okla“! rewind, u the“ mum- we" AMivcly Instead to New My -lered by the out. ro- mauve- This the at an†mummum‘nw MOI-luau: oath-t. m ,uahttit, t,1e,1ttflt “in. nah-Julia...†omotrrq, In“! morning, andtttr$"o'Uttd. Riki-mend". A no no! min- In: um It It; all. _ “no will but: (an teaN, “in: TM M 1.40 I. p.' anvil. mun nulls at Tomb pm. and men; Bun- - “ter ' o'clpck, which ll dlrtuinqtto Guano km from Katmai, vhlah blow going “HM Hamilton; one din-ion will so m Humllton. and the other through Berlin and meet aia'en " Laden. A new hat tram lawn; London at 0.30 mm. will reach Toronto About " o'eioee. The chum in the present schedul- wlllbe u to0ww.--'rhe tron at an. an leaving Toronto a 4 Mn. tag Guelph, will te continued u tar II thr tuna]. And will carry eastern mail; the tmin leaving Toronto at "'rtan. tor the west will be chant ed to 6.80 or 7 Fm. This new Arrangement ot the tin-s able nun: tut than qriit be tle. trains going through Berlin to Tor- ontou toltttwtc--5.80 a..m.. 8.3J e. In., 9.38 or 10.15 n.m., 5.36 n. m, and 8.60 p. m. There will also be 5 new sensual. qti,-4? I. m., n a. m. 3.30 pan., 6.30 p.m., end 3.30 pm. This service will, it is expoctod, go into Meet ghoul June 15th. The dopuution consisted or.-Nessra RH. Butehard, St. Marys, D.B, Dev weiler, G. M. DeBus, Berlin; It. Roschmm, Waterloo; R. Wan, Wiar. tcn; John Brown, M.P.P., G. D Douglas, Strattotd; Rt. Tongue, C.A. Bum, Guelph; J,J. Crazg, Fer- gus; J. Mitchell, Goderich; A. Wer- net, Elmira; T. W. Duggan, W. G. Young, W. H. Milner, Geo. Craw- Jord, W. H. Robinson, B. F. Jonas lr, HG. Graham, F. Wilson, J. \Neson, and H. Boulter, Brampton. The large Brampton Ilepduuion was present for the purpose ot asK~ in; lotamidnight train to leave Toronto at 11 o'clock but their re- quest was not granted. I do not ordinarily "our; 7 I do not stitten myself and think up double distilled double dashes wherewith toPPbeliith my remarks; I do not .pth forth lurid eloquence upon ordinary caution. Profanity bu mull Elle! with me. . But when I hear t a rattle of tho twetvtrdouar-pertors coal u the heavy- weight driver dumps the short-weight “.1531: My!" my door; . .. high bill in the kitchen; , on I hear the grocery pirate "king for his money At the hall door; When I hear the punter singing it. doltlu1 mflgdy in the basement; When I hekr my hues and my rent and my water bill hiding themselves up; When I hear and see ttll then and many other thinge---- -ALfioie thai' the wife of my bosom i. Ming In "vertisement with I has unlined w_ithjoy; _ 7 When ite tirrU to me and murmur: nominating concerning an Easter bonnet TU _Igant â€5:â€!qu " Then do I search the bright lexicon of {audio} memory for all the compound Teft,t,d cuss words I ever knew, id no. them to Sli',',,'," my " inlon ot the praetit)t of re ing into TI fu- tun for trotrbles, A -reirttiG%r" I await in I beautiful unmet! he an lea-on we learn in to pudon Dun-ulna. “Ha comb. his hair Morena I'e.R u?†ITr, lug-WW leaned “up“. A Young Lady Tell: the Torture She Sun fired From Rheumatism Miss Myrtle Major, Hartland, N. B., is one of the thousands who hue proved tut ur. Willinms' Pink Pill: will cure rheumatism Miss Major Days: I Buttered from the trouble lor' nurly A yen. “and the “no: of n doctor And took his medicine, but it did not help me. The trouble was lo- mted chiefly in my Anklet. and the phinl waned n times was intense. As . matter of tact n times I Wu ‘qulto unnble to M heron the room. “(I toe “no " months] was con- tued tom house. I and liniments lid Ether modicum prescribed tor autumn, but they did me no good. Then some ot my (dead: urged me to try Dr. Willlunu‘ PM Pills. I act. edontheir "eteq "tdbe4ore 1m used three boxes I m to feel bet. ter. ttooknis-ottHNtu at- W, mid-II! - "go I.» mm.mammm math- ed. It in! - tn yen:- “we: we: the pm. artd u there bu Mina I 57-me at “a “with man; prowl that a. plus and. {pg-lune“ can." _ lit-mum: in I disuse of ttge " Elan. Guelph n Hotpoint. m ad cu only he and " trut- Jnly I-Ar- n Dumbo. - - tho blood. That itt why July 6--Ehtee at INN, Dumbo " Dr. Wlllluu' Pill Pill: than cute "W- this tronblo. Good blood nuke. - July b-Beettn at Guelph. = has body Mon; and balmy, July 'tatt"", " am. and? do†of Dr. Wlluuu’ Jun 1b-4%l " “on, - 1M Fiannaâ€. 'fd,tte: It “a?" ' 0 â€din! . on. man 'b-ah" : but. anus-vs. “was. was: "tftiae.'a"artrBc-*at'ar. w, in M. ay- . . . _ alpha-nu mucI-ua 1. fgii?tiMfg',',t not. a ie2tgng'aPaftt'2 M . p“ ',",t,tMlllglhl'r1t, â€a; (ttik', F M... $011 before my door; hen like†tht Ttat bandit preterit, COULD NOT WALK Wttitrnanically Pat, k "and ' .'.', if“ 1t?ii?2tlt1ltl; 'PtiNt. u. ' m up. ‘wnt an. "tttiot m at "saeed, you Into-om." V 1 A. J. 3008. mm. i E. N. DEVI". 'uw- . but: but, Uni“ an. and“ cl Illinois. with; at why a un- t In. by“. 3W " w nary Iced _ vet be. I. ï¬ll.“ â€twain" him tid tin cum in m A in may No «but was! en 'tridittt"r.. “other In pro- portion ttt it not. do. more than III . “only one. lath; to: more ttsartwfN-t,tooqttttotsrr sup- ported-ar" use you happen to lilo him or "mite In wring. m lawn-e u Itteat pipe: in the beat in- vecuncnt s community an make. it in†not ha‘cuivded with great thought. but III-cull] it is ot more mm than both placket um tench- Br. Today editors do more tor tiss my that my Inn on euth. Paton- iw your home pupa. not as a char- lty, but u u inn-uncut. Simeon Good, near St. Jacobo. drove into the than our E.W.Il. Snider’s mill: tor the purpose ol weaning two wuou attached to A voluule teem ottoman. He did not, know the depth ot the dam, " the vibe he drove in, and when a. few leet trom the bulk, the horses went to the bottom at the dam, which was slxtem leer. in depth, and were drowned rotate they could be rescued. The hired man St- turned to the bank by walking in the two wagons and alter swumrz, help, pulled out the wagons and the horse, 1nd secured the harness. VALUABLE HORSES DROWNED -eerAeeeeeegeeseeeciegeer, 0!! many um hired "ynyt .Mr. THE FARMER soy-s bar The question has been asked ot able financiers “What becomes of all the money "nut disappetrrs from vir- culation '. " It is a. well luown tact that many silver uni copper . coins issued from the mint pans out of sight and have been replaced from timeto time by new coinage. This is also the case With bank notes. It has been stated that bills issued by the Old Gore Bank, out of existence for over thirty years, are still being presented tor redemption to the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, imo which the uure Bank was merged. WHERE DOES THE MONEY The Dunlap Tire Co, or Toronto, believing that there is more rapidity of circulation and less loss In these strenuous commercial days, in: de- cided to make an interesting best ot number of Canadian coins. They will make " announcement withing JTew%uhGtkctt will -be worth the attention or everybody. On Saturday night a depumtion oi school teachers muted upon the com- mittee of Management ot Stratford Public School Board, to mess thc claim put up by the whole rial! lor agent-ml increase of salarym) per cent. for those getting over $400; 15 per cent. (or those getting less than that. The result of the committees deliberations will tahe demure form at the next meeting ot the School Board, when certtiu recommrndatioms will bemade. It is understood that the committee isto incrmse oath minimum and maximum salaries Heretofore lady teachers have had to start " $250 with an increase ot S15 per nu. the maximum being $32.5, salary now proposed tor new ton-h- on is aid to be tMo, with the mi- lo'wing maximums; Pint all sou and book, 3323; third, "tr, fourth, 8475. These maximums ere of cqarse not intended to apply to male teeth- ers, hired tor udvmced work, but to mullet! who work'up from the pri- mary grade. Even these maximums any be exceeded in certain cases, but such further incregses will he based solely on merit. Guelph, Mny 14.--A meeting ot the rowan-tuba ot the clubs htrttPob. in; District M. a. itt the jun'ot stric- ot the C. L. A. vu In!“ II tb¢.Royul Hotel, Bums, army. R. Hamilton of Guelph was in the chair. The [allowing schemata was ulna If:-- U my 8t)-Dnmttto at Guelph, ssiis st Haydn. - 7 - _ __ -- _ Jun I-Gul’t At Bum, Hamlet " Elan. _ . Juno b-Mun " Dumbo. _ Jun 18-h!“ n Elan, "up!" “Xi-emu. - _ - - _ -- _ "in. “an u out. rum " nuns. Jun 17-43% " Dunn, Dumbo a Elan. 0m at Havelâ€. My Him " Pryeo. . . our 44km n om, Dumbo " HM. " 2l', ti/iii,'?'., " 'lNh I l . "tr IFAht a lion. than "2g'ttt ' . a ' ».,.3maam. SALARIES OF STRATFORD TEACHERS. SUPPORT m PAPER LACROSSE SCH EDI; LE ti-Etoit "ltr-ttr, G Tim In Youths’ may. as. can an " ht jaw len'u black ch, on. but! ,rrmtrdq oil. " to " " - - KING STREET Kama Lender:--Did you ever dull corn sul dar by hand in h hut†"laid out," try I tom drivu " I single line attached to . single shovel plow and keep it up lor two or than weeks t Moat old people who hove med on e tarm have hul- this "pert- ence, or have followed the boy who was dropping the corn day In ml do] out, covering it with . hoe, Forty yum ago, n boy who could drop for two coverers, could eon his “It, centsadxy while the o mm boy could earn trom twenty‘ae to whiny- five cents a day. As Ib nutter ot loci, I. boy could get over more ground and plant a. much bigger acreage than a. man. but then, u now. there Va on unwritten law. that he should not lrcceive men's whys. Bolero the days of lobar-saving machinery, [arm work, -tor the boy eaptscially--was a ton- stant round of drudgery, and la w.- little wonder that they pined In: a. life in the city. Now it " diiterent. and life on n tum, in preferable to most other putsuits in life. . THE PINCH OP PRoSPERiTr. Toronto Glotre:-mte 'mperNial ob- server ot economic conditions is wt to urive aCthe conclusion that a time of prosperity is good for oil cusses alike; in tact, it maybecuite the reverse tor those who have to de- pend on fixed incomes. Salaried o!- ficials and employeu. end the work- ingmen who are psyed either by time or piece, are the chief Butterera. Their incomes remein the me, while the cost of living is greatly increased. House rent is higher, tood And clotlk in; are dearer, end fuel is more u- pensive. Their labor or services my assist their employer. to gather in wealth more npidly than in times at stringency, but of the price ot the goods they make they secure a to- latiNy smaller share. Chambetluin‘s Stomnch the! Liver Tablets are just what you need when constipated; when you have no ap- petite, ttel dull altex “tug, ind wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your up- petite, cleanse and invigorue you: stomach and give you . relish tor your tood. For sale by all druggistm JOE SEAGRAH JUNIOR " A RflfNRfli . . r . " - nm m ae..."'. l:l ‘m iliEiliiiiliiililt . ...~......‘. s SN N 'd .‘ I g " " jigliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit p, I m e - 'at q lfltlgllgiilllillll I ' iiiiiiiiiiiitiiilliliiili' 1 a. 1llllllllllllllllll 'ililllillltt' tr r or ltlllllllillllll' . n " . " II I e . -- b a. '!,i5?,!l?l,t' 7 U # - - ' T nt- 'dy ' s" ' v A - ---- S , _ V L." .0. - " “I. ' " ' a T _ ST:" ' . One of the tirat member: of the not: meeting "eternity blew nto term last night in the v'PF'ii)', ot Jtttw eph Sequin, junior. All ottgh the Counties ot Perth end Wehrloo. Mr. Sagan: is known u “You; Joe.", and hehuerecord dt hell; the only men whoever rem-ed A M party nonunion in the County ot '0’ tern». " wee “out . your ego, who the Onterlo election. vere looming up Chet the Con-erutlvee 0! North We- terloo met end nonmetal you; In. Bengron as their party mutate. To tell the truth nobody we. more up ‘mlsed than "Yum Joe" Mime", "ntt he asked tor-few data to con- sider the Trropoaition. h the interval he run over to Waterloo. when he told in lather. Joseph Seesaw, M. P., that he†been tendered the nomiution. The writer ot “D11 by Day," in the Toronto New: in rearpoersibbe lot the following good "ofy concernihs'a well-known local gentleman-- "Bo your" been nominated.“ n- urhil Baum, In. "Ya, III," named "You; Joe." "Wall, my boy." rejoined Mr. Bu- m, valet. “than - room for anemic-Inn In thin tally. We have m-IawdowlodMo-r but has. In an mun-tine, you had bet- un he! to your and." m can“. an and ot “You: J0." NIP-3W. Ho ='irdt,.'."t In new! wand u I. mu . "t how . hay uh - rings â€at.†our h It: - "rtettht MAM! no u ","i.",','att'd,' M "Ion" h an d “a . ma JUST WHAT YOU NEED 10s.)“. 1&1“.qu Loon-dun. 10.. up. "t "and m S. SAUIER & CO., ITV" H! IN 4317â€â€ The when†Beat my. ".‘0 Am PM Motttmt r. um: I ll ram tii"ititt itygraayiiiiii?: tit'lhrtiLUEit'i, "a'ttrXi'df,iRHt'ii4, The when or the Twin-Uncy He tail Merchant. Amtion intend on- joying m. out-Me ot their daily bo- onion during this season. rr, first ot the not! .vestir+ wu held on Irieur ovum; when 3 large number ot annulus. mum n the Wu: terloo dam with pole mt! but and lor two hou- the tigtt in at bond were lath-y dodging worms and hooks. About 110 shine" and suck- ers "bit" “(I were hauled to the min-INN hand:- ot the haspr r. um. Kid and 0m: I ll PM am-‘Emnmwé 2'the, awï¬-‘SflaÃ©ï¬ titD, ML"arf. 32%.... k't'A'Nifi gm... ,h'Ey,2qtrit'2hF1tii'isti'. a1..." 1ai'trk".ir'tttE.riuE " tFit.tiilard 'imqdt-atttort'Ntttoto"axdiKhs. 'i1i,!itti!e8i!!.ll9,li..r! mu. Mr. A.J. Gabe! caught the - number ot tish, while Mr. C.B. Dxnke taught the Ingest. shed new. “In time was mixed an ad- journ-en in made to the Nuke: "Mn! when: Minis tTout, (‘mrmann 'rut prepared u “when supper tor the merewtt4tattertrtest, which use Lenora-5M1 remind end "rioretu At- (rtetiitttsrte mm had been "tiathed the imagination ot the diner: had been exercised tor the next two or three noun In stories were ia the an A prim was put up tor the best one o! the evening. which we: "’won " MMWJ. Woollerd, Lad it is now on exhibition in A,J. Debora window. The evening's tun we: great. ty any“. Int-null an“ ml â€It 1t.trArt,tttettteAt5ta'a 3-... Amid-u! 1tigrPgart,it't,tgmg,8t PhT.Ta=RhrGLrGGiirTAif, .15.â€. " an.“ mum-l -. Mr. R. Smith, CE., . former Wil- In“ boy. unwritten . letter toeia mend: In?!" Hamburg describing condition: in the Pace River Cm try. The Inn! in “pubic or raismg the best - ot wheat which rul- im new. price of $8.00 per hundred. According to Mr. Smith there no minions ol “res ol the best futile land in the Peace River Val. le; which will boomed up tor set- tler! um “the necessary nil- wun no um. Recommend Beby‘s Own Tablet; "t would not be without them," is u very lemme: sentence in their let- tem to one The 1mm get this - manly because no other medi- cll'. he! one done to much in roliev In. M tmettttt the minor in: o! ity- tenh end you; children. In. but Perry, Emu, N. tr., an: "I “he as. plant. It to- “a? mange)“: be pub the me m but: I'tAtt to an: M m 1 M." - "ree n:- r. "" 3“" Tlt; - =" 'im = . up» in"... m... ...-. _.. .,... It“. L‘s-“Ca. -tm-a-.-s- my: ng-l mu I Pa',t."dr,Tt, Cuna- a Inn. in huh-o 1mm“. in mud xhr- may. The Ind“ In.- a ttim (ma 'g','et an] - anon rd: .t--r-r. Imam-u - W. f"esggl.trtt'p."'r'dtt 't'l'2'hilrl'lT4"i= at your Spun in. "mi-u-ceo-tr "Tran-n th- llmn .4 " m-Iv: Vanna "an CW! 0. 1011'. can t- Iuohuhul In - smug. - any. N‘Y.._Mu. ".173.“ mun MIG. t'i,,1'i'qt:it':qie'l5 Inn-mun: urn-rm“ 'h'k7siiyWEnaii?fA-'i-". - â€min-M ' ae.B.g.-aett..-rMtot. In“ w Jon. “annual. Bani. THOUSANDS OF MOTHERS MERCHANTS AND FISH of ttrtttA$thr4, BERLIN t2}