. F In. an... - - _ honey can be sent to all parts of the world at trifling cost by our nigh! 39d money ydtrs. . - . JiiGVlirus are" absolutely safe and we unrantee that the money will be 'll)lellfl; to the right party. . "',"'1' Carter’s Little Liver Pills BANKOF HAMILTON "CTraveiters can fisrcGse" Circular Notes, which can be cashed every- where without charge,personal iden- titicatson oriauy kind of trouble. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The safest way to invest your mon- ey is to place it.in this department. Remember that the money is per- feetly safe and that you can get it wh_en yqunwant I}. 'The rate of interest may seem small when compared with that promised by speculators, but the in. come is at least certain. THE GANADIAN BANK OAPITAL...... ......$8.000.000. ItBBX................. $2,500,000, -- Bie’dollar and upwards received. Interest added twice a year. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. A general Banking Business tram and " gnu WATERLOO BRAND“ Deposits of one dollar and upward. soundln the Savings Bank or on pooh! Depoait and highest rate: of mun-t snowed. Drafts and Money Order- luued on all points at lowest nus. Special attention paid to the but)“: of farmers and out of town omen. Blank Notes for tax-men “In Inpplied free on application. The Molsons Bank. - Hum: ram of - allowed an mdopodud in Elvin“ Bulk or special opal!- - - Interval-Ina In 1.66. _ HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Map Ospital " 32,600,000 Reserve Fund . $2,850,000 Dubai uur Dun-Kuhn at Wm thiildren's Hats . . . . REIITTANCB DEPARTM ENT Berlin. 8m next door to Smyth Bros, The Misses Fohrenbaoh, T. E. HAINES, Agent, BERLIN AWN-(W110... og. ana made, drum hull-d Dov-Hal- “I CURE DICK NIADAOH‘. 0F BOMMEBDE We In" tb Urge â€seamen: of chlldnn’l " and walk; 1m- nnglng In print from 600 to "oo. All) may chip 3nd leg. horn has. Another shipment of hated randy-maven but: bu Mud and ia randy tor Impeouon. F. C. G. MiNTY. MARAGBI. Wells Drilled . . mumm- “22"“ All kinds of repur- tx an at Mable LEAPBR BROS, BERLIN BRANCH. Osman. wowmww JAOOB -PgBLBrt, We: Wuurloo Bunch m will: m am an mum at: um mu. m "ttqrtrMT0tL '" W "tit. Mt Te'.r.ettNrtutttit ’6: can “â€er new with dud My III-w 5nd improved tub Inn. no and m deal- "ro "I. ham-u In: Non-ch a! m Wamloo to the 0mm AqrimttureU Comp in - .111 he held (ttt Jim, an. Pouc- n. 'ee, mow-ins. Vina-h Day $3qldtmt_tott t. Bulb out lanky ttttdee ttte â€an cl mm Rolf-Ila: Ind, the Boyd Foam Club an the Darli- Hue- hd! Club. . The cutie-t was oehue on“... Guano monoc- the “MAO! clue larch-w Rubk Comp-n]. Berlin, capital "tteh, 3100.000; an! tht Watartoo Bush as! Broom- C'o., capital "orre, 840.000. - - The anm'um-mcot Era-reme- ot the Berlin & Wntexloo Hospital will be he!!! in the Berlin Open Ho . on Tue-day durum. June 'th. , The Wuter Commission" ot tuit, will uk the Council to submit n by- law tor the issue ot debentures tor the sum ott 000 to extend the ser- nce. _ The three Berlin gentlemen who. lately, under excitement, on- duced by succuslul trout fishing north west of Wnterloo, lelt a bottle ot Mumm in the brook, paid a, View to Preston yesterday. Théy clam on this occasion to have brought nil their belongings with them to Berlin and to have bod an enjoyable out- mg. Rev. Robt. Atkinson, of the Park- dale Presbyterian Church, Toronto. formerly of St. Andrew's Church, ot Merlin, preached two excellent and instructive sermons to the mcmbus of his lormer congregations here on Sunday. His many lriends were pleas- nl to see and hear him again. Rev. WA. Bradley preached in Ree. Mr. Atkinson's church in Toronto on Ftun.. The Twin-City Nature Study Class held their usual weekly meeting In the Y.M.C.A. building. After the bus- iness had been disposed of the tol- lowing studies were intromttetr-- Question Draw'er-1nspector Pearce Atalk on birds and nests. 'sloot.,- Mr. Jnckman. The large class found each subject instructive and rely in, tetesting. It has been suggested that the ditterent members come prepared to the next meeting to discuss each subject. my will be adaptrJ principally ior " Jke purposes, an! hellas already sehr- oral applicants who hare, oirercd to rake rooms as soon as it Is complet- ttrl It was learned to-day that Mr John Querin has decided to erect a large three story building un Queen !treet, on the site where the present onices of Klucpier & Co ' coal dealers, is located He is having Hans prepared at ruse-1L. Tl.e hudd- The results of ttre"65th senn annual examinations of the Ontario College of Pharmacy have been made ttutr lic. Among the successful shud- ents was Mr. RA. Tbtzke, lormerly of A.J. Roos' drug store, who won the Heebner medal, (Pharmacy) and also passed with honors, being saxth on the list. Among other Waterloo County boys who were successful were -Meaerrs. Wm. Dalgleish, Gait; D, H. RW, Elmira; Emil O. mu lin; an! LA. Starr, Elmira. The semi-monthly meeting at the Board of Works on b'riday evening was attended I), Chairman Braun Aid. “Vir'rr. "#4 Wrmor, "art’vmg, and Collard.'l'he lay sheet was fused. It was decided to comtruct n plan" walk on Milt Itreet trom the G.T.R., track mn the north side to the Wt side tube continued from the Sctrnet. zen Verein park to Albert street. Permission was granted the Lung Tanning Company to close Cherie: street trom Wilmot street to Francis street from June 15th to July 15th. (on account of building operations. ay Meun. Nellon und [than Good ot the Le Roy mutant!“ Compuy turned out their am nutmobllc ot the season on My. In il we makers hue embodied tome new him tUtd its actions on In trial trip ax- ceded the loudest. expectations ot the mum. It is handsome in appen- was and will IIOII‘ "ttoat u smoothly and not-aloud! a It mp. is perfectly within no control ttt the. driver, uni humble ot My: speed when uncanny. luau. Good Brno,' are to be counsel.“ upo- tho up can villa: has can“ their cloth. tarnishing . good example ot wk“ home but" ulna-g can prod-ct m directed dong m Hm A quid. though pretty voiding look place on May. In 18th, when mu Lydia Bun-emu. m nth! in wedlock, to Mr. Wad [Qua ‘MII of Berlin, The Rev. Mr. Ely ttt New Wm" Jt"u'.'t LIN'd2t M , at Pod Sign ad In... - a at a. you! Mot-d .0 "tim at tge-tat' and you... mm" '2tgtltt8tUirk't, t: . . WON THE HEEBNER MED-U. A BERLIN AUTOMOBILH BOARD OF WORKS A MAY WEDDING â€was: , Bet d “not!“ M.R,' _ mole-clot .3 mamasâ€; In , mustn‘t-o- s a. myth. - . Jinn-c tye2etue12'2,"."T. manna-mm we um. it“ In. null-l s greatNat at work. all “I up!» ‘muuuaou my. In. in» a: tub mod-tin- on“. Grunt hulk Mia’s-1th. n- l mmdmmw- _ iG0 - an... in run- " "tboo-abt"- a a. sun-m with an M m In. - crovnul. 1). 0.1.3. mau- In." and to W ti. “Mum. u luau-id by tho lath M’s!- tirtortr, and the contact [or en- hrgin; and lamb: the you on}: building myop- good. Every um ed “I Consul Ir. prawn, -ttrq 'F-tary H., . Sims, who in can“ to It but with that W. vb: lam a. Sun-h. JM. Glam, M.3. Moody, BU. mum... (LA. Alum. Ir., W. V. 1mm. war. m. B. B. na- walm, c. H. III, AMOS. Hm- dont. Th. but! and u Seaman. Accounu amounting to 813.00 were rad And oedeeed an. paid. - - Mr. SJ. “luau. Mm oi we lndutrhl Committee informed the Board anâ€. trad Inmrvicwol m. Jp. Thompson. Direcmr ot the Catt- ‘2“ Th PI.“ Ctr., London. _ in their dukes u 3.0 the summing o! n lay-ht yum“ than . low. Mr Thompson - "squainted with the lire-ant. situation, ad in View ot it, halal decidedto withdraw the pror position. It in the intention ot the Conway to go to Winni,cg. A resolution was unanimously pas- sed, Authorizing the Secretary to communicate with other Boards ot Trade who have assisted the Berlin Board In the agitation tor better "il- any aecosrtmodaUmt, tor their co- operation And pointing out the im- portance ot joint action when nutter: trtreeting diiterettt towns uni cities require “Motion. Among the events of the lumen year in theworld of trades end com. merce, none will heal greater im- portance then the meeting at the Chamber: ot Commerce ol the Fun- pire, to Mold in lontrul during August. in - three your the leading representatives of the husinas world, trom ell parts ol Great Britain end her sell-governing colonies, ather to discuss the urea: commereial, industriel and aeonomic questions of the day. Their delibera- tions are followed with interest throughuut the entire Empire. Their conclusions shape the policy of out times. Never before huthis conven- tzon been held outside at Great Brit- Ill], end Canada, in â€curing the hour or ot entertain; it, has won a greet :privilege and obtained . grand ogpor- ttunity. Fri-“fan tiinrtt reported that Mew. su Su- a Ford, mm tuso conclud- ed to wian their proposition, The Board expect: sending a strong deputation to the Fifth Congress ol the Chamber ttt Commerce of the Env. pita which sheets in Montreal on Aug. um, um, mm, and Mth. The monthly meeting of the Hub“: Library Bond WI. held on Hanna" evening, at which leans. R. Smytn. Shem! Motz. Earl Hulk. And Rees, J.W. Germ J, mm and R, son Pitch were meant. In the ate sence ot the Chairman, Rev. W. A. Endley. the meeting was presided over by Rev. J.W. German. The following mute were passed Geo. N. Ion-3 $8.00 Tow Pig. Co. a no (‘unvrntlon expenses 8 5 School of Science 2.â€) Berlin (in. Co. 5.74 Mrs. ll. Bun, 3.50 W H. Becker a. Co. 9.50 Nicholson dt Mummy " a" C. Kan, Insurance, 12n0 Virtue a Co., books 37 59 Total $129 " There wu no other Ian-Ina: to “unmet, and the when spent Borne time in mining than experiences with lone mutan- tor the seemingly coveted â€Mo-oi We: ot the! new Canal: Library. There promh a to be I lively “It for this posit tion u loot: " n uremic: Its requir- ed. The unne- uh! by applicant: nu Iron $100 to “in not your. â€LIFO! “W P. H. lea-1p, undo-h- er 11.T.R. "bet" m Tom-w. Br- rived hyrlpechlftfth 'ee funk)“ on Prtdar and lw up Ber- “a um. M "an ml nun- bet at - can a (I. m. mum] - " Dom had u and“ m‘ a as In - “more “In. HI. loll h W3"- " "1.. AM, van also and: lo {in â€rm “at: on an two """’â€"'"* “a, m u m" unlu- an aw 'te-et. mummmmm- 'aeiroetttttVirrCe&tP_tetrr: mm“ " all“ plant, wilt bum an no. a" m mun-urban“ tieietfP. Me, YMMV-biota: no"!!! no Inhilw o.tR/oretmALs IN TOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 'ii'iiTiG'FG;ci-lt'oi9Pe+.esf?tre1't..l.'Ptt y at. Iva Ohm-u, Show Drunk. An. ,'ut-'iiit-srrrrreurelx_err1fPtartet. utt2eANt"J'.tt FGtt--,t-qBerrirtrptott' iiil,icrEtfitiidecrpg'.tl'it'.'r2itdN'i'J' .mmtâ€"mmnrym,om b" .mumw_w.m " 'io 12 'ro 37 59 '“0 Ion 4 In!“ " - F M ,' Hahn [out In. IL, " but - 'm'teet PM.“ _ M new bun â€with . [In My Illa nut-ale: In! [an B. Lula: Rude Clu- Kine: in“. Vim Ham N mm 'all, Mn. Zimmerman m Horton ' John [alchemist Adelaide Poehlmum _gu; Wally]: Raul. Full Cum. 1 Bolton We 73.8 Ethel Gnyblll “3 Wm. Clunut " 3 Lulu layer -71.5 Curl Greene 70.5 M. Hut-in 68.6 Hugh Igetur 67 6 Rot. Lautettsehlager 61.3 Form IV, Pan 1. Abner Hallman 68.5 Form IV, Put 2. Alvin Knuhnm 72.1 Stmrt McEwan (Chemistry I um French) 8d.7 Pass List 50 per cént. and over. Form 1 A. Girh--Mabet Abram, Hildg Corne, Ian. Moore, Aimed Musselmm, Mame Potter, Kathleen Simpson, May vate Every, Hilda Rona. Boyts-Plord Boehmer, Willie Britt. Fred Colquhoun, Chulu Dobbm Bury Hanna, Milton Kuulmnn, b' Young. Boys-Herbert Froelich, Bernard Fetter, Fred Knechtel, Oscar Poehl- mum, Stanley Reid, Eugene Sande: Bert Suddaby, Enust. Wan). Bifrr--Louis Wagner, Oskar Kitten- Inns. Form] B. Girls-leo" Betzner, Olive Boyd Muiorie Smyth. . Boys-Theo. Fried, Knechtel, Theo. Martin Form 2. $lirltr-Jetutie Bish, Georgina Ite Bus, Laura Lackner, Bella. dhancz, Florence Btrickhutd, Rose Wing, Absent, Girls-Jessie Hogg, Aggie Hyg, Mnbel Nichol, Mary Nihill. Atient, Girl-Bertha Detwciler Leda Snider, Boys-Eugene Peguegnat. Ora Wal, per, Joa. Wuest. Form 3. llirb-Irmgtsrd Bitzer, Alberta tHott, Agnes Hall, Laura. Ketechte,, Sum Mann, Hilda Thorns, Bessie VunEvery, Anna van Neubronn, May Walker, Henrietta White. Boys-Leon Bitzer, Eden Kinzw [nigh Rudy, Clayton Snyder. Wu: Weber. ' Absent, Girls-Gertrude Hawke. Boys-Montttsrd Strome. Form IV, Part I. Alvin Knuimm, Hazel Martin, Put II. Abner mum“. Ahaast,-Pereey Manly. Fourth Seetor--hutnie Martin, Wil- Hum Fettretsbaeh, Lawrence ringed, Edward Arnold, Clarence Huck, Ida Warming, Litris Meinzinger. Kath- lean Hath, Herbert Dunner. Jacob Arnold. Nora Fahrenhach. . We! arf: ‘:2 , I. in?!“ ' “can _ 7 yuan-I ' A _ m Pun.- Hanna!“ Mic-don Fourih ma» manor mm, Kr gu’ Riedl, Roan Lita, Eleanor Tutr er. Home" Behrcnd, Irene Kraca, C. Musk, Sarah Jultich, mum; than, Xian“ Bruin, Rosanna Hum. mel, Hg! ey Miehm, Edward Zinger. “we" Zuber, Eileen Rial], Lloyd Kulpfel. Katie Schneider, Margie Het- gott, Della. Kiefer, Laura [tingle Third sen'arr-Olive Hunmml, Ei. lean Dillon, Roy Lindsay, b'.rlatrti Ecketdt. Helen Wellheuser, Reinhold Lang, Georgina Hitteis, Florence Grulln, Hugo Huber, Edward Dona- brock. Herbert Hinds, Marv Fynka. Third Juttior--M. Roche]. I. Riedl M. Turner, A. Dom). R. Ohlheiuer, ht Roy, J. lleimmn, B. McGirmi-a, l. Lang, C. Arnoid, A. Huber, it Pstrong. Second Bertiorc-Johtt Miller, Ger-j trade chhmll, Louisa Liliana, th- mt Brermaun, Non Brick, John Hun. Tim: Vending, William Mr Ink, In Inna. may: Gabel‘ Loretta Himmel. Ida tuber. otirts Kraft, William comma. mule An- ton, Tickl- Scllcllu, Loan xx. Neutron, It“. In“). unwr- nun Sunâ€. Jerome Mu. he! â€no“. Lam Hold, Doll: Quarti- ml. Von, 01m Baruch, Clan lath. Loam Kathi, like 0mm, Lai- Voll J. BM R. Lane, P. Ind. ik. Kw, J. much. _A_,-‘ .-.-a-.- Mbp---tr- E emu Ittifi-.ii'itattt F. Brite, G. _"".'.', Rant-MM, N. madam. P. W1, . Dillon. A. Roy, A, m. P. order, - m. Job! t, Henry M, Ra M Pollin. W l All. Isl!†SEPARATE SCHOOL HONOR ROLL. Friedrich, Gordon a ' cu It. I! m u r 11.0 “A on u t p. 85.4 In I BIA n. u n in no 14.. as s on an 67.T an on 73.8 7.13 " 3 “.5 70.5 68.6 67 6 $7.3 Tl," N1“: ovum-nun Win this man pro-nine. no "were“. tho-gal Int you. which In delu- 'tttttrtothtsbesti'tttsetudtorr ot Berlin The.satmertor' in this town hnve their land: hill at present. end nomenre haunting More taking any ,lurtlur entrant- lor this year. A list ‘04 the building; " present being er- ‘et-tednndthe opoeed new buildings will be ot interest to Besiiniteg:-- The new Carnegie blurry. 1 St. Mnry'n Cntholic church. Addition to Begin Runner (‘0': lutory. "s Addition to Lippert & Co'a factory Jas. Whyte,' Pork Packing Block, corner of King “in Foundry stroetn. J. Butte Block, Adjoining, nut o F. Snyder's Block F. Heiman's new livery stnlilc. The new Skating “an; and Auditor- ium building. The Merchant's Rubber 0)" inc- tory. The new addition and Manual Tun.- ing Department at the Higa School The new addition to the Margaret and Courtlnnd avenue Bchooig. Mr. John Querin's new black on Queen street. The enlarging oi the Post Ollice. In addition to these are several other additions that will be erected to Various factories in Berlin. in W.F.A. Intermediate Came was p'.aym1 in Tavistocx on Friday men- iug between the team o' that town, and Milverton. The former won by 2 goals to nil. H.W. Brown of Ber- lin Ins relates. The building of residences this 8eib- son is also very extensive, one con- contractor estimating that there are over 75 new resi- dences now in course of erection. while there are numerous others to be built during the summer months. Mr. W. A. Starnaman retarae4 on Wednesday evening from a business trip to Henna“. He was a passenger on the London and Wingham tram which was wrecked at Kinpen sta. tion. The train ran into a partly on ened switch which threw off al,' the cars and the engine and tender. The train was slowing up for the station or there would have been more ser- ious results as only a few minutes be- fore they had been making nbnut 5P. miles an hour. Beyond a severe shak- ing up the passengers were dainjurel THE LIFE GIVING VIRTL’HS OI Paine’s (Yay Compound The Life Building Medicine That Atl Wives and Mothers Need in May. wondcrmn work toe sick and tatt and women in May. The conditions o.' winter have been dctrimenial " Ithc healjh of women and girl! every- where; they have declined in nervous vigor, the blood is reeking with im- purities, the excretory organs do nut perform their work, and the digestive machinery is sadly out of bear. The human machine must be cletrrvsed, rc- puired and strengthened in May. Paine's Celery Compound does the wizrk surprisingly last, and gives: guarantee oi permanent health and ‘long life. It is the one spring medicine â€that truly nourishes, reguan and "nvigorates the entire nervous sys- liem trom the mm to the minute-at nerve Moment. It gives a lull, nun. isupply of energizing blood, it cleans- es the muddy, unhealthy skin, it gives an immense in weight, and more rclreshing sleep. Whatever be your condition unhappy "Beret, we she you t blessed murmce ol fa. new 3nd lath; Mulch “Rough the use ot fund: Celery Compound. Mn. “on, s. Brantley. Levit, P.Q.. yum an; “Eighteen months Mo I ma ter- ribly ducted with daily hunches ma in dupondent, nervous and weak. Medical Immune: ." hunt mediciul mm to bring me mud. , Mr alluring- 1m. nvl I in mun-u mid not at better min. I vu III-nu no much hut Iva nut-M wile. H it in 0“. jun. A aim P/t musical 0.. woll’tlle'l “my can“. a! to plan: Mr, Imtd to try a. It: that In dual mod to an} P -ry-'i, " l tgt Susanna-7 F ttgt tt I i'r't "in ' e or an en- 'eiiil3i'i9iit, 'dl',','.' nt ttttt , whole trust in 1:“: m awteyerythi.N ilr. SSE"?- SLYE "o1 new um am my and. and! "In an aairttt the compound.) In" taut In tom. and on law. “Truly the Inn fully 00:13.!" any!“ mH, ite In 0 our m, J1fa't2t Ion tll", sud Jan-nth u nun a! Man! It! 'ata In mt cm It.... _ m I‘M - Paints Celery Cpmpoupd dogs , RESCUED A LADY WP.†WAS DRAWING NEAR THE GRAVE No [limerick tt,tjetptrltt (-311.35 3531-1; WAS IN THE WRECK BUILDIIG 0P BIATIONB. In.“ 'il.tKt2ffi,it2i'el,.','t" Fri . “Icahn-Imus mums. 7mm. Hunting-ad “I!“ a BaumPMO-A'M I‘ll Solid and Progre: Dulu- ,rtittm, in no: - - - I Bali-III in fan’- Doe. 81et, 1902 - - I Cub law Imam-.1902 . ' - - Death has, 1002 - - - The cash income from int-r-d-thard-tttio-he the year by - - - . . i Hardware Merchants, Plumber. and Thumbs. warmtCoo. - - 1V AR's Pd" â€3:53.47". -. 'In -"1 Wozniak-3v: a. ‘ my". Q's-m w..€sr"" (I'D. COMPANY- HEAD OFFICE. IATEBLDO. ONT. Business in force, Increase . Income in 1902 Increase - Assets - . Inert-nee . holders - - $137,909.30 lncrean- in HIV) . . - â€$564.00 Special advantages to total abstain- nl. Al forms of sound level pum- ium insurance immed. All bonetita parable in mntinuom or limited in. stalments Maths option of {beam-ed. JAG. "IRES, Tltttir. IIILUAIID, Dominion Life 1gsmm It. E.D. “an, no, who ha bun mum about†In Bowl for {MM‘wo you" in decided Io but. “In, hull; mud g per quumnrmmwhol 00 tettt an; First You Antony In he I an": Congo at camp in. NI than mm. Mr. .lldn‘l In "ttes will common a W 1hr mm "out upon! a n -. " w “I In- am: I: am» unsuc- no tn “I ,It.lkh§lllnllobmhr mad at In mu m gim O _ _ tht tge,r,gl:"grt't _ 1“ can“ In at ..--..0e.0e0e.e0q0e0e0e0q 30mmâ€... Aflwfl'mM‘ï¬E-E whï¬ï¬vmwï¬ __ ".2†- S'its'iiii'iEi"tiiy I! - " _ _ A A The Mercantile Fire if? SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - - - $360,000.00 DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOVT - - . 117.10.“ All PoIIcIoo Guaranteed by the Loxnox & human: Pram hrs sumxcx Conput wish Anna of $16,306,638. _ 'r, I The Mutual we 6% biiiiiiiil Proidant. Managing Dix-cent g!!!“ 2,l'l'l'dl'l'k I mmun irii'fiiii?,,1:ti'liii'i'gl SEWING mums Results Of 1902. LEAVING BERLIN Alfred erght. Secretary. T. H.' Mall, INSURANCE COMPANY- Incorporated "TS. Tht “6183! Yule! mm Plagu- “bunny-innit, HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. CONRAD BROS some): PRIOE‘ “Maugham; a 800 E. P O' “,Sm,638.w 15 psi cent. $715,516.00 " per cent. ti psi- cent. 313.171.45 Eamomieal llhhitlh'nItg.gi, J'i':ii, hymn-u. - - Chou-Ln. - mm" - - _ JouLRooI - - - - _'n BOARDoFDllem. Nocmnmamlaoo "tttutttttatt agtt-t.tmqhr . . 'gt5,atttMttteMt. h‘m MP....., ..... _M town for the thematpopnlunwingmuhh. mtthesmarket Aim-mm unwell " :bmdaomopimol furniture. Allthehutinm mu. Amplohuto! - mkwithonrynuhim. Gull "ttgeaHatnm1 The Inn“ On van a m tho WI" ' I theâ€. slums!†u _ an! an - N' Mttttr%th, a!!! In: I... JOHN RITZER, sun hue time to give-Mill. to more order: amt would lib " Iubmir. tttrtftnatm to than. m want good work " modal“, prion. "t non. Many for when "In†installed Steam tad Bat Van} Hating Apmtnl have It." well enough pleased with as.“ quality of our york to highly gh, command an to their month. " F)1ptrr1g_tm_1ltt" for may now chntormon tttte. Mutual and Cash System; the tailor, the only W in OF BERLIN. Organised 1871. m Dom. Imam}. RITZER’S, m 2.Tt'it,U' 'rd',', _ _ A,46t $37 f 3210.0» WAN 364.811