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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 21 May 1903, p. 2

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't Si mu ot Ontario nukes net-- 1iRir, their» use ot m1 ad the tiiim otantrticieao uncanny , " a“ the ingress ot our in ‘ is... "etutiongt canoe euily , - B, A generation 40 ' ii'i'imit “the in the Penmylvan- " r out“!!! would have excited " {W here because the splendid " ~ - forests of Southern On- k" , 'tad not disappeared. To-day. '* ' amnion has changed, and the .3. .-‘, u ot reforestation Cs new one if“ moat important cottirotttrng 3f . Th.. can ot this change has been in. -. the people oi this jut oi tht- ; g in a position otai D " total dependence on the big .51th ttttntrolling Ute Pearsylvan- A!“ 0011 m. end In case of the c).- "m oatttrtgertcy of war between cum“ all the United States our Eiiiii would be too awlui to crm- y,- pie“. The report makes an ap- lira,“ to .tlmate of the fuel brll m Ontario as tollows:- "e" Julianne, 1,075,441 N tntem" g; Total ...N_r__. 'TV $11,113,604 F,at another iuel could be added to i above list the situation would '9atsidedly improved. The peat bogs Q Ontario ore. it is believed, quite v V le ot furnishing such a fuel. 5&1; fuelis no novelty in older . . In Scotland and Ireland it has i burned tor many centuries and ?It“! survives the competition of Eng- lilh and Scottish mines. In Germany, Hound, Russia, Denmark, and Swea- ~BI. there is a. large and mcceasing "tomrtunption tor domestic and other The peat fuel question preseals it- al! in somewhat different shape to the people of Ontario than to inhabitants‘ to! European countries. Here we have gouging: able to obtain hard coal or _ acme-the best domestic fuel in world-at comparatively low yiis, and this has made us tasfidious 3h“. matter of fuel. The highest We! of anthracite are unknown in am, hence forms of fuel perfectly :Whle to European, wound not at Wed with favor here. However, Jt.oa.reen shown, we cannot rely on Emma and it is a matter of vital Ci-ttance mat Ontario interests it- ;'ra.hetirt the development of the peat ‘2me in the province which Is pout-idem the nextbest fuel mm. this. "Bo ttr the peat ind‘uuy in “in country has not attained to Mac“ proportions. Among the "work- noticed in the report are those at Welland, Brockville. Perth, Ronde Mt', Newington, Beaverton, and 8mm. Inthe early days of the industry, in [rest problem was the drying ol ah. peat, but this has been sat- WOtily solved, and now by the use fo‘llle'ly invented drying machine in ooetNrtetion with a preliminary use aexrind and sunshine the wife: in got rid at at a reasonable cost . / The following approximate fiearet: an [hen IE to the cost of the finish, ’9! 'sodrsct:-- - - Etta', a “Pen Pal; It's In» \ug an." has Just been isatr Jet'"",,','"',",',', .N_... Fr of Bog _ .. .r, Minion of Plan than» on Capital F Boyd” ...m..... .CP.._.tv Bituminous coal 2,362,115 tons, . Wood, My. 2, 96 0000 cords, ._W._... w tttttttt QUESTION. T Total ..".... v_.___ ,. 31.800» The price It whieh" the Benetton “not told " the factory in 1901. Ar' part 011902 n: woo per ton FIN .utumn of the mm you, ow- ‘hnonn normed price ot all kinds "a; M. n w ndvulced to tbo pct ”In" than "a . root loal , for at that could be nude. i Mn; to the report; n " per Ihn, 'oat brunette! olgood vitality it- all madly In eompetitima with ”I " " pet ton “wanda. ”an. ,ritVrat mingle: _,_.tttorraettost. L u'hsm. cloudy mucus-l 'riilqij. lay-pd nu h Goon ROADS AND wma TXRBS. 'uqt-titmttt'ridetim. tor m - hing buy low- am an ”0-Way: Inni- roaming " ”an” 'titith', “- Ontario Bureau ot hawks-Junta! Mine ut w the report poems apt-c- , mull-awn an.“ not 1., W“ I . --"'"r'ttte"ttt 'hi-ee-.""'"" MO $4,196.23l Per Ton ..,...tl 0036 _ . 0.01m: .-v.. 0.3453 ‘. ... (H741 .. -r. 0.2500 5,357,373 4.330,000 Mii' ce. hm in no“ Mt an ”and "' ' A In". straight a - ttemdth ot tutu-o, mm. a I, " 'errt; In what. and. MA- ud rt to“. tho unov mu um- I I”. molly uni mm Inc . grater ”I, IM‘." - nun-om 1',??a'iitii'iiiiii'ii1,ir'tiii '-ttra.trt,th. . . an» u/'dt'lllh"ld'S'llLtidLd Mr '.ln.u_..- inruoo,ut-oet.htuttr hand. an I“ an: int .0 you. lento "and the but; an; ite dream. In an - unto at“. command. or” nu- mv when know. deepening the ttti w! loo-nil; the earth “will it. Atmsrtin, water lies in Ike bol- tow to Assist the work at Jen-mo- “on Broad tires. on the century, are uhehent tether then n detriment to the road. They do very buoy the work oi a roller. Instead ot a henna; or one And 3 he" or two lulu, ‘lio width ot n wrov the, thin I: in: -' to tour. on armor. inches. The “venting. “atom nppnrent. The brood tire do not link " all to deeply into the road u do the urrnw but distribute their weight you»: the rond u well as longtime", their broad but: do not slip irout pruLuir cram so readily, and the conne- quentjolting is nvoided. They u do not push loose stones before them, tearing up the road, as do nurow tires, but pus over 'them, pressing them into the road. Grinding, upheav- ing and fracturing do not take pine us with narrow tires, the road is computcd and compressed, and rou- dered thereby less pervious to ntois- ture. This means that " all times the road is better, while the cost of maintenance is very greatly reduced Were the benefits ot broad tires bet ter understood in Ontario, cur unim. proved roads would be very much len cut up, and improved roads would be more cheaply kept in repair, Statistics emphasize the ,A'aoid growth. at the Portland cement in- dustry in the province. Ein plants were operating since the first of the year, and another large factory 'can.e into operation during the year. Phree, or tour cthers are under construction, The valve, of the total output of ce- ment Irs grown from $870,8r0 in 1901, to $967,016 In 1902. Hamilton Times:-We suppose the prosecution regards it as a very clcv er piece 1 t work to put in the Blake letter to "My Dear Foy," by way of showing thgt Mr. Stratum - could of showing that Mr. Stratton could letter was written by his secretary addressed "My Dear Garner,-' The public, however-and weiancy the judges too-perfectly understood Mr. Strattou's remark, which was in the astute o a tage-ot, on Mr. Blake, who hast got to be a, trifle fresh at that part ot the examination. The prosec- ution seems to have abandoned my hope oitrtrpororsiag awhalo. sad it now tishirg tor very smtll minnows. locals The oemben ot the Independent Order of Oddlellowe in Ontano have within thir past few days, through their treasurer, Mr. McCormack, and aspecial committee, purchased a piece of groperty just north o! Otsti- ville, on the lake shore road, to: when $7,000 will be paid just as soon as the title of the site has been prov- on The desire at the order tor may yen: willthen be reollzed, and a substantial structure, costing many thousands of dollars, will he erected, ‘to be known as the oddfellows' Home iir. which aged membersgl the order, ‘widows of deceased members and lorphan children ot deceased members 1G'ii be taken care ot. Fully $20,000 has slready been contributed towards tinethdV is the clrsiarttstiim of much efiort into the practial accomplish- ment at the fixed purpose. Woodstock Express, (Torr)-The plea of redistribution proposed " the Dominion Government seems to be tair. The unit of xepresentation is to be 25,000; alt counties with a popuhs- tion under that unit, and up to a and end I hell are entitled to one member, counties over a unit and a salt and up to two units and u hall are to be given two members, end counties ov- er two uld the" units will be ac- or two 1nd a." units will he ac- corded three members. Ontario has bola-o " members, and the parlia- menu” ”precaution of ttus pro- vlnce (or the next ten ymrs will therefore be only M, Toronto In! pin . sat nd two will be granted to New Ontario, thus mulling It new“ lury to blot out nine ot “a: on causal» mental " we khan! ' there does not seem to be any thing unlulr About the prowl; mm will be d18mrlt to eottrigtte me people that there u not a trap male! nomevhere. The arm vert- not 1rpared II the Tory grrrrmapder, all low that the op- portunity h- eme for the arm Io mum. “In dtMerslt to Manual why they do not an “may nl n. so hr. there n no up at nay ltr btln to pun-u. A Em wild 1tl be uk-‘u 1 him to an '11- Lcugler'l we of Mr'uky. "-ohi',t,tMigg','t.P"'hF. ['U,G' KD""?'.'."" I 'ii'feii'ii?i'iiiiiti, a; mum,” on I _,iiirh"iii1hoih'ii' In. 'd! d,"h"l,'f, Olurlo comm may , a. "d."te . rat?” - In.“ [and Har. 'ie-SK, l eaettatts" 'M'AU 1-6-3 a; ... . FGiaiErdirii6Aeet._"itie, A EDITORIAL NOTES CONSERVATIVE TRIBUTE ODDFELL0WB' HOME EVER-JR: ZINE he 'i'iitiiiij.l iiiiiii'ii' - 4ihttll. A: mica.- .mm1 '00-. and t,tt,l2ett1ut'ci'iii1'.'NNe Ronni-é 'tttt -r, te' ii 'F It! was Wot! _ __. " i. i, d territN tom: III "tFt' dit ' do of uh Winnipeg It. II. M "M that in. “I madman" ‘o-Sdh‘rk 'stty,,'?.'?:',,'?.?,',?,',?"'? addict “no the coulurm Won. lf/ttpatted/T,' ,'1Jtll'; a . e I III lb Dominion 8l,'dUd'd The he of,wooul progeny in ulna can “do", md out a hundred {mum have be! their homes and stock TM In in reported to extend iii;iiuiiii! both sides of Lake Winni . running right up into 10mm. ',Wh the cal- tivated 11nd: In" stopped its court:- about ten miles from the_citr, . I Mr. E. F. Suphuuon. C.oetimitsim"r, of Crown Tunber Lands, tttAt mm iron the lake, up the wholc_ cog-u, aiGiiursideathetiireith.er on in or the tire has .run though a. t-iasg nothing but rum: oi the nus and buildings. Valuable Government timber is ting destroyed, but they at gum-less to o anything to check the e. The timber is parched dry, and the undergrowth is very rank and like t:"r.'ser, wring to the scarcity 2f min this sitting. Through this the fire has run with terrible rapidity. The high winds have helped, and the embers have jumped the trails thirty and [aux feet, and carried the fire to the grown beyond. The area covered is about " miles square stretching from Tyndall to Balsam éay, from there to Gimli, and from WinniKeg Beach down to Selkirk. Many omes have beets de- Itroyed in the German settlement, and all buildings where the fire has reach- ed have been destroyed. Fences, barns, farm houses and valuable timber is burnt to an amount Mr. Stephenson cannot estimate, So far at known no lives have been lost, but many [amiliel are destitute. Fires are also reported from the Dauphin district. The Canadian North. ern track was burned over for some distance, preventing the Swan River train going through last night. All the logs and lumber belonging to the Swan River Lumber Co. at Fisher's Siding have been burned. The loss is estimat- ed' at $30,000. Only a few days ago their mill was burned. The other mills are being well uarded, and are believ- ed to be out ofganger. - Rarely in any age ot a nation has it been given to one man to h" , change the outlook of a city as did Joseph Wingate, Folk cl St. Louis, says The Brown Book. A city oicixie beauty. and municipal rottcnness, St Louis has recently been turned upsule down and inside out, and the smell 01 co: ruption that emanated therelro-n has made the respectable American cit- izen hold his nose. For nearly a year Mr. Folk has been the central figure inamost remarkable prosecution oi a system of robbery, blackmail and Ioot.--Finally, alter "the city grew ripe, and wont to rot," then the cry ot "reform" was raised, and some- body mentioned Jos. W. Folk tor V cuit attorney. No one knew much about him, excepting that he was a young civil lawyer from Teneuee and had successfully arbitrated n railroad strike In 1808 He declined the nom- ination. The committee pressed him. The vilage of St. Claude, in southern Manitoba had a very narrow escape from destruction yesterday, fires sur- rounding the place. and t said:-- "Very well, [will accept the nom- ination, but " I tun elected I will do my duty. Thcre must be no attempt to itttiuettce my ncbions when I am ca - led upon to punish 1aw-trretskcrr" He was elected, and three weeks ai- mhking the out]: ot oftice, he be an “todo his duty" to the “tent _ . * .77,.”__ ”A, - WW _._ ---. W of landing bankers and brokers and millionaires behind prison bars or sending them tleeirtg to seek no se- clusion that nioreign land grants. The Hercules who has accomplishe-l this remarkable cleansing ot me Aug- ean stables is a dark little man, will? set jaws and a low voice; quick and sure, he moves steadily on, smiling tlt', little disturbed by succcis " by tilure, Without fear and without pity, Joseph Folk has actually done what thousamis of district “Ways have promised todo and failed. Toronto sur:--Nowade railroads) must precede settlement, and as let-‘ tlcment is our gmteet national need, the policy of public usistenm. ttt cause it serves a notional purpose, can not yet be altogetheu trbarrtoned. This is what Perliement believts, and will act upon lot some years to come This being so, it in natural the aro- meters of the Guild Trunk Pacino should expect to be treated m no oil!- letent w-y trom other people. And the country, we believe, will “prove oi everything poelible being done to {utter . project whose benefits to CM it in am impossible to es- tlmete, It 2t,'iJ,',1 the eye of n aro- pbet to he whet he Mfeet will be in ten "on oi e nilwey running mm W to '.',lr,',rt:t',',tft the greet mic- north ttt Height ol Lend end through the volley 01 the lAblttibi Luke. vhere we no told ‘thenete "It noel ole- tood aqrt. ultenl lend nun he leaned "t wbere in ou Gentle. widen A great ,matthtttthe-tttrrNr, etude- eetlhe the development an It" tht- lov he tie-Mon d e tf-ttttw Ciel all"? eh! m (tom Win» the. ”marathon:- lve were. tang one oeqrheB't grown In. to no. outlet-at will n In. - . - an; COUNTRY WILL APPROVE A MODERN HERCULES iiiti/rGiGaiuriirsg he finaliy :LTKQI _W!!!" Patn 'ttrn, _ F, - 's,' l - ... . _ ”"3, ..-.--'W*'w WWII 'CA2E .35” - -'iia ' 1. _ 'IKEiil lleitlttlhiNl . - '8Rh' .41.... _ "qt"Ctl IEa" SMS' 3w ....- :25. " ‘ T A , “r, -' . 1.-".f "N fag-'5 ..... a: q., . an; . .~ ,_ C. ristt “WM." bu d not who. Y, ME ; “V gets,'. dd' £333.: 5tt,'ft,t 'iitii ',: ' V at; at an ' 7 ' , atskiriiiilud-rtoerArlthit' [Bm" iiNEiiBt 'E': -ttb' "iieTataiiriiaedatrrrttt-eelqtit5tiiiir'] ' ' irrqoodtrttttqtiaArd, e visitor. The $tesittofiirat"Ift "ttm.. In“ “human! an i! but. gitt am». we a at“ lot Mentions, tttf H. stutqttutatbtbtir'.f ., “We was ell out public “Wilda A m . T to.“ show in! he with My. but our Comm N but Quiz":- til “I W. aatd he. - ”can in to“. But- 'th, a .1... up}. m trot he ember we now hospitality to the 31m . , h ”non no we show loyalty to our Think em MUG sec-km It" {country by gietng its "Premium? ' nun not you my be eble to any Jul-ll; hearty welcome. Make the gem-tun; more egg-nth; than it Itreetl py 'ith Arches and hm. youiul ”a. " gm, It! our boys Ind girls take part ia There qrilt 5..., holiday. as. this low demo-tion." Alderman teeth. “may, In 21. in Am- ili'2w"i'r'litr7r' rose end mow! "TUt no. Dar, at the King's birthday the sum 0195 he set aside to on! will be observed on!" M. flags." No seconder. Aldetmu The Grad Valley Runny Com- O'Brien moved "that the Maror myhnlu Perle-Breath“ electric Town Council, Bond oi Tulle. Coun- [lulu lull (mention BOW, the - ty Council, Board oi Health, Library “I uvirtg token place Tueuhy. Board, Public School Board and I“ The work ot puttmg the number] public otrieios meet his Excellcrcy It n the Ontario Sugar msfirtery in the station; that 850 be set aside for running shape tor mt seasons Cala- cebe to carry the members to the Stir paign will be commenced in the comm lion. end tut 5100 be granted to oleweek. lumlsh each member with " suiUtrle The contact ior the remodelling in“ lor the occasion. That a Wm" end lmplovmg at the Post 00112 In: slot: be formed end that it N er' been let to am signed by Contractor Fii, principel streets to show his EE- R. Bowman, and work will be com- cellency the ghrowth and progress t menoed ttttut early date. Shoddiere. S ure tbin we can go J . . . iii,i, beautiful park, tUtd tlu/t his, Ex. ..."‘.323"2. ltr/c," ..'2'. 33.332 'eelltry cut“ hould a remptlon m the put of the United States be wouhl GGra. _ . nn- nn nil his nrmt wetrtlth to 'ttby Alderman MacGregor here rose and asked "Who should attend the re ception? It would never do to have everybody introduced to his He'll-tn- cy. We must regulate this so thet only those whom we know no really Important shouldbe presented. I am sure his Excellency will not want to Alderman Milne interrupted "Hoot mun !" "What are ye haverin lor I ken better nor his Excellency wants to see our town, to see its business places and to meet the men who are day by day building up this town. in wants to meet the intelligent stunt. Canadians who are putting intelleu, skill and muscle into the walk, It 14 not the classes but the masses that) count. and Pam vera much astonish- ed that ma worthy lreend has na mule respect for his manhood than tae think that his Excellency wilt come all the war up to our town to look at ma Ireend's coat an' hat and nae see the man inside. It is time that we should feel "that man to man the world o'er shall brithers be tor a' that." I move that our reception in- clude all country and civic authorit- ies, all public oftirOls, that our milk ulacturing interests be largely repres- ented, that all educational interests be represented, that everyone in town be given encoaragement to express his lc5alty and that no one be made to ‘leel that the cut of his coat, or the lshape of his hat debars him from ”shaking hands with King Edward's 'ircirresenttctiie. Imove that the de- tails ol the reception be leit in the hands ofa reception committee and lthnt such commitm consist M the Mayor and killvnnen Bhutkenstcut, Murray and Murphy." Seconded by Alderman O'Brien The motion was put and carried. I A motion of adjournment. was then carried unanimously. The Elmira Foundry [as been oblit- ed to extend its working hours Irom 0 mm. to 7 pm. to keep up with orden. -. The annual meeting of the Elmira Musiul Society wag held last Mon day evening. The lollowing officers were elected:- Geo. Hahn, President. . W. J. Reynolds, VierPreidtttt. Chan. N. Knack. Secretary. Wm. Behrens, Tregsurer. ' mm f: cr, Dr TTT RV”. V th-x maker, F. A. Kerr, W. H. Otto. Wm PM. J. s. Weichel, -- Auititors--A. Werner, and an. The Society has had a fairly pros perous year, having handle-i receipts olebout $820.00. The disbursements were only New dollars less unich gees to Show that the funds have been uyzed for the advancement of the i crests of the Society. Members of Parliement Are being ewe-led to by the Cumin Lugua of Civic Improvement to Mer . prize ot 1 Cumin: the tor com- petition in their reapectim coustit- ncnciu to be awarded to the rural Iclool making the greatest improve- ment" In their school property in 1008. Wéoilltock electric it.“ work. will de new to double their present. and". '""t1tN'tgtro" [In - = 'dtt"Whltl'd"'"""'" rtrcqrgiCudhCterred - MCoqh. ”unmanned-5n. Arnepre?5stirgrestt VII- _t.dt."s'elt'rflu'll','tluT4ltW2l'lt. “In PM Isaak .," has"!!! in“ - Chmhrlah’n but Indy, Chnbulah'n Colic. China and ”who“ Indy: Chamberlain’s Remedies. Pct - Comm. an. ”in... MeyeMtt E'WM“ 003111311110 " Erduu' II A Each-I to!“ show will be Wi- Gldp“'u think Ml. and 'JU' Jun. N” is pm“ will be Think “in use "eOittg an - not you my be we to any tom-{hing not. aux-nun; than it youiul wok-pi Int. Then will Mttro holidays this trortth, “and", In N, in Am no. Dar, at the King's birthday will be obmvod all" M. Tho Grad Vuloy Runny Com- pany has in Pari.-Brattttard theme [in-h lull opentlou not. the out “having tuba plum Tummy; . The work at putting the machinery st the Ontario Sugar Refinery in running dupe tor mt "asotricaia- pglgn will be commenced in the calm-e of I week. The contact. tor the remodelling and improving at the Post 011112: In: been let to and signed by Contractor R. Bow-nu, and work will be com- menced at an early date. T Toronto Stun-ll Mr. Carnegie should live until he secs Curtada . pen. of the United States he wouid um up ell his want walth to pt)" his board " the rate ot " act week )4me Baker, B. A., B. 'lr.. or Strsrttord,, a graduate ol 1lvesat's, has been winded aCol-nnbn CuWge fellowship at 560' per you. He wiil do research work In geology. At its recent meeting the OificiiU Hoard of Centenary Methodist church of Hamilton, passed a resolution ap- preciating the services of Rev. U. F, Salton, who is leaving tor Ottawa at the end at the conlereuce year. His pastorate ot tive years has been the longest in the history of the cttttreh. The new Bursea' home in Stratlonl is to be a white brick 'tvo-storey structure ol the ordinary style or architecture. It; dimensions Will be 33X36 feet. A pleasant feature will beevernndnh, ten feet wide, running the entire width ot the building. ths the ground floor is tube the aitting room, a bath room, the head nurae's room, and another bedroom. There will be accommodation for lourtec"a nurses. The cost of the building IS estimated 84,000. Inga-yin ungu- up“ Toronto Sttrr--John Lewis an! Co. and R. Boehmer, coal dealer of Ber. lin, creditors respectively in the sunwz: ot $250 and $215 each ot the Baden Machinery Company ot Berlin, are petitioning at Osgoode Hall to wind up the Company on the ground that itis hopelessly insolvent. The Baden Mubinery Company was incorporated in 1913 with $40,009 cgpjul rtock " $100 nshue; UH shues were subscribed and 102 can] up. C. H. Cutter subscribed $1,000, Charles Hood, of ButUlo, 81,200. J Laurantz ot Berlin $200. Olner Mar ter ot Berlin $2,500 and A.J. Show of BuiUlo, $2,500, the last four be- ing directors. The involved company carried on business until r‘eluruary 1903. when the Butialo Tool and Machinery Company seized ail the as- ‘scu to satisfy wludgment ol $6,400. 1iiiu' they bud obtained by consent. Thu pcll’inn filty4 points out that Mr Hood lleluge shareholder in the Tool and Machinery Company. and that the books and ledger' or the comm gnaw no SW5! to hun end thet there were no emu-lee of any ot the numeroua sales made by the embarrassed compeny trout 8th Juuery last to and February. 0n the Mth ol February the assets ot Uto firm were seized by the sheriff under the writ issued on the judgment in [nor ot the Bunnie Tool and Mach. Emery Company. The mount realized by the sheriff was ehout 83,000. " eppeerx that Hood endorsed notes lor the defunct company. end at the meeting of the directors, on the am of February, the compeny': n- sets were “matured to him, and at the trailer no proririonl was meda- toprotect the other creditors. The Bpptieation lor the winding-up order - . _._, en -a n.-.‘..1|. an be bend Hall. Wiper, um . poem on u... aid when um "g,t0m-Ttrat's Odo. _ _ _ -iriaunt on write Blew won: on.Mol you aid nuke u wont ttott0,0Mh-0st'e Cymm. 'ruare Inc. {Jun made nu m $6, “am “into ,mteh mm- M “Wm" let. 4H- - ”.m.w-uv- -_,.._.. TU United sm- on uh " can. at I PM at {all and sham no.“ " ‘MM" and mg!!! it m "FAut't In". "I‘m-V" (in on: u HM mus-mun nil “In: u.-- mt‘: - -. _ . . 'I'QF'JVW u n a» In. but-It yuan a. an oath tet- M'- nauun. __ 7 A Tm»: eoetid_Uu , worm- COMPANY iN DEEP WATER 1TiitiiAnerrrettte Ire * WHAT CAN BE ii 7 iisween $3.56) and Gi, unbound} il DONE Gm Reportere'--Tho pew Pram ad Berlin Elgctrlc Bunny willow- Mbly be running " Mir "tr. " course. the road will m be than“! by electricity tor some timl yet, ml lathe meantime the dummy will tm celled into requisition. It mil he!!! the cue, end the little train will hue e capecity el Item 50 to " pee eugers. The tripe will not he Im- ly lo ("quell tn the lime! - u later. when the road is lullv ruin- pal. The round trip trom Prawn to Berlin will be twenty-nu cents, The P. a B., people were approached Ly the mmgement ot the 0.". Foot- ball Club A month ago, end asked to handle the excursion that in to be run to Gait lion: Weterloo attd Ber- l'n on May 25th. This, however, they reluctantly rdused, not caring at that, stage to gnu-Jim tmnsportatiott ut uolarge acrowd. Agaeo.aaeouenee the business was placed in the hands ot the GTE. The new P. Q H road seems likely to enjoy popularisy for passenger tune, " there is some un- usually picturesque scenery enroute whi It is net very long ago that people; supposed that to cut an evergreen. was to surely kill it. Later exact} once has shown that these trees, when necessary to bring them into shape, may be iruned like any others. The pruning of evergreens has sometimes been greatly abused by cutting on the lower limbs and prescnting a mort. strosity which someone has compared to " hay-cock upon a stump," The natural form, when an evergreen has room to develop, is that ot arcane1 with its lower branches resting upon the ground, and forming a benutilul pyramid ot green, Instead oi cutting away the lower branches, the better way would be to apply the axe to the trunk, and be done with it altogeth- frr. Evergreens so generally take a iperlectly conical shape that pruning is only needed to preserve Nut form; when p breach grows with nil-aunt vigor 1nd threatepa to destroy the symmetrical “unfit should be cut back. To tmrid all ”ambulance of mutilation, make the cut upon the under side at the branch, mil sluniug towerds its end. The shape of 'o'er- green: may be controlled mth very little cutting. by a proper pinching out ot the buds which brprolottstittg wouldlorm bunches. In short, the pruning of ever-greens new“ my little diiteieuwA, in manhunt {mm thnt required try n deciduous, hilt. or an om. mental tree. "m? tfri/GG-wut "command “you'- Bhpuetlmrs .cyro; Ink him “II-It. Tltaaittt-hrhqdre"1gehttt$lbtrh'tt"hqr riiiliitj',jeija8.._8i$jjg,lij, [ii#Eial ,eit,Y, ',li'i't1i,'i-.eei'iii' ' C?. FTULSe! “a. 'ux"r: ttpr. "r. - ' _ " -, rm" maximums. u ' F.firrai.1S'/:F'. Roporu prenatal gt the mummy output “mention: " CAlgary this we: draw tbat in 1002 4.7% horas were imported Into that Mama at - at 81,00,680, "an!" $12.51. itiiiPei -"er. "m" iegNe2Fqlt?' " -dritiiii_itf+ Pup-m cu, by TttttNa' -An. II. In... lug-c. mertetImrrvrea-6asChsgsad-d ( In“ “0. "rttAait27rt'e"l'h'h' 'e'h'Eh1'll'krhhth1t Wti tttmat 933$ I: PRL NING EVERGREENt3, TO RUN BY MAY IS FOR tMrttat urn YEARS UENTREVILLE {'31 “In WI Pt-..aqM-t-bN'tr-rt- ”Warm up In I. II mil-hm". mm... In: Punt. mmgw'm How and Where To Borrow Honey nun-rum... " I In.“ WATER!” MUTUAL Beware of Some people chin: to sell nothing but COLD thonAaB Inn. a bag to mnounoe to the citizens of the Twin-City that I an the on! On who has a Cold Storage plant, and therefore the only one _Who can season these mute. Alwyn on had together with mam of emy description. "I! “803“!!! COIPAIY mWI’OI‘TID "I an. total m “It WWW “80.808 17. m B. mean. Promoter. Alina-um: Winn ll. Had. a: munmhmrn-d who "A. I M m. throemm$te-ltrqMsrru. Gun- Mhun nu. lust of m an twitch-"null 0- W punt for“ wmh‘hmw rul- c to: mus-bun. WM downwind!!!”- Oudanms by - I oar-ho “In." PNEUIM’IG IBIS! COLLAR. The Gity Meat Market in the Twin City. Aha” good Crown Atto Bowlby, K. C. v in on: an Vim“, when he at pd uptown-tor I; tqrtt yolk: can" use. hand by Mun” Blake. " bert Glu- wn W um having no]. 'too an m an Ila " new.” an to and: hunt: 1. CM.“ W sum n. can tum an. “on“... w hut. Th - a. In that - run, ”in. that! with "qt'" “NW; W1“ wwmwww BOARD or DIEM‘TOBS. 000. m by. Wm Wink-w“. " canto-Lb... " J.LM~.‘JI¢I‘ Thou-am...“ Mi. Jan-sum.~.ho-. omens t W Mn. PM Wm. we, noon-nun. hunk Bus». Inca-r. BOOB-3300680001. “out. in the only place to got cold Storage Beef “mun-gunman- lumen: a oad I!“ " um: In. “an GIVES WAS ACQUITTED war. SPAETZEL, And tendon Imitation. w. B. Dunning. two LC!

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