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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 May 1903, p. 8

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"tt -:v _ T "rf--, 'ttittiifit',t "l. F's'tis' t" Bail lotion? tg. r'r)--rti;v,t u Wash f - n not thi. 1,31“ h 'd',',to'dr'%diiii a: L', 's hMl'lhb. 1hremame" d ' Th. Wntch Home . . Jamaica Bros., Lt, Visitor Visa-Malt} to Berlin. A Hearty Welcome Wu Extent? ed ttthe Governor-General and Hus Party on Monday. Loyal an! batty, indeed, was the welcome extended to his Excellency Lord limo, Lady Mute, and Lady Eileen Elliott by the citizens ot Ber- lin when the distinguished vulture were the guests or the town on Mon- dey dternoon. The weather was per _ tent, and Nat suitable tor an occas- ion at this Kind, the decorations throughout the town, particularly on King street, were appropriate and ei- Ioctive, and sue the town a decided holiday appearam e. The schools were given null holiday end a num- ber of the factories and busimss - moved their employees slew hours to join with the citizens in gen- eral in extending to the Governor- Genenl e welcome befitting this 107 A! town. The armaments tor the reception were in charge of Mayor Eden and' when or the Town Council. The ployunme Wes carried out in its enurety end without e hitch. Mayor Eden, and Mm. Eden pertoruu.d their duties " the town’s representatives in e "tisiactory manner, They were assisted in an tale mau- net by Dr. HAI. Leaner, M. P. P., and In. Leaner, Ind Senator Mer he: and In. newer. The Dengue“ or the Empire, Te- cently organized in Berlin, made its debut u tr will organization an n. occasion ot this kind on Monday and minted in I great measure in mak- ing the reception as tar a the pro- gramme " thepaviiion was concern- ed .12 that could be asked. and re- Aoetett you “ed” on the 00th in chap. menu” Regent, Mrs. (1):.) D. B. Bowlby and Secretary. Mrs. CE. Hoffman, and the society in general. The pavilion was hemm- tully decorated with up, mun and palms. and bcnutitnl carpet was laid on the Boor from the front stair cue to the came ot the building. when the temption was held, and when handsome upnoistered chairs N ha provided. TM nu portion d the pavilion was elegumy ttttel WI! a. lunch room, and was greatly "mired by his Excellency and party. H The reciption horn beginning to end did and“ tq the town and its cite u w 4.“ when the padtimt mm m. sud the party ascended the platform " the "out entmtsee.trtsile to crowd at nestly 4000 persons were gathering about, m excellent opportunity was given his Excellency and party to view Berlin's png, and caused may Mime to remark to his Elana” “In this mm A most WA “In! park t" Lord Mint!) nodded " spprtmr1 at Lady mum's opinion with . ImiIe. Mann to the reading ot the nd. m- try hia Worship, In. Eden, or. Mind! ot the town, 11°th [may mate with u buntilul mm ot red au; site: which m toviO “dun at when», which In: handsomely ago-d by m. W.H. Somali, wu To Hit Elwin”, The Rigtt Hon- ounblo, the Eu] ot Into, u. C. M. (an Mer. m. We, in. (Jim ttt in Town ot Bulb. N to “do: to your Exal- m. an tet Lauryn?! 1m WM. Lady Ellen Elliot, I - “Icon. to our Town and Conty. We ”mach“ very highly the grant kinda-n new: try you .'tt In“. "w' ' no“ sta, In this oompntively mall centre of nowh- my“: in “up!” an it is h m m with the pupa-o not a." to hare man you Eml- - can on mount ttd you n- tertag -thodsttiotrottrhiath clot. that, and]. of gaining at an“... 2"Tf “W" ot an nu m, on: M, a an Mimi!" at an M tr-ee.., you hm h- ulk! to In: any. ”mm d It. My Ita- mam: an .0; In! ttt Dunn 0:3 :- the «an; 2'i'Mtlgf h on to gVt, a at h b '" bead, . M "I. at b M u- - Nfl',',', a CI d m. can It ggnMM.' N - - that W‘. to; a» "ltiStli'itdh'iiii'fii,'iii, AT THE PAVILION. THE ADDRESS nu-lyu-l Lady tun-In!!!- Ai, Tiii-Carisa-tgee-ttl' iGiaiir,uik.ieett"tteut.tet "ri'ii'r"iGraa,_ettPeCttPe mac-I in Att-thet nan-num- iatdtspeum.t. " - -"F""'""-'-"' iirer'ai2."pgtatttlt h... durum mud-“nomad iir."'Ysuusiu_iartmr. triuUuaGitoeitttr9aef out" nun-outlet a mum- " position m you Emllm'l diplomats -ierrtmt uni may agitt mum-annual“! You Ut iiii.GsiriitLtrtore-ut,_" mama-gum to “In Mate. tu,ra thin- a nun. J. a an“. In". Berlin, cum. no: Mat, "" When the adre- we! concluded. loud cheer- were given by the crowd, titer which Lord limo briefly ro- sponded. He "rea-ed hi: pleasure at having the opportunity of visiting Berlin. It had been his endervnr to vie". every part oi the nonunion, and " Cured: in so Inge it we: hard to do it justice, end it wu necessary to make Vinita to we ditterent plsoes very brief. He wss I great belleVer in pining ell the knowledge possible at the Ind in which n person resides, land he “lured his hearers that. it would be lsru‘: plenum to him to reler to his term ot residence in Can- ada when he returned to the Old Land. He had learned ot the large Germ populstion, and ot its un- titttehing loyalty to Canada and Greet Britain. Where there ere Germans there is “was nhnppy and premar- ous population, and he wished them every success. Before concluding he eongmtulated Mayor Eden on be. halt ot the town, on the beauty ot Victoria Perk, which wee equal to my he had ever seen in e town ut this size. He expressed his thanks tor the - welcome that had been ex- tended to him .aaovernor-uetrerai and " party. -iLd aiintii remain were enthns matiully spphuded. Ana: the reception was concluded. Mrs. (Drl) D.S. Bowlby, Regent of the Princess ot Wales Chepter oi the Daughters ot the Empire, read the [allowing address to Lady Minto, which was beautifully engrossed and an excellent piece ot workuranahiy, executed by Mr. Schmiu- To Her Macy, the Countess ot Mar " plan. your Excellency, we the member: at the Local Chapter ot the Imperial Order of we Daughters ot the Empire on behalf ot the ladies ot Berlin may desire to express1 our united and grateful nppreeidtlon‘ ot the honor which In: been“: gno- iouly conferred on Ill ot your EEtNsl- lency'l prance here Hey. We be; to - your Exceuacy of our undying loyalty and devotion to the Crown end to one: your Ex- cellency our highest expression ot good will. We use desire to convey the grtstifentiort nhich we hate felt that you: Excellency he: been suc- iously plowed to visit Berlin. Tttttt I. E. BOWLBY, Regent. irua1ELWNA HOVFIAN, Lady unto and .Lody Eileen El.. liott were etch presented with tund- some boqueta of row, by little Miss Louise van Pitch uni lute: David Clement. Each nppetred to be great- ly pleased with the thoagattuiue" and kind words of the Daughters ot the Empire. The puty can an hvised no punks ot 5 light luncheon which was served In the ten annex ot she building. The table was 'oeantitully decorated with tiot.erg and amilnx, 1nd looked very pretty. Alter s brie! rest had been taken by the Hum, the hour tor, dmrture urived and " 6 o'clock' the party re- entered their oarzia- and ttsort" nomad town In returned an lollowlz Around the Pitt to Courtlnnd Ave to Queen, slot; Queen to Margaret Avenue, thence to the largnret Ave.' School return“; to hymn! street, and "ack' - to Mime, along Aline-l to W, “on. Frederick to Pam“ Amine, running dong 'p,'tt,",? a; 1'frr,,tt', Weber to may. out“! to Duke, end an; In to Yang. dong vwwm,m¢om de- M. Upon anvil; st thidipU5 “W My) tmin ,mrtrqrattiatd u- at Mill menu to Dunn'- IA!- "tram' L'lll'llllUl'gG7'ii'at77 mammals-1m mi FGtrGatpaefuedaCtuet mun-twang“. tear 'tathem a! “mum-ll Giiriagii--turroied" toil-M LA PLAIB- At out. In an. it. muum.umunu. unanim- " Dunn, lay 4ttr, it. was cl a... 0.1mm on da- mu. . tMEtb-at lulu. In Ath, mime _ ttttttrm-tea-. 3001‘?“ F ”nun l 'dl'lhd'dl'ftr2r,1htlt'. LORD HINTO'S REPLY LIL] ADDRESS TO LADY MINRO LUNCAEON SERVED, that ol the Comm BIRTHS - A. will, All} d J.- 'tati-tre M a -diiiiiirTFqiye. wow-runaway egmeti» CAN-WTI-Atm urn .6. u as. can... 1t.tt. cmuwmmmu d m, ‘OABSY~ m0!!- At Byfttt, Ar M. I... “annual. Juanita-rumba!” MPg'ttt2t'Aeetrttt _ LurT-gtal+t-. stun-u. u'MLIay mun-Ir. A. 13.de Btu-h. In. (cruelly cinema. Mr. Job- Lm, [ml] at Bulb. m “I. tgmiCurstat-tstat.Lonis. BHANTB- At the cm (maul mot Town-hip. REESE- At My“. Ind . A!” Mth, In. Jun. Roe-e, toramrtr [In Baht: samba. I.“ ‘dnupmotmuuc.m, ot Berlin. 'E11aLBR-- At bolus, Ion. by “In, Fred K. Killer, formerly ot Bridgeport, brother at In. John Fischer, of “harm. 'UPPER- At Torah. my and at the Children'o Hoopla], John. in- tant Ion ot Connd Killer, ot Peter! burg, Med 11 month, and 5 days. DEDELB- At Bro-Inn, Mar bth, Nnncy. wile at Henry nodal: in her 43rd yea. WTTTE- In [or-mum, My 5th. Mart when. third donate: of Joseph mm, aged " your, nine months. nnd M dnys. FEICK- tn Wilmm Centre, my and. Henry Fetch, aged " rears. SCHERCH-- Net! Wehrloo. Hey 8th, at the residence ot her doub- ter, Mrs. Abraham Hamburger, Magdorur Grady. relict of the lobe John Séhemh in her 84th yen. aot9MAN- At Galt, May 4th, tho intent son ot James Gasman. WEICKER-- At Hay-ville, Mar Ist, Mrs. Fred Weicker, aged " years.‘ 3 months and " dnys. LOEHR- At New Hamburg. May 8th, Morin Bubnrn, wile at John Loehr, aged 61 years, 8 months and , days. HEIBEIN- At Elmirh, Mar 5th, Christian Heibem, aged 65 yes“, and 3 days. MC EWEN-. At Galt, my 3nd, B. W. A. McEwen, aged 18 your. tt months end 4 dnys. LINT0N- In North Dumide'l, Avril 27th, Jessie Simpson, relict ot the. late June: Linton, aged " yes“, _ and 7 months. wHIT'W-- At Gait, my 2nd, Pntridl aiacidta. 'U.rtt my Jai- PM a In... - If? Riki, Mar an. Hi E, W. ferur ol,. Dei1_t.ofhtnt'a..t', JJ.' " 'V 7 , _ .. .. Hui-00L}. ttlla-, Lunar}, ot J. K. SHINN, Funeral Director and Summer Weurlm. om. Telephone Mr. Red- denoe Duke 83.. ooomtt. J. W. Blink Demand for Live tRock-Hott' An Lower-in Unchanged. Tuesday Evening, May ta. Toronto th. Lawrence Mum. M n um brisk n at. Lunche- diF',t,1ith'ir, h'.' model“ In nu “no. It. wr- M. u: tradq - Mrg,ttf 'ltlk " , com unount of tho min mu will I.“ huh-h. wttest--'rhree hundred tau-hol- of while an " 14o to 3% a". PEW1JQPLE" aiiU,uedt,d,1td,uoottgMt'A't Bar We nun wnm- all at "t2', ttg2pgl't,'; to WNm-ubmmw 'rr','ltuh'so"3t1'artur-smyree; nun In hon no tho man: I: quotM lawn iMiuitjii'rj'Phtt',1lt"' Filth“ And .60 to n. for howls. Bt-ttter-_ was um. ninth, My aaGiatiiiUiruii-jrtystf.!P. not. war. on!" on “count of tho but " m "iiirtiniiuriuai0tutrtarV iii." --r"' _ - 1W.-%tt m mot. Price! was "" . rum not: 1560 to II: put ira-auout-arvrrrvrqtteAtha1 timothy I. gt,,",".'.",' tn“ n, t, “porn. and or our. 0 . 'ttgut',',,': m- - In. w tfiiaGriituarat.to80rmrt0a. ifiliU, in his am rear mt Choc-om“ T-get, I" u-Jm [uni-loll CttfigoDda" Mm..." Mm with t tMrtttSttit,t'.M"". EWC- t2it'fttyn'alts'l,'; enamel. but." it.isii%rnatairittV " ituifiiii-ttMar.ot_eao. mun-undon- Tortmtouve8toeh. The - and. mound . you tm. rovmt " tho emu. Dirk“ to-dny. new out). were In good tsttatsartd and “the; "In. tn other kind- wa- "i'ahr"'iGia1Gihie1etfteee"2tt m of all“. m moon-tow but. but "IL!" of then m or chow. “uni. I 'tiitiiiiiitGmo1uttoAttt8i, n- oluliu L. on“). I - And “In. he. an I mini. thsttto-rtrictt the conch-Ion o! It. antral Itrlh tho In?!“ It ttte - pg in ter-a" ar, “My - wan not y do“. he. uttering, but “an m tlt% ot can“ to mocha. an M all“. m -ttnt "'i'tf.".".1tt, no “out In to no ‘ n2t' " tl attrtqtt $g.rol 3:..' "g 'ls'itxliur./ Mui.'.' a can . a.. 3% can. " y,E,tth'i no“ vol all all I an. at m u an: 't " q ' an at - .23.. ' a -uu atgmtt=ttqg,',5t. m 1.933 i,itt"ri'ii'.,'lil',! an. _ I s.“ m- Tr, 7 'ft'titiit'i 'ree. www- CTT; _ Ba - ‘4 M" mn: MARKET upon-rs. I q 'Whulm’t in ,t't'.trtr,tt.ttfU.r.' _ __.. m.-u_ ALA --... . - al- DEATHS W ilaaiiiiiift2'it - bani _ mu loll it Li."" . m h u; a I mi Ayett Egan. 1 autumn my h a Whom." m m. h . '/.htd um , PU nod-u- ii " to It. . -- u-qs-Ano-- I'I‘I m. B 1w: 1.0 u w; nu. ' ”I mum. no trtoetlr; mun-n - -- - A“ ' U n- 1"! _ nun- Riiiara tT - .h mun-I: nth tiefidah',U."ufl't'dl'eiN " tir" ' Wheat. not 'dtft "e-Kane-, 5 up. l 9910511129593 333% “ tnllTr..'"ki7iii"iriii' T "r __ Rd m. a: iia ttul'.', Ip/tl out and ' iruirvau"eiu, . lo " “I . '.' nixed Amcrlun. par canal: In in a it. ‘: [mum “and ; Mar, , ti no; Juno. " 4d to 4- 'A1'NfrlT. my. h It! to u 4%d uluo. Hm. mu. m "td', 'het, In at M [man you a My: M'No. 1 Inn} 'ilkiritiu"E “map“: jun In! 80.br, . " to. RiRCW.tifttuetr"2t.'c ham}. Big-mu; lily mid. Com. on 'V II‘Q. cutout and In tr us, -us. may» ' briiiytiyt?C?.Ptt.ut, cm- "w III "III!“ - ___‘,V - "r via: mus-ken of y-Wd y; um WWII-n. on m cult“? Ind hardly In, dam-ml; cargoe- ubout No. 1 cwtomu. About duo. an " Fun: " Hut. t.o.r.t., “can. wage. I " 4t'ta?t"'tt No. , cucum- Club. E). l. com. on m. an!“ - t My. Corn. are“ and Lunch - A " - M- n” “a a...” 'IIA. 5Fi? t'ai2iCiiiiufSir,2i'lttr oeei' "sttcrfttaarar,e.eNhPP, "null ".-.' Hill-u. I~wu.u, - v -. .7 T ”he?! In] ri7'cfa7-Wbriliiiot my” 0. 2 rod vim“. 1%,6”. tttt "mu: mixed. at to. ' tspot Mg, 12t"ttelti It.» ' my J-kritetttie-it, (on. ”may; my. '" 'dig.',t',,teg and Do- mbcr. at In. Flour,' an aunt: “a: It In; “number Ind Dmmbur. at Mon country mark-u arm. weather IIIJ‘nnu ttnet. 'iEsiGvtta-whtsaC, ton- g“; Mar, '" no; mumtwr nnd Decen- r. 22t we. flour, was quiet; Mar. a! lo; nomen- bor lid December. 8tt 5c. - -» -, ”"77. W' Mo. 1 an“! r dunk.- a to " M; V Mtt qitd',thsrred vim-r. Cl “III BtNri.tnortlsor" much. thnfy. I... tMar, u m Ito-tau: my. " Corn. Ann-rial. ya- on”. "q. gaunt}; mun-Mn; u noun-a; June, M."!!!¥.L’“1!; ,rttRthtttrteqtt8t tteSu"tueNttmm"m bodrtothetysnter. Momm- tgettpt,"ur,Ngt"u'l"',ut tggttg'),tArk1rttef,lt, thr an LTeihi-aeats'ttse-,ttied- 1ggg'l.'rr,t'T2,r, which infect the blood. thhnduw mm tmtettttttie4thttoy. f..t.mtle WATERLOO MARKETS. Wan-loo. my u. d 'irCiuTa'riiarei, ___ Hed! “was. which can an It. tit.r2tg.,r,tgrhtpgtg't't.Jllt1'h'lf. [i,itri2,l,.gs'ii'5lii, 'iiitgii'iil,li'l, i,i,ii.ii'iit2fttttu'ffpBa1'llllf, m .wmmaaxaa-za 1tltti t'ggrat'dll'h,lll mks: Town of Waterlool PM? - INT. IT7Gir Giriki'ruTitiFirFeiit a Jgg,.'l'& t1,lt1fAtlt,t _ utr. M. The can: . Id than _tet,ta' iiilli'i, B 'Eairit'yyyetyt9tef iii.yi.ik"s", Thsartseetitmit"tttNWrgtl "-"-gtttNai."1ttk'Yd,': Ii,l)itii,',, iiiiii.iEiiti2iiiiti,iiltll ',fSeftr,'thit.v'"'"'"""" m. Mona-mm men.- 'tl-out'"-'- ===----c-----cr----=r--=z--===--'-== J h Hill, (hrmitllll Wilt. l "lth'l'l'a .7 YiiG Ric a}?! iiie was hide. Ju had C.ed expou- .it? BrttisttMar8rts It“ Its-a" _ l l baht-.. hTl,'iiCdc,"Eir FiFi - "-7554 i'itriiti'iiiih!iiiiijiii and...“ _ I! “in!!! Fo?t Plat, 3%th- mu Mum tr,,tt1'h'"iht,',','t cm 1.0" .17 .11 .u " .m in Live and. {m m 'to-ttttits T'fg.X,',"khq,tt JS'tlt EiJiitimliitffMlisettN Twins. May it; m =trsturAttt.vh,.l-t "t 't tiiuaaAriFadR% ‘V'Wninu iii' iii iiil.ti'itisti"i?iti"'lvtl'i'et writ .9 tere g'lW.!llllle1S,iittiSi'i,iitEitt.: 'iri'iip,i, I rm M'ttt ”In... ted tt I but. wig“). I... tia, but! GW a [when _ rm. an $ti'GT4u'i'11 w. M.-...'.-.-.-. -- =Tr= v~_‘ - am... Ari,',?: yii,Mi12diF'.'iii t,9t4l.lit'ji' .513..- l". will. nu. “its quads-3:! nee, 'GmiUC"iG1 i"i"iiiisoik'd5iraFi i has" 1 . . I I I We”. as: 'te; a In (on Man. mil-“lb m1“. - A t2,iri'Erfte.et “rm- - .1 ..ittrtt. i',.'uiara1'tt, Ite all. and-W ' “5.. menu at. I mun-yeluu-IILIIBJ w g3ttuqHt.tut= Ann-mum“ “at M: - thet ";GGiTGTairrarrttiei-tre, It!“ amuumuult var-u- h! .3. Fiiiiiuki.irffhymtre.y..., -. - iariirarkeEi ”"133. Tnnl: Ie21'tg'ftl't Pubic Adam-umb- _ Command-111ml nmrmut Wm:- ”ID. arrd i -- "'"--"er_ v Pas', - . _ _A.L_|a-_hl- hTMt!'fi,'Wttt visa tthe " Mo'u'ock . m. the ad!- Linn m bub ova-an .w iririerAiiiitfthefu.ee my urns-n v, ""'GTi', mg; it?" -- hm.- . not". I will. arm will" bulk, comma-I - and. 'f,'GraGiGtl/iG t v mum to on“. TIRXS.- All tuna ttf 1‘0. Mm In. - Cum-m an amount! Tumbler”! 'rriGrthe'1trrt (“Icon-Haw Mot ME 3min". JOB. KICK“ Auctlon Sale waitrinanduotrAmt" will now otrsr for ule ttis pxiu win- ntng torUhirq pigs tron: 6 week- to - old; tho his prize winning bulk and hula: calves togsther IN: the tttttto you old bull “Glen Alpine.” In Ina-Loo Township on the Town“: " Ivan wmm Hum: Humid”. out uh. “out. ”run-non or!“ About I will hm. tttr) “IV“ In - pine. an ttaMateq and" luau. 0n the nun-roman!!- Lnrr'tk All "eefter " tte, and an mm. Farm for Sale. All kinds of Short Horn out). for do n In an". m.- .m. .... um"..- - .__V Fol-turna- maximum up}; w Aug‘tlon Sale - op- Pu and Piment- k a.- tan mb Ja'urg,' was! and win-um: an 'gattlt,t, ttitr'atiil4i'5tEiFi', {and n " irttiq"aAete, . a. iad ... The IhlttsigBil .01 “lull“ {if} a it" you w. um Notice to Farmers lot!“ to PIN..." 'r--"-'"'"" h. tk Th-n, ml gitg1Ehi.i'k"iiialtil'it. in 8.. has!“ mun i'i'it'iii't'ri'ii'ii'Fdfeii'jif s,?,ii?,iiiy', "l""--"-'""",-'"."""'""-"""-"- . “A. trt,tt'drpgttlttrlthS0 Saturday, May apd, 1903 for Intohll a titiiiiiifft2t Sitter um. I“! -- q a": "a: l , Sh'.", he. . . 1'ii'irksh'e','it le".',')', ",,'ttit'l'ra,ti"4 'ts m h a. = "an. nu h an: _ 1mm mung-3'93 and in b. uul-Qu n Meer, . Livery Stock RAM" I!!! FIE For Bale. A ivlr to um mm si.Uust “13.3mm I qhh A, WINKUIR. _ PM“. ikakriai9 331?: Wad... on. ”it ONT ‘5; E. N. HAWKE, VIE BAH GIVE vou STD!) 'H000.0o.00000o W“ Der Goods cal (nothing. Opposite Wye 'htae _ A Full Line of cm emu-Ia. THE GROCIR what until swath 1:0»er 1"INhl2'. 'd',',,',",',',",','."),',',',',.", aghast We Have: l V _? g3 Wind of In My“ duct W :iiiyeurera.or, Pttt Plants "Ann" and Flowers <atromttthePi-raard man. no. may!“ no and by we mun-an. IMOMIIIW, "aategtvepqthetqd""terr the hm. hm m-wc-nuhhl wot-tad. tgeedN-,u,mthed,Tirrs- ,ttenart0tteetutty 1:5)“. nraigar-raer4ae' mil “and.“ lying but“ In. M hon run-u! but. Indu- an to who”. V luo'qy-Bu-rll Wan-0mm P tr----- - W m ":9- Ie"e "'e"'tg,2rr"" le' : Rikki“ u (L “a pu. gl,'lr.th't2'tf"f: ...... Pagoda- w P'":::: reiU+iidteo' " ._...... ...'...1 mm mum.............,....... " a " ou-'....-.--.. " " " -etrateef, ”no. Inma- aiiac. Ian's 1tgUgt 'hlld; at, In earn“ 'l In. mum-u. I - MM”. 3.93.? magmas. Wemuethnvee great lot ofbuther and e " to supply ourcuetomenwith; ifyou have assrto girl give us a chance. We just received another shipment of prunes " no lbs when Another Dbl. of genuine Mattie Syrup " $1.00 Imp. gel. [annotated by Wu any tin! Man. 000... the - mau- hotufcu undu- warm-h 1lt I {coco-mm buying. call h Ind minnow-took. Gm rich .4 - a». GINGRIOH, pun MWM......"..-.. utmqetttitrr1bttqd «My: .... 'uAcitSrSlEilElili2, SEEDS! SEEDS! I"- = Macklin... HALLMAN’S, 1urrnd-t'tpsunru1per0tks0 [1031, would!" M) cod-elm tu'%otn.lrhrMtmietms.,diimeuutt" "a---------"," r," ,t3ur,irteintuttt, In: , 1llttl'gid .gsurarkn We on new mo "tsotptdortalty no lug. AP Plum and ebony Tu- and m Peat Tn... Also In. Spruce, Pine. Mmttttatrt LII! In! other urn-mum! Tron. _ W. I“. 'hs'tehq Blank, BIN! Jun, (Sh-nun, am In. M tn *" i"erhirsg in the no. and plan “Eduard. I. on supply I coupo- an In to no “loll-ml”. -. _ a tmaid. -acriinuh, 'tm-tatt Plum, 'h PumAm and Vogoublu “I“! Registered Shortytet 1am White Yorkshire: and 1mm Begs. Maley kept for P, o, Ak is4. New bundie. Ont. a: =3:m.t $.33... :':'.-1"-."-.i."-r.if.i9.r'ie!N, Stone Wanted. Waterloo, flint. 0. mm m box In. 1',h,t,',,t?; FOR SALE. M. L JANZEN. :,..r:.i,i,i',i,i.'ifllil y:iiyiiG BERLIN. Git" tthits Grades G.. ' BERLIN. BERLIN.

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