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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 May 1903, p. 6

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_ -1Pt'1"tf'CP"te" t'iitsi3lrFie?trPet?fyt “OW'O‘ 'us-tat-et-hs 'r-tm-o'"-"." "iii-ee-tmu-ht .QMt‘Iauo-u th. Jun-ohm: Thom“ Wu,mm.wmuwm “at“ mumm- ol the new“ jun-yum” the building ot g “b - II “I - W“"' “I tum-Ct. " In“! ‘50 W" m o! than" in an”. " a M‘ to the mud. The m at an Gandhi P-cinc ml- W. m tho "Oreat Lon. Land" in! " “but. whieA Wraith: . tM.tret" 5 uym M ”moment. It. “than: ot an Cum-Alh- thallium in: been nu ' a-', ct an unruly he sumac. Twenty your! ego there van not enough gran ' in the Northwest tor the lo- en! amend. It the vuther and with! nto u lnroreble u usun.’ it in stun-tell that the Camdian North.“ will pour 100,000,000 ot bushels ot when on the markets of the world in 1005. The country pro- posed to he opened up by the Gum: Trunk Phone, Although in places hundreds ot milee north ot the C. P, R , was it possible, the element: ot “one" in 3 higher degree then the We lend elong the Canadian Peo- lk. lumen: ot ncrrs ot fertile eg- rlalltnrnl land, Iecoml to none on earth, lien dong the proposed route of this new road. From North Bay to Winnipeg there its very little ile- Itnhle ngrloultnrnl land along the line ot the C. P. R. and the timber is not ot much velue, in not. barring the. minerals, there is, corruurativety spe9ing, nothing ot saiue, but along the route of the G. T. P. there an that Inethtlble quantities ot timber and minerals as well as tarar ing lends. The construction of this teed will be ot inctrleuiable beeeftt: to every one in the Dominion and es- pecially to the manufacturing pro- vlneel. The older parts at the prre vlnoe of Ontario are past the stage ot granting subsidies to railways Ilnce the country is all settled. The principle, however, of granting sun Ildiel to nilwnyl which are being built for the development of new ter- ritories my be Justifiable, but the but! grab a e easily to nun". to allay: ts m5 and What he followed by my government. The results ot the pernicious system oi land! grant: an e Inheidy to railway: has been MI in the million. cl mu stated by the Dominion Gov- emmt to the C. P. R. Altamira sections ot the best land along the li- thtouh the Northwest Territor- I. h" be. In]; for reais, the rerteHr of the c. P. R. m: while the indultrioul settler has by km:- ity and hard work born improving his had, he bl maimed the valu- ot the idle "eMttgts lying adjacent to his own land without the owners oub “it . hand to it. The 0. P. R, fa r made dunno- of dollul out ot the W in ulna or their lath, without our wading one cent in the improvement ot the property. Manuel”. of the Gum! Trunk PM project are now Asking the Pertfarrrettt of Cumin tor nil In the mm; ot the road. " If n In mm; ot the greatest ttB- - ‘mm there would be no ohm to m grunting ol sub- MLI dd by the Govern-neat It otuxm. V mun-II”- ARGENTINE CATTLE An Arm than" loaded with eattte in Inked " Cupe Ton from Bunc- Arms with an toot and mouth than rampant at bowl About 1000 than u! 350 can: In "atted " t com-queues M- rim port. as expected to be cloud " v ill I a to Arman stock. There u every ptohbl'uy an Ar-tine smock In" t M u l s I 0 N to prohibited trom British Porta a 'oo-er-rt-trat-e' ' the an.» hm "ritted. saw“ MI Emulsion, u the on m a. who! Canadian a» mean- d life and of the en- uo will m - am MW joyment of 1lteot thousands of mmumm‘ mum. iien,wommtandehilder- I“ m grtit b. extended to my To the men Septt's Emu]. "qiotr-trtokis"tietad mum,“ . mm and . COW I”. nevenhelm. " '2lulj'T “ecu-“1' 1fv"ll'lx'Ul"JlC'd"'iCi'ii'a"au"e,','Xt",',',', 'tgt,'itt mums-mm». m repuiri aim Ion-am a": crew l 'e'tf"e' 2r,'dhtlflhUl". - . mm-mkhdllcm with . contagiou- than. neverthelm. " uvmummotcmcum- mwxummb. on» ”III-WI... vim-tonic: in pt In the Ihbla In. tstt,tnmaart-t-tteartr “i minimnlhm'dad lot “ninth-mud?- " "nu-u" :7 _..ti'rttli. "nt'trt6m1b1 in was: coma It“ “I'MVNB Uh unique-In am- in It!“ Mama “ton-it” ie.itis 0- human BARRED *vmuwolm in! usual-thym- Mim- asia-ur-rib- “WMOIIMMVW hung-u. m a. an“ bas www.mumu mun ‘viuhb'uu’tu “a. “min“.cllbw- teen a. Club Ochoa-n yum-1min. 00mm. III-1whi "otoetsinChieaer. Sinn- New). “trauma. is the “that ot " uncle in Mlm‘: Wu (or Mar, in Vin be en- davon to than!“ has“ the and ot m world. He holds that all “ho-tibial! villeouto " emtantur-tt_ttneotNiott its “on on: Ill- and I duh stag. The dste ot the M In [and ION "can die! the iunt nun-dill - Mothers ell over the Dominion will be spend my en unions hour ii they will elven keep at hand a box of Behy’s Own Tehlete end an them to their little one- u the occasion may require. Theme Tehletl hue sated thauundn at little baby live. and grateful moths! everywhere ack- nowledge the good they hue done their little ones. In. E. J Me?“- lend, Wylie, Ont... wriua:-"I cannot praise Bnhy'e Own Tehlete enough. When I got them my baby girl we: new bad with whooping cough and cutting her teeth besides. With both these troubles st the name tune, she was in n very bad way end slept but little either day or night After the second dose of the Tatrleta I loud there we! elreedy a change tor the better. She slept well dur- ing the day end nearly all night and tth In n great reliel to me, u I was neuly vorn out losing so much rest " night. She cried almost tn- eeluntly More I begin giving her the Tehlete but in a short time the cough ceased. the out SIX teeth. grew cheerful and began to gain wonderfully. In bet, I believe I owe her life to Bnby's mm Tnblets, as 1 do not think nhe wouldhnve null led through had it not been tor them. I can recommend the Tablets to any mother who has I cross. lretlul, sickly child. These Tablets will cure ail the minor uilments ot little ones; the» are guaranteed to contain no opiate. and can be given with advantage to the youngest and most delicate child. Sold by .11 hugging or sent " mail at Me s box, by writing to the Dr. William. Medicine Co., uroek- un- (it Baton Ferguson, J. (At Toronto.) Peterson v. Linden. - w.. M. Doug- lass, K. C., and J. A. How“. Ouch» for puintilt, m_oyel|_10_r tee.' J. E. Jones, to: mu, - leave to appeal from certiihtt. of lacs! Mute: u to costs. Judgment uglinst defendant Linden tor 858.33 1nd for cost: of action 1nd reference l SNIPS both adamant!» American Cotton Exchungc F. Hott- mu: - Judging“ wu given by Jus- tice Mela-hon n 1Mgootu-Hau, Tor- onto, an WM! In Minn tried n Static“ a no uslm 1aat week brought to recover $866.84, the price of certain yum sold and delivered, md counter-tuint tor breach ot con- tract in not supplying some ot the yarn of the colon ordered. Judg- meat tor ptsintiM, tor $810.50. nth interests out com. Counterclum dismissed iithout costs. E. Sidney Smith, K. c., 3nd J. Steele, Shut.- ford, for pigtails. IP. o. Meptter- Aon, K. C., tor Manda“. St. Cuthuinel’ ratepayers wo thorny you: on n try-Nr to numb.” the pa plat ot thfcity. Thornbury lteellolden will vote on . lay-luv to grant l $1.000 all A $8,000 ion to thy, Sin G_uolin Co. Com w W - -- --r__-'-' it a mm So am My unb- an in Student Public sdlooll with n Minimum salary M $200. mm a " I] l S I " [,i,i,l',i,.r.i.."....'.'..r....'..,i.j'i.. For mGen Scott’s Emul. "'msdoe.thieandntote. his a moat “Mani food and tul'ft,n'1TlSll'd"lot'ft ,menent-tirbettr. . To away. Emu}; aim . m tieutaA'lr'di'lth'g,t bu BABY'S HEALTH LOCAL - LEGAL Court mic against htre skit ' "" In. and“ a 0. :1 I.” P. J. V I an. an an no. w:- iBettaded In a. mm cu m at soul mt and w " mmua and may but)“ jun but nab during the you. This aatiatantorr common. .% to doubt, handy date to an - un- in the tannin“ by tho rite- - ol the you”; The In). a! - "mitted to hospital dub; a. nu 1m 20.- 838 ad a. and “an: "and can“ "" VII ”.118. The "Venue ot btaNtats hon d! m. exclud- In; covenant grub to 581.585.- wot a. w_mot bio-vital. mounted to $110,000. The ttttal and“ tor mu:- tum ol hunt-ll wu "N MIJI, a “any out pee patient per dar ot $0.884g. _ . - . The "port ot the Bulls - Waterloo Hospital. the am Hound. the Berlin Orphans um the st. Ag- nth: Orphanage m " [allow]. BERLIN AND Je"Woo HOSPITAL. Monoun- at Plum“. Number under treatment trom m ot October, 1001 Admitted -... ...... .... Births in Haspital ...... Total number under "(Murat tso Dischuged ...... ...... ...... ...... ... r" Undo: name. 30th September 1902 ...... ......... _........ ...... ...... " Male ... Fannie Typhoid lever ...... .. Typhns lover...... .-.. Pmpenl lava ...... Cerebro uplul [out Diphtheris ...... ...... 155 The (allowing table gives a sun:- mu'y ot certain we: trotted in the Berlin - Waterloo Hospital during the yen: Baum. From the province ot Ort- tuio ...... ...... .._... ...... ...8 818 " From the Town ot Berlin...l.0‘;0 oo Prom the County of Wuterloolpoo 00 From the Town ot Waterloo 800 00 From puma tor maintenance and treatment "S" ...... ... [.764 ttT From endowments, ineetit- menu, ete., ...... ..Fr.. ......... " " From tstsueriptiotu, donnionl and bequest- trom printe individual. ...... .m. ... ... ...... 15 00 From other source- ...... ... ... 731 03 Tu and codes ...... ...... ... Groceries and provilionl not Drugs ma Medicine ...... ... Medical (ad margical qplian- Expenditures 3mm In.“ ...... ...... Beer, wine mud upims ......... Bedding. upcry “It! sew-l hounelumhhinp ... ... ... Brooms, brushes, mops, sup nnd cleaning topliarteea ... Light, gu. oil ad Candies Ice supply ......... ..r.e...r ...._ same. uni - ...... ..t Tun ad Mum ...... ..' Cont1ttgeneUrt . ' __. Repairs, ordinary .r....'.. ... Tom .......r. ...b..... ... ...... "Po" Government grunt 10:11.00! ... $5“ 10 GALT HOSPITAL, OALT. The [allowing mumm- nhow the apex-um of an. heapihl dut- ing the 'tlBttUl 7m: louln-tl o! PING“. Numb-t - human m Oo- totter, 1.01 ......... Admitted .....w... ....r Births In Hanna Tout nun": Index "th an Under “'0“:an mu Squa- Tho [allowing table 31v. . lum- muy at on“ dun-I uatd In a. ttatt Hound. Och. (an; "a 0805(0th ha- “. mucu- iiiiaiiiiiriiiiW," 2/,nr't/ggty"ttr"gd2,'g" m ........ m ..er.. ...... " sun J. J. mumson out": a m tn “unfunded. mm.» J.B.RtmL, ' my,“ scan Co..- l'n-tbconvd 'tmlm' Ion. pond,“ . m." WWII-II..- sunbeam, --trrtp-tMyret, mm _ uln- ......... ... ...... ....r.. "1...!“ one. “any” . [up was. ‘mmm 'Amummuumammmmmm mime! m “gummy. aeryktt Cow-m was: ...... ...... '..... “with 'ND on,“ Pit'tet,f u. , V In. . manna-um... mum-unit: ”will!“ Ac _ “W, Total while, tho -0arernmeat um meal No. ot wu treated. ..... ...... " trir. a ma $0,210 " .. 37 so . m " an so me n 60 00 1,355 a .. n " . m " ...m so 333125 _ 1M 00 , 108 " U 2 " . 2345 .341 18 MO 03 " 38 185 " M 00 d l 13’ " " " an MI 199 MI Mr.“ ft..'..'. ".1: 065d. Ge new“ rt an”... Hanan ... T In“. - - Tirkaii Brooms, W. 'ep, - Af a“ -rr Uriiue" ...... ... Tau-ad I .. . ... ... ... - .. ghSld puma. new 80hr!- AI inge- Tuu ad but” Cetttittgerteie, m. on” .. now". want! mu .._._. ..r... ... ... ..-.. was": Government ad tor 4m ... 668 " BERLIN ORPHANAOE, DEBBIE. The (allowing oustmariq Ihow the We" ot this mm during tho In reddening am. September ma ............ ...r.. ... ... ......... 7 lament- u Inn-MI. In mid.“ October Ist, nos... " Total number at Imam- Died ...L.., Male ._. Funds Beriiis-..-.: ...... ...... ...... Other math: in Ontario " The revenue ot the home, including the Gavel-Imam grant, was $806 N, and the 'rxPenditttrtt' 'rtrtr8ftrHt. -doGiGGit" aid tor mg, $T8.44 ST. AGATHA ORPHAN ASYLUM, BT. AGATHA. The following luminance - the opentlolu at this Asylum during the _ _ llovemwu ot 1mm. In mum m Octobax. m1. Total number ot Inmates ......... Dimmer! ......... ...... ...... ......... In residence Mth September. City ot Guelph ...... . County of therloo other Counties ........ other countries ...... The revenue at the Asylum was ",826.67, including the Govemmmt can of $581.08, um the upendituxe $2,887.“. Fannie. ship at woox'wtch met a St. Jacobs “the 6th day at May, 1003. pursu- at to “imminent. from hut. Mt the member! present; the by elFir. ._ More ‘proceedln; to business me Been read the [allow-5 resolution of tttttgdttttgte6:-. ' W. the when ot the Woolwich Town-hip Comm] do hereby mu: to an." out plum. Input” to we widow and may at the late trul- uxar. Mt. J... Snyder. of m lot: tttey hue untamed through " death, which manned ”Judah: - mill. III-nan mun Iv I‘l'uu-I’a We think u no “to thumb; um‘ til the when ot the Council dun In: the pun mum you: hue (and him panama! o! s vet] unable di-itiort, M VI! um» u tho letter in alt " bill-III cautiou- Ind mm mm of m .e8tHN Tow-up. In M hue Ion; lied. Jun tth m “any as ennui-r7 ‘m In my m, " than "a In with. rertaasitte to «as wel- l-nd mTownhlp an nun-m hatching-l an d'mldm My m premium 'i?,t,ri,t'2t) Apart Irmmmhwlll pttaaFl, lyhns-dihmtby -c'or- a,--tyetrt ”but Minion» an urea-Ion taahttrin%ttrsad “a. "iiTi'iiiuttsNrrstptwn.e,. u m JMhih'l‘ovulllp 0.100!- m. can In any at by. All. comment Bid to: 1902, 3mm The Municipal Council ot tht Towp- Phoe- "mitted from Phoe- admitted from WOOLWICH COUNCIL JAKE! norm-31m ADAM lA'I'l’USCH, tMtAM0tt KOCH. J. J. WILKINSON. J. B. m. nguti-iu l. 168 01 - “1 " " E?, . l Cu \‘k‘f . "" ....4t " 1051 " , u " J“ " Mt a .11 " M“ mu SO“. " Ut I“. " " N " " " " " 21 " 37 54 70 Cl Township Muutiq [due ot Jam Snyder, W, .1": read a iimt, second up! third lime and fault The Cloth was Wm to order tsit copies at m Local Baud at Health Aet [or the use ot we mam- bers of the been Baud ot Hum Mr. Brodhecket and “but Hass, unwell below the cotmeirnshing (at ter', to Me down um hill at, the d FEE. Amalie.“ I tot the once ot Talm- strip Treasurer were received from ttat léllowing partie.:--. C. B. Wallet. Addison B. Snyder. ml William Mahala. Addison B. Sum: was :91“an Township Trauma: in :1le ot Jesse Snyder, decanted, " I yum minty ot. $100, Mr. Bernhard Schmuck wan ap- poiuted Pith - In Road Dim ion No. " In pm of Geo. Keller, ud A. K. Snyder in dlviniim No. " In place ot Menu Lichty. The whole council was appointed a committee to In the Sand Hill men. tioned " Bury Brodhecker and Al- but Han. Also bridge at Shaun's road amt other bridges in the Town- ship. We tbt undersigned drunk“ u: (ully prepared to give the knowing gunrulu‘c with - 50 out bottle ot Dr. PeiurtgriWs kidmrr-Wort'Nb- lets, the only remedy in the world than positzvely cure: All troubles aris- lnx tram west or Inland kidnap-.- "Bonny “tinny returned u the master b not "its!“ and improved an" we ot on bank. The. bo six bottles deck “Milling ad pct- mMm: cum. " am relieved ad "stred, you It!“ no money." i A. J. R005, Waterloo. L K. M. DEVITT, Waterloo. l GUARANTEED DUKE For M Forms of may Dismal SUCCESS " WATERLOO COUN- TY BOYS. eoeetty or Idaho, tun: out chat-I new. banana my ot the moss} excellent kind ll maven by the K but apart: that Inc can. trom '.. Master mummy. Toma). Among My: clam ". [out boyl from W.- ‘mloo county. Eula is occupying . plum ot “It!” and“. J. Hubert Cannon. Ion of J.K. Cram. M out. in but am- tut In " new“! nu alumnus. In speck! English " took Qua-ohm. Manon, in Luna. 3-: elm, in French Results That Astonish!) Relatives and Frionds. “in tgarttamStatttold, I View otAnaernla, 1mm Circulation and DIM is Cured by utt-tttittturittsastatr- ”In; “as?“ an My Mid p. um ___ . may Atm' Thd blurb: Bo $1.3m a. Iamcm-muunyum w". in with. duct- ttt M «not: “as. Poor blood In my no“ man, mum-m. sungla- m 'att-ate" n- all we... win tPt bacon victim d I“ th" u! 1'2te,'ttaia'.ed,tfdt't'MJgtS1'2gttet"tt, 'g,edt'hhgtd=lW! h-d.--siartees “haunted ma tubucByI-dcnhnhanmid- A. ' a . ,.a.racedhetreutaty-6..thtr.frvti_hyasde-rqho.V “a.“ return than to an and min the follovb' - 'r. . 4 $50.00 for the Fifty-um ”on _ l 1% PAINE’S BELERY COMPOUND We 1gtTd,tida't,gr'dte't,tt",,tPgttettte -ttstiuti-tt.a. " ssft,1i?itt?i,h'e'a'ta' lchuhunpnln 1ttrrg'Pa"he'ta"'d'lraaj " " - 757.. _ nod and a an " nun» mm. rim a: not , f . to! tho - M . . f,P,'h2%'t,,12rl piece- but In" but mind and th.Ndee. “Med- "res" 55-00 And a pair ot 'tttHt 31rd: Titan fsr each 11 ch. sixteen no. In em um momma“? the gortd oil lib. It.” am." an of Dunlap tt.tigtrrt ”that In]: hr not ' e, g . a! the 10-06mm _ Thacwmtvmylmtrmdrflcndxhnm when“. weotgietm,goitaeiattd J. ".3. -5 D....'., C-...’..: “it cr tc'.: (33%“: reetr" 'r"'tr 14mm?" Minion. 31.00 for not U-"ll ”on 7 Of the one [imam Ive-cent pieces not"! in In" been uturuod. We mu pay ttaio for each of the ninety-In low In cirulation. _ 'ftge', {lites 'ltd ht" and Pneumuic Cuttings Tim'lubbu' Mate and Mating. mm»: 110*; u r DISC! oe a I . a LOOK FOR THE DUNLOP TRADE MARK Dunlap ‘1 THE DUNLOP TIRE COMPANY. 1"m'ED, TORONTO. Bunch Duo" " Ito-mu. a an. ‘mmuanmvc. If YOU WANT THE BEST hnmtiillt0llothiing _,'i, Baud: who In In!“ on! "made put-mm. Worthy mzterlnlr, thorough- ly angle, usual-stared u “not Inch m a healthy, romping trnts alone sin alvé. 9011' C'. 60 two plea "tit. In dark gray pin check, dommlo tweed, 'ta" plat-d but cud front, calm do.“ a tttmat, in“ puma, um ararerar mum lined, we um mum-92mg: eon-aw _. " , x " unoc. pint! ulna u"N"rtre" - an in! www- _ a Bore a pm- 'tsito, 'iirii'ua" Now-m mic, made of all ma imported and damn-tie "can. on! - with yoke and box pleats back and front, with belt. good man lining. in. you, lined ttumtgtttstt', um w ll undo, an tt,ittr,gtr,gr,18-a"64rto8tM11. -- -- _ l", u,za.zo,'u, AtHoq.MFFhoV. , , Bore 3 pleas all. to It boy- 8 h Il', - 016,23 Can-dim Ind Impound Tweed- in annual M chalk nu pawns. made in dual. bnuud name. not, good mum lining, and. - "a with or villains can". [no mum, Mod throughout, I.“ Ind. and who! Mina, use. M, 27, 28, 20, 30, SI, " and 33, worth 4.60 to IMO, an!” n 3.25 b 03.93. _ and clan, tn mam-Mu, nu! phi-ha lat elm, in chaining, lat elm. in logic, Cttt clan. in play-sown In class And In and“ history In. clasl. Mr. Canton. has you “out ttrqt in hi: you, this you he an“ second. a rem-dub“ showing when his indispoumon of last wlnm Jo considered. . Among tho mu- u Elm A. Browne. B. A., Te, at Hamlet. q pupil of the GAR. Colwul mu, m. ‘lrJP. H. PMMM; pupil»! PM”! ”not. of View“ [tuned mecca-hm m ”gaudy” In KIN G STREET aria. A motion to - the Bull Tee phou Co. a “at year Moe um Mend " an Ora-civill- Tm can“ Mr "on“. not. no. ”a and} watery blood at him dmhw ”all taraiatrtfeted 'tith mu. M- a: m docto- had done gum: 3sotrtddoftte-,rqm.-rthot wig-mummy: “woman, and my - haunt mm “on in" m. Amithbte “it“ Et no” b in" a In. Pam's our-r1099! ”mi?!“ tMdeeo.db.tt3.,mrqeetiu m tettee,ttiteat_estmtd- mmamhunmnmm J2e,dygef"ddt,,fr,'rtt'"' coin-I mil-Iv“. n ... Maud. Today 'rrr,1hr,'Tuiirii"ltl an“ I“ rpm-murmur.» n smug-ulnmn-om S. SAUDER & CO., The Twin-City's Beat Clothier. Fijian“ ' " "iitiiiikiitihtoT." “in” bwhmunm mama-usu- “bombs-dub!!!“ shun-gum“ m!.¢.uuuu.nn. . V t to ”and Ornament“ Fence moan.um mmmm] other I no (ilE'llil'itMire.%'ld't'rr2E b “in - hm I Ind m “I " Jon. 'IIIU'IA on. Baum ". Inch] commutes Appointed by We Canon to could“ street I’m clan. momma-M an ther "as" ent, A "-2.3. t dt In a. ' out A J,t/,'ttiA'lt,'j,t,tl) .. Lt', I . [hit nah! at (“I I m. ' 'rhi-,jli-,',?s.iit" A null an.“ In New York :'?,,t'o%h%"g,ttdftt"d'/,t um: Hun-onus». dar'y m HUII\"‘! “W" ililililiitllth'itiielrh"i'ii. P W 311m “.mrmn. “I. mm mm mama. --.rrTae._t't. Much-ti BERLIN In!

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