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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 May 1903, p. 2

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g V I rst" , um ihe eon- l ”in”. itt uo can: It " Mh , rented“.- cane and the " ‘ w.'. I“ Adjourned lint-fl ligll A My when arrgtmtmtt by the FA 1111 he um. -_mpst “I Commllllon wlll be able it" pg- out or the mm ot comm-$- , , "it'- “ducal we do not know "pf "' mu m that a. one M6! rrV ~ “can for the purpose at m up which the Enquiry was . ‘ - Htel is to remain unsolved. It "' Dunbar tor Manitoulin received .1 , my. the people at the pro- ;: Vila want to know where it came tret and they will not rent satiMied Ii@t ' - wort bu been mug to % “be money to its source. With- E b.9 It question disposed ot the “KID-halal will prove but an alum '/'tNhe attsir, in which some 53‘ ot the principafs deliberately I - himself, and one :i, . which will breed bitterness Cet,"'""' we two political parties In gimme And on the busting: tor ft' “In to come. Nance, "Mr. Fielding complams, not mth- out a pudonnnle trace m blueruess, ttat the one" ot a. preluenmal tteat- ml. tor 1tritiatt goods on the pan. ttd Oman have been Heated by the lathe: Country as having little more than a. sentunental uncrest. He mm, and we enurely agree wan hm, that they have a suhsmuu mm. but. Juan] L.» ttu'stttitMN1 a 3 mm at Lam mumman mun; statement upon Hus plant. He give 0mm “ensues, [having that between no] and Iswi, More the tdoptxon oi the ”new, m “pond on the bu..eu kingdom . Canada were new.” dechzuna. They went down trom lulty'Lhe mn- he: dam: to under may muuuns, all it In a. noteworthy pout. than " m - the upon” ot easy- “ - moved m lumpnthy wan - - ot t1utubble goods, Lhough not quite to the same when. iuus in live you- under prtuc-catual treat- mt, out upon. to tundd‘ gamed All that they had lost. In hen years ot continual“ deck». Ann only)» to not“: an gunman u m the summ- ul vuuo ot the IKCLHLLIIL gm: by 081.2..A, notwithstanding the peraise I. “and “serum... at me Ger- nnn pull um our Mane has not “it“. while the Gamma exports lave gone on increasing. At the Col- olinl Gallium Canada olfeted to go mrther in the “me direction, but we qshtror trom Mr. Fielding that her mttem In tttill uniting serious timo- ment. H. in willing to me u- lna“ to: up AW ol w. Chan» km in South Africa, which in-l deed New.“ home to us how much vi no In debt tor the thriving pow- er at government. Stun it in n'mn an the Canadian Government does not think iuelt handsomely treated In this mutter, And Mr. Molding xe- mh an if the mother country but!!! cannot an any but B untu- p-m “but" In Cmdain proou at ”will. Illa mt complsin I! L'aue - than“ at vary or Menu; (looked Mar. ) _ mam Bu domes cram for In“; Molly nabbed I lawyer who with mining him More the lime. Cm Commit-Ion bot the opportunity to Irma one ot Moon to uni. an; “an. "In gho- will!“ In the contact" " hm ' "an would the, au- nt to you t " “I “no to nun: that question ion-o n k moi-It. There in “In In on, mount I In": em a that mk- mo my annual . gturtt mm no u being no , - coho use out: a! in!" F to. no on! o plum or 5 g n Pr" m." 1'th1. Wynn tte “unacknow- “in. -t,trdmtsitiredoerthtt" qhitiA,rrt-utie.,rutte""u. Dar-mm runaways!- guvqumulpt Iva-00 Mllhvu triv- tlonudm WI. . tmtMtN. . N _ Jfv,trlNtlf/'t."'itl _ IrqitMthtMtfo - .iiisr-tr""t'"f2"tftt .p-I-IWu-“uh gituog_"'B. GENTLE!“ LAR YEBS Su,,',':,',').',.',?'.'.])','. t - _ tqtrr"""tt,efete ii!) at. noun COME new wan-n. MIMI-chi a.i25 nit "a w t'iitu2u,aLvdllll'h' G'ri"iiaiFiu-tueBe. trsrtrhtert--dtto.not'He he aatgtBetiemeift" Htel-ttere t: = wa' h N _ T, "t M _ u " m. ' the up I. an“ ”I?- ttrf, on.” the T/ttlt tr' t'fltatAt2'r. T"d a he not have. use hid-d in ‘1. [I he 'emtham Unit a an“, we “Ll! “he will lot “we“! Illicit e look-in. ,Thnt town in Al” I heevy shipper. n wattta a competing line; its tutu-re n e unnu- (“luring cum depends hugely upon in umpomtion terminal By doub- ling than it will melanin iU pop- ulorily in an eye: oi tmuttttacoaers, but it it rate content with its Wr- not decommodntione the day will come when it any lose both co'm‘try undo And "tabliahed induslriee. Tht' [other my be bronchi tbolt by the oomtnictlon ot A line to the Welles- ley district from either Guelph or strntlord. inn tenure ui we sa- utlm should Also keenly interest. Berlin and hetweai the two . men: should be :dopted to fully realize on the apportuniiiee at hand. As we have before remixed, a competing ‘line ot nilwey we: never in Oninrio "rlUred for so momma a price as ‘the tigure given Berlin and Waterloo. Bound up in the connection ere futil- mee tor the handling in factory and mill yum of muuluctured goods and bulky nw materiel which pos- sesses n vulue beyond e law thousand dollars of municile revenues, Have Berlin uid Waterloo dwidud to rest on their on: , . ELMIRA OLD BOYS REUNION EDRANS VILLAGE IN DANGER. Prdrk Fires in Manitou-Th- Home: Burned. Winnipeg, May T---Thelittle vil- hgo of Edam, on the McGregor branch. wan partially destroyed br fire. the result of prairie fires, which had unread to the edge a? the villain. A relief tram hat you. on the = That houses were do nun and. to his: - counmncss Af MONTREAL. unlock and Prefonuine Meeting the l Striker; Montreul. May 8.--Sir William M. l lock, Minister of Labor, and Pe Raymond Pr.iontaiae, Miniatu- o4 Marine and Fished". mind hare been Ottawa yesterday to let u in- termedinriea between the shipper' m4 striking 'tongshoremert. Mr. J. G. O'Neil, leader of the strikers, had 4 ready been to the capital, so the re- pre-tive, of the Government were informed " to the stand taken by the men. The, first received a depuution representing the city’n interest. com- posed of the Mayor and the Presidents oi the Board of Trade, Chamber of Commeroe Ind Harbor Commission- ers. The deputation asked to have re- q,tg troops sent to Montreal, but Sir illiun exalained that the course to rune. a indicated In the law, we: or the district othcer in command to m from time to time from the nylon- regiments in bi: military dir- met. The matter was reglly one to be dank with by the inunietpal “thor- ities, from which the DOC should receive his_ orders, _ _ At to o'clock I cttmtrtittee remnant- in; the winner! held a coritere- with the Min an. which lasted nur- tfad',",',',',:, hr,',',',':'.',",', 'ge, m on arm w on“ to wen the: necked. but JI' t.'"N In!“ any about two minutes. . two Minister- held I brief consultation, Ind " midnight Sir William and. the (ol- lowing “than! ..--"We have .6. eertain ml: to the committee d shi-ei, and the; In to ”bunk than to . men! who. co~mow non- g “in ”my y ot ttteit dubio- Tie-7'11" iihjeti, __ at am. pond: 'tft, the; or um?" 'ietg't'h'tt'Nr, the mod to numb I “1331:: m." - " the town, Mh%'ilii- "its; Might-healed“ 'taiaoitt-t-iar'thoalb m cm ”and". mu tut but Man. and Sir Chub. ”WWW and GM I‘M were pram: to at coaaiaciii- the Hannah Committee s Riven-Whoa Appeal In its Support. PhPdif't thwWilg-n m du- o.htl- addressing un- IMOI. Md aid y-.."' in: tbe has?! to be)". My beam the H which I _ttioy.the Committee ha been pro-mod and Introduced upon the u- Tmqibititr,_tsrsd.er she. ssroautrtt.tin ttt Ewan-ii may; at 'taiti,fi's'iih'tii.l'ilii')trt,if,tl, u and, r. _ " a'/t. entirely " “1:23!“ 'dt, the committee to never any items- uton'ea uh‘seh my be addressed to in wheatheelaamolthehilleome tube eeidetq_s.ettttt.eoTa.e tot. but in the meantime I should like to "an in general terms to the com- mittee that the objects of the Grand Trunk Company have been in Intro- dnch‘ this bill. I think " " quite un- neceaaaary for me to dwell upon the necessities oi the Territories of the Northwest. The hon. gentleman who has just addressed you has very clearly and simply stated what those require- mta are. A/cry has gone up through- out the Territories oi the Northwest an to the abeolute and indispensable ne- ceuity for rapidly and vigorously tn- troducinq increased railway facilities gran a very large scale in than: great erritoriea. That having been the case, it naturally became the duty of the Grand Trunk Railway, which occupies loch a large space in the railway world of Carafe. to consider what its course might b in the premises. It seems to me. and I think it must be clear to any peraon who knows the situation in Canada and the Grand Trunk Railway, that there is no possibility of any other torporation presenting itself with such natural advantages as appertain to the G.T.R. for carrying out an enterprise of this sort. Whether you consider its geographical position, its matmiti- :ent road, extending for thousands of miles through the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, its magnificent equipment, it: fine terminals, its valuable‘ connec- tiont in all directions, you will see that we have all the elements of strength which you could not secure, I think, in any other direction or by any other tombinations. That being the case, the directors and management of the G.T. R. naturally considered whether h was not a necessity in their own interest, but also. I am quite safe in saying, a duty which they owe to the Dominion of Canada, that they should enter upon this field of enterprise, and whether they should not undertake the exten- tion of their road to the northwest. They arrived at the decision that thin thould be done, and that it was aurood work and should be carried through. Mr. Fowler-Would you have any obiection to hae.ng placed in your charter a clause that all the Canadian ttoiness---that is. all freight offering throughout the Canadian rmttc--wilt 53.13an to tlie- Ftiititti..? termm in the winter. that is. to S.t. John or Haifa. b1 thcIntersstlouial? On May and, the following delegates‘ not at the Del Monte, Preston; - Cult, Kenn Johnston and Dorschell, Berlin, [an Cochnne and Schilling Preston, Hessrs James ma lions, Hespeler, Messrs. Boyoton and Flog; for the purpose ot organizing a. Wat- erloo County Baseball League. G'. M. James acted gs chairman and was subsequently elected as Presi- dent and Secretary Treasurer of the League. The lollowing executive committee wu elected to act with the President} vlz: Berlin, Geo. ling- lert; Cult, A. Johnston; Hespeler, G. E Flegg; Preston, P. O'Rourke. The relieving rdiea will govern the League: _ A _ .. - I That players must be signed and maximum! More playing league LUThnt plnyer: must be residents of the town for which they Olav. 2. That players must be signed by June lat " That the respective managers mutt produce eerutieates on demand. or lorleit the gone. - _ _ Berlin will Se ullowed to MAY An- dy Reid and Benny Beyley of Water- loo, Ont, The registration fee tor earn play- er will be 10 can: and that this money be “unable tor Inc-century ex- pemeu or the B-tary Treuurcr. . The mom. wu the schedule " opUd: _ _ _ Aa Preaton--Jtu" M, July 11, Aug. I5. Heapeler-Jums 13. July M, Aug, ti. Berlin - June M, July I, (two 33mm.) _ A _ Iulb-8uy as, June " August. I. Hupelublny M, B. m., June to, July I, p. In. - A - _ _ tult--tur M. July 4, August 22. Pram-In II, p. 111.. July l, a. In. July M. in“: Jun I, July u, August. l. At an. MWI,I’..JW13. Pram - my ID. Jun 18, July t. tk-ter-Mir It. Jun tt, An. W, and m lulu-y map-noel W 8mm My. Swing cl u new nation the "mom, Sir Chm- Rival Ill-u. "gene-l a - Iun is any. scum-rt "It 0- ud - no. men with m in .hetenr. m by III lulu- LII-um on a. up. on up WATERLOO COUNTY LE Al l U 'r 1'50”“th morphis- uihhmmmmhn “with Ids-d. heath. 'ttarte-th iGiiiruirr M, August 8, August At HUN" At Preston At Gut _ mail-WW t bio-union Wad-1' 'tt to he ”tn-em. and m a.“ In. Hm to - _ I ma I". than: no“... ht m ei I would' to N '0 Lflt 'aglSh, fin a a”. luun u "an. the upon-ta. to. Canadian pom of nll you“ "mtirttg in Canadian point». I um “i til"- whether he think: I up . too far. -ti r" iffm" ion b Mr. Gul- macaw: Rivers-din” said " not be responsible for It" - Warmth: thought he had w dutime that this (mum; gnu _ ”on the rcsponubllicy nail" the stronsorshit' of the yard trunk 1taihrar, _ In rally to . further question, who- ther. II the chute! is granted. the aqua-v would be ready to so “and with this mice: without my boom. w“. replied that his my": 't-arilv be oi an uric-rum chum, The Question of up” and mean for carrying out thit nut manna Ir Inez-null, " 4:90.11 an put. n he could not (we. a hint. Antwan for ICBSODI winch would calmer"! themselves to the consume. As mph to Mr. Tarte Mr. Rats and the way would be mum-ed to eorstmeneeaNrttdttttr the road Irom Une- beeto North Bay as soon " the sur- ge}: 'ere. cog-915mg, ay) inureply P. Liam-Colonel Rushes Mr. Hus said he mouth he had made it clear that the nor of construction would be commenced where the neccuhies were the greatest, and that it would not be commenced in any one particular spot. but in halt n dozen or even a dozen places, and rushed to completion in the thonen’pstble time. This fut.- mggt apptie to the whole line. ment '4e,Cg' the whole line. Mr. a a cut on to say that the commit“, Mine survcy parties be- :ween hinge; and North Bay, and they were going to push that part ot the work, because they knew the peo- ple_in the west vaunted an outlet tor their grain. with all the energy end resources' of the Grand Trunk. He had been asked was there set to be " all-Canadian route. ( gar. near.) "Geettiemen," observed Mr. Hers, "without a moment's heel. lation I say it is going to be an all- Canadian route, and the Canadian ports are going to have the. prefer- ence on everything which originates In that part of the line." Continuing, he mid that' the Intereolonial was not Ihie to take one-third of the traffie which the Grand I unk would have for Halifax and St. fohn. and he hop- ed the former would increase its roll- In stock and plant. They had had Iron a thousand to trit.eeet hundred can of dgraln standin. in the Mont. real in s for weeks at a time, with: out t 0 means of diminishing it. Their facilities " Montreal must be doubled It was not a ?nestion oi ports, but of 'ghh'i'Th'gcu,i.tiee/, for handling the ttatfie. " were willing to join the Government in any way neceaurx to do thi.-"to enlaige the arm, as Mr William Van orne ha laid. One o'clock having been reached. the committee adiourned until to-dar without passing the preamble of the bill. NEW HAMBURG AND IN INDUST- RIES. The town ot New Himburg is at‘ present in the midst oi A great boom. Two new industries have been stated in the capital ot Wil-‘ mot township. The Snowball Wes- son Work! at St. George hue been purchased by a strong company and the entire plant moved to New Hara- burg. A new factory has just been completed, which " one ot the most modern in the province. The build- ing is n three-storey structure of white brick ad neuly 200 feet long. The company will give employment to about 100 men. Ttte,old Snuwbal Wagon bu been in use in Ontario ior upward: of hell A century and has lemon been n invorite with the lumen of Western Canada. The other industry in styled the New Hamburg Btu: Works, repre- sented by A very strong company. The compo.” has erected n line three storey brick building that gives em- ployment.“ present to on. but. There is no other town in Ontano y) the some size that bu so meny 'at-) dustrlea " this little town. It tttur; two foundriel. Memer's Felt Works,) two wagon. lectonee, Canada turni- ture lmtory. the bran works and a brewery. The electric "ith system ot the town In of the beat. The plant is owned and opented by Mr. iJuan!» Morley, " expert electrician. This pint ll equipped with a high speed - end I Ron! dynamo. The town he- " no ligat- end LOW ineattdeseent, nearly ell the private dwelling: no name by this plant. Mr. Harley ha “other electric plant in the will-p o! Bella. three miles eat of New 3mm end All in itrst clue order. not at preat this plat In not running, " the prophet- 37:75:!" -tiot ttrn/io was! rho”- pink. I In. dun an.» me one ot no best mm M mun; I ma exodu- we.“ be the cumin»- mat of I a.» and company tor ttte emulation, equipment and Lui- “mound hull hmtovn ad 'Ute in Canada. Emailed Iron any point at - Is he pro- mpt“. of u love at _ Ike-g mule. with in. m ply-Ind chm at in -etereaire" -- m In: you tNt “you. mum'- - II. but: (I no M at 'llh'i1'thit'te','?i,iirii,tihits - at m d I” h In am all no! OI INFLUENGE " GOOD IUSIC I I rl . mat to: , full." at t','iti'sT ttga.. ”dew w' V 1tuePg'fdtlt'gf _ 'u o ‘ swoon-WW» tt8t.1000,erd-$akth. M antennas. It , i'tt'tf at“. Th-r-train. 'liCi'i'liiiiiidis'sqi'it, anthem-aw“ It. mm but: in! " mm about. [hm pox-m mum: 01 mm "T at. at autumn: Laugh“ “iguana-many“ tth't.l.uWt - the iteattaotHr. mevll- my: 'i._t,art4thei_, Nwlywhbormtrom manila it..e-tis W older-(I Mr, Mdt-s'ttiuer9tigtr' . pointed cm of TNohrim 'N ship, to tilt Ch - and the death a If. .m- t.rlq. A ', new». - Ila-“Hall unud A. m_my 'dept sum in the We: ot the log mm as at; “new "no lo the o. P. a “Istanbul-1W” haw "ovtoo-dthotritp-t1t. mac-Wanna” with “It pmmummum .1th tor-mm! “a tuttRet-r.--n ‘1. has» an “one. ottrtemtut din Prate- ovin‘ $0 an “than taken trrtuPa6Nmtrata-rrtMtrtt. inbpnblhgoxullh‘olyodl on “Jestm The Guelph trim at Thu! Cont. purl Into”. owned by Hustl- Muthav and John Adam. m do “toyed by are. with $2,000 In. The mm was on o! Gilchr- old landmarks. The Woolwich Township Council is making u eltort to introduce tis Dominion Herd Law into the Tot" ship. Thu 1 rohibiu tho rtutttittg ot cattle gt a on the tonal. A by-law will in due time be mined to the ntcpayers. Mr. E. Steven. Dominion limpet tor ot Forestry, at Ottawa, stated it. an interview “an In: Department in: tent 1,000,000 young leat mnples am nah elm! to the Northwest this yu-ar end that these would be planted in pieces where they could be used at shelter or wind nukes. A Bicentuury Meeting in honor of the founder ot Methodism, John Ter tey will be held in Trinity Methodlm Church " the, District Meeting on tut evening ot Mar 20th. Addressa er the lite, doctrines md work at mt ley will be deiivered by J. B. Jamie son. of Helpeler. June: Awde, ol Ayr and A. E. Luau, of Waterloo. The [allowing are the deputy mint 1901 mny be looked upon an up!” wardens for Waterloo County: A. 3. ting u: Henge year in whlch nu u. Calvin, Gilt; Alex Fuser. New0ur. u played . part d mu] prom- burg; Philip Grass, Blair; J1me! meme. The total number of claim Hall. Huntsville; karl Hum-us. at math in 1901 was ”.808, ox u Berlin; John Lunn. Galt; Wm. Mew mcteue ot In over 1900. get, St. Jncobs; Tttog. MeMaster, Typhoid lever caused Mo dam: Hespeler; John MchttEe, Arr; Johr at yen against 682 in "on, g do Stnrk, Hespeler; H. M. Whitehead, was: ot182. The immunities of Berlin. mm and towns with public watrs A deemed: from Preston rays: .- supplies " striking, compared val: "The unique sight wns witnessed here places' where well water [I used. A deemed: trom Preston says: .- "The unique sight was witnessed here ot the retairmerehaata or the town all busily engnggd in scraping tht mud on the business section of King Street. The dealer: hare been so pestered witty dust, that the Retail Merchants' Auoclttion decided tt have a bee, in which the members ali participuted. During the past few weeks the iefinite inmate. cheese mum he been the highest Diphtheria “a crow curried all with one exception, ever known in 772 person: has yen competed wtth Canaan. Thirteen out! rer pound for 738 in 1900. In the " eme- tum which cheese has been selling. " an were 312 deaths, end in the” Toron- absolutely unheerd ot price for cheese. to Ind: with IU, while these f1r,xtres About thirty years, Mo priests “I! " show the fewer deem: than in 1900. to 13k cents per pound, but it WM Iruiuettza ceased e death nte of for the best article made. There is :94 in IMI, against 324 in 1900, all a. ready sale and such cheese has ar you in 1899. ready been shipped to the I%glirt. Pyaemie and septic-unis were re market at the prices quoted. sponsible tor 572 deaths. PRESTON JUNIORS SUSPENDED fttn"al2'#dtta."'1r' hw.utm. pu" mums-much” Last Saturday the Pnsbon v. F'. A. Juniors vent to Hupelcr and played the Juniors ot -tttat {on without lumishlng D. Fonyth' ut Berlin, with the necossary alumnus as to the lumen And alga of the plnyers u is called for in the W. P A. regulations. The punishment In this neglect in unspension and the Preston Juniors no counted out un- til the unarm- nro produced. Among ttts will: tummy Med tor protttrte m the toliowing: John Ba- chanm, am, who lave: I lama eq- tate. Dr. J. H. Webb ot Wamloq nnd Helen Watt no the treaeftetarles. Hugh Roan, ot Arr, estate at $33.19. Once Robinson, Wellesley, $318. A. J. Brunt-r. lie-paler. "tate of About 813,000. The state In Mvid- ed‘lmong m widow and children. William KcArthur ot North Dumfries, $15,880. Peter Burger, 8525. lie lived in Berlin. Geo. V. Smetee, (i,'i'i',i, $2,400. AM. Lehman, Berlin 31,057. _ Ott Sundly morning last than: _ oclock Mr. Wm. Suki". n tarmerl who liven “out two mm: northeast at Bloomingdnlo was "otrsed by a. yawn; ot dogs. Ott going to an turn yard he “scoured land may 1:181 in out, direction. Ttto yup In; at the do. mum down I long In- Viki ran: from Mr. ttttl- der‘l but! to " vooh. It. 8-!- derartdta-t$Mtoqrqd and“ a: dog mainly any! In 'rorrrhie the m 'g,"2'g.tlr: lulu than can“ up at - o! “I ' Him- a”. - And otd, had ,eesot9truhdlteter.rt?.rti'f: mocha in“ to than". on "tt in tjs,'i1'1htiv'iriiiir, no" will survive. TI. is" - news“ a '8=titl'f Junk an” a! , In: ‘00 a. W a up has. “no ulna-III no a“ " - a an a (in load W m - ttIN; can a! do. cum - M.t._aMrqc_L, FEROCIOUB CANINE. W" t.ft PRO“ , TTPrt “In!“ ttt 'Flr” w - - I - . b','fttte",'t, t 1:1)“ I.” h, t, " ' nu. u , I , stood ',hTa'le"'tl'. with tbeir rdl2T.'C.U,,'l'2",'dlCu. um nu man. "The on ”my: _ . :ounlu.“ I" the mg, "with to “m. h I... ya a - up but any» in - w as- 'NWS' 1'Sd'f, I: mun in malnu- ulna a more mOmW-dulbulmbm -Mtrtmyea0m, “M." It. In - ”at tns. ”I In and m cl undue l I”! m "ms. u can“ with 11,011 In mo, or a but” a! m u null“ ",616 um, “I 15.31% -tg"00..Th-u. ”mm..- m in an “an a -- an“: 8835. ' air. - "Mu the yen: ms at tho mum be: ot na.rri--u,0W-e It yarn. m nu ol 8.], for Mot, b mud- cred u u wanna: a! My extremely swim. Tin tsttr..1 my nu in ettim in MI), w. min; 11.5 [an ttto-a. This a an Abnormal condition. the up“ an, mu; [Md so by hi I! - mgu eclebutal in White. at 08.5 xct 1000. Eliminating thin [roll the mm tor the woman. the nu in " set 1,000. The marries mowing to the dettornitgauona were u lotion )enomimtiou panama marred. I Methodist 11.088 Presbyterian 1.480 I 'hureh ot England 5,560 40an Cuholic 5,t54 Baptists 1,1»; Lutheran '" JongregstiortuU 342 'detugonitea an Evungeliul Auocigtion 250 kaeu M Other ' Denominations 381 No Deuomination po In muny respects the mortality in 1901 [my be looked upon " remun- ting u: A"rage yes: in which nu di- m played A part at mu] prom- uu-noe. Tho tout number at denim at cumin In “on were 29,608, at u menace o! 114 over mo. Typhoid revey caused Mo dam: I Seven dentin no reported [mm small pox out ot A total ot 3000 cases. "iuereuiosis caused 3.243 dams lat yen, min“ 3,484 in 1900, a de- cull}: of an. Deaths from mania. tannin, and whooping cough lat you: were 181, M8 nnd 166 respectively, against H3, 170 and 185 tor the sune at- Teases in 1900, seal-tin. showing a iefinite increase. 7 "There were 1,094 deaths from can- cer in 1901, compared with 1,055 in 1900. Guelph Mercury. - Mr. Chas A. Beam, Secretary ot the john coales- epce ot the Bond ot Tnde unmann- tauvu held n Berlin Int MM}! canon-nil; mm; men-um bu tcs.ei.cal Um Ml...“ RU.“ {Lam tls P o. fepartment, Em gives pro- mise that on n last. at the nip Vance: complained ot Mil 150 remed- ied Dear Sir. - Mr. Luci-cc: w “minted to no you but: in tr lore-co to s M“!!! (tom the Bonds ot TIMI. o! Gil-Int, Rollin. out. an, mum to an nil ur- vice haven New Flock. Wu. and can: potlummmmnoo an 'urrubtrtarmtuastptaet union at tho G: T. R, KETTERMAIL SERVICE PROM US. In reply, I would Islam you that the “on“. In M “to in or“; to that My no mu mm between sum and Sumte- Bring} . and "I. eunuch mun Harlan; . Wm gum. _ Autumn-anus... by the Uni” m». P. o. mm I“. an nut“ mpg-kt “duct can’t-ic- lnn prom-ed to m on m hull with h- ast - ll “Inc can. which will to In an own. at no“ um mi at no. 'rMet_th, I... mu. will be Post omce Department, Cut“. Control!“ of the Built” Mail Sauce. mun. In b, 19113 Penman-Yum -tahkn w.) B. I. Ari-tron. Camus. You! My. some t-.-tmavbvNrtr_. ' 74" a“. a: uni- we in In _ 9? hum-n- p, i."',",)'.), BTrer8-ry' & 00.. j. .3 m. " q kids-t Yul. A”. 'P‘ was“ . on. _ How and Where _ To Borrow loney mum Itl an total - _ an: 'tet-tter a “some a. 30m oAraioroses. n. In“... Wm. or. J. a. no». " _ ".9--o.rr, 0nly_tha Best Allin-um my" it. in. at bah-“Om' an rubber and. ot put- (an. Duncan tte In W“ Gun- ”an... ”It. In! of mm.» m aluminum-l than Canadian ”not for“ ImbuHWoaInly right- or for Lin-Km It!“ for dint-lath. droulm ~).doIl-: w an or our!“ will hue man-puma. d Mm upplmd to the auto- non d 60 Leading Meat Manet. 8U “EB SAUSAGE Is but Spunky. We alum keep . full line of Boot, Putt, Yen), Lamb, Hams. Bacon and Sun-pa of m d-irons. We give you "I. but " xenon-hie purer. ”mum I083! COLLAR. JOII I. FISCHER, "roprutor. mum “TERM!!! MUTUAL Smoked and Cured Meats use but to ho Ind in the Twin-City at the Pronto. Core. (hit Momma - The old bed ot the Patton and Bar- " Mala ol the G. T. R. no longer mun- Hn W ot A thor- onohhn. Many yar- Mo what this bunch was Milt a. may on: the Speed In mutually being washed If every description. "trr"eeerrtmatret udmu.1'. R. deal“ to clap a. mum, m “I. In“. And “an ot this brunch were Mn up, buiiditw wero put on parts cl u..m un- an annual. aututtsrtttoenttte0.T. Kun- !“th Street wu manor I Wu. Race-Hy work wu an.“ on m connection d the ol u. Pram & Berlin line wittt the G. P. & H., crossing this old line in... Late! Sheet and 'uhtt- Om'l Ion-dry. The G. T. R. took Ila-“ha my: to lean “to new It.“ m a much u numb, mug-imam "Mona u- m! tte all M min. which wu 'itttil"a' " a "magnum. Tho " Pt"k . n! at. h . T. R. a! an m . “at and M -- m - g m. “WNW ri3t2 MUIARCB CGIPA" “Mk... " hum-y. a. hymn. mm.h..l’n~n-. Ill-MM HW§+WW+ omom . - mm» WM. Macadam. hulk M M. BrmtlKBgtBW9tM3BaOt9't um hill...“ T_raftdthedtrtrietr'ortr u. T. R. ASSERTS ITSELF Klimt Undertaking Go. 011de and limb-hon. can and“ any and nuns. cm HEATEMET. n. I. Ducting, an»; Pills} Sausages WM. SPAETZ EU, a. A. Inn-I LACROSSE v.5... can». r. “I. swam- Bur New Dundee Auat.

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