â€" Xmas.:â€" â€"Perfumes ':g.ï¬:u Tife lfsfirince is One E;m:sflng odor$ 3 ; & > â€" Prettier packages, and Larger assortrment Sor rf to choose from than and up at "; * @n Sterting has accepted ion in Toronto and ieft for elby Maonday: :; " * .. alex ie Ton hi 0 and : « » « up, ï¬i DPrig Stote."" o ~ Don‘t dail to order ; t t H. B. n?:eting'i.o veust togk;. A ‘H.‘ B. Duering‘s is the only place e get uncolored saueages.~ Your, Xmasâ€"pi e tramed ‘at J . K; ) Shinn‘se & imm' !!eww : y nexty weitfl&,ï¬mimn;.; * inb it on arBnbfls Mocs" will meet ::sn dinflr hockey on Saturday next, weathiatppérmitting. â€" \ Men‘s Underwedar ‘at 85¢,, 50¢;, 75¢ {ver :gj gg;‘gï¬m‘ i &h* .Fh.n:elette *;ï¬: , Ab ex i i ering‘s. . /. * / I mR Y ?q'u’; Perfumes for Xmas gifts will be in W deman@® this> year. Come make your séeléctions‘ at Devitt‘s Dmg‘_sm. ‘€. __RAYMO BROS, j : WATEBLOOQ, Oht ~Best Granulated Sugar, 23 ths, for $1.00; Rio Coffee roasted, 10eper ib. ‘apic be percib. or 7 Ts. for. 25¢, ngs, Wateripo, ;, ‘ ~° * -??‘r‘â€"-'â€""’ in ':v_'f"" * ‘At the recent . Hanmtilton ‘Powltry ‘ , Mr. Walton E. Raymo . was w three third prizes for, ‘his white and black tochin bantams. "Nr. J. E. Seagram‘s wacing string» in tharge of Mr. B. Littlefield, were brought home : from : the. Berining‘s track, New | York,â€" on â€"Wednesday. Aimong most suitablé presents you will: find: Hand Mirrot®,â€"|Eboay Mirâ€" rors and Ebony armumx kinds (.' ’.\m ‘sm" ' .l.“' _ _Mr/ B. Derinnl: f“f‘»&".‘.“." the contract for the mason work for Wï¬wflrmm factoty\* The‘ rork. will be commenced‘ in a day or Excellent values at is . Bai , Yarn all,.colors,., 406. s Canada stocking . yarmm, 106 ; Seotch Worsted â€" Yarn‘124¢; Shetland Floss, 5¢ skein, at Doerâ€" "fm irly a thousand and one r{QE‘TO I A ring to flll‘wn: mh oumnotto .. % Dâ€"All_ kinds of furs, ~f0%, .¢acoon, skunk, â€" muskrat, also t , beef hides, â€"sheep skins and Apply to J; G. Strob, m}o&‘ Our styles and designs of.fine hand painted â€" Frenck andâ€" Japandse . chisia are so vari¢d to meet almost every requirement, _ They make‘ elégant KXmas ‘ptesents to your parents," E. lt Merl â€VGI What‘s Ahe â€"use! â€"Weâ€"would Ake whole . paper . to tell you &fl:‘: usoikd Ctistmas gifts. DEVITT‘S L1FE per bottle mmilendare:~for 1003 have: arâ€" ~shall be pfleased to ‘have gustomers» call at an sarly Aoâ€" Willow sAve.,. on e »o 410 WO butseratione Aihs inn‘ae l bg_m‘oodn. J. s actepted @ y.| _ Waterloo Methodi: d left fort Mhag |Bing and William : | lvy |Red,E. Lavell, B.4 44 A m ‘{BAF»0Dec. 14, servi > Y uo ipim. and > p.m upy ® ',}’ i WMkaL is ie .w a j TeP Et Aaam:* I M “‘ i & ‘Clerks " Cobpet C Fou ue gragée ‘clerks GCospeti®**Rveryone E4~M.; Devitty of would :amnnounce for 1003 have: atâ€" . Ahe,Wnaterioo aral (deet north 4 x m.:-fl work ~ is Geo. C. _ ; general | » "M t «ol ‘the and most. approâ€" % ug‘:‘l:n to make their gen riends is«@ watch chain and locket. Call and>see> E. J .: Roos‘ large assortment, . His prices are iflg‘t and ~quality guaranteed. borhood ii;mE ner of "William and Vieâ€" i h&m *T which * ge | at‘ a Council meeting !flm drech of _ New ‘Run)u‘. burg, formerly m re turned on Saturday last from a trip §hie In e ar Sis wi coun $ m large business is done there with ‘engines and threshers. Imported Citron Peel, 20c per 1b.; selected ‘Valencia Raisins, 10¢ â€" per ib.; Imported _ Orange and _ Lemon 15¢ 1b.; new Figs 5¢;â€" new , 8¢; Currants 10c, or 3 ibs. for 25¢; Lemons, Oranges galore at right prices, at Doering‘s. A darge congregation was present in St: Tï¬n‘l Lutheran church â€" Sunâ€" day evening,‘ when the pastqr, â€"Rev. E. A. Schulz preached in the English anguage. Miss Doelphine Frochlich, ,vifl: violin accompaniment by. Mr. Geo. Miller, sang a solo in a most Tcxedihblo manDer. rDuring the .past few days of cold Weather "the ‘Waterloo Rink Co. has been hard at work getting the rink into shapeâ€"for the coming season. A good ice foundation has already been secured and the opening for skating weather permitting, will likely be held on Thursday evening of this We have the best assorted stock of Xmulg:lodl in our line in the Twin City, isting of _ music cabinets, large and simall rockets, secretaries, combination desks, and book cases, fancy tables in mahogany, oak and bamboo, easels, and a fine lot â€" of 'pic,t:tu. Call in;. we. will be pleased to show goods. J. K. Shinn & Co. Waterloo Methodist Church, corner ing and William streets.â€"Kev. Alâ€" free ‘, Lavell, B.A., pastor. Sunâ€" y (Dec. 14, services 11 a.m., 2.30 prm. and i p.m. Morning sermon, ar ':-.«m,Work?†Evening serâ€" ‘*‘ ncour agements of . the Gospe iWeryone cordially _ welâ€" come.at all services.. Helpful preachâ€" %"uid teaching. Good music, f reat im t wis ‘being taken in the lhtmiss‘g:e wiven at the Town Hall, Waterl00, . mext week. It is }very highly spoken ofâ€"â€"wherever it has been given. Prof. Sheets has ty "fiattering ‘testimonials ffom &tlph, Kingston, Peterboro, Owen Sound, and many other imâ€" portant Canadian â€" towns and cities. Reitmember the date, Dec.â€"18, 19 and The citizens ‘residing in the neighâ€" Farmers were not so numerous at the weekly â€" Saturday market ...and producé, ‘especially garden products, was not §6 plentiful. Butter sold 2t 200.to 222 a Ib., while eggs sold at B4c and 25¢ a dozen. No ducks were olféred and the supply of other fowl Ivu limited. Geese sold at 80c to 85¢, chickens‘at 30c to 40¢ each, and turkeys at 10¢ and lic a Ib. Many orders for Christmas fowl were takâ€" en.~1l4¢ a lb.. was asked for lard. Bolt wood sold at $3.25 and . firstâ€" class wood at $6.00 to $6.50 a cord. Mr.: H. B. Duering, the enterprisâ€" ing ï¬mmr of the City Meat Marâ€" ket, invested in the finest butchâ€" efs‘ delivery rig ever seen in Waterâ€" loo, and used for the first time on Saturday. Its equal has never been ®een in the Twin City and it is no toubt the finest outft of its kind ta Ontario, our large cities not beâ€" ag able to compete with it. It is .gpecially adapted for the speedy deâ€" livery of special orders. With the Eine horse and wide awake dnun:s it a.swell appearance # & ax- credit to its owner as well as to the manufdcturer, Mr. J. R, Kaufman, Waterloo. T‘S A DANDY, LEAVING WATERLOO Mr.‘ J. A. Forrester, better « known we "(rindy‘*‘ Forrester, has ms& connection with Mr. J E. :Pu and leaves Monday for Barrie, he has accepted a situation with Mr. Dyment. "Grindy‘" _ has been in Waterloo for the past fourâ€" keem years ‘and has made hosts _ of PEKLY MARKET eate town. He was for years the tonewall defence of ~ the Waterloo ’ °"E -...""":‘.."‘...i‘“ fisos; Wat ¢ season, ï¬n f Tds wisn "hig sutote success |Imhu OFFICERS ELECTED skating is now all the Skates, scissore . and ed in Orst class style business in kvflh."‘ ie had reachâ€" 1 month and many were eral of town, | last season the following: * Ro rest, Wilkinson, Sey Raymo, C. Kochler, E. | Liphardt, C. Bean, B. G:; Seibel. Two other players were seen in town today. A | ‘The adjourned meeting of the Towr CBbuncil was held on Friday wdz |There were present the Mayor in ‘‘The barber caught the deet" was the result of an amusing deer chasé in _ Waterloo Saturday : morning. About nine o‘clock a deer about two years old came rumning up King St. from Berlin, and immediately about a score of Waterlovites set on . the chase. It was well tired and _ was surrouhded several times at the Al« exander House, but it was teo guick for its‘ pursuers. At last it . get and by pluckily hanging to its kind leg, Mr. Geo. kflh, with the asâ€" sistance of several others . succeeded in getting it into a box stall at the Alexander House stable. It is sup~ posed to have strayed from:: Victorig lor its pursuers. At last it caught in the Williain St. Park hedge Wfielman and Ovens. The following accounts mï¬ and ordered to be paid: M. & â€" Son, coal, $17.78; E. Durmel, TOWN COUNCIL A draft bylaw to aid Emil Schierâ€" holtz & Company by way of a loan and exemption from taxes was disâ€" cussed and a number of ameadments ‘suggested. _ _ > alarms, $25.00; Geo. C. Peppler, road work, _ $1.20; Nathan Uttley, road work, $4.00; S. Lichty, road work, ~The chairman of the Town Proâ€" perty Committee was instructed to place additional seating in the Town Byâ€"law No. 240 to provide for the holding of the municipal élections 1903, was given its third reading and finally passed. + Hall gallery at a cost not exceeding ub ELECTION OF OFFICERS At the regular meeting of Branch No. 104, C.M.B.A., Waterloo, Ont., the following officers were elected for the coming year: Presidentâ€"aured W. Fischer, (ac.) â€" First _ Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Alex. _ J. cers are perhaps the youngest of any branch of the Order in Canada, is one of the best and most flourishing branches in Canada, and has a hand some balance in the treasury. The ‘branch has at, present over cighty members. Mr. A. W. Fisher, the youthful president, who has been elected to the chair by acclamation for the fourth term, deserves much credit for the efficiency with which he discharges the duties of his import Financial Secretaryâ€"Jos. Berges. Treasurerâ€"Aibert Hergott. Marshallâ€"Frank Wendling. Guardâ€"John Saim. Trusteesâ€"Frank Walz, John Ginter, Ph. Sehl, Jacob Ball and Jos. Berâ€" DEER CHASE The Council then adjourned ANOTHER COAL YARD FOR WAâ€" M . Di d 9 oi t ing P J ‘ y m During the past few months of te [ ing, Say Worday" with their coal famine the firm of M. Weichel & |r.iange Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison Son, Elmira, M; been supplying ’hy)u' quite a number of Waterloo citizens a with hard coal, but it was so incom | Mr. Sylvester :hi:.f‘:' 5‘,,‘::";:; venient to haul it ten miles to Waâ€"|SPent Sunday an J terloo that the firm decided not to.|tetloo friends. f accept any more orders. The strong | Mr. Ed. Berlet, of Linwood, has demand for coal in Waterloo has led |been added to Mr. V. M. Berlet‘s taiâ€" Mr. W. G. Weichel, of the Waterloo | oring staff. o firm, to yield to the solicitations Of| Messrs. Louis and Wm. Gable, of many citizens, and he will open up a |Wallacevilie, spent Saturday . and fuel yard in Waterloo. Sheds ‘will be y in Waterloo. erected in the rear of the hardwart| may, G. A. Mitchell, B.A., of Jerâ€" store on Queen street. A supply of spent Thursday with Water Boal has been ordered and a switch |jo;, friends and cast his vote for proâ€" will be built ~ without _ delay. TBe |prpition. firm is now supplying coal in 200 | ,._ ,,ine»> Gtarea returned Frifay o. 104, C.M.B.A., Waterloo, Ont., Gif: time is eoming and you e following officers were elected for may be undecided what io e coming year: got for your friends or dear Presidentâ€"aured W. Fischer, (ac.) onss at home, and Xmas only First _ Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Aler. _ J. three weeks off.. , â€" :v::"d Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"J h a large Wzdm on residen » A. such & homas. "* and knick mm;‘: ln'd .iï¬. & Secr ue to give & ol Rec. Secretaryâ€"A. Elierbrunn. _ |pessible to give you * lint Of All, the Asst. Rec. Secretaryâ€"Oscar Lauâ€" pound lots. The Waterloo Society, whose offiâ€" The Michigan City : (Indiana) Disâ€" patch of Dec. 4th containsâ€"an interâ€" Mr. Henry Koelin, formetly of Waâ€" terloo, son of Mr. C. Koelin, Albert street, now a ‘prosperous contractor in Michigan City, to Miss Hattie of the sameâ€" ceremony was performed in St. John‘s Evangelical Church by the pastor, the Revr. J. G. Hoch, at 4 pm., on December 4. Aw elaborate supper was then served at ‘the residence of the bride‘s parâ€" ents, after which the happy couple left on an extended bridal tour to Chicago and wther Western . cities, i A nwm-::-dl-h iends. many friends of .l*h‘hwm unite with us in wishing him and his bride vears of happy married life, KOELLNâ€"WABKENTIN NUPâ€" uson snd. should be able to io mm ns \ovh:.hloo, . Forâ€" ilkinson, H. Seyiet, W. E. 75 Ladies‘ and Child‘s ready toâ€" _ wear Hats, a‘l going at 100 each, 590 Trimmed Hats going at 250 each 25 Trimmed Hats going at 500 each 25 Trimmed Hats going at T50 each A Pleased Customer is Our Best Advertisement. The Busy Store of 14 karat Pearl Broocbes v in m from §$8.% to $20 nfli lg‘rl Pine at 1.50 to $6. "u Rick Sily mg. secvinine css unds In oc is , prices runni trom 1 to l‘ Tlumo of obo:; brushes, is selling vor{ fast, but we s esnt h ol Th ie acpers 8, 8 vou. Bbony hair breshes f1 om to Watchmaker and Joweller, Central Bteck,. . Opposite Snider‘s Mill, Undecided. Personal.and Social. Messrs. Louis and Wm. Gable, ol ‘allacevilie, spent â€"Saturday . and y in Waterloo. Revr. G. A. Mitchell, B.A., of Jerâ€" spent Thursday with Water loo friends and cast his vote for proâ€" Mr. Arthur Stares returned Friday {mm-flluu\n‘hm ‘&.G.B.An-,“wmd ‘uswmnummm lp,.,._,u ting his brotherâ€"inâ€" law. Mr. E. A. Strasser, Allan St. atmnong those who attended \the Fat \:t;nt Show at Gusiph on Wednes AKING SUGAR IN â€"EARNEST ‘The Ontario Sugar Refinery is now orking at its full capacity and beet lcing and sugar making is going on ; earnest at present. On Tuesday, $9 barrels of sugar was packed and tored away; on Monday, 488, Aand n Sunday 496. ‘There are $,000 barâ€" ris of sugar in the warchouse waitâ€" ng for cars to ship them to . the uycrs in all parts of Canada. Millinery ALL ENGRAVING FREE. We are doing more business and becoming more widely kmnmhmcmdiaï¬:uk,bouun ity person that r:’mhusho.ofu ves our store the : knowâ€" ge that he has been honestly dealt with and has reâ€" seived the best value for his money. To prove this just dwpin‘udseommmko!ip-to-dium You ean‘t he‘p but be satisfied. New shoes arriving every woek. } Open every evening until 8 30. B. Shider, Wm. Snider, Yours for squsre dealing All Millinery at Cost ! THIS 13 A CHANCE ‘TO BUY CHEAP HATS. d. UFFELMANN s than _ ever tor mlt of his 444444 +t +¢+++ will Mr. Jesse Hallman, flour and seed dealer of this town, received the sad intelligence Wednesday of the death of his father, Mr. Christian Hallman, which took place in Hanover on Tuesâ€" day evening. The deceased was ~ 80 years of age. The remains will be brought to Berlin. Funeral anâ€" moucement will be made tomorrow. Brantford â€" City Council are proâ€" ceeding with a scheme for a large open air gkating rink for the children of the city. Only a nominal fee will be charged. John Schondelmayer, Opposite The Zimmermano Fcuse ‘Kant Krack‘ Rubbers$ Zieglers ‘“:,.i'.‘:’.ï¬it:...g DIED IN HANOVER $2000 w« new Rubbers at Old Prices â€"1 Oborluumily brasp it now Z&% Jé » orm“;:nl.l'" m.mrr K an ronmlpi?as a. READ READ Hmthym:m?on'!dehyl Don‘t miss a or miss a dollar, Everybody ’gw New gocds, all styles, every I.-":.o nlfl-wlu(::‘-n.“ihn:':' mu:thnn-h- 11 Saturday per hea‘ Ra ® Lad ql:. and : 00e bhwl.‘ na 39° aines2) to 7. mypnplr 1 * $m" °" " *" â€" Berlin, sell them $ Robinson &!Lindsay, the makers, GUARANTEE and & GIVE A NEW PAIR FREE in return for every ;')alr <V that does not"give perfect wear and satisfaction. o Waterioo BUSINESS GQETTERS #*+4++44 There are only twelve shopping days before Christmsg A great deal of buying has to be done by that tit and we are preparing to h'elpyouafl*â€œï¬ A visit to our store cannot but be helpful and profitable you. as we are showing CHRISTMAS GOODS in m†ment, and many tempting prices in such lines as 46 also a great variety of FANCY,;GOODS which have been % for Christmas Gifts and which will interest every one who will the trouble to visit our store t ~ We are offering special values, having cut the price of many sez able lines suitable for Dresses, Waists and Sk.rts and there bargain‘chances contained in th ese, which you will not find Here are goods which will be in demand during the next few weeks, and we are in a position to give special prices in these also. . A trip to Berlin and a visit to our store will °_ _ _ help you in your holiday buying and reâ€" . member, you‘ can look! here without feeling s 'f that you have to buy. $ o e ‘hj‘&\ l G. B. RY AN & CO. Berlin Dec 10th. Waterloo Men‘s Black Hockey Shoes 2.00 and $1 50. Boys® Black Hockey Shoes 1.50 and $1,35. opular Boot j Sh.coe Store intramsvesicoszise. "I\If | Were £x) RibbOns, Handkerchiefs, . Silks, Dress Goods In Dress Goods & Silks 58¢ Furs and Mantles at Ryans. _ JACOB 8. ROOS, ï¬a 2 s k % Shoe Man. â€"_ $1.50 Men‘s Fine W Je .yek\h.‘ eltymmï¬ wool "lined, several shapes, all â€" sizes. 6 to 11. Baturday ‘a "Hickory" : ‘"Kant" Kraok 'fl.uâ€".-‘.".’.mu..g of heavy sox, all sizes 6 to Men‘s --x-tu-" krack" plain heavy rubbare, om::‘b lflmlfll‘-‘l price per pair _ Saturday for in a lady‘s place" said. Santa Claus, "I would certainly buy shoes at The wisdom of doing so cannot be questioned. _ Footwear for Xng buyers is loaded apon every shelf in Saturday_ Dec.{| 13th only. store Holiday Slippers are here in 1 for Men, ’Womon and Children. m lot of this season‘s best w Felt Slippers, Kid Slippers Patent Leather Slippers. u37 ° The Popular Boot and Shoe Store." eP $1.09 $1.99 99¢ pd C o