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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Nov 1902, p. 10

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- by Inn of known Maine" nbil- Kr And "rict. integrity, And raving In in Bond of Directs" men of Ulla ”mime both in the Illied in- - ot beet my" growing nnd - ”king. With'luch men in di- gqctiott ot the “lain oi the complny and with the on in teasing demand lot in product, we predict for the “It.” the limes it so richly de- iigrrrABusrwm THE BEET SUGAR INDUST; PRESIDENT HUGH BLAIN (Toronto) Pt serves, A: u: oddition to the indus- tries ot Condo, the Ontario Sager Rethtery has named the attention of the whole Dominion and its sue- ces: will be watched with interest. As on addition to the lndustrlca ot Berlin, its irmuetsce has already been largely lelt in on increasing popula- tion, and in the distribution of large sums ot money in materials end U- bor necesury in the building of the mammoth rehnery, whm entailed an expenditure ot over a million dollars, The thrifty mud progressise citizens ot Berlin, "the best town in Canada" and at Waterloo county, "the garden of the Dominion," no to be congnt- u1ated that the tirtrt sugar mtnutac- tured Iron beet: grown In (fund: shoutd be I product or the soil ot this county, and made into sup! by our own industrious"toiters. The manufacture of sugar is now one ol the largest bran' hes of human industry, but this great development is ol comparatively ncent date, and' although the are evidences of its very high antiquity in India and China, sugar appears to hare been but vaguely known to the Greeks and Romans. 1‘s introduction into Eur- ope appears to have been one of the results ot the crusades. The first re- fhser'y ol which any notice exists was located at Dresden in 1507, where the juice lrom the sugar cane was con- verted into a can e article of sugar. The manufacture of - made but slow progress, for its doarness limit- ed ita use to the wealthy. Until 1747 sugar was supposed to be the pro- duet of the sugar me only, but in that year it was demonstrated by a German chemist that it was a natur- al product of other vegetables. esp!L cially the beet root, and halt a cen- tury later its manulacture from that source was commenced in Silesia, A large proportion ol the sugar con- sumed on he continent is now ote tained from this soune and beet-root sugar is rapidly displacing that made from the juke extracted from he su- gar cane (‘ompau ively little. beet root an In made in America until 188., “IE GOVERNIENT'S "tColm-' the need nod instructing the lawn 'm Bbottt 1,900 m. were pronto bi. AGEIENT. during the Brat I“ I. Mar, "OI. tru- that time the “mm", - An as man in a. Adam. mm “mans TAKE A HAND. made wonderful program in the the Throne. "An Aet r-ting the United States, culminating this you or.toerra-t oi ttte Sun; Beet. lge An inspection oi the mlicultuul with " introduction into Canada. dusky" In inundated by the lin- dirtrieta Iun'ounding Berlin In i l inter ot Agriculture. nod V“ ftrmliy mode by Prot. Bturttleworttt, who 2 ft:',', the ieptdhityszvgo‘vhth l: named to on Anni 15th. 1001. in not Invonhiy impressed. The 1 " " ustry " l . oe Samantha! the Act in ., tone": Boil lwlicd to the cultivation ot "owing figures are went In 18914. That the mm ot $215,000 he at up: been would he . mum at nub- ;12,000 tons ot beet sugu were pro- - u n specie] lend tor no pur- BUntiat minim. mum u compared with 1,000 toms I". of ."tr'l"2fillt Wham: oit JteT,',1'"rd d Tttt “tended . _ _ _ up: but: es " y our one In: I amen In “If is”, m IM7-8 the quantity Ind inaction within the Province ot the hoid in the Court Home, n. which "m to 40,000 tons; to ",000 tom, tuio tor We minutiae of up! Mr. s, J. Willinnn, President olthe in "00-1: and 184M” tonsitt 1901-3. thueifd'in. The person or compony Board ot Trade, presided. uni In with this yent'I crop estimated at eltnloiinhin; And insulin; such pleat. “are“ ot on inntmctive mute wu MO 000 ton nil-jut to the condiionn ot the Act, delivered try Prof. Shuttlevorth. At I . _L_IA L- _nnAa an L. ...m n... “I chi. nun-un- th- and Ill- iii-trim". There is invested in the industry $80,000,000 5nd the lumen racked $8,437,000 nu yen tor their he» . In the Speech Irom the Throne madc- by Lieutenant-Governor Mowtrt in opening the Onurio Logisluure on February (tth, 1901. the {allowing paragraph was read: "lt has been lounl try virioul mu conducted Ly the Department ot Agriculture that the Boil and climate of Ontario nrc mimmibly mama tor the growth of (amide: whether lumen should not he ent'ounged to give Inch up: Ill ntltnlion to beet ruining u will jmtll, the re-establishment of "c- tones lor the prodwtion ot beet root sugar. by tr than; Inch lid for this purpouc u may be deemed exped- ient " my: beets. You will be uked to Premier (i. W. Ross, in addressing I deputation which waited on the Goxetntr.ent on Fehnury 7th. In the Interest: of the beet my! industry, said that the Importance oi the Bute tot could not easily be "assented. This Wtut demonstrated by the on- rial Ital-tin quote! um Cumin wan-Hy imported some 800,000,000 pounds of lug-r. He [an eotM1dettce In Ontuio'l “mentally autumn»; the industry, u the "ie-tii" mu made under the Government Bt1per- vision had been molt encounging. The Address trom "no Throw " the msion ot Parliament in "ot Wu seconded by Mr. L. J, Bren- haupt, 'rp.P,, ot Berlin, during the course at which he said: - ex- pc'nneml made under the, upon!- Iion o.' the 0.IL(‘. prove that the soil ot our province ll well “Aland tor Ute cul nation or my: be." Mi dealt-lilo quality, . crop nid to be. ot you profit to the produ er, not only an to price e shed therefor, bert it in Also chimed that the had ll distinctly imprmod mental This in I line of tarming nut doub less will be worth looking into by our “nonhuman. Two-third: of the Bu- pr ronsurved in no world in bet any“. And 300.000.000 pom-d- .0 aid to be not! In CM Aim. Should we ml mu. we" com to keep in mum to -tsest " would tabe u to I lunatic: to apply on on - A. Ion-1| mates a! a. Union, use may. [in . tr " b ".1“ a: a 'I’ I. in I. - . up I» b m , II Story of its Introduction Into Canada and Location at Berlin. THE FIRST STEP 'A‘BIIAIO. mm TIUHIMY. tom-u I. A: In mm In tho Addres- tron FARMERS TAKE A HAND the Throat. "An Ad "opening the erAmrra-t ol tto Sun; Beet he " impaction ot the “New dusky" In “mod“ by the lin- diltrlcu "Moulding Berlin later ot Agriculture. and vol Bully mm by Prot. Bhtrttleworth, “some! to on April 15th, 1001. in not luvonbly impressed. Summon-40d the Act ll ., follows: loll Applied to the cultlvnuon MAIN BUILDING AND BEET SEEDS (A: viewed tram monster St.) That the will ot $235,000 he let we". u e specie] [and tor the pur- pose of ”coming the growth oi up! been and the establishing of futon“ within the Province ttt the tuio tor the main-tun of Map! thuelfdin. The person or compel] establishing nil insulin; ouch pleat. subject to the coudi.ioiu ot the Act, lhnll be entitled to he paid out ot the mm tor mgr at a ”clue Iner- Letnbk- vulue " the rate of one-hull cent per pound ot the Brnt end Beth ond yur'l product. and oss-ter tent per pound tor the third yell": produ t and none themiter. Not more than $75,000 can be paid out in my one you. the sum to he di- vided ”non; the Ipplictntl weeni- ing to the amounts of their chime, The conditions the not are the- That during the (int year the hill sum or 31.00 per ton must be mid tor all been delivered " the into y, 'irrr‘puth‘e ot the such-tine matter mniuined in the beets; during the se ond ard third year the compgny must par tor Bll been " the Inc of " 1-3 (cm- per ‘on tor every one per (on, ot up; wllch Inch been mutain; att lorml of contact, tor the grating 5nd delivery of the beds must be ‘ubmltted to And apptosed by the Minmu or Agricultun I Prohbly me am artlogt on me put of my Berlin-1m we: “in on Inn! ma, 1001, when a mating was held in the Council Chamber " Le? “one thirty ennui and tar, .men were In “under“. Mr. Wendell IShnnh. presided. end lime-ring ed- Hires." View delivered by Item. L. (ii, ammo”, u-I.P.P.. o. a, Slum". H. L. Juan, John R. Ellen. J. Kalb. Bruin, [M 'Allen :smtv, Waterloo. A; un- anther- lng n connenkn‘hn “I reed horn Hon, John Dryden. until; that he did not think the (lovernlnen. would be [nor-Ne to melting an county I seventh mum Emm- lumen agreed to net “we tell en em exch lot the growth 01 - m. end e lemma” oi loan. M. L. Jen on. D. B. Daron-r. B. B. Homer. J. Early in the spring the Agricultur- m Deputment in trueted the Author- Hits n the Ontario Agricullunl College to conduc'. “pennant- in raising :upr been In m diluent localities in the Province. Prof. A. E. t'rhutuororth, than chum of the institution, vu ”pointed to conduct the experiment]. " L. 0mm M A. link “I - pomd h m o I. ”I. 1NAeruMtts.afue.-"0mt umoMHWNM QDIWAI'AMME . FA PERIKENTAL PLOTS BERLIN'S FIRST MOVE Appoint-I . - my. " P. that " T. B. shun“ " G. H. Bowman M. S. I. Snyder ' L. B. In“: t, J. a. sum- m A. B. sum t- s. E. sum m B. B. Run " N. Bum " J. v. Sehwelher . I B. Stu-u l M. an m th J. B. Snyder . M. s. Cress-u l A. with . I. bum ' W. SM G. In": I. an“ b. not: ,A. 0. Old II huh . . . t. AI impaction ot the "rierulusrat districts "Moulding Berlin In made by Prot. Bhtrttleworth, who in. not luvonbly impressed. The soil Applied to the cultivnuon at up! been would be a noun: ot sub- Ituunl wealth. 805001061", . meeting “tended by over one hundred tuners we: held in the Court Home, " which Mr. B. J. Williams, President at the Bond ot Trade, presided, end u: uldrese ot a: instructive netun was delivered by Prat. Shuttleworth. At thin meeting the need we: distribut- ed among twenty~nve tarmers who hnd agreed to grow been tor experi- mental putpoeee. The spring was decidedly wet and it we. thought that the experiments would prove . lame. but u the hammer progressed. the beets, that had been cultivated wording to in- suutions, began lo show up in I very gratifying mum". At. this ynvtttre, interest In the ex- perimentl w“ greatly incru ed by the enterprising action of the Berlin In o toner. 1901, been trom the 'experimental plots were lozvuded to the 0.11.9, Guelph. when they were lubmiued to the quel can by Prot. Shut leworth. According to " re- port the yield Avenged About " tone to the are. with “(chem-e [new of " per rent. and purity "o" " ltr. cent. The wires were won by the ‘lollowing lumen: Board ot Trude, which ollered prize- to the Amount ot $25 for me best quality of lug" been. This mad 1:: soon otter supplemented by grunts ot $80 1nd $60 from the Bar- lin Town Council and the Wnuioo County Council, respectheiy. lat, All”: B, sum; Md Wm, A. Sch-clot; 8rd, Jacob B. Shun; 4th, Levi P, "nun. S. Home! And J. W. Schweitzer, can]. tHqrorth was given out n tollovl: l Nuns. Yield. Sag“. Purity P. Shah In 10.1 88.4 T. B. Shah I“ It! "I G. H. 80m "h 15.0 88.5 S. W. Snyder In tt.t 80. L. B. In“: I" 10.2 at. J. B, Sign: Mt 14.8 “.0 A. B. sun; "t 15.1 an S. E. Shun“ to 15.8 " B. B. Heb. " It! Ill N. Bum " " In] J. V. saunter Mt I“ In I B. Sign“. 'ttt 14.7 "A M. an m In 18.7 80.0 J. B. - I" 10.! 80.5 M. s. Gnu-u In 15.4 I” A. Sol-"cl! - '" M.? I. Mm In "I n: W. 8 M II It! It! a. ..lNI " 14.t “A Th. ttit I ", i tal we. 2,',r,,hr"i', $13!.rifmut- PRIZES FOR SUGAR BEETS BEET SUGAR TEST m u “I “I '" m N to 15.4 up nu It! 14.t In In "" In It. I. a“ In an I" '" 0.: perimentat plots were going to yield the quality end quantity ot been re quired by the industry, that the lend in the lurrounding country Wu spe- cially adapted tor the growth ot su- gu beets and that the lumen were dulrou. ot growing the beets, Press dent s. J. Willlomn and the Berlin Board ot Trade took steps to " tract tho Qttentlon ol capitalists in Con“: and the United Sum. Early In the lummer month: capitalists commented to arrive in Berlin to look over the ground, among them being F. M. Spencer and W. A. Doug- Ian, of Scrunch, Pa.; Wm. Baur, ol the thrnard Construction Co., New York, And the members ot the Ott- terlo Sun: Co., Toronto, trll at whom “sited Berlin And the Bur- ronnding country on the solicitation ot President William. Tho Board ot Tnde went to work with t will to hive the rethsery lo- cated ln.Berlln. Ind labored ertergek lully to manure the pangs ot the trr-tnw to take 815.000 stock in the proposed Berlin & Preston Street milvuy in order to be this to offer the eapitalitrta the Idvnnuge ol OF. R. connection. The hut meeting held to discuss the “viability orloesting 1 refinery in Berlin, was celled by the Board ot Trade Ind the Town Council. Un- lortunntely, it tell on the very day the ratepayers of the town voted down the railway try-V But the Board of Tude was undnunted by this apparent net-buck. By mun- of I number of public meetings . lively interest wu gener- ated in sup! but matters Ind on October Std. 1901. I depuntion con- triating ot Must-I. B. J. Willium ind H. L. Junven wu appointed to go to Bay City, Mirth nocomptnied by tttree "rprmrentatlvest ot the lumen' inl'itm, vim: Messrs. L. Koehler, 111mm S. Sinner. und Geo. Numan. The-e gentlemen visited the Michlnn refineries Ortober ttth, 0th And 10th, Bnd were greatly delighted with what they “w. ettneries tktoher ttth, m. .nd 10th. . The Site Committee o! a. 0 .nd were greatly delighted with what pany met the memban of a. 11 hey aw. Council .nd the Bond ot T“ the Wulpet Home on - $1 OTHER DEPUTATIONS. ins. Odom 8rd, and n I Ill-9; thusiutic meeting my“ in , Shortly after “other deputation: MRI ton but - - I left tor the beet lug“ centre: oilin providing the litany” Michipn. It was oompoled chietty oibonuu ot "0.000 All M113 lumen lrom Wlmloo County. untion for ten - " the Among the deputation were Messrs. ing it wu pro-ttod- fl mm s. Sin-u.»me B. Shawn, nus try Benin gum-c $33.00. THE FIRST DEPUTATION MANAGING DIRECTOR B. J. '11.le (Berlin.) Joseph Under. Min a ter Shire, A. E. Shaw; sander, Geo. E. Bow-n. te Shana um Indol- Snider. nu tation Also brought but u and interesting report which _ up a good Gal ot cut-hull- . county. a On the fifth ot Nova-kl II I sion organized try the Bulb Ill Trade was run to my City. I which was him: than“! at over 100 citizens and tumors. The reports ot the donut-nth. ten " I whole, were m - to the establishing ot the m dustry in Wnterloo county. - In the only part ot the e 1901 . company of thrtario ists we: termed, through “I chietiy ot Messrs. Hugh Bull "il. Jamet, Fowler, end VII lnrgely ot Torontonim. n we. u, tended that Umdian cum-l ati should he used in the arena- . rmftnery. During the mm il visited vurioul locum” - ' imentu in the growing at - being conducted. Among the ' bers ot the compsny who th- ested themselves were Kenn. Bluin, Ju. Fowler, B. H. 5“}; McLaehlan, N. B. Guh. W. J. “ Rom. Jenny and John Fla". 4 Severe] visits were made by . gentlemen during August arid ' Member. The ttne country In: Berlin, the superior quality of I beets, in well u the lively mm the Berlin Board ot Trade the members ot the my to en extent that the comm-y “ ttrst proposition to the tall at lin, which n and to be b all position ever nude by that: Li, THE FIRST PROPOSITION. DEPUTATION “you: COMPANY FORIED.

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