seems to be confined to â€"4is< it feature when heef was high.. the perjiod when beef cattle were abâ€" * low, gome into (dairying, _ geem to have, with the reburn of higher prices for fat cattle, returned r‘;um old love. Just how far this \ morement will extend â€" will ‘depend & . year, and the . extent to hich the difficulty in securing help ows. . ‘There is, however, a great Weal‘ in which Mr. McKee, of Norâ€" wich says on this point, viz., that the dairy farmer has a great advanâ€" tage over the general farmer in being mwble ‘to offer employment the year round.. On the other hand, he is at the disadvantage of being compelled to look for help of a higher standard than is required in ordinary farming. ‘TIm concluding the discussion on this topic I caunot refrain from repeating what has already been said in these columns, viz., that the man who is in dairying is, in my opinion, making a gtive mistake in going out of it. Dairying has been for 30 years subâ€" jeck to less of ups and downs than any other industry; it has been an almos: constant source of profit, and it is today the greatest ‘wealthâ€"proâ€" ducer we have. For the year ending June 80, 1901, our exports of dairy and bacon products (and bacon is a side line to dairying) were valued at nearly $36,000,000. This was more than treble the value of our combinâ€" ed sheep, horse and _ cattle exports, for the same year; it represented mearly half of all the products of the farm exported; it was just about equal:to the value of all our . minerâ€" als exported, and it was considerably over double the value of our exports in manufactures. Our dairy export trade represents nearly $7 for every wan, woman and child in the Dominâ€" ion. We simply cannot afford to let an industry of which all this can be said fall into decay. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP A SUCâ€" CESS. How long will it be before Canaâ€" dian farmers < will assert themselves and demand a free rural mail delivery similar to that which is being operâ€" ated so successfully fot only in the gu States but throughout Great ritain as well? u&OU NTRY MAIL DELIVERY _ The Journal has already described the 'onfetm gt;ow‘h of the delivery system the United States, Where in 1896 am was only one route in ::\iu serving about 100 families, are now . some 8,600 routes which supply mail daily to . about kmm farmers. Every state in the r is represented in this aggreca~ Mion of services. The astonishing raâ€" w with which these routes have 7 â€"established during the past six $ is the best : possible evidence both of the desire of the farming C for a ‘more modern mail m : of the feasibility of supâ€" E . Mr. James Fowler, the secretary ‘of the company, is expected here toâ€" .motrow, and all ithe Chinamen â€" who ’ by that gathered toâ€" ex will be â€"*4o. Berlin _ at . Mr. Lee to be ul ~timately able to t 150 men CHINAMEN FOR BEET FIELDS treal, November 9.â€"There is a scr ot in the beet fields in F of Berlin, Ont., and ntario ° Company has unâ€" h"ï¬ 2:‘ the problem â€" by â€â€˜1 number of Chinamen fTrom .. The negotiations with the Celestials have been confided to Mr Lee Chee, who is now engaged in S Wmeaman o o pr n and Nok tor uns dotlar pet dny YOU SAVE TIME AND MONEY ’â€"F'â€" U TUE such decline as has (Ottawa Journal.) more Was Reloased ~ oronto, Nov. 10.â€"â€"At 830 . on gall, charged with _ misappropriat ing funds as solicitor of the Freasury Department of the Ountario Government, was released on bail and returned to his home‘ on Charles street. ‘The bail which the Crown finaly decided to accept was $25,000, sithough $30,000 was originally ukd.!hmlhr‘-utw-ulï¬: ed because of the of the accused, tnfl)xdnlo.m- ion and his having made mr.d%lurlth his power, nearly; $25,000. â€" The. bonds men were Dr. Uzziel Ogden, 18 Cariton street, $15,000 ; Charles Milier, barris ter, $3,500; Dr. James McCullough, 172 Spadins avenue, $1,500; Samuel M. m KC., $2,500; H. 5. Mars, broker, Mr. was taken from the flu%mmvm\ shortly before 8 o‘clock, the mâ€"-u‘h-wugutuu- tion, with H. R. Frankland, J.P., and David Carlyle, J P., who were. present to accept the bond, which earlier inthe hmm approved Crown torney Curry. _..’.â€â€™-,,, »- _ The officials are still examining thoboohof!r.ltnmm th} work of finding out just how much has been misappropriated will bly take some time, for Mr. MeDo: , while .nxioub&.nflthonmmhhh unable to recall the difâ€" erent items. '!'homi:?woprhun- ex= tend back over a considerable period. He did not keep a record of the checks, Two More Election Petitions Fixed For Toronto. and cannot remember the estates from which the various amounts were taken It is apparent that Mr. MeDougall is im such a condition mentally that he is inâ€" eapable of affording material assistance in the investigation that is gong on into his affairs. Toronto, _ Nov. 7.â€"Two moré clection trials are to be trans ferred to Toronto, which is taken to mean that they will not be :rmdcll with, but dismissed here, and it now looks as if there are only a few Jeti« tions that will be fought. In the Glemâ€" f)nrry Etition against the return of W. . McLeod, Conservative, the tridl wa fixed for the lith at Cornwall, but it has been transfetred to Toronto for Satâ€" urdayâ€"the 22nd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It is understood also, that the trial im the North Waterloo petition against Dr, Lackuer will be transferred to Toronto, A special election court will be held a! Osgoode Hall toâ€"morrow when the dates of trial for North Waterlos, Sault Ste. Marie, North Ontario and North York will be nn.nrd. ‘There is some talk that the petition against Mr. A. Misâ€" campbell in Sault Ste. Marie will not be n:oeded with. There is a motion to it set aside and this may be arâ€" TRIALS WILL BE HELD HERE. King o!l;ly’l Prize. Turis. Italy, (, &â€"At the Interâ€" national Photographic Exhibition. here the New York Camera Club won the Mr. A. B. Petric, the well known druggist in Gueiph, has announced himself a candidate for ‘the mayoralty of that city for 1903. PDetails of His «ie Kept No : Salt pork is a famous old-‘ fashioned remedy for conâ€" sumption. _ "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott‘s Emulsionisthe modâ€" ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott‘s Emulsion is the most refined ~of: fats, â€" especially prepared for easy digestion. Consumption Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott‘s Emulsion does more than that. There is someâ€" thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hm phites . in Scott‘s. that puts new life into the ‘action on the diseased lungs. Record. A sample will be sent free upon request. DOLLA RS. Witest feop 03 i:: ;ï¬-‘t" hs::d a. traim Camp, M,J“"::.M the l;: i Hanerast Cslondiin thiet." ObbSunt precautions were taken by the railroad t hone it fon t m pie mint tn fan. hi oi heecens the on ap proaches to the stations were uhcunoluumh. t 8 t wumm e !’,‘..'.‘.’.'., all of whom he replied simply, "L t you very much for coming to ‘seeâ€" m His Majesty arrived at the . ground atâ€"the head .of with Lord rts viewed some six e giment. The inspection lasted ten flnm.mhw:; sing down the: and in the teeth of a gale of ° 4 Ma. , however, © officers, men and horses. tie then proâ€" seeded to the saluting base, After the march past the dragoons formed & hoi low square, and Emperor William briefly addressed the regiment as follows : “ltflvumgfltmum Brst time since the death.of your late Queen, my beloved , to have th@ honor of mblé to inspect y 1 mgnl:l:to f l‘l‘:m on ap and on way in which it mlmummum Africe, L mï¬; ion on your return hoil® and on the arduous duties which you have fuldlled with honor to ;q';: coun» . and to the gratification‘‘ of* your . . It is owing to my .visit to your King that I am pleased to be able to, Inspect you toâ€"day, and 1 think t at the best way of his Majes y. for the kindness I am receiving is to order the ngx‘-t to. give three ols as for thg- reign. 1P L3 * te cheers for. his esty lm Bdward," cried the Emperer, who the salvo of hurrahs. â€" Emperer ‘Wilâ€" YMam and the officers then escaped. from the flerce storm to the messâ€"room of the regiment, where ‘his Mejesty had luncheon. R Cl e xt Emperor William reached W oivertom at 6 p.m. He was met at the station by Kin ward, and their Majesties drove to nghl.m. Among the house party there are the Prince of Wales, Premier Balfour, Colonial Secretary and Mrs. Chamberlain, War Bocuhï¬ Brodrick, Trev t on tos Kad: es, sergeant s m to : â€" ward. The mï¬ngmo Khl:::, Emâ€" peror at Wolferton was as in Tmal as could well be imagined. The J blic, as it had been elsewhere, was rig‘dly exâ€" cluded from the station. A few minutes before the arriv~l of Emperor William‘s special train King Edward, weomrniad b{. a lhÂ¥h equerry, drove up to the station with a pair and brougham. His Majesty wore a top hat and a frock cont. C I c TD nank i6 Ccms Tss Akc He ste; upon the platfcrm as mmd.\r‘;ï¬lnd bared as his royal visitor alighted. neu h ie oo og oo u c ratL o‘ & He uj the platficrm as the ï¬â€˜nr. ‘;ï¬l and bared his as his royal alighted. Their lhjudn shook hands and embraced, and Rdckly drove off to Sandringham. With the exception of the Shorncliffe review, the. reception of Emgeror Wilâ€" liam was everywhere remarkably lnckln% in formalities, his Majesty haying spe¢ hllï¬ requested that guards of honor and ar attentions be dispensed with. The Emperor, who, on his way. to Dover, chmvfl his Admiral‘s uniform for that of dragoon n{imem. used the same white Mm: e review that he rode at % ‘s fungral . After thq ceviow Rmperor presented decoraâ€" tions to Lord Basing, the officer in comâ€" mand, and #o other officers of the regiâ€" ment Nov. 9.â€"After having Boston, Nov. 9.â€" ver out last night the confession n£ by the young negro, George L. 0. Perty, with reference to selling the watches taken from the mndcr!s women, Miss Clara A. Morton: and lho‘:ru Mec» Phee, the police: admitted y â€"that mmu‘mo.u-mhm 3 P CC es d P L Cl Warships Leave Halifax. Halifax, Nov. 9.â€"The British â€" war: .)i‘n with the exception of the Pallas, which is being overbauled at the dock: which is being overbauled at the dock: {:d.hv.lfl‘hm their lqnunm wouth.‘ ‘The Tribune and Roc sailed on Saturday afterncon for Berâ€" muda, and the fiagshin Arindne left this mareing Individuai: Coal Mina Operators in Wright, Recorder of the ‘Anthracits Coal Strike Commission, received a tals Hram â€" savilegâ€" Thkt ° It" in under: stood‘ that bmmt is Andkawenngd o wiminan ns repioms nave nerond :i:ï¬p'huu-. n::.m-o,o: operatora wor ama Washington, â€" Nov. Bâ€"COarrol D. ACCEPT THE ARBITRATION from whom he received these ar Pennsylvania Agres. »r ~boarded a. triin r to Bhorneliffe review> the . lst another going to find : pate. [Jt meni pate. (Jt meéapsa aigechbideal/ for a mas past the meridian of life to tear up the ib ; L ET ut mmm:g » city. . We have knows many inst: where men Whve"d8ne this and bave soon their Trour ie Tea acoisc ie ut o doon d Mrone qieglainubes ain id F‘“ .a.â€.) S â€â€˜.n ’~ ’l “’01â€â€˜ ?}tovnumuhqgu‘fl Fears, is it not likely that they â€" se mm-m_{ m ratao roruhe! e wool the it/ko is the old farme? vibrating back and forth between the house â€"ond~ theâ€"otore;â€"the â€"torfiig~_plice afihes touy . m life mone n{ of city as it lgn“:u :tuu u: b“n arin ;lob:nly 0 m @bso)+ woil on and sont (igg 14 § i abso) about town, restless, uncas tey ‘and that of ‘the lt 1, "Euore used y 0 city! ere to be ï¬:m‘gd ï¬& the cow, gwu right the . frui rries and in. N ov.!:bln:.h mu and endural to who knows tifresh fa rodu« is. . What ,-onin,ldp a l hile he be{inl to lolt for the old life! But it is too‘late now.~ The little st egg he and his wifeâ€"have aaved up the work on the hm‘ m.ny has disappeared by piccemea I ‘now he would pot buy back the farm if He want ed to ever so had. Taxes, water ren fuel and repairs keep up a consta gnawing at the little store. Perha there may be sickness, ,vhjom hole into the surplus. ‘The an his ‘wife see now ‘that they will do we! it thu{ save enough out of the farm to give themselves "a ‘detent ‘burial When their time comes. Cling to the old. , home.,.farm. â€" If ltrenth fails and you see that you ca% _.Cling to the old , home.,.farm. . If §16.] B ltrengsh fails and you see that cu can nuunu VL m 4 nHVJUsH+ no long;t ol;eep things l\:g as in the hq sniGeconfitzrrns hn ig‘y . of manhood‘s prime,. hire some one t0 | wrag "mAwHER, AN OLD LADY OF do the heavy Work, let out some of th t tleough land, but keep your hand on t 06, LOSES HER LIFXE ‘I'l-'bo& ::tu‘ool your .-l':nzw 1 eene zmm wil & e ou, as as, you s will want a, home L this wmï¬di gm «©‘Woodstock, ~Nov.10â€"Word was _re haps you may have some good son of | eeived in the city last night that dur d‘n:ggter h\:h: .:;uld c:amek npn the m;-t Thz‘ the afternoon Mrs. Manser, an old c se ng C so, yot Ar€ | lady living near Sweaburg, to the south happy indeed ; but keep the deed‘in h e *o. ow‘;piume. Perhaps it? will be bet(oyr‘to 6f" Woedstock,. had been burned . tt build a separate house for them. .Both | death She was alone in the house ai of youkmny be the happier for tlm:.nlm t.=‘ t:tm"m accident, of wh htcnr :: way, keep your, fl!w «& * l-w."’mm w:z thrc»’t:i;h. % m the old place will| covered the house on fire and its oceu shelter and bless you till the end.â€"â€"E | pant burned to dedth ‘within. | She wa L. Vincent, in N. Y. Tribune. Severe Headaches, Loss of Appetite, Dizâ€" ziness, Palpitation of the Heart and Other Distressing Symptons * ‘Follow. Woman‘s cares about the household are many and often worryin& and. it is no wohdet that the health of. so m::z give way under the strain... To weak, tiredâ€"out, _ depressed women everywhere, the store of Mts. . Geo. L. Horton, the wife of a well known farmer living mear . Fenwick, Ont, will come as a message of hope. To a reporter who interviewed her _ on the subject, Mrs. Fenwick said: ‘Yes, SNC BUDJOCE . MLM . MOTCMEM®D MERTCC+ " 99y I am quite willing to give my testiâ€" mony to the great good Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills have done me, as my ex> perience may help some other, sufferâ€" er. A couple of years ago my health began to give way, and . I suffered from anaemia, with most of the de: pressing symptoms of that trouble. 1 became much emaciated,,. had 'd'io- tressing headaches, and a very ‘poot appetite: ‘At frst ‘<I thought the trouble would pass away, but in this T was mistaken, as T continued â€" to grow worse. My hcu-c,:gn to pal pitate vi{l‘?!y at the t éxertion; hy rest night was broken : and finally a bad cough setiin, and I was scarcely / ableâ€"to .do a bitâ€"of ~wotk ‘about, the: house. An aunt in ~Eng ‘land who bhad been ill ‘had written me |that Dr. William‘s Pink Pills had re stored her to health, and I mna ‘ed to give the pills a trial.â€" After use of a few boxes I noticed a | disâ€" tinct improvement in my a‘@ and after using the pills for a weeks ‘more the trouble <had comâ€" pletely léft me. I couldâ€"sleep well at: night, the | cough left me; m headaches that had made me #6 ::No dvTHd; my appetite returnâ€" and 1 could again F' ‘housework with m ‘r Jflg |\ feel grateful for Dr. Wi f |Pink Pills have done for . a-. and OETEN LEADS TO A BKEAKâ€" DOWN IN HEALTH. Dr. Willams®" Pink Pills have acâ€" notsamts of Pine Sated Shrorg sik ing en n:‘dmvpm, mlh?um {tom any m mt eqox will sdon be ‘on the mmd Fealth and -ï¬. Imitations ‘are se e d o o n uie pie io . in WwOMAN‘S WOBL. nd . hards bet ween ‘oft murdering â€" his father m on Juné 0. ¢~ Thi mdek Volaad - â€" 1= jury had. been out about fouz. hours wiien they : reported that they s4w .80 prospect of agreement. P . "Is there any point upon â€" which you wantadvice 1" asked Judge ‘Britton.‘ "Not that I kniow of," said the‘ foreâ€" es ‘‘"L think not, ‘hiv," was the answer,. ./ ie ’::-'lot a few g:h" "uf..“ W mt jure aeted and A M# S0T Hiet t" tiked Chak Maibets ~~*We ‘have, -w the foreman.~ . . *Whad tw Te P . 0000000 309 +5 005 : + | 'lnm,“whw ï¬-wm-».mum? ion, which the, constables found it WU‘. Mrs. Bifton threw herselt thoprhout‘-“‘.u‘ kissed her husband; More cheering and meavikg of hats ‘and handkerchiefs was iWh-b&:hm.M'N were deat: to cries of constables and Sheri® for order. When quiect was at Amatrestored, at the request, of Crown ,ï¬mwu"-hiw' e polled, ; man answering .P'“'Ix'! " No# i pailty .0. c y TLE â€" o dals EmE c "Stand up.* said the Judge to Geral4 Sifton. The accused man . arose, and Judge Britto® said :â€""The jury have m.-.mmd_rmmm foumd youw mot guilty. being no other charge against you, you are noOW dismissed." a As Gerald Sifton. left the dock he clasped his wife in his arms, Â¥riends r"dx Mm to shake . hands, hile the crowd cheered again and again until constables eleared the court. BDRKED UP IN THE BOUSE. Woodstock, ~Nov.:10â€"Word was re ceived in the city last night that durâ€" thig‘ the afternoon Mrs. Manser, an old ledy living near ‘Sweaburg, to the south of Woodstock. had been burned . to death. She was alone in the house at the time the accident, of wh tever na» ture it wias, ‘happened.~~ Neignbors disâ€" covered the house on fire and its oceuâ€" pant burned to dedth/within.. | She was Two men were kiMed by a fire M BW New York Times office. Burglars stole $000 from the ‘Tremsurer‘s office at Three Rivers, Que. Fifteen thousand striking French miners woted to continue the strike. Sir Marcus Samue! was formally instalâ€" led‘as Lord Mayor of London. Western: Free Masons will ercâ€"t a mongâ€" ment to the late Dean O‘Mears, ‘ Bt. Mary‘s has carrled the byâ€"law fxing D.: Maxwell & Son‘s nssessment at $25,000 for ten years. United States Secretary Hay and the Britishâ€" Ambasaador signed the Newfoundâ€" Tind .reciprocity. treaty. â€"â€"he ‘Pageâ€"Hersey Iron & Tuabe Company has been fncorpérated with $500,000 capital and: head offices: at Guelph. Bave j The ratepayers of Birmingham, England, voted in favor of the municipality bullding And operating a tramway seryice. Mrs, ‘Matilda Bonalie is sulng Mrsâ€"Mary Aun, AtKinson, for $1,000 damages for sianâ€" der. ‘The parties belong to Hamillton. â€" ‘The icontraat, for the new Macdonald Inâ€" stitute. at the Ontario Agricuitural College ns been let to the Schuits Bros‘. Company of , Brantford. ' Constable Watters of the Pominion police, Ottawa, ; shot ‘himself through the beart a‘hh first wife‘s grave in Beechwood tery. ic h The grand jury at Boffalo returned an Indictment of murder against Dr. Leland Kent, charged with causing the death of Miss Dingle. a Canadian. -;hï¬dnt of a mine at La .Mera, «nd a half doren Mexicans have been tilled near San Marcial, Sonora, by Yâ€" Thew tho ty path and are bayond the @ eontrol of the -dlg::hu foree. AGREED To TH®E STBALLING OÂ¥ wir®s sopy. Confession of Leaders of the Band of Indianapolis Grave Robbersâ€"A . Rerrible Story, Indianapolis, Nov. 10â€"â€"Ruftus Cantrell and John McEndreo, leaders of the gang at ghouls, pointed ‘out between 30 an 40 graves which they said were robbe‘ by , them . _to _ detectives. The ghouls were taken to the Ebenezer and Amderson â€"Cemeteries for the purpose The detectives wanted . the names 0 other bodies stolen im order <that war ‘tants might be swort ont. At the An “::.q«mmun&-a ‘Rective: ‘*tt 40 graves in the place ’mm _In "the ‘Anderson Ceme ‘tary Cabtrill polbted out the graves of EILLED BY YAQUI INDIAXKE Mine Superintendent and Half a Dozen Mexicans. Auzsam. Ari¢., Nov. 8â€"â€"J. E.. Sullivan, a{# «@utamgem woman and her deughter as among Ont., Nov. 10,.~Jabes Fite on | was goâ€"might aequitted 0 ; off murdering his : father on; on \Juné $0, 1000. ~ Thi o n in . in fkable criminal cases the Cansdian courts , The by a fire in Agents. the most rigerous weather. Taates differ, also purses. Some wa wynm'mmd‘mwmsbmthbï¬gm & are the reverse. But whatever your taste or the size of yovr pui we have gqath‘ng to pleass you. 3 Men‘s Underwear. whis* . > We are into underwear from the soles of the fâ€"et to the chin. mean we have a yery large and well selected stock ofâ€"underwear â€" men, women and children and are prepared to help you kerp warm i Prices run mns,mwe.l.oo,uo.:.oomg'um *4 made with cuff, whipped seams and finished bottoms. articles are 50c avd up, but we have a few odd lines to clear at. 456. | Wool feece lined at 75¢, 1.00, $1.25 and up. tss Boys‘ Underwear. ~ es : ¢ g Boys‘ fleece lined underwear at 18, 20, 22, 25, 85, 38, 40 505, and up.. 4 ‘\Children‘s Underwear. > s e o l i at 10, 15, 20, 25, 85¢ and up. Ladies‘ underwear, 20, 25, 85, 50, T5¢, $1.00 and up. KING STREET HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. The 20th Century this Comâ€" rathie menae inb en en ut watchwords. We have incrensed our Subscribed ‘Capital from $257,600 to $400,000, â€" We have increased our Paid ital from $64,000 to $100,000. is We have placed all our old business on at 2‘;". ‘;‘...;Z“E.‘.:.E."':W-' repa+ W i ie tackd uo $06,000. Sipnragprt s e e etrrmntmient eapa lt s #‘ :y of onr .:h or wirte Head .Rev. W. E. Pescott, B.A., pastot of the Galt Methodist church, has teâ€" ceived a unanimous invitation from Wesley church, Vancouver, B.C. The aug is one of the most important in Canadian Methodism, being _ the second largest in the Pacific Proâ€" vince. The Woodstock public school board has resolved upon stringent measures hmmuthmzw.fl board, Nave a ttuant , but unâ€" der city imcorporation * the â€" truant gull-m'd\thh the oft the police commissioners. In the meantime it â€" has instructed the traant officer to notify the prinâ€" Morg r cA f are ing to send their " Ts f names will . ib â€" UNDERWEAR â€"_ Loxpo#, THE BEST TALKING MACHINE Tt taiks ! _ Sings, Comic, Sacred and Sentimental S‘nï¬. full Band or Orchestra. Yo:xmnundcnhudcnt{‘:ulh the greatest entertainer ever made. It uses MHard FI which last for years, t MR Frea es d o td 'nlc"l.l‘ lls(!}lvr 2 CY s i t A five he Gramâ€"oâ€"phone is made in Canada, years written guaâ€" rantee with each machine. . Write for Cataloguesâ€"free. _ °_ PRICES $15.00 TO $40.00. Sold on Easy Monthly Payments, if desired. Progress in 1900. S. SAUDER & CO., COMPAMY. Steel Range arse also two of our / MClarys \6 J. DOERSAM, udï¬md.n‘dh&‘m wigh to basts a" fow! or roast, and yet too imit enough cold air to chill the oven. We tully guarantee the "Famous Active" ‘M. W eichel & Soun, LMANUEL BLOUVT, General Manager for Canada. , 2315.â€"2319 St. Catherine St., MONTREAL. 50, 65¢, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 and $2.25 up. All .. « MANUFACTURED BY . .. Agent, Waterloo. Eoonomical Mutual Fire Ins.Co: â€" _ Net Assete iet Jau. 1900 £800.000.03 Amount at Risk â€" â€" â€" $15,800,000.00 Outside capitalists are tin for the Galt Gas Cc-;:;?-: and business. So lar this year 4,000 feet ol sewâ€" ofs have been laid im Brantford under the supervision of the city enginger. maWnum squirm, The early worm just flls the bill. Mr. G. A. Glaspell, principal of the Hamburg Poblic School, has sent in his resignation to the Board. : He intends to actept a situation with a Mutual and Cash Systems. or BEWRLIN. Organized 1871. ntal M‘I. Plays like a y words muky:. It is the Hard Dise Tecords the BERLIN van 42