- Bar.--"'".""-""-' mid-*‘w‘ hymn-Ind t.Tomatto iiriikaeu--er'i'".t 'jkiu'-sttniie-ieut in *mhm‘mhon u -m'umapm a Wmmornlmwauol (G'roetarutwree"o d mummmwm w h um comm-m. TNTâ€? a'issrmio_o-storottu"', “wmwlyhumvor in}; G. aérhthnsyonu m In - mm you one!“ " “I. - . Th" mmu- ban " th. Pa- te. d 1M1, which nourished s nu a two m: that: the tormir or- gans“. pl! which to I “at ttE- ht that“ the lumen' Union, - only “was!“ to: um um prior upl. u ita produce-Ion, but .110 hook . whirl " politics, And to and: u do" w an. organisation pr- - tin my lonnod B third may tn “I. “blame ot Ontario, vim Mt. Buyout, member tor pronoun, a lender. her. Hnycock, (Pntron) 1 duh-mil Mr. Gnlhghnr, Conurvntive, 1 in 1806, by n majority ot 131.. hut 1 he in turn was claimed in 1898 by 1 Mt. Gunner by n unjority d Mt). i The political lite ot the Pntrons ot ‘ Industry, or tor that matter their ex- ittuwe u u organization, orBtrot 'stort dilution. The principal cease ot their dislolntion in not, the luck ot good principles, nor the Jack ot room tor the cumin ot these princi- ph, but is directly Attributable to the but that they turned themselves - n politienl orgnaizUiott. It is .ul! to understand that it is not in]! indiscreet, but absolutely wrong, top-n, clue in n country to org-nix; them-elven into n political party tor the purpose ot promoting their own special interests. The Grange is up institution ot enrlier origin than eith- er ot the out“ mentioned and is still in existence, with n membérship ot over 700 dicttibuted throughout the country Among» in than " "horrible“ -. Thu we nee "" nn orgnnizntion ot tumors which .lteern clear of politics on survive Tad locomplish good, while the re- verse happens to than who my van- tam to nil on the turbulent we ot politics. iiir our on POLITICS- The luture success ot the new as; Societion depend: manly upon the sanding against thte groom hr ot petty pomiu. Member. ot this or- pntution should‘ tortret that they In†any political 10mm lnd 'e member only that they no Mm. inning together tor the an» mt oi the inter" ol a. may; community. _ THE Dewayne vs THE FACTORY 'GIRL. There wu A time in the history of tho County of Wourloo, when do- wel were'noihble by those ro- quizhg “shunt! ol this kind. At “a present day, it l. mm were hirly Mia um good looking, he might lid my little diMcttlty in securing I helpmet in the household. provid- " he aimed to my her. But lithomemmtriedtoonppa lunatic for A money emtaideration I). would be very likely to have his prop-:1 rejected with scam. One ant com at this version to do- ..tIevrvlce In (“only lullbllttblo tttitisthorsgttttotrethemmee- lot Max-tum othred to you; on - h the urina- tutorial in oper- Ih In tho town. The tattektatitm " - work do. not count In tho thet that young women ill'lri- ahtr - not: ply in thee latti~ 'htio- than they would It unused h -oid work. Int In gather the “downtohrum in ttltr',".",":' nu mute- the _ _ - " " 1"pr than -u mum! to In... no Intrica- t',uMltllUJthtt Otte 'tt Q ' -..r mm In that M u- m an a If, _ . ' h w... tt It. In g b in _ no "but #3 nun-i a an a. u - it) haunt-nun“ m a A8tmiBrrs "t In. H." - - ' _ , A "l'tt w V h ‘ ii, I onus." 'dit than“. " V , "GG'i7iiai-rottett "eiriiaiiaiiure--"" harm-tug â€we.†Monti-(Mandy‘s Hmdhlul -attnMtqet gnu-nu - and; 'si/Mit , g f" ' , ""k ' H; I" “Data 5â€} "W ‘s " i'iTr"i'i%iG'iiudvdi9r 'et) H __-' "' in t-agHe' in “may: 'idi'y.iireaet,'1e, at. "iiiiiiei.i"irttsh-u0ittt" ', Ibmy'uvqniouldunlumm -rt'eee11ta.ary pun-m; m ugli- tttind with “Ionian-lb. no mam-cm an! empty. Not ts"tt we hard to determine which ot met-o u. . mm: you; run would we!" " when main; choke ot n compile: tttsth "td "truiiiEiiiiiioN or FOgte 3313 ' “'0! “a M I“ ‘5.- -eteteuts,..d, an: Outlin- a:- ub b u.dethtg' . lama: minu- -'terauem. Bel-“II a. H) II ,uaeet"at1t1't.'y,'e,'.y ‘3 great â€use. on the gun! pl- hn. and an. whats woods/m - um that tbimultlu hon nay all; no mun-m â€use“. While men is man! mm‘ " to the immune ot panning and will; lore-u. a. I." ot, the country new. in on respect, to ur tack I penny to this public service. The Port Hope truidouolin at 1 mm in Hop. Tow-ship omstaitsinq " mm ot hardwood “mint; This you th. must van [that $8.000 “ho- minid ot the increased ulna ot the timber." The $3,000 wu mound: reduced to $2,000. but tho Men to- umbed. It would [my the owner to out and sell awry stick ot timber. The assessment would then be 12de ed Ind the routing ulna would In increased. It we wart «In totem preserve! In must nuke an prenu- vatidn protttabU to mom: at “In. land . The Twin City Lord's Dny Alliance 1 hove appumtly come to the concl'u- A sion that “Foith without work: is ,detrd." In consequcnce they have de cided to [allow the oxunplo of their ‘collenguel in the Treat, and at the Attorney-09mm! ot the Province to instant the proper omen]: to we that the Ant renting to south any ohmvuxco be colored in the din- trict over which they have "penil- ion. The - aastivitr mums“ by the “has. nolnl to-hare bean and principdly by m operutiomr curried on during; the eat low madman “10'8th day, a ml Building com M we Ontario Susi: Conway's plant " Berlin. it is rather his in we day'to hope ior my delinblo rennin tron thin action on the pin ot the Alliance, as LA: on suma- braldn‘ is concerned. in the erection at tho my; lutory. from the not tttat tho completion ot the notary in " land.“ " View ot an: [set the Allinnce should - have no dimcuity in getting ‘tha ma- chinery ot the law My opinion. Toronto N-rc-criminal cord- bnvo begun to tell ot tunable“ prosperity ot Ontario.- LORD’B DAY ALLIANCE. Once it wu neceuuy to look to Hon. a. w. Ross and tho editorial columns‘ol the Globe toe tony pies tuxu of he onward "veep ot " great province. Thou 'rx-parte autumn no now borne out by the mauve:- Able antimony of cumin] uni-ties. l [ An Ontario (mm In.- just ttgured' " the vieilm hi the impromptu ds. livery of $166 to robber: who rudely distubed him " All ploughing. That the nu: behind the plough should be tapatrlts o! supplying no]: a Ima- “on man.“- any mom; suspi- Mon that but! than null “all an concessions and side “up. Thu m â€an In Ont-no hum: ml.» - Iver up 81“ to natty†vim. “tying m nun Ion If“! it. mm gammy n lien-I 'mre%qs, History h with-{spre- alnt Ate I 'rillt I. lo- M ‘m who vat b a" no with me loot- chm in ill - db. q GOOD TIMES FOR SURE, myotndsmbd.ofm.doa mstblev.t.thrbtt-arserrtt- " mum-‘9! eittm,ta-- ,etiuem-.etetthae,tn-s. I‘m-1m.th .g'aatothse"tmets at has. at: AGAINST BON USING tua-ttht. val- Jtu"MS"l'tt, "ltr/tlt, “We? "e._.e" W V' E'ï¬ï¬-ï¬ï¬‚ _ guilt-hill: . >"Ooodntll. “In Ind-M! "oUiiukitid-thetyptr"d.: .1m;mmnm - uni iiiiirirtei-stio.ttfrtteut iaia4raautort_tr; madmlu.udw the unnvuuolml .M “£1093“de m titggtt',ttf, WWW“! . “PW W" PM If?!“ - . M , y gllttt “do.†. . [ in ‘m‘ ' ' .. {W on. 1. “1m emu. um" ' . CHARAO‘PIRIB'HCS or GOOD 'f"ots. I _ Th aim In an“ I good not In to smug. th "to“. t out nutmhuuuoluu‘ lib “melon dunk-bk an r _ may be hard, smooth. mum.†lovol.~ or Add out on tho - to tin not: gram my be ouch that- Rood-d vehicles my be drown our them without mot. ion ot "min that they should b. properly constructed, the ground you drained, the round snded, shaped uni rolled, and that they would be lurked wall tho ban matarial Procuratsie; that they should be properly "uaitstaitsed or Mgt con- uqmy in good repair. st,,; '"'e"" - B.""" x-vr-w - in road tttat mm but as need: ot a... tuna in _ ' must boy be too costly; the menu phat. nut be t you but'kind, for lumen alum)! be at), to do that: heavy Insulin; our them. orttirr their tieidn uo too wet to ‘Ion, aad their team would, Omar Mae be We. _ The beat reed tor the’lnrmer, All things being considered. is e solid yell-hunt stone road, no “no! a to be only 3 my. trash, but having e nun out! reed on one or both sides. Where the mm in not very extend" the purpoeee ot good route no better served by nerrow treet- than try wide ones, while my otl the objectiouhle lettuce ot wide tuck: ere removed, the bum cost ot construction is out down one-hell or more, and the chum to: repel: reduced in proportion. Where beds ot good yen! no oveilehle this is the simplest. steepest and most eftseuve method at improving country rude. With earth done, however, A Very punble road can be nude, provided the principles ot mention, dining: and dupe ot Induce, together with tint at keeping the urine es smooth end Bra; â€possible " rolling, be _ strictly edhered to. In tam, 3 good with " second to none for sunnmr travel, and Igpexibx to may of t: 'd mrmrlll Wu) or “one roads. But the tstsrttt roadsomust be touted with some mama mutant], It any we to he and: tum ad unyzeldin; a All also» “A in d! that ot "um. wit . who. smooth And impervious to “Mt. _ .' The Department ot Public; Road 'SIA' an} the National Good Ron Associntioa ot the United States can)“ their Korea I cou- plo‘ol "In no tor the purpose 9! uni-hills - Isl-on- do the con- "tactic all also ot good roads to WI In 3 large number of coun- [uni-Mn; - Inc-Ion- do the con- uructiu all who ot good roads to tumors II 3 large number ot taNMt- tries. A Rood Bonds Train we equipped tad run between Chicago and New Orleans, building wort uln- ple “retain .0! model road, all holding loci! convention in vuious countries “on; the tonic. Br thin mans splendid adulation“ work was ‘aone m the dirmjon ot magnum; upon the people the -irstrtt ty oi wider lands, sad the tlt,', yin: which they on be con-true . A ___m 13“ u... - - -v Running the great good um would b. mumplhhed it s limiluly equipped min were operated in Cart- iiu"aettartwaamad. only in whereby I. hope! to em the " Instead ot 1:“!an any land o,rtureeeaeaat-rtitettter"" than In companion with "ottee town tor If hunky. he would-pelt f little mom, to hand up no any ‘unl {until it with â€with; "In: wtit nah Wop a walk“. “an lot Man to but: In. " upon“: - ot this "out m h to build . ling oemmmr mung the tortr In. - hung a; pm my. 'h., 0.1.3.. C.P.R., H.033. all L.E. and D.WW, ivaidholpo-t may» - 'nunnf. no " at Ian'- ilu by m an unity morn?! new. all n - kt - We - wttf NI into I. will [not hit at ab 3.1.! u m a any out tttr " qtemetu-ttttraA.ssdrte duh-III "hNattgq enamo- m ,-sttiryrt.rytr11tet?aief mwuuumunhm iiiiii7,7iti't,itiiiiii *'e,2 Engines-hind y. Ugh. my}. I m. " rMrll'll TBR. GOOD ROADS TRAIN uni-cum III-ilk.- Human» Lin-ulna.†nut-ho Mia I-hWh _ ' a ott,tt-girr.rt.t m5. who» on... «a! aiG. ot than. min. N - Be Interested any. SAW STRETCH“ or Bo" " In “In“! an All in“ ad- to nah-m to -adhrrMrf, a “won't, View": thm anâ€: a; snlbllo In: m mull at -obtoet)-ro.the. aluminum 3»de mm: mm than, "he m m Mm upland to and . - an» a! - tttad Iron“ tum "oaatttrtiuitrfsr'tt, but _ Mn troatttisA, And “Mini “(mined sketch. The auction the uncut stretch cl road v†leit mm tho (loamy Gnu-cm, with a. tsrtderrtanding am the Township Counciiu'sbolld mm All the meet- nry “one. teams. hbonn. etc. Ihr- ing to the any upâ€: “YUM. etch/County Council In and to mac 3 in†ot $100 to: each "null cl road nut, . ' In Milan; time 93!": reeds, the 4 "trat thing in to provide tte requisite I ‘drnlnnxe; wind: in no tum-nu! l principbotroed ranking. Themed-l bed in tun duped with the pinion: main; the mire couldenbly high- er warlike sides BO that like was! HI may run " into a. Michel. After rolllng with‘ the m mun roller. . trench than eight rm wide â€at-"six inches - GIN dam iret ot Che rout-Into thin .is put first I leyerol coerce broken- |“one; than e layer ot tltte “one, .lutly n - of still liner stone as n dressing. This Iaat layer helps to bind all the “one into e solid mus. while line sides ot the trench bald it All in ‘placc. The ten-ton ween rol- ler is run over each leyer of no“ u it is put on. The rolling in el-‘ veys done down the lid!- ot the trench Brat so that the noose will be crowded town“: the centre. m the rolling ot the strap]: strewn is "orrtpleteii, The “one Maid be About {seven inches deep, which is uncle!“ to stand ordinary tunic. Such a road may have to enlight one!†in I am c hamlet. but the expense ot , keeping iLin repair will be much ' less than tor an ordinary clq road. COST or SUCH ROADS. Bonds such " those that In" been built by the Chad Rod- Train cont anywhere from 8500 to $1,000 per mile, According to hangout“ all cost of stone. The â€any. “one (out costs trout 3000 to 8750 per Shite. Such roads and a certain lunount of repairing, the same . q Mather roads, but ttttt much. _ The numb" ot cord: of stone at wired tor a. me of mull depart}! ll- tomther upon the depth ot stone Ind down. " hill on eight hot who and eight Inchu deep in the came. it would (do the!“ no to no cords per mile. \ A mum engineHor hauling the cruher, chute: him, spreading WB- mr. and . are or six ton horse grader and working thsasrusherc- u roller would coat unseen: Gout $8.800. ad an. otrtttt would}. - Beter" te do .11 the work lot my ordinary municipdity. P. w. HODSON. my â€who: otAerlit? balm ml GireGGisGiiti. me to 9mm! Hon. Mr. Tut: 'oxpecb to an“ n: mrtitt n I o'elork on ATI; waning: and bus communion!“ up President Reid, cl the trtdtstttrhl Committee, Mu manner: ot undr‘ In; in Berlin during ‘il talcum thy in order an he lay "In use Balin's my Inn-Ilium!“ in- teee: Mr. M is deBteoer. ot km; out “one†ot - h- -tetaiaoriertohtHd_t" In. ot the hon! out», an m mm to 'I mud-cm and comb; II mun mm â€It" uedaeaNd and MI bud-cu I. win many as!“ ii- In his and! In tum-nun; M ta probably no â€use nu in Cumin â€dumb-palm ot -rsrettsettt1rittrr_ryeaadi, club tireteq than Mr. Thu. In! Mahatma-alto nut. hi.ettemaees-io-d$ts'exeiMt. wam-nwnhmn- iuiViuoitti-tnetrt1' thet-tamor unmet: . lla- 'dtUgPri.'""'r" on“ The vim of an hum - aâ€. Ive been an lot mu mu Cmtet:--Je" sun. '00†Tt., - “It. not“. (new Jon. Ah In. 1 M up, M - “an. - an. Tb,qtog.hr" d 1-9.8» I“ OUTFIT OP IACHINERY mus 'mou'rm .tM e.. l A w'wico'b W- "a yho m " "can; In m AF "tkttuttttttt,trtdl" ubs" "filing." ’ 'Tio'm . 2iiiutt't'tt'aTa'tlh"aSl '.ideq.-q:itrtt,tEtlt,'.ft .. nu an "0:0th poll-IE unit: mum-.mjm .. _ Gruu E a; uh u... we“ is an “at wail,- ud a 'ted-dw pom-uh was n- u like! 2tf,tattN2er, M: by! ymnhg.lr.l. tg.Tquta.,reuiotfh, and. mum.w.r.m.tu turuir-ce-etdesemry.et' mmwmumhww uwm'mun,-mu-mm run. AWanuu'ont. iii.di-r,,rtti'i-dre w'ukk. â€with.“ tii"iiriuttr_ir.d.t.tlF their iuuiettorttHfsetP,u1it' tsmrtitdttim-in+iiyt6 It. Ttgdi,trd,ntMti'f.Q,'l h- umming hummus in Im- The Mini and Mr. run. M (bound to Mon: the mm ot the 'tsatterandaetarmadvim. Astro- sult, lam. Bovlby a Chm“ were .coulnlsed by “a TM. and u or. dot for an injuncttomwu dun at. mtrtmtrsing in mm, Allied . mums, tron trespassing on the Nautitts' ideal prelim, and otr. trtrtrrstirtg the riahtuth' teachers, or Nautitts' ideal prelim, and otr. trtrtrrstirtg the riahtuth' teachers, or any ot the. Lum aux-chm their du- tiAa.ate-u1thestthool, and Iran: “with; or “tannin: to teach ttr act " W In tbs school: The out: ya and â€Coastal. E. C. Wells: to It. Zinnia this morning, lumen a an no o'cktk. mg an. 'agilt-mmteed Us dts11" " “go! I'm "and; ting bum mutt no 1't'tdttg,t', this who! trouble In mottled. To Be Soul With Naked 'tre--Ner 'tiaieiitttrri--r'lri.tqltthe Toronto “locum-Poop]. interest- ed in mum phenom would “-11 themselves ot the opportunity dt obpetvln; Pertarte'."srottsest which Ss"'a"t grant sliding along at an to- mhble we ot 3,000,001! miles not 'ur. I, _. It in mm. now to tho/Baku] eye it you know just whore to look [or it, And in usin seen with m ordin- uy pair ot open. glam. hut will grow " it new the m and dual- ‘ops n an, ad Vin-M yu'y bagtltul and distinct in B few weeks. t in being wnkhbd cuddly, “who Tor- ortto Observatory. n in loaned not [at Item an Gamma Casio’s!“ and in t Inigo nebulous mus with 1 " and condmtbn mat the night Ihl. It In: no'tail yet, but Iomo' wine peardhsped, with very ill- deMed trust! edges. " in unveiling towns}: the sun with unusual upm- ity. During an time ot chanting a the ottitrvatt.ser last night it had lppuently moved an - ot .one quarter the {man at the mm. The comet-minus through the (ele- "oretotreitudrhalfthotte at the moon. and an region "Handing it in brightly maul-sud. _ Abe-t mum» ttdy mm] with not: the team gr,“ . tt VII†hull in View no“ A month and n halt, and than “MI. The“ hum‘heuuuhnlnmmjuahls one â€out“ ttt ht Ibo. ma. ' WKGUT PM THE MEET. otMte0t4ei5 . "W09: ITS his m ttttttttte Mttte [I b'l"r"gl",'.-' - mama. ‘hmnmc , qMetm8tlk MEAT MARKET. ll minion' Goal and nonunion Steel _ clty Mtrat Market: W wtmmhlbm . awn-mums. ' Mr. B73. ia-tn-tre, to thr" uh ammo: Mom to: their - own-5° we» baa-3:29 "er and GiGTiidir iii Taf my] titt. to was mm In» madam uns-ano- -' -- 7 H k- Mr. Dumas mm!- m tmt " human Ind you an rd: IN- 3.2%me â€f " St"tti D PM) _ u greatly In!“ at. ttlic,',' "pert. tor m. walk who um! Mr “In. all e, but ot "ttnthetitm In crud. hmmm tet the mod p†RM. ' mu , hm! yuan.†will: Agents ESTABLISHED $99 “Bo-tan 3min ang, mm; ban-W _s', W'I'FETDEVER & CO.," s: Is a ,mmantttteittrurtit%t-attdqoty1t" around. It than: thehlothu’twodud dun. makes only half mailing!!! Ilium at iio.ursuiit.tatrwdimotionitatrmnue. "'"' __ --' “f V" -, TrF'7r., 1r'rira" A w v-tttlat" on. do» his. “Ilsa-if- . dueims pk usual-l Insan- I“ “-4 s--t-.ao-r-reu- Shhucooth.."‘“.him evicot-t-odgme.eq_ F STOCK "AND BOND BROKERS. '.tttec-rtt-aeat$-_.v GDLD‘TUST M. Weiohel & Barr, lunch Burton‘s. over oti [at-huh with!†" or auxin. BOTH“; I!" "" m 'tttBit" _ tau-mum! ttsrgyreterr'a" . RANGE SQ; McCllaty's WE EXECUTE ORB!†I. 'aa6trato-rr.a-idHier 3!th ttr “on!“ a. “Tm 'rurtt'mtm-t"rr emu-.11.!» SPRING .. 2tltt"fMtt"aet 'NNWdf,,'d','d “I 'ttM-at mum "2g'lut"tdhutt, "N. good a“: mama-I." -ili"eiikeg, Ai i5t,tatiStt Mwe‘hm!‘ .M'a. Mini-Itin- WWW" [mum-l $8.3M Jon PHONE mm ma- Sole walkout. Waterloo. HATS.