mmmaml ttgtrt."t2t.Nttt.t, uh khan-Who! utk-ettuth*oot Dwain-#093. s". '. _ vi.) h’ bl "h _ J, , V 01.34 " P2t'dlut'th' to - w - - tgee S"t'sti t aiu " tet nc. the†0..“ w " than via a. hue-m -ially I. Imlly m with . larger In» ot mum than than who“ muonuwm. It a - ttt “on“ that - was “1W. when an Betsapl Band “I. the law month; compuls- on â€My that in may "tgt- Gummmum. â€mania-i. town» “as at put-ham were that]. .trt.6o,qrithtrrttttokn. "' km ot ti. m ot 'Mtrftt Bout mun-pun but: I) '" Hill D- II simply “will; '" M a! no he. who! "e tt . M W than W. tree)at WWI". My, an “no 'gaprdtt - ho- vholmnlo-pucmm and h hub; . hoot-m hop the Mill-spanned top-1t, so in! en in and on: and over min." Thin whole-Ila vacuum; In." vary much or . town to the all gnu-t Intent unt\llouxinhod so†much or twenty you: no, but which has long since been Ibu- loud. TI. Noereooxd reports Tun-‘0‘. “can cost per pupil g w" to: tho lat ten years tor text ï¬lth his 10 H cents. while un- it .. plan oi wont: buying the I.†from mu: dozier: the ever- l. out A you total- neuly three' will. This nukes n dilemma of alum per cent in the cost ot tut kl. between the wholesale Asn.of purchase ad the mm plan. Mint lot the mount ot profit (which in the chem: class o; text hook! mounts to veryJittle) this norm“: gain must tindits wey into the pocket: of the retail ttook-miter. "the†We be correct, there is little wonder that an: alert is being mud. to - Inch . considerable loving. But it the system of whole- nle puck“. ot commodities for the Ila ot whool children is to be ate "opted,' Why not look up the price at than end clothing. " no doubt when at children no prevented hon going to school on amount ol M lining suitable shoes and ni- no no? Blnll WITH Tm: _ PAlNE’S CELERY ' COMPOUND â€are is pumps another di- "ttttttn in We]: the doctor might- And room to: the application of his principlu ot economy. It is common- ty reg-Nell no true an the College at Phyelclen: and Surgeons of thr- brio were quite liberal in "ing [eel tun,',".',?', attendance. Would it not well for the Berlin School Bond tollook into this matter and Iee’ it by the wholesale purchese of blisters and pills tor the use ot the schoolchildren. enmg ot, may the“ 3000 per can could be enacted. " my rub the present tamper of our School Board should b0 very en- coun‘ing to those engaged in ttrits- ing pupils for our public schools, as Well a . strong stimulus to than who In tardy to keep the Com- mt to "multiply and replete ish the earth." Hamilton Spock-tor. - When Miss Stielelmcyor, cl New Humor; chmged - nun. the other day, to Mrs. Puddicombe, it was about an even swap. The will at the lute Wm. Ogmm Wellesley Twain“;I ha been flied tor probate. The els we t “In! " 812.306' and the executors In the widow, Emma Ont-m. In two Ions. June: Ind mam Ogram. At the next meeting at (In Toron~ to Hotelmcn'a Assochtldn u propo- Inlon will come up for discussion to “ON the European plan in the hole! dining rooms, having Intros: piy in: hat is ordered, instud ol the - result: rate â€sum. Per1naneattr Cures Sigh and Nervous Remakes That Make Life Miserable. list not harm lac-duh. In mun tt-tfthttfIth. Thom-n qtrrrrteBart who“ nuan- tmad-tte " 1mm hunk, to. 'hrm0t* lib My . lull of m sud muhodu- mm ham. to think Bandung murals, result than tl CW condition of tho mm‘ . [and animal“. lots of “may Mm nod dial-dual dt-tton an exciting“ M to ball income- dnd M do M,llovholo anon-yuan In -o, a! Maho- _ trt “II"! I 't6ggtstr,ttio kidney. tgt- "htN.yrd W,heod ‘3 'f,'gl'u'ar'attf, m arm-mm “to m .1 Mad. 'h.-' a. o .1 a - ab ;III,II nu.- Wd'dlt â€DEM -.F, A L ,rariiaiiard..Liiik- inn! "may tmqethd Mth “had- 'iiriuUji.-iruie,ju-, on! $5835 Fm - tutted.--aevemt mm mm cu, Blane Attached to the Camiitutr. k Ttriaet teratuar' 'ii'git""Siiii2idftit M hwy . um C?r?, WI - " o . s" “a; win his "mi-9i It m mph-my wads-d- _ ' l, ""iuauGrii, onth-nil at u- tr W. . _ Pea6eMt 'At - $$Mttt :1 'tst-tttg an“: - In on: taunt In -er - hot plan ft' a. m but a! m and harm or up uy arm. Nun. " la; n it (inn-an or mm W and um - live, in] they to!" “a my and. on at. My: uni “a ‘upukuu through which may pay ‘ud in . mummy gtttttt - at ttme, and no arrow can an diuaiagmunttt.etau u not PiNestaa id“! Joan. who way can“ bound in â€maul! eat and the tolls: and lil- crushed instumy out (finish. The cum ot so my pencil from instant death in . miracle. the most minn- ulous tenure; ot the Incident being the muvellous escape ot Engineer Mi» one“. who clans to the lever, while the Rude: iett the nib in rounding I curve and his lavorite iron horse plunged after it down the embank- ment m feet belowutln engine ho- in; thrown on its Ian side on top of the tender. When things came to . lag-main he wls mu " his I. standstill, he m "ill qt his) post, suspended by " um: from the lever end nil he had to do we: to let go and drop ttthe ground, while his helper on the under side we: caught between the eel) Andrea- der and the lite crushed instantly out ot him. Mr, lumen went mow. the terrible experience without re- halving a scratch. but the breve heart, while rejoicing " " own ee- cepe, only wishes that his more would have lend in the same mu- ner. lt seems to be e nuance! il- lustration ot the Scriptural quot,» tion “Then shell two he in the field; the one shall he taktts and the “Juan-119m other left." It was About 8.35 More the El. min train left Berlin on its last trip for the week, the train trom the cut being about half u: hour latei The Elmin tui- wns made up in the following order: Engine 133, with the tender to the tore and in chase ot Engineer Mitchell and Fireman Jones; the passenger car with thirty- 'tlee managers. in charge of Con- ductor Whiuook ad Brennan Poi- lukowlki an! the my 9“ In the Jar. There we: more than the usual number ot passengers on board, on account ot the large number who were returning trom the Tororto In, dustrial Fur. After the Wswloo quote ot pessngers had been taken on, every sest in the coach was oc- cupied. The train sped on to St. Jacobs " . somewhn taster 'te of speed than usual, wording to autumn“ ot some ot the passengers although Engineer Mitchell And the train employees assert. that the us- {usl “to at speed - 25 miles m hour All went along smoothly and the lie-ensue were chiming at with the other, when, luddenly there we: on tortul jolt, when the car o-tum- ed and the passengers were ell thrown from their seats and piled Ipon . heap on the side nearest the ground. There we: I general pale women were screaming, children were crying and men were growing, but lat was not long helore en opening was mode through . couple ot he windows and . reseulng party of the pnssengern we: unmixed end ell were when out ot their perilous po- sitions. The injuries to the pup anger: were not so serioue a to prevent them Ming in the nitration " was exceptionally dork, owing fe G. "E51586" be“. which thrmteoed to unite tho slut-tid- A“ the more unpleasant. The scene oi the accident was about. . mile south ot the Heidelberg m antics and two miles north, of fu" Waterloo depot. Through _ the (21mm: {um there is u long cum end just us the m enun- reached meander Den the tack. lollovel by ï¬e engine and pun-get at m- use w. At an pout Mel: {a embankment ot mu ten bet on end die ot a. truck. It: “won't-l!†" 'trtai,ytute9t.qtef_2,rrt 'idtt.ieg.,-tqea.atil1sunt- mm. Jam- summits hie-h utthbmvum attt.ittttgair_t" my iiuruiirtreinetramrra6- /itiirai-,taeAi<t!rr" was mira Train A WELL-FXLLED TRAIN LEAVES_THE TRACK THE WRECKED ENGINE mmumumuwm arar-uta'rertsanstfat9rr" am. no “at. W vernal-aw M t.mA-sa. admin-II. “lint-m mourned mammal. In†“in! mm.» “In“: ‘_ munch-radiant. M mwmmwtan- simian-hell -marriMttV unmmumaéu huh-Id unto. Aim-MIAWIOIO u- ‘cuurytouhyut 1u..emted, #:1111375 in‘ w t u W maiornr ol the. it - wt PA', iiriruduiiiktirii, - mu the «4 haul: was conveyed to WW. Amos; ttte â€new“ on a. In“ Nrtee a. who“ ; John Girt6tr, r8â€. III-I. act-thew. $$gg. - suds. Jami]... UM It. Ltre der, Elam; In Jay. Baum ta; PM I'll-hut. It. at In. Lem, two In! All twin Mun, Wgtorloo; J. swim. but balm. Otto lamb. In. P. Me, It: Human“, Jacott 311-. John Fries. Berlin, W' Baum, Hen. Heller, " Juan and other: whole name. ham not been luau. Mr. Louis but at ~wnmtloo tad Mm. Lars, two you and um. twin girls would two _ out: In the can“ at tho at on the opposite side to which, the cu in thrown. In. but all may would with a o- m “in; u phat. m. Lens who wanna} better la' 125 youth, was cortHer'rtrir hurt. Ho In: uncon- sciohl tor . low minutes, hung “nick on tN, top of thghend. in- fiicting a nah requiring men! stitches. His left knee wu out also to require several stitches, His right. leg wu considerably bruised "ihtsrin"ies Mitchell hid his um somewhat bruised, but. otherwise as- cqredprttet s "Pte. - _ "iYe/rttert Heller, at St. Jubbs. had ._tlntter broken and his wristyprsin- "Andy" auximtr, the Magenta, his a very sore arm apd is other- ttadirita?tn up. A - . -rr'ed Fittringei received In ugly gun in the ins. Wupr Jones, the unlortnnnte tire man, was born in Station! and wns agrgy 25 years. He was married but seven months Mo to a young lady from Bumptom He we! . tine tel- tow, an and [ether slender end 11- wnys derorting himeeltlike a guano- men. He was much thought ot by Engineer-Mitchell. He has been in the employ ot the Han. wnd Elmisn branch tor over & year 1.14 grief - “newâ€: widow has the deep sytrt- pathy ot the surrounding community. Heâ€-wn.s a member of the Canadian Order of Forrester: and Brotherhgod at Firemen. The More! was {an n Station! on Tneedty morn- is. or All the in: that flesh is hatr to them I in none more justly dreaded than sneer, a painful And lingering disease for which no Ade an“ remedy In- yet been found. It willie nummbered that In " address Horn . medial congrats ur,', or a: le III. um of Enghn .xprr_qd te that e diligent cam-t would he made dimer some menu- of - ing this dreadful malady. Recent inven- ugutiom point to the send-don that on of the tSauBet' ot cancer u inner food And drink. That cancer: at t r. and mouth In eoatsed by executive mo . ing in now a feet ambushed by the we of Canon! Grant and others, ind it he been intimated that other Incohe- ht" been {and in can!!! vile-menu. totem cheese: {ohhich noun. {lemon- ‘ble peaple probe- to hug A great w- tng. tht hr u the mind, is been“. to cum like the†the remedy to he tll; plied h dimple lnd any, Vin, to Ill irsrrdsratetr, tr st all, nnd to let an nanny no! decided “tide! cl tool gong-o tutu: puma M to Do 1‘0me Ind Cheese Cult Canal TI! TEST THAT TELLS . Till TALE OF In" v... enact]: the cm m -maetrrtau-thu _8Fadnr*o P... "uni-p tttal-tttgm-tid womb-3m» and]. tubiqhertinfretets - _ - " “Wham-l aM'tht2"fll'dM,',Vtl'llrh' "chm. uh momma-om. Plat-If- no.†- nua- mun-awmur A, "vac-IAN†m Isol- t'2t,rfeta mad-w â€can tmdwm â€h_w~*-c°_ W "manual mun-1mm you I! by.“ In!!! “when “a. uh ttat af3er.Cuehs wan: “- N'iia"tg 1'41u1i,fdlJArd','ll'A'/lk of moc'lomiloI-iun nu. [mum-nah m- an -, â€do. v.7 To tuition-uh mum. a te the Test of Friend! and Neighbors, ON m ' TRAIN THE DEAD FIREMAN THE wounnsn P'aii', sh-Cam/sa' “WT“ it" the Knox-Id Candid“! "Toast“: _ ulna: emu- ot Benin! I " OM: a] h"Mlu'ta='d'ltltus nirvana-chm“... an “)! MI M. “in“. . or .,a,.,,_. .. 7., . (I. illill lit', " - “than min 5 - m. g": " w, " a,†" " IGal i M "I a Wu , n 'ax.‘ " MGN W - a! "lltlNlfjlllil V 2; Rits, ii on, . " ' J" '74“: ' "e -aiiEr.7, “l ~-,:' :- iii"ii mac-I‘m†h . an. t_. n In! I!!!" W)! oi but! to I.“ b - not m be: an - In. an; "bagttmtt tee no M h mm. tlog ot mount, h - d when is you may a. = Ai";') wood.“ you“ ttat un- [iiiiii5t2e on with; a sari wolkohexunptd i.eete,'l't"l,tti not. The Humid out my GTrtr on" u at tho Bella Telephone Co. in not“: In _ a the. youâ€: common with pm Com- ‘puay and uni thm Council " tt would not lo um. lot tho town Ato grant "a Company o in. _ [rum-hue.“ â€euro the um, which the Connolly vol willing to par tor it, pxevlou to the “on tho Cowl! rescinded the motion to you “o l Conway on exam-l" rm. l one: minor matte" won - , wittost discussion. Mayor Eden , took the (hair shortly “to: 8 o’clock . tad the following member: were in _ their plugs: Aldo. J. Caching, V. , P. Wotan, Wm. Vest, W. Collard, b C. Knnz, D. Gross, J. F. Hou- - berger and C. Bruno. Ald. E, r Bucket won shunt: _ Tut-Mm!" -hu%iGurot the previous mut- lngs were read uni donut], u was also the Financial Statement. tor the month commiiieatiems From John 1ustt,"Prmident ot the Tunas and Labor Council, asking the Council to (helm this attract giv- on try the Free Library Bond to Caper Bruin, contrary to revised swam ot 1307. Div. t, Sec. " 43, null and void Mnyor' Eden, Berlin, "s., Dear Sir: I intend to start the mamttaeturing ot boot! one! shoe: - an condition the tom, will loan no 34000 to: ten you! Mn: and in. mm 013200 meme: with examp- tion from nation. I will put up I factory " x M, two storie- high, which wttescequipped with mammary will cost $5,500, and upon which I will give the town . fir.", "mortgage as security lot the union. I was to employ" no lee; than 80 lands the first yen and cotttitmet to increase L, that at the énd ot Brtt your I will employ It lent 60 hands. Hop- ing your Coupe“ will act "ttttee in the matter, " I will ta have he- tory ready tor occupation by Nov. lst. From Peter A. Bryce, Beer - Trmo manning the pnllmimry mounte- ment of the meeting of the Executive Health others' Awaiting a! tht. uric, to be he†in Bull: member ttth ml 1m, 1902. _ t l non w. J. Rhodes. Seq. ot no Fin Beau-taut, asking the Council to pun-chm [on pain ot "We too“. - _rrorn9rederitANr m N. B. Mueller. Tan. G. V. mm to. gain; to my tin can ..eqt.t of w in; m m an Int on I.» m. in Ito" ol an: m “mutants-Int. 7A - _ "13;; d.' S Ztnk’mn. saying tirr a refund ot his butetrer't' New am- ouzt'ns to tp. -. _-. .. -riGi W. '1). Lighting". Secy - Tmatt, ot m Union at Canadian Mumpipqnhahec‘loslng a invikuon Le gum. irgormatietat “in to "it caddie. ol h Min Who “kWh!!! In; an m to: No. a on the mu M. _ From â€my - a m Stnet all" the Cottgtett - N A" not oe%e" it. w s. R. to “any. “I "ha “a. Mo nur- "e, a p. m H h to the Council to send museum in; to the second mud Conn-“6h to he†in loaned on September "th, Hub and 17th. "$613“. froUias, m. In“. ot- fering crushed “one ,0: we st " cent. per ton. _ The fperrthen mad the following Frqm'm property one" on Wel- lingmn Street, asking to have the d- ley running trom Edit"! Street to Gain“ Sheet â€was , Wdllmon to. Loni“ sum cloud up and caes- h: to pg "e'"" tr t"tyliet . "TtiGCiGTii. vim Pm. Prussian. Children‘s Aid Society. “My; 9.. Council for I grant at $15.00 lot as pmpooe or wrench; " nun new 4mm of clothing kn Harry Rand. no blind boy. “new; the Ban. {on mutant _ !‘rom Hula N. Pink B. Hod- ttity, FIN WM and Norm. Scheldet. um; ht tho 8M.00 't w“. alert! sr (yea-5:11 in 't BOARD " '0“! REPORT ctDogUNICATr0Ns WANTS A LOAN. E35 Yours truly (tune anoeitrreiievultrtait 6. E, Bach! - Petty? rt:- Pills _ but tagtris “gut,“ S'k1ttu'utl'l'd'th,?tll mun-cowo- WWW. M'Wm'm“,9'329"a "agtNdtttarhotqA,tVrtiy 'rg-oe-tgt-ttit-tb- erir III- a Einctrte his!“ Ind-ram by cmtpboul clu- tt'2derd"T,,uttcf to Wan-11m who â€aunt's-nub - ‘Tht‘hanp-W at. toeo.r6td-Ari-t.4 he...“ mammtnuww taearuetitpuaa+,ttt6ttr is named a Tom's shun in; menu-nude. 7 __ in ol’vu'ch Emu, " 'nNtrd. - ulna? Yamaha Market Commuter... ... ... r... a.“ “to 3 LI“: Guanine. ".1133.“ Fin & “to! Commute. '" It“... (Dummy Committee ....e. ... . I 89qu Coinmitm ... ... m.†Flint-pr a lots, printing " New: - Bacon , printing 10.10 Funk Balm. mutual! 15.00 Report w Adopted. u we do another report Mating with . may Tehran mount oi 85.00 In con- nect on Tith the printing ot the Vor. en’ Lia' The Ivonne; Xmas, Gran end Weber be e mm. M “hem may - to celery the Cor- pontion to include the progeny of â€as property ot moxmmso - ‘00. end “joining properties and tt possible â€chase some other port“? ot the corporation in): the Camel elm Townhip ot Weterloo tor in“ properties. . . The following resolution was pu- ced: " F- 7 A . . That this oouateil has “attained that tho subscribers at the Bell Yeie phone Co. in this town hue , nou- tr every can stage! In? "tAe- TO ENLARGE THE CORPORA- __ WON. f ea tor “use years irith the said Co. datqd some ttme yithh tho pan “month. Humiliation-ave think it would» be advhahlo to [he the said Company] Itre yean' con: tract dated from January 1902 tor “return ot $450 tor tth that year and the cum 01:30qu we [cut succeeding years, and that “In Mayor is apthori"H, to open 't0ettitsthoe with the Said Company. It wu mend and seconded try Am. Hon-barge: and Collard that the Tom, Solicitor he lmtmbd to include in tho Con-ollntod Br-hoo A elm-e providing that corner lots ‘ln sampled from assume-t lot yridesrntkt' an street. improvements 1in$hosunommmx Mto then-me cunt " they on now mot trom [awessmut tor - - to: new» tlcn hereby provided that u] molt1 ,lmptmcnentl mm all: the litto- ‘dncplon ot the Frontage Ana-mt ‘syltem, tit no {and to he no“ tor liariGiu nub. which would not hove been nude had such nonunion peel letdown in force, And that so: 'rome Clerk ho instructed to tank: no change ' the mo ot other one" " other pro-Innis Ion on um. would by men a- omptlons - provided toe ho mud. up by semen! mt upon the town n Inge ad that and: ex- enptlng also†come lnto ,oroe on no My} day at hungry. 1008. ' " BELL TELEPHONE CO. FRANK CHISEL '"%i"i'tiliGiiiuo. was carried almost Inn-moody, All. new don voting "r. P. Hymn“. "8.66; R. m ' Cd., m cola-ct on Ella and Qual- Street: "37.“. 1.1.0 on Jo- Iepl Street $480.00; Inmloo [rt Co., - to tolls 818."; Lem Nelll, might“ $80.Mt R. â€not 3.00., mm; to“ “and. plat vdh; cm.- - C... 84.20; W. I. Mb - M “It Ate. 33.“; I. il. sum. nit-l as»; B. a w. Street By lht. Rina. menu-mmmum- “harm“. “on“. mthgtoMJl wound huh-um“ 1K“: (Gfirtrrihi-ethft'ttys". '_r-eiee"dtrte. um hip...â€- Api.nets1aor_fee1 I“. M8t.hee 'tthet nuanced“ h W. - QWEIthhM mWJudW: CORNER LOT EXEMPTIONS Carat~ Gull on Am Stu»; pt-ranes.therrtrtemt,tmr"'" ,e!ii"ii,iic'iCi"iati'ii1.,'),)';lii) ta-tee-mt,-::. “an M m-m'llmsm‘ “OHM. 'unreehNrittte "mm-tam. 15â€.!!an Edi-m: and nil-HI- gm.“ . E'ï¬i-g: - a "'iiiieiqi-iui'WifiiiV nchowlngmou-um pu- FINANCE REPORT Cup-r Bun. Chin-u duo-riot Doria trrRER BUSINESS "lot." THE MUTUAL LIFE tor-orig! THE ONTAIUO nuts“. urn. l comm. um strict. hum», "r. Minia Life Assurance Rt Mlth Sltthg tUtdn ttStt _ n I upload sun-Mon. t, . 'SW','. mid uni equity at. 'lg; twinned.- We to" 'eryred piggy?†Gnpitat from 3:51.000 to moot We have Imus-ad mud-“pup- mi from mono to mum . We In" pine-d nil our oh! husba- on " immat. m tgt-a-d--.. httrhrr (â€Manchu-uh. We iGijLr-is..rxr.,tyeyet,ttr "I - "_-me" ___ v_r-_ - - all waning-m It.†to '8tUM& Wehwoimuudm Alon he. alumnus. Anhmofquhlwunl In. and ";ii;GairGar-tr"ef an ole-angui- '" ollCW,'S'rgllTI' 'BTTMtE'xaX"B. 'aittt'srar2l'lrt'firda'.iirtllfiircccc an. “up. _ _ Ito-W SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - - - “50000.00 DEPOSIT WITH DOIINION WT . - 117.140 " All Ponde- Gust-mud by use Leno! a Lacuna: m: " sumo: Coxrm qrt'tt Luck ot “6306,88. ‘ Anna Wright. mm. T. a. Bantam-nor. I "1'1. u. out. tt.ciittge.'sitAt-truaertq. 'gti'2tet""'T", " the Thrush-[a "inâ€: at, w N m mums-“mm A“! -.. ___‘ j_‘“ AMWIOMII m. ,rtng.t-ttertrrttheetr-ef Ammmmw It UVMSM "not“. ttre-thi"-'" TI'IM wmtounmw l "N 'Vauuiibt, thing: '0 "tlltt . is,,,',,',',,'),?."','?:,':"',',',',',',, "e u: m villain "iii.qf- '-titi6if'Mrba' , was“! mined PM ‘ . .. C _ Ken'- single, In... - “Milli.“ Airatr, an! mm: can! gray min atr'tk, - a I!†Ind $115,306†new at “.00 mi N to. ‘. _ A nice, gr: y, well and. cod. cheap u N oo. In '" Hwy?» vs hm, “hula Ttate, Highly 'oiud, -tlt tl 00, toe This Mercantile Fire A (span... of bor' bidiulkipo eoastr, ma- uh " tumm'ommm-u Bttrts'linrnoo-teth"tut_ f. . All man's a! boy.’ 's-r. up â€a In m Not ..... ..............r mumalM-dthmt Dimmm by.†w “on. .................. 1t'tgMailte..te. Drum tn S. SAUDER arR30., INSURANCE COMPANY. 'itirgii'iili.t! . ma mm 'ttrt-ew-sv..'.---- E} KIA!) OFHOI - WA‘I‘IRIM), ONT. mum's-um. a“ LxAner-rzu 1x00“ 't"1tyltl,t,l,lt,,t.hirtt nun-anal...†mm: Ana-Inuit. . . â€moo "aa-sa-----" ------_. LTriiaTair F............._..'u-ho Emma [HTML ttttntaar-MatB-tberhit “There . To Borrow [my In“ in â€wt. “In-Bum â€admitting-Inn: tttttrat.",:?."'" - h as “1.3:... , taesa'.1 -ng.tntAM_tlB can" moo-rout» n no moron-atom. tr-atv. " I‘M“. " a-r-r...- mun?!“ P.-Ptq"rs Bhutan.“ nun all M ttratarrts. 3.1km“ 'Bri-it-r-Br-m. of Canada. nun-numb“... mun-lg. 6m t lb. IL an!" "'""'"e'e2cr_2';= ....... _ ...... ".c.Wii"iartrt ...ahe1uef.1 Maia:) cec2= , R932 335i and J! Q? bl canâ€! “can.