hx ui. Does it Give Satisfaction $ss es t Watch of yours. If not. w&hu Our watchmaker has made a watch. â€" He can repair ‘The Watch House . . Janzen Bros., . At a meeting of the Galt Library WAWW'IM for Khe new Carnegie Library were acâ€" cepted. ‘The entireâ€" walls will be E"&mam wilt + bu)-‘adtmflt“d‘ when the building will be comâ€" &muaponupumd- m‘ o details . of the Architect‘s‘ I% is to be 70 feet long, #wide at the south end and ;flthlorï¬nd,mhhiu ment and two storeys. id s matking f tho o. . juruey | the, mbans nt Hilline 80 meby propiedd m ues ol a . 508 4 ®/ e s we m pihenen nanpret mepipar en he suspended b“dau-..a the w--ar» , when the building will be cCOMâ€" ang has many relatives in this . pPrOâ€" ple ‘The Reporter publishes u‘ivho.bï¬.»m"»'mll‘ c details dhwwm“: m =" #8 plans: ' late Mr. Shirk was a surveyor I% is to be 70 feet long, ““*m,fl"ulww at the south end and 52 1tet‘a; well as an inventor. Heâ€"made his ut the north end, containing a baS® ‘own surveyor‘s compass and. also an ‘ elevations are to be Of i8€ld | which was used in the American arâ€" ‘=b. probably â€"blue, with wind0W | my in the sixties. His ‘wile‘s sewâ€" wnd corner turnings of whitch‘mvumonw limestone: _ The ornamentation Willanq possessed many ingenius COnâ€" be terra cotta. ‘trivmmces, among them being an aPâ€"~ The chief architectural feature O! pliance with which patches could be the front elevation will be a Grecian put on clothing quickly ard ‘a-tty. Ardmlo&ic order, the top Be¢â€"iTwo or three years ago he visited supported by four large pillars O! ‘pi; relatives in Waterloo â€" County, of granite. . ‘ammong them his cousin, Mr. Peter Or. the riverside the same effect is |shirk of Bridgeport, one of the lerâ€" produced by the pilasters, which will pest mill owners in the county. LaSst take. the place of the pillars on the Qetober the inventotr‘s son, Peter E. street side. °. Shirlk and his wile, paid avisit to The following will be the @partâ€"|reratives in Waterloo ~for some mentson the : various floors: * |\weeks. He is an inventor also _‘a:nd mmmn&um, the To the left a public bicycle room. To the right a storage room, furâ€" %flnhfluafl(w room. * southwest corner is to make ‘® spacious unpacking . and cataloguâ€" 3:00-'1&*':&0: connection ~the library above. Ground fioor: . This floor stands six feet above %he level. of the street | and 16 feet from the walk. 4 ~On entering the hall, directly ahoad is the reference room, 14 x 15, ~ in which will be â€" placedâ€"the . encyloâ€" paedias, dictionaries and all works of reading roomâ€"capable of accommodatâ€" ing 150 persons. tocosey ‘ The entire north end of this floor, 28 x 52, will be devotedto a general fotrR? _ } & Caly \ . / \@&gir 1/ eSz y 3 E/ h 4n * Te 4n " ' w \__'/;'f IE ,' ~ * TL mm:â€"=CCB > € 0 ’f “ t ) x '.w «~< ~,’. The south end will be the lMbrarâ€" jan‘s stack.room, 23 x 33. The Lib tarian‘s wicket comes out to the cenâ€" tre of the hallway. To one side is the Librarian‘s private room 10 x 12. Just inside the main doorway . is the stairway leading up. â€" At the Top floor. ‘The south end isâ€"occupied by ~â€"two tlass rooms, one 23 x 20 feet 6 inchâ€" es, ard the other 23 x 22 feet 6 inchâ€" es, which are available for such orâ€" g:l‘nth- as the â€"Nature Study , the Art League, the Literary Bociety, or classes in drawing, busiâ€" mess education, etc. ‘The northern portion 28 x 85, is to be a lecture room. It will seat further end is the stairs to the base The central â€"portion of the floor will be occupied by a hall and board room.« PFZERTT oE Oet! Some incidental notes: | lodges, celebrated the 12th here. Owâ€" nsmvnnn.'.h.“,hmh'hcummm-l_mmo. b architectural parlance as a hip M',Wm.um.mâ€"g.z: Slate will be used. and the time was enjoyably spent by ‘The â€" floors of the porch will â€" be | ty $59, whi The proceeds amounted mosinc, and the halls will be covered | puiiging of a will be applied to the with rubber tile. < mlfll‘d.u'mlmm‘:.m There are to be two lavatories. _ Inture. â€" surveyors Galvanized iron » C. N. R. arrived here on the 2nd, ‘The floors of the porch will be mosiac, and the halls will be covered with rubber tile. * ‘There are to be two lavatories. Galvanized iron will be used on the men who dig the coal and the . men ,‘hhun,vmuxm sufâ€" ferers by the strike. men â€" who own it make good their . temporary loss by advancing the priceâ€" Galvanized iron will be used on the inst,, having tun trial lines thus fat ornice. _ > from Nepawk to this place. ~They The ceilings are to be 16 feet highâ€" | tnen returned to Nepawa to survey Buch 4s in brief a word picture Of } ie location line of ihe . C. N. R., he Carnegie Library as it is to be, | which we hope to see â€" here in the nd there can be no doubt that 1t iwear future. â€" The crops ate Yery rill stand a monument to ArchiteCt | promising if the weather continues fellith as well as to the liberal |pyorable. 1t will be a week before lcotchman, who made it possible bY |in» wheat harvest will be ~ general. is gitt. *# :\ The farmers ate very busy haying t which is much later than usual, oOwâ€" The strikers and consumers, the|ing to the wotness of the hayslews. nen who dig the coal and the wmn‘â€" Rev. J. Pepper preached the who burn it, will be the chief .suf~\Methodist church bere Sunday, Auk. erers by the strike. ‘The men who |oth â€" Wim. ~ his wa it make good their . teniporary |new house eompleted and ¢xâ€" oss by advancing the priceâ€" pects ‘to :move it a very short . time. _\ The friends would be pleased enneememmanize m e gne en m ~~ $eos B abe > 44 of Atheir‘ friends TR : i ~|trom the east advantage of the . e ./ c «*~| harvest e:e-":.a;d-‘eom-i a ' ï¬ vt= be m first to mcrgm CVX it Phet Pam an e fed, ilik@ea t 7 hiat. "9 n e aralof j A TÂ¥ . ~ C _ >* > s PX Â¥7/i/A JT] Man., and Rev. J. Pepper AU/ / W Â¥s B > Linwood, . Ont.,â€" were VMMN) ky > t aigo _ï¬;nâ€":’- lagt wedk. _~â€" Â¥ a e '<',. “' ccom 4 .. # e 9 ; & _ }hax‘ mother, Mrs. MeDonald are wi+â€" h. & . 658 E,, L}‘ e C ‘c» ferers whinh : P M F #Â¥ x R 55{?}'3 4 ’ _ A ;:" in y v!t-' P j' e 135 "‘n 'i.‘\’ ma. \‘t}i f wl sys y‘ mmb oi "’{0 diget," nR #oL, yoe o Tpi® tas: Ne ,«“*’ | ter 8P j M o io Wcc y M in > Â¥ \:‘# ,. " 12 e« & L "t ul s â€" 0 Is * GALT‘S NEW LIBRARY vention, and ~became a . millionaire. Instead of giving it his tull name he Whlfllflhfl'lflaï¬‚ï¬ it the **Coltâ€"revolver." _ SHirk . reâ€" mained aâ€"poor man, and Coiton, â€" in “w,flwhflll‘“fl he was in a position to assist lim in any way and to any extentâ€" he might name, but he declined to _ C cept anything on~ religious grounds, tor is credited BmÂ¥ the "the himgyyr> A ing the sit and â€" has now | C by. the reaper and ‘ PA in East Eart townâ€" i o en e se may be sug how if he im ym,m.“w'-‘g the uOglt® . recoiver.‘". The | is that he showed his inven to a young mah from Conmecticut by the name of Colton. . ‘The young man exâ€" amined the instrument closely, and lwm its qualities, said noth ‘ing, but went away, adopied the inâ€" saying that he was sorry he inventedthe weapon as it owns large machine shops in Ball, Lancaster County, PenB. ‘The August Canadian mfl is an %&n number . . Strath cona, Sir Gilbert Parker, Professor. Goldwin Smith, the Hon. .. J. _W. Longley, Chancellor Burwash, Chanâ€" cellor Wallace, Professor John Campâ€" bell, John Reade and ‘others discuss the various phases ‘of Imperialism. The views expressed> vary, but one cannot read them m‘“ â€â€˜I’ oseph Shirk, ~ Whose decease i) g.mway OOnFARIEDPURIYALRY much broader views of the â€" great questions that are ‘pressing for . solâ€" ution: _ Lord Strathcona‘s is â€"â€" the only long article but in reviews in w masterly way the growth of the colâ€" onia! influence upon and within . the Empire. â€" The _ illustrations _ include some handsome views of Westminster Abbey and some royal pictures printâ€" ed im colors.. 4. H. U, Colqihoflnj writes of the seven Edwards, _ and Margaret Sherrington of the Queens of Europe. â€" Both of . these articles are fully iflustrated.â€"__ Andrew Milâ€" ler of Strathcona‘s â€"â€" Horse _ throws some new light upon the Boer Govâ€" ernment by oimfl:'gbthe career . . of FGeneral Erasmus, whom he calls "A | Nero of the Transvaal." W. A. Frasâ€" er, the celebrated author of â€"â€" ‘Moos» wa," tells one of his characteristic tales of India, a racing . story with the tit‘e "My Friend, the &-4." ‘There is other fiction and the usual Iw * S this _ excellently t <CAP SX Se t place, together _ with several othéer ‘lodgu. celebrated the 12th here. Owâ€" |ing to the beautiful weather on the occasion, there was‘ a large gathering printed periodical, Notes. â€" The Orangemen of this LATE JO8SEPH SHIRK, Ad luventive Geomus AN EMPIRE NUMBER ROSSBURN, MAN Bo)v6d ever TRE MEAT TRAOE TOIR SCHEMES. es n ACs . 00 _The y gooth= s arighet T ®s "£. P 1;â€â€˜Â»-&-« e l Abagy: 4/+ C W‘?“ ’3-0*‘ *3 io Jn senated F e j‘ï¬' Inned both the chils. ud Auft we [ puniie a l ipinrâ€"oef , +M C w TT C Pisde sn musite w wue io ue [ C CC Ne 4s #wwe '»" '-cf‘_ss-v..f' to the Montreal stockyards. Thes D | was c o ‘hat the C.P.R. . .;_a,g :: =v' C# ‘, ind the 6 d kiam\ ot an absttole . t Polt St. Charisa, fire. _ It w P greke val es it Sow Mn (Pe Mmteent, r*.‘r,,,i ‘ pudio ie en tond ' . to build one. At first it was 124 ce to lerms, but tnis, 1t tums out: come k is far from being the case; ‘bvd- Abattoir Company‘s representatives have never signed the deed of agreement with the city, and the G.Tâ€"R. appears to have taken this 1as an indication that the C. P. R. influence in the Abattoir Comâ€" cn{'mm,t-flowtheuwmu‘ uilt next to the C.T.R. tracks ‘nt Point St. Chirles Holding this opinâ€" fon, the G.TR. P“X“ have simply de dded that they will pot be kept out of this business by the C.P:R., and have taken steps to have the abattoir Luilt anyway. ‘The directors of the Montreal Stockyards Company are: Mr. William Strachan, President; Mr, Wm. Mann and Messrs. Hays, MeGuigan, Loud,. .Moise and Pullen, the five Jastâ€"named all G: T. R. oficials. . Mr, _ intendent . of the C-Prhï¬&:n spirit on the board of the Union Abstâ€" utrOo-pn{' The great interest tnken by both railways in this matter is due to the ‘beliet of the nflqu)m:‘mflty ‘¥hit Montreal is destined to be a great centrs of the dead meat h:llp&h‘ # ere % nduirice es 2 to Ireight. faclities to Montreal, factory sites, @te. It. is also maid that it has been bu:htht foe storage, necessitated by the 13 transportation, has an h‘cdo\u off npon meat, and that a great deal would h’hodilflt;?nntnnld be trans ferred from original re tors to m.gwmm?mm ship. Tlormulwm he ‘cattle and mea mmzm«uï¬ odaqdnnunuon,uyhgmt‘ :competition between the railways must HARYESTERS Ep$H TOwArps THB FIELDS OF GOLDBY GRAIN. AJ ARMY 0OF TEOUSANDS, resultb in a reduction of rates, and that that alone is needed to make Montreal the mostâ€"important centre of ‘be live stock trade in America, Toronto, _ Aug. 28.â€"Without beâ€". Ing able â€" to â€"~present accurate figures, it . would appear "that "the harvesters‘ excursions to Manitoba i1 d the Northwest this year, on the first series of excursions, Have totalled". A little n ore than eight thorsand persons. Not all of these were harvest hands 1 ."*lhï¬ct,it"fldlolhfl‘ of the way to say that â€"nearly 15 per: m-\-ym-.m:‘?nvfll-rr ‘ do some work on farms. . Among the men, even, ‘it could be seen that there were many who couldâ€"not work Mtwn-hnmumm En‘.mml'd be of very Uttle use should have any idea of working. .__. _ â€" \l&:flo any jdew Of wOraing. ... Jatter, however, refers to . ‘the very few. For the most part the exearâ€" sionists consisted of men who went out to work, and also to see the country, and of men who had sons and of men who had fathers out theré, real harvestâ€" :som?u:i?itmotimm ve exceed thons in 0 number. mmmuy reliable . fig> wres were not last night obtainable, the lmt“wshmlw :‘::tll d‘ “Yu:ltdty and Jast t nearly a thowsa '%m' must hn{nfl for h‘o‘vnt. uz covered Km was ~ oft E{M Wfl“d‘.!k in Tine to on it " of the Canadia~ Pacific west of Toronto, and on the Guelph brafch of the Canaâ€" dian Pacific, except Quelph City. Two very heavy trains came in last n the mh',lho of the Mm trom Windsor, containing nearly 1,000 exeursionists, and they were started ‘ op their journey westward with hardly half “_m" Ehsms fikia® usls _ *Taking the fg for last year on the U ne ies Â¥ mh-s,m,no'z“uthn‘ St. burg, Ang. 21.â€"The Kotâ€" lin«, mmd‘&olufl-l-ul Department, says there has been a lome m-u:rm connae» on with the Chiness Enstorn Raifrond, tario Again Comes to the Resene of the Westâ€"Around Bight Thow» sand People en the Way to Win+ M: trouble at ‘t;o“: fldm-.:d!qnn wity pESTINED ¥¢ FACKING CENTRE. Bt. Aug. 21.â€"The ascouche» “P:-‘:-L'- of Russig is étâ€" pested shortly. Bmpress‘ Accouchement Erpected Mhhanh“dnln: A Disastrons Enterpris®, x6 0 NFIRE AX Comes i TRUNK ABAT» Winnipeg negingt of Old Feeling Shows Itseif at Maurs la Tour Cclebration n-h-:: of the battle ol â€" Mazs ln Tour (or wn&ammnt 1870, is described circumstantially by # correspondent telegraphing from Strass erossed the frqoutier to Bisâ€" %‘:ï¬?’}zf._m ce ‘der in spite of German cxunon, and / mmmï¬mm" ‘How long shall we wa my-?-wh;v. "Comrades of 1870,â€"You wu;: here in: order toâ€"‘lru?_lm ings across the Moselle and to thnvlouhlfllml‘rxfl w.u‘.‘ï¬Ã©"' ;'wm o1 the vsat, will naee n _ oC sxspenâ€"to. wihoot, ‘August 1906 ‘the wife of John Snyder, of a son. > EBLEâ€"At w w vlodlâ€"v‘. of & & ""52 wie or Goorge MeRey, o8 ~ danghter, s e .STEINâ€"In â€" East Zor‘m,. . Aug. tl::bolhh_n Stein, 12th line, & * y MA uux’â€"u Come Aug. bTth, the wife of m&d‘, of M‘ MARFINâ€"in Weotwith, Angnst 20th, the wifo of b‘no â€"Martin, jr.,. ol a dangbter. F ) MARSHALLâ€"In <North â€"Damfries, Aug. 10th, the wite ‘of James Marâ€" shall, of a son: ERB â€"At Gult,bgn‘. 10 b, ‘the wife olGeorgEr , : of a danghter. BRUBACHERâ€"At Baden, Angu:%. + the ~wife of Honry A.~ Brubacher, Â¥aN zvnn-cmn;â€"#x .}?‘.’; Aog. 18th, Ge A mm,m Â¥ GRIEVEâ€"At Galt, Ang. 10th, James sop of Adam Grieve, aged 11 years and 8 months. * #<3 CARDY â€"At Galt, ~Aug. 14thy, < Jane Cardy, in her 77:B . nraznma'roxâ€"-.umï¬tw m; Mrs Sarah Etherington, in her _ year. + £ is2A wimâ€"n North Damfries, Aug, 14th, Wim. Weir, in bis 70th year. * Garaiee Foote, »alfour Jotbes E. <Bibnn, io RepSlat your? *.: i9JCKSONâ€"At ~Galt, â€"~August~15th, Iâ€"abel‘s E. Fairbairp, â€"wife of Rev. ‘J. A. B Dickson, â€" Pb.â€"D., <inâ€"<her GADN . DCms +4 SP; ERSâ€"At Galt . 18th, Angols, wieâ€"of David ‘“ ag" t + Bll:%l'fl'--flur. mr ‘w M 4 'm Bu* and 4 moriths e w 8 ooz LA N‘3â€"‘At Heepolor, ~August plilinue, â€" son of Heary Lanz, Unew 4r hor Suk 406 1 J t New i ~~ Anton Jang, m% d@oï¬dao, | ~ sged 42 years. j L \SCHâ€" 1o Peel Township, Aug. 14th Daniel Laroh, ~agod 78 yearsy 4 moantbs and 12 days.~< ! 8O HAAEFERâ€"Near E)mira, Aog. 16th Mrs Justus Schaefer, aged about ~80 seats y , GINGRICHâ€"At Sherman City, Mich., Aug, 13th. Mro. Jcho W, Gingrieb, sis‘er of Michael and Adam (Welchel of Elmira § * HAUBSAMENâ€"At New Hambdrg, if a daothier. ‘ â€" BRUOBAGBERâ€"Near Waterloo, Aug, 24th, John E Bâ€"ubscher, ~aged né%‘?sï¬:‘%vm A 21st, _mmqua, wite of Chrietian C agod 75 years, 0 months. J. K.â€"SHINN, The 1ive Stook Trade.â€"Wheat is L werâ€"The Latest Quotations. _ "Tuesday Eyening, Aug. 20. Torontp 8t, Lawrence Markot, °> o woivenct sockc Aals tacfoiny. " 1‘dong 520d year. on Aincepert Serktrtiie Seofoing. 1 dess "Wheet"" Was cash.t. 13 bushets seliing at “&'3-;*«"':'#% bushere bantng wt Wfl":flmnï¬cm&n‘ â€"Wan. 10 Tonas of .-' “ -"-d'w'f-&%l load. sellttig:/at $43 Cns n aoen da ie en inee fln 216 e driooale sie s poaak m ack oi ol 5) Toamn "A. monthé ahd. 2 <Ttade was very arket this morl with the ntmost ::'-'ni%â€"'-'rg' wa_a result a> very. abug e es s mï¬%%i 8 *Ttade was very dull at the Torsuto Cattle Market this mrorning. . The hdva ara not with the rnt aré their .ntmost e afe wot Th topplies of cgttle and #o are able~to hold P sFenca H THB MARK MARRIAGES. th Toronte Live Stook. DEATHS prosent e NeA %ï¬ 15 . to “% tâ€" to« me >Â¥ %w@;’-" i9 é..i':.ag & § 4 898 % E:%%ma'ï¬ Oy ed % :’{l' fl &’?‘a:g r’fl i ooo ma uh e ae 5‘%%*’%1&%‘.: Chicago Rew York /0 l BB lt oys Ang : tmy . â€" math rera l s etiign t n e â€" â€" Rltg in k * BHIHIS®h Matkets, . oi aoit on donaent on ie TFARFUL ORâ€"CHBEERFUL? Whether a woman is tearful or cheerâ€" tul depends not on what she has materiâ€" ally, but + Antiwerp, ~Aug. 20 ~No. 2 â€"red trinter wite who Hast Buflailo Oattle Market : * WATERLOO MARKETS. Waterloo, Augost 28. coritspondhiig womanly weakness, _ â€"_ Doctor Piérce‘s Pavorite Prescription wmxmumm b,mm-mâ€m ical and of spi It establishes , dries anheaithy drains, heals and wlcera« tion, and cures weakness. Allce Mh-%dm- "'%.;.';w.:".a.m-r;.““'.,'ï¬Ã© -‘d’: J am well. I have she two of his -‘@Mm: :1 tan do all my work. I can‘t praise your mediâ€" . e beate prpstument a ‘number okith B ie ns rapa rodernt oi Heturday to buy your Timothy Seed, t m ue is paaies Lending Wheat Girls Wanted Broslau Cider Mili ooge gee Notice. . Qingrich, GKTGER & BREAK, â€" BRESLAU .“ i & “‘f ns o0 4: o. . Me . io. Merkets, at ane ‘. The above is a tel.phone message from a wholesale dealer, money. onl â€" sn io 1. ~ We AlGer {ool wb be hss on atntag:â€" Oull on Snturda) or teal see the bargaing, k 93. 7 & N. B.â€"As well as the abore we are givi g apecial barge a,m'gmp'&wam“w&pufl Saturday and the week following, * . Sugarmanp‘s old Btand T‘p of Waterioo A:-:‘..;. tarle V otes en entin ) on uo thenie m ie tooie tarecys ho lt Ponioinnticy. t shoothtne fur o Hae fan i ons +1 the hest beven boge o in mdns ces io oo good mtook Eottons * 26â€"2 mo. CHR. DIEFENBACHER. Infafoas i irgpo in ns i5 .'::-.:'.'.‘?“4..:;':"‘, "“553'5 NR 2048 AGNATZ wl’“m Farm for Sale. is a large brick house, new bask bam 80502 {L., anfstnton ne e promines or by 'zgfu- CRESSMAN, _ ds ootines watrose l“‘::‘"“ Farm for Salo in Woolwich: ce n caidradls 14 mos DON ALD MoLMAY , Klotm: ~ ‘On thi ‘ l newly rod ita bi h ns firetooraagt ng verms and AARON CPEAMAN on the promises, * "Hello Macklinâ€"Can you use some dry goods at 50c. on the dollar." ‘ * n .n For Sale or to Rent. esns Farm for Sale. Â¥oters‘ List, 1902. House For Sale. Macklin & Sons, ~â€"t COME TCO smm 3 acrosof land, 3 March. For BERLIN AND ROSEHURST _ . CONSERvVATORNIES. We offer that is â€"o-wfl Ont!bâ€"n.‘ w.-m-numuuï¬ tributes on shortest notice. > °* * Allâ€"the leading bedding plants in We Bli your windo " Tiadr hanging bettare .:r"'l.._..,"“...% _ â€""teetabie _plants by the dozen, 100 our extensiye Market Garden planting *‘"s<â€" 4N B:, Phone 402. oo ol ‘ -alot rectaity of the McLachâ€" ore. 1 make a spectialty of the Mc T ociacioer tiee [ aue 4o t ie . noted to be the leader in Canada. farmers. Horse E* nuflnmï¬lfl& foot. gm;-dmâ€"nz D â€"|" Be. J John Hill «ing St., East of Scott, BERLIN YORKLSH!RE PIGS to SOWS one yearâ€"and upwards, to SUW S one year~and cupwards, all bred from Imported stock. . _ tle for sale at all times. se mï¬=‘ :*. -=1:?5 Mlfl. required by the said aot, on or before the day ooo qEA e erameancs W aterhoo, Aig tase, 140 O *4 BAYER __ Farm for Sale. laad v l Edâ€".gg g{m&&â€"t- ;aâ€"w- ..g 3 4 Assigneo‘s Notice to Creditors, Saturday, o t To oc sacan ts it~ o i I also sell the Fieury and Wilk/ Executors‘ Sale â€" H. L JANZEN, Warning. Wellesiey. A. 6. Theoman, Wm.ifi_ is »i ueeh Arsined, fenate a Mn Exedutorm â€"Mickus, Asstioneor