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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Aug 1902, p. 4

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d' rtriii'i'i'iin, In!“ MAI“. “nausea DEPARTMENT. Mont? can be sent to all parts of 2htr we! d a! trdbng cost by our drafts and money (mien. . ' Little Liver Pills. BANKOF HAMILTON "riiiviTairart; absolutely safe and we guarantee that the money will be paid only to the right party. - .. I ---V f‘f__‘l__ Travellers can ) urchase Circular Notes, which can be cashed every- where without charge,peraonal iden- tiiicatton or any kind of trouble. SAVINGS DEPARTIENT. The safest way to inves! your mon- ey} to place it. m this t'epartrm nt. "The rule ol interest m 1y St t m small when compared with that promised bf speculators, but the in- come is at east cert-1n. -iiGsember that the money is per- llc; fectly ufe and that you can get it T when you want it. JI h“ - . _. . I, ,,._:A__.I at " "6iiJiaiGiurupwards received. Interest added twice I yen. . ISTAILIIHID M. thsrtuaii,ixl0.000. Rest. now-000- "" OF COMMERCE READ OFIICE, TORONTO. A guard Banking Dunno“ m and " tho WATERLOO BMMil Depoelte of one dollar and upwards receivedln the Sevinge Bank or on Specie! Deposit. and highest rete- of Intel-eel mowed. Dram end Money Orden issued on all points " lowed 'iidL" $1)th atmiion paldto the human of (men 3nd oat of town customers. Blank Notes tor “men ulu supplied the on applitsation. F. C. G. MiNTY, Munon. The Molsons Bank. "on“. n-do. am but! ”won: In ”gnu. mum- " a: plus- "the - mun-d - moved!" ”mung.“ - an.“ and. HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL Paid up 0.91m . $2,500,000 Baum Fund . 32,150,000 Tho named begs to under in... Ind hwy mank- to M- num- - “Home" for the “herd mum gnaw minim you no to in and. an: In an present cot-on he in laid In . very Inge quad”, Ice! Ice! Ice! nt- M M spring inn: which I. In ”and to dolhor to qtttqtotgtetN In WATIIIDO ad BEBLlN, In my quid“. - Int“, a noun- nb who. no “ulna Put-m d‘Wbol-Gmunnn and h on ""L'tdrf,,'l',1th'l2rht mvt‘lM-do an: m 'tti3hetlrdtx'Uy""" tr “mama“ f“ . 1mm! was: . WATBRLOO. an. Ton of "not loo T.E. HAINES, Net, Mu In: “can" " q-+++H++e+Ht Jamil-wiltin- OUR! DICK NMDAOHI- ‘Mmun. In“ an.» mun-mm Ed. Dormul, vm-I hid-III- [amt-c In 1855. THE CANADIAN Goa-In JAOOI 3mm. Hun-II Wanna -. nun-WWII” I ('i,ii":i'),1,iii'i'ii',iii),i:: u... m ”11'1“" "I ”I WI. "I mum - BERLIN. So- ot huf- koala no no crowd“ In: room that team burden as m an: and (our in a room. A you; mu med Wiltultn I!» In! “.00 a; a0sta loc ”any to gamut. Ho [truck . dog with I [up “one. Tho 0mg Jill anal-h Md on- ckhnblo m A 'ttltrristt hum! ft" mum nun (you: Manual. 30 In- so ho mm In an "no. Tho mm- on In. man "no of the G. T. B. no using tho new truck from tho bridge to [M an.» and! the and. on on main tuck In brand Contractor John Lewis but com- menced teuriM up Water Street tor anprovement purpoacl. It will keep him hustling to complete the job baton tho now tties. The Put America Show mugge- ment paid 850 Home and $35 for the use of Woodlide Puk. A by-law passed sound yen! use culls tor $200 per day for 1 show ut this kind. Mr, G. M. Donu- is in receipt ot a Inge photogrNrhure of Canada's Coronation arch erected by me Dom- mion Government in London, Eng- land, trom Mr. U. H. Mills of this mien land, town A beautiful all painting has Just been completed by Mr. Karl Mueller, oi Mueller & Reitz, is now on ex- hibition in the Hum; room ot the Walper House. It is exceedingly well axe. utcd and IS attracting con- siderable attention. Burglars were In the neighborhood of Queen Street. and Courtland Ar- enue on Tuesday evening, trying to “in an entrance Into Mr, R. Rled's house by trying the (rout door, but they were Irigmened on by Mr. med making his trppearpce in the hall. County Councillor Robion of Ayr, gately purchased a 10 h. p. gasolene vagina trom Tuerk Bros. of Berlin Mule landing the machine Mr. Rob- son sullercd a severe wound m his right hand and will be obliged to carry it in a sling ior Jome time to The many friends of Mr, and Mrs Hartman Krug wilt sympathize with them 1n the loss they have sustained by the death ot their fifteen-months- shi child, which took pine in Guelph m Wednesday. The body was brought to Berlin on Wednesday " ternoou Galt Reformer. - Mr. Cole, coun- el lor Salisbury in the criminal marges to be mutilated before Judge Chisholm at Berlin next week, has retained T. C. Rotsinette, the Toron- to criminal specialist to assist in looking alter Salisbury's interests in the case. Herbert Hummel a lad of about fifteen years ot age, living with his “rents in Berlin, near the Agnes Street School, took French leave on Monday night Inst with the Pan American Show. It is supposed he ntcnds putting in a season with this aggregtrtiom Quite a number oi local Baptists attended the Baptist church picnic at New Hamburg an Thursday alter noon. Some went by trtsic, others by (ariole and one by bicycle. The latter was caught in the rain and le- turned to Berlin soaked to the skin. He had a nice C.) time. The villsge Clerk of Fergus has Wiincn the Berlin Council for the loan of the town road roller, which, they understand, gives Sluh general satisfaction. Town Clerk Alemcr has replied that owing to the num- erous improvements being made to the roadbeds in this town 't will be impossible to loan the roller this season. The animus of Bnrlin wore that Red on Ssturday by the sudden death of Mr. Samuel Rudy. Mr. Rudy left hitt house about 6.30 this morning in his usual good health and went. to work in Hull's pinning mill where he drives . wanna. Ho drum up to Mr. M. Erb's house on the corner of Foundry and Weber Streets deliver- ng " Ira. alter down hm rho box In the yud he called Mr. ErtN M- tention to some Maples nd v5.3 " rected "r Mr, Erb to some other apples It the other side ot the house, vaulting over to the spot as directed the deceased stooped to pick up " apple and tell. Mr. Erb became ol- armed and At once lummoncd Dr, Arnott who was in attendance in a low ruinous. snd pronounced lite ox~ tract The deceased died without A struggle. Mr. Rudy was born " "on use, a miles west of the town of Wourloo. Ho wt: son ol rho late Danni and Batu: Rudy. The leaned in untried n rears Mo to chy Jones. on . mule. or ms ‘union h level . widow, men sons and two doughurl. He has " ‘uyu "no"! good health nod did an complain till morning. Mr. Rudy ya: u member of up New lawman» charm. vac s not: of - ud comma-dune but". He In in. h a. employ ot in. mu tue - nuc- Imam yum. "au-r-rt-or- -iiC-tiqryirt8.i, _--- -rtrrr-lel-eneA in???“ - _ Berlin Jttsvrs SUDDEN DEATH Buclnm Educatlon the neighborhood iii)is The 200 employees with their wives and children ot the BreiUraupt Luther Company were treated to n ot , deiighuui “a sugcesslul picnic u the tda h" Breithaupt grove on the Grand Riv- pm- er on Saturday altemoon by their Eng- employers. They were conveyed to ttus the Sum; Refinery by the street railway tree ol cast and the victuals Just were nlso supplied by lie Arm. The illcr, event was greatly enjoyed try the em- er ployees end all ol them speak very the highly ot the kind treatment they re- ingly cane tram the management of the COB- Breittuopt Leather Co. The em- ployees took occasion to congrntu- hood late Mr. A. L. Breithaupt upon his “_ addition to the lsmily end else bid -t'o [arewell to Mr. L. J. Breithoupt it” woo lelt Monday tar Great Britain. J " 108 LEAVXKG " LIINATIONI. Fallout-5 u. we as. ot a. an: ll dnt n um haw Ins-non I” P “I. I’Junior ”all; Btu-1mm. Ot than preps!“ n a. Bull- High School tt.8 at not _ (ton outside pha- " [at out: Edgar Bowman. Hahn Bum. Elm owns“. Ala-1d Dot-cl, Evian Erb, Mann 'llii'tld'l'ir, ANrta (iron, Abner mum... A. R. Kant- man, Lulu Knochw. Home KM, Hubert Inlay, Edna IcTuiIh. sic trag, Every, Amen Vault", Wm View, 600. Wuitlock, Elizabeth Wouloh. Horde“... sum, Gordon Balhnaa. rn” kahmu. wlllunl Marr, In: Mum. Elmer Pour, Arthur-Mata, Noah Rudy, Frederick Susanna, Mention! Elmo, Hilda Thou». Bu- The Guelph Mercury in its Thurs- day's issue in dealing with the ne- tion of three alderman of that city absenting themxelves lrom meetings) of the Board of Works, of which they were. members, because the Board ot Works did not purchase . Russel road roller, misleads in; renders try stating that “the Berlin papers are continually poking tun " their rol- ler." The Berlin Council grid citi- zens generally are thoroughly satis- Md with the road roller, ptuticuUr- ly during the past two seasons when there have been expert engineers at the "driving wheel." There is no ruler in existence to-day that will stand the wear and tear it receives when building new roads without sometimes ' being disabled. Berlin's miles of splendid roadbeds He th striking advertisement lor the manu- lacturers ol the Russel roller. It any Berlin newspaper poked fun At it, the writer of the items knew not whereof he spoke. The reoignnlon of Miss Maybee, the Lady Sr1psriutoudant, was read to take tstreet on Sept. 20th. It in understood she intends becoming matron in n beautiful homo. The monthly meetlng of the Empl- m Board In held on Friday evening with Maura Brtsithtuurt, Colquhoun, Niehnua. Roecnman, Knight. Diabel, Bean and Schmuz in “Kandace. Mr. ma Mrs Adm) Beyer: also handed in their resign-tic 1 as care- taker 3nd cook of the institution, to take efreet on October In. The Home Committee wu ittatrttttt- ed to secure tspplieatious for we va- cant poeitions. I l Tho report of the Home Committee recommending tee purchase of various commoditie- nu weep“: During July more more 248 Gum-ll [Io-pin] days, $120.14 receipt- Ind 10 pnlenu in Align» In. There were 9 kahuna Boapital days, 86 80 w otsipta mm on pansy. In Alan-t In. ileum Indie} & Riot: ootimsuood pointing the "non. wads, rooms sud Menuhin} -____ u - New regulations for patients wore Inbmlttod but not tutirtitsly nomad Ion Limo” Die During TheHot W.ierMmtthnTttaaatArr0ttrer It ie e lemenubie me that lione- of little onee die from hot weezher ell- Inenie whose iivee might be spared It moenen bed " bend the proper rem- edy to edminieeer promptly. Mat weetber eilmenh eome enddenly, end enieee prompuy knead, e predone mu. life Iney be ice: in e few bean. Beby'e Oen Tebietl promptly eheek end an" diarrhoea, ewmeeh melee end prevent me eihnente that eorne " “all period. Emer prndeni mother ebonid keep e box of Beby’e Own Teh- Me “we banneieil linen. No onset medicine ecu en pumpely end eo Inrely, end we Tehleu ere [nann- teed to main no opiate or hennfnl drug. They elven do good end een‘ noe pndbly do berm, end ernehed to e powder youeen given-em tome WWII-e intent. In dove Fee“, Bi'l'honee, Ont. my: " y hen] wee unaided with diarrhea end wee very no. end _ end (In eo Meleep Hardly!” when.“ Vinnie. [antenatal W0" Tene- end met . he me Let m beee-e and ehe eeeld deep well. I t eke new. e gladl_qedidee.' _ HOSPITAL MATRON BESIGNS Yer-ttttith-drug MGM“ pupil‘s... ".abrqrrtthte thunm artdhtee 00.. Besitth, Out, " m, KY. Amnnu umouiung to 0527.63 were BERLIN‘S ROAD ROLLER BOT' WEATHER AILMENTS ruminant-u " . Minn-hon tttintg In! Inn- “I’m-Muir“- -tt--ttt.qt. ENJOY ABLE PICNIC Aetmdmm ulna-(Ono MaNtuht6tqtriq"r-rrttt- Loom Bulb. MD. on. In In tr mum,“ Kin. nun: than m (has. “no “i: (ll “God la." (b Km." M '0'. a. Innu- " no out - In: militia cl tho M] and no“ ot a. Town Council on In!” oven- " The Ion!” ot tin can: Futile" to His Ink-t1 In; Ed, “an " n no " o' ot M. 001-0-- uon Ill thus tangtttlr slow- um uldom has “no more tom-g one“ he. lubed. not In the tu- uni Anthem he. mg Doro ht- veltly II the than: Council Chamber. Not only did th. Council show its punctual to an King In than own to" - not tow. The an: lulu-nu “abandon . he hold an Berlin (labia M and 10th I!“ mung“ by . “haul grant ot $300 tow-rd the up... ot the mat and gun-m“ “a sum ot $280 in cue of he”! was. KING EDWARD CONGRAT- ULATID. All ot the Alderman were pro-cut bat 1uror Eden wu absant, having Rune In damn-nu, aod uld nos mum: tor the meeting. Ali. Knu, Chairmn .1 the Fm Cottsrrsittee, presided and culed the will; to order. Aid. Bombers" moved, leo- onded by Aid. Vogt, that the Cotub- cil, on behalf ot the town, tonvud n cabiegrun mange of com-taunt“: to His Majesty King Edward vu on the eve ot his coronation. In doing so Aid. ilomvbcrger expressed his pleasure at having the privilege oi movmg such 3 resolution at such an approprinte time, and u e repreeen- native ot . town that which thou in none more loyal or patriotic to the British throne, notwithstanding that the population is composed largely of German: end other natioqtasittie. Barlin Joined with th" nation ilil grid nt the sudden illneu ot the King previous to the time set ior the coronation in June end every citizen watched with anxiety the reports ot His Majeet)’. phyeieiuu while he was on the nick bod. B, rlin den 71- jOiLeI at his recovery trom the nick- bed and it we: ditthtg that the King should know that the best town in Cnnedn joins with the empire in ex- tending its congratulations. A Aid. Von mo Ipoko in . patriot- ie strain " g German, raving been born in Germany, but tor over thirty years enjoyed the (melon ad litter- " at a British "bloos. The resolution was carried Inui- mously by the Conan! and Bil who were in the Chamber nose to their feet and give three but" cheers, after which "God “we the King" was sung with great iervor. The ueiing-Mlyor introdwd I (inuuu‘ion ran-rooming the Finance Committee ot the Industrial Cele- bntion Committee, composed oi Mu at; W. J. Moody, RON. Smyth, C. K. Hagedorn and R. Ried. Mr. woody wu mu tirrt to admon- Ihe Conmil amt stated that the Com- mmeo desired I grout. for the pur- pose ot assisting them in advertising the propoul lelebrMion and use the town. There is no Business cm in suede-siully run without editor-i Using m1 he was “tinned that ii the Council granted the toque“ oi the deputation so u to castle “our to bill the County ior l radius ol- 150 miles the town would - un- told benefit by the crowds ot people who would visit tho town during limo um dayl- Pourborrngh and Newmarket no in communicohion with the Commune "sud!“ ml- ung excursion to this town tor the purpose oi visiting the - Re may. The oxen oar-lotion toe the celebrstion will one. $1100, while.» manned ecu of the Celebruiou will he About 83000. It in the 1JotttttttttmN object to give the celebration no summit: that vinilon will go trom Berlin ieeling it has been the but two do” cele- bution in their lives. Lani“. WAS UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Alter g somvht lengthy diaeu- siol the lollowiu resolution vu unanimously carried try . “um; Vote: loved try Eph. Ericka, moulded In W. H. gonna, that Vhll Council grunt the Industrial Celebrgtion Committee the mm ot $800.00 and gnu-ates I further um nt $100 aMitsat . shortage tn reedpta cun- ed by unluonhle mm. this smut " mama-do tho .50 - get - tor the North Idaho Agricultural Society. OTHER BUSINESS. Ru. H. B. Hellman wrote m porting being ”and tor . too. which he did not rent. It VII "r terred to tho Finn-es Committee. The Secretary ol the Sanger!“ enclosed . dozen gust up to he presents! to the Contact]. - . Tho p- Imp u n. o. “I. do pot opposite no Shim Hotel will he Mu out In In clot-Arie not put I. CELEBRATION DEPUTATION Thaw-ht lamb-ingot de mmrnwmm‘dwm ”tool “mun-dud ll- ullypn-el. rieittto- for "no". Iced In proves-h m yin-nu! III or 'egqd a h -- with. REPRESENTATIVES ELECTED At the - lived - on WM in Trials] lanolin cinch tho mu] _ o! h M'- W h u- 5,'iia"iiuiF,Ci,rii - MM, the, ___ - 12.": OPENING or THE OPERA SIMON The open salon tor 1002 - 1003 was opened ill-Berlin Wedneedny ev- ening n the open Muse end it toe “me-hue in as Inge end the " tnctions a excellent during the - Hunger layer mey be com- pelled to eeek larger qutrrters. it L doubtful it my compnny openitkg d season in the Berlin Opera House has scored n more decided hit than the “Connors Dnughter." Seus- faction beamed in the [mes ot the crowd that made Its exit trom the hell on Wednesdny evening. While It is unusunlly only to look for Inge audiences the coolness of the evening made it more 'io,t,%tt,'t inside than out and the Twin- ty's pleasure loving population turned out in Inge numbers. The compmy exceeded the most sanguine expectations of the audi- once. The story ot the Convict's Dtugh- ter is decidedly interesting and most stumble tor stage purposes. True to Me in modern times, free lrom All vulgarity. and with a beautiful love plot running through, the play is exceptionally strong. The company was equal to the task in every character. The leading man, Mr. W. R, Ogden, in the three- lold part at Weary Willie, Robert Graham and William Woodford, was very strong and nothing seemed lack- ing in his portrayal ot the Chandlers of an escaped convict and tramp, a villain‘s tool, a prisoner, a true fa- ther and a wealthy gentleman, He succeeded in keeping his audience in roars ot laughter and then in his passionate moments melting them to tears. Mr. Ogden is a born act- or. Mi Jewell Darrell as Edith the ME; daughier was also gn important personage and like Mr, Ogden played her part laultlessly. ‘She was a decided favorite. Miss Pauline Spin as Susan the house- maid was another lavorite and her happy good nature and mischievous disposition made her presence on the "age may: welcome. lea-2., Lee Daniel as James Blackadder villain, and Win. J. Flag; " Jack Warburton the true lover, and Miss Beth Somerville as Mrs. Col. Gould, were quite equal to the ditficult roles assigned them. Mr. Fred E. Mortimer as Col, Gould, th Kentuc- ky banker, left nothing tot desir- ed, The other members ol the caste ably assisted In balancing the parts, The scenery assisted in a play real and interesting. The pri- son scene and the passing freight train in the tourth act being Bxceed- ingly good. Many of the costumes we very pretty. - luau: Mayer in to he count“- lated upon the success of this t5%b- mn's opening attraction. Between the not: the 29th. Reg't. Orchestra composed oi Herr Linnon, pianist, Prof. T. Zoellner, violin; Messrs Jul, zatlee, piccolo; R. Hintz, clninet; W. Hulme. comet and 0. vatuierhtrrt trombone and Jas. Fulton, drummer, rendered u excellent programme which wu greatly uppreciated. Meslrs G. W. Ames and E. T. Cumington ot Buy City, who were in Berlin n lew weeks ago with other Michigan capitalists, nrrived in town on Thursday to transact im- portant buliness with the directors ot the Ohmic Sugar Refining Com- puny. Enrly in the morning these antiwar. accompanied by Messrs u. Fowler, Secretary ot tho Com- pany. Toronto; B. S. Williams, longing Director md Dr. A, E. Shuttleworth, Agriculturslisi. start- qd on a driving trip throughout the surrounding country to mske Bnoth- " inspection of the sag-r beet cm), which Dr. Shuttleworth in; n htsi- tation in stating will not be sur- BAY CITY CaprTALrsT 8 IN TOWN paared By my district in North America. In": Amen and Cun- lngm u’e expen- in the beet sugnr billings: and it they return to Mich- lgu with . good report ol the beet my: outlook in thin county, -- u this pm: In been assured they will - Berlin need not In surprised it “out: up: Minty will be er- ccted whim ita borders in the course ot . ya: or two. The Bay City mpttatiata ll” visited the up: re- AM expressed channel"; u ighir trtatitted with the progress E: to hu- man and m of the - that providing a. weather “vet-Ho than should be no dith- My -riemod " the contractors coupling tho work at commo- tion In 060's. A Ont (Mn. It igtd','ti-i Ayw’s Halt Vigor In the hair gm. Thu to became It la n hair food. It Iced: the hair and the 1etn'."t,'t2, 1ttg, s o . t nop- of the hair, too, and tt any: restores cola: to gay hair. ”In!“ Nr2ttu2."ttegt “1"...“ka - “49-. Th banal-en have “In I num- ol mattrha ttt it": home with .0 how to Mr menial i2tttit - la; 'iiii'ii.iriiS1i'ilitr .D.Q&n,luu.n.m. I G. C. Oral-nu. mine-Ian ot ir-a' lltihh. who In m itearett= - a. - My Hair Niki-magnum: T.ah-6i" Lt?1.i- See them at is worth in weight in The Guiana. Show". Timur. 'ite,tgnd,.tth.'.t't'g; “I. "taan 60 Suits Underprieed on Saturday at Saturday in the Clothing Dep’t. anyhow. 00 only man’- fine tweed bulb. single breuwd. “aqua style, in light grey And brown mixed broken checks And grey and black club checks, also some black worstod tlniatted Gunp- hell twill urges. well lined with Food Itauian cloth, .qu sewn throughout. cut in the Intent. lty o. perfect fltting, size- 8t to " regulu- 88.00, 88.50. 89.00 and $10.00. on sale on Baturday mornirttrot.... .......... ........ ..._.. .... ..tq................ i Hudwre fawn. Plumbers and Tinamitha. WATERL'oo. . beat ”AWN" "" U'.’ car" can." a-ra" The Popular Boot and Shoe Store. Waterloo I '3‘" (iitjiiij'",i'i,/) Ibvlng ro-pnrchued my old buli- mou Frederick tit. [In-hm un- nounco that I dull Alwuyu luvs on hard (not: bred (whim. rye or gru- hun). one. of alt kinda and Manuals. Delivery to mm of tho t6nm. Teg on. a ',tr,','tlQ “at“ Inyo own-atol- pd To my old Customers and the General Public "iiGihFGi-aiFdua “of Pd up.“ I. nun. ughout,Fut in the latest, ntyfe. perfect fitting, sizes M to egulu t8AJO,t8.60, $911) sud $10.03. on sale on Baturdar th'-........,.....-...-......-....-.-. ' . ur first item of Saturdzy clothing news must win the attention of - man who neod- u good suit tsud does not with to spend more “In he con help. " to ON auiu tor $tk48--rhat'e our Mary in I nutshell. A mtbatthMttumsrn' over-makes partly; portly . clearing line from our own stock. They'll be ready for you n, 8 o'clock Sunni-y morning ow, so be here if you can. tl. H. 0lter Flat iron" Bakery- um" “can.“ JACOB S- BOOB, BOTTOM PRICES. 32 King St., BERLIN. GEO. E. POTTER, GOLD. EiiEi54 NW Berlin Our “an Imnttuat aiNeta " thi In tho "I. ll inward 'd'.'d'L".t If,” put In quail: 1nd baton may do" In" - oar summon Dunn one: or Ino- Illl be centered lar nod with, ttttt mg the ere and min. the a! hundred. of well planned punk-Inn. Tu: lovmo Foam: " By n utrok or two of the n we M a third " 'alll') 'dttfd'f, Thu m should he the Mecca. of all Net. u line of Trunks. VAN-ea. Bait Cu- All! Teleteopel always on hand. TD 7 2833ng The Latest Colors in VEILING are Blue and Green. $6.48. Ind no time lost lbovelllng In coal or removing “bee; no noxiou gum or smoke when you have on Oxford Gas Stove. Economy In one of their main futures. There Is no heat wanted and they no UP TO-DATE In every reopen. No Oust or Dirt I We curry I full line of the above stove: at low pr‘lces. . Summer Hat Novelties. Our!!! 17‘.me bu m "and horn Detroit, via. the mud n tuttrttmrttf tho "we“ Sumner an NON“ - sumo-ulna. a! warning-9‘ __ udkitorttt “My": will-lowland“- out. Wot-h - h “it. R EDUOED PRICE. Shoe

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