'if aa-et---""-"-)",""?"?", '“l- ' WEI "i),! _ su,--,-"--'")-".". [ ' 'ili'l'lii,ltttiMllkll, I l . â€mun..." ‘mn t" {Si-cumin! ;? tauvrrmxxrT.. " mm ' . "miiai.fiuyertcte.e.tt,t *Md‘u.mm.ll - - - v'- _...--- ' uni-M u can“ 121.2% 'dt' light your Mater cunt and " t ' i I“ aua. N'de, no Je,nfht an. haul when we were Mum; m m m a» tHed to tell an Dom.- . to I. - as. "alet gi I Ml',',; mm A III WW ,tttefet'cua w ---"-"" - am who." ,tef2$let%l'G' his breath. ' t w t tstf In in nun-dam.“ an gm! . on“; an Into um. Ill y eon-cm- at . â€Mn: for tum. "Th- doctor I culled la ""10." - Met HEP-33$: __ -- - n rau for . This “no. â€any. " A - - Inn-y. "not hurt wu wuk!" Io orhro1 "Poor Emyntrude! Poor an“! noun And to think that " "I who tortured her through .11 thou _ o [invent u I could on?! pun that a. new - no. I no mm. that through It all t Dunc-rod u much u u... "Purina- It. can know." I ma. "You-what do you know of It nu?" ho demnnded. Almost with icon. "I only M." I "gtarmrd, "that In wan never Itappr---er unce I can be- ‘In to "menu-r annulus. And my memory you Bach to the time when I was I may etuw-gteseertteen yearn pen up; Mew 1 gm more than eighteen. It In oh .1 birthday that lit. died." "That thul night!" he exclaimed, more to tunnel! [but to me. _ __. _ __" ---.- -' il the Pisoii1ii. can: u, .......... "WW .7 "tme loved me, 1 thlnk. Ind was at- wuy- good." I woman. "Hut her moods were often nnnp. Sometime: the used to be Item with me when I could not tell what I had done that was wrong. Sometimes we would loud me with presents and Madmen"; and "urn. p2rhaps 1n the name hour,' she would mm to Net " . ata that I should be happy." “Sh. w“ thinking of the boy." the nu "tton. the pillows muttered, with s llgh that III Mk. I luned sob. "Tho boy who died?" I ttnitshed the sentence {or him. "perhaps. She nev- er wok. of him to we, - once. But Roger told_me." The Invaud ruined himself on his el- m and lured. ' “Witt did Roger tell?" “Only that the little boy diodAn - very sad and pnlntul way: he Md not say how. I aha-ya thought that he WIS my little brother, who dled yearn baton I was born. But utter my moth- uhl man. the Lady Cope-ttled, Boxer told me that I mu not her datttrttter. That the hld only udopled no boo-III. III. had [on um her mug bor, Whom the adored, then her hul- bund. Ind and no one in the world to love.†“No on In the world to love'." he Growl, repeated. "Yen. that] true, than an. And to think that It was w Mush me. o Haven! The hor- ror of In No wonder " than years ot RM". In" 0111.: In to the verge ot madman." no wn bubbling on, with broken. In- uucuhm ult-uwnllonl. While I asked myself: "Ta this the secret? Am I [not up an only with I mum-u but . murderer?" - '71: .11th that, you xmea the was" Th. “Wt niche useâ€. “She thought that" he lam. chqklpg- V. "3h. mouth: tro-until that night." _ "Una: on night of her death?" He bowed bis held for answer. "and ttsen-then a! - um It wu not no!" "Sh. in" tint " w" not BO. But m truth-it wu the truth that “ruck hee down. Shall I our target the look In her eye- when the cried out that wine I had done wu worse than mur- der-th" she could forgive me'm " I hid killed the child in my passion tr, â€unset agaveâ€: How the loot u haunted no! If: driving me mad. t can m " no an lb. rut-Q10 the lupin. may: the point among the can: an " in: hot. than. tearing "my ha m burnt out the nu. m on. link that was left to bind us together. I an Bee her now. an it--" M--qtte stood them" And he pointed I all“! hand town-d- the empty lire- pines ttootmttartir my ere. followed In “mum. Bo “timely m " word- “ the horror in Ms em moved 13'. an I but expected to ace my adopted m9ttter'tt spirit there. pale. beautiful. M us her body had [been on the min of "The Bells.‘ A. the vlslon nine to me, [rowing In .1 “In I. it no" in MI. I did Indeed - to ttee her, exactly I: lhe had Been it the “later. I could at her eyes. Nick III wells of darkness, and hear " man-mm: "I wish we Md "mun new" play tor your birthday Tho has a! llama mund- In. at lomeono if “ed to not." x 1 M only to look ttt tttin mn'n face ED. and. who that someone mun a " been. I “and. She but." u burnt out on an. " t could hr VIII! in M'mn: n out that the ', Ital with! be annoyed between _ 'rf I man the deemed to have .mw mm m mud par- Cdjiewtht...teeto..ettt "I. m - "Did rtte speak of m “Q. m arulr' he ttraNored til! 7 i UM, inch mu ago. " m j ' "" hi I!†mutual" in claim; And I usual. h but warp-1a. tor I W on I. - 3.11 Ink-I. _ "Not-V l man-cl- Tr' m I - to at -" In mid â€one his “dun-1:10: [um amen]! on the -" at - I I.) '.oqBa* “I to Iron tho knowlodgo um I III H pruned with a mum“. . “Na. .5." u â€are“. m tteq? V. "malnocuhywmaï¬ luv. :11on p. u l _ 0 - or pun-loaf Pet tt dulgm "an: In. at a no Vincent. but nu - not in?†when an new the mu that “IQ ttt WM,“ Pt I u- an! Nru-t, but I!" I when III. new tho tl mt! I had reettr don lnCI I I!" Inn, um... "wttnt--dt0 you Bot" I VIM "Dt Roger Cop. an you â€that d the on "on!" “No. Null-C " All.†Ttte net mur- eyol mod out more on an» and held than. no that I could not remove my not. For tt3t A":- .....-. -e -_""i' Ttte net mur- eyol mod out more on an» and held than. no that I could not remove my not. For a In- iiGrii;GGaiat,uatttteftt low. chum valet. t cut-Qt ton. than he had Deon Ible to commud baton. "Ermyntrude begged you to an and and the boy." ha all. thouthuulIy. and with any udneu. "Blunt. " It should be given to you to do no, "on yet! Fem†" I Mn you the ml- ltory from the tre-ttr---" ... -_.. .. u . .a..nu|, Jn- -~---v'v -- - - - story from the tre-tte--" "I be. that you will tell It," I grteadea. when he unused. “Sit down," he mud, “rum". “lure. In that chair by the aide at tho Bed when: Blair: Alwayl Mu." I had been sanding until new. bin 1 obeyed him. "sinus and I were hull-broth" Ind sister to Vincent Cope," he laid at an "We were twins. Our mother had "p- " blood in her veins. She was muti- tuv-umm" tor he! Denny and her gloriou- voioo. nor peoplo were voli- to-do; but been". at um wild “run in h" nature. which [bowed incl! nit-anti! “to! wing for I -tton or two, she could not live the lit. at an ordinary, middle-clan Engiinh ski, She went on the “use and been». In opera-linger. on: was but “than. your use ta-dar, and in tho Int company which she Joined In I w - _ . .---- - - n. mun...“ -eie'e - She went on the stage and becumc In opertx-tsimrer. Btte I“ but “(bu-n. your can 10-day. and h the Int comp-Hy which the Jolned an n all: whose (uh-Ir had boon I _ K. Wu; the mam; tenor. and In W“ u hundsome " In: wu bountiful. mu a wild, worthless (allow. They married secretly. Then I time came when the lam-duo had to be announce. thw secretly. Then I time come When an ram-duo had to be announced. our mother left the open troupe. bat ya: rather stayed. Slum end I were born. The husband and wife never new each other “mini H. w“ killed in I nil- war accldcnt. and u our mother had Men dammed by her pueuu no In pennllecs. We were left with an old nune while she weggt back to an IIIâ€. Ind for two or tttree yes." we won Katina. [rowing l uneareit-tor snrden -TiiiGaar,Usr mother met n you. buonat. named Henry C9pe, who nu In love with her beauty, and they I'm _ _-___ A- .m- m w“: m... ..-. ___,,,_ 7 married. We were brought to this house as our home; un- very room In our nursery, and 10 were my anou‘h until Vincent Cope, our half- brother, wu born. $rlirs. ll. iriiiiiihill "With hi. birth everything 'u :hnnged. our step-rather, who had never liked us, turned “uh-t III ul- most with hatred; even our monu- took her love any from the poor [’9- " twins. who rocdied tin sordid put. and gnve it to the child who VII born to good fortune. 8min and I wm ao- voted to etch othqr; the perhapc cit ing more for me man I tor ttqri-oa the way sometimes with a. brother uh ulster; and she hated the new baby " only n gypsy child cm in“. One day. when Vincent was ghoul two yew old, Ihe struck him. no (but he {on and cut his foreman. And thin let an“ an! tat P. "Our Hep-lather woman? I“. - endurable whllq we remain um“, root, and we we" to he cant awn"). The questton wu. where, tor we won times: too roan. to go to I Min.- ochool; beam... we were no mun-"bl. that It would b“. hem - to pan iii-.," Gf Bat-11;; ‘1: mother not in husband had tho We Whit. I mum. to be cruel. "A eircttmtrtgtgtce trittintt In mm dr cided our whole future. A child. Er- myntrude D'Esiorre, a count- at an Coven. who bad been brought to" u tVtMthrh.rtrareestmttMMtpmte' great luncy to the two syn-y Chibann. When her lather and mower: when home was n Ant-h “all Court (which you must know wou) - that '0 were in disgrace with our "ep-rather, ther invlied " to pay them n visit and Ohm the touching- o: their daughter'- governeu. WI managed to win our v.1, uomehow. into the heart- of our protector'; instead ot pinyin; I men mi: we continued to live nt Arrish Melt Court. uni wen " much childm It the house a Ermymrude her-cit. 'Wo we grew up teacher. I Wu not ltmng bor, 3nd Instead of being nut t, . public Icnool t had a tutor. In nyntmdo Ind trmtry and I we" - u: hour “an; ind not . cloud "on between Ill until sunr- uul l we" woman. Emmtndo “than. Thu. nature beyond my fun. t nu! that l 1n. ,aat-agarmqrttttrte.Wrt ecu-nu " at; no t M - to.rtet.at-tt-tt-.trtmratt_ hum namuumhinm [Mm-minor. wmlwmmmmu Warn. ammun- ic'iTGiiGimrGirietthura-rre "roriGrriidiiiiaiii-ecett I loved Erwin-mac. not with no brother-love I cdmly nu Slum. be. I tum: very diluent. At In! I run - to In"! mm my (“on and bo- In. lam I “In Emmnldq qrhat can In Iv In" (or In. In Win. tr,,'t2ogg.",'t,n'r.tN,G'l5td ,eeteesstsq-mt.ttonomtMrtot ".rrragtgoeteht" me. run“ " .mnnh’min‘ t-tot' iiEEtfie2ygrg.tturu MMDIdmh all t%iuGaiA_rt.s-t" lewmqnone- ' In 'ici"TG'iGiiaGititfiuu+ lama-u- M â€can... 'iili5iiiJStiatdetu"gu'ltSl Guaiiib-at.o,de We... F Windmnwalmllv- eh. t'g'gartaurgl.1uTa't an. m " unlike wood- h In , 'iit?'iiti/ilyi??t'lhi?tit I" duo-outlan- Uni-inau- .eesqttnq an ton-ou- In. Mt that our lava. and out that in! “mum‘s-cl a uvnymqudedlo. u y" “and! ti . and... canâ€: his " "trarrirstaub-.whemrtmtt- Janna-0‘ "i-tnr-tI-got-gre-" 'g'e,rr'2t,'gCrg1'Ntrglttf.d Hm I... Nr.. 'l'le.e'dledrfd= W abroad with m: I - Orin nun-sec Into mm " Atrial In! Con-t. 'aVtttMtt-tir_etM- out talerstmqagtartiat. M â€II. In Iron “at“ 't'.'7c?a",a1Par."aNTtta 'rartattiqroia'd_ out tttatwe-t.vM.ttehie0Be run they comm-M1. our - moat “Then. " “In.“ “I l m to-ego.'-,-...-.- plenty otmhumnwuu- nuoa that we should to mun-Id am out dill]. mm in "mu. 1 manly-tour. - - ,, A 'a no may In". - '8 Ira'. â€In: ae-ittes. Mr but! In tuuorqoodNMtttqNrnttth.-td. and I r- “that wh- MI wrote In." no wou- coll. “I I. - an: " the walling. “Well. " can. all "and u ARI-h Ion Court. will. In I“ to to. I um. only 1 was: - no by It! tor who marl-n. Ho III a We and brilliant - “nor. not - older than 'itrarntme. {by Bod not met for loan can. O“ 1 mm - "on u an." mu! In mm Inl m thy looked " not on". an! t loud lruumuudo no pulls-AW an I Old not are“ her tooling {or In. talc-t ho nothing stronger tan the Almanac. hub". of nun. which l ttnd mum he to muurtaeratotd. _ "When Vincent had been In the toâ€. for (hm can IM begged me to renal in non hu- mnmt. thumb hour mourn It wâ€. lunch. no - except an also did not an for me u the had thou-ht. I was hull-n.4, and I refund to [In but tt c lroodqm Bttq uked tor. She Deemed aa much will. u it Ibo were “ready my wltc; no land been mine ever ulna I put. my hurt on In Inn. he" on lulu. "Ott tho morning or the day as: mould In" - but to no - m Ill. un- .ono-ot" and Vim an - er. They went to Scotland. and In. nurrled limo-t before we had an. to can. I'll! no htpmod. _ "Mr week- , lay at Gum's M, V!!! br-In lever. smu- fumed me run the man- u no one eln MI I." ions. But I vu- never the I. In again. The Stood In my "In new“ turned to [11L I believed the! ' ttated Ermymrude u much I: once I ttad loved her; And I though! at nothing hut tome wny of m-klnl her Net an I we "Perm†If nor may m u been "In "the? ma mother to me. had lived, I would um: mil Mn Gout now- In. "alnat their daughter. But while Sinus And I traveled. trying to tomt. they died. A yet! or two but. my some. came, an! - wlth Chin'- ‘promplinll ht my earq-t took It." CHAPTER XXV. Dal-er. For I moment the - nu man. He had forgotten mo, cud (on. but Mto the pan. mn my puma. m abort, And In my - with to but In. "and. I broke In upon hIl reverie.†- "PM chnnco "me-WN tool q." I prompted htm. "What win " that' you did!†_ ‘ , "Vincent and Ermyntrude wore " Ankh Mel) Court." he mtld, In . - tonnes- voice. "They ma in. ur- rled three years when Sinu- All I came back to England trom tha - where my wife and I were b kw i. AYYT tottettter-At "with" "I“ u- t noun her “:7. no" in, no I. "11‘. old. Slum Ind I mud. on plans; we had thought at the pub- tnent which would hurt "I. not!“ won. One day the chlld an “My non Ill nurse. who was My!†with A friend, and was not no - u an ttttie hat and to: no ha .00- I... In: with were found lou- “I". alone by the In" on I be), M d the m beach. I In". or two from a. pie! or Arruh Hell govt. "Prom that a†to tho law. on wile. you tell me an. died. Immune. tte. 10nd her son Ind been drowned. I“ mu I w" ttin murderer, The" In. no proof of thy kind mini! Sunr- at In: we had Inland the all-Jr In to. carefully for ttttrt. But wt wor- know- co be In the neighborhood. And It I“ any to Imagine the luuplclon In Eb ‘Inyntrude'l mind. Poe n um. I would ‘In It. t wllhed but to mm that her (an Inn-ow no come through a. mu on. had wood. '" to tent can m was Able to a. nothin-tttttttr" and with the My.“ t 'eoMhetr - Inlmied him. L " " up "I'm plan In tm' Ivercd. dun). "tt m 3: be In from». tgrit-ttse-tsan-wan. salted-on!!!†â€In-c.- lnyntmde ttrqt M m a: in ad umum for um " um. Pg prone-ad that the M - (houwho L'aturlf,'th"'l'Sh' now up u s and at the W van. . vnaatrrmd. And In" "rev mum â€we â€mum-lath "hm-IM- 'rrworNeetff Mm our-Elva. mmuw’h. cumula- m. h“ you fte..t.r-t+to input/nu. _ I . “tuned. MIMI-whim Q,lpprdPuet,'Ngt","t.Tl r 'iht2,grit'Tdt um. .... ':iiiiiiii'/iiiii, '15“ an“. at was. ulna-ht â€and“ 'ltte.eg,tet,'t'tit"d.T2ett tlhu%'1' ut an I. - â€but“ -- “In in" not ma In. M what you "iiFaii%iiE "F.“ .3. n...†manna-Inn: '__.'.-.-".""'"."'"" - â€m... m'u' Itiif'll' 'a%"",'2,f't it Pt - n t w '0 Fm. ' mat-unalmunmsb may.†t..n-lt-1rtet-tpyyvet!1ttf tt m a! be: an t-dtttat on. mouIdkmtho truth tumuuwammm. Tttetroo.weai. m â€In-li- '-fttt-ttrtrh.rrlhat ,.L9--tr-e-a hunwumnmbook “I I." cu I. .- n-ao out Em: nonli- o noun g.','.'.', Ilyfron PP" I vim n 'ne. In an ten - luv- lilit 3.1.... d - 'thmmutiul‘nuhu In... VI, an you In" - (or “PIN“.W- "T dw, I an -uitgbe'& and - tttt'hr'g,tt.'rgtr.P,.Sutt "bacon“. â€in...†Oil-mum“; on.†rumba-annual!“ than. mm..mu.n:.-m-w- â€mm‘Mwhlolnau-mlu b.eamtdqmsurHarwttB-raq" -.tn.-tinWhit+.h-o “mmwnmmumnw. Mum has Wand -tatqudbsenheaetettpia'te" The We In: . tool and " “a.“thnmhulucom.“ ehlid'tt (no nut-0d . mystery; an! cwmmunmumlnuc than. tor spasmodic do“. w “on tum-h.“ walnut-nu mu. until you told an w-nlghE of this mm issaaiettt.-te,derttnr-.t mum! (In an a. uh ' “Y. m In nut-CI" much to look on. In in 'teo-tt " would on Mount hm. I was no! om mor- - than.†"Io-050w you dull In him)" I u- cul-ol. "I do." no "t but I an to Bet "my hon um hon-o. when your m - In. to plus- Rocor Coon. But I not that t shall do It. And I Incl! not John Bourke "attt-tttere an be no wrong in that now-t an! tett mm as truth “tout him-on. m!" I summed. In the myth. ot A "I noun: whloh Ind mm to In uddonly for th- an: than. “My, "with!" In mm hl-I Thu Ptaco-. wIk-I III III “marl. " Vlnccnl aaa "iirtktl Man Cod". agtti-qeert the um. All-Ill that no." thee think- Mml to Mm!†“Pray Heaven mg! no." Cop. do» not Ind out In. truth before the right- ful half new: It!" Walter but u- chimed. “Why?" I med Mm. bro-"nonâ€. "items. I - than I. nothing new Cop. would not do to hop VII“ M has." -ruG. In my ttreath m-rply. no 'u want. intently thinking. I, ape-kin; out on come unnuwnlnz Impulse. had told BInIrn Lem: of the iwt-lth mt on John Bourke. nth. No wonder the had lhown emo- tion. I undontood the mum“ of it now: tor doubtleu I hnd [Ivan not u not n M of enlightenment u l M .(IVIII bar twtn-trrother to-nltht. - uh. had come Into mmmunlcnuon with Rotor Cove and why It: nae Wnlnr huh were IIvIn. In um hon-O t am not M know. But I an know that the woman In buck wu on (Hend- ly unn- wlth Roger; that Ibo Ind men tum line. I had told my ati-Important we. of nova: and that Roger bud to. " can " to non- plan an“ nun-7m VIII Mm n port-gnu... With that thing. shaping "r-tr loath-r In my mind, Water MRI word: cent as omInou crecplnx on!!! my. my Imu. "t did not know." he continued, Mow. Ir. "that Ermyntrudo wan dead; there- tom I did not know um Roger Cc w had Inylhlng more than ttis title, tutd " Inâ€... which an; ttt htm m Mo on MI eoashi Vincent's moat 'ur. namely“ death. But you say that Ar rub Melt Court h ht-titat ever-yuan. I. III. Doo- that mean thErmyn. hand. an m- m that In: her- in u "No," I “LIL “Hun was no will. m In her auction AM! he told ". that be bad on“: ndvlnd in: lt - . ilk. In! no Mt m .. ,t,"e'a't',eU'lU'ht'=l',"Ul moved. I should bun meted I. old homo and rum to b. ele. It I and over t Tttt of such Pe', It all. But r undecewed no. And. rather t tn him, u to and me to do,' cut away And Fa a! I will. with pr own people." Waller but! looked " me more - an In Ind done yet. "Bo Ttot It Cope VII-nod to um you. In mm It knowing that you would In“ noth- Ate, but your“! ttt give!" - We; i nym‘ i mammal. which any. "th" he can". realy hue cud "I'll-t " not hard to believe." an! In nick mun. In the curloun hollo' Me. that seemed nomehow to put him libido the world of Ilvlnt humun_bo- 'tas "You no no ordinary 3m. But III N any a». gnawed Y. wllh well u its heart. I don't be two tor Eminent that Ennymmde died with.. 't5 t . win. " ho was her solicitor he by nu. ma. '.. win “a mum“ h. â€an. me how u din-y, I know. but It ot old. and she not. or lt M Inn nub! In Audi when '0 m II to“ and I - Inn On 'i-t.rtee-twasverri1taod M tttat uh. mould new the truth M (to M. The boot wu pad- “ And then in I uni "r-that unit's-Munch“ “I “a†' m and " ho- ho l '.'1'dn,l'Lt or m Qu-gown?‘ t - m - to - not “In. In to mend. 7 -- - 2tttgt,ttttgurt,'.uet'i In. Juno-momma. “I“ bm'l-unuol. m. "AM. at! new urn-m". than. MOI-“ll" “mu-nun“ k. “Noun! 'atpuggt',at"mNtd magnum vhonllulm toA-et-tre-ot....- I'm-tram on" “an: “cm-Manama“ -6rtehrthetPowatn'V. MI, “mnumuntmm tr. “Innuendo-3.0m tb-to-oi-ttrr-tq-h. Jttdti"g',',',.'tpf,','TdtWlVo"t a.“ Dalton-t . 'iiir:iiilt.'crvrsiirf'.?irfd? 'lhe.h'i'pa,ucgyatdhe aw†"m“ - “WWII- "iiiFi.WuiFdi-qm-y1hye' aa2hi.i2tt2T.i-f1'B%N; M “can“! min-m-“ I. iraTuia "a". w hm I an my yeere trreece.? “in? IRE-ad trT.the - m GG; tGi "foil. 6&1..." with I 1.00“ wry " my ', by» 't which]! ',g"irfNAtJNtNr'd , any?“ ttttttt . ll uncut-m hurl- nude-that In.“ mcuouuunruwhldb- mu " a an alt â€no. v“, in the. Vino-I01 - 1" _ nu â€would I. In u n “~.IMl-‘m~ - mwmnuwlmuum tubal-lord“ ml- wnb "a. tp. Th- punhhmoul or my Ill ha icon I- con-tun lune-n, “with Insomnia. I'mldrn-lwhcnlwum than.†u..- A honor or numbing my“... ',ej'.egg,ttittgrdt,"g,'tt -bq'0tht than!“ umwnuuamumy. V,e2,'t'a'.'tfttt','1t'Ptt= WDMMI "rite-g-ttttr- 1.50â€â€œ!!qu I‘ll,“ men-Immanu- mmmw.mnum WWIWWEM "Witt-tr-ttsat-it)'- revttaatt+erttrmotrB"rrt ,.aat-ftuettrthot-tuq.rNre dun-adult I'M Iraqi!» Ila will-It's. sun-mug". at ‘wbalmoummmmtul- new nun-u mum that "attsrttaddtt-ettrStntr.aadms um to! in on Mum-u. â€than. hr man that In our; And t but boon-nu um that we more-I‘M no" tohhptwtotAmo 'er, . "low a“. told no oe - M and U- -ttagtq. M no we: and tone... It to to: don- or an um. .11. moot In" I“ not“. from tho etretuttat- o: " Mmtmmhthnvoonuhu Donal-Ion or new. new wlth- ( hold (loin he: betttrq. m to - In" " om mocluod with In. no would hove [no-led mu. we won In 'Brtgund--tttat we had noo- In tho .. pon. whoâ€. that oh. wu In Loam (to woo rally tho out). and would have wnkctund that we no not. Very youth†In duoovond our - ‘I'boutl by llama; on “"me no tho Immune". which slat.“ on- "!ch (thouuh A». would now tell no how It won that he found no out), and, u ho at once won her Cogtttd.nee by produlmln; his mum: townrd- By. myntrude. ho no doubt [cum from hot the nor-t kept to tone-the secret that concern“ the horn lite. no. " cont-o. named our lacunae u to whnt Ind become of the bor; but It would ho to- tnt to his humus It onym tttttride would learn that " Viacom Cotter Ion ond heir had not died “to: att. The property could only run-In hlo on out- fonnco. till the ttetr would be found. tt wu for thin - that I told It would be wall ll John Bourke should hour at lilo rights before Rout Cope know the who]. truth." "Your liner than! known." t ts)- und. “ROI" sent her to an no thy from Mr. Bourkeâ€. boom. where, u I told you. he had let me nay with Md In. Jenncu. She tried to preju- dlco no act-Int. Mr. Bourke. “yin; "l worn at “an“. Buperatttioo sounding things. which , mppote Iha made up in the hope ot frightening In. no that I would - think of him uny more. Then I told her or the hetirtotttrtted m. and in was unwed And An- tonllhed. Perhnpl she has repented what I said to Roger Mute. and and in in: zone to London! In In: more ready to to um, um let" me, after he hid taken the trouble to have me fetched hers, than nomad quite natural, maytMr--naw that there'l a new lurht upon " - “out. But Whlt hum could Roger do? for hi- own “he, even it he were vii. must. In would not an ml. hin- udx a murder»? on! - an: you hit": 1ttitt1t.tAtt"rf.y: tiff.“ .__ av, "NT R'bGistia" itiiii you one for the man. tn who ot nu?" “chimed W111" Leigh. _ _ "in. nor." I cried, lmpulalvely. "Not (or him, but--" Then I atopped ub- mtBtir. 77 - 7 - ,, A» -C't Etc," the lnvnlld thoughtfully and. at the other cure: for you. there mlght a. I happy chain. Alter ply" - "Oh, h. doesn’t an." I protested. 'l'm "raid-I mean t think that he run. for lomeono the, who Irvery "tt and very mammal. But If I could '" him Bach tor hla [rent goodness to Ttt-if I could show him that utter all I I“ not urtBrMetut-br being the on. I) tell him of m: rights. Ind brintrtrtq an hurt to you. I would be happy. In. I would In Inâ€. mouth I never aw him All!“ In this world! But you an made me ulch with terror now. I "n amid for ttlur--turaid ot no": cope." A, _ h - ,. _ -- "You ure rtttht nbnuz Rotter, I think.†Walter Leigh and. reftectivety; "ho would not dare to be a murderer. thoutrh hla wish might jump to that. Bttt If there wore anyone 'ttse.-" he had t tottt so Ml hula-c 0:th that I. could than Into the and an.» 11 'ttttra ttaa told him will In. now known. John Bourke-or rather John C-ttttld not be at. tor 3 mo- unvnl." "Oh. it that door won only open!" t exclumod. "How T to pt out? new um I to to to t,?jloy'e, WI him an "Orr-ond “no h m of Mr?“ The nick mm “but. "It ll my fool! that the door In locked." he and. "Monmo- my bur- den of sin has been hum! thun my "no brnln could but. I -. em out. no" ht dettrtum. that I would m- feu on to name manna or non. prion. who would [In on. comfort. And smm nu III-II been dour- mlood that t should not do that. no new (not the mood would you. And last night I walked In my _ " I have one. or twlco baton. t M . drqaaatoerrtorothant-n1tt-or.-a I wot. up. out at my 'oo-q- u may. I don't know. 81mm found all brought no back. " " no wonder not stteth-ntttwMhmrarer.titietatqe ouch on mttt.rt---thotteh It In Id the Int u.- but tt on Domino. ~ wttt-tttameartrtrttAemomh. bob†"t ean't watt M may I but. I "m own “on so. would M it no no. [to with no no mint Inn. on It. In no." Cop'- M - no - Ill law I. thttths my 00 H the! Jill I ut‘. SWMTES ot""")'):","", ovum stirtm0tt “ABM “gunman If? mtrfi,t'strstm "ii,su,,,w " U E Kl iiN as“; a ossss, oe WEN O'SPELEOLDTC' UM; Y; 5,%wtt.%tst "'G"9e. m mtg; 1W.mz~trmm 1km no opportunitiu ot inning as no. liv- ory door In the about. in lock“; or. at lent. " than on the bru- noou with window. com which I with in to u- upo. Uh. 1nd no" have mom: at everything. I up†they heâ€. at wont. to tin me out with unmi- Ind mun-1m. Inning In. “it" that an only thing left (or no in nu- rim with him. he! could - do that it they no! In. hon for in â€an: but I can't he hunt. I must. go and an thi- uory I hue had from you. ‘But how-ttowe' tbuy mt GIHUIN! -Mm‘m Br 'ar you wen 3 my bra." girl. with a clem- ttead as In" u s new heart, than with: be u. war," Wuur mu Ida. tinny. - .. 1utpr.nste warm“: 'it.,t!,irtiitl!i191t,tf Purim, OIL. July t.--At I nun meet. ing in the Torn Hull tomight . unclu- tion In - “pruning sympathy with Jolhun Suntan, who wu entomb- od In the well on tho Skelly farm for four and u lull days, Another reso- lutlun commended Bcnlord’n rescue" (or the bravery and determination they had displayed in an (we ol great danger to their own lives, Ind. further, I coni- mittee was named to lnvouiguuihe ‘clulmn of Santa-(I'- relcucn. who are [ .Imu. (or mu- n prlhlenu. Tho following coon-Inn I‘ll “charmed to receive mhurlpdonl for the MM " Bunion! or for “on who m Immi- mnul In -- Hulk. “a Brown will roe-Iv. it. lab-edgin- all " Pauti'. “on in the pron: Mann. J, M. her, F. Smoko, R. Thong.“ and T. BeottaHrtdtsott. All dsy un- dly Ind laat tlight Julius Sultan! md. lend much pin owlnl to the dude?- [ wt of maul than“ 0m on bis um lieu tho shoulder Ind upon-n In the all): won the moat mum. And it will biennial}: Isl-u well a ho VII on hay morning, but this waning he is resting pooh better. Honey 61hr: have com to lain from “non. parts ot tho country. A Chat, ua, unltnlnm offers free "calmer". the Wderated Badman College one" in. tuition, and others have written bin-Penn“ alluring to Auburlbc to I tund for Sanford or the lam: who mood him But chnchoor in th' [hunt lite mun-uh Iv the madman worn-n. Th oonthrol ll pun‘ Into th' hund- Iv or ( ate not. " th' day will own vim y wanna book will mm W more to an ablehodled. mu an: m wan-ad my Wome- wrlto all my Nannie nonl- "" - may good. Tut‘s beam. tery mun that-uh th' thru- hnm " him-en att' Ivy room "an†In": June: K. Haunt. A we: Tun ll mm c good. “tarot. nun â€(In to be shit to run any number " bad, vent um, but I man I. than wottdhertn' what th' other had "Ed do. K. might have th' punch m in i, him that w'tt'd cu ttt' my. A wo- mn mm out: how no" mu no km. but . an - In an: pity. l ut' in In» to a. m polh damn-re mom Chan: M SYIPATEY FOR SANFORD Woman urn.- att th' good mmunic l, low-In. u’ ma- thim a. If my I prod had In th' turn but... mm " rial-Ida!- th' um " hh we.'. ml. "oittotiuiooatatth'ttoet" a. "an an tumt m" ttf "can Iset-ttet.teerat'mhenmqth' "fr my 'tot _ .0 wt: m mt - 'T w'u'd hm m “was: "he. Iv and. to look Mo th' but te It m I. can has! "raet_atattemti' ttttlit, and Iv & puma-nu ct n - 'tat-trr-tthat-aa-tee v but 0. III “a II' . W :Ich‘mWI-cn-uu ptaytn'aama_eShrteaMehiot 'tol ma‘mwluuluh mmuwth-MMM. :h' All night!!!»- 't,u"V,tfx='fge,Wult, tun-do“ Now*m'- “All.“ Ill-p... - 'II'AQIVWOOQ‘IO'Q- um '.'-mrmK--'R3+ up.“ 7 hi ' than»... app-nu- dgtt",r4tfp'tf2ltlu' "I“ GMQ . ILWIIrmmdu-tur “mu‘mmm It“ may? Inmm-nh‘amu mmwvuhhuh'n 'e..-. huh-ad“- rmrnmm‘u (To be continued.) 7 cu. JllMgiiM& TErW6iitumie rEyT5erirTr.'iiT, " " a,“ -- I WATIILW. I m l mm- " New. t will If ir,hiiiti'illliye'aitax W'ulitlld V Li'ithitiStc, Fi.iit- “(my AMJohrMWI. -___ in?" duhd'l‘cnoh Uni ' #,iiti'?iii'ef,t,r,t,rtsf,iJ: .!,s'itsiqrt'r'ili'e1"i,th'. In.“ ','tht2Wdttt on 1'/iiiit mamas?“ “ -ffrnr, -. tJrra,f,tt?,rtt,Ti, _tt',?,iaj',s',rRtf, WERE. k'ri4,.irilr:st.t.','2ic'tsx {mm-7i Duh] ts-ir- 411mm " EFF-d W______- MW“: W. Mntttirteen, L B. 8.. 03.8. whim mun-r, mu tit.eaiiti,idfi"PdiWict m ft.tttMttg'ht'lf.%t Inn.» II m. o ulna-Md itttgo-ittb.ohm.d "an an... mmmuumm a 3mm). "u" ftG"AGrtCFrir7iaG"i. MWï¬ IL 0. 1:)qu Lav. Jt.W.urmRaAB0, fgigt4tcgiltii'irat'ie. PFEttttgtt vci,t,' A a. RF?) fP"ffl'f $32: Ii-ia-.--. - “wht-_H*_ in " m and -. It... Id C"""Jl,'1e'l2"dfNt â€mutiny... now-rm “-d-H†-1“ I... --t--' - -.-r"r'% â€uh-It’s...“ â€In! AND “ml " . than tt. _ “m '0“me on)“: Canadian Block, "In. I. new 1""i,,t)t.Nlhvs, n. 431.. "les'.' 'ldWM W317 JOHN STREBEL Strobol’l . HARNESS SHOP m on. In tho was)". Hahn's Bakery MISCELLANEOUS gWir5ttrtit,aitw Met tleo. Daily. MEDiOAL LIGAL ooed"ia'%Tac6iii" DENTAL DENTIST. UVERIES Humid- 'ttee _9tryep, ' A,fAe.'.eAeMt