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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Jul 1902, p. 7

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'if aa-et---""-"-)",""?"?", '“l- ' WEI "i),! _ su,--,-"--'")-".". [ ' 'ili'l'lii,ltttiMllkll, I l . ”mun..." ‘mn t" {Si-cumin! ;? tauvrrmxxrT.. " mm ' . "miiai.fiuyertcte.e.tt,t *Md‘u.mm.ll - - - v'- _...--- ' uni-M u can“ 121.2% 'dt' light your Mater cunt and " t ' i I“ aua. N'de, no Je,nfht an. haul when we were Mum; m m m a» tHed to tell an Dom.- . to I. - as. "alet gi I Ml',',; mm A III WW ,tttefet'cua w ---"-"" - am who." ,tef2$let%l'G' his breath. ' t w t tstf In in nun-dam.“ an gm! . on“; an Into um. Ill y eon-cm- at . ”Mn: for tum. "Th- doctor I culled la ""10." - Met HEP-33$: __ -- - n rau for . This “no. ”any. " A - - Inn-y. "not hurt wu wuk!" Io orhro1 "Poor Emyntrude! Poor an“! noun And to think that " "I who tortured her through .11 thou _ o [invent u I could on?! pun that a. new - no. I no mm. that through It all t Dunc-rod u much u u... "Purina- It. can know." I ma. "You-what do you know of It nu?" ho demnnded. Almost with icon. "I only M." I "gtarmrd, "that In wan never Itappr---er unce I can be- ‘In to "menu-r annulus. And my memory you Bach to the time when I was I may etuw-gteseertteen yearn pen up; Mew 1 gm more than eighteen. It In oh .1 birthday that lit. died." "That thul night!" he exclaimed, more to tunnel! [but to me. _ __. _ __" ---.- -' il the Pisoii1ii. can: u, .......... "WW .7 "tme loved me, 1 thlnk. Ind was at- wuy- good." I woman. "Hut her moods were often nnnp. Sometime: the used to be Item with me when I could not tell what I had done that was wrong. Sometimes we would loud me with presents and Madmen"; and "urn. p2rhaps 1n the name hour,' she would mm to Net " . ata that I should be happy." “Sh. w“ thinking of the boy." the nu "tton. the pillows muttered, with s llgh that III Mk. I luned sob. "Tho boy who died?" I ttnitshed the sentence {or him. "perhaps. She nev- er wok. of him to we, - once. But Roger told_me." The Invaud ruined himself on his el- m and lured. ' “Witt did Roger tell?" “Only that the little boy diodAn - very sad and pnlntul way: he Md not say how. I aha-ya thought that he WIS my little brother, who dled yearn baton I was born. But utter my moth- uhl man. the Lady Cope-ttled, Boxer told me that I mu not her datttrttter. That the hld only udopled no boo-III. III. had [on um her mug bor, Whom the adored, then her hul- bund. Ind and no one in the world to love.” “No on In the world to love'." he Growl, repeated. "Yen. that] true, than an. And to think that It was w Mush me. o Haven! The hor- ror of In No wonder " than years ot RM". In" 0111.: In to the verge ot madman." no wn bubbling on, with broken. In- uucuhm ult-uwnllonl. While I asked myself: "Ta this the secret? Am I [not up an only with I mum-u but . murderer?" - '71: .11th that, you xmea the was" Th. “Wt niche use”. “She thought that" he lam. chqklpg- V. "3h. mouth: tro-until that night." _ "Una: on night of her death?" He bowed bis held for answer. "and ttsen-then a! - um It wu not no!" "Sh. in" tint " w" not BO. But m truth-it wu the truth that “ruck hee down. Shall I our target the look In her eye- when the cried out that wine I had done wu worse than mur- der-th" she could forgive me'm " I hid killed the child in my passion tr, ”unset agave”: How the loot u haunted no! If: driving me mad. t can m " no an lb. rut-Q10 the lupin. may: the point among the can: an " in: hot. than. tearing "my ha m burnt out the nu. m on. link that was left to bind us together. I an Bee her now. an it--" M--qtte stood them" And he pointed I all“! hand town-d- the empty lire- pines ttootmttartir my ere. followed In “mum. Bo “timely m " word- “ the horror in Ms em moved 13'. an I but expected to ace my adopted m9ttter'tt spirit there. pale. beautiful. M us her body had [been on the min of "The Bells.‘ A. the vlslon nine to me, [rowing In .1 “In I. it no" in MI. I did Indeed - to ttee her, exactly I: lhe had Been it the “later. I could at her eyes. Nick III wells of darkness, and hear " man-mm: "I wish we Md "mun new" play tor your birthday Tho has a! llama mund- In. at lomeono if “ed to not." x 1 M only to look ttt tttin mn'n face ED. and. who that someone mun a " been. I “and. She but." u burnt out on an. " t could hr VIII! in M'mn: n out that the ', Ital with! be annoyed between _ 'rf I man the deemed to have .mw mm m mud par- Cdjiewtht...teeto..ettt "I. m - "Did rtte speak of m “Q. m arulr' he ttraNored til! 7 i UM, inch mu ago. " m j ' "" hi I!” mutual" in claim; And I usual. h but warp-1a. tor I W on I. - 3.11 Ink-I. _ "Not-V l man-cl- Tr' m I - to at -" In mid ”one his “dun-1:10: [um amen]! on the -" at - I I.) '.oqBa* “I to Iron tho knowlodgo um I III H pruned with a mum“. . “Na. .5." u ”are“. m tteq? V. "malnocuhywmafi luv. :11on p. u l _ 0 - or pun-loaf Pet tt dulgm "an: In. at a no Vincent. but nu - not in?” when an new the mu that “IQ ttt WM,“ Pt I u- an! Nru-t, but I!" I when III. new tho tl mt! I had reettr don lnCI I I!" Inn, um... "wttnt--dt0 you Bot" I VIM "Dt Roger Cop. an you ”that d the on "on!" “No. Null-C " All.” Ttte net mur- eyol mod out more on an» and held than. no that I could not remove my not. For tt3t A":- .....-. -e -_""i' Ttte net mur- eyol mod out more on an» and held than. no that I could not remove my not. For a In- iiGrii;GGaiat,uatttteftt low. chum valet. t cut-Qt ton. than he had Deon Ible to commud baton. "Ermyntrude begged you to an and and the boy." ha all. thouthuulIy. and with any udneu. "Blunt. " It should be given to you to do no, "on yet! Fem” " I Mn you the ml- ltory from the tre-ttr---" ... -_.. .. u . .a..nu|, Jn- -~---v'v -- - - - story from the tre-tte--" "I be. that you will tell It," I grteadea. when he unused. “Sit down," he mud, “rum". “lure. In that chair by the aide at tho Bed when: Blair: Alwayl Mu." I had been sanding until new. bin 1 obeyed him. "sinus and I were hull-broth" Ind sister to Vincent Cope," he laid at an "We were twins. Our mother had "p- " blood in her veins. She was muti- tuv-umm" tor he! Denny and her gloriou- voioo. nor peoplo were voli- to-do; but been". at um wild “run in h" nature. which [bowed incl! nit-anti! “to! wing for I -tton or two, she could not live the lit. at an ordinary, middle-clan Engiinh ski, She went on the “use and been». In opera-linger. on: was but “than. your use ta-dar, and in tho Int company which she Joined In I w - _ . .---- - - n. mun...“ -eie'e - She went on the stage and becumc In opertx-tsimrer. Btte I“ but “(bu-n. your can 10-day. and h the Int comp-Hy which the Jolned an n all: whose (uh-Ir had boon I _ K. Wu; the mam; tenor. and In W“ u hundsome " In: wu bountiful. mu a wild, worthless (allow. They married secretly. Then I time came when the lam-duo had to be announce. thw secretly. Then I time come When an ram-duo had to be announced. our mother left the open troupe. bat ya: rather stayed. Slum end I were born. The husband and wife never new each other “mini H. w“ killed in I nil- war accldcnt. and u our mother had Men dammed by her pueuu no In pennllecs. We were left with an old nune while she weggt back to an III”. Ind for two or tttree yes." we won Katina. [rowing l uneareit-tor snrden -TiiiGaar,Usr mother met n you. buonat. named Henry C9pe, who nu In love with her beauty, and they I'm _ _-___ A- .m- m w“: m... ..-. ___,,,_ 7 married. We were brought to this house as our home; un- very room In our nursery, and 10 were my anou‘h until Vincent Cope, our half- brother, wu born. $rlirs. ll. iriiiiiihill "With hi. birth everything 'u :hnnged. our step-rather, who had never liked us, turned “uh-t III ul- most with hatred; even our monu- took her love any from the poor [’9- " twins. who rocdied tin sordid put. and gnve it to the child who VII born to good fortune. 8min and I wm ao- voted to etch othqr; the perhapc cit ing more for me man I tor ttqri-oa the way sometimes with a. brother uh ulster; and she hated the new baby " only n gypsy child cm in“. One day. when Vincent was ghoul two yew old, Ihe struck him. no (but he {on and cut his foreman. And thin let an“ an! tat P. "Our Hep-lather woman? I“. - endurable whllq we remain um“, root, and we we" to he cant awn"). The questton wu. where, tor we won times: too roan. to go to I Min.- ochool; beam... we were no mun-"bl. that It would b“. hem - to pan iii-.," Gf Bat-11;; ‘1: mother not in husband had tho We Whit. I mum. to be cruel. "A eircttmtrtgtgtce trittintt In mm dr cided our whole future. A child. Er- myntrude D'Esiorre, a count- at an Coven. who bad been brought to" u tVtMthrh.rtrareestmttMMtpmte' great luncy to the two syn-y Chibann. When her lather and mower: when home was n Ant-h “all Court (which you must know wou) - that '0 were in disgrace with our "ep-rather, ther invlied " to pay them n visit and Ohm the touching- o: their daughter'- governeu. WI managed to win our v.1, uomehow. into the heart- of our protector'; instead ot pinyin; I men mi: we continued to live nt Arrish Melt Court. uni wen " much childm It the house a Ermymrude her-cit. 'Wo we grew up teacher. I Wu not ltmng bor, 3nd Instead of being nut t, . public Icnool t had a tutor. In nyntmdo Ind trmtry and I we" - u: hour “an; ind not . cloud "on between Ill until sunr- uul l we" woman. Emmtndo “than. Thu. nature beyond my fun. t nu! that l 1n. ,aat-agarmqrttttrte.Wrt ecu-nu " at; no t M - to.rtet.at-tt-tt-.trtmratt_ hum namuumhinm [Mm-minor. wmlwmmmmu Warn. ammun- ic'iTGiiGimrGirietthura-rre "roriGrriidiiiiaiii-ecett I loved Erwin-mac. not with no brother-love I cdmly nu Slum. be. I tum: very diluent. At In! I run - to In"! mm my (“on and bo- In. lam I “In Emmnldq qrhat can In Iv In" (or In. In Win. tr,,'t2ogg.",'t,n'r.tN,G'l5td ,eeteesstsq-mt.ttonomtMrtot ".rrragtgoeteht" me. run“ " .mnnh’min‘ t-tot' iiEEtfie2ygrg.tturu MMDIdmh all t%iuGaiA_rt.s-t" lewmqnone- ' In 'ici"TG'iGiiaGititfiuu+ lama-u- M ”can... 'iili5iiiJStiatdetu"gu'ltSl Guaiiib-at.o,de We... F Windmnwalmllv- eh. t'g'gartaurgl.1uTa't an. m " unlike wood- h In , 'iit?'iiti/ilyi??t'lhi?tit I" duo-outlan- Uni-inau- .eesqttnq an ton-ou- In. Mt that our lava. and out that in! “mum‘s-cl a uvnymqudedlo. u y" “and! ti . and... can”: his " "trarrirstaub-.whemrtmtt- Janna-0‘ "i-tnr-tI-got-gre-" 'g'e,rr'2t,'gCrg1'Ntrglttf.d Hm I... Nr.. 'l'le.e'dledrfd= W abroad with m: I - Orin nun-sec Into mm " Atrial In! Con-t. 'aVtttMtt-tir_etM- out talerstmqagtartiat. M ”II. In Iron “at“ 't'.'7c?a",a1Par."aNTtta 'rartattiqroia'd_ out tttatwe-t.vM.ttehie0Be run they comm-M1. our - moat “Then. " “In.“ “I l m to-ego.'-,-...-.- plenty otmhumnwuu- nuoa that we should to mun-Id am out dill]. mm in "mu. 1 manly-tour. - - ,, A 'a no may In". - '8 Ira'. ”In: ae-ittes. Mr but! In tuuorqoodNMtttqNrnttth.-td. and I r- “that wh- MI wrote In." no wou- coll. “I I. - an: " the walling. “Well. " can. all "and u ARI-h Ion Court. will. In I“ to to. I um. only 1 was: - no by It! tor who marl-n. Ho III a We and brilliant - “nor. not - older than 'itrarntme. {by Bod not met for loan can. O“ 1 mm - "on u an." mu! In mm Inl m thy looked " not on". an! t loud lruumuudo no pulls-AW an I Old not are“ her tooling {or In. talc-t ho nothing stronger tan the Almanac. hub". of nun. which l ttnd mum he to muurtaeratotd. _ "When Vincent had been In the to”. for (hm can IM begged me to renal in non hu- mnmt. thumb hour mourn It w”. lunch. no - except an also did not an for me u the had thou-ht. I was hull-n.4, and I refund to [In but tt c lroodqm Bttq uked tor. She Deemed aa much will. u it Ibo were “ready my wltc; no land been mine ever ulna I put. my hurt on In Inn. he" on lulu. "Ott tho morning or the day as: mould In" - but to no - m Ill. un- .ono-ot" and Vim an - er. They went to Scotland. and In. nurrled limo-t before we had an. to can. I'll! no htpmod. _ "Mr week- , lay at Gum's M, V!!! br-In lever. smu- fumed me run the man- u no one eln MI I." ions. But I vu- never the I. In again. The Stood In my "In new“ turned to [11L I believed the! ' ttated Ermymrude u much I: once I ttad loved her; And I though! at nothing hut tome wny of m-klnl her Net an I we "Perm” If nor may m u been "In "the? ma mother to me. had lived, I would um: mil Mn Gout now- In. "alnat their daughter. But while Sinus And I traveled. trying to tomt. they died. A yet! or two but. my some. came, an! - wlth Chin'- ‘promplinll ht my earq-t took It." CHAPTER XXV. Dal-er. For I moment the - nu man. He had forgotten mo, cud (on. but Mto the pan. mn my puma. m abort, And In my - with to but In. "and. I broke In upon hIl reverie.” - "PM chnnco "me-WN tool q." I prompted htm. "What win " that' you did!” _ ‘ , "Vincent and Ermyntrude wore " Ankh Mel) Court." he mtld, In . - tonnes- voice. "They ma in. ur- rled three years when Sinu- All I came back to England trom tha - where my wife and I were b kw i. AYYT tottettter-At "with" "I“ u- t noun her “:7. no" in, no I. "11‘. old. Slum Ind I mud. on plans; we had thought at the pub- tnent which would hurt "I. not!“ won. One day the chlld an “My non Ill nurse. who was My!” with A friend, and was not no - u an ttttie hat and to: no ha .00- I... In: with were found lou- “I". alone by the In" on I be), M d the m beach. I In". or two from a. pie! or Arruh Hell govt. "Prom that a” to tho law. on wile. you tell me an. died. Immune. tte. 10nd her son Ind been drowned. I“ mu I w" ttin murderer, The" In. no proof of thy kind mini! Sunr- at In: we had Inland the all-Jr In to. carefully for ttttrt. But wt wor- know- co be In the neighborhood. And It I“ any to Imagine the luuplclon In Eb ‘Inyntrude'l mind. Poe n um. I would ‘In It. t wllhed but to mm that her (an Inn-ow no come through a. mu on. had wood. '" to tent can m was Able to a. nothin-tttttttr" and with the My.“ t 'eoMhetr - Inlmied him. L " " up "I'm plan In tm' Ivercd. dun). "tt m 3: be In from». tgrit-ttse-tsan-wan. salted-on!!!” ”In-c.- lnyntmde ttrqt M m a: in ad umum for um " um. Pg prone-ad that the M - (houwho L'aturlf,'th"'l'Sh' now up u s and at the W van. . vnaatrrmd. And In" "rev mum ”we ”mum-lath "hm-IM- 'rrworNeetff Mm our-Elva. mmuw’h. cumula- m. h“ you fte..t.r-t+to input/nu. _ I . “tuned. MIMI-whim Q,lpprdPuet,'Ngt","t.Tl r 'iht2,grit'Tdt um. .... ':iiiiiiii'/iiiii, '15“ an“. at was. ulna-ht ”and“ 'ltte.eg,tet,'t'tit"d.T2ett tlhu%'1' ut an I. - ”but“ -- “In in" not ma In. M what you "iiFaii%iiE "F.“ .3. n...” manna-Inn: '__.'.-.-".""'"."'"" - ”m... m'u' Itiif'll' 'a%"",'2,f't it Pt - n t w '0 Fm. ' mat-unalmunmsb may.” t..n-lt-1rtet-tpyyvet!1ttf tt m a! be: an t-dtttat on. mouIdkmtho truth tumuuwammm. Tttetroo.weai. m ”In-li- '-fttt-ttrtrh.rrlhat ,.L9--tr-e-a hunwumnmbook “I I." cu I. .- n-ao out Em: nonli- o noun g.','.'.', Ilyfron PP" I vim n 'ne. In an ten - luv- lilit 3.1.... d - 'thmmutiul‘nuhu In... VI, an you In" - (or “PIN“.W- "T dw, I an -uitgbe'& and - tttt'hr'g,tt.'rgtr.P,.Sutt "bacon“. ”in...” Oil-mum“; on.” rumba-annual!“ than. mm..mu.n:.-m-w- ”mm‘Mwhlolnau-mlu b.eamtdqmsurHarwttB-raq" -.tn.-tinWhit+.h-o “mmwnmmumnw. Mum has Wand -tatqudbsenheaetettpia'te" The We In: . tool and " “a.“thnmhulucom.“ ehlid'tt (no nut-0d . mystery; an! cwmmunmumlnuc than. tor spasmodic do“. w “on tum-h.“ walnut-nu mu. until you told an w-nlghE of this mm issaaiettt.-te,derttnr-.t mum! (In an a. uh ' “Y. m In nut-CI" much to look on. In in 'teo-tt " would on Mount hm. I was no! om mor- - than.” "Io-050w you dull In him)" I u- cul-ol. "I do." no "t but I an to Bet "my hon um hon-o. when your m - In. to plus- Rocor Coon. But I not that t shall do It. And I Incl! not John Bourke "attt-tttere an be no wrong in that now-t an! tett mm as truth “tout him-on. m!" I summed. In the myth. ot A "I noun: whloh Ind mm to In uddonly for th- an: than. “My, "with!" In mm hl-I Thu Ptaco-. wIk-I III III “marl. " Vlnccnl aaa "iirtktl Man Cod". agtti-qeert the um. All-Ill that no." thee think- Mml to Mm!” “Pray Heaven mg! no." Cop. do» not Ind out In. truth before the right- ful half new: It!" Walter but u- chimed. “Why?" I med Mm. bro-"non”. "items. I - than I. nothing new Cop. would not do to hop VII“ M has." -ruG. In my ttreath m-rply. no 'u want. intently thinking. I, ape-kin; out on come unnuwnlnz Impulse. had told BInIrn Lem: of the iwt-lth mt on John Bourke. nth. No wonder the had lhown emo- tion. I undontood the mum“ of it now: tor doubtleu I hnd [Ivan not u not n M of enlightenment u l M .(IVIII bar twtn-trrother to-nltht. - uh. had come Into mmmunlcnuon with Rotor Cove and why It: nae Wnlnr huh were IIvIn. In um hon-O t am not M know. But I an know that the woman In buck wu on (Hend- ly unn- wlth Roger; that Ibo Ind men tum line. I had told my ati-Important we. of nova: and that Roger bud to. " can " to non- plan an“ nun-7m VIII Mm n port-gnu... With that thing. shaping "r-tr loath-r In my mind, Water MRI word: cent as omInou crecplnx on!!! my. my Imu. "t did not know." he continued, Mow. Ir. "that Ermyntrudo wan dead; there- tom I did not know um Roger Cc w had Inylhlng more than ttis title, tutd " In”... which an; ttt htm m Mo on MI eoashi Vincent's moat 'ur. namely“ death. But you say that Ar rub Melt Court h ht-titat ever-yuan. I. III. Doo- that mean thErmyn. hand. an m- m that In: her- in u "No," I “LIL “Hun was no will. m In her auction AM! he told ". that be bad on“: ndvlnd in: lt - . ilk. In! no Mt m .. ,t,"e'a't',eU'lU'ht'=l',"Ul moved. I should bun meted I. old homo and rum to b. ele. It I and over t Tttt of such Pe', It all. But r undecewed no. And. rather t tn him, u to and me to do,' cut away And Fa a! I will. with pr own people." Waller but! looked " me more - an In Ind done yet. "Bo Ttot It Cope VII-nod to um you. In mm It knowing that you would In“ noth- Ate, but your“! ttt give!" - We; i nym‘ i mammal. which any. "th" he can". realy hue cud "I'll-t " not hard to believe." an! In nick mun. In the curloun hollo' Me. that seemed nomehow to put him libido the world of Ilvlnt humun_bo- 'tas "You no no ordinary 3m. But III N any a». gnawed Y. wllh well u its heart. I don't be two tor Eminent that Ennymmde died with.. 't5 t . win. " ho was her solicitor he by nu. ma. '.. win “a mum“ h. ”an. me how u din-y, I know. but It ot old. and she not. or lt M Inn nub! In Audi when '0 m II to“ and I - Inn On 'i-t.rtee-twasverri1taod M tttat uh. mould new the truth M (to M. The boot wu pad- “ And then in I uni "r-that unit's-Munch“ “I “a” ' m and " ho- ho l '.'1'dn,l'Lt or m Qu-gown?‘ t - m - to - not “In. In to mend. 7 -- - 2tttgt,ttttgurt,'.uet'i In. Juno-momma. “I“ bm'l-unuol. m. "AM. at! new urn-m". than. MOI-“ll" “mu-nun“ k. “Noun! 'atpuggt',at"mNtd magnum vhonllulm toA-et-tre-ot....- I'm-tram on" “an: “cm-Manama“ -6rtehrthetPowatn'V. MI, “mnumuntmm tr. “Innuendo-3.0m tb-to-oi-ttrr-tq-h. Jttdti"g',',',.'tpf,','TdtWlVo"t a.“ Dalton-t . 'iiir:iiilt.'crvrsiirf'.?irfd? 'lhe.h'i'pa,ucgyatdhe aw” "m“ - “WWII- "iiiFi.WuiFdi-qm-y1hye' aa2hi.i2tt2T.i-f1'B%N; M “can“! min-m-“ I. iraTuia "a". w hm I an my yeere trreece.? “in? IRE-ad trT.the - m GG; tGi "foil. 6&1..." with I 1.00“ wry " my ', by» 't which]! ',g"irfNAtJNtNr'd , any?“ ttttttt . ll uncut-m hurl- nude-that In.“ mcuouuunruwhldb- mu " a an alt ”no. v“, in the. Vino-I01 - 1" _ nu ”would I. In u n “~.IMl-‘m~ - mwmnuwlmuum tubal-lord“ ml- wnb "a. tp. Th- punhhmoul or my Ill ha icon I- con-tun lune-n, “with Insomnia. I'mldrn-lwhcnlwum than.” u..- A honor or numbing my“... ',ej'.egg,ttittgrdt,"g,'tt -bq'0tht than!“ umwnuuamumy. V,e2,'t'a'.'tfttt','1t'Ptt= WDMMI "rite-g-ttttr- 1.50”“!!qu I‘ll,“ men-Immanu- mmmw.mnum WWIWWEM "Witt-tr-ttsat-it)'- revttaatt+erttrmotrB"rrt ,.aat-ftuettrthot-tuq.rNre dun-adult I'M Iraqi!» Ila will-It's. sun-mug". at ‘wbalmoummmmtul- new nun-u mum that "attsrttaddtt-ettrStntr.aadms um to! in on Mum-u. ”than. hr man that In our; And t but boon-nu um that we more-I‘M no" tohhptwtotAmo 'er, . "low a“. told no oe - M and U- -ttagtq. M no we: and tone... It to to: don- or an um. .11. moot In" I“ not“. from tho etretuttat- o: " Mmtmmhthnvoonuhu Donal-Ion or new. new wlth- ( hold (loin he: betttrq. m to - In" " om mocluod with In. no would hove [no-led mu. we won In 'Brtgund--tttat we had noo- In tho .. pon. who”. that oh. wu In Loam (to woo rally tho out). and would have wnkctund that we no not. Very youth” In duoovond our - ‘I'boutl by llama; on “"me no tho Immune". which slat.“ on- "!ch (thouuh A». would now tell no how It won that he found no out), and, u ho at once won her Cogtttd.nee by produlmln; his mum: townrd- By. myntrude. ho no doubt [cum from hot the nor-t kept to tone-the secret that concern“ the horn lite. no. " cont-o. named our lacunae u to whnt Ind become of the bor; but It would ho to- tnt to his humus It onym tttttride would learn that " Viacom Cotter Ion ond heir had not died “to: att. The property could only run-In hlo on out- fonnco. till the ttetr would be found. tt wu for thin - that I told It would be wall ll John Bourke should hour at lilo rights before Rout Cope know the who]. truth." "Your liner than! known." t ts)- und. “ROI" sent her to an no thy from Mr. Bourke”. boom. where, u I told you. he had let me nay with Md In. Jenncu. She tried to preju- dlco no act-Int. Mr. Bourke. “yin; "l worn at “an“. Buperatttioo sounding things. which , mppote Iha made up in the hope ot frightening In. no that I would - think of him uny more. Then I told her or the hetirtotttrtted m. and in was unwed And An- tonllhed. Perhnpl she has repented what I said to Roger Mute. and and in in: zone to London! In In: more ready to to um, um let" me, after he hid taken the trouble to have me fetched hers, than nomad quite natural, maytMr--naw that there'l a new lurht upon " - “out. But Whlt hum could Roger do? for hi- own “he, even it he were vii. must. In would not an ml. hin- udx a murder»? on! - an: you hit": 1ttitt1t.tAtt"rf.y: tiff.“ .__ av, "NT R'bGistia" itiiii you one for the man. tn who ot nu?" “chimed W111" Leigh. _ _ "in. nor." I cried, lmpulalvely. "Not (or him, but--" Then I atopped ub- mtBtir. 77 - 7 - ,, A» -C't Etc," the lnvnlld thoughtfully and. at the other cure: for you. there mlght a. I happy chain. Alter ply" - "Oh, h. doesn’t an." I protested. 'l'm "raid-I mean t think that he run. for lomeono the, who Irvery "tt and very mammal. But If I could '" him Bach tor hla [rent goodness to Ttt-if I could show him that utter all I I“ not urtBrMetut-br being the on. I) tell him of m: rights. Ind brintrtrtq an hurt to you. I would be happy. In. I would In In”. mouth I never aw him All!“ In this world! But you an made me ulch with terror now. I "n amid for ttlur--turaid ot no": cope." A, _ h - ,. _ -- "You ure rtttht nbnuz Rotter, I think.” Walter Leigh and. reftectivety; "ho would not dare to be a murderer. thoutrh hla wish might jump to that. Bttt If there wore anyone 'ttse.-" he had t tottt so Ml hula-c 0:th that I. could than Into the and an.» 11 'ttttra ttaa told him will In. now known. John Bourke-or rather John C-ttttld not be at. tor 3 mo- unvnl." "Oh. it that door won only open!" t exclumod. "How T to pt out? new um I to to to t,?jloy'e, WI him an "Orr-ond “no h m of Mr?“ The nick mm “but. "It ll my fool! that the door In locked." he and. "Monmo- my bur- den of sin has been hum! thun my "no brnln could but. I -. em out. no" ht dettrtum. that I would m- feu on to name manna or non. prion. who would [In on. comfort. And smm nu III-II been dour- mlood that t should not do that. no new (not the mood would you. And last night I walked In my _ " I have one. or twlco baton. t M . drqaaatoerrtorothant-n1tt-or.-a I wot. up. out at my 'oo-q- u may. I don't know. 81mm found all brought no back. " " no wonder not stteth-ntttwMhmrarer.titietatqe ouch on mttt.rt---thotteh It In Id the Int u.- but tt on Domino. ~ wttt-tttameartrtrttAemomh. bob” "t ean't watt M may I but. I "m own “on so. would M it no no. [to with no no mint Inn. on It. In no." Cop'- M - no - Ill law I. thttths my 00 H the! Jill I ut‘. SWMTES ot""")'):","", ovum stirtm0tt “ABM “gunman If? mtrfi,t'strstm "ii,su,,,w " U E Kl iiN as“; a ossss, oe WEN O'SPELEOLDTC' UM; Y; 5,%wtt.%tst "'G"9e. m mtg; 1W.mz~trmm 1km no opportunitiu ot inning as no. liv- ory door In the about. in lock“; or. at lent. " than on the bru- noou with window. com which I with in to u- upo. Uh. 1nd no" have mom: at everything. I up” they he”. at wont. to tin me out with unmi- Ind mun-1m. Inning In. “it" that an only thing left (or no in nu- rim with him. he! could - do that it they no! In. hon for in ”an: but I can't he hunt. I must. go and an thi- uory I hue had from you. ‘But how-ttowe' tbuy mt GIHUIN! -Mm‘m Br 'ar you wen 3 my bra." girl. with a clem- ttead as In" u s new heart, than with: be u. war," Wuur mu Ida. tinny. - .. 1utpr.nste warm“: 'it.,t!,irtiitl!i191t,tf Purim, OIL. July t.--At I nun meet. ing in the Torn Hull tomight . unclu- tion In - “pruning sympathy with Jolhun Suntan, who wu entomb- od In the well on tho Skelly farm for four and u lull days, Another reso- lutlun commended Bcnlord’n rescue" (or the bravery and determination they had displayed in an (we ol great danger to their own lives, Ind. further, I coni- mittee was named to lnvouiguuihe ‘clulmn of Santa-(I'- relcucn. who are [ .Imu. (or mu- n prlhlenu. Tho following coon-Inn I‘ll “charmed to receive mhurlpdonl for the MM " Bunion! or for “on who m Immi- mnul In -- Hulk. “a Brown will roe-Iv. it. lab-edgin- all " Pauti'. “on in the pron: Mann. J, M. her, F. Smoko, R. Thong.“ and T. BeottaHrtdtsott. All dsy un- dly Ind laat tlight Julius Sultan! md. lend much pin owlnl to the dude?- [ wt of maul than“ 0m on bis um lieu tho shoulder Ind upon-n In the all): won the moat mum. And it will biennial}: Isl-u well a ho VII on hay morning, but this waning he is resting pooh better. Honey 61hr: have com to lain from “non. parts ot tho country. A Chat, ua, unltnlnm offers free "calmer". the Wderated Badman College one" in. tuition, and others have written bin-Penn“ alluring to Auburlbc to I tund for Sanford or the lam: who mood him But chnchoor in th' [hunt lite mun-uh Iv the madman worn-n. Th oonthrol ll pun‘ Into th' hund- Iv or ( ate not. " th' day will own vim y wanna book will mm W more to an ablehodled. mu an: m wan-ad my Wome- wrlto all my Nannie nonl- "" - may good. Tut‘s beam. tery mun that-uh th' thru- hnm " him-en att' Ivy room "an” In": June: K. Haunt. A we: Tun ll mm c good. “tarot. nun ”(In to be shit to run any number " bad, vent um, but I man I. than wottdhertn' what th' other had "Ed do. K. might have th' punch m in i, him that w'tt'd cu ttt' my. A wo- mn mm out: how no" mu no km. but . an - In an: pity. l ut' in In» to a. m polh damn-re mom Chan: M SYIPATEY FOR SANFORD Woman urn.- att th' good mmunic l, low-In. u’ ma- thim a. If my I prod had In th' turn but... mm " rial-Ida!- th' um " hh we.'. ml. "oittotiuiooatatth'ttoet" a. "an an tumt m" ttf "can Iset-ttet.teerat'mhenmqth' "fr my 'tot _ .0 wt: m mt - 'T w'u'd hm m “was: "he. Iv and. to look Mo th' but te It m I. can has! "raet_atattemti' ttttlit, and Iv & puma-nu ct n - 'tat-trr-tthat-aa-tee v but 0. III “a II' . W :Ich‘mWI-cn-uu ptaytn'aama_eShrteaMehiot 'tol ma‘mwluuluh mmuwth-MMM. :h' All night!!!»- 't,u"V,tfx='fge,Wult, tun-do“ Now*m'- “All.“ Ill-p... - 'II'AQIVWOOQ‘IO'Q- um '.'-mrmK--'R3+ up.“ 7 hi ' than»... app-nu- dgtt",r4tfp'tf2ltlu' "I“ GMQ . ILWIIrmmdu-tur “mu‘mmm It“ may? Inmm-nh‘amu mmwvuhhuh'n 'e..-. huh-ad“- rmrnmm‘u (To be continued.) 7 cu. JllMgiiM& TErW6iitumie rEyT5erirTr.'iiT, " " a,“ -- I WATIILW. I m l mm- " New. t will If ir,hiiiti'illliye'aitax W'ulitlld V Li'ithitiStc, Fi.iit- “(my AMJohrMWI. -___ in?" duhd'l‘cnoh Uni ' #,iiti'?iii'ef,t,r,t,rtsf,iJ: .!,s'itsiqrt'r'ili'e1"i,th'. In.“ ','tht2Wdttt on 1'/iiiit mamas?“ “ -ffrnr, -. tJrra,f,tt?,rtt,Ti, _tt',?,iaj',s',rRtf, WERE. k'ri4,.irilr:st.t.','2ic'tsx {mm-7i Duh] ts-ir- 411mm " EFF-d W______- MW“: W. Mntttirteen, L B. 8.. 03.8. whim mun-r, mu tit.eaiiti,idfi"PdiWict m ft.tttMttg'ht'lf.%t Inn.» II m. o ulna-Md itttgo-ittb.ohm.d "an an... mmmuumm a 3mm). "u" ftG"AGrtCFrir7iaG"i. MWfi IL 0. 1:)qu Lav. Jt.W.urmRaAB0, fgigt4tcgiltii'irat'ie. PFEttttgtt vci,t,' A a. RF?) fP"ffl'f $32: Ii-ia-.--. - “wht-_H*_ in " m and -. It... Id C"""Jl,'1e'l2"dfNt ”mutiny... now-rm “-d-H” -1“ I... --t--' - -.-r"r'% ”uh-It’s...“ ”In! AND “ml " . than tt. _ “m '0“me on)“: Canadian Block, "In. I. new 1""i,,t)t.Nlhvs, n. 431.. "les'.' 'ldWM W317 JOHN STREBEL Strobol’l . HARNESS SHOP m on. In tho was)". Hahn's Bakery MISCELLANEOUS gWir5ttrtit,aitw Met tleo. Daily. MEDiOAL LIGAL ooed"ia'%Tac6iii" DENTAL DENTIST. UVERIES Humid- 'ttee _9tryep, ' A,fAe.'.eAeMt

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