IrB,. "Hal. 8. an (aim to 'kit'-- an acquired wealth an :1 Wk“ wrought†lllgl 0! “than. 4 TM Iow- “ -_ to! “I. mum obtain! from 'ttii' . . A pawn who could tor- I uh' A“; but? all st can on ’- _tfa9.' a â€9.. t "li11â€: I itftiom $1,000 to 31.100 w you, " ' In In one And one-1n.“ pan ' . In. “my with the suns cupi- gr, uly t revenue at $550 to $800, Bit' ..E " can, " dingo: and EBT, _ i Bs hue harmed. s. The . _ , in taxatiok, B. Feminism. in tin mica ot mm mm to the iiiii' and occupations formerly ros- ' Bo the mm. The-aroma be- "i: s:trro'"teat Conservatives ot the ,,':,,t"tyeta m _oI mum» declue ','?ttt tho party In mm to ilght protest entered against the re- , . ftt Dr. Lunar. 'i _ mm and more the producer, E V tt occupied in commerce, in do- . which in the liberal pro- T - k' 1 (h mines...“ train, in _ ' all in xenon] mun; This riy' k In France oocupiu 3,358,831 W who mm In: ot mummy tth cl their mansion-J occupa- "r, . Beridethssrtseantto end tt m populntion which has no Fi f to wit, buhlorl over 25 “ii:- u m.; lomu with- thiMrm, 1.008.888; divorces. il-iii,",,":' Ind widow!" without child- an. $000,000; tom 5310.437. Statistics regarding lowly: has - eapital show' that Holland is "Kos' among a. itrsrtrtartt oom- jiuerut mic-n. with an. m: #u [allow AIM“. tl"; Switzer- Jal. 3121; mm, nu; Great gltlhh. $98; Dmmuk, $75; Canadn, 5m; Germany "r, France $40, and s& Unwed sum. m. . ;'1% ttrtrt ten thousand tons of w nil! mandated by Mr. . st Ch 800 hare been de- . N.!' in tin InMolonhl Runny , , and will In used in re- 'tlib' no mad at the Dnmmona ' the Mm Montreal mil _ h l The rolling mill and plant I to nod-mu: ot than nil: ' ' out $400,000. 15in expected “than“! will now he regu- ii'iiiriart up. If: Mn manna no being employ- ?†Emmy Impact“ Hutu, un- , mum. "on the Berlin d Hahn. to put . stop tol V p a! calla drum: tor - _ . Colin drum shown! be, m to duh " the water ' may maul-M through ordi- itt “In hon the ground, but I t, u “on ot uy description 51ng the - of new.†and .Trs- [rtatttPatto+ttthtdiu"ar It-. bra _ " In any to III- V T ' I» tho-onto mm in a tunnel-Mining u. 'B, a. m ot a. town ' H “I; In any tun-cc F *rv'tt, mr so his; as _ ,ul " at: m the 'ttbl-tIll".",',';':';?':'; Fe", juiuml“ ,e"i'i't-il'rl)lhilttei.'li'l, minimum. W “Ampuioditwuud 'tfee? in»: the mkWhomuw *mmm an: Pgat="heu"du'at'g EDITORIAL NOTES. â€In Em " “In an! Firm â€hm-cud in) -ahg.arAeoae-%dsrith -t-ettbtttnrat. â€which In...“ M u in M "can... u-ln-cy to to hr (an: scams ' Bunyan-om my unwwu‘m“ tMFW "atoreaadmtue.reo", It: 'e.rmrgumrtthemt mutual the a“. or'" 'eou1e p, ooiiiii'"a%tk an Weber - to Lao-put BM. "tyt a. 1lyst ial; ovZE'EnBIu' m “can“. the diluent "reott will}: gently improved The bridge on up!» Avon. I: being pushed ta coupleti'ou. " is tRttitprred ot wool. bonny mm, “It Conway big unable to secure f'ioéél‘ Queenie within the: month at tho that win the out ate expected to be in mutton. President W. H. Breithmpt ot the Berlin a Bridgeport Electric Reil- wey Co., in converution with n Telegraph representative on Wed- dar stated that “wording to the an. cuuion that took place at the CPP- ell meeting on Monday melting the Compny had hid their nil: on ‘Water and Victorin Streets without the suction of the Board ot Worth. Silch we: not the case.‘ however. Two days Alter the try-law we: pu- ned on Key 5th., A meeting ot the Board of 'hsrkts was held It which neartr4hviry member we: present and the Trrotihts were exunined. amended and tinaily accepted by the Board ot Works and Work we: pro-' ceeded with. When the all: were laid along Water end Victoria Street: Meyer Eden Instructed Mr. Bmithaupt to lower the ties st least six inches, which we: done by thet Company. There in no settled grnde tor the streets in this part ol the town end when surveyed. Mr. Breitheupt maintains. that the pre- sent grads ot the tells will he found to he About correct. It is the in- tention of the Company ti on in he- tween the nil- and two tent on euh side with gravel, than suing con- sidenhle frontage to the resident- along the streets on which the mils “Inâ€!!! ot tttrote." 'tttet are laid h Life in Peril She 'ffgttt1'l',',', Headaches, Distinct Ind Swab. -Her Friends Fund She Wu Going Into Consumption Prom L'Aveuir, " Jerome, Qua Among the thousand: of young girls 1 who bleee Dr. Willleme’ Pink Pllle for “My ourylng them through thee mo» perilous perlod of their llvee when lhey mp from girlhood Into the breeder realm of womanhood, there In none more enehuhelle the: “In Gabrielle Thom-e, e young lady known to most o! the reeldente of " Jerome, Que, and smelly eewcmed by all her madame“. To a reporter of L'Avenlr do Nerd. Mile Thom" eeld '. “From the “ml was fourteen until I wee eighteen yeen of one my .h-itit wee very bed. I wee very week; had copped“ end eoeld do no work. At night t â€toured greatly end frequently elepG hm lime. I eetfored from head- eehee end dimes-e, could namely move ebou without bro anion breath. leee, end I Melly reached a stage when my Mend- !eerod I wee going lube can amnion. I we: under the can of doom, on: their "aim-1n did not help me. I theat tiled eeverel nth-er- Ieed mm, but a: h me one poorreenlleendlhed emu eo all“ I ottxstd not when». One day I reed ttt e m the "ateirmttt of e mum when capture were elm the! who my on, who wee tttttedt by the wee of Dr. William! Pink no. t "the-dt-tttia-thet-rr. bums-whiten!» dog ran on. [Melly-ed “lentil-e he ween whips.» better. eed 1e e m be! myâ€. In any - “mad 2t'l wee a mud es my an of my It. IMMdnyemjayel one I I“ of.“ - I the“ Mtl W " -- t at "it" or A GIRL SAVED " A IEIIPAPEI ARTIBLI. Tho hang-often!» hr both M III in». I. In the “may 1tettotDe. mun-v M Put, “(a In no I gtereetqgi" .91, - that n “can; M um and .91 W9“!!- tmee., “downs." mm. m h the but,“ than be of qtrt I, www.m’uMI-Mm» an. “on. " VIM mud pill 'ardtge' Bat a In. - In M“ you who your -., a no. tet our. "Dr. My nti. urn-d a a- WAY NOTES Innu- - blunt-Io. iijdiLiGii)vriFii bai. iitiie1t geectt CoM‘deh-g _ m m a. “I ml I m. lot. that. urn». It “Res . long “an " Cowl! 0! an 'tit' to plant "who“. no was“: I'll-I10 1"“ J- collection with In - agatqt xuohcuonol Br. u. it†in North Intake. In. M M at Tatum. â€can my.†in to to “noâ€! in an mini-I " It.trut. " val In but u "Amis", in honor of m Wt ot a. Toronto Board at Trade. _ . .3“. cr. T.rtaviAntm, bump}! at Trinity Univ-ttr, In I)! my " (noun Church. 0.31% W landed a Alanna. Emu-d, “and†to was Talon Santana Mrd 04 ttut no the um on which the 7100le Auk annual Society will hell it: mud Exhibition n Blah-t. tte W theshow wlll he s new: " null. The - wanton do“ Duh- sum in Woodstock in. In. or“:- d m me they: muta- oa - coun of “0 mm Ismail; hot-u at! will; unoymco’ to the Ari. "SB. . The the: mm- m, monthâ€! or the 9011mm at Dominion agehir- tst-io. E. Cmy. ex-l. P.. Dr. Bunny, 1413mm reporter in New Brunswick, All H. T. Outlines, editor ot tho Hmllm Times. Mr. Thou. r. But. who has has: the Y. M. C. A. Sacremy " Brmtmd for th- luc an you", has accepted 3 like “nation in Quinton to succeed Mr, Thou. A. WI, who intends going flu: tsvaagNistie work. Tuadny oveirtrg the Candi-J av. “saints, Cranky and Hunter, cloc- od the aghast“: you in "aatgolir tie work They hue doicded not to so to England thi- isll, but will leave this week tor their Mukolu home. k N The 11ch Mtuustaetarirtg Com- pmy hue Guided to build a extan- Iivo foundry in London. The glut will comprise a. moulding shop, mounting shop. nova houu 1m: storage, I polishing limp an other eel! buildings. The laundry wm ‘bo the Ingest in Cum. 200 try 23') 'ltetyt. These plus do not mean the (i,iis,iie.uvaa' of any at the present works. The Hamilton District ot the Method at Church decided at their annual walerence to sell their church in the village of New Dundee. Any- one wishing to purchase the same should apply to John lehlaster or Andrew Hall, a they are the trus- tees updated to sell it. , " in reported by Dame Rumor that on at out you; Mics is to wed . Berlin cations: in am Mn. - Thus pupil: oi our school wrote on the Entnnce Exunination and four on the Put lat. Junior Leaving this summer. They report» Having done well. Rev. Mr. Stem visited our school just below vacation and gave the childwn some very good advice. Tom and pupils no than ":V [Ind to In the cletgymen, and are planed to be able to Itch tut the /,'y'ee .11 mm; more Ingres“ in our who] than formerly. We have Ind more visit: trom clerg- men this year than tor R number ot yum. Stnetmet - t"eder, Nuptlali. A pretty "an; tlrok place " the home of Mr. and Mn. Alum under. New Dundee. when their daughter. Emu» 0.. of Cleveland, 0., "I married to Mr, Louis swarms: ot the - city, m of Mr. swamps. at Romain. Rev. Human: tied the nuptm knot " 4 o'etooh, tt. IL, in the prance ot shout twenty-Me Mend) of the convening patios. This may ma. here with them I Ion; us. at] - bent-gee. It. PM“), Holt, furniture Met, in mm: a beautiful model'- teet- deece opposite In: furniture '_ were- rooms. Tho lethal“. Sunny School ol ml pines joined in Mullen Nettie with the other Sunday School. ol the Elnln circa“ on July In. This picnlckm selected Mr. Wright‘s grow. tor their “fl oath; and n mjoynh than was was by lien. lb moon was! turning out in lull lot-cam Tb event 0! as _atter- nool In: a “in.“ much - ,e-otEimir.-dtttoe.otert- close. the gun. mum-g ll to I. _t.tborattCerrtt.teqt'., __. Fermi. - In†Dodds ot Water- loo vu visiting n In. Shinbeil‘l on andâ€. - mu Stun-Ari at Guelph. visited Mn. Wright n the winning ot the weak. - lute" Lloyd And Bonn-n PM†of To- ronko. as spending a hotidar w“. Mud- in toil. - Ree. I. Venn, a In W ol the new an: i... has n Ehll""dt.",t J†In m [In - rhg. - 0- th at, at. It. It. H. {at _ " "Ma - h ' . van-m. . 3.. at Tun-to. an hr ‘0. Mt.. A. aw,, Au .ojoyghwul'l 'trt-rp-Mr Minna-d “mud-.3“ vtatti-t'ttowto.t-.- -i.a_ereethytrrts1'1tr,, NEW DUNDEE CONESTOGO In. M. R. 0% l.. not: “Q' 7 _ . _ . III. - " BM " - an In my“; old mm In 'losovilh. - t. ttarid Him, ot "quill. calm on I!“ W ‘I_ lousy. - In. Adam PH. In ‘hoenoluolhkllnlwnb' it" in". hope we yin not he arented gum. M at Imm- 0mm - thr :034†may: only "by (a M 1â€.) W {NI ljs ' M n “In. M My Ai" - lt od " - and but was. mantMyolJm "It“ .333me h the but a! In!“ all magnum- wrrettst.ta.trer an» In “Help I'm: â€ninth ‘which and“ MI m1. body _ 1110M humus it. this“ - Wilma): 3Mvumbloto new. " he could not is - stood. He â€mount now“ his speech but. has Mom-cm an the» long wary yam ad - - known to mutual! or - plain. Besides " wmwgho P"! I lunily of two son a“ In -q J ues,sitotwtt9mertt.eot. 1 daughter: :11 mud. n. d i' no in 'm condom». n am. a. has but a ML“: Wellecley to: our my "a. ftu tuner-l took plugs on waned-7 b; Hum-Mlle enemy. 7 a. (wily: burying place. All the“ blitzes: (he tamity line bad the m a: new kinds ml neighbor- in 1an Men theottgtt which my Jinn boon paling. mien. - Mr. and In. Kenna-eh Weber held thou itgat unlvuury Int week when quite-e number ot In- vited tries) were present and out the dey in venous kinds ot - eta. Judging by their menu and return they must hove tmd I moat excellent time. It. and In. Weber think married Hie in all right end we doit doubt thet some ol those present thought so too. We trust they will he â€and to enjoy meny' more each plenum occasions. i The born end young m ‘0! this piece greeted Mr. end In. Peter Rem on their mm! here on Ilen- deyhy giving them e‘oodderi- vul and e Marty welcome. Hrs. Rent is heartily welcomed by the people of this town and tum. she will he eble to emit! my - (leyl won; Ill. T . lb -irr.Tiirtr."iioerr in becoming quite famous. Last weequ Wrench to get up g dance. in which Is wu very successtul, " than were people pre sent tron Hespeler, Prawn. pd Wstorloo. Judging by the wuy they acted when they let). they xt have been . jolly crowd - Mr, M. tettneterrs sable was almost. ttsioded with water on Manny atter- noon. The “in came dowttAto huvy that the water run in every possible place and horses, hogs, eur., had to be “and out “tower to new be- in; drowned. l Personal. - m. A. Bechtel and his sine: Smut-ha, spent Snafu! with their uncut. Mr. Bands“ Kolsntla. - Mr. and In. Joel Gold Mr. “a Mn. Edwin sum a Mina Ida Good vote which; " Mr. om: Roma, Kosluul. on Sand-y - Mr. and am. A. B. Gel“: and (un- lly worq with; alums n Eden Mills sdbsrkr and Sunday. - Ila Violet Butler, of Berlin. aad In: Hattie Sam: ot We, N. Y., an spending their "rattan a J. R. ‘Good'l. - Ila Nancy Good ot COI- iumgo, itt mun; at Mr. and In. Edwin Shaw. the Inner"- “not. The subscription list which had been ckcnluod MRI. min-I men ot Elm“. to Aid tho “new" at an Woolwlch Apia-Ind! Sock†iiurirtgueoo'itymyerett- 5.50 mm; on that show Ito-Ill, has been closed. The mum Iron thin touc- anon-(q to “0.00. A Oudan Party and“ an op- picen ot the Mist Md‘ol St. Jun- Luuun- Chreh. will he Bald an the Inn "at Mr. In!!! Gib non. Tim-My 'mstsits6, July 11th. A good pregame ot veal ad il- stnunelul mush has has M. The E.M.B. Bud will the to in a. We. Tu and “an 6.30 to n in.» Linn-Ion ll In! " a o‘élock. Admission Hull " can. Everybody who“. II.G.A.mchb.vho|-owl to alumna: Elan-aural with m.udwiopdlhl‘bmd St Pml'u cum. do ot the latte irruYitmaasai-,t-de. dwinyummk-luivnm. mil; Iron 'dtltP. so“ of I!" museum . 'tget'l'l,' '10 " My all m I! iiiede,ttetr.'rdtre'4 Junk-Qua! y. M In. “mum-malls! all (iii"ihiiri'iit'iiiiii bun- WMumm‘b. Dr. A E. Sit-“lever“ mm on Monday an the put may no. ha proved a - on as ch up: beet new. in Uat the m In! no we: man: an te ad. by 3, buy an inch; n Ja... l', In Du h who I'?, 'tN'lA'lll lst4rhl. Jim-3- ttttAt SOIL STOOD 'em TEST ELIIBA NOTES UNIOOD BRESLAU.‘ " tgtt.tu.nro'rtt. stated 2116'- â€ALA-1 “NW 0%.â€!!! Ciil thuetbatAdtmtMte" l el _ “Italian-unity. Cl/tttiii/ii. "iruauur will "no. In. magnum-5mm “MW!" 9.eee, Ietr, __J 'rriiaTfiiiiViiiiiiFAeefe, {II-pubs I“ an“ tit an by. [a not!!! but. up: th- a. Nun-d “It“ PM M'if"l'lr'tt hwy out in nu m A Indus-do 04 new. and hum-mound do») n m M8mttt and igt-0gq.q" dbl. W1 tut Paul Dita ‘cou’andunmomulhm Ion. w. P. m. Can't. Gas, â€but his terrible mammal In. with pinion», and at " m- am can by PM. Gel-q Con- pongd; In 11:11-an I " A“ Irw- - --â€"~'~ .7, Wuhan.» I at.“ W “Jud-buy "In. Input-h.) was“)... “hubmb In. In! no III-Id could Mb. I) m. hm M by “an and - my - nodal-o, but with; - no all“ until I Ind nu and. can Compound. I "ttrar-seth/ran WI mmwuulnmmuw. - I have ' that bottles of m M “no. Ind may I on: trxtty a; mu) Mike . an an. I mm m- m tho round, when": l h." an WWW... it In m but not given walnuts." A meh m nun." who was Mummcpmhnmlinl on- Qulred: - you mall I: an Blunt?†"Oh. no. Mr." "0'“ the I'll-no ‘6'", '%tt to have "etotts 'utrt up to m chancel.†An Width-o not: In ulna m l think groove-ad In babe-my. "Ah. l v.21." anitt M. "n lad four Inward -t-. Then we land . dined†m than were only tn hundred In": M I autumnal and only no lo". Mueudsmy 1111!;an tttemu only me and Ill brunet Duncan leet, And I ba' can Coo!- o' Duncan'- modoxy.†. '1!“ mt Handel-noun “I one. mailed to new†the one. at boot- beper with u bankn- who m u var! Imam man. A few an After the '; unlu- an to “:1“!an "Do you link God work ttste at“!!! You 'r-tet-tro-ts-r, and not rich bunker." "2uet Moo an wll- dom at God." rompâ€! replied Munich. calm. "It HI I... nude an. (In baker. donuthlukl m-unumtors woman?" _ In tsoraatu--ddt- “! story In and that Product". Jbtoaevtrtt w†one: (ravellu In mum. and based . More ht tho window at whlch m 1: copy ot MI "Winning of the Wat." Going into the book- uon In enquired. “Who In an. author Roosevelt?†"Ott," Bald the bookseller. "he'l I rtusett-6rNqtr." "And what do you think of MI book?†asked In. Pra- lident. "Well." - the mist, slow- V and deliberately, ' "I‘ve than thought I'd like ttt meet the “that and an him that K he had stuck ta rum my I and: â€a [Ive up 1mm. books he'd in“ mac n powerful more at 0 nice... at his trade." The Ms1seqrqtHuatie.t.mMte lave prayed more I hum-z "lard. be on our tide! Mr (In n can. be on our awe; 1n lay km,- bit, " n’u no (at. an" get I â€(111' that mu! plea-o re." An old mm. who ruled " houaeholu will-Moth!!! In all to Ian Prared In " 'rhtearttr " - wot-bib: "o we. in: I an o' no. (or I. In on he": deep. a Thou hold.“ tt um» hollow "o' Th, Itâ€. Air in. n on. o' Julie, for in an can to ttght the enemies o' M: country. ma' the may. o' a. ha. a. u wl' Thee. But to not!†to! - wl' we. Willy. Ne I in. m- »hn' In. mam-OWE the an: Inner." panama. mommmt tut, m In this country. II m Bte. un â€Won. human-nu.“ Mt- wm ml to woman: the endle- and!!!“ or the column " An Ideal tttet, “in Ittthtitet' tone. Mandy Ulla. magi-n, and uniformly and has!“ and“ bu." by I - M " M At the con- “""" " 'h'=lt"2'5 â€a...“ PM“ I. to the: m W -tr Amt. “Illa-co." on. mtmmmtltubmm 311th still. hilt In cry cl â€Slime.†cam " tho end just the use. .It I. told of him, “to. an! no one. wan sound â€he, mulling " c bung“. " wu an - ot mural-k. on: Bead, in. Mm novelty who "no in we... n. my"! uni minimum (or aie-tltqn m I Re Milan carnation In I Mien ward. umn on I. mm un- pun Mr. to“ he dun saline. with a. My. Dim. thee-n- un.- " Iâ€. m. to .m- -tter in the was! in tent! at no. -0-- I“ 1». man 00 m mt In Mr. In". mew:- m â€we“ an m. m. -. in have m In. - m- It momvhcn. MP. Malta Mr. My" mm. "min. '1 “on In much." MP. I!“ RM '%tt “I - ever N tttd" that â€trim!" It. - - no . II! " d Nh I.†on .. 'luts" Clerk Noum- ot the Park" non-o. Boston. I. (cum .1.“ m a M. "aunt-9. Wh-ga-tttore. themmttm9tst&rottmt.easttttmtq the “Moot-y l“- on! 'NeattBetrtse_tttt.reettmqts. mmummnpmmm humicnwamuenm -eaatribee't-detr. hmb' â€Omar-vb...†hMtutnum-mr PetPttete.ef.ttePtit.etn -t_t.-q-ettit. 1'rMitellhqrlrut.rg'gt' Marni-m†_ In on». not. only A9etee%' my About mu. TttreeDttttieotf an... a; THE MUTUAL LIFE "aaaGaLL- ___ i 7 WW“ 0000: Pot-arty ma ONTARIO WI. UIII. WATER“!!! MUTUAL _ nu “sonnet can“! moo-mum " an mu has“ an: Duo-mist†We“. 'uy Tum. lay me. mum-w Manama-quaint: the la- n In: “I-“ w. lama. "1"tttrtPttf""ett . " . S. SAUDER dr 00., “a: How and Where To Borrow lone) Emmi-non: 4ttt.ira-t.qmteerMtetViare â€mmthlhm The " MtrtiWe'2t',at u- D=Qqn in M: 2,'U'd.' Mon-um- M -. hm...†and “to: m " a†- runny-u “fl it?lsfi,,"ir'ci',4iSi?lithi1 'dUl'l'll'lbrd . had an“. on. . Jl"lf,,ttlN1u'3tll'd'N,' trt.aet.t4hFe.A6+eaem- BOARD or DIME! I... ill-bl. M. VII-1. Dr. J. I Wait. .. “but... human?!“ kirk-uh“. hum-5.... om; â€MW “Inâ€. 300!“le O 001. The Mercantile Firis SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - - - - 't60,00e00 _ DIPOSIT WITH DOIIXION aowr' . - 117,140 et'- All Pouch Goa-sated by mummy a; 1mm l'm II . mute: ConrAxr "a “an tsour'-'. t AIM WWI. Sammy. T. M. an]. 1mm I "COW...†T 1001mm“. at, mun-(Wham Wot-b. . M ''e.'r..'y..ttv.:y.:: 'omm‘ “i Namath-Ibrq jmwmmvhd. Tti tttgt any. ad " . Ink. to " ,'.t,r,t,dl% weak oniyet - " amnvs. tt m i'tpgt,t'2, d11teay" MQ thi: 'I:...'.....'.....'.'.'; cm-n-d-tr-st ii you in to lg, dr-roll-od-i. ' _ it? 'Mutt INSURANCE ooan- . new†â€I. _ In“) 01:10: - wu-lnnoo. m. “out "in?! "I?" Worr-q'-. WdMMm 131.3 TT murmurs LIAuu-rzm In.“ Tet) 131°01‘1- iltttitiidttllhgnlrinlit" lamb. coo I 5mm 'A1ht4t'N . to III-l Fm - - - m «may. - - - - Vb Pun mm _ - - - _ Dunn. w.a.-ii----... Jun-L..-_-__ 1-. - V............-..-. I†'mot, IRWIN, In. n. on My ham-o... 1tlttitA8tfd'h% - man: w In. .iettml W hobo-(m mp. d2,tntat',trttlt""e VII-â€Md and! but" on “Ono-It I." trt--- - BMW ifaaliftii. In.’ "’41:..." - "r6A,iE Volcanic-rub. â€a!“ was?“ ft, an hos-41 Int-avg.- 2&9â€!th qeqet.t..e" maintain-hm Ay"-"--.. - nod of Canada. “norm '." iits.oo. mun... y.ycy.y.y.f',"i,"2a", (scum. I...†haunt. .592! a,“ [at