"er" "ar-e- -e--aéextte"t" haul-min non- ". - ‘- -e_r'r"r" 'elte2ee 113w Sac-ugh; tn In a. oi mine luau;- ll â€in; no "slat moo. main clun- ot '" 'atqt.-r that the “tatto- at I. unharme- lhould he mud to- “ 'au" men- to prove-t thin -latud habit. 110 ton by- in relating to - more]: Itrict- tr turbid: petrtanitr and the use of insulting Impulse within the cor- pontion. It his been remand. tilthlully too, that lone o. the torm ancill- upon whom devolves the "h- forcement oi the law: no none too mun-Mun in the choice ot their lan- gunge. These things ought not no to be. It in u theme mi 1 any.“ that respectzhle people, (olten in compuy with ladies) must be sub jecied while trimming on the sum of my to": to volley: ot proiune oaths poured lotth from the mouths ot individuals who ought to know better. There is not the least doubt that the law iorttidding pro- fanity deurvea recognition as much u my other luv on the sutute book, and the better it IS eniorced. the better will be the moral Bp- peuance at least ot the community. - DAVID :3...“ iGFiu- m -. â€Id-shin.“- _ 'PROFANITY INCREASING A rather complicated case came be- _ (or, Police Maintrnte Wier on Wed- "Mar, 't A.“ named Sabicovitch living in Hamilton took out a haw- ker.'s liseense tor the County oi Wat- erloo, and sent an agent, named Paw, Keel] goods on this lic- W.‘ the letter was fined $5.00 and costs by His Worship tor selling without a license. It appears from the interpretation ot the by-law by the court that any individuals selling goods as a hawker or peddlar, must have a license in " own name. It is may to understand that where any employer has a number ot agents sel- ling, that would prefer holding the licenses in his own name, Because it might be found necessary to dis-‘ charge an agent at any time during the year, and it the license were in the agent's name, it would necessi- tate the purchase of a new license it another agent were appointed. The true spirit ot imposing a license is for the protection oi our local mer- chants and dealers, and we think the View taken by His Worship was right inasmuch as it a license be taken out by anyone tor peddling, it cannot be transferred. It is generally concededthat these travelling hawkers are not necessary and the principal part ot the business done by them savers more or less of the mendicant. Perwns requiring goods of my kind can do much bet- ter by purchasing trom some good, reliuble local dealer. A COMPLICATED CASE The Toronto correspondent ot the Butith Express has this to say about Outerlo’e Premier: "The popularity M the Honorable George W. Rosa is attested by the number ot prominent men from ell over the province who visited Toronto to bid good-bye be- lore he left tor the coronation out» monies in England. Almost every Liberal member-elect celled at the Parliament. buildings to wish the' leader ot the Government bon-voyage. Liberals who at in the we begin- leture and yho were defeated no we poll: last month ell turned'up end a" . " word: with Ir. Ron. Mr. "toi.waaintrad-dot-t. The ' toy he worked In the lute umpeip M e tttnrvei,to " “nature. They Ftr man. an an no: " tnvel- “I. In “In province no wall there mid to no Liberal majority " " Going “rough n hard union, then hill. his vile. a. - oi Vhoso‘ [on In only known to ï¬n Prank! all Ill hmily, “d 1astty Aqtttittg no In! on the political panama, in . with“ hwmenh It. 3001‘ pinion] coalition could a. think of. But that indetaa8%th' nth“ oi â€nirvana - h- clu- mwuuc u: the IV - In. in d-traged ',9' who I. in now." 1:13.: ON TA RIO‘S PREMIER. whom an." m Old “an“ a... an“. loco-Mu" W» ' vu- m genial“! “I n " W -BM.‘ “-12." Tb ttrg:,:'::.":,:::?.,'.?;',','.'.",'."', q-c-li" out-n.- , “I ii.'gtt"rl,ttrl'N4 2ttt,'e â€man-m “hi-HG Faiiuuk" “INN" mmuuumu-mw‘ “may...““I umuumuwbl’wu' uonvm “uncut-Hm thn mummy-We!“ 7ii7driiiriiaa'iGiiitiiie Jaia,uk , A'Uiit †1* â€H“ him." have. two It.- Mr. . a. than. th- tht but! ot aodeetgA is has“ - but! up: " in I n, on would new)“: the "anal In. um Juan to m a“ my†ot Gouda by main-“Ion. 0- mnmolltyb w clonal. P. P., to: Welt Huron. . - day; “Will“ be In or“ 3 Kill"! Counsel, at m 0. wt com from Ottawa and he in but -intod a “in od an Commu- sion tor the col-dunk»: of the Ddy- milu'on Statute. London New! (1nd.) The election recounts and appeals ere dying not uni deaths. With the exception ot North Urey it would uppeu that the election lied been conducted tair and equine. Al the News pointed out some time since. there is no chance for mother election inside ot tour yous in sight. The recounts have ‘hut coniirmed in their Rents the can- didates who were interested, and) now the appeal in North Bruce has been dropped. It is hard to any what the outcome will be in one or two other constituencies, but the chances are the complexion ol the parties will not In mnterlslly Chang- ed. Let us settle down and get to business. Most ot us have our hands full without dabblingirt cloctiom 365 days in the year. An exhibition of what would seem human depravity occurred Sunday, when a. young man held a lighted cigarette to the nose of one of the deer in Victorin Perk. The action oi the Park Board in providing these benutiiul animals tor the benefit oi visitors " the park is commendalrle and it seems incredible that any one Would be iruttieiesstiy inhuman and thoughtless " to itrilict an injury on these innocent creatures. It is only lair to state however that the one guilty of this reprehensible conduct wes not a citizen oi Berlin, The Bond has now decided that anyone. whether stranger or otherwise who takes undue liberties with any ani- mal or thing provided for the amuse- ment or interest of visitors at the park will be made an example oi. A word to the wise is sufriciettt. Hamilton 'rirnea.-it is well enough to teach the children about the country's flag and its associations, but it is not well to teach he; idol- atry. Teach the children the his- tory ot the country-e noble one it is-and instill into their young minds iambitiom to do their duty to the land they inc in; to aim at high ideals; to make still more honored the emblem at their nation, and to make it respected not lor the power ot its armies or Beets alone, but more for the justice at its laws, the freedom of its institutions, the wis- dom at its rulers, the liberty 'iiro"rirt by the individual citizen, end ther social comlort end purity ot lite of it: muses, Children who ere taught to recognize and feel these things will need no tlag-waving stim- ' ulue to nuke them patriotic; and un- , less they do [eel them ell the tug- waving will do is to male tor the ' vice of nation] egotisin end brag- 'losdocio. There is no true petr . ariotism in the mere lormel tug idol- , ‘atry. It GolwinSmlth in Weekly Sun--Give the all“: ot laborer such a: tui- vuce of wges as increased p'rotits 1 permit and the increased cost ol liv- in; requires. Recognize the union l by ell mom, provided the union will recognize “as communlty, respect the freedom ot labor, and concede the right ot every mu: to hie employ- ment tttnt ll ottered him and turn his mead by the sweet of his brow. Em- ployer. an practically combined. A eornttqr-eorrttrinatiott on the part, of the upland to were Keir tum- is perfectly legitimate, " ell the world not adults. The any ot combine. an hvn II long M. an n. W to and! c may†ot mm to Mm m w o! M‘h the at my ad -, - " M m Id I b b mm “to M. a . M. the nun-H. leer , - v "I. o-iii-i-rits." -f, t, m "-drriatsidu- at I II - I “this We! MW. .WMIIW .ruretittqL M an: m m I on Ono-nun A“ In! Ontari- m m: h Yb "rt.tuar-ruta-_ smut-‘0!“- mw’dwthbltm‘" Man- " a. - - - - in nu "It. w. 1.}. It]. KAI, â€.2, PN-, - and I... at. on a. It",',',". ---ar. J. P. Wht P; P., ILA-rd an. nut. waft.» I.P., Mr. 3. Blu- Wood. De. Ink do Nail“, I.P.P.,Lhuow A. W. “km-l T. M. W Th. Int m It. - 1 other" to '"J‘Smwwm‘. pn- Illi . . . Rigb. ud mun. " 53mm w mum at Toronto lot Vino-W at no maul. QW- ted.? “in, who h an.“ NIH iriii"GGi1ii"aiiiT1iiii.iGrtri" question at policy. and than was I. ru-Mmdmtkbdhth . Mr.tgrutuaraoieetAMr.V . u- ot Toto-to vu clupd_W. i'raaGiG air/rio" and. and“ ' to; W. The mm In: dual than ,.. . "fi. Chairm- In Tgtlf, an - In; laid that the Conant! van had Bot yet chained that annual of the Gov-tr newt to which their pop-hr my!†entitled them. He thought u" count- ing ot the bunch by the Court ot " I might give the Comet-vulva . - Fi't,,i'., Even it it did not, than would e protons hto the mm: In which the ballot. had been mutated the. 'he, were deposited In the baitot-box. r. A. Minna-pull. in presenting the lint. resolution, exptesnd wondu that the Comrnuvcl had, approach“ to he" to victory, con-ideringl the to!“ of two Government: end The machine Fiiii were oppseed to then He moved I that v-" here" in the recent Prom “9 ciel electione, by n lerge mejority ot bear the popular vote, the Roee Government that we: Pee,','",?, condemned ' end perv whereas 'd en unlelr emngement or and ir/rife',','.' er ot the eomstitueneies, end ed" y grmlnl tampering with ballots, e temporery edventege In“ resulted, Ill- tl','.', der color of which the Adrssiruutratiott Mit: cling to ottteer ' end wliereee thle nua- 'una eietion recognieee with satisfaction the whit [not thet meny independent Liner-1e palt joined in the condemnation of the meth- Chu ode of the Administration. Be it there. end tore resolved. that, hevina regard to the the greve perils which menu» the future of this Province by reeson of the (rend haa out emu through which the Adminle- ll trntion retain office, thin mention tim pledges iteelf end calla with eogttidenoq ‘1] upon ell men hum); the fair lune and we) honor of the Province et heart to join W {urea in the determimbtiott to preserve l the uncut; oi the bullet-hex end the Belt rights end reminisce ot the 'fat: and sett give to the Province in pure en hornet yoi Administration." H _ es -irciCiiiai, nu, in minding an motion, it,',",',', doubt whether It would not _ 300g thing lor, the new Government. when it all; Into power, to chem the method at voting, no that the bone“. elector might, if he desired, vote openly, bellou being provided for the horde of Omer-holders who deal"! I bullet. U the bellotu were not to be counted u they were out. there would be I rebellian hi. the people for the overthrow ol the Bot. Mr. J. P. Whitney, on rising to lup- port' tho motion, we. greeted with en- thuehntk sheen. the nucmbly rising to It. feet. He Insured the gathering tint It no time since he Ind been connected with It had the preopects of the Con- servative party been on good to thy Ire " present. There In: no mum or Mow of doubt tut the bye-eluc- tiou of 1808-09 were curried by the On- tnrio Government by menu of fraud and crime. Not one him being who we: guilty of there nctl has been pun- llhed or he: been ‘put upon NI trill. all people who subm t to this late of " nirs cannot Ion rennin I free people Coming to the amnesia]: otthe recent election, Mr. Whitur‘y sold tint any ( observer 18 current: 99an tn the gro- mm of Ontario Gros the not in: year: could not have tailed was. the grndutl Ind study chm-lg. in ttt lie opinion and the dissatisfaction . ich existed with the net- of the Govern- ment of Ontario. _ Mr. W. 11. Bennett. M.P., maid. by Mr. A. R. Wardell, moved I vat! of trortiideatxt In Mr. Whitney. The Rio- lution wu supported b Mr. D. sum. Ind, M.P.P., South 'Ira'; Mr; 3. riTrGriariir. if it. Broik, nun. Dr. sums, 113131 Nagy Nglolk; Major Clark, M.P.f., Centre ttrg Mr. J. P. Dowrter,M.P.P., Wol- lington. The resohtlon “I adopted by I nailing vote. . Mr. Whitney, before submitting tho nut. “Donation, paid I warm tribute to the join‘ 8eereUries and ("’leth for tin-Ir work In the recent content. He than moved I resolution of Tll any with the Kira-in hi: illness, . leg val wounded by . Renume, M.P.P. (North Fuel), and carried. A molntion of condolence with the family at the ht. Thou. Worden, ezaCP.P., In adopted sad the meeting adjourned “to: singing w a." the King." my Pmlc â€on“ In!†oo-+o. on 0-. Indianapolis, Ind" Jun ltd“. that will: m In may yuan W on! Mt!!! Indium Ibo“ 0 o'ohel this mmllg. Telegnyh ml tet hone vim no down along in mil. Yi It loo: o-Math" with “I .uoisomrt “In; "I about unruly M'T. hm formation INA bu Inch-I diunpolil it Inbound than has In. in“, lo- ot We. no tor- no“ - of It- was In the con-hunt I or add, muo- north-n of n. l tttttt - he. MM all a. a. not. an ion In... h m at Palm. III MI an a -rl, In an. m an W. Th"- nn In in“ ii%rGuiae1te_et+trta.r, which n- W at mu. 9:02 ml! mRI " InlAIA. MO THO? m ltd *1 In“. w. J. " “at. p“ l , 1w. . ?2ttuDfal"2t. Imam: mung. “a! ho his 'u= h iiii .mrm “MIKE notqriustartdiqg the t 't.e-r,ttir, wngm†aâ€. may“ - vuohdbenconfcw.nu. J.!. ’ to T e, d _ Mt- ie-ttMr. - cnd “In. led the aâ€. . - "iiiiiisiiiiiiiititia'itdt ,I-t tee at not "at? “m up“. in - ' and a suit to .0 guru-gt. J; I; If a. Ietorleo. The - wu " Totbellev. J. 3.'in1e.lneol.l). " Deer Strand Brother;- l, " when at the Quarterly 0!- Mal lead o8 the Berlin Circuit at ', the WM Ghent, old as up" renting the nil-hen and aha-t- oltheehrcb. "unwind-e. to you to awe-I. albeit in a - why. our mreeietion ot you three yearn Iebor among an. Wh- you came to in three year: ago, you lonnd u struggling under a heavy load ot debt and new we rejoice to be able to worabip in a sanctuary upon _ which not one dollar ol debt in rest ing, and with a ibm, pipe-organ in- F utailed to assist in the aervioee of t the Church, the so» at which 1. lul- I ly covered either " cub or good [ subscription. Though we had do , cided, heiore your appointment to t Berlin, to attack the church debt, l and though. no doubt, the enthu- ' ium engendered by the Twentieth I Century Thanksgiving Fund was a P large factor in our since“, yet we t bear cheerful testimony to the lect t that under God to your Will and ex- ' perlenee in managing Inch metterl, . and to your persistent and lorcelul d advocacy ot the movement, not to , speak of the noble example in liber- n ality set by yourself, is due in no " Imall degree the marvellous success 18 which has crowned the ellort. In the ll pulpit, and putoral work ot the " Church you have also been energetic, : and laithlul. and the attendance upon " the Sunday services during your term d has been unilormly good. - In Mrs. Williamson the congrega- un tion have recognized a true helper in " all the departments of the Church , work. We beg to assure you that your- sell and your entire (wily carry wit sell and your entire tamily carry with you to your new home our best wiatF es for your highest success. We ask you to novel» the accom- paying writing desk " . slight souvenir or your life md ministry amongst us. -iGiated ad signed at the request and on ' at the Quumly ot- mm! Bond - m A - Balm.) une Met., 1902 Briet addresses were made by Messrs E. P. Clement, A. Bricker, and D. B. Musselmw. adding their testimony to the eiricient manner in which Dr. Williamson has presided oval tas weption end the splen- mm did Dr, Williamson in replying to the1 address “id he deeply regretted severing his connection with the con- gregntion and expressed his appre- ciation of the kind sentiments ex- :‘leund in: the “dress and the Lcauti- iul token ot the convention's es- ‘teem. He was pleased to know that hrcuried with him the good will and pnyen oi the congregation, and wished Trinity Methodist Church ev- ery success in the iuture. A few yeus Mo Butulo made I “amendm- senntion on the comple- tion or the “humming ot Niagun", and the place Watt lull of prophecy ot the wonderful thing: which were to he done in Bungle with elect“: power from the great “and. But it seems that the thing bu Bot worked out exactly tight. Lin (allowing and; (tom the Bungle News. ex- ‘pluns the sitution: , C A r... - _.-__V,-, According loinlorinnion banished by u: oiBeqr ot the Cntuwt Power Company and of the Bulldo General Electric company, by Jan. 1, 1304, the plums " Nisan: Full. will be productive ot electricity to the w. mount ot 200.000 horse power, and plus sre being perfected which will increase the product bull . million within n luv - 'Ati will pro- vldc tor and an" I Fatrt indutrid growth on th- Floor: frontier. No body dub“ um this tsvotopeetteatt is to cot-o. and - n combination of 11mm b [crud toit out; competition, mum. the supply to, non-owing loss than an demand, and annuity " high Inâ€. â€do “yup-cl Iona-iota why right In - My more that hononble “no at Buckle City. lay my mint-ring annua- “a will “laundry in stunted ton-bio all“ vteinttrin ll: an: nrtxrre,ttnther can“ be bmgltuynmmuthu. and it in Ttot . good “than“ an am on! huh my more for in that» I‘m than on." which hvomrdyolMpomlotm WANG)! ot 'teetrteity an“ “I; whammmum; -er.i-ehe eaiiorr'tig_ttV withâ€. Wisp!†cl W vi... cm Fai-iii-r-tjet/ter, M“.ht with new autai.u,o-o'?rs8t. aiijeieitttgtatdt.ttut. iiSidtiit,tgtM2tl/rr4li INMIV yq-Qy: HARNESSING OF NIAGARA Elihu menu his J. Wpsley German compul- ,D. "jli'ittr.'i'iilthiii1K't'liiii GAMBIA“ KNIGHTS. II. man. .3. mm: AI!) '0'. n. I. n-uml. no“. 'MLmB" PA.“ “I, -IAE, â€I‘ll Iololm Olh's, Jun ".---Tho following tutu-t VII hula! out from In.“ “All to9hta- " Unjust, the King in but " domly _ to can!" the {allowing hottorat-- To ho who: of tho King’s Hod Boson“. Privy Ctmmei1--Wn Excellen- er tho In! of “Into. K.C.X.G., Gour- Ior-Oocd of Canada. To In nmm Communal" of the Moat Dining: ed Order of Bt. Michel ml 8t. 'drta- The non. via Hunter new}... nonunion-(Mo:- of hunch, '0 man all Witt G In". If it's m Rt? W; fay“; "iiidiG. Frederick wan-m Boedea, Minister cl mum at] Debug: A Tho Han. William unlock, K.C., Pou- tnoterANneral. To be Knight BaehetorBt-- The Hon. Henri Ella-r Tun-heron» Ptsuaeodeottttethq-cemrtot Candi. - -- The Hon. Robert Bock. Praia“: of the Wt!“ Count“ of Non Seoul. ToboCom ,tiem.oeth.Mostme titstptinhqd (in: of at. Michel and 8t. “WW?" in? and 104% I?!†an... ueirett-r, “ER-Col. Mic mun. Comptrol- lor ot tho Nergvut Ifounud.Ptyee. . 2,,irf,?,iiir,2,yir: gihod, County doll" Dominion rotiet. _ A -- - . '"iiiiit"iiGW, iaua at ot the Roy-1 Canadian _4em_demy. .' - _. A. m. P. w. nude. mum . - pood bee-nu of his unite- to thug - pire In connection with the org-uh. lion In! dark-h ol Gnu-din contin- fentz to Bout Atria. Mr Willem Mu. l oek hu has]: Knight“! by mean of N- successful etto I " hutltutn ha- perinl penny postage. Mr Henri Tu there-u ll . dhtlngilhed member of the Supreme Court och, end u likely to succeed Sir Henry Strong u Cult! Justice when the latter retlm. I London, June 2.r--By the King's ape- cill desire to-nlght’n omdll Glut“ pontnlns the list of coronation honor: " priginnlly "ringed. -- .- _ ‘n _ l ,ixAl- qat-.A Peerâ€:- are conferred or'ttre Right “on. m. Jack-pa. Con-magi" men;- ber for North Lud- and lot-Inc: Chic! Seawall. foe Ireland; the Right Will. Sir James r4irytuttyeth, But... has umber for no Crtthepoe division Lune-thin. tad Ill education-l "tom, er; Mr hunch li','.".',?,' r.'at scam “I? to King In" , rthur Hugh Sm th Bury. Chairman: of the Nndonl ‘Union of Conan-tho Association; LieutAUn. Mr hunch Gmfell. the Governor of Malta, Ind Algernon-Bon- run Mitford the diplomat ind the tru- tee of the Wanâ€: convictions. -- "i'i7iiuirV inimrgha aatd the m of Haddingtpq up nude Knight: I)! up 'tele:, . . .. . "iWiart '1dt'ftetn my! Baron 4. Ron become irhty otjR. but}: u The Eu! ot Nina, Connor-Gourd of Ctruda; Lord Rothsetdid, Lord Lister. Lord Kelvin; Mr Edvard Greg, [Ann]. former Under Sunday at an for Foreign Alum; Sit Erna: (haul. the merchant lid thunder. And Lint-Col. Sir Albert Bury Him. Prime mum: of tutah " Robert Bond, Premier of Newfoundland. we made Prlvy Coun- emu". George Bury Lewis, the minnow} hwy"; the lord Mayor, Sir Jon. ' dale, thr And!" Noble. VWimu of Str W. G. Armstrong Whitworth t Conway; Col. Atr Eduard Brutal-d. the Commissioner of Police of London; Mr Punch Henry In“, Litton] neu- irir,uad-rtierutre1r.ryofDt Aid, Curl-7 & My) Sigmund: Sonatina“ Hen" In ' FiTiG%GidtG to the Rum and ray-m. gdl'. dent of the ht', Antler-y. and BIr Chuk- Hubcn fry, Dine“! of the Boyd Coll-g! of luck. I" -tad "roateta. - _. . ' m. chartes Wyndham the am; ounc‘ Joceph w Pe-rat ot ch Unint- sky of WI; William Jam trle,Nt2't, canary to the Lord I. or m; John I“ "oeor: no". Vin-Phil.» of the hum. -ot In!" Chunk; Dr. A. Com- Day!†Mr. In: C. pun-4. a. other at In: a! Itch My. an Ind. Ml. ',"itiitr,ie It, Mt 'Et"tg yum-7m 5221!. Pe 'Ay. "nu-"74%? F' iiiui, 3! “1515': iiiiCiGGi%cSGibii-teu irabuiTiteaA-iur?1iiftt iiiAiie2e'Pt.Ug,tgrPce; hth. I. 3.00-- = qtNA't','t my gm" or “I announc- - â€I“ I'm. 3!! tot. “In“ Ian-in. Jada. awnwimmm ai'.iiiiicitr'riifil?ttSat,t/) iparat'. ."iAu', in...“ “.mcghp-HM [ff-Vin i" iii It In in. In... in... I. In lav! m‘n-n-m mun-"mu. Id the Bid ighU ttf th. i. A “I - " , o a d " I ll " 1d,T't 4' . (ll IN! g Bl I tin Right --------" ----z====-- mt n mem- . peer, this! t.ra,e,c'at?Jt1'rf ight 'tt Sir Dl KB and tutue " art,, bers In In“ kit, m a division 'tl " In: Mung?" M "to , Mont-Mt r Ihe 'onT an: mm .32. Stt,tg2t,1"ttllp2' mg. rttmr Hugh 'NP/l hum. them. . Him the Natitmat mu m nlal. IMH'I tNttt r-telim. . ri',hte.t1iptllturtllid t "Mall. ch; mn- within-mum [gem-But- ---_ :d the trw .5 - Red a U'tt want-Geunl i T.. tttft, P “I imlmh" - Worn Panda, " . ml, l gnu for : Tan War: (In ' ti fl i“. 'ld,?. - W.Bl“ Tu. ime mum; - 3.. Wind Wu: . - In: "#3: of - mm m. " “I. - Rm PM l, 1tygt,t - ii,'i"iiiiiiiiii'ter iieiaUGGi, : 'L".".".",',',. mitrtegtt, I Whitworth ' . _t"ot"e,f,'t,'t:. =_---.---==----Tx----"r=r---- mu“! .2: a. A. mun & itrrrt od m- Chadian-d Drum , Mr “m“ wanna: marlin: tat --.- LL 7 A - I“... Emit». iiiGiiti-iHihiit "w _ V 7 Ftriitith"i V .32. ' 'tumadfutcanndn. Wk! 5, l ",'v, Ynmhyouhqwm'i wr" " .- '.',ll2SL.. _il, 't . . . "f inâ€! _ a ---v..‘ "I ,uasu-roo,srsu.c.,ansiisaidii'llal,utGii'i" IOTHEII NE a. qrhMrtmt “and - by Rth,tt'l 1'tttldtth t:41ato1?tt. Tr ' . I. all on mst, 'iti'E'ih", 'ttthall In. in; It. unbu- I a trt pain tt Twin-Ch]. " crafts. - ha In iLie,lt,tt,p"Wtgrd,'PIp I.“ an: 'ne"' We, FfiazEYet..eat".ue LEADING MEAT MARKET. 'Grd 'ira7Aei." GE‘s-E Ergo. M a. "gtt,'f,M'.fffl'f, u WK: iiGt"hGifara'GairidAiiet_mr "" B. FISCHER. Prom. PNEUMATIC NOISE COLLAR. att-oe-ee-MV In.“ mwlmwudum Ill-d" nu. Manhunt-halal. an Indiana nu. I!" It “not!“ on ur- what-vow than Min pun tot-lo. “mNuoIdMe-nnu Intact. thou-ulna. Inuhdmmlndmhn adult-III. by In" a “I. " In mum“. Kan-turn": -. T.." - 71;; thtradee. Clarke’s Drug Store, BerrtatiOnt. 'oooooooooooooootoooo4 Klinport Undertaking Go. Umlerukets and Burma." "all! "Harem-1 dav and this! _ wean“ rue-u an mun“! III- ttteh" (of the. m I“ “gm-c a a: an. I- - a. WVMIWRW.MIIMIO . eotttreet0r In W Te. - KKK'MW ' u-ora. mustn't on - a an - mm. m I. In n can.“ _ . ~95.) tae':,')."-,'.",'.?."." 222PlNeA"dSt4 Isle tatoeq.rtevtMtM.teqttter In a. Int. thaw-swell... - that hum-tot. iiasear-utyrtre..tt*teLt Md‘mv-In “on mutual-whack“ "iii-iii-s-t_-- may“ â€mammal-raun- "aTGiuu-."-o" “with“? 3‘ . -...._ A For mm About Zmllner's Medicines. “-66,". {in an. II n m mum.dm"m- um "m Ip,tt'rA"g"gG'lr, t,M;ttf 1,'e'lll'tih',s'i' 'lla _ n " ' In Ihttt huh. m (I can": any Manor that. W“,- ortos,tmtt r Ihe 'G7GGrtudii, of my Igu- r'iciiaijGrjshritpy2e "a ., ...i-. I& hum-(‘1. Inn y PIIU‘I-I . ' .brNP-.e 1.- ._‘ “a drama rdThoA o. Both" Cer. Ha. to hunt“. mom. Fun ul- of team In.» In“ been - an. wtrotV mm and ttte wonder Inlmmem‘w than I“. All mulghbwnmnm We II. A. ELLIS! & 'tht, Red Cheek Pills, BM I Powden. Gain: omtsinent, Worn Powder. Ta Worm (In scan-d: PM, Gena-n Breast Tu. Hanan“. Po-der a! 31!". Gem Wind Vin-u. Rhea-ask m. and His. Rm Powder, [hw- Iguana-I. have I Private Room when there _ ' toad. In fitted with perfect ucrecy. WM. SPAETZJEL you nu!†AT AM†wn'finLOO. on. Walled Music 1tttrrgc, Ttsetemdest,de-,e-t' ISP RF Mr. li, B. Ducting duke. to thank MI numerous currmon for their liberal payouts. [was him the pill nu Ind hope. am by prompt. gunmen to tmim he may have tho_ 000th1100 ot the â€no. -- A _ A Mr. burlap slinky! line but the boat and. Ind you mi in†up": "than the ebqAtttqt mm a " "moo. RU uboleule pork urchins 1nd. in greatly Iron-nod. Ho employs expen- for this work who canal-and Mr busine- and tho but of g.ttBthqtitttt h gaunt-ed. It W In at an no“ unplug k lid. _ Dried but. Mn. hm. mum my, on, I wealthy. The M lard manly kept on land. No «an In alum (m- uch. tar but. but onion loan an impetus» In by News†will In pvt-Indy Med. city Moat Market IF vou All: -BUPTUIED "rftett-tttttrid 11088. come (a ecu-Gore. ard we "?""et" I Jia-tsro-a. "ttGrit,';-,. 2.: 5%.? was: She" 4:3.“ autumn B. B. In“.