E. imam W00LWICR TOWNSHIP COUNCIL The municipal council ot the Town- ship of Woolwich met " St. Jacobs on the trd. day ot June, A. D. 1902. pursuant to adjournment from last mama. All the members present, The Reeve in the than. , The minutes oi previous session were read and adopted. - A communication was received from the clerk of Pilkington Town- ship in regard to having the hue " fined on the townline at the south comer of said township, between the lands of Schell and Stifrled of Pil- Kington, and the lands oi Philip Yacht ot Woolwich Township. No action was taken on the forego- ing communication. - Moved by James Howlett, seconded few days with their ttaugV by Adam Mattusch, that the plan F. Hueglin, Waterloo. and survey made by C. D. Bowman, The Misses Schench ot l P. L S , tor a new line of road 40 Sundaycd under the parenta leet wide through the lands ol N, The corner stone ot the nt Gingrich, S. Horst, M. Cumming, J, odist church will be laid on S. Kuhl, L, Kaulmann, and I, June 29th. schmermusui, on lots Nos. 53, 51, Mr, G. Knechtel ot Paris 67, and 68 G. U. T., be adopted, and mg his parents. that the Clerk be and is hereby in- =-_-=-_ai---c-------=---=------ structedto prepare the necessary by- - law and give all notices as required BIRTHS. by law, and also obtain permission _ from the County Council as required cndesrwood--At Itil',",,",',',,',',' by Section 630 ol the Municipal Act :2; wlm of Thott. 11 °" in regard to roads less than 60 feet . “Mum... stsjiiii-re,tteyeydf Moved by Solomon Koch, seconded by J. J. Wilkinson, that William Cumming be and is hereby appointed to oversee the expenditure and per- furmanue ot 250 days ot free statute labor as subscribed by the dinerem parties to be performed on the new road to be opened on lots Nos. 53, 54, 67 and 68 G. C. T., during the current year. - Carried. After having subscribed the oath of (mice and being duly sworn the Coun- cil went into a Court of Revision and Appeal on the Assessment Rolls tor the current year, with Mr. How- let in the chair. After exammmg the Rolls and hear ing the appeal of George lluehner- gard on the assessment of his cider mill property a' Ft. Jacobs the Council resumed 1nd the (“airman made the folh mug, rr‘nort: To the Reeve and Council i-- To the Reeve "nd Council i--. We your Court of Rovmon and Ap- penl beg leave to report that we lime examined the Assessment Rolls " the year 19u2. with the appeal of Mr. Huehncrgard, We recommend that no action be takcn on said ap- peal and that the RoIls be adopted as madeby the assessors. Woolwich Moved by J. J. Wilkinson, second- ed by H. Koch, that the report ot the Court of Revision and Appeal on the Assessment Rolls be adopted. .--uar- tied. The Assessors were paid as fol- lows: Norman Snyder, $23.50; Nel- son Snyder, $29.00, William Manger, $5100; Albert Larch. $35.00; Ezra A. Ford, 835,00, William Mitchell, "0.50. The Council was appointed a. Com- mittee oi the Whole to meet on the new road " John S. Kuhl's tarm on Saturday the “Hi. day of June at nine o’clock a. m, for letting con- tract tot building a new bridge over the creek at slid farm; 3nd also to meet " Winterbourne Grand River bridge at 1:30 on the lame day to re- ceive tenders for rewiring the sand bridge. - Carried. The following amounts were paid i [Incl M. Creqsmnn. Mom lor Wire lace, tr, Israel Weber, do. $23. su- mud Horst, do. $23.75; Peter Zing ter, 60., $15.50; Leonurd Kwhnnn. do, $16.25; Merino Lichty, repairing bridge on townline, , my, t so; “ding Gift; . . Signed, JAME 3rd, June nun-Ion at H d ski-wrung!!! S HOWLET JO iiFAF. TEFL-EDI =. wed Brien. - It. B. B. My“. In Ind an“! loads ot school child“- from Pro-ton tho un low is" - in‘ him thin " mu been. buil- somo from not“: "td thin Jicilify. --Misa 3mm Inn trom sumac vu the guest at [in Ella Lulu our Sand". - Miss Hulda Hewitt ot um. um visiting at the ham: ot her grandmother, Mrs. Elna Hewitt, Inst Sunday, - Some more mm and men hue been added to the tall! - - .r.-pe nu - 7 employol by A. A. McDonald a Co. on the B. and P. line, who no bush, ly engaged at the [use cut " this place. Another (one has been put on near Preston where there in tho n Inge cut to nuke. - Mr. - has lelt for nut Anton to work on the other railroad that Mr. McDonald is contractor tor but will be buck “an soon Mr. and Mrs. E. Soeder leit Friday to viait kinds in Dunville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Yunghlut, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weitzel oi Tnvistock, Sundayed with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. F. Maurer spent I few days with their daughter, Mrs. F. Hueglin, Waterloo. The Misses Schench of Stratlord Sundaycd under the parental root. The corner stone ot the new Meth- odist church will be laid on Sunday. June 29th. taderrrrood--At Bridgeport, June 11th, the wife of Thou. Underwood, of- - Shturtz-In Berlin, June mm, the wife I of Blijnh Shantz, of a non. crestumur--rtr Waterloo Township May 27th, the wife of Isaiah Crea- man, of a non. Greivtr--ltt Berlin, June l, the wife of Wilhelm Grolve, of 3 son. aytrtyoep Berlin, Juno mm. the wife of Julius Allowing, of a non. FEURENBACW--At Berlin, June 4th, the wife of John Fehrenbach, of a daughter. q MARTIN-ht Waterloo, June 9th,the wife of Noah Martin, of 1 non EDMONDS-At Gait, June 10th, the wife of Wm. Edmonds, of a dnughter. GOUDY--At Berlin, June L5th, the wife of Mr. Goudy, of a dauahter. Diehl-At Tniewck, June in, the wife of A H. Diehl, of a. non. F.itN3T-At Berlin, June Nth, the site of S. R. Ernst, of sun. HoWMAN--At 8outhtunoton, May 28th, the wife of A F. Bowmnn, of HARRIAGES. LoBsnNuEit-MeDo_NALJ2--.At Ber lin June 3rd, by Rev. W. Kloeplor, "enrich Lobelugor to Cuba-inc Me Donald, both of Berlin. TAYLOR CoPLEY-A' Wuterloo, June 4th, J. AMlaon Tsylor to Ellen S. Copley f A Dundee. MEttKELaeUtrrqub-At Elwin, June 11th, Wm, Mortal to Emma Mauser. both of Elmira. stusiyEe-scHREiBEiirAf Elmln, June 11m. George B. Shufer, Wat- erloo, to Katie Schreblor, Elwin. uuw, w “any u--.--.-., - W ' BRUBMmER-BRicEE1ltA1 the ', home of Mr. end are. Noel: Brieker, l neer Boeelee, Bemuel Brnbecher, Berlin, to Baden Brisker. BEAN.SMIT'B--Nosr St. George. June 5th, Rev. J. Weeley Been, for- merly of Berlin, to Florence Elbe, denghter of Mr. end In. Albert Smith. cBAgE-MOYER--At 80mm Pa., June 4th, Aeron A. Chen. Attorney- I eI-lev,m Ill- Geneu Edith More, Berlin. SNELL FELLMAN-N the Meth- odut'Chartrtt, Wlnghnm. high-noon Thuredly June 12th, Mlle Gertrude Lillian Fellmen, denahler of Mrs. Rove R. Hobbs, grand-daughter of D. Bnekberough, Weterloo, to Dr. C. Alvin Snell of Enos. KoctrEOcB--At Bebaetopol, Key 31st, David Koch, to Melinda Koch, both of North Euthope. DEATHS. . AVERIELL -ltt tlalt on Setnrdey morning, Benn-h Snlllvm, wileof Henry Averlell. in the 48th yes: of her use. tycHNECDER--At the Detroit hoe Itat of typhoid fever June 62t Bergen Schneider eldeet daughter of Con- Mum-nahâ€, human Tani-0.1. "r mm.m.m:.u~. - rad Schneider, suntan: - aa "on. gPhmOEtt---At Rog-ugh. raunchy In B.xtrl 8pm?" its hot 59:h you. STEWART-At IllenI. May Stat, John Smut. tttt 58 yum. aTmIrrmtttr-At mm, Jan. hh In. Gottttud comm, aged il tear" not ad " am. J. K. SHINN, JOHN L. IlDEIAN. Cm FREEPORT ROSTOCK Stayed “I... is visit ai u:- La%GaiiiiiF -. "a "rgtytg",Tt'.ttt,T,"atda,1', 1e.tihTglueSt,.ttrfgrJ,'dT there up“: pct-nun can irr.Pieru'st'etttitt-qirmer."y, "fifty. “dd-thankl- I“ =re,'abl'lltllfI2'S'llu"rlh' Walden-Hunk“. Asotaktbr-erorttoarrt-0rr, tgiMt, won-out and undo-I 'b Ctertuerfptie".1ueeele. - '"ii'iiiiiiQ iii ti'i,Lagiig, a, le. m†. I a“ “magma... Just.» iiiiiiUi,iie,e,feK'turt.eUntI,1 Fit?ErEe2'eiogiedrgttttg.ettA"pt lineman- - lad 11w.»- 7i%rGGcTitiaratririi4threleAe: him" Ikmdohammm "iaVFGHkurJr"sdtei,tetA!tretrt'h" 'Funnte iiaifiikjon"hut1tete" mGrattso-uire-toit.ttee plebcunolmlydm Dontn my an unknown And unpaved " "ityu.8h11tuit: Dr. Place I Plea-Int Pellet- Invig- ntGtmnnctuiivernadboweU - Tuesday Evening, June IT. Toronto It. Lawrence â€that. Becelpu of fun were A um. Mum on the street mu " m- morning. Prim were abprt "eeV. _ _ m t,A_.A " A. "'iriG7C"ii"G study. 200 bmell of whit. ttlllm " 74c to 6Vhe per bushel and Ill bum: I 2! red “jg-c trt we, pug-Jung“; . "TilGCiGrCuitYe 'iriiér _ Eli -imitse V |l "1_ltntr st aref?/Pele.t fiiH. " J "iiF-irii_teuytr, oil! one loud ot "" ttg inn! otrertnq, an ulllug In 500 per an I . la-iM, Brmer, 25-h“- ullln; " In to " per ton tor timothy. Ind " to " vol tott for clover. tytraw--W" and}. two loud- ulltn‘ " " per ton. Btior--Reeeipt. were all. “can: ladle“. Cnmptteitbryd, June 17..rcarppY!orr, Chock Bond met (Ml mornlnr, l .00 halal ‘Iold. Bales we" as follow: ..eua to w". 'lt., Brenton. not); Mar-lb. 000. All u mm Flown June IT.-sus'eeu handc- bond- ed iria buni Ill mlored; high.“ ma. 0 Title: III nod, Buyers! Home"! :--Mor. an. Bhull. lcxxmnh and car-nu. mono“. June 1,,'a-fl'Q,a' (04!" 1. boxes. I" comma. new» It I oi luuo make. No Ink-u (',i,Aolfr'll'.,a; bid. in}; xiiiEt'Iro 'gt: Jam" " n . tive. Salo- High to " “a. The urellent trade which has prevailed [or the Int week at the Toronto Catt]. Market was "on but" to-day In the (are alao of any heavy om-rlnxl. 'l'he price of export enttlu wa- very ntron; and reached the night-t "or recorded on thin Ina he Choice “porter- sold It " D. M. = has only one. hetore beett quail-L a that " {can ago. In the spr In; of 1879. The WW tor " wn-ro ME'. loads. whlett lncludod 1.780 cattle. um Btreep and lambs. " hop and we vulwn. The atrouz de mand to-tur wan [nanny for exportrra, " though the other than unrated aluo, and ‘the utrhora' cattle urn new“; u stroll. “can though not making any adv-neon. e demand for the exportvn la Happened to be largely due to the t'otntttegteement of the tourist season In Ellxlnnd and the ap- trritle, coronation femtlvitien. Th ho " the nae. there will. " u " h the dealera. be even in further a "an I the grim of cattle tor the apart In“. td t c 'gl"."'.'?,', wn-n- 'ourght om early. on val I I iqht MIMI“: on In tho ttrte0 at ugh; lambs. which sold at a decline of 2 per cwt. Cllveu nluo were will". and though "Him! It from " to no Mich, were only worth about 05(- to 5'50 per m, which in lie per ll, In" than last week'- prtcr. Hogs were unchanged. although the market was weak, _ Butchers' Cattle-Wet and um told It 85.2 ht plaid lots. Mo load. "In " 35 to It“) erl' cattle equal to up (030 per ttwt.. _ Sheep and [.nmlmiworo n little Miler. Bheep hold at $355 to u ppr cwt, I docllnl of 10c pm at from the prim- of In! week tor the has! "gen or". and hub. wort 25p, lean-,3! " 5 P “.59 tet, _ -itoirL--i"rrVunciuuirrd n mam r " (or czolce and 86.024. tor “th lurk“ Chic-go. June 17.--Cttttle--Recei te, I.“ Including 1.200 Trnnn: nlow an: cloudy: ood to prime ate-era, nominal " .150 to 'r, poor to Inedlum. " " $710; noel-n Ind (Merl. 81.50 to $5.15: Tun- than h..", $0.30. Yct,a"rtfilr,". toaur. 20,- ', study ht In ow"; mud and much. en', $7 "Mkt." good to choke huv ' :135 to " . may: hour 31,10 It Tao; light. To to T.26; but of “In It 'T.10 to I aw, Btteetr--_ReerM., 12.0w [he “only. clot" II-bl later; [VJ to 'tul'..' women. Alb to ; “It to rhoice mued, u to ,15: Int-In I." clipped, 34,50 to “It: native limbs. 'elt a $0.90; IPH". tambm, 17,0). Waterloo, Jun 19. Kama- Turkey Whom. Flour. Ocun.... ...... Flour. Boi........... mour.P-trr.... ...... onta ........er........ Barley....,...-.--. .58 ll'irigatol,'iiur.r.: 19.00 Kidd] [In IIT, ton.... SH!) gunnedâ€; .r...r.... fl THE MARKETS. Eon IE" Ies-rr-toy.......... 8.0) Stamper tem........ Ml) wood.irsrerted........ I†tNoor-to......... E8tt - -___ w Farm for Sale. 37m: iiti, y. m. I "eve". _,).,),".:',?,,".?:-:',',',,,'.'.."')"?' Toronto Live Mock. WATERLOO MARKETS Chicago Tdre stock. Strayed dd BBi’iéna ot wry an ulllug n! litre per "srrriei'rifFi, ‘11;- (ake place on curl m W352; S%tiggig'itgiytki'ti,rt'iE 'r 195 " " 78 78 Civic ','ittii'iiiiiiii,if,'iiii 6n mol: ---- wququbb my! 'r-ou-.-" MIMI“ WIN was mm†Udatlu' an?!“ tathttt,t't and†“a" $qqt 0m “do. Gan-n lul- 3. A. 0.. OUELPH. Tmmtltld'l- Nue.tmrg Going by - was in tho “In. all min. by - than in (h. ova-ins. Emma, shod uh “ham: ot Make an to Mt tho 0. U. and Human] City. A a†at mica peodKahtr "not. LUICH Suva) n flu (Joules. ALLEN sttANTE, a.†N m In“ lanai Inn-u WILLIAI SLATER. - an!) Wualoo I'M 1|!“th .u 6.40 tuo a t o'clock k BL. “Illa the known; , “no. botanic“ n "an, IL. Two we. . and" on: " um. um iAt'tlh, We. Mam. u- uulon nth. and. balm-1&0. I br6ite.d' with "Mn.- and not»... all M and; collection of you"... high ' I land'- nmodc. VII-Nu makhirsr, robe. own-In; win-l. rc-l. buck any. renter-Int. Indus. uh JIM mad "‘1‘!!!†no!“ dumb. I Inn-hut d with“ p " s. hanging luau. ml (at. whalbsmw. â€an. IT, md gull. m bun. with louver. " but. crumb. an with boot on ' nu Mud. m Hush-m mule. clock. v Memo-min. Hceatr_roler, mm ttr ur, ' er, - A . .-.._L-- .--- " m. 1 - roe-u. "m.."-... " -..' -- "n. :o-l o't 'wk. ounn- umber. man-b. quill. (and. scythe. out. ch. - CASH. JOSJIICKL‘B. um. L B. ROWAN. a: Amman-cor. Wm " Farm for Sale. ("'/,','Fg,',"trT",1l'g “who mid-non of m I.†I“ in. Bt.. Wilma! nun tun-dud can In m Town-I1, d Ptreittqtotp, Io'll. I And I, mme-dba I. irGiT,iTti'fiku'tirGLptturfyryyegr, grsuusANtarttr: There-"two on at bull‘- rriGiaiTiGieruPeAef â€out†tunn- brill. For yum Aw'm the Mouth-Warm to JMHUNTEF. nu. atmsP.0..0tst. Auction Sale TN main-alum! 0mm lur rule If two My hum hon-0,00 m Young Ind - MA. R'UeHoo,ottrtahtit' 7 room mud “when. with new: modern convent-no. Ai 0 (hm good bull In. mu on Yum. H. . r [unborn-m» ala" apply perm“! hr hymn to Ftf PH LIP RAFâ€. W-urloo. Valuable Property for Sale an mow. -.- - “a - a s n all! I "in“ min - ,',',UMa I LuM,d1' no II, who u - Ylh'r well ik' pun am In" rum-annual ,rhqatne- updmo nondukm. For mm- vad pnlcuhn amply to AARON can)“: on we wanna, m td improved Yorkshire Swine For Sale. luau 'ttie " Btmahorr, 'w Mr. “mil: u an" a! I .ul MAtnrulylruumhl , tml, mm All) cIIILnnEII WANTED. “than, Jun. Pt?, All the men. TPTtet"et and child!" who no wuthtl to work In the but no“. ole-nil. boom durln thet month- of I“: I“. Btsmghd 'l'gl'NG' nun- usd M nun Faginege" manhood lull-realm at In“! Yon-Mn "m... Young aloe! tor rio- nnombio. tt rtto qe tit. Aloe scallion, 3.5“ "Kn-Fiilo won co.. m, .... or .... Ronni-old Fumlturc. ON.THE BALANCE OF MY BUGGIES 8eed Time House For Sale. tru. ha order to mks room for I AIP. mum. of mm sud sleight Hon. shoeing dons-o u to t& comm nod (lav-Io? the â€" [nun-faring wound. ~10 Till- SHALL NOT FAIL Sit""""""""? rtns-detgu_trr Immune“; :.,. have... w" all - Great Reduction Yee on mum; , unu- II", At MT. can: -...AN D-- “It. " umienot. mar? mama. Wm (mm u - " WE“! who auction " the I." I. Down-n. _---------- Goodptu .1002“! an†In, Incl-dâ€. and be m on " but" ' "htt on and III With m- v- nmn Grind m: " â€It... a J. R. S'rllcxuun, Agent. Wat-tho. TGaiiiii. Onl- luau TM - a} iii: his. - "“ “T23 iii'iiiiii5',',,f,5tf,'t" “an. 'lviiria I I .0 Iotloo to Drum In the â€and ofthe - of - Dr“, In“ " Tom- " d VMi-WCou-qo/ Ila-Hon. Gouda-nut. Deon-9d. anon-haw u~.'-“ Eigmuï¬fxagga h. , Anda- D-Igh'b C“ " mum-nun f,titfgANtt.a.," Inn-(wharcud I". but w... - ttexratr, “ - on hot-'0 ttNNN $fts'tt2rAt mwmumrug'i FaTt7iiiiiiih'."ct'arl,tttt nu" Ir.." .é‘mmï¬-fluï¬aï¬â€œ: to (“to thm can» at a. .11 but"! 'iaFiiFreiFtgiyferteteherat .er".eerP"'"Pt""""'". -- _m_- ,. nude-l: GTiGiiia0e_ityett a. "hi-thud htnwlllnbn iiiitEit5tf."itn,httg'tfrT4Ak"7, "n have!†l (ht .. mun! ',u,t.th,'l't'tL'tNdtn= (e5f),tiiir',r1te'rgttsll'1 m 111:0me 1fa'i'd)ltiMlfl .0. For Sale or to Bentlgi MCKBIH‘E 8801’!!! the Will - Jrli?s!2"r'a'li'iti'iit97iiiiii Mb I I 2,Tt,tMrlnt tfS=d,Tr,tttlL'l 'ii â€(wavy ir,i?siiiiefi,etl2t,,i,t,t" hon-ma. â€mum’s-Manhunt: .c. 1141 a New“. Cg-gi-G-rj-iii-iii??? 1'3: rtr.8ttit I“ h lull! hmuldlhh 1'i,h't'lt1u%llri'l irrTriiiiiFEiFrrr,tlttb_irr 3ng'muu' iirrtinFituiGiL __ ': ,'1'EYiitEmMr2tru'i= " 3F _ "aatCrteutME' ',i!iit,r'iltii,ge;it, l 'u-r-ure--"""')",'.'.'! For Sale or to Lot. FBAXI KOUII. Imus. on John M in the month nut. and and on - and " m- mm 'ta-aus term.. "WM-m“ GUS. “In "-" Wm ogtt. Nm"nestts-tt.tmn.-t.oe WWI-d1 Inn-m 5min. SKAnmnld kh- ' no. hound-ad lllmmuMHw 15.“de BInMwool blah. IN, It ii'rGUi;eiiiiGiiictt0ieefPA' non.- nry hit"ittsf,gt,tMt't mun-d uncl- lPIIL'Ilbl " In!“ Till I‘m cub-annual!- In "newâ€. Forum i'tiiGGiiraiiFGtTiiFaiui-br- "u1wrrrty.eyteery,?tiegytta,",t tEY: TNI VIIIIIIII'IluI-l ---- v. -- _"'"" _ was“ Trust. Mr Om ll tt an" age]: "iht, ',"t'It,"',',t In the lawn-hip " Pl; 0 w 1"a"h', I can I drum-u m... I but but. army- - “myâ€... " woll smiled with Mn! nasd no“. Vanuatu-u! "aia.tatorsemtturatior. Fo7iiiiGairiiit-m'trto m- m Farm for Sale. Gn"iriiii FGari '77 '7 farm for 8an In Ioolwloh. Ila nun pav- mu- _.-‘_7,,,, - "do of illllh Blur. on road - on wat" luau-noun†Ltti'tl'lt manned ":3" $.39 ttrant ca", mt n one: ' .. t pan nmrmthm hu 'tl',ututitat audio-chad. About no mum-dc addu- tlmhlbmu lama-d luv-Incl. In: maul†mt. 2gT,"" Maeestt. " g'Wdl'lat . has no. 303m lam". non. " of In 2US,elih Wm. a. n-te. augm- Farm for Sale. GOBOIATIOI DAY Gamma-wigs?“ Whom. Ti. B. Dunno " SU,e'd â€gill? RD. wad-â€.9!“ f Muklln a “no, ‘8 Swan’- Old I“ te-oo-oo-o-oo-io We show I full line of Implements' and other uet,Aee-ttiex and: u:- On Saturday. June 21". J,.. v'" (What. " Vim-a mum " - T “Sign Gold - Mynndmdqudd-b EtmrytithttrttLr tin rumor. Fine Goods et Close Prieee. I We bid you welcome to exemine t ellourwueendifyou don't eeeu whet pm want, “uh for it." Open , every day. T We Gunntoe new“; we " iriWrA "mfg-w:- ',iltit:'lr,i'iii'itht' w tltht' tN'l',',2 11p - u “(runners-mend:- 12 IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM . B. Shanta Farmers' Supply House, . BERLIN, . ONT. (No. 5 min Blown.) Wamlng. " Girl. WW mun Mtmtatm, Tri SEAN'I‘Z GdiGmot. mull. Opposite the ram PM St, Id ....AND.... yiirdit. Edna-k... Summary Things Hot Weather Comfort. Buggies,' Hm of .n kinds, Cum Sunk Bach, Chm and Clean Sepanton, Grind-doom. Shovels, Forks, Sud-d nu kina,BierNelrqiry8tHes Windham" . “any. Flown, Gong PM 8. T. Cultivatom "Kl Sud this, swam. Wooden. fhtPe Beet mamas. ruin, Bowers, Binders, Iowan and Steel Rakes. I...†We Ill-0 all Bush-.4 19.mtt ET. l, 12 1-20. om “l“