-vr.-ar-rrsx-iet-arrttrtfa unn- - work." I - "when there mu! Me no my that .m- vho tn pro- -wr' . "'l.NU"tf, I... An you can ‘00; ' 't but “In M, _ In 'I. -,' I mun you. I luv. loot a. 5"?“ ma an, _ 11'- I. that"): t mun you. 1 I“. toat .1 new" Ind I led non-u. You an hu- ng“. In A “I: cad In that or (our Inc-m in let-arc Man. you I. -. nab good m with â€a. A. (at the [Ir-dune, t luv. “to. I“ on. at them Pn-tend to you." "How good " In to heu- that but.†he all. "Now. u: "I! and you didn't go do" under the wt uncut" . "Oh. go .tad'." impulsively. l I.“ out my hands Ind he mm! no- you. crippling than: no (lxhlly that the [run [IVE me pain. Then. “an". " In my hand. to. with I m w- ml 1 than! I had the clue to read. “1m “yiovui ,1" “ovum; to thlnk la "- - at In!†'Btve.' " 1 I.†“in. Janet! mull ttad you Just the run: room" he went on, with n hint or nann- in MI voice. "Kennwmle. you All be punish; you now art, srts-wttttte.tithe-tertorroutt you know the plum. u ot course you do. And In I few can, perhapu. Wro will to Able to move. Then you'll be noon coming are. when a week. on which. " you In I very prudent mun; Indy. you an liee quite comfortably." :Wemuuuem "Dear me. an I really earn u much u that by typewrlllng?" I naked. open- ln; my eyes. "tt II more than I could Ilve hoped for u I [over-nun. Even with my mule and languages. the peo- '" " the we!†told me, before they grew disagreeable; that I could not uh u not! more m- forty pounds u Fear." c. "Oh, well. you Bee, people often “he Idventue ot their governeuee; where- " expert typewriters are pretty wett paid." he Informed me with . [rive Nee-oo new: the! i never thought of doubting him. "Shell I come beck to- narrow with the mechine end give you your luv. leleonT†At the end or e week I could write very well. In. Jennett hed round me we, which were to be ready in e few deye, but As they were eiiil In occupa- tion, I must etey where I wu till they were tree. I had grown to love the and! Ind - book in it. l ehouid be â€with when I went ewey. Aa tor In“: Bourke, I would not let myself Chink whet " would be when the den eheuid tro by without e ("rupee of him. a in“. ooo.ooo..o..oo-.oo0.".". OOOOOCOC†-i nia' Min to live In the pmom. Mule draining ot the mlplce tttnt my Net Ind u: bat mched. 011ng XV. "It. Man You Love." "the"! I". typed n thousand words in In hour!" I nnnounced. "Inn't that good for An Amateur?" â€Splendid!" um John Bourke. "rm" I ever be " good " your other mun. who Iett you to be married?" 1 qrtatftgttr naked. - .riiGa%GTr; . secret-r! "it you." hrr_rorrlitd. A ".raihiirL" that meant for prim G’s-Otherwise?" A - -mTiGtiLrt'to tell you that I wish I could keep you for my aecreury u- vuyl.†fl "Periups you may. ru grow old in your Invite." Ho came closer and stood looking down " my ttnished work, ret not looming to see it. I (on that there “a something which he wished to any, Ind that he was thinking ot the right be- ginning: bat just an he had opened " liv- to weak there came a knock at the door. Mn. Jennett entered wlih a telegram sent on for Mr, Bourke from the hotel when ho wu living. no rend " and crushed the paper In " hand. "I must go at once," he snld. "But I Ihlll be back to-morrow morn- ing Ibout hall-past ten with some more work for you to tackle, It you will." "What were you tro1nq to "' before In. Jeane“ came In t" l curiously en- quired. u be held out his hand tor tlrewelL He looked u me Intentâ€. In B char- .eterirtee way he had. that “way- quicken“ my blood A little. "Do you "any wont to know?" Ant-db“ .7;,";-..';m.£h: or , wouMn't in" and.†A V A "And I very much want to tell you. But WI â€nothing too important to be (dd It n hurry. It you were attended I should not have “me now to try 1nd "Am I likely to be otNndedt" "t ean't teW. I hope not. more [hull I .v.. hoped Invoking." “Don met And I mull wait nu to- narrow" "I had moon! not to speak ot this â€Mr and! you was out ot an. - and In more rooms ot you own a which you an: no cum-17 looking Mud. But t'm not I very patient m. rm mud. when my own Inter- - are Ft “no; and now that ttte nut“ ,beon trroncttrd-----" “to-mapw. than!" I hroke In. "At “hp-n (an. ll'l In nppomtntertt." "Yes," ho "Id. newly, â€You In“ hr what I In" to uy tor mrseit." All m- time he Pond been holding I! hand. Ind I had forgone" to draw n I'ly. tor the convert-non hm) been umblng. Now I remenrtered, mummy paired “my my ttnqeric one - quick. ,nrmm pres-um he [no ' . Ind t n. mm In lbruln "tTood. Wan!“ ,t?l'i'a,r','r'ot,i,ii" he turned. 3nd â€I W II on! Making buck. {mu can n be that he "In; to a: . nu" I tho-(IQ. "Ion-1M" no In- "an that no In muon- IN!" It-. WMM In - mun-'1 ottend no!†"nu up... wu -sttrtq, for " - that, " the "trstr.riot" "nano- w um an on. "an. I and to w " m! I!!! pot-lbw ho, there - I. In in of "oteettre " Btitt, the â€In of " In" more than tho r can - [an an . up - thrilllnr "noun my veins. Ad M " nu. not! "ore had Er", - " Mgttt I mm: the hand ".det.tTrd and um It.' -t, I of what I m done. t not to the Ypr'rH'r, and to-tter-br Inn-rd- Mn. In)! In no" the" n: no and , M W (in upping at (I. .. =ti."N d (I. "I m I m on on. a o M so. cut " an - a l N no - I no "st rooed “on -t-tmtrt6ooso" Bad can“ .0 " Into some odd amulet. wh- Inn-Munmm‘m iaTiGarataeu-._" 'ttmtA"Srffdhll'AtUT= “may-nun“!!- â€I'M in awn-31. re. was "/C%oaTGGGiaa_ W" nun-ti- - “In-hurt“! A Girl of the People. Ibm m" "Im'n M' "I'm M," "a. '-" “muthllc-f' at. thin (MI In do “in" yet.†_ " am .orrr." tainted “Ivory “Inn wllcl In a. traetuta of . ucond at rted in uck to another world. 'Q Irlll wrke a note Ind luv. It, It you will kindly let me Bo Into the study, where I waited one. buxom." I cor-n. up from uh- table - I ttad been typing. A“ my IQAI" wu lhumplng n‘alnu my side. Unlu- In. Joan-u comehow prevented her. In a moment non Lady Ito Rum-wood would be In the room. She “an not me; what would che mink? . "TTNat do" u miner (my, to myselfr "Urn man. l'd rather th _ ttttt-tttere's nc unnamed of. Anyhow, it' I can’t run an!" - "a'nTeru,Grou, one door leudln‘ Into the Iludy. and my imagination pictured Lady In Just outside: _ "Oh, your lady-Mp." Mrs. Jenn." wu Baring, "you don't need to trouble about wrltlng n note. I'll give Mr, Bourke nny mess-52 you may like to lenvo.†Her voice Bounded troubled. and It: note of dlstreu ndded to my contullon. I " the were so nnxlou: to prevent Indy Feo ntuwood from lee'lng me. per- hnpe than were reason- ntronger than I knew fer concealment of my pretence Mr flee [new burning hot, and my hand: trembled. I loolud round the room, bat no tstdhttr-trttseq offered, even It I could have humlllnted mylelt to leek one. Mn. Jennett was the or- blter of my Set, It the lulled to keep Lady Fee out ot the um†l mu". be have And make the beat of it. "t would really rather write, thank you. " In Bo trouble." “1d the visitor, every word comlng dlulnctly to my eArs. Then the handle ot the door turned. and Lady Pen Rlnzwood swept mien], Into the room. I faced her, nlnndln‘. my eye. untiirtcttintr, but my cheeio scarlet. She stoned. and her beautiful face went from white to red. For an awk- ward lnatnnt no one spoke Then Mrs Jennett, qulverln: ln the background. stepped Into the breach. "Your lady- ahlp, thll ll Ml†Harland, Mr. Bourke'l mercury." _ "Ah, Indeed?" sold Lady Foo. “I be- lieve I hula met Misty Harland" (aha invoke the name slowly and with em- phasis) "before. Do you remember, set" Hnrlnnd‘!" “It In inure-ting to meet you inguin- here." She turned to Mrs. Jenneu with I smile, looking I very trreat lady, as indeed she w". “I will write my note. and verb-vs. as Miss Harland is here, she will “he charge of it, so I need not iroubio you. I am In no hurry, and " who doesn't mind, I would like a little (all: with her. We have, I think, some triendl in common." "it you Are not too busy, miss?" the poor old woman said, anxiously. to me Her ayes added: "Do (orgive me. I did my beat. I hope this won't vex you very much." "Yea. I remember you very well, Lady Fee," I annwercd, and though I tried only to keep my tone steady, lt sounded <1an .‘., ..._-... , um. I (lance to reassure her. My spirit w†roused, and I did not wish the vlsltor to so without some explnna- tion; though I had arranged no formu- la In my mlnd. " am not too busy tor a all: with Lady Fen mnxwood," I re- named. "Will you Mt down?" I Bald. "Not" Lady rec ejaculated, her voice utterly etranBed in an Instant. "No. 1 can't gtt down." not tone wu n challenge, end I looked up to meet it. our eyel met. “If: true. then!" tthe exclaimed. "I would never luv. believed it." "What do you mean t" I asked, quick- Ir. "Did you expect-were you told that I was here?" m.i.mmu| Tid,t 1::{3'71h9 declared. "Not so bad u that, I van told thtit-ttomeor" wu here." " don't understand you It all, Lady Feo.†I ma. "But, of courle, n scans strung. to row---" "an? It I. incredible!" "Not Incredible really; It only ID- nu'l Bo," I proleued. hardly knowing whether I was luppuned to be on the delenslve or not. " dareny you mun n1" hurl that-Alt" I had . very not! "tlet/n, sud. alterwudn. mll- fortunes." "I wu not thinking or you then; i I!" "will“ of Mr. Bourke." I (on the blood which had burnt in cheek- receding, to leu'e me pale. lhrs' wu It . loss to "thom her emotion. She hnd been on friendly (enn- with my adopted mother Ind me. The inâ€. time I had neon her Ill. hld been dlnlnl with “I and some peo- ple Indy Cope had asked to the Savoy Hotel the Sunday night before my bani-hment. Did her excitement now lineu- turprile It meeting me lug-in. sud concern I! neean mom raw-n in the world 0 to be earning my nun; 'n a typewriter. or w" there something deeper (nun ibis. something wh|rh 1 “mild reg-rd u Mum-Ive? I In only “Mean, um i did not feet lure ot my Ireland. "Oh. I heard thinn. of course." Bite orted, with . kind ot fierce lmpadenee. "But nothing, non-In; chh led me to “we! ttua." "71:; 'a In†I moment Ago that you hld heard-r-fl A iir'i."Ue-tt durappeared, closing the "7iGrBouree ha. been wry kind to no." I and. " am trying to help him I. well u I cu." __ 'aurtd to rms'." lady Fro echoed. can a string: tritternesB. "But win! “I I. been to human“ "To him-all?" "hr .1- an upen- ruin. You an: " Mowing? In " ponlhle you no no tuna u ttot to are that you no dru- - Mm dowtt--down " the pedestal all - W - ttmt" I cured at In " Mini amusement. my lip- "an. "Dmi't In" " In! like mu!" In. mod. I lull-n “an. of an." - gr" -aGiGres. "l - "1th on: "I In" gig-6 at stogl. arm wï¬wyw F.',',',"',?.' ttit'd J.' .. ii'ii?'lii?iiiii, 'tettttretrt! hath-w q. CW', than-mo" â€w... uc RaEEe,; POI otrttgt SIXTY YEAR! iiuir' ik Maui amusement. en“ I and. MI- m Mr. Bourke“ this hadrt't has" nolhlnx to be it'a too In. new, e, thank e visitor, y to my the door I. I have you - DC. I. for In. kind to: mun" "my '10!" I "cl-M. mama-v M. "You 0n om: than I 3.. but you put not upâ€! to no “in an.†In I“ has vary pate "an . mu Ill una- at wag. truth I Bad not muted In at hm“. but no- In. m bland and BM tho hard “no at much] color. "one: thntt rout" - would. tntolerantV. "Tum at Mr nun â€IMDI. Bat am: un- an. _ you have do“ you can no but" - " n annulus and" I her, hotly. '"cratGurirees" to woo an my trund- "a an my money. And it obliged lo “out "I my hmd.†A - -,n.__ --a, "You look like a hard winner. In that Liberty ATK,t In! Inlnr h a. went on. "At has rm that you have t aatusmed of yourult. ‘ be non-w hope yet." that you and l. L must be main: at you come here to l " an. to an. "To nu Bi---troan wk! t" "To Incak lnnkly, from great dul- (er ot lolln‘ In the fruit at his unm- uon. HI- ml In Parliament: his dance ot ruin. higher nun, lhould the when] party come into power." For . moment. In the hack of har- m. that the man I loved "I. In our“ ot Inch & dinner, I tortrot myself and the part allotted to me In this â€range "I lave nothing to did and voice to a, SCOI'l‘ Lady Fee looked at me exprmlon. "It roll; I and. "With met Impossible!" "But " in true. Listen. and I will teu you how. Mr. Bourke has enemies. In all nrong men must have. It has got About ttmt-that-well, than a mrateN- uul lady is living in his house. All sort.- of stories are being told----" -"iiuit-u Jou really care tor him Hear me to the end. 1 am My trlend. l believe In him In I have never believed ln any other man. 1 would do unylhln; to lav. hlm trom the norm that In stunting. " you have any real love tor him in your heart. any womanly unnelnahnus born ot love, you will do the only thln: left tor you to do tor John Bourke. You will leave hls house." "v"Ftse", “gin!†I broie m. furiously Inderumdlnt her at Ian. - 'Ut " not In: house!" I cried, an. Kno WI pernely, scarcely able to speak tor the to haw sobbing breath that came panlln‘ly 'anged wlth the wild beating of my heart. "It â€to rl In Mrs. Jennen'a house. He Is not Ile. 11!. o In: here. He has been at an hotel ever Proof since I e-----" mu ty, "Oh, what sophlury! Even it I be- lieved It, what good would such a story do him. when he cum: to defend him- self from the accusation: which wlll be brought against htmt Sheila Cope, tell him?' “H. " my employer, my trlen0," l on trem summer-ed. "not my lover. Never has I shall one word ot--" you all "Answer my question'." "tttlil ll "1 wlll not answer. You have no l tgttrt right to ask." the mid "You hive nnswered. But I say to the mel you you do not love him or you would wUhed lave this, house now-tttls hour." Ime In "I was going away in a day or two," Hottrtte I nld. "I! ll .11 arranged. My room. Ill hm are august-d. I have been lll. and--" mould "I don't mean that sort of going Tilt tht nwty. You mlthi In well slay here 'nnln I tor all the good you will do to Mr tttd co Bonnie my moving to rooms which he from ' has liken tor you---" NY,' sh __ - . _ " -" 1 I." icon. nothing angai brlmmlng over I ndjured her with paulon, "l swan to you by “I I hold most ancred um you cruelly wrong both me and ttr man you love!" Gi, he must not lose It!" I erud: She qulvered, and trtared at me tride wise. her eyes ttashintr. "How dare you sayi love hlm!" "You have dared to any thlntrs to ma such no no one else on earth would have uttered. Why would I not dare? And I do any tt--ttsough " In noth1ntt In For a moment she looked at me in _qltence, her bosom rlslng and lalllng under ttts eon summer laces and tho bunch ot purple orchids pinned In her dress. “Well." she spoke at Past, more softly, "you are right. I confess It. For it may prove the touch ot nature “I wlll make us two kln for this one hour I plead to roo--1 don't command. Save him-as I would save him, were I In your Ntsce-no manor how costly the sncrlnce. You tell me I do you an Itt. juellce. Suppose I do. Yet would men of the world believe it-the men he he: to deal with? Why, I name here In tear and lrembllng, praylng I mUrht do ‘somelhlng. But 1 should have feared ‘fer more-ttwars tor John Bourke'l 1,ugrrte-g', I'd dreamt that the girl 1 had heard of In um house was Shells "Ag-In , don't understand." I "Id. mlnerably. my heart so cold that " seemed to tree:- all nexlblllly trom my voice. It launded m my own Para like that ot A very, vory old woman. "Now that you are quleter and gen- tler, I'll explain. Only. tttin time, you must prom!“ to lie-r me through to the end without trtterruption, Wlll you do that?" CHAPTER XVI. A Letter on the Typewriter. "Everybody in: been hiking tbout Shell: Cope Ina her affairs." Lady Fen ‘went on. clrdully, u It she were piling ‘up her lndIctment. word toy word. choosing each u a huilder might chem. " “one. "You have made conversation " In! Ind dinnerl, and dou‘hunu in club rooms; you have made pungmph- far papers. You begun by being an popuhr dettutitrtte; you became a mn- ‘lery; " remni. to be seen how you will and. But don't Input yet. "It In known that. by Lady Cape'- (nllune to make a wlll. or nomethlng at an: .ort-muctt “or!" Ar! alwayx FVtTe-rrt" were no longer tn heiress, Roger C no rump Into overythlng. HG In. In IMO with you. of venue. We All thought that. those who knew hlm Ind thoe who dldn’l: and he did not (like the (mum. to rank-Mr! It. He, or .omeone-tt doesn't M.TrMtrr- on! lhll ydu mm [out to Franco to in. with "Multan-n. But you Mayne-and nah ' than there an (in people "wort nt Inn hum. 11097 In on an an! VI" to half the an! devetor- mm. What will be an of John â€no win- It and out that mum " m ta Prune. you no In in. homo. m mm" In. Burl-n6. and m - "It. at": tan-gowns?" " m an. no truth to be add!" I M m c.- mm. "t m as. an than " ml trrg2e':.'t'rgt'T,'ta": aural - - b - C. mum - M m In: I†b - an I was - to are. - " In. on me who. I. tnut , n- m In if; - x :ngman to woman, do you love Vnodded-tor It in hard to npmk not hln house'." I cried, den i i; Gr Irma.†Le a lard-working unu- t leeny ten-gown!" no to u, a! Inn. " (but I. lady Fe. Rlnswood. I: ll emu purposes. Did ', to “null me?" av. John Boart--4f l mad at me with s curiou- It "It. with you." the had coma to no. It, I no. " in" the [not I. to Then I)“ II" Guido-Tm "attrMqq Judo 19. ---pt- , ashamed at.†I l Ann-0rd ED l mu two," Hourke'a wlfe. and he wa- mite from room. tll harm which I mum do ttlat, he f---" mould hear the truth about my (out. Bouts Till then I mutt content merlt to re- Were utttltt under a cloud-I. cloud blacker , Mr tttd colder to my trout than the river a, he from which I hnd been nved by Mm. And she called him "Jark." It hm " mu tell Mrs. Jorutett that you have e and brought me news which make: It ne- vosmry tor me to go away," I "Id, " Don't firmly as I could. "And-t wltl have no message tor-Mr. Bourke." sGrttGitiitittt u . mum to: no 'mlwummuhmvur‘ “In: Iol'l. to an " am!“ will my “Nobody would but" ".. I‘m- “I! unrl. unrul- --ould ml. thlnu loot to well tor hand! " the could. It would! be!) nun-(- you. Bell." no. 1. I know on world." (run In. In. huh I. "to" Mow, mm. 1 could control my turn I. long". 1'on to“ ho- ny en- Mk- :un. and Job- choked my volco. “WIN. would you in" m dot" I 'ie- :undod. Duh-11. " Inn to" you. Go way." “And I in" .1. that I a. m.†"To room. of In. all“. oh. tttbetta, Ibo: of you, tor uh uh. sofa-may "Oh. I cagft- 1 can't do um!" I Tied. 'Wo without letting um know why “\WhQI‘OT up wouid bell-v0 In. tsa-terik-a" would believe horrible min;- (In: In no: true." “It in did. you would be Mil-h enough to be gust. For u would not. Mn pain. And " would my mm trom teaching for you. thick In might do otherwiu. out of n conviction that tt «a In. duty in - that you won su.." mama. -t"Heeetr It “Perhaps you .0 lying to me!" I Hun; u her. “Paup- you only want " tret me out ot lb way." Lady Fro Ring-cod smiled. "You dagt't really think that. I um am “an " you with John Bourke, my pool child." I looked at her, and n: my pain I.“ je-Iou-y accentuated her beauty, I told myself bitterly tint she had no need to be druid. BM “I like . young queen. u her exquisite dreu' and the buck picture hat that coutraated with her uuburn hair; "daughter of the gods. iivinely tall, Ind most divinely lair." l nag a little irt.irtstttmstsce, my poor tlaims to prettineu Dalia: belide her Lila“: perfection. " saw." the continued, "from that old woman'. reluctance to let mo into the study that the Secret was there. and so I was determined to enter, for I bad come to the house with a pur- page. I expected to see some ordinary air, ot no Importance. I found you. 1 said to myself: 'Bir Rotrer Cope will kill John Bourke tor this. or John will air, ot no Importance. I found you. 1 said to myself: 'Bir Rotrer Cope will km John Bourke tor this. or John will klll hlml’ " “Roger Cope'." I ejaculated. “Anny. Roger Cope!" "Yes. '[wger Cope. Hut tt he were the only one with whom Mr. Bonfi- ule have to reckon It would not be so bud. I am so tar trom having iietl to you that cenaln Dolmen! opponent. who would give ten years of their live! to have him under their ten. have or- -anged to set spies upon him. Anyone ‘vho rlngs at the door-bell may be I 'py. Or the Feerl‘Itl will be questioned. Proof " what they want. It In mu to gel. lfnleu you so and hue yourself before it has b en tsrt'tttttr got. tre you brave enouv I? Do you love Ilrn enough tor min?" inn " 1 an aB-att, and": " am grateful enough," I lnlWOM. haughmy. “Than do It-quickly, before you hange Four mind and “when; muck- ‘y, boron It Is too Inle. " youdo this i shall behave In you and speak well ot you always. Born. day luck him-elf an!“ know.†I shrunk away from the gloved hand me ma on mine Ind ahivered. I gunned the meaning cloaked by her words. She wished me to undernand mat mm. lme In the future. when she was John "Ah, but that would be to defeat the and you seek to rain." may Feo u- sured me, tummy. "Mr. Bourke must not know that 1 rhtve had nnylhlna to do with your trointr--Ne hll own Hike he must not. " he took uh. idea Into his head that you had been coerced m any way. ho would certunly not Attp to thlnk of his own advantage. out would move heaven and canh till ne had found you again, giving you bark your posltlon a! his -tary-- whk-h perhaps you can ill afford to Lose?" " shall contrive to m on menu: A." I replied. "You will Ire me help m. " can“ It would be only fur. in. w u p. rice you are shim; ur-Pm. 1% "I shall not need your w "I shall not net-d you ~‘“ you." I said. For I would not luv! taken anything "on lot to IAV‘ my- 'elf from starvlng. "I didn't menu you to go away with- out lenvln' word tor Mr. Bonnie." she went on, out“. - tho W thread with "New; for - - " nulstance ha been tmt Mum and absent-minded. "In would he - to “any Ma mlnd (hm you had gim- because It was your own with. because you though! that you could better your- Ielf. Then, you no, hla con-cleric: (would. be at rest; he would be LN9rt- tented to let you Alone: Ind the Home " Icnndul would presently dle. let u hope, for lack of fuel." "Very well, I duresay you are right," l rejoined. hopelessly. " will write mm A letter." Lady Feo'l hand role nervously to her breast. tornq with the orchid- plnned Imonl her he". "Shula." an. aid. betnring alight -ntturtoes, "would 'ou-rot' would not, I luppon. let me no the letter when lt ll wrtttqn, 'Utd-- mud adv!" you that It?" I nut that uh. mun! to penis! " I showed Inâ€: of running her request. Ind I did not can it hold out “an" the ar-tttrn. Since I “I wn absu- 3101!! John Bourke. pun up the hlll of Esme. I wished to "-0" - In the way that would be bert for him. I w†ready to belle" but may Foo Rm.- wood knew win: the beet wu wu. not to much been". I con-Herod ha- I W119 and trottoeietttdtro “use", to be- - her revelltlm 1nd forced In. to :oruln deduction. of my own. John Bourkc'p wordl. which had made me no - And hopeful only an hour or two ago. cum. but to me now. lurid In the tht of a new -tirtq, I on down at the able (roll: which I had rhen It the sound of my rec'- voIce In the Dunn and deliberate" mm . from M of - h the tyqrorrftht. mam Don t be!“ 00 no out. In!" by later, my “rural to lulomnlloved. __ Ah ' “Yo-lit. 'W‘PI’IIIAIMI- Immuurmxumu “It u very In! Old." II. w - "In: nu. cm- uuuy no lap-do- that It I- but to cam. You couldn't do better." “I m [In you no “UM." I III. tn A "ttHd wok-c. t dipped . Po. In " Int-m standing you. than - '1. " napalm. I Ind - signed no an. which I" - mine.“ JOI- " HIM†and to do no "" n- puldvo. "I - not in Jenny," I In“ to syn“; “not to him u leak. In till on. Ila; I will Indulge my own I“. I â€II I“ myself Irv-9|} " I wrote an name nun-tom! bemoan the â€and much. and a tutor. ud put " Into In undo which I nddmud to "John Bourke, by" t H! u " I Ind signed my own tHath warrant; but I wept no longer. A non, alumna no com. to help In. through the ran at this been. with my ho Ringwood. "in.†win}. be her. "may" no and. "You um lure?†"Aa sure u I can be of Inythlng.†"That'l good. I wlll to now. tor, u l and. , must not be unscented with um man of you". Presently. l nup- pou. you can make lame excuu to that old woman-Mrs. Jenna", Isn't H? You won't tell her that you 1r. [curing tor good?" "No-o," I said, slowly. "Pemnps " would be better not. She hats been very klnd to me, and it In hateful to lenvo her no. But one hateful thing more or In. doean't matter much now," "You are n brave girl. Shell- ,oxchlmed Lady Feb. "it mun ventlonnl to any that Heaven In"! your ttnsemsttrteats, but, I believe It will." “Nothing but-good day," I returnel with a Imus that was shamed as th smile on a musk. "I have been very frank. very out spoken. because I had to be so. But hope you don't feel hard towards me?‘ “I don't think that I-teel anything,' I said. "Welt, them good-bye." I murmured something, and did not seem to see the hand which she held out-a great lady condescending to a misguided girl who had promised to mend her ways, and therefore dtssprved commendation. She gamered up her belongings and went to the door, then turned and looked at me anxiously. "You won't change your mind trnd-- and stay after all? I may-trust rout" My eyes mished to hers. “I am doing this. not tor you bat for Mr. Bourke,†I saidi "I will not so back from my promise to myself." MechanV'ally I lwgnn to put away the material on which I had been at work. I had finlrhed typlnz Mr. Bourkc's article. whlnh wan to appear m the "Fortnightly Review." Never would I do any more work for him. an! no ionic ttnd trtmttF.of other: " Hep into my plum l had only been unployed out of charity. When I had neatly arranged the pa- pars I had no longt-r an oxvuso tor In- action. 1 must make up my mind PE- Ir‘tly what to do with myself. Some- how I loomed always to be making up any mind what to do with myself; and as soon as the matter was settled Fate lnterforml to undo " all again. I had run away from Amish Moll Court; I had run any from Emu-i 1mm: now t was going to run away from John Bourke. which meant having all that Not titl t for. I had pmmmd him that never again Who‘d I be a coward and Brett to and my own ttte. t would not but! 1‘. Mn. Ind no my trouble-mu. I." had to ho pranOG tor; plans made by Whll'h my body was to be ted End ‘rlmh’d. Jud a! if tt wr-re Mm ot mm! \lnmorlmwo, There was Razor Copo. of counts. 1 could rot-Hy do tho Hung which In my letter to Mr, I'lourkn I had tMnted at. Probably Roger's oiter was null open, tttd If I took It I could rohnblllmtp my- .olf In the eyes of the world, In ran W e and If I took It I could rchablutate my- self In the eyes of the world, In r23:a my acquaintance wkh the great “Ln- bor Member" hm 'tttttr known to others beside Lady Feo Rinzwmd. Yet, no'. I :ould not bring mych to that. I wound“, at Mr. Xycnlrrjgv. .P.1ttdte liked Ttoger, and “hula a'dvlle me to not In a way contrary to my lncllw (Ions. If awarding to common sense. He was a dear old matchmrther, and with the bert Intention, In the world he would work to throw Roger Cope Ind me together. Theretore. Mr. Waller- ter was all†out or the questlon. She had the Mr Pyett fr]! upnn a newspaper lying on the desk, It had not been there, I knew. before Indy Fm vamp. She had. doubtleu. brought " In and torttottett to “no It away. I nhkod it up and turned to the advorlhtlng punks. I could not go hark to any ot the agondos I In! vlrlted while I lived In En"! “I vlrlled whlle I lived In Final mt. [at Mr. Dunks win prob-bl, rim in his deductions. At all even". they had offered me no hope, after mo ttret villu- I paid them; hut Roger Ind unduly lost leht of me now. Ind ho could not projudlro the mlnda ot Ad- vertiser: In the [upon In use I should luckily durfver on. willing to trr my "we". But I could find Iota, ot parsons w “on; for me, and 1 turte1nq the Paper mum nigh when to [In upon the "I utadtryt gage. [A â€5.9.15. l o'i5ii'ii'i"i' iiy tre/om. I) It. bent worth living alh,Et1,lyeli -d1 "Imam‘ mlk new." I Inlormed her an..-“ last word and so In: ~1th about it. It you " very atâ€! u I nothtntt In tho MI "tnted wah otNred ( mm or the Wm " . nlde with In Im- l my on: happened 'rersrorusl" column on aven MI] I but, retrur, ::°:.:; fl2',t,c,C"cotrsft1I?.t 301?: 8mm mmm Jef,',',;'.' TS AO Get C 21m '4 BENEFICIAL if“ Ts’ 5ytf'oWs"6 'cierram, l'YNER Kl bN L' BOWELS Tm: svsra cetis1Ftcoii,i5'v1 ost'eoro.uwtf,,ssar, (iitiiG'ajjiifii/itt.t ', fth? mt " Au thit66qIs.itta_5_tyM"I11L 'A‘nen my heart (ave I great bound and I snatched up the paper again. BUY THE GENUINE -MAN'FD BY oi What I Saw In Br the wording. "to-night or Immor- row." I judged that this was the ttrtrt time that the notice had appeared. It would come out once again perhaps, and then-unless tho writer altered hit or her Intention-no more. - - .. _ __---" 1 read the varngraph tor me seconu time, and was struck By tbe conviction that it had been cleverly planned to be \uxfl'orn'tlnod hv me aloha. " ii Had begun with the words. "Heart-shaped scar." others in the se- cret ot that mysterlous ssurn--Jotttt Bourke. tor instance-might have been prompted by curiosity or an even deep- c noun. to my the sprinted nu- hlvoun. But “Hem-Inna." might mean almost anything. were " not tor the special nlgnitlcance ot the message the special tMttiticance or the menus: which followed. The uninitiated might easily pass it by u the device chosen by lovers who corresponded through the personal column ot a newspaper. But I knew mtrerenuy-1 only. For the other eyes which had seen the “something surprising at the [heat-r" would never see anything else in this world. A shiver wont through my veins In I remembered the white. white arm on the background ot black satin. and m- vrum nnnay-colored. heart-shaped on the background ot black saun. lulu the vlvld. pansy-colored. heart-shaped “am. For an Instant I saw, as clearly " I had Been It before, the gypsy tace which had looked up to our box trom an “all: with It: pale cat-eyes. The “no-ohm " Watery and dread cloned round In. again, and 1 felt it as 1 Ba felt h (It... SN', Should I keep the tryst, or should 1 nott The thought frightened. yet at the “me time fascinated me. There was still enough ot the old Belt left In me to tingle with a. nubile cur- iosity a! the thought of solving the mystery connected with Lady Cope's death-the mystery which wove It: web round John Bourke u In“. Aa tor the "Informauon greatly to my Id- vnnlage,†my mind did not dwell upon that with such ' sense ot allurement. It seemed as me that. since i must go out ot this one man's life, nothing could be really worth having any more. But I could not long resist the calling ot the syren-voice, and after a very tew moments ot hesitation [determined that I would be at the Marble Arch M _ the time appoinled. “LEONA?" IRMITIID. Mrs, Etherington M l'Iburne TONI†dropped dad. Jud . An us lid-Inc of fn/it,",'.? it, [:0pr dud from but! In m For the portion of the old M,' Cur Ida College ground. that hen sold. â€(new In been necked by Town“ mmus, June Ig.- l Ill) Mchuc " Ar other of Mr, C. F dropped and thin I in". kiln". A helvy mow-ton“ fell " MOM-l- tmnt. Cup. Colour, tor thr first time In Intern van. TI’IIII w!" blocked osd th vim van dtsms. University The rebel for In. Kmim». f Province nt K defeated tty tb The dis ute bob»!!! the Toronto m fa,'."; Company Ind m "a play..- ',Tlu,1 will“ M the - a! I luv wqc-cmlo in income “in ad I “a my noun. 1‘. â€Am ttttt m " .5155 THE SYSrt 'i't,i?i'iiiii, c was HEW (EVER ' - a s Juan-F ion-nu ma... “will "I CHAPTER XVII , JirGajit" tor the second as struck by tbe conviction been cleverly planned to be (To be continued.) the Personal Column. rhl noon still, and there wu me. The thingsiglven by parture -an ext-um! which use her to send word ot |ove to Mr. Etourtr-nd he " I" rhieh I.†been Invert. II of the â€when nti 0th \ ount _ {Mr-law. It; morning. MAUI! own whlch can tor the rn when , Mrs. Jen- fennett l no which 9906mm...“ _ Am July WW‘QOWOON an c. mm ilt. 't"ed , 'h..' Mh"itltgMtIt cmwm "s ti'rt ILLLI. Liata1'glt 'l)iii'liS1,Et?iCiiEiiiii'id Inn-u» iic'ii'a‘é'i“ GaTar'a'%'G' tlllllf'-.l':'oll'rt '6',','A'1gtgrt If. M. Mar. an; 1.1m; "in: araa cm _ - -aiiGak GirihTAG' .39.... 'tth/ Gun-m. B. chmnl h â€I... m. I . nu 'i'iitiser ttutl'ta tfly on: at. d an“, M. Pdh"dlu, C. Elna) “In. x. . L Burl-tan. on. “or 2232‘" 1t,'iiisi'i"7Afir2fii,',.' Wu. " 7W. scum. ll Ca- an.“ loll-1h f,,'a.'"NhdYt,'g', Dar nl'l "on. King tv., Watch. m "deed, and». .9. . ' can,“ 0 '. upped. to dam noun. tor-Ia!) “(a not“ ulna. Buns. d -- 0031;} 3th31 Wan-loo. Oqlq.--A Mn my»! an an: WW m aiasiikf _'" __ IP- Jpn!" fp,",',",",,,",,," 'rift,' It I a). I . . mum paid li')d3lg,".',rlktt dunk iiia,artriak SiI’MW'hEIE " Physics-n, nu mean 5nd .000qu " apechlm on disease: ot the non». “and. “a on". (Inlet: Mum's 14210.50; In.. 1111110 I " And How too p m. otttce-U- ol Quec- Ind John Ma, Berlin. R, G. IL BOWLBY D . .. _ Phr.ricua.s ld Honor gain-la or Tm on!» University. continue of a Colin's of mm sur- goom and Ammonium ol Ont-Ho. Spud-l Intention paid to the “Uncut. of thou-“In lu1utmtto, no atica, obesity. no. Mello- ara otBmt on Km; Buns. Own-1n Woolen nun; PM. no. |)R. C. T. NOECKER, Mod-mat of Toronto Univuilu. [Joana-u of the Conan " Wu. Bur goon- And Aooouuheun of Ott Din-un- of eye and au- uuned. thBo.--Nqrw raid-Ice. Albert Street Wank». n .ttorttnM-q mteth at the Inc Dr. wuun'u tutti-nos. Wu aaitGiitition. J T new“. LD.B., mu an... a. Dental Burtreorus,D.D.B. Toronto y'tMh, Allbnnchon of denlmry prrusttted. 1f'It Jun-en's Block. Berna. our Snub as. Stony Encryptâ€: between You'd-MM tMdd Haze gi%t%ir'Liriorsii, __ , uwwv z emu-r Bloch. .. KWllklnson. LII.8., 0.0.8. DENTIST. Mr WELLS. L. It. B. C. W. WELLS. D. D. 8.. Damn- Wnurioo. Will wind: Elmln. Zn lax Hal-o. the second Thursday and Friday And (our!) Thursday and Friday of and: 1n,rhhWa'r't,'. l mm. to F'titiay l p. m. ODONTU DER me pain!“ extncuon of tooth. Tho WUqthtq onion will ho closed every Fruity mm trom Mar In to Nurvmber "t. a yuan. 11.11 LIVIRY AND EXCHANGE STABLE! 000m Bandit, Wow. All kind- ot oonvoymoon con-unuy on land. Chm modem-Ito. trtattiqtt in rut ol minced-l B ' JOHN L. WIDIIIAN . lunar of "mm-UM Cttgtoe-Prt.t one... Bt. Juohl. 0-.» 1 vv w --__ _e__e-ee_ 7‘ Ann-u 'GG “mm hair out. . Nam, Lyn "Hanan. mm. L otsudroaY hate out R. w. L HILXJARD. Pave r A, mung!) demote otttttmtttd' for ooh-um not! m h- m. In Town Ind (bunny. lint-oh- as manual. Churn- nuunubh. Am It rundown err-Moet not! â€In†Btn., wan-loo. Profoulonal Gard: . . . a. HUGE“ WATERLOO. HONEST BARNES AT )(EELMAN‘B BARBER 380]" mu utetHarMt Bit?" "mtttrroPBEtt wol% Jn. J Ham and Pipe! Blight. Wm In Ogvts Open Daily. Offiee: Canadian mock, Berlin. mum N. 13.09351: READ! JOHN STREBEL Stu bel‘s HARNESS SHOP “in! Hahn’s Bakery but]: MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL LEOA L ctFr-i.iti.-v, an... DENTAL LIVERIES 'i'iiut%U up. must all Wank». "" tis1tiiirG.i' TRU. 0! tPte OD. Oddt.tttw dim' ONT