' ,7 M Wooz- oooe , "s,rit a the an . t'It - & hrem" in}: ri 'Pnrc Parts Green. :33: 'iiiiriiiiii??riiiettSiqt shun-I‘DIIMIN l . I“... humidâ€. _ 1t'a',"M."'" "how-l L2 . vnsm. M-th‘"‘L magnum.» ttrar-l? ti I , . Mr. John Fischer shipped 115 bead ot s$oekers to Toronto on M.ondar. J. . In“ & co. remind half a on“ at {unitar- punrhy momma. Do not forget Ulchnnn's sue of ullon going at Me each, see win- dew. LC: MIMIâ€. Sea“ shipped'iéven car- loads ttt upon cattle to Liverpool, Tue-day. . m and aid: {or the a {on Ind In excellent“ -tlco on a?! S'th- . 'iii.rmrrrrotr left for Chicago Sammy wichlonr of Mr Seag‘sm'n new arias. Mr J:- Soon shipped ten osrioads ot “och“ to Liverpool Friday. Be " ship 7 “Hold. more next Tum-y. can" tg'hl'W. m" " Stdw,trf, -' “ Mn: , the E-me"" id to Mr Julius Knauff tN sold his tine "dawn on lunar» Ave., Berlin, mttt to homo; for I mums home in WWW. . primate†no out, to: 1 social "ht Home" In ttte Wnterloo Pavil- ion, under the auspices of the Korn- mazes Chap. mum The Elmira baseball club um the Beaten of Waterloo will play an ex- hibition nine ot ball in Westside Park, Saturday glienmon " 2 o'cloc'k. The Boys' Mission Band Cricket Club deteated the Berlin tuni ll u 1|:th guns of cricket. at Westr Ii“ Pull swanky alternoon by " - to M. The mvttatittrt ball hold in tho pa “lion " Waggon Path 1flrhtg adv..- mccoufn a air. Th Manhunt-I provided ex "dhesttlrtttsits. Thom, lot colobnlion onnmluot‘ in. com me LI" Tannin dub‘ the. I. with to he would Bh, pm for I tonal- competition In â€In sud (lo-Mu on July Ist. In MIG bowling Mondly even- r an. Innâ€! mm skip J. _ 'raniriirrir,aroAeaef,t Oak-d skip Hogg try 24 Me tr, skip Hugh“ deteated trem Hespeler by il The Hespeler lacrosse team defeat- l Elan in the third match of the . L. A. series Sapurday by 3 goals yget'e2r'ttttgt%1'l, â€upswing d ttft In» an an.» lard-t MM my mum» 17am, mm; - “and “£me " “an. it ir-. Pare sunny am you It, am back“ - In M Qua: by 20 m to O. lasts???†all N “our“! suspend the - la “M au Who " so am- u-d ,r"h- mlh‘ “a W" 1grMgtft "tot an mm a h “a '- MI! my an un: 3PM 800": WES.â€- . " d ttu'.',',',':,,' In; I: ' II. N M . " I“ ,iFi, I... - 'ere' h .m can 0" - - 1tihit It a. if! n nonw- D"! Tait.',",,;","",; " .-_--,__ - mph. only new m a... Vim." u- mumm ot mdmwhgmn lei-n It. nil". W. HI , ('/) 17iraiiii/akt.eret"_t? m which mu has may "I - R, - I?“ W an Inn“ Kioeemr and Mr. ll Ma. det as hm " Damn mid In no“ a " m tttom, gm. Anti-v m TUtt"ltltl to - “an tor a“. ' . . " "Re, t. I" a? non a up. - tl.'li tttstd t Iti2trt1t.htjk Ins-- tiitit3'L1'pti1ilietii _ can. Gi u I . - . ' iihtiiiiiii, at“ It .leRP't?',f, _ , tR,tMt8l.t _ C " mm kinky-t. is Ingred- M Inger Than In. - "evil“ p“ d â€â€11 l um - d_ and up .e.T M _ it! “It along' A ' I In" tog "I... et rttn N not done anrthinI U: "ssstt D and in) h cunt-Info! enact-3minâ€!!!- you an: - _ . ' Jrt,flf,ebtMtt"uttt t '2c'iirieitt t"tt tr, m."- y ' _ . u M' Id. Lthlth.. 1M porn-oz: wanna. j ‘hm‘mm mm» teat our at mm“ of lb auction 1m; bib. than slang. SATURDAY MARKET. 'r, hm‘lr a“! the n- lat “turd-y who: and prod.“ 5i'Ei"ii gnu an n 18 m 301 " a". no!!! " IN . doun. huh "30:.qu and cut tioreo mu In? pin-mu. PM told u (a I up A FINE CELEBRATION Tho commune in ohm of Ibo WWW othbntlou melanin. â€in. tannin! 39d my. wtrte town. to IMO who come Kb _Tata't_m on July In. The pro- m‘ 'qoriie. In 500 chool he ',2tti,ttt,','t',"g long! had mahpmnn mm A but-tn“ much between Hamburg end Wllllooh also on up“. o he: apoc- bldee new been amped for the u! 'ernoon end . grand band canoe“ will be held tn the evening. ADDITIONAL STORAGE WELL The W3!" Commiulnneu will put down In add1tlttttttt “one. I! ll hm lug . capacity of 160,000 gallons. This In mount, to meet eased of pn longs! an. and tho 111 one of palm 0,1le Tho Wm Oommluionou will put A pretty and tmtque, wedding are, u doimanaiuttitsmuatpre mum-ling lllony war performed in the Memo. Il -ttrof100,000 gallons. Think dist (hum. at high noon to-day, 0 11ml!†miettsaaedof pnlonlzol 1Mraday, when Miss Gertrude Lil- ' an. mdoholnouo ofboirg trs1iod “an Fellman w†united in marriage , ',',fll' 10mm†1tur 'teighttorirttttartt, lo Mr. C. Alvin Snell ol Essex. Ont. t with In] otrruittar.tm Wanâ€? ot The ceremony or": perlorrned by the I water. The momm- will boesresrUr him: oi the bride, Rev. Richard l 1ntimnaritts adumeter otb'.tUttrn1 Hobbs assisted by the Rev. w. J I depth at 13 few. The bottom will he Ford, 'rf. L. B. ot Essex. Tho I oainettuaatdthtt which ,rilpt Btrr bride was beauiiililly attired in' a l ed on“ and inside and marina! [can h gown of silk dimity appliq- l pstfmstly "m" tight. TL ' ,rellstil red With late and chitron over white tu.eytyttef “ml tbo prert0ttt I‘M-Kelsilk, while the bridal veil was caught wed by moans closixlcch rife within“. by B cluster ol pearls, the gift .gato. The fu1ioqr1tstt contract. h""'°.ol the groom. Lbe carried a shower 1he,Lt."e,t,1",' Juno!) Brox,oxcavato cluster ol white roses and maiden- “138149, Ed. Dnrmel. mason warhhmr terns, and was given away by t1ottr and back t1tlitsg 3350; C. "Olrit'h. her dt - gnu: other, Mr. D. Buckber :alvanlud ro- fog, $180. The oom- mum at Waterloo The bridesm id minimum will Inpply‘rho brick.com- Miss Mildred Mmemou of Tdl' eat, gravel and land. Work willbe- _iii'ii'k looked charmin . F . . ' , g in a dainty $1,l'g1',' YI," 'i I #0368th frr- gown of organdie and into over pink '" ttFatt "t reromp ttttOtt. silk and a picture but ot black chil- PIANO RECITAL ion and carried pink roses. The A successful piano recital was giv- groom's hilt‘io thelhrideormaid1 wills en by the senior and intermediate a crescent 0 pear B. W0 OVCY l pupils at Miss Bean at the residence, ‘liitle flower girls, Misses Delight . George St. Thursday evening, The Hobbs and Grace Gammagc of Chat- _ composers represented in the pro- ham, looked sweet in dresses oi 5:me numbers wre warns, Tschai.1vlh.tc silk and late with dainty chit- kowalry, Jensen-Nieman, Durand,il0|1 hats trimmed with pearls, and , Mendelssohn. Chopin. Nevin, Godard, ganged Whitenansd pin): 'it,T,t,itl1t - Bach, ELI. Glinu-Balakiiew, Mac- ro cssor . . were t e niver- b Dowoll, Schubert-Liszt, (iii,',di,ei(ti'i'ir:r',' ot Richmond, Virgilio, "spport- l Those who took part Misses Annic‘Cd the groom. The groom's gift to Horlop, May Wing (Berlin), ttutr,!?,',' tiowtr girls were tans ot carved t Hilliard, Alice Cork, Lena Hermit, how arid ettitiou, to the groomsmnn n Addie Weaver (Berlin). Ethel Whit- . scar! pin ot pearls and opal, to or- , lock (Elma), Bessie Clare Hilborn ganist and usher, gold cull links. 2 (Berlin). Lucy Heinrich, Edith Wei- Alter the ceremony, the bridal party dial (Elmira). ml Mr. Clive Bean. adjourned to the home of the bride's Their playing was characterized by parents, where a reception was held ' an eveness in technique, good tone alter which an elaborate wedding ' and an nbandor. seldom Iound in *mB- breakhst wan served by catere r. tours. lulu Evelyn Breittuopt or Boomer of London. The church 1m l Berlin sang a spring song (German), home were beautifully decorated will with excellent enact. Miss BreiV bulls oi ferns and rows. Th " haupt in the possession oi n bride's unveiling gown was a hand lb pleasing aoprano voice ot tine quality some brown brondcl‘oth, the rc"",', ho: II. and considerable power and sings ening over I tmt" '6 0 whi hi with much â€pm-ion. silk; her hat was A becoming cm l I tam oi cantor straw, lace and ol TV Y11S1T P. BISHOP. DOWUNQ" rose velvet. Dr. and Mn. Snell lei J The. Rigtst Rev. Bishop Dowllng oi on the allernoon train lorpoints i . gglmgehgn "rt"l'drpsonl'/T,- the was; had on geek return will rt . R _ _ ride in sou. guests were in 3 church Berlin. Sunday morning, 9‘ mediate triads Lnd relatives ot tt listed a Vespers and gave benedlc» contracting puties lrom Chothul tim, of the Blessed Sacrament In the London, Woodstock, Waterloo at - St. Louis R. C. churchLWaiorloo, other can“, And "on, Whghar - u -,.,n_-_ -1 Il tot 3:38 att hun- c. - “Cannon The “MOP “5 Mr. Arthur Pellrmut, brother or the received " the mutate of the mic, presided " the - in . church W the mania" of the C, M masterly runner, while Mr, Percy B. A. in rest“: and otlter members Motley did the honor- " ggher. ttt the comm-lion ad In met It - the loot w 2 1,t',2,rc2,',le a". Br. Winona - STUEBIN0, t5pete. A. â€was I - up The residence of Mr. and Mrs. a. Male. m m" m itt excellent swaying, Cedar Bt., wu the scene vttitm, with spirited org" wee',- ot . very planing an“ Weds-dar tmettttmt, m "Beet W“. wel- “moon, when their client "ugh- coming the Bishop who m In: oi- tar Cum '3! we. to Mr. Eu. its! Mum Wutuhtel the “cum" ot mm. The knot tuit-hat' on .. tttp,', BP- vs: tied by ttte Rev. E. A. sen-1:. .. a. and“ tecettt at St. John's Luann- clutch. The) t 1-. “MN . qHdid It... Lucy have“ ot Detroit a! tl'tit'st", - ttte W, -GirGii,%ri-tut)te, ~ m.“ Attee vino Cb poo- - mrprorud by ,.=tet 2NNeliEriCitcgtegttrg,p' mm. tr hm"~ yawn-n.9on. Aub- "V “' t1tuMrrfl. in. ,metiqbequ.yt lollovd a. "r.udMts. .m ' I'lciiaiiiFT.GhiAnht'tp-ttfif I "m w PtrtttttliiiiEEEe not In. “out tttali)"',','.' “H"- Fj,iiedggt.ttta.'tt ms- , " â€3.1% tnr-toe'. “$9 II t . " '. ., V R w“ . " l A by. "asia, V gt an at Us I. . n d" thi " _ I" A. ' , s n _ “- mm! tow-aid: - . ' f'aliNtltlt m Tire If ' Ta-" -, “gm.- IIthE = .lllgltllgt8-il - Ml ,4 ’h - t ' IillE T 1. " (lii,tiiiitiiiih' - " ' l - 'iaE '&!s2N j» .m lei I " . MN rww . E q e 'iiiiP3iiii, - Tut a thq l was ' -rrhqd I on ‘W,wwo. Pun-n In!!!“ no. at,“ d W, was Duh. m it - - I“. no†no. in nu. cloud to. - to. leaning on lb! up oi " Uttar, and tho cook-stilt pom- too. .heir plans “I. " ml 01 myrtlo and only him. I". E. A. I S'liul: potion-oi tho “haul“ acre-my b the - ot “out In handred, lulu! Mu. Tho brid- vu u â€can 01 hulls-II. so"! lo “It muons with chino I nad tathta ribbon and curled . ho- I quit ot tum moot. She In - nited try her sister. [in Maud Pop- ', pler uni Min Mary Andtlch ot Pros. I ton, who were charmingly heated in pink o:gandr and Nile green, trimmed With "lencierutetr lace .nd Iihton. also unyln; hoqudo ol ' roan. Mun: Cart Flohr of Culin- I too, N. Y., and Geo Manner. otBer- . lin, Mrly supported the groom. while . Master Gordon Wurm, Ion ol In - “Any Warm ot Roma, clad in white " duck, made 1 pretty ring server. ' Mrs. Poppler waesperas1t1ttti1r drum ' in black and aily grenadine. trimmed d with lavender silk. A recherche re i' past was served on Lollies utiliti- Ciirr Jeroraied with myrtle and or- ange blossoms. rht.Hrir otprer sent: was most beautiful null costly, among ohm being . handsome (beque trom on undo o! the groom, . couch from the groom's hther, tea, lit from Carl Flohr, lurniture from D. “inner & Co., where the groom is employed. Among the guests from tk dictum were Messr- Walter Pawns and son Lyman, Walter sod Carl Flohr um Miss Kate Flohr ot Cnisteo, N. Y., Misses Tina and Maud Trapp of Ayton, Miss May and Mr. Robert Andnch ot Preston, god Molar- J. Thorpe and Louis March. Toronto. FASHION ABLE WEDDING The following account ot the Inu- ringe ot Mists Gertrude Feumun, grand daughter of Mr. D. Buckner- rough ot Waterloo, from the Wing- ham Advanm, will be of interest to many in the Twin-City where the tride was well ami' (notably known: GTi BER" ia- - In . hm gum-quilt mi aha. I)! “I! not. (“nun-M I. 1-“ The son; recital given by the "P' Ill oi Mr. F. J. Gilbert It the Town Hall on Tuesday evening wear excel- lent end merited e mmh Inger end- ience the wee present. hat, wen tanking in numbers was fully made up by the lntereet and eympethy ot those in uni-mince. All ot those who participated in the pro- ;remme acquitted thmeelvee in e very creditehle nearer end "tiected great credit to the ehle instructor, Mr. J. F. Gilbert, under whom, tui- tion the diluent pupils heve been lor the pest rev months. The no- lectione on the prugreme were, ell or e high clue and dillcult chaired- er, end geve emple opportunity tor the ringers to d.spley their captur- ilitiu. l The programme opened with e lull chorus, “Scot. Wha Hae" by Mr. Gilbert's pupils, end we: excellently _ rendered. Miss lde Edger oi Prev . ton, wig with perloct simplicity H. Trotere‘l "Aethore". lies Edger is 1 the possessor ot e sweet oontrelto 7 voice, oi which the has complete con- I trol. The male quartette composed of F. 0. Gilbert, J. B. Weaver. H. P. Boohmer and J. Fulton, rendered I number of tselections, among" which were Holcomb‘n "Jet . Bong a Twilight" and Fostu'l "I; on Kentucky Homo", mm a“ - retrectutsllr tho up "tee. ot these composition. The! were well received by we audience Miss Blanche Bean sung with splen- did etiect "A Dance end I Dream", Mr. P. w. ai-ann ot Preston, mule " nm was. We . Twin-City and†and In‘ ie a splendid manner -tock'. â€Then at my Queen“. He in the posse.- sor ot " exodlnt'heu voice qt which he is the mater. The mixed quanta composed ot Mine: Been end Anthea end Neural Gilbert end Fulton In; two popul- u selection. "The lost Chord" end "The Old Brigade". Both lumber- vcre excellently Indexed. Mm Lent. Clue ot Preston. made her debut on Tue-d" - end herring luck ot confidence in her on capabilities. ehe 'trositted knell in - -., "I-.. L-- By the PI pilsof Mr P. I. cum h Sulendid Recital 1ootuitoeBithottrV.-.----. n-r-os,"-""', “pun"... - -V, _ n splat!†manor. ll. Clue in I hegutitul Ioprno voice - good with-Hon. Ilia Elm. Snider ot Waterloo, he: elven been even: [north with e Twin-City eudience. and on this oo- cu|on. while much 17:: expected of her. the no muon- ot her friend- ven tally radium She wee In perfect tom and the m in which the - "Key lon- ing" won lor be: A well muted en- can. Mlsl Ell. Anthe- ol Berlin, in; with pie-sing one!" thtwmr'. "The Simon". and “any“ he: lplendid capabilfti" II n oxalic“ manner. It. AIM has . high mung u n soprano mom. Mr. Funk him ot Toronto, mu in urn-W to n In. aloomdiaulldltlluheo “y iit will ttot he a. tart. Alums) lmpmlinly you; all sththt at but“ It â€can. u - voles. a. and d M m â€a all volt-0 lb “In tr-aM. .30 m M d, my rd." Ltt «a man. Mr. In". as "rice Wyn" Ind "w . .m1 J..." In. his. Clio 0“. MI d vi. I‘m an. Pgtwfrtld m: the " " C a M I- who. 11. at - I, It. m m “I. all an. “I Q. ' - _ cV --.cL= _ T ’OODVAW "erm ham-0|. mug-log. o+rrr+rroo+r+e+o+'+re+'+bb+'4"re Cash. Buy-egg The» sun. 8r.ll1'th"tfl1t--. and It to M In". t to Wlwrhotwur " the In the. Winn you will an" m the will dloeo of time. W: In" land tho .500 III-in- laugh tho only pruned 2t,etrgtrt= And our errpeHoned has Win-to thmattrotte.tunonrstno food for [belt-Ila. We nm in the shoe Inn-Inu- ur.". and we know of no competition that ever h or om- will most our prion. Your. for Sam“ Dunno. . Uffelmann. no» 'derg',,t',',ttlCiir' CirdiririiGaTail2": John Schondelmayer. Millllineryi an Eon-I. "It'dâ€. out ', H-l-H-H- +-H-H- ++H+ ooooi We will take any stylu- d madman-ow“ Id tuition-bl. toe, wk! and colon __ thtroetation Day. June Wedding il Bil Presents,, Mrs. . t - We have decided to give decided mm in Watt "zS...ChlEDsa12.erx, Paper for the next 10 dart If WY. ha.†not ttr,,t'hg'l."c THE LEADING JEWELLER, chased your paper you will find this m was Waterloo. --, a“-.. a... .. "we Faber: for "re Personal and Social. Ct Mr, B. Hahn Ion. on Sunni" on I bums! trip to Littoral and Imam-y. Miss Bertha Cyistmu: oi Elwin spent. Friday in town. - Hum B. M. Snyder Ind Geo Home were mum: to Toronto Fvilhy. Mr. Arthur Rut: of Elmira. visit- ed Waterloo friend- on hidâ€. It. a. En.“ Cork, of “no. Out, is span ling levers! any. " his hum. hole. “it Goo Sehnllhorn, of Roche-m in vuitltttt " parents, Mr and In C. Sohallborn. Mr. J. It N Cook, who has been spending . week’s holldayn In wwn left hr Toronto Sunni-y morning. [human Indepeudtknt--Mra. “I! Wra H.111), of Waterloo, were the storm of In. H Gout: this week. Men-n Julia. B. Root nnd Pred [hi-Mien. 832:"de morning on u vat-Mon trip to Port William, Oat. His: Edith Weichel and Miss Ethel Whitlock or Elmira were guests ol Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Weichel, Allun St... Thursday and Friday. I " Emmn Kreutzlger spent . tew darts in New lumbar; during the put week; the guest ot her friend In. H. V. Clemens (nee Diebel.) In Hex-Ir of Onkvlllo. wifo of the a". John Moanr, N. B., s former m a an Pmbym-hn Chum), Wmloo. In t "loom whim In town. tt gum of the Mina Bruno, Alln t. Mr. Chas sun ot Hupeler spent! My in town. Min Cook ol Guelph is the guest ot Mn. Wm. Cm. Mr. Wm. lick of Stratford went. 8nd“ " hit home in TNterltto. Mr. Titu Weber ot New Dundee out 3nd†with mama Mail. It. Eli Hei.riett ot Sanford vu visiting Wshtloo - on Sunday. _lt. In}. A. mm m - oi St. Loch. lo.. .10 with!“ - in $rateehto. It. T. Batman ot sumo“. In Ina moisten choke: In the Inm- loo - M. [ In. Dur'ud Von, no Lavina N-pnh. - [any 'rre.iaq a sh but cl In - It. T. - I. - his po- dtl. a m I I. “who Milf/A' d H! In lb n I. III. In". ' It."ll|h- sun attqM" up “a who " a. can.†_iiiiii'i" [In I†c.. h Kagtt. lh _ _ Our ntock offers many tPgrytiotus. Silverware is w al ways appropriate. We are showing a rich collection. Plenty of pleasing presents at planing prices. 94.96co)t g .eeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeee --_. ,.ertrgrgtirg.ttatgtttitpttgtya'tgNt, "ammunition". moo-hogan..- wywqu¢ A Porno! Bunk. ’ 1 no and Nut no.» vi , "tryer,yytetteyf, "riiard “7}“;35My-lp-hyw In...†mmm'dadbmkudouud m'udundudnh O ummomam, “Juan-alumna. Black Sateen it Arita-ie-tir-_-At-ns-et-ttty qAiri'ii'a"a'iraiirdTiriaarti--+u-, "r-+tgrtrottttogtt. "iiikiiii .ttru-etsa6aa6- was“ '.d,'t wavingâ€: 'G'Ji7/rG'liTaGrii"acuriiiiT. Nphh thumbn- White Lawn L-diee wanted an learn duel-mn- I lag in two ween; none but good sewer: need apply. I will give no to anyone that can about me n uncle in drone-making they can’t mete met leernlng. I have taught over enemy girls this my, offered $10 to ml), but Bot 1 could one lt. In there my wonder that no: hell we glrll the! Icon can’t even mete e wrapper am may as through? When you hem Ind beau an month: in . shop. men get from two to four home on your system. Thle way you must be good severe to begin with, end instead of ohm to four honrv, you gee " deye from tsight o'clock to " to lean, Dot only your Iyetem one everylhlnz In dreameklng. Everyone on more edreu before pey- lng. Ladle: “In: I have laugh: hove told me month- mer that they would not take 860 " who they loam in two week. ot ecu-e nine rnt', will say lt can" be done. Wel, the - e,,__. Jul. _--.... 11!."ch ad‘s-lu- w.tin-olerattr4hest. out In)“, w Ith- Mbmuhdfpthondthumusddnddnpmwm m. sun- "iiiiijiijirArtete,eeyatePtet's " 'Ili It Miluucry Busting "re'"...--""'".--)""""-?'"""";-'"-"", _ iairtrariiiiiFhuuneeetetttetfhetfet Tib- wwwawmmmanwm-«uou {mummy-«Incumbuoomaoouammgu ier'r,thurt-t-tsastrpriartd-' quantity MA... mun-1mm Thudh-Mvommmnmid lib ,"otaaaemstt-tttrt_art- no my but Mouth-Wain†who, Juno 1%, 1902. m...†.. ....- -V r, _ one. who In" - lam! don" know artrtMtsit nbont n nnd the one. who hue n and a: It an In den. don't know In much " any mm to. I have tanght girl- nho Mn mud nlhop tor thorn-0|". “than n won! ‘or “to that loaning, Ind I bun duo mum quite . low that have been In tatt",',', d: to nine munch. and con dn't mule myths“. Rollin-Ibo! it won't can yan mythlng to a: and lf tod an I " gm mu .10 lot you "6m. I wlll met: In Guelph commando; Hood†Jun. 23rd. All with“): ttt Medium» Con-mom Haul their, a “My June 21at m l b P. I. I'll! Min Bull! commencing mun 7th. All within! tt I'm with Mn commencing man, ra. All mm to but.“ on no It Crud Gnu-l a“ mm, on mum "I! " “IDOLI. _ ... -.-=- o......-........ o.--..... :0."- - ii,aiia,.rttl'. - ng WI. iaqpyr,. - GOOD VALUES IN WALL PAPER otice To Ladies. It. Dash- Ttpets " mnbtrt, WI] WM i.tteitreal iiiGiiGtrirr-ueo--r'. Ming W. [LIMdOMoqm'D - tii,tifiiiijiiieA'ith't','pl'lli o . . /l"2,iitPia'dTht2Ttg - 5c Papers for 4c. 8c u " 6c 10c " " 7 g . ll. UGlill t; 00., Berlin m0 G. B. Ryan ©¢©6©¢WG 4c. s2yie Papers for to: 6c 15c " " 'sc 7 and 8c. 25c " " 20c In!“ ForaFulI Line Base Bulls, Bats, Nita, Gloves, Masks. Lam-om Sticks And Balls, Croquet Sets, Expreu Wagons, Fishing tackle. Martin Bros., Waterloo, Ont. Wedding Gifts . . Wat-hm. and“: j, Mancunian. Pele: M Juno Weddings In - h order ad the proper, thinl- must be forth caning- We h†" present a 53855“! - sortmont of Bi mania.“ Chins nibble u Wilding If“: -iiGGil - r,“ on... of black can“ clock. III mist: you with our to! prions. ir1Tiiririi'ii"'iFT ' NgmdM-s mama“- m on In: in- WW . Icy. 3’4 CALL AT--- --OF-- my;