HEIPEU-At Elmiu, May Nth, the wile at Henry Heipel, at a son. LASCHINGER - At Jotuuusesburg South Atrica, April 19th.. the wile of Ed Laachinger, ot a daughter. McUUTCHEON-At Gait. May mm. the wife ot Walter McCutcheon, of a daughter. AGNEW - At Gilt, May 21st, the wile ot John P. Agnew ot I daughter. MILLER-- At Waterloo, May 18th., the wile ot W. Miller of a daugtt- ter. ERDMAN-At Berlin, May 19th.. the wile ot Albert Erdman, of I SOIL FRIES- At Bridgeport, May 9th.. the wife at Dan Fries, ot a daugte ter. GASc0--Its Wilmot, May 21st,, the wile ot David Gasco, ot a daugh- ter. RUEFFLER-- At Petersburg, May gist., the wile ol Conrad Reuffier, ot a son. WEAVER - PLODD - At Berlin, May let., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. R. Von Pirch, Chas, Weaver to Miss S. Plodd, both ot Berlin. McCARLEY - KNECHTEL - At Berlin, at the residence ot the bride's mother, by Rev. A. Y. Haist, William McCuley ol Wat- erloo, to Amelia Knechtel. HAMACHER - IIOFSTETTER - In Wilmot, May 14th., John Ham- acher to Miss Holstetter, both oi Wilmot. WEBER - CLEMMER - In Water- loo Township, May 14th., by Rev. Jonas Snider, Noah Weber to wid- ow Ellen Clcmmer, both of Wat- crloo Township. TUCKER - IIATCII - At Berlin, May 14th., by Rev. P. A. McEw- en, Henry Tucker ot Waterloo to Miss Hatch ot Berlin. EVERS - WEST - At Toronto, in Grace church, May15th., II. W. Evers of Preston, to Miss Ger- trude A. West of Hespeler. IlOOEY - HAMMOND - In Welles- ley Township, at Mountain Side Farm, May gist,, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs John K. Hammond, John Hooey of Wellesley to Maggie F.. Hammond. FRUEHLICH - LANZ - At the Lutheran parsonage, May 28th., by Rev. E. A, Schulz, Conrad Freeh- llch to Mrs. Lanz, both of Water- GrNC,F.RICH-In Mecosta Co., Mich, May 23rd., Peter B. Gingerich, formerly at Waterloo Co., aged (in years. KI.INCK- At Elmira. May 16th., Fiurime Clara, infant daughter ot Chas. L. Klinck, aged 6 days. STAHLBAUM - In Woolwich, May 18th.. Olivia Catherine, infant daughter of John Stahlbaum, aged " days. NXON--At Galt, May 17th., Ilen- derson Dixon in his 69th year. st'HNARR-ht Rochester, N. Y, May l7th., John Schnarr, turmer- ly, ot Waterloo, aged 55 years. TRACHSEL - In North Easthope, May 20th.. Christian Trachsel, aged " years, 3 months and? days. ROTH - At New Hamburg, May 2) loo ROTH - At New Hamburg, May 21 st., Christian, youngest son of Benjamin Roth, aged 1 year and 6 months. Ill DY, - In East Zorn, 16 line, May 14th., Isaac. youngest son of David Rudy, in ha goth year. mLLIAR0--At tho Guelph Genera) Emphaunno lu,Clara I Billiard, and 30 your: an“! month; “I. “W latch. MARRIAGES BIRTHS t,Nh'ahirl,'l'l F,59i?ii,iiiiii. "Sift, "titrriti'd igtdgdfit W *1 1ii'i3."i'iiia,WtBN tit) DEATHS A 7'11. wcmun um. An isboch'ha M m. In! mt. the V“. d F - II... I'-- - - - J'SijiYiiitfitf can. when - Inn-- AM na- l on- At and Iâ€... Ind. Lulll Clan-I. " ttt Um- W. lowed! ot l.“ tin. m Wu ot Jed Clem-II. gram. ... - ' s ugly"; - At lin, 1 th., " a. an.“ o! 'tMil'. iGiarits .u it an alumna-toy a Aft-Deon. Pr, J. K. SHINN, -tDtrmter. and nw‘ wmou Wm- Mai. momnt..oum.l.m. Another Ail-nus Cubic. Berlin, Juno 1o.-The German Atlantic Cable Company has decided to In sn- other able trom Germany to the {hip Id Saul. ' a: -iGT cau""ditr-hch- in cm m. vllov ot h tata new smug, use! I "an. When! In rs-Lhsase Chem Tr‘do --lee hock Aetlve. head-y Evening, June 10. Toto-u: St. Lawrence Harlot. The receipts ot (“In were we on the street market ml- mornlu‘. rlceu we" The receipts street market ou-it "guy; 1-33.. iFiiiuiurt,Usrtt m til P. Hot-tata. 7 Tthe 'tt at . an "tuu--N' " telling 5'10: new... .. w. W WW w. __-___- .V [luv-Wu steady. 15 load: mun; All :11 to tis per ton tor timothy and . to to par tan tor Hover. . trtraw-W" and]. 2 loud: nelllnx at " per ton, - --. A . Cnnpbellturd. June 11t,--T'tterg Ivor. 1,010 boxes of choc-e bourdeU [ct-w. Elle- were In toltow.:-_t1der, u "e; Maui"), 500, and [Mouton 200, It M. l‘lctou. June 10.-Ar 1ur 1""iast""lg,' ttF day twelve Includes utrered 1, boxes: high.“ btd, 0 9mm 470 boxes .oid. Buy- er!:-Mc(§ynt_h. BDEE‘|Ig_Illg I'e?9'yyy",, "'rGGGiCi'G; 'iBTSBHEEBIiS 73-3in 'l.. 010 boxey ttret _v_reel_Juu_e my“; _rteltt Ci" i27sii. ii .0216; Kai-r21} Higher} Guns we; nun-ht quiet. There Was qulte I brlsk (nae " the yo. ronto Cattle Market. um morning. Tho rr eetiriwyt9ylrAttr, and all Cherie wnn 2iiiF,tre, armor. selling " an nan-nu I C per dozen. The: now bring Me to the per dutch. or: " " "on molt: tun. to nu-dlux‘n. 85.25 to $7; sum-Ion and (red. on. 52.5: tg'di"i' frl'.l"; $1.50 to $31!); helfm's. 2.3 to .5 ', cannon, 1.50 to 32,30: hulls. 82.!»3ntn 5.11); It,.'.,: $2.50 to sum; Texan IIQQPI, " to " Hog.- Itevelpts, 25.000: mind And untrue": " to STAT“): good to (halve [navy 31.40 to " M; rough heavy. 87.10 to ' tr, I ht, tfide to $7.36; bulk or MwJLto .u bury-Wâ€. â€moi. - 1etr wettiers, Chlcnco ... New York Toledo . .. . Duluth . . _ . ty,,",:,',",!",?,,? Mllwnu IN?, Detroit. 2 . at. Louis .. b"taeerr--Were and} I por cwt for export t.ambm--Were n "tt priuq lumhs 'rMltntr I nth, They “(we Wttrl Hotrtr-Wt'ry, stgldy Inndon, Jnm' ie-c,-.,':'::,';-",]',,'?',,'.' on pl. My» hum-y nnd deprMsml, Ma BP, on pa.- nnt- rnthrr under. wttent-KnttlUtt rout trr markets of nun-“xv ettttr, French - 'T mun-l! quiet but "tettdy, "In. June los-Cite-Wh/tte cone duttt Inn: 22t Bor, Saginaw-r Ind mm "iil Chicago. June ML-C "stlt,..c,"t"ocW,,r.s, 4,000; Jud m prune steers. $73.35 to ' .75; poor I lul'dluul. 8-125 to Fi", stock-rs and feed. Wheat...........,..... .78 Kan-u Turkey When. .78 Floor. Ocean.......... AM Ftour,BoU............ " elour,P-try.......... Elt. Ostl .................. .46 P-.................. on Barley...........--. .3 Brnmperwn.......... 10.00 Middlingl. W. tom... 21.01 Egan-Jun; .....r.... .15 â€per o......,.... .12 Hogs.live............. 0.55 Host. dr-d......... TS6 Hay.por ton.......... COO Stamper ton........ &00 woodi-wd........ M" Tezoortthstue......... " Batohom' tuttle....., 5.00 THE lAIlKE'I‘ “EPOII'I‘I 2: '2i'ir,riiiiyl,Mh'V:i'tih'li' 'Ja%tlll In an. m m “d 'e-at MMEN 'ui'I'al7 o. Farm for Sale. twi‘ï¬â€˜Ã©qmwéï¬ï¬? ya tom, Waterloo, J nus It G,orero. June 10 r 'Nt'tttgtgt?Jtt8ltUt, 2.2. I v and may: '0' iiirird oats . . ' . Toronto [Ave Mock. Cloalng prev1 Lendln' W'ho-t Hark": in slung. 1 Ion! per Don M mud n h' per.yyytsei. . _ WATERLOO MARKETS Cheese Marken. Chicago LIV. Stock. , . ARIN “it“. jd'P'it " “an." llama. cllpp . '.5,ly" a Brut-h Marhet.. iidiii. [if Minuet dr, " load: ullln‘ ' “Funny and . to Strayed Mule vlmu any. l Cash. Sept. .. 991A RH h IMHDI It $8.75 to $1.513} i0rso pal-h. 36.8151. per cw! tor an for lights um dfinor. the lluhlu an advance of Me of one " t'M'l ot feed 755% 500 t red winter. 17% I l tout 1't'df,, It!“ Ttp, munch um ghee. Manual Excursion 'tieii1hiiiga- to Outlaw-joint WI“ tho' North ad Soon: Wank» Fund Mum I ADULT. out». art In!“ Toe. 9' 5'lerr"i4EUX Iain St Jacob WM Whirled Berlin Brannon out a 'la. as Ema!“ Baden Peter-burg D. A. 0., GUELPH. “cumin-o an. 1". to Going by nguhl' at!!! nonlng And â€turning by uduiuthoevpniu- _ . . ""i'i7ir7tarrGiaiia' at. “hank: ot than chem."- to vUlt tho o. G. And the yd City. A day cl "amnion protttkblr upon... LUNCH anvzn AT Till Cows. ALLhN SHANTZ, 50:: N In) WM) tumour 1mm- --- JP Wm“: - mum-c- r1. tlitiiiii5giit'iiiliyi'i. ' , t: 3‘;L.._â€"â€"â€"â€" 0...... "a ah. iillllll 1tt'tll,'tlgtttr,t 1rg,trgtt"gt2r'"' tatt - - - ‘“ 'h r . - can? mcmm mu -. WILLIA! 513.5113. .N 6.40 John Hill tr.to G (‘0 510 DEALER III YORKSHIRE PIGS From six and eight weeks up to SOWS one year md upwards, I.†bred from imported stock. " eo " 78 78 ON THE BALANCE OF MY BUGGIES Thoroughbred Shel-thorn ul- ,|e for sale at all times. an; St., East of Scott. Motlce to creditors. In Me Mutter of Me Estate of _ Af. Weber, lair of Me Ttswttskit of Water. toe, in the Cuuuty of Waterloo, Gestie, man, Drrmsrd. MICE In here!) who". murmur, to Ur N Rev/wed Tlt,', ml olOnlar.u. [MAW-pun M). Section str, that I" medium. and other per- ~onus harintr chlmu win“ the eat-to ot th " ve tanned Joseph . Weber, who died on on about the Brrr dar rf npumb r, 1ilit1 in m- quired to and by Pit. vrepnld. or to Joli"! to an. the linden-hm, or Any of In. the crumm- ot the Inc will and tau-nont- at th- aid domveddm m helm “hem and Mt A. o., in. their f‘hmuannnd-uma I'll sud dvacdpuon. the full Monk]! qt tttMr (alums. nonunion! of comma. Ind tho new. of thpiuocquqlp ttt 1npAhet2tttp.. 'm or me Iocurluu I" Ill’y "vu- u, H... AND further (Ale nouns that '0 will immodh‘ a! After the add ta-t menuoncd am proceed to “tribune the ovum at Its me do wen-0d among the rum-- ttteeheee. Y.', _. ,.,._-_. - .. - . "" wen-cu lulu" um ""v'r'", ..__..._ ___V__ . V" in: mud may 'o lb. alums ol which we Ilnll than have nation. and that we will not. be It wonalble tor this I!!!“ of me an mar my part them! so dinlibmrd to My mom or re- Mott. of who-o alum we shall not t ham ad in order to mute room for a “lip- ment of emu-nu 1nd sleight. Hone shoeing done so an to give comfort 3nd develop the foot. Interfering prevented. tt notko. (new the 17th duy ot Mar. ma. Muzzle B. “Want. Watortoo; Lawn M. Rm“. Bt Mum: )trxenmtoot Seed Time GINGRII‘H. trropuetom of th- Walnut» . an“! M AKKII’. um anvil, you with the moat roll-No farm tnd who not d . I†Tn ban on In. chaps-a Also. (all “no 0' the ow ttour and and km ',nNflu't bond. Ilium. Valance-m! For. In an: bundled exclu- ar h and w. odgrun ond ml fed. Paw-“run: t W INh.Bibh1‘o Unu- la won the 'aaiCaOitratiurtme.o would“ Buck Food In known loo-Id the - . ,,A,..A__‘ --a--- u..- l-lt In uln'nun-owvn rm - -...... _..___. v“ “that mun-Mot mm. In: to I hand. not an. IN Hill at Myâ€! Ila-non! and. cum-d. rolled that. bet-all union-mu.- and nI‘I'Au. Prompt Delivery to nil put. or the Twin-Clvy. Eton In Dlvrn'r Bumm, En 81., 'Ftraec, 'leeiiai1,tfits1 nun-u: " "IF: Yuri-Mn 'rttdtt'st'"? I. M â€:3an L- III, 'm'" All tatt-ttt WANTED. .‘M Fiirii 'i' V810 I TAIlVOIB'me' hum. ---" Harvest SHALL NOT FAIL. Great Redaction Wellesloy. TO THE - $9)â€. A th Thoman, Civic Hellm- I You“!!! Sula. For an. AN D-- mun - BERLIN . Pinon-296 it's-Ii." on. 'ti'ie2iif7tii5 "aa -""-rditaa. CA.- gogmtzt -mllm rarstt.rtupat'.ea'ge 2di??dfivht?t22d'."g amt-:3 teiiikiiiittisi,tggttr-t"t Mam-11 L' gag-W tttt I. Q.“ a it, Gint mum.» In cub-u. than. awn. In“ Janka“ In an. fiit."rdt'P2r . -., cooking In". . this. In.“ 'dtt,2tttt chain. ur- awn. u I huh I “L Jlttrftgtn'litt - m“! - Fitit,l'.llli"i'ip,?,'liblt'?.ft' hawk-um} ii,i,it2'y'i'4, mm SW.' 'ttr...., huh t "u" "u " . 'suett'gt . Inn" J2.u'n loo-I. In“. clan rm. cum-mu. no. tun-J m mum bo- d, M tt-esh. thI tool: In]. 'ti',??;'?',?!!??,'?:':.??.?',',',?,),?,'?, “I.“ M u , M ' bled no. “I. can!“ “an: "heeetes new“! tatung,etufey n.-- ._... MI- - II-Il-w â€-wiiw 'rigtgMB-ail nun d on) and “at our over that mount " man'- and". an armed Jam non-u " otrrtrre-h In)": cum 'd", M " P l run at. 1mm. " . a an Anemone". Can P.'AITII}I-m Notlce to Gredltors. In the Matter of the [date of Andrew Dmrboolwr, Late of the Town " of Wooluieh, m the County 0/ Wa'erloo, Gentleman. Decca ed. O'I‘ICE u bomb! You pun-Inn! to '50 " N riled munm 30mm». Int. che 18, use. " that mailman nld 'tPPT'."", luv- ma dum- “an a. .qtatat m above ‘nune1 And cw Datebook-t. who and on at tho!“ the nu: any 04 lurch. III. no main! wandbypou. [an antenna “he mum nationhood. irdmqot up thou-almond “an m an: and (comment of the . M (hound. on on before the mt. an) of July A. U. m their ('hrlnhn and Burn-Incl. can“. "I «any anmmml an.†While! hell claim. and no maul lllt‘ of the W M 7.11:. of the swarm- (go-M b held show. And brunt me not that we [anod- I-wrm than-ulna! Hiawatha“ to durum: we can. of would dun-1d um no the â€run endtlotl memo bail. to tre, only In the chin- of which w. nun than "a Ind mum. And a m we Britt an. be to- 11'r'/ff, 'gi,etitgttt,'S"rttit w 'tr ., t I.“ ", II! t In I" - A. _L_- -.. - nan mull“: WWW" , gtim â€1092‘ ....or.... B-ttetd In“ Auction Sale new m m. nln unnu- P" mm, m“... - ...., ----_'e _ venom ut who" claim we ml not “an have had "the. bum tho Bod any at June um. .A.... W'rJ.'..ThrAmni . 'P-k- "'""%iiCNriKiigEia kT imam 1'qu f,'l'd'htllS'lccll'tl) Krbvuh P, Notlce to Creditors In tho Itntter of the Emu of Simon Snider. Idle of Ur. Town If Water loo, In the Carmly 11f Waterloo, Druggil, Durand. O’HCE In harsh, Inn. tttmuutt m the " N vised smmu “Mr-ran MEV, Chlphl‘ Us, . Mt ion, st), that " and“. N and other P6etsm" mvi chum luv-Ind. the mrtgbiqt of the M an†81mm“. win Mud mar about. a. w " qt. ., I Peep, 99'2'1'9313 ““2 "3:5"? Irv",', ra‘wwm "ES: C ,0 C T " ll! a! 'l,th',"4 out." sxm.e.sstysetr8 AtetMUef an..." "' u. ...-...-._-_ M -_e__ W, Wm gum-I1! drama-993! an? in“: Liiiie) y.Stt seiEeetr,r.,sse l Trr.'itg'NttttlutttPJ& DOMING oll)Ll"J,,l,),ll,l,,,l] ' ce cn I g ‘ . ' [fit, I -- I IE, ra " 'dt), u g FR L' , ml I091 Rims“ and W trrtttorttr--O (In omybrbsmsM. (M MM) (I III - u dd‘yde'S-‘E‘P‘Emwï¬ri ‘m .r_eee---e"'"" T‘of; ‘n‘"HWa‘.W’Mr'~"-m I'lh uh “(Mm ""'""""' -roto, - dewmmhm 'rgt":'Jmdfl'l'.".l 'Wm-~h' man-(your... 'or_bqrf---r-+.. onrrieom.Hq 'Ieiez.egt."ttd.'tpatftuNrtupat t'rgrf'L unmmmhm'h-“HJ-w! can“ In _ _ -A IC=LLGW=L2-a.a.------h-i-" "n-ta-It-ers-M...- _"-'-f'wlwwVâ€"'â€"Vâ€""wvvvwâ€"â€"â€"'â€"-â€"â€" _,, aqaoiA.errdftet "tur-r-iii-ei-q-ry-yr-t “fl â€mum-abnmw Min-VI! In. FiiteiuhTpaNJrgt't,ht,r, 'gttt,tggtrtttttu't1NtWk" . Gh'l'hwhu"GWG " hir- mun-wot cud-bikinis. 'e.TeNa't.=N Igtt."rf. IMIIM-l‘byw a... “hail-Mutiny“ MM " "ieuu,h-19t.eett8Byffrrye1rt Y 'EergieiPdtg'ghttttrdlT.tt2'ltN'ti Inn-II .n-nm’. "ti---..--. Et'iiiEiiiftWiiEtii?ii' - -ttiitt5StittAiiti! 'tttities'.'.', aflfï¬ï¬ï¬aeï¬ -. - - . " m - I human“ Iâ€. Ont I) Yur- oil-eon- II Toronto. on. . Y. EGAN, Specialist, 1'lylil,itgg,"d." I , MIGUEL“. iiiiie l tli?!'???.,?!,'-',??,??,'??.!." an: S,,t,'t'd'gftNt'Pa 0* . gnu rfi'lir5sti5,iFily'i,yie'i'i'iirr", ',?.?,1,ii.1eh', wï¬ï¬â€˜aï¬oâ€"zm: iiitFii'ii 'a uu.azmgr&m=§_=j I ffilWrltlii, ---ttp.--. iiiii)llgtiIi1i Wm P.0.. 0m. OII DATII .ILOW. -' l.ij)ii%iEi!' 2.. Etii,igtl I Cr.'icr, iiiiiitE%iiiiiggigi. v. i!'tiitittp:iiiirir,tirt; 't"43t3'tr11AkCA 1Wl 1UK'd u- I- 'iiiiiiiiiiiieii', For Sale or to Rent. ï¬lï¬â€™ï¬ï¬iï¬-‘Eâ€˜ï¬ mum r$%am_‘§§3 u,,,,.,',,', Old Stand, For Sale or to Lot. “I luau-n.- - -e.M."e""- - E the “I M unu- and all lull-I iiraiiiia2ift2tfr. um. rum-ad!" MILEAIP; M~ Farm for Sale. “but“ um III III M I Witt-t O and I. “and. I. Tllrar't"iG"t"GiuGahhuittyee It tfihhi'MS ‘I‘humtvudl d Idl- ii%iii77iiihthhihttt.ee u It..." can. (an M if“ tttCt ‘h 'iuTGu"'a%Tttuaaae1t..ty tq 1mm nu. unite.†THlumodoflénMnbM-tmm t'k'rrGra;irFiiiriiGir9e.eeetp, 'uAG',GiTGiFiiijiie.eutf. lung-JIM! __-_-u---.- u... (Lu- and id -.-atp--- â€III-III“ Mum. mm M “I. -riarJtmeg6tAq9 “a. - 'rtatmaturxr, Wm can. up. ottiitatas u m tte - land. "tt “I. M "I: m“' " .rr = TM W tmea 1fatl "m ml". of - I. 'iriiiEei.rftSN'stl - "at: - 'turi-.,'. chum-own- lid-B . _,_ n... -..I Lc-a-o-trut {wine-l 'k', ,lisopt,tt,tkttte'l; um.“ noyusim: 33-32.: WWW-W'- M-...-'."'-"-"" 'ij,'Ei'i?iiTiiriitiiiiii7iii “gm“u' Thu-tun!“ what-Inma- lid-B condition. 'tirieiii.rc.Eadthtth-Wo All}. (tn-Inn on I): you“. I: I! sm"-t,_tmpqertptf lelnd Inn-m Birth. “WM his . “we! “launch-“lib is"rGGsnaTitrrooeeot?f tm.. Oa II ll't'iloT"tu1'CGGiWFkirhtatel - on 1.ait,ePRfit9t','tf, mild-Ind und- bm. water. Bi _ In“. hi but! irirtt0EitrEtigjt!e,tteSetg'S NW 'llA'l,vaTrGarGitTiruaietrP'""o IONATZ muwmlnb IL“ -. no. at " Farm for Sale. 375137 Fa: Cial. __ r HATnluhlour-m at I. mt. Buchar- M nut new Mt tt an. 'stt"tr'f,'l, flt"t2%t 'g".""",'?', W.» q I I can In lieu]- mn. hm. ttlt/l Into-I “:th In won-owl“ with had sad so" "tor-ad lain . pm «but m d valuation. Puurguudmuwlyw m m Farm for Sale in Woolwloh. 13ml? """i-urr 'el2e. no ACRES part at lot M (LC 15."! View! His of Grand River. on and - on We: M ntmn-ndDon ummm m.snod fume bun with “on (mutual. m In nndcrneull‘ sum! and with rt {an and our] on“ “dorm-h. Arto I tt ml wt h wind mm tmail orchard. About no mum cum" Hon um " and†Ind t w. In ttgtg/Mt',,',',',':'; 2rptg"" Inch. Fm II orgirtirmlaeut tt 3: mo. Korhw chn\'. has. Ilouso For SCIO- Farm for Sale. 's" " up! ALI. â€in!!!“ 'i!iifi'lt3ihit 'GK-a- any: smnm 'iiiAGii Tariiiii' an Wat-MI.“ “Id-had.“- a i . F.. v " i',cieii':'iii"ii?E,r.tiliitis . .,.». _'i.iij)l4lll " m‘odhm‘kllmv . . v' " if?†_10-'-its-tttamdt",iir . . f or W.†"-Nbliti-"t.gtt,he - " 5' *, l W t0-'-r-eom,-uttet,t"giw . -.- ," 10-'-ol-hHa-irrii,63.hr . . m N.rho-roft-ro--bebtte.; Not Wyn-Ha nuuitr,tmtbm"rrtoe. We 9. kn shawl-mung. bold: whdnpnduhr.nl 1. eoersruaiem Ind your an“. Ye', - - sunmlnmyuhapu. iie.rliili'),i?ltte'tjFiik'ihiri't'.t,tii - suit you. 8a“! Mill‘s..lh, ’50.. 01.“. OLI. " 1'» C.‘ (u6k8tL0tj.tttkstr. oarasoeae,esotweatseireseoatri.rsower-r-t_. Anth-.titohuto,ti-ttues-e. l . We show a full line of Implant“: and other fun “tic. nah u:- Which Hat Is Best? --sapoousm.- “MIMI-chm- Evorythlng for the Farmer. Fine Goode st Close Price-~ We bid you welcome to examine nll our were: end if you don't lee what you went, "ask for it." Open every day. We Gasman everything we eelL 'Fantahe Imam...†_ i - t,,tgdtl(Ntlll'llllillislCf4 I" A nririi' WWI-d Want. 'ii;iMiii'2.! tull this. e',Lt'2stgt I‘D“. cull-stills."- “I“! P. E. Shantz, V. F. Nintpet, - Macklin a Sens. IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM Farmers' Supply House, BERLIN, . 0N1: (No. 5 IDEAL MOWER.) Warning. M- WI]: ai---! #:9161093 a; SHAETZ interline; mun own the lam, PM St, Bert a. N. 3..er - Bil-FANG, Sept-non, (kind-m Shovels, Forks. Seeds“ all kinaJ1idrurs,ri-ofture. Wholly-now; I specialty. Plow, an; Plow. S. T. Cultivate" and Seed Drilln. Beet calcium Ttkiiip Saved,- Binders, Kauai And Steel Rakes. Buggies, Hann- of' " kinds, Combination Shah Rub, Chum nod Cronin [All “In; urn We alt? all Wager-93 3831.1". AG“ IX?,