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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Jun 1902, p. 6

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"ttttttret-re' Whrwnl-mu “dmumopmuauun- innuenutyamm hunt-pom" “VI-lo.“ ll. mum-u lath-oust Mlb-a-soo-tho-tso. ' Mun-“I..- 'mdbo - h _ m-Wtullhpur- ”whom-deduction.” h Comment no: “not." humnmm yuan-«M‘â€" 'u-th-ofthe “an. qt..vhumunnnqoth-nb- .K bmmght baton the at)“ of 'a-otiaottttemmaionoo. -iuthesttantionotth.ditam, no a afumoondeeidsd, l'lN.e't'fg"egrt,',,t"lruht,tt a“. Mtn, of the than resolution. in 'toe'htugoogt"'r,'eri. ubyunnonueu Bu 01M Wit-light unending“ thatdidnot 9";- ueiee1 @993“?! thtde , 'th w " nun-i}, um- um- nnd would” not . n deeidrd “can“ of opinion 'll'l'lt;A' then MD. A than; "etitm. oonpth' die 1rtea from both Ontario 'lh'l"lu't'.t the]: did not believe that the bud -thodtorthedeteneeotthe empin In in voting money for umuncnto. bet rather tn the development of our mums here. This wu the ytincipd In. of cleavage, for upon the quanta. " upholding permnenee of the en- the delegates were nbsolute united. V _ IMPERIAL DEFENSE. The noolutlon n panned wu c1171.! tr a null majority. 40 in favor And Iinnlt. Tour tmendmenta that was Fhto the meeting were all voted down. - The nonhuman has brought to t do“ Rhortly mar 6 oViock last evening, m pining other resolutions in (“at " . mm: copyright, of tUNubsidiw of glt.tt nilwnyl, ot the 't 2i,11,It ' . ytitwBr fomP.u.uo,y,, PS -"torit 0 (Ivan to the Ndeltock. June 7.-The follow- " we the delegates Ippuiutr " to represent the Hamilton Con- Iuene. " tho General Comercnce (the .strieta snd not the addresses ot the hymn are given) I-- I---C. A. Burn, Hunilton; H. P. Moore, Guelph; W. J. Robertson, st. “Murine-g John Mann. Brntlord; Jo. uph Gibson, lngersnll: T. Hilliard, Cult; a J. Donncny, Simme; J. S. Deacon, Milton; John Ellis, Simcoe; W. B. Ilo. --r.-ho"hmrt-" ' . h: S, w. . , unhnkoyxxc , ..,, , o,tee:We",t in; W. Gilroy, Mon t Forest' & P. has", Elmilton; Dr. Mills, duelph; Geo. Allen, Milton; R. A. Harrison. Wet. lind; H. Inmo, Palmerston; W. Meatb- hon, St. Cnihuines; Dr. Williams, Wm:- tom R. B. Schen, Brantford; J. B. Grab “a, Ramilton. Reserves-W. J. Mor. re Hamilton; C. W. Kelly, Guelph, “A Atkinson. linmiltnn. Mimater.-Reetr. T. A. Moore, Humil- bl; Dr. Ron. Walkerton: William Eat “well, Mount Fermi; J. H. linelwood, 'tretfthe DomirtimstoCoettHtntte theCmt.-- MutionofthedesoandoCoob-ence. f A),',; A. lair, ghvan‘eu; Dr. Handcr- . Inn-on. no e. ',t.MU.',' Ion; P. A. a. awn...» J. M. .'u,t,'Tal,"r."t II I. . . ll P. . Slider, but. . _ A ' MLW; it 119-7.. Btt',1,' Dr. WIllIckI. mm; Dr. ,M! Dt. 'rr. Wye, Ryo. Me. um memos, Wind-a. _ ' Mint Lev-Ion Conference. _ M;W,L'BIW,W003 P,utt",2g."utuu': an!" ' 'n,,,,,',":"';)'.','; mum-panama. . 1.11mi!“ . -ee-oa'rr"s'so_0- his IEP. W. P. WT' ",ON, Hnmllton. President Hui. A _ V on Conference. DELEGATES ELECT Eu. Conference Rune-ento- (he Geller-l Conlereue. A KIN. 3m u and, Inform-um may There were 141 registered doles-u “can!” representing 68 Boards cl ade, sad the can create, from “I standpoint not only of nttemianee, N born the tFaint of view of the tre wee of t e subject: di-cuued . do ttd upon, is to be considered a both port-m. and oucculful. It u though that this Dominion conference will now it made u mud "nir. The err-n.0- mu undo by the Toronto Bond cl Trude were of the most complete all mini-cu", nature, sad it wu all. knowledgmem. at the nbllity m which the Toronto Bond of - bad curled through the con!"- ence that the Cumin] of the Totem Board w“ naked by the convention to further we that the renolulionl are tied were pincer] In the proper kinds. London June 9.~Hanry Wt, like Henry V. um Minoan, went to St. Fun“ in an. to ob in thunk- for the good fortune of hi. victorious um, And the Meaning ot peace. The Quota "I with him, all may thou-and- of people tinU the route traversed by their Majestien from Buckingham Pulses. Tho crowd in. way drougd, ordgrly And {nuptial fa! dherent from the 'anb which paraded the sun. thoroughinru lut loudly night. The scene was on impresnin on. and in s way unprecedented Ordina- ily the streets of eentrsl London no deserted on Sunday morning, old m police Authorities did not utidpsu that than would in" boon such "or n- to so. the royal procession your- dny. Fortunately. however, no notions accident is reported. Ling Edward looked remarkably well in s ield Marsh-Fl unilorm, but the Queen, who certainly seems to possess the secret oi perpetual youth, was nth. " pale. The, were met st Tompk Bar by the Iatrd Msyor, with the tra. dmonnl presentation of the civic sword. and by the clergy and choir at the west door of the cnthldml, with "Onward, Christin sonic"? u the procusionsi hymn. hm m . Mt group of Princes and MW in he oak chsirn under the dome, and behind them were, Court functionarir_, foreign Ambassa- dors, Cshmet Ministers, numbers ot Parliament and ”pres-natives of the COIOlIleI. The service lasted a hour, the sermon b, the Bishop of London be ing closely timed for twslvo minutes. The music was - “pm-A- tTiuiiiGGiG "71???” In?“ - ' ion- tineas, the hymn - - john. la the owl-shim! hymn Among those prone“ were hall . down Boers. who arrived here u wick :30. They left England on th, outbreak of the wit, bat have now returned, with the intention of "tum!“ buliml u the London mmrnutives of certain south Aidan lndmtriel. Their Ippll- ution for admin to take part in tho service. " tho English national cathod- rat wu readily granted by the mulber- “in. The King Ind Queen will hold Court on may in BuekingUm Pllnce, Ind at. tend the Aldenhot review and the Ascot new In me- as. following week. Their the, soul! can throughout he But kT,f, m wethsitrh our chums. "he. nil Prince-I a! 1f1ht,gt': no et,?". ch India; arm In I , In equn y oo- n HI. N021)". tier-a bean Io may ”gun basqetn Ind "tter"""'""" Wttgted hr the .eMow. Pr",",',,',' Janeen-J1me rhlwkom aster; I 42mm, icin. I 12d r shops tf out. tec.,"".',', were dis- tr . Seven] person: var. rw, . oop- Although Humilmn deletion! "ad 850,n00 bonus br-law, the Death; Hun-star Company ot Chicago la knegotintirg with tut eity, and it is “(outlier mantle the Company will locate there without the bonus. THESE BLESSINGS LIE "CUMD WMEN YOU Trim TI! Tu! "BY, I!“ All IMII maul. " Breakfast hd l 2ttgtt2g%it'gtTatt Ll 's.',',',',:,',':',,'.'"",'; In. In m. n mm THE KING AT M'. PAUL’S Ease, comfort and Health. Chin-n A. . A... not." Pill-[lulu Shop; IN TB! troy WEATBI‘ ‘I 01mm to 1mm mgr-mummy. a. a.tgtiq- ,r--atre-tiu'dtiiiat,' ii-trt". V iii2TLTriiariraiG"a7if but» T b-,,ru-idrd,uehorneith tte, T.eatryatrf, 'ti: 'at':: J.'.":".':'."."::, P,St ' ' 'a'"i'Gr' was: t _ 'll'Nriu"euh'dr",'uVfll"Wit _ 0-0- ',lir'4i't't 2rg't'ttt'h'?,.T2'g ”WWII; . 3., g. w i . m... “on.“ iiriiiiiiTGicii'iL 'riittriii,itire t,eu.tuotie,epieett,tN..tti , m _ ' b In?" Pet A riuhcreee,'t IPf cittfg'tef,i tfg2tdl'g ... E ‘33.]; a... kr, uni-hum weakened through but all by the fer ot Yye .. “-2?! tht tTre-e- cm ". ' I mm of and" “to” tin to: man left m "bu. On lent-[Ab ind kind a... - by. and an the. to id. as II. up going to M t Mr. Occult]. uh nu] the prorsined to nun h Jl' night. Th5 Irq-ati.. In: and . met In in C ed. Throughout Tim- y quirin failed to throw I',',', tigbt on the an din-mum, an m JW, the Much wu I'm-nod. ard betore may bout- hod med the wont w.. known. The and y tt I}. FP" term-no woman wu [03nd In tho wood. about three nib hom - it... The immedia te ”Ham but. - "istahaMe evidence at is in ch one»: of I f-tste “may? put hud- of Nu murderer bad been buried. Around he; throat were the the” thet on of ct nail-v1, uho Ila es, choked to desth. “my m lifted and conveyed to an In. bt tho deceased. and Dr. Peron, I Coroner for the district, was "otitird, u well u Deputy Attoroerit,eml Canon. Shr Utter despatched Sergeant. :cCuthy I'd “other tttBeer to t; tho matter. Tha_ inqu_ost wu.coml‘neneed ly could thy'tompnre In Uni - with the rem-Ins ot Ute you victim, whose elotht I’ll ‘rent, her hit an bitten all. '3. in the iteah on in "In were the Nus marks of, when the ugly 'irsiiGidruat,' bot nothing further thnn what the little girl hid laud about her mother gofytr. toPteet ' an. named Gomelia could be I and. um] the inquest I'll shunned until tMd ultemoon. The eutopey we: made b Dr. Human, who, on {haw "L deuce, Mieged death to no our ed by congestion of the lungs, oocuion- ed by Itnngulntion. The Mger ot at} pieio? pointy to the person with wlou< the deceased was mid to have hnd u appointment, but it is feared that he has since ended his own lite. He he. been the eubject of much eurioeity among the residents. over which he he seemed End, nnnnyed. Yesterday he tbldl nadhedidrotlntznd being men use-In, u he intended to do away with hmlelf. This etetement of hie “lengthened the sumpicion which not heeled his nIme with the tngedy. iii! name u Joseph Gotvwtin. and he it re- puted to he no of the qutMe-t “I. et- of thin "triet. It en proved“: the murdered woman's children this men vat 'thoi' home on last Sun. In igit, t was W t'NIt cu! b I hotelkeepvr of the ttft Gonna! us under the In new! at 'liquor on that (by. It ts now resumed that 00mm: In need the un ortunlte women, through nomn Pram 2: f.e aqaoedahoMssohqroa0M. It‘s-4min”...- Wald“...- noun-u, nun-v..- -V...v .7, __ __ to Tti'saia'"aaikdiiilt from no Itat all an when she coached the bad spot In the woods he attempted to untrue her, and. meeting with an ul- relentln. resist-nee, he “has!“ “I ulcrtumte woman. The Ungody In created . profound sensation through. mtt tho dlatriet. land-m. June Ir.--" _ [a report ed from Pretoria that on “I. on of the peace media. " Verena. Wng, My Is, on: dugout-tn M -doatpah. mum-y “In“ h mi" tori. of pawn. concerned tn an ttxtq+ Iivn Plot. Their progrnmmn was limo-t identical with that or the L'ordna con. spiracy. They were to blow up (ha Gov- ernment building: the Pub" of Junta Ind Lord Kitchener'. residence, and to Ipike " the gun- In ttoruliery har- nckl. The report up an lawyers Ind chemists. Ind Boer uni Dutch prima- en on parole were ttmteertteti. mum, Juno '.-An open mm at the Boer leaders to the burgh“ h which the mm In mutual toi 1orat mm In tho - quo- mthndqmtnndpthctkdon- mt. h In - and - down- an tor that whi- nation. In- yreu M may ht the _ ved. The Uttar - a "owr.-v'Nonr that there ll pence. ind “though u I. not. n peace such " we lowed for, ret let u. did. when God hurled Ill. WI ml with do" eortmrlettees deeiare til 10: two mud n In" yum our people I." earried on the ”Juggle in . [runner at. mo" unknown w history. I". u now [that nah “WI Hindu. tor no“. lurk-h Daron u, . um? f,',', the Fithl and nu] prompt t Ind well». of our people. (mun. “My: all feeling- of bitumen. la '" Inn to hunt And to but" so In. tho it. 'a'lilU"iuiu"WiUi"Cr mayho "ttyi t l med q M owner: I a r. id.“ Burg, for-ir, "ting tuta't'rd l ot t Mal, and Guard 10* _ Mia. A M0,! ',---Afur In in 'tdt'r.te,'lttaM') “Chinatown strum-um the unttfg'2a'.h"gg “Mimi”.- 1'rlTJ."ih"Nh"gWA'Sl' it. mum anew ht,ttlt'uttet thin- 'tqNt ladth ho- 1T='hfuhl'fll It” mvthIIl-vltdu I. 3.109..de Om», “I tfd altyAy Ar, Ate Pe"ee, 9"" " proto were concerned. ,Vlnm '. _.. if I. -========= Ard Pttdek won the Derby. BOER LEADERS LETTER Mr. 'ttlite'.' the I‘ll-MI -- have: od ton. I: dead. qi.qq.ot.ieho..eeee-0. PLOT A? PRETCVRIA ”DID-'M. m In. c--.". N “It... - m1... iliFir. Ham. 1% ot ”Masai-lion- at " “Bdm 01M “hm yuan-maintain“. Lf.EP,iiiigg.".rgig.'tu'"'til-ee, 1ttglr'leaptttr,pl"t a a. "w 'atta,"dl'ft m -.-. uncut-i 73.93.” - kWh-wk} loin. )- lroTEd iriii5"i5hethii at III oCr9. f-tat-rv-l-r-tseo uritiiXm9Fgtrit.fttut...t' mun-n. a an.“ {vii-cud mastbrett. thedteut-ea' vaT-wa'wv'n- ---. _ l no. 7ll'll'f.'Grr."iiiiiiui'iP""'u%hfff.' , _ P.luul.mél&hml. ml It __ . 5 , V" I” Jul. '..-ah. War Olen in minimum-WW 'ethfg,ttSAr'ic a}. oi a. loan h ro-dug low. a! no“ qtrtt I. dbpllyfd -rhaet Yam!” 4.“: muwnumhdupmd‘u' Mi“ nodal {In Fromm "r “Jig“?! “5:" the WV” Go-e'. an .81 guard d an, In. 'M Indium-r- Tim touowirtg tom-nu.- m - .d,rs-Bottra,aess.rrenret. - oi the Boat Wt- Mp'm “no Mud eras.. who kl been daun- ed to roam madam The Boot We: [on o. to meet u noun-Ila All "in": " " head. a? Tax: com m "(an and had tttu'." L",'.' . "lift and midi-{y . Tho but. who 1:. to annular, In uni-Nod, and the Doe! I.“ delivers n Add”. to Ink nun, urging them to Ibu- to a. Ml.- Uh am who in been hand on um wk. Th “In! one" than makes . speech to no - of tho com-and h which to Menu than cl an '."l'lll/l.' Hon 0! Iliuwui Ind ttre ‘1th - I." _ puuzymg. my. if"; Tiiiuri,is] u, m mum ttt'agutt,rci2iA(lATll'ffd, mu tom than “an“. on that hr... A h In reviled I. a. has. uh which the bull - den occur. In III“, luck {Mum til Ike- hn ahead Kb. “and. mud they In. anniv- w surprise that no Anny us In". out to again GU, EWW'B. hood In allow- 2ptcttt, 'd.'tATx and 'pett us t t to tle that mil“ " at '.'ra aud hat they " be enabled to job: their 15min“. - _ _ -GaFk the non via mun-dead to the 3mm unharme- " Buliml. Car Colour. won four Amerkanq who 2‘... hes mafia}! bu: P2311122 kr, neueee "T - _ __ - "de of It. .itered M “a. It mam“ i. that Lor‘ Mit. lc [do tron Pretori- " Job-manhunt M_&£urdny, mpnied by orAt two v‘ heirt.smtrrets4er butthe and an. small; them in in ("or or...» "ct, best of the “(nation- tUh whom. the lo/Ti',',"'?,,'." Q, Bri- 'e.es in inthe rnd towns orgomh 'iTCl,'tllu'Qi,TlT, g: the return of pun were held to-uhy. Lord lumbar “tended I thanksgiving FWtriiGica iris passage. to Diessest tgt,. a hawk, a which 6.006 Id: M were t. su “who id thnkngvin‘ tor the Int-n of my - bu an principal Inn-n of oe%, The run about kil- nun of Maria. The sun IBM " lhntly. “(I the we. was mo" Input- give. Outside of t roped uncle-m foe the troops were gathered many thou- nnd- ot the townspeople and n goodly sprinkling of Boers. whose demennor In melt respectful. The Archbtshnp ot Crpo Tm Mei-ted It the Denice, and IAN: llama. I,,",',',',,?', J'r",,c,l"i',','dl “I; than an ot or prominent fd'. - greeer" The masud bands ttNF, my: supplied the nude (room and people joined In IrtrhT tho hymns wig wonderlnl t!teet.. dngl tho hymn. with wonder'ul and. The ih"ll of “God Rave the King" Ind {will [pling'g 'u.teeyi.omu" clou- ONIOIY or IUIIINDII ed tho "rTia"ia,rCkiuei- the- mounted I duh tnd called for three chem: for may Dav-rd. The rnpcnn Iron everybody" mbkd In the aqua: In immediate Ind "ttrertmhted. 1t"g't'gtg,d'd,'.' burned" in! by a pa uplodo- " Davida. Polio- Co-ublc Sweat ot Bro-ttie in b... "pointed Chief Con-um a ttmitMg NIL 2he Gianna nit-no In Cam-uh .s.b-loaurtrrtAtrt,osdarmsaerqt mm with their can. um um. A - from Utreeht to Btu-uh up me. Mr. fa", in "don-l: b. di-ed and tttmitrt to his bed. M. Santa-Mow. In: yin-clonal it urn-mics! experiment! In England ml VII] "it for New York ht three weeks. Thin-Md.- " Formal, 0.0., "dA-r-sul-wood-tee- m 1mttedtnmrd_"ir. Thw- II moon. ”on” than " 89.. Oak-ril- VII works-Lil I ml. wha- ‘h an! an! a. M coo- nlur Hug taken out. - I. A. “In. a VIM... On... In M a: Inna n. nun-”chain ad s Con-'5 I111.“ I W dull-dual... human-mu Vinnie-nu “Th-o lint-.0“,hu If.“ comma 'Eem.Ma.rrttertmrt-qolth. '2't.tetttlttr2Ptd."tt “on 'ttt"t M Senor B. mm Duh that on ”hm. baht“. n Cl In“ bylaw- t."5iiriimi",t5'i'iiri'i"ii “am lam-nun mmn‘m I...» iiiiaiViiAetiirGruoitii- nun-um“ ”ma-hr“ “if" - ,__-._ " --"". 'tttUi, "a .1 llt * Alt " I. d all i no '_' t,,3.lTtt; Lette t'ltb)lhrE ttyehene'M22et'.' 'eft,qgtiui2hagT = LU '11.}ow In. In all“, up. u- nmet. 2ttt autumn-kilns“. "Min-ttart-a-to-tttr. it-tsm-a-Ae-ou- M luv-Ia"! 1’0““ "2f1'A'gh' t%h'htrslPd"i t,rgrtthft'ette1 him ambid- hitch-mt!“ Itug2tttf, do.) Inna-III» has? tt Wed!» yd that - 7iauTf “and“ -"w- -ee iii inn-n _ - nah.- 1.1“ In“ Don M Am: “mum-- 1h- It... mmwmm.hn any.» from Futon-h. his! “I. momlmthmhec-nldu- "sirtsvery-dutea.rrtset'ht' 1.1M Bonn MM than that "In 700- m; Murd- the con-w nun-d a. M__"°_ I"! “I." GGirAe In for I]... w. an. but put“. "hum oxbt Mutant. not" and the Blight. and flare - The Rem. T. A. loom. puts: ot Zion Tabenuclo. Hamilton. and bro. ttter at It. H. P. Home at an Act- on Free Prat, was mm President ot “a Hammon Contact» " Wood- stock on Tuna] am. ' Win!“ Free Pg-.--" n quick (Impede: ot can. the C. N. R. has not found much ("or with n eerd lain well-known tirm of exporien.‘ There my to more time than the one who no kicking but this peni- culu firm belle" they hue grounds tomau.deridedkieh. They Bar that who“ in - In“ end ellip- ped on [Arch m. jut shout two mortthsauahaMagoint_ [or Port Arthur, he not yet heel de- livered at Port Arthur. This when Mt lot in dattittatlorl on that date was inspected st Win-aim some “In in April M ll new miter: on the rand. Otter impale-h In“. in April ere silo Ilded wuwhere. other: dunking A month on the road, got to Port. Arthur, but com- plain of extreme slowness end in View ot the tart that the C. N. R. announce their reading-u end cap-b- ility to “he who“. to Port Arthur believe they should eertnlnly be wmrsu-treeuhde.oeibAtrfhmttrtto to time, and cumin. to-ktn up“. :06.“ ='dSa' d good In but. to o nob can. 0min” trtedigtttq In gm nun-In ”bl-01m gunman asardotlu'--b_teee"tel discovery - of may tntringnqd-sthtg. mar-dun. mm: II Dr. Wlulo-u’ Phi PM; “loopin- gamut-am nod!- olno; they-um - I“... but the ”all“. d . mini, Mngmwhwmnh m- prfeate mode. for ”at We Ill-y um ttihmtFttlitrtttrNrtt" ”an. of Dr. Will!“ Put m (Turtr'euyttedi""'ire m; "a my not“. It woman. In. John m. cum-Rx. w. T., "or,--""'. WWII-d inn-bun and Tl my I ty In doctor! bill.. «manor! In. Mtiitsted within“!- that Mnt'. llhofnomuyohny tum-ankle. I Med any Mr, M 'band no "he! nullmtbomof Dr. In “and Put an. Thus in: I." out nun-Inn. m 'A"Sl ul- tlg 90.: and lb I um I. mum In» Auttg ammmnnhnm an.“ on Mt Dr. t"l'l'rgt tre','lh'.t'llslLtuttht u.- "te"a=3't"a'lt, fit I wt In. Dani's-chi tttttlt aette. ilGilhel'itiif - ttagt,te,18 In“ 2teteaett a“ ' teat m I: d " I _ "qt-tttq- to - , (gun- m “1.0.... “I!" ll. ELISETED PRESIDENT. BLOW SHIPMENTS m Ell The Mercantile Fire THE MUTUAL SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL . . . . . 8astht-s DEPOSIT WTTH nonunion Gov'r . . _ a” All mwuumool I LaMCN5mRtltFtrt- do - nusual _ nu: mum WALLIS! Sandal-son's was], "o-Bi-et.." my ”may. Humbum’ attei'it.ut.aNegttt'soeef1t :Nt2?lett,rU',tfrl". a "grua Out!- How...- c-Iutluu. “3-qu i. Mal-“mum... ”not “I m. , w “you. ”and In M -- ”Oman... a“ truth“. -- "t-iiaTru%iii= TViaa ai.' Gurrariai% max...“ “2:"- tr.a'st'ii.e'tiiiit "'tt._i0'y'etete_rftr1rtite'.T1tr., 're EEieifei iF/iii 'Ji2hntttit',ift2t if 'ttot.', igitii'iiiiiiii - ihiF'iih, 1:2: :45. - mfim:?n We .. TI 1"llrtllllCitlllllt','ltl In“: and Gull Sync-II. awn-mugmmo-s Ironic] Mutual Phil.“ ”MIMI” 's-Lead-ia, - Millinory, ir':?:':'!',?).':,,':,':?,:?:.',?.!,] -r'ty-qhW.et ”mm. “uh or arm. "A1lttMA" . . . - "mm”. Vi INSURAICE COMPANY. ”I! M far “I. xxooun if“ EFF-"T- in)" ~ oomrar. lu- "rtoe, Infill... GIT. Dominion lift Assurance pun Iii-pie] ' Wm" iGid -iiGGi "f. giggly. mn- dad - m If; Won” nun-rd out than“! walk-ammnum “MILIIIOM iii” " -. W in “I! " his. riii.'i'iiifi?i'. i'l'a'JftSthe - Com-h.“ w in hand tf-ttre o"MadthWfhll',u"lr'l'talt Wohsuhun-io- - In- mw” . . Alta-duals“ In. a! Wm...“ Agog-7195'..- our.“ “manic-huh WARM [MAL hm" q n ”In. --rqttet."_qt- - ”Nth-haiku; "gr.aatth “on fy.tAttt!eteett?.'ero+ - , - "l'l'di'ia - mum “m“ u TI" a! Win-@09- $1.3": Au--. _a. "m W 0-1“ Win. taming. - [1:12:11

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