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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 5 Jun 1902, p. 2

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Chronicle- -.--sr-d-. “in. DAVID mu. W- 2ElERut,atr"" “‘ To mutual:- 1 -e--ooeott*'"ePtt', ”nu.“ I; Tb - " ”unknown-mm u... mum-MID“ IE noun ot the Frau-chi - rit qhetiom am he received throughout the country with utm- uction. The Boss Governmun In: been whim with A good working mnjority. which in south“ 'e ahla in View ot the tact that the Lite eral in the Province had tor over thirty yous previous held the reins ot Government. Any local issues, whether person“ or otherwise, which any have had oliect upon single constituencies had little or no enect upon the generul verdict in the province" The weak- ms and inability of the Opposition to take the responsibility ot the Gov- Ernment benches with my probability ot being able to satislmctorily dis- charge the duties incumbent upon the position, has been generally IW. cepted. In consequence, irrespective of party, it is in accepted tact tint the return ot the Ross Governmnt isa blessing to the province ot 0n- tario as a whole. The confidence at the electorate is , moreover, emits- tically pronounced in the return ot every Minister ot the Government. GG--erer. In the case of North Waterloo the Government candidate was deteated, not so much by the number of votes cast tor his opponent, ttS by the num' her ol Liberal votes which were cot polled, especially in the rural dis- tricta. While we teel confident the best in- terests ot the constituency would have been served bed the Reform candidate been elected, "at we accept the verdict of the majority, and will expect the representative elect to re- present this, one ot the best consti- tuencies in the province ot Ontario. to the best of his ability. There is no doubt that the election Justconcluded was pre-eminently pure and represents the actual verdict ol the people. i WOULD_KILL ALL SEALS. Washington, M-y 29.-The Wnys and Means Committee of the House ordered l favorable report on the bill for a rc- opening of negotiation' relative to the tur seal herds of Alaska, with"a View to the' preservation ot the karma-nu luthnr- hing the killing of the grenicr number of the seals unless the negotiations fur the permanent preservation of the herd are successful. The preamble to the bill re cites that the regulations made in pur- lulnce of the findings ot the Bering Bea tribunal “have utterly failed so to rate and preserve these herds from ndeeent killing and ruinous diminution of life during several years of lulthiul enforcement” al n “A ' ' Americans Desire to Re-open Behring Sea Question. Ianlh‘culruun The bill empowers the President to conclude negotiations with Great Britain for I review of the regulations ln order "to preserve the fur seal industry of Alums for the good of nll mnklnd Ind abate the shomeful order of killing now permitted and conducted." Pending the negotiations the bill authorises n modul vivendl prohibiting the killing of unl- except for nntive food. In the event that the preservation of the herd in not secured It the opening of the pal-gin moon of 1902 nuthonty ll given tol kill ell the mole and female sells on the Pribylott Islturda, wtlh the exec Mon of ten thousand fem-la And one tllouund males. Representative MoClelkn of New York voted against reporting the bill, plying thlt it proposed the killing of - in AL,,M‘L -_ll_ The Colored .lll'l hie-c " Go! Away fro- th. United States. Ch-ttnnoogn. Tenn., May 29,--A poti- tion to the President Ind Congress of the United sums, asking Ill nppmprin-‘ Mort of 86o0po0,000 to "silt negro" to - the United Btatem has been pre- - by the Intern-timid Immigration III Oman-etch] Aminilon, m orgnni- nuc- oi m, in tension here. The with" recite. I long train of nbms to which it in chimed the Negroes no unbiased. n in and that in nun! sethetRat" the negro is denied " “I III political "cognition, “a li- g',',,".'"',',":"'),'.' I!" mam-u, vio- hhi- Th a; qirii- in the not v-tin m '.'tttgt" III - - h M rd. . THE RESULT. - Innis-MAM Wu. (it. In, I.--B&rtrsatd my- tEeiittetydtg,.,tf,il'r. g.( . guano-ploysol‘nu m.m.n-M itC.S6thh icijiiiiii,tMi't,yrr'ig',f,t;'2,' minty otetgtht.,BYerrnmttrItyh “an: ”that, may. Who gap that Haydn ban-HM MM JttE'2ugtfA'rgfidthtJ' ttm nah-“HIM“ m. iiiiiiiEiiiieii,nti'irl" I “III-- .a"--u""' “mu-l m” aa iirpkreittir through 3pm. A SK t no $600,000.01» cum-w- hash!- h iiiiirim, Hm The Consensual won an in! In North anrloo on Timmy Viol Dr. Luther w" clan! out It. L. J. Brennan” “I. when! with“ by the Inge tstatority no result wu ttot 0 to the Lihenh but in "mention: ot tho Conserutives. The Conserntivu piled nlly [use majorities in 1 Waterloo, while the tow, not give the accustomed . port to the Libenl candid I_, --w. nnlh [nun nu - ...--__, There was only one polling division in Berrm--No. T, I. Snider's house in the East ward-that gave a mnjority in favor oi Mr. Breithaupt. Polling dilling divisions Nos. 3 and " gave increased magentius for Dr. kaner while the other polling divisions re mained about the same as at the general election in 1898 and the bye election in 1899. The Liberal Tote in Berlin was the largest ever polled and shows that the cause ot Liberal- ism is gaining ground. The total vote was very large and shows that both parties got out everybody ave-ii- ahle. While the Liberals were in tropes ot reducing the Conservative majority in Berlin, they are pleased to note the increase in the Liberal vote. _ in Waterloo the Liberals, as well in Waterloo the Liberals, as as the Conservatives, receiv great surprise. Almost every was brought out, and while ' generally conceded that g Cor the muority of 140 would be a was beyond the expectation en the most sanguine in the :3 may yv..."_V__., F great surprise. Almost every vote was brought out, and while n was generally conceded that g Con-B- tive muority of 140 would be given, n was beyond the expectation ot m- en the most sanguine in the party that 471 Conservative votes would be polled against MT recorded lot Mr. Breithaupt. In the townships the 11106111 “14;- orities were considerably reduced owing to the tact that a large num- ber of Liberal votes were not record- ed. For instance, three years ago 618 Liberal votes were polled in Woolwich township, while on Thurs- ‘dny only 538 were recorded. In ( Wellesley towaship there were 519 Liberal votes against 620 three years ago. and in Waterloo township 6374 votes atyuistA16 in 1899. In all of these townships the Conservatives seem to have polled every vote avail- able. The majority ot 117 tor Mr. Breithaupt in Wellesley in 1899 in. out down to 8; in Woolwich township " wu'reduced from 375 to MT, 1nd i., mum-inn townshll) trom 119 to 86 .... =MBi.6.. ...-_, number oi votes polled on Thursday as three yen! ngo-2N, but there must have been tour that voted Lib- oral in 1899 who voted Conservative on Thursday as Dr. Lackner's maior- ity was increased horn 35 to 43. There in considereble speculgtion among the leading men at both pert- Ics to account tor the decrease oi the Liberal vote in the townships. The opinion among Liberals in that they lost many votes through the exodus of farmers to the Northwt during' the past two years. Others were undoubtedly canvass" by ov-l- ous Comtim who told them that if they mind for It. Brettheupt ihey would thereby condone the cor- ruption that was alleged to have u- ken place in 1898, end'mmy were in this way persuaded to abstain mge Comerutive Mirtritiem In M. “‘ wuedoo and Sun Liberal matrim- in the Township'- BOTH m this way persuuleu to IDSLIHI from voting. The' comptign throughout the rid- ing wns a comparatively quiet one. both parties conducting a manly and determined tight, with the possible exception oi the local Conservstive organ which threw ita columns open to anything that might in my wny lpreiudice the minds of electors N --.,,,,. 4,_J:.I-o- nu In Elmira there were ictair, township trom The Conseruuvo candidate, Dr'. Leaner. seemed to have codeword to ftght hit and Above bond and in MI meetings throughout. the riding made the beat of A poor am. He he: been “cum-Hy modenw in his statements since norniamttom Dr. Lune: had m nun-orp- ot work- ers who did noble work tor him in (thet camp-In. The Liberal eotdidtuo, Mr. L. J. Brciuuupt, fought I bud ard co.- sistcnt Might a! In- no rev nol to tea! unwed ot the defeat by him at " party In “thrill-g. Non-dune In North Iumloo fl5tf m'“ more WIW‘ from Eimulmu In! It! Mr. W mm min. in WWII. No eamdHate In In! in - ot mm - M I” - “all: “that an M Mr. M hunt “a It an es-eaten I'm-0' iaTi'Ga-u-r"'Eie o; a. Tttte as v.- to a poll-I. It. Hummus vulthvhlf'!‘ s Inga than“! Mr MW" MgMa-n-nl In! 'i'iiiiaiiriiiik-ettt.ret trs-er-tqi-et. " mm‘hrq- _ unserntivu piled up unusu- c mjoritles in Berlin and , while the township- did the unnamed launch nup- Lhe Libenl candidate. WATERLoo's CONSERVATIVE. my ot an votes at only B will” It is: exceeded the the most “uni-w 10d: ls, as well received a the sumo - has. “I em-ri" no pl- icic- ot the musing _ Dr. LriiGridnit.disotiity It. Brennan's nun-ct ot com his catstpaipc Although - h wants the ”diet. " a. - u and mud 1: untitled to “He by it. No l Helm No 2 tKltli No 3 Bchu No 4 P, K No 5 Wiet No 6 Um" No 7 I. SI No 8 Brad No 9 Milk Noi0 M. 1 No II M. F, No Majority for ankuer. . . \VATERLOO. No, No. No. No, No, No, Majority for Lackner . . ELMIRA Elmira... .... r...r.. Majority for Lackner. \VUULWICH No. l Wintechourne . No. 2 Communal . . . . No. 3 Nt Jacobs. . . . .. No. t Above. Elmira. . No. 5 Florudale . . . . . No. (I Heidelberg. . .. No. 7 West Mnnlrosc No. No. No, No, No, Mnjurity f; No. No. No. No, No, No. No. No. No, No, No 10 ll Hevliu, . ... .t$r Waterloo . ' . . Flhuira. . . . . F .. Woolwich T'p Wvllesley rp. “Interim rp. l schnarr'tsurocerr-- 2 Schliemann“: old store. . 3 Hchluirdel's stale .... 4 P, szualfs shop. . . .. 5 Wiegan stale ...rrq 6 Council tJhatuber. . . . s 7 I. Snider‘s House, ...r 8 Budley‘s lurk-r shop 9 Miller's waggnn shop IO M. Ehy’s 5mm . . . . II M. Erlr‘s warm-unlus” 12 J. Kauhnnu's {scurry Twenty minutes Alter the polle closed No. '--Mi1ler's weuon shop- ' was heard lrom, mowing e. 91; ct 19 tor Mr. Breithnupt. which)": cheering news to the Liheueln. i Re- turns come in llowly up to six o'clock when the Berlin and Waterloo "mtioritiea were handed out and some of the returns trom the country' had been received, end try 6:30 Dr. Lackner'te election was ensured. At seven o'clock the streets were crowd- ed with people unions to know the result end when it wee definitely aet- tled that Dr. Lune: hed been elect- his friends made n raid on the broom departments ol the verioue “on: A procession we: lormed end, headed try the 29th. Regiment Band, went to Dr. Lackner‘e residence on Queen St. The victorious militate was carried out ol the house on the shoulders ot hi: lriendl, nd denied- mg cheers were given tor him. He was carried down to the Helper House to the tune of "Bee the Cow i quering Hero Comes" end from th. I belcony ot the hotel be thanked " friend: tor the splendid victory and E ensured them he would endeavor to i any out the promise! lede by him during the eempei‘n. M 6 Majority for Breillmupt 1 New Grrumny 2 mamingdulv. . 3 Bvidgepprt. F . _ I mudiuirihstut.. 5 Township Hall A procession vial than found uni proceeded to Wutuloo which had fur- ni-hed inch n “with and” during no any. The Doctor - ered “other “are“ the: which the mass. m...“ njority RETURNS TRON lBamlnuI-g.... .... 2 St, Clements, . .. 3 Hawkvnville . . . . t (Trusshill .. . .. . 5 Linwood, . . .. . . 6 Wellesley village The mum: had made trump; min tor resolving tin - a the Inga ware-room ot tho - haapt Leather Co., a! - "' per-on: 35th"! MO in but “I mm. or out a In: N thm. mnuvu thrrmgbt" M - m In the It“, in M o'clock an paeut. me a". Iron that, a h Wt'l not led ad in. it. h u o' I in g and: an numb l "ttar-tV L" at N 2tttil Path' . A» (an. A _ LithEAtt AFTER THE BATTLE 'or Brvithartpt, . “mummy TH . for Bwitlmupt wrgLrugasLKY T1 Recapituluion 833.le ESE-:9! - W THE PROVIHCE P, XAJUBI'HK‘ " 87131 781!) T380 76” 1186 78” 51 Pd 61 In " 101 an t71 174 42 49 m SE24) l2 91 131 80:19 76 Mr, 67 101 90 40 to lol tbl 118 a) 104 101 111 .62 1219 519 511 M alloca- " ij,,t?sttk'ft','Ailt.t slad to ion ' m - - tam. “but; 0' silt: q“. ”In!“ "orttr an: an .'egqe& : air an“? "we 3etAttfetfP.'!.e A. .4- 'ttt " mmwn a w I. lush-li- u in! It... A luv “not! a: mad. tt-ulnl in! by nth-lune an" [or it. 00“!- 91 " Ga, no u- h: an. ouch. . h t.% IU m. 1 UI-nh lo... , Canaan- win. mm Boll. h VII n :00! ttqtrt. Tho uumu and - I. will new our tooth: in MI mtGur and Woolvtcll were In u when! with their vow- as thor and to be. Now tor “other tour pm of pio- gnu. This in tin tirat time in the hiator, ot Waterloo that (on: Quantum: no ropmon‘iu "a two may in the Dominion all Provincld Hon-cl. Time [or n chap. t Premier Ron cu no! Coroution. There were 250 votes in Woolwich, Watérloo end Welleeley town-him which had they been polled would1 have snowed us to use our rooster. "He said that the - of the in- creesed nujoritiee in Waterloo In the Arrivel at e score at jockey: tron: Toronto on ,l"t,','i'itrr, evening who voted tor Dr. Lac Ber. A “like in a. menutacturing institution in which {It prominent Liberal is interested in also and to lave turned may votes. For": Idaho evidently wand Results in 1898 and 1888. Below will be found . full “It of the election returns for 1898 and 1899 t-- Polling Subdivision. . Bums. No. 10 No.11 No.u........,....... 103 4C 'eaioritrNruem"r. 415 Wyn-mum Town. Norms’ or Tttrt nom- a}: iC.y.yry.r.'.r. 81 Morita for Lucian. Mr, anA. Maiorh foe Inch)". \Voouncn It, xl' Winurbourno o, . . . . No. a 539W . . .. No. i, Above Miatirts No. 6, not“... .. . No. a. Haida“. ' .. No. T, We» Macao-e M: for 01mm. . . . I tor Briana“. . “0. I. mw-....... - -7 No. I tht. (210mm... Il?. JI' “a..." v.v.___.-.. -"ie No.3.lhwhvnh.... (IMO) No.4. Wm... " “I -r/tEiitgeoroqr..=sW, N Na a. walkway Vit. on m I? for Clement... In ' for Breithautrt.. t Wmnwoo re No.1, Na! My " No. I Bloomingdale I! go, t terggtiia tl t 'l/tt " mm... St In). for Clement. Mat. toe Bunk-09¢ ',ttt,ticsei; WW R', WM ' Wack- N. - my "’ourml" " “In! an“! {or up mung: an the cool “0 - "can" I .1. "In“!!! Irit, - iii iiR'it . " _ l a g, In. a. nu. in m: M. not! w.“ ‘-I u on a, '" a 'e..yly tf. ii"? in" 'ite F't RECAPITU LAT ION “Imam Tr. tt Ind “Oil the 125 113 IN " 86 which Imus in: m so am “5 M6 ll " Know-n. m 32 125 IN 81 a! 121 Ind. " mm m " at" MB 59.5333? M [I in In oii'itd"iioli'kss aossssg'dd', mm" my“; TI @WW runway; New York. Mat "at n adqtHq of u nae-dunno. to t o ivy-Iowa. a. New York Con“ lulu-g. in an... Ir dedded, to mpg“ _h|chHh_ap. hi cumin.“ "dudes in- "For ship an the ”chute an! per-o- or Inn whoiortdte" I bar "Otto, bad- ... or any wall" 4 .ll.. 117 ”1511:. my 29.--The no.“ Acid]: of the HInburg-Amorknn UM arrived thin morning with L322 Imam-ah Iron III-burg. The" wm the. an» ad on death durln‘ tho up... 119 T) ‘19 Int“. AWthhmt when an New M‘ knot Deva-hunt at n. Indus cm In typewritten MI. he ”(an " of m. not only i to sequin was! It mu... but 2 “I: u o-tom Wu- to the emu. d an be" at m trTtewrtter _ " us well an at the telegraph ["111an l so m .0 Wm nu worm is“ -to at M of m -- n " _ cert-luv a - W! upon - calm mo. -. Amnmmxammn." m m u - - no In "can, Ian on M0. 1.0 new.” no TiiiiiFaai--te b“ In S'.tT.e.'tat not a lie - m 're-et _ we: Incl. Met Owing to the coronation. Bit Clark- Rivers. VII-on will not. visit Canal: un- til July. Kent}. D. Freeman of St. John has .. erptrd the all to Bloor Street Baptist Church, Toronto. sir Rom. Bond, Premier of Newfound. land. has ut out foe the coronation. Sir ROM. Bond, J land, has not out sailing vi. Quebec The" oraneeiee Sine delegates It Yemeni/hug deUeted the Tran-valor: in a football mateh. While coupllnt an at Bronte Freder. ick Edwards, . rake-ml on the G. T. R.. mu severely injured 1nd my to! recover. The White 8tar Mad Dominion “an shareholders have Iva-(wed of the Mor. gln‘pfotollll rehtt " to the 'shipping 'iombtfte ? The Gunilla Tubal-r Stun-hip on Transportation Company h: been ll- eorpornud in New June] to will“ the punt: of the Kmpp "I!" but. ,\$In n tee TI-xe National Civk Federatitm at al- dcu'pring lo My about In ttteet 'i'rii'i"ill,i' Jail'. vb; Virrmhlrng the 1 leading stockholders of e runny. b. terested. Seriou- dllmm-a have arisen in m Cape can» on the qetiott cl the tdr/tht of the constitution. Dr. Smart. avorutg I an ruy - Iion. bu ruined. P' _ A hunk! of mhhbt- on the Cundhn Normal n ww .ipeg no out at we, Ind In" "queued a. Degetr-t ot “W " tntrervesi_ the emseuaty2r'nqb.. One meat on {Eh-W dt ntursrdid ”no-nua- took the: Mel-4?. la gr..n. “MOA A mm H“ m DIO'PID '30- TI. HOLL- ”in - g.tasetsuqtoa. ”Ho-nua- took the: "Inna Ill ttitrth Toronto. A an: n“ m- Ctsfg of Dal-ole Btreqt, '30 tee", l: - -- ____" -_‘-.. n m mum .v.-_--v -- Ctsfg of Dal-ole Btreqt, '30 In u b- tt'l'2l in MI speech, entered the poll- booth on [kn-pod road and r and I and bee the mm " n (In, of " nun and. o.. cl the "rdtues" obierfed to hit-"menu” “it 1 mm. and the rmh van that but i"irii%iiutte_c"1e nu nun-d OI l-nlmltl. II n. ma- .ree.t.. " the iatjie,i2e.teg'f,nM.tfTTJ .uwmmwhuvd Wod- pm and. n- 'sqe6t" mu . a-Gad-m-r-tPell.?? Gr;iGGir'iGuiriGiuiiib-u" Mun-Io” bum-ht! "Gait-ia-me-tesp, put uncouth-rm Ila-h“. um Aquortl-I'P‘" an to u m 0‘” M M “A“ “v." 'ggMrdlNu'll"iJrt'l) _ nag-In... 2-1-3433" TELIGIA ru - "III. l V "t - I "'iT.".N ' v! namihcm G-teedthtsr-. .9;” PRICE $15 To 840. t "-,Hi, .5133, . mwwnwumusnmmw A .. Clarke’s Drug Store, Berlin, my -,-ree'r, TI. I. ma may in! “I M 1" TGGrGiiiiuqhuyhetttret t,ito-ftahttro -ttnbr lastest-tlit" Mud. hEADING M EAT MARKET. v'G'ir.k%T"w"iciTFiaUii, tatt - l" g iii'?'4"tt?Jit?ltltiai. . B '1'”??- - - atattB.rt-.P+tR,qs, 1'1?! , _ --- -.,_ __ - 'iiifiiii?S,t an... mam: We but a Print: Room that; tte" 1,tutr,rtat4.th14ygt.tLlLrlto-'--t wand-um“ III-h Igt='dr,f."d - i.- 'esridqyeeetiq"f.t 'r-e-om' d H a In --e "ia-i-e"."" -‘m’”u-u-u-' Fort mum Min PM”, - CM l.‘m~ iiit,ii'iii)ilililli"Lu, inn-Ino- 5' {ii is? goods In titte'd with piled may. ungmwhn _ a d -tt-o-r.oatte_r+ 3' II. Iunmyu. “in“. “rhino-II an. flratr.'rd can; “Indium «In and“ ,rt--tgegr-" nun-“'9‘"- IFYWAIE 3 _ 10mm f, mm“! a uni-uh. a: we... coatettstmtr'torqt "when; Hahn's My Tia. sun-ah.

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