Two Attractive Features of our business. First, the highâ€"grade watch repsiting ; and, second, the very reasonable charges. Our watchâ€" majer bas made a watch. He can The Watch House â€" repair yours King St. Dead Number Seven Hundred. St. Vincent Disaster worse than Reported â€"50,000 Survivors at Martinique. #o The Sun from Port Ca Wucia, dated yeatcrday, says: "The steamer Spheroid h here with St. Vincent advic date. Bhe reports that 700 j known to have perished, an« number is being increased col reports from the sear are out. The configur kain is entirely .c chapels and everythin; the volecano are bu some cases entire Gov. Liewelyn left h« on the warship Indefa steamer Wear has als ply of fresh water. P0 Caies‘ ~ "The steamer Kenneth, which has just arrived here, reports that the crater on Bt. Vincent is again active. It had guieted down yesterday. On Wednesday mn expedition left by boat to the leeâ€" ward, but was driven back by a volcanic eloud, which nearly suffocated the meinâ€" bers. At noon the darkness was like that of midnight, and stones and dust were falling in large quantities. The exâ€" pedition found its way to kKingstown by guess. V HiRk â€" o o ainae ds _ ‘"The steamer Coya encountered falling as Fort de France, lsland of Martinique, May 12.â€"Several stcamers, including the Government vesssel Kubis, started from here yesterday for St. Pierre, ten wiles from this city. â€" The steamers had ®n board & Government delegate, & number of gendarmes, a detachment of regular infantry and | several priests. The vessels also carried a quantity of firewood, petroleum and quicklime for J iss Lol on c use in the cremation of the t the victims of the terrible vole break of Thursday last. _ Larg itiea of disintectants and stocks ing for the refugees were also to St. Pierre. _ ‘The refugees 1 arule, assembled at Le Carbet Pilote, not far from St. Pierr 4s reported over a thousand have died since the jearful s leva poured down Mont Pele gea for miles round was cove the wreckage of the vessels Bt. Pierre at the tunc of the and ashore only a few trees, seaward by the force of the skower, were left standing. New York, May 12.â€"A special cable When nearit met a number filled with ref the smokit from awful awful. _ Only a i ing. _ The repor clock was found i stopped at 7.50, v the statement th cable company ha: On all sides wer corpses, which we scldiers and gend one of the public Not a drop of water was ashore. _ The darknoss cau elcuds of volcanic dust sh town and _ continuous _ s rvmblings added to the hor scene. The fort and centr of the town were rozed to and were replaced hy hbeds c ers. _ The iron grilie work . Government ofiices was alot There was no trace of the str heaps of smoking ashes were on all sides. At the landing place some rvined walls indicatod the the custom house formerly traces of the larger shops seen. In that neishborho« of corpses were found lying of attitudes, showing that Curiously enough the featu dead were generally calm and although in some cases tert and agony were depicted. Gr bcdies were stacked everywh ing that death had stricken | while they were vainly seek from the. fery delucs. . On JANSEN BROS., is a term synonymous with a 1 that is the im m-fl,‘-‘ru the M‘nlfl‘: have a &mu.m worth and the mm-t variaty‘f: om 'g.n Ew HEIJI:ERW the sides were 1 which were 5 and gendarm ++++++ continuous .. suL ded to the horr fort and central were rozed to t] laced hy hbeds of n grilie work g: oflices was alone trace of the stree mneth, wl it reports that she ches 150 miles mt er was procurable ‘ss caused by the ust shrouded the us _ subterranean the horror of the d central quarters :ed to the ground beds of hot cindâ€" work gate of the ‘as alone standing. \the streets. . tug® cs were to be seem walls. were stand: wat the hospital t. with its hands Castries, JRWELLER i d ruins at St. ind the stench â€" streets was quicklime for he bodies of persons &Fe 1 that this nstantly by arties that f the mounâ€" volcanic outâ€" Large quantâ€" ocks of clothâ€" also shipped es had, as a bet and Caz ierre. and it 1 stre Pelee. the disaster cs, all bent the volcanie disappeared. portions of ed up by the d burned or Berlin od hundreds in all kinds the victim® a lightning clothing was rred bodies, domens had ntense heat. tures of the nd reposeful, trible fright Grim piles of where, show» 1 the crowds cking escape )n one _spot t burned and pot where stood. and arrived f1 1d The bis i My â€" "of the Bank of at of which had the r€ "whihen france (% con two tranees ($400,000 in ?-lh and other securities, which '= sent here for safe keeping. ‘The vaul of the Goverr :ent treasury are noW hoh(“dmthhopotznnlm amoumt of money and ether valua deposited by the principal merchants of the city may be saved. ® 4 Kearly four thousand of the ref from the vicinity of the village m Precheur, a suburban village to the north of St. Pierre, were rescued by the Â¥Freuch cruiser Suchet and the cable Drought here The commander of the Suchet statew that crevices and valleys are constantly forming in the northern portion of t: island, where the land is in a state ,..r;..x change. _ Fortunately that part of the country was evacuated im cod time b"m inhabitants, who fled Fort de France. Lava continues to ;u-l;- down the mountainside, a¢ companied by terrifiq thunder and lightâ€" _ Whe Gearth of provisions is beginâ€" Bz be felt throughout the ï¬ud. Num wrous families are oo:‘pk y _ ruined x: even sheiterless, while the means at disposal of the authorities are 3\11‘. unable to eoll.)e with the distress. Comâ€" munication practically cut off from @ll the surrounding islands, except by stray vessels, which are seized upon W{ the inbabitants to flee from Martisique. A. G. Austen, the Manager of the Colonial Bank of Barbados, landed at St. Pierre with a party from the British Royal mail steamer Solent. . He found the bank clock stopped at some minutes before 8 oclock. A horse and buggy «nd a policeman were in a group of dead mt the door. The Solent brought to Bt. Pierre the Colonial Secretary, two eivil doctors, two military officers and Dr. W. E. Aughinbaugh of Washingtom, as well as a corporal and four hospital ordcrlies, three trained nurses and a full field hospital. _ The Barbados Governâ€" ment also sent 700 barrels of provisions, one ton of ice and aâ€"full supply of me: dieina â€" ‘These were useful. but the dead as well 28 & orderlies, thr field hospital ment also se one ton of i only the awful details of the particularly MATâ€" rowing account of the loss of the British steamer Roraima. C. C. Evans of Montâ€" real and John G. Morris of New York are"Wow"at the military hospital of Fere de France. "As 8 bells was struck a frightful ex plosion was heard up the mountain. A cloud of fire, toppling and roaring, swept with lightning speed down the mountain side and over the town and bay, The Roraima was nearly sunk and caught fire at once. I never can forget the horrid, fiery, choking whrilwind which enveloped me," said Mr. Evans. "Mr. Morris and I rushed below. We were not very badly burned, not so bad as most of them. When the fire came we were going to our posts (we are enâ€" gineers), to weigh anchor and get Out. When he came up we found &e ship all afire aft, and rought it forward unâ€" til 3 o‘clock, when the Suchet came to ou;-t rescue. We were then building a raft. "Ben" Benson, the carpenter of the Roraima, said:â€""I was on desk, amidâ€" ships, when I heard an explosion. The captain ordered me to up anchor. I got to the windlass, but when the fire came I went to the forecastle and got my duds. When 1 came out I talked to Mr. Cnst Muggah, Mr. Scott, the first officer and others. They had been on the bridge. The captain was horribly burnâ€" ed. He had ingaled flames and wanted to }mnz into the sea. I tried to make him take a life preserver. The captain, who was undressed, jumped overconrd and hung on to a line for a while. Them he disappeared." London, May 12.â€"King Edward has commanded the Colonial Sccretary, Mr. Chamberlain, to telegraph to the Govâ€" ernor of the Windward Tâ€"lands, Sir Robâ€" ert Liewelyn, his Majosty‘s deep regret at the calamity which has visited the Island of St. Vincent, and his sympathy with the sufferers and the bereaved. The Governor also has becn instructed to spend all the money necessary for their relief. "Profoundly moved by the news of the terrible catastrophe which has just overtaken St. Pierre and which has cost the lives of nearly as many persons as Emperor William has telegraphed to President Loubet, in French, as folâ€" lows :â€" fer France musi sincere sympathy. May the Almighty eomfort the hearts of those who weep for their irreparable losses. _ My Ambassador will remit to your Excellency the sum of 10,000 marks in my behalf as a contribution for the relief of the afflicted." Rome, May 12.â€"The Pope toâ€"day sumâ€" moned the French Ambassador to the Vatican, M. Nisard, and expressed to him his keen sorrow on hearing of the St. Pierre disaster. _ The Pontiff reâ€" quested that he be kept informed regardâ€" ing the details of the volcanic outâ€" break. Washington, May 12.â€"Secretary Hay has received the z)llowing cablegram, dated May 11, from United States Conâ€" sul Ayme, at Guadeloupe, who went to Fort de France, Martinique, by instrucâ€" tions from this Government:â€" ‘‘The Government of France, while exâ€" pressing their thinks for the marks of sympathy which have reached them from America, inform us that Fort de France and the entire Island of Martinique are still threatencd. They therefore request that for the purpose of rescuing the peoâ€" still threatened. They that for the purpose of ple who are in such « threatened with starva ment of the United soon as ssible, the porting tï¬:m from the ple who are in such deadly peril and threatened with starvation, the Governâ€" ment of the United States send, as soon as possible, the means of transâ€" porting lgzm from the stricken island. The Island of St. Vincent and perhngt others in that region are also seriously menaced by the calamity which has takâ€" en so appalling a form in Martinique. "L have directed the departments of the Treasury, of War, and of the Navy to take lllc{ measuresâ€" for the relief of these stricken people as liea within the exceutive discretion, and 1 earnestly commend this case of unexampled disasâ€" ter to the gencrous conmsideration of Congress. For this purpose I recommend that an appropriation of $500,000 be made, to be immediately available." _ rished t Pomnel, I hastem to of C passed a bill appropriating mn;g for the relief of th-p“nrthiq‘. sufferers. Captain Yates Stirling, Comâ€" mandant of the naval station at Sam Juan. Porto FRico, has notificd the Navy ship PouyerQuertier and were ories of the survivors added 1O 1 details of the particularly harâ€" ccount of the loss of the British Roraima. C. C. Evans of Montâ€" John G. Morris of New York ht the military hospital of Fere ick buri f the su station at San otified the Navy ollier Sterling i voluntary comâ€" d army and navy or Martinique as navy © transport sail â€" from the t Martinique ow cretary to the nds, Sir i deep 1 added to NO MAN IS STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH. ‘The great variety of the cures lonned‘synr Pieme‘coolduu-m Discovery is due to its remarkable pmnrtohuldimmolmm and allied organs. . It cures through the mmchdimumin‘lzlnmu which have their origin in a diseased eonditiondol the mh‘::d 'h:fl“-"- organs difm nutrition. “&'e‘k"m, un“meylldmk‘ ness of other organs is cured with the cure of the weak stomach. Mr. Thomas A. Swarts, Box 193 8ubâ€"Station C.. Columbus, Ohio, writes: "I was taken very sick with severe headache, then cramps in the m,.-am'upmwum{ and liver trouble, and ‘ my got weak so enuldurefly-etn‘:d. ‘The more I doctored the worse I got until years passed. I had beâ€" oom:w‘ï¬zofly Imflonl{vflkht&m by the of a c . and T got so thin 1 had m-)‘rï¬w. n‘l:;khx( uu: I could not be cu k n one my m bore said, ‘Take Dr. Pierce‘s Golden ledymleï¬w-cynnd-ske a new man out of rself.‘ The first bottle helped me so I lhou‘rlml would get another, and after I had taken eight bottles I was weighed and found I had {:h:d (mtio-nven (27) tbs. in about six weeks. I have me more hard work in lhe‘gut eleven mouths than I did in two years before, and I am as stout and healthy toâ€"day, I think, as I ever was." Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pelliets cure constipation. Advancing Prices for Grain and Live Stockâ€"The Latest Quotations. Tuesday Evening, May 13. Receipts were light on the street market this morning, only 600 bushels offering. Prices were a little firmer. Oatsâ€"Were higher, selling at 48c to 48}e per bushel for 400 busnels. Burleyâ€"Was steady, 2 loads selling at 55¢ per bushel. _ s 0 _ Hayâ€"Was firmer, 15 loade selling at $12 to $13 per ton for timothy. _ 00 _ _ Strawâ€"Was steady, selling at $8 to $0 per ton for two loads. Ingersoll, May 13.â€"The lnxfnoll che? market oq:)ned toâ€"day with a large attendâ€" ance of both buyers and salesmen. The in the day to see if the prices could not be brought down somewbat. This is always the case now at the frst of the week, and will probably be so untll the prices resume a more normal level. The result this mornâ€" Ing was a drop in the price of export catâ€" tle. They were selling at a decline of about 10c per ewt. The indications were alse that there would be n slight drop in most elasses of cnttle. The drovers were holding out for high prices, but were not so united as the buyers. A fuctor In favor of the buyers was the large offerings. There were ll:{lnmls of cattle o.ered, and they includâ€" ed 2,120 eattle, 120 sheep aud lambs, 316 hogs and 84 calves. The trade in sheep and lambs was fair, there being only mldounf ofterings and the demand being quite g t Everything was sold out early. llog.z vanced %c‘rer cwt on light offerings good demand. POG BEMMTUH O Sscc ul alll 2004 . ~ Export Cattleâ€"Were in fair demand onl there were large offerin=s.. The quality w mot any different from that_of last woek Chotce exporters sold at $5.70 to $6.25 pe ew: and medium ones at $4 to $5.50 pe ewt. Butchers‘ Cattleâ€"Wore stendy at opening, They sold at $5.@) to $5.85 ewt for plcked lots and $4.50 to $5.50 ewt for cholce ones. Feeders and Stockersâ€"Were nh_‘nd.\'._ “é}wop- Were steady. selling at $4 to $4.00 per cwt for export ewes. Lambsâ€"Woere ensicr, selling at $4.00 to Hogsâ€"Were â€" ewt for cholce lights and fats Chicago, May 13.â€"( Including 200 ‘Texans and feeders, $§215 to £).30; cows, $1.90 to $6; helfers, .$2.30 to $8.:;0; canmrs, $180 to $2.30; buils, $2.50 to $5.05; caives, $2 to §6.35; Texns fed stcers, 33,25 to | $6.23; western steers, hay fed. 5 to $5.80.. Hogsâ€" Rccvi‘mn. 19,000; strong, Se to 10e biguer; mixed and butchers‘, $6.90 to $7.50; wo“ to cholce heavy, $7.25 to $7.40; rough heavy, §6.95 to $7.20; light, $6.75 to $i.10; buik of sales ,$6.05 to £7.25. Shecpâ€"Receipts, 12,000; lhees stendy; lambs steady to 10¢ bigher; good to choice wethers, $5.75 to fs:m: western sheep, $5.25 to $6.30; native ambs, rlll:xed. $5.25 to £6.00; . westerm lambs, :5:.’ to $6.55; Colorado . wooled lambs, $7.10. It Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Chicago New Yc Dulut Minn Milw Detr 8t. . London, May 13.â€"Closeâ€"Whent, on pasâ€" sege rather firmer; maize, on passage, rathâ€" er firmer, Wheat, Enzlish country markets :f yesterday firm. French country markets rm. â€" Parls, _ _ May _ 13 â€"Closeâ€"Wheat, _ tons steady; May 22f, September and Decem ber Kansas Turkey \Wbeat Flout, Ocean .... .... Flour, Sola...:......:: Flour, Pastry ........._ Bran, per ton.......... 19.00 Middlings, per ton.... 21.00 traw, per ton Wood,per cord J. K. SHINN, Rxport Waterloo, May 15 THE MARKET REPORTS. t $4 to $5 pe nd $4 to $4.2 feeders, $2.15 to $1.35;. helfers, .$2.50 to $8.50; 2.90; bulls, $2.50 to $5.65 c Texns fed stcers, $ It, 2 ouls Funeral Director and Embaimer, Lenading Wheat Markets ady Closing previons day. Closing toâ€"day Cash. July. Cash. July WATERLOO MARKETS ork o. May 1 Chieago Live Stock live Cheese Markets. for selH hi British Markets rd mediun ckersâ€"Were steady, sell r ewt for shortâ€"keep feedâ€" 5 per cwt for heavy stockâ€" mer, selling at $7.25 per mes and $7 per cwt for yearlings. Sprinc lam/ of the cures priv attleâ€"Receipts, 3,500, 140 weaterns; active 2 red wint to $6.75; stockers 5; cows, $1.50 to 0; _eanmrs, $150 .65; calves, $2 to , $5.25 _ to $6.25; to $5.80.. Hogsâ€" 78% 210 1.90 A3 G0 TT $6.80 to the per por LIBERAL Mr. L. J. Breithaupt, L rloiieh asintls of uletio 10% S$T. CLEMENTS, in Mattel‘s Hall Thursday, 1Sth M y BAMBEKG, In Kieswetter‘s Hall, Thu sday, 15th May. CONESTOGO, In Schweit er‘s Hall, Friday, 10th May CENTREVILLE In Townehip Hall, Saturday, 17th May. FLORADALE, + in Steddick‘s Hall, Monday, 19th May. ELM!RA, in Eim‘ra Musical Socicty‘s Hall. T + hh May. ‘A Paveulio, eqâ€". i. xt »e4 WEST MONTROSE, 9.00 0.00 in Literary Hall, Tuesday, 20th May. WELLESLEY, ie Otombnveso qoi o. l culture, will address the Wellesley meeting ST JACOBS, in Wideman‘s Hall, Thursday, 22nd May. BLOOMINGDALE, in Hummel‘s Hall, Friday #3rd May WEISSENBERG, in Fischer‘s Hall, Monday, 26th May NEW GERMANY, in Halter‘s Hall, Mooday, 2%th May. All meetings to commence at 7.30 o‘ciock p.m. Mr. Bnithsupt and other epeskers 'fl] be present > t ali the above meo logs. . _ _ â€" Friends of the Conser ative candidate are cordially invit d to be ue-nn! at the meetings; and an opportunity will be offered to Dr.Lackner or speake.s on his behalf to address the meetâ€" ings. 0 Town of Waterioo 48 WARNINC TO THE CITIZENS OF WATERLOO. Tfll Board o( Health of t‘ e Town of Water loo beg to notify the » itizens that the Sani 1 _ loo beg to notify the itizens that the Saniâ€" tary lm%clor. Mr 8. Flynn, will on and after the l5th Day or May, 1902, make a house to house inspection In the meantime rubbish of all ducrlï¬uon must be remov\ d from the yards, lanes, cellars and outhou es and where possib c cromated. and the premises tho ourhly disinâ€" fected. Wells must be cleancd out in readiness for h:focuon. Privies must be <h roughly clean and di~infected. and all nu sanor« d;:g::ious to the Public Health removed or abat 14 MEETINGE in the is terest of Attention is invited to the new Health Act respecting regintr.tion of deaths. It is the uty of the attienaing pbysician to regiaer deaihs with the ocal Rogistra~ before the bod» can be interred or a burial liconse issued; and all persons who officiate at or take part in funera! ceremoni s are guilty of an lllegl act if the interment is made w thout such licens >. . The pr visions f "The Public Mealth Act" respecting the ko [nin%o{ hogs will be strictly enforced. â€" In : 0 caso shall hous be kept except in pens aâ€"venty f et from any house 0 stree‘, with floors free from umndinr wa 5. raid pen: to be regularly cleaned and dislafecto! twice n week during the summe and fale m nth«. . if the interment is made w (thout such licens®. |~"~(~ vivle pictures. and a lot of other articles The on vision« f ‘"The Public Health Act" (â€"wiry bible, pictures, and a lot of other articles respecting the ke pin%o{ hogs will be strictly | 100 cumerous to """""0'- 4 und h: opforecd." In â€" o ces xhall hous be kept excepi | _ TERM®S â€"All sums of $:0 an al er, sesh f in pens aâ€"venty f et from any house 0° atree‘, «ver thar amount 6 months‘ credit on good with floo:s free fiom standing wa o. raid pen: | NOWC®: Of 6 r r cent. off per annum for cash to be regularly cleaned and ditafects ‘ twico a | Dnyments 0 credit amounts, week during the summe and fal m nths. Jos MICKUS, Soromon BowMaN, Pégt hï¬ :3 ‘l 'olnlhgh‘u: Dimm-a- r[n)ust be wiven Auctionscr. Pioprictor. to the onl ealh Officer, Dr. Armi‘age, 7 ; and the Sanitary Inspecter is ins‘rs t 0 t i8 + Wu. Nzxoxrn, Clork pro-otl:ubeinrl;ly':-cr‘mn lnec'eclhnx 'or rul':hln? to | ~~ ~= ol ce comply with the !aw in respect of such notices 19â€"2t By ordor of the Boar» or HxaLtit ‘E“, WOHEN Mlï¬ CHILDREN Waterloo, May 5th, 1902. s _ WANTED. Waterloo Township|a‘ e e ns 1 sn PE in aohseis fooime," ufal bridge same to be 11 in. "outside" tubin«, total length 1950 feet. Tenders may be for tubing, clamps and bolts, etc , and for fuwnlnoï¬ the same and for material and work completed. _ All work to be completed on July 10th, 190: ‘lenders wil: Do reveired a HIM y HsH._ dDLNAL _ riz a Houeshoid Effeate. MEETINGS * >>= Notice to Creditors J. C. Harcur Seoy. N. W.R A In the Matter of the Estate of Simon Snydeâ€", late if ths Town of Waterâ€" lon, in the Comunty of Waterloo, Drvggi +, Dec ased. N(;TICE is horoblevon. pursuant to the Reâ€" vised Statutes of On ario 1807, Chapter 123, S sc ion, 28. that ail oredit rs and other persons having clim«againâ€"t the estaie of the abore mamed Simon Sny dor, who died on or abont & Zindtâ€" ay of March 1902.nre reqn red to »end by post,prensi4,or io d i. ver to s no uuder igned or any u. us the executors of the last wil and teatament of th said decea«=d,01 or b fure the 20th day of Jun®, A. D»140% their Ocristian a1d surnames, ad roses and description, tho tull particulars of their claim«, a statement of accou~t«. and tha natu e of ths securities (if any) held by tho m _ _0 = _ _ (ie hm APCTYIO OO Ahw AND further tike â€" otice that we will imâ€" mediaely after the said last mentioncd date proceed to distribute the estate of the sail ceâ€" ceased amony the partie« entitled thereto, h â€"vâ€" ing regard m'f to the «laims of which we shall then have notice, aad that we wil not be rcâ€" *ponsivic for the assets of the raid estate or a y part thereof so distributed to An;m::-on or m sons ofwhore caim we rhail not hav e notice. ) .te 1t e 1?th day of May, 1902. W M. SNIDER, NERBERT M. BNYDEK, Executers. ALERED H. SNYDER, at 8 o‘clock p. m OTICK i: hereby given that the first find steady employment Ne s Pirvele @rnionay deabel | . © Womeks nos Waterico. on Saturday, May 3ist, 190@, | â€"| E* M emnrer hoi e s i hann "of hok mngmie"***, . |F peeecpstrntnl :ï¬;ï¬'fl".i'.? that the first sitting of Sooea. conclendten io 1907 witl"be held 2t (ns 'w':r"::†nnlllotioo to Famon.l&‘-‘-:" pPUBLIC HEALTH ENDERS WANTED by the Waterloo Town: Address .GKEO. A. TILT Town of Waterioo. TENDERS WANTED. LOUIS KOKHLER, R eve, Waterloo, Ont. Court of Revision. ts AF/ Township Cletk, Blair, Ont J, L. UxBac#, Pros. N. W.B.A Waterloo P.0.. Ont commencing at 1 o‘clock p. m., the following va uhbrwmv viasâ€" Horse n-uuï¬.m unbaonvu‘l buggy, open buggy, cut‘er, pair bob slcighs, three horse : vener, hand gh, hand cart, 7 ucl ungle harness, 2 ho s+ ‘nlanzein § buifkic milk tank, lounge, 2 bureaus, corner cupâ€" d::l!ahuaioodeh. hl leaf tables, table, 2 ug , sink, stand, 2 arm huu.tmkmg:hdn.-nd!n&h: chair, 14 chairs, 2 baby Imeount:.t‘ehurl bedsteads, Wauzer so wing mlp.olu’bgl horse, 3 spinnâ€" lng w , reel, 3 clocks, Queen stove, box -tou.mlnc stoves and !l?u. 2 stove pipe shelves, flour barrel, boiler, 3 fron pots, ’tryh‘ s:n.mbwo}lhtud boxes, 4 new broom«, crocks, 30 lb. spring rcale, 3 gal. can coal oil, gal can, 30 Ihs. goose feathers, stey ladder, 2 wash wrtnfln. large milk can, lard and lard can, iron ketile, 2 tubs, pails, whitewash brushes, snow shovel, -nrlnll:a can, lampe, canned fruit s?dnlotctuhor too numerous to monâ€" tion TERMSâ€"All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount six u onths‘ credit ou;:rvv-d joint notes or 6% per anoum off for payâ€" nent of credit am unts. ‘ Joxas MAaRTIN WENDELL MARTIN ; Executors ‘ Aucaram Mantty) _ _ 19â€"2t F[Yhere will be sold by public auction on the l premises of the undersigne i at 8t Jacobs commenc ng "t. 1 o‘clock p. m. sharp, the following valuable property, viz : _ ___| _ Mn enc Black ho se, 10 years old (if not previously solc); oneâ€"borse wagon, new cariiage, buggy, cutier, oneâ€"horse sleigh, 12 chlolnna harness,. of cloth, duster, lawn mower, mvmm sowâ€" ing machine, 2 aymond uwlni nes, 3 washing machines, wringer, cookinw stove for c al or wood (good as new), 2 parior stoves, box stov . 3 Dobbin drums, new beadroom suite, 2 b deteads with bedding, feher beds, etâ€"., »tretcher, bureau, glass cupboard, sink, 4 tables, 3 stands, 4 rocking chairs, 1 cradle, 14 chairs, io ngo, carpets, ma», "'Ed'“"" scalding ‘xroluh. saueave grinder, press, counter + wle, u?uur tools, butcher‘s scale, wheel barrow, vinegar tnb. soap tub. 2 wash tubs, 2 benches, _4 clocks, boiler, baskets, crocks ketties, dishes. lamps. tinware, mirrors, fruit j_u#.jnn_ql e.fn?od hul',‘ ‘po:c, Gg‘mcn All the men, women and child en who are willing to work in the beet fields cloaning beets during the months of Hay and June «h uld send their names and addresses to the iTA ONTARIO SUGAR CO , Berlin, Ont. Monday, May 19th, 1902, f[‘he partnership herelofâ€"re existing between simon E. Bowman and William Hauck, Lanpers, in the villegs of 8t. Jacob«, County of Waterloo, under the firm name and style of Bowman & Hauck. i« this day dis olved by mutusl consent. William Hauck bas retired from the business . The assets and liabilities of the firm have been a&.umed by Simon E. Bowâ€" man, to whom all debts must be paid. Dated at St. Jacobs, Ontario, the twentyâ€"third day of Ap il, A. D., 1902 Auction Sale Referring to the above I beg to announce that I shall continus the ‘annery business at the o d place, and wish to thank all the old cusâ€" tomers of our former tirm for past support and would respectfully solicit their valued patronâ€" age in the future. 18â€"35 Srmox E, Bownax. For Sale or to Rent. E\R AME HOUSE. 9 rooms, on John Street in the south ward. Hard and soft water and all _modern conveniences. . Reaeonable terms. . For particulars apply to GUS. HAMEL, _ _ For Sale or to Let. '[‘Hltll hundred acres in the Township of Pilkington, lo:s 3, 4 and 8, concession 3. This is one of the best farms cither for stock or gr . n in Ontario. There are twoâ€"ota of buildâ€" mpu-dflhmwwhhmd as one, two or three farms. For par iculars apply to the Farm for Sale. underâ€"igned on the premises, or by letter to JAMES HUNTER, 1909 Alma. P.O.. Ont. Wicnossâ€" Dissolution of Partuership. Imaï¬â€" â€" {SIIOH E. Bowxa® A. B. BrvBackER \ Wircrax Havcx. QGirls Wanted orvess OR .....: Implements, Household Furniture, Eto. 1N Sewing Department a number of girls 19â€" ¢ Uf if Warning. ind inathe Uo4c) 4) NA 24â€" ol MicKUsS, Auctioncer. in the Township of WaterJoo, Ont ter to a CE # 4 a" WiT N ’ d 6 ifl _“\' N { “l , ‘,114‘.‘ ‘ 3 Jite\ C < 8 ‘}':m 2;11“ a LW N € ‘al| ‘ ol \{[ a "} _( We show a full line of Implements and other farm necessities, such as:â€" Everything for the Farmer. "Sign Gold Star Fine Goods at Close Prices. We bid you welcome to examine all our wares and if you don‘t see what you want, "ask for it." Open every day. We Guarantee everything we sell. M en n o oo in d s erioo, U th s n«Tfl-y in a com nt d welling mso. a bank barn, nnr?o‘lw nient outhouses. i~ well snpplied with hard and soft water and is in a frat class state of cultivation, rwmnsmmhutvplreo the proprieâ€" ME _ r1YH AT valuable farm consisting of 183 actes, 1_ Bechtel‘s Tract, n: ar Gâ€"rman Mi ls, three miles south of Heriin, in the Township of Watâ€" Farm for Sale. HE undersigned off re for sale hi< two atory frame house,co ner Young and Queen Sta., Waterloo, containiv« 7 rooms and kitchen, with "'3. modern convenience._Al o three good building lot. on Young t For M.lcru-r ulars apply personally or by letter to __® _ _ #f or on the prow.ises Valuable Property for Sale 1- the Straa .'l "I aut '“.u. Mâ€"M gardening or ether house ; e Nok : s 14 prerighe f , Waterioo - fflmf";é‘ AAmo® Crmssmax on h?&::‘. : k tba m, Jndluon wigro We y Aer *A o3 15 acres is in hard wood On t inorsarie :-Si aep P. E. Shantz, #1â€"t, House For Sale. ImpLement Emporum Farm for Sale. (No. 5 InEar MowER.) Farmers‘ Supply House, W FHHTAIP? PHILIP KRAFFT. Waterloo. ISAAC SNIDER, PROPRIETOR. MANAGER. Opposite the Market, Frederick St, Berlin, German Mill P.0. W ITLDE‘_AN G, Star Clothing House, King St , BERLIN. AND A_ N P No more of it! Come to the Etar Clothing House and get a decent suit for the same price as you paid for your old ones that went in the Rag Bag after one month. You did not get them here. Just try us. Just in, a large stock of readyâ€" toâ€"wear clothing for spring and summer. See our 3 piece youths‘ suits at 3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8 and $9. New hbats every week. All the latest styles New ties, new shirts, Ragtime! Ragtime! etc. ‘AIGreat ‘ Reduction John Hill oN THE BALANCE | _ OF MY BUGGIES YORKSH!RE PICS Aing St., East of Scott, BERLIN, From six and sight weeks up to SOWS one year and upwards, all bred from imported stock in order to make room for a shipâ€" ment of cutters and sleighs. Horse shoeing done so as to give comfort and develnn‘ the feet Interfering prevented, dE . 1e dlcids hib iintulibbsani 3 M We also sell Wagons, Buggies, Harness of all kinds, Combination‘, Stock Rack®, Churn anvd Cresm Separators, _ Grindâ€"stones, Shovels, Forks, Sceds of all kinds, Bicycles,Firepre ol Safes. Wheelbarrows a specialty. . F. Weber, Plows, Gang Plows, S. T. Cultivators and Seed Drills, Scuffiers, Weeders, Sugar Boet Cultivators, Turnip Sowers, Binders, Mowers and Steel Rakes. j; «l (ALL STEKL RAKE ) Wellesliey. A. C. Thoman,