pelndlndinals dndledindiaatodtediedtnatndindls dindeplisdiadls $2,000.00 buys a choicâ€", twostory and basement, brick dwelling on Vicâ€" toria Street, Waterloo. $2,000.00 buys a first class brick dwelling with furnice and bath room on Margaret Ave , Berlin. $1,850.00 buys an up to date, on» ind a half story, brick residence on George St , Waterioo. $1,000 00 buys a lot and good frame dwelling on King 8t , Waterloo. A‘so a number of choice building lots for sale in Waterloo. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Lockie & Raymo, Phone 275 Mr. T. Todd of Galt spent Sunday in town. Mr. John Thompson spent Sunday with Galt frieeds. Mr. B. Urstadt of Hanover is visâ€" it‘ ng at his home here. Mr. D. Schmidt of Toronto is visâ€" iting Waterloo friends. Add to your telephone list, No. 256, Rev. E. A. Schulz. Mr. Geo. Killer is spending several days with Toronto friends. Mr. Wm. Snider was a visitor to Hamilton and Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. ard Mrs. J. F. Morley of Hesâ€" pe‘cer are sperding several days in eQeaQedQeateate efest edQedtoatoate dfeelecGecGeaSeaGeaSeaTeaTeaToaTs devaleateaTnats Mr. ge‘er town Miss Lou Tracey spent Sunday and Monday â€" with friends in St. Cleâ€" ments. Nr. Christ. Fry of Bright was the gre t of Waterloo relatives on Satâ€" uiday. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. D. Damm have leit for Crediton, where Mr. Damm bas boen stationed by the recent conâ€" feren:c. Messrs. Albert and Alex. Miller of Tay.stock spent Sunday in town, the gue t of their cousin, Mr. Edgar EF.scher. Nr. W. W. Swallow of Sherbrooke, Que., is spending a few days in town cn business. Men‘s rubber _ coats upâ€"toâ€"date style, at ing‘s, Waterioo. Nessrs. Fischer and Groff shipped thrce car loads of export cattle from Watcr‘oo and Elmira on Monday. What will the town do this sumâ€" mer without _ a baseball _ team? Somcore will have to make a move. For good shoes, reliable, honestâ€" made shoes of every kird, for men, women and children, try A. Weseloh & Co. Local shoe dealers have decided to close their places of business at 6.30 o‘clock every evening excepting Satâ€" viday. Black _ crepon and _ other figured black dress goods worth 75¢ and $1, now seelling at 50c. Doering‘s, Waâ€" terloo. Guelph Herald: Mr. E. F. Seaâ€" gram of Waterloo is a visitor to the city. He was a guest at the Hard Times bail. Just _ received â€" a line of allâ€"wool black and colored cashmeres, worth 4§c, our price 37} c a yard. Doerâ€" ing‘s, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carthew pleasâ€" antly entertained the Sans Sonci Club at their residence, King street, Friday evening. Hilda _ Elisa, the infant daughter of Mr. ard _ Mrs. Justus Hoffman, died at 4.30 p. m. Wednesday, aged 1 month and 6 days. Real Estate and Insurance Agents, WATERLOO, Oit Mr. C. R. Maier and family have moved. on the old homestead of the Iate F. iL. Scheaermann, Mrs. Maier‘s former home. An immense vamety of black cotâ€" ton hosiery, in plain and ribbed, and extra special value in every line. Try ‘Doering‘s for hosiery. and we n:n be pleased to &- you full disee‘i we for us any or all of them. C1aupnos a8d More Bauus for p o â€"ving furs and woolâ€"ne. Burvz Virzi0L, Heli<bore, Paris Greeu & Sla : shot for sprayâ€" ing fruit urees aud ehrahs. CarB=LIC ACIB, Chle ide Lime The sixâ€"yearâ€"old son of Mr. Henry Ziegler broke his left arm between the wrist and the elbow by falling off a terrace on Sunday. . You Will Need Bandmasteér Walker has moved to the «city . from Waterloo, and has taken ap his on Grange street â€"Guelph W _‘The many Sriends of Mrs. Urstadt, They Are Seasonable avd Copperas [ r diâ€"bitecting e l a*s, ote. Direciione u::ny :M-ulm rega:ding the us of above w be chnu&ly ; iven at _ D: usche Que or more of the below mentioned articles for Local News. Devitt‘s Drug Store, M Waterloo. ey to Loar velvet collar $2.25. Doer Friday evening, ! 2 o npr Hatl + m.fl‘hlbnh the interests of the local lodge. ie ts ts .â€" nnolmy.'s Shoe Store, Mackie‘s Block, tim, Rev. L. H. Wagaer, the newly apâ€" pointed pastor of the Evangelical congregation . will* his introâ€" ductory sermon on next. Miss Clara Smider of the Toronto Jonservatory of Music attended the wrdding of ° Miss Emma Diebel to Mr. H. V. Clemens on Wednesday. 25 dozen black cashmere stockings, plain, sizes 8$, 9, 9J, were 25¢ a pair, now reduced to 2 ’ur for 25¢, or l5¢ a pair. Doering‘s, Waterloo. The © ‘"Best Sarsaparilla‘ . is a spring tonic and blood purifier. Now is the time to take your spring meâ€" dicine. Sold at Devitt‘s drug store, Waterico. Tie attention of our readers is drawn to the adv. of W. H. Becker & Co., Berlin, who carry one of the finest lines of wall paper in the counâ€" ty. It‘s mot often that you..can â€" buy $8.50 and $4 shoes for $2, but Satut day, May 10, is one of the times, at Ziegler‘s Boot Shop, Mackie‘s Block, Berlin. Messrs. J. M. Muir, Geo. Diebel, J. C. Haight, D. Bean, Geo. Moore, and Frank Haight attended the funâ€" eral of the late Robert Jackson at Elmira Friday. Mrs. Urstadt was successfully opâ€" erated upon at the General Hospital on Friday. She rested well during tle night and is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. R.J.M. Webbe and family !et Thursday for St. Thomas, to which place Mr. Webbe was transferâ€" red some time agu as accountant in tke Molsons Bank. Mrs. (Rev.) N. S. Methfessel, who has beer. the guest of her father, Mr. Franklin Good, left Saturday ifor Attercliffe Station, where she . will ‘o n her husband. ‘The Insuranceâ€"Bankers‘ _ baseball team will put in some hard practice this week to get into condition for next Saturday‘s game with St. Jerâ€" ome‘s College, Berlin. First Communion. Are the chifdâ€" cem‘s feet right for this most happy event? Very pretty shoe styles here and every price is right, at Ziegletr‘s Foot Shop, Mackie‘s Block, Berlin. Dr. Bishofi‘s Powders, Red Cheek Pil‘s, Dr. Baumbach‘s Goitre Ointâ€" ment _ apd Pike‘s Centennial Salt theum salve are now on sale at Devâ€" itt‘s drug store, Waterloo. Mr. Fri head of Monday. ped. from cobs. and Miss Fleischhauer of Wellesley, Mr. Reginald _ Morley of Toronto and Mr. Welsch of New Hamburg were among those who attended the Cleâ€" mensâ€"Diebel wedding on Wednesday. My! What a lot of men‘s plow shces we are selling. Right kinds My! What a lot of men‘s plow shces we are selling. Right kinds at right prices makes us the busy shoe store. Ziegler‘s Downâ€"toâ€"Date Boot Shop, Mackie‘s Block, Berlin. Nit. Geo. Hasenflug, proprietor of the City Grocery and China Hall, returned Monday evening from a sevâ€" eral weeks‘ business trip to Winniâ€" peg, Chicago â€" ard other western cities. Eouble width dress goods, 36 to 40 inches wide, in _ small checks, black and white and _ brown and white, worth 25¢ a yard, black lusâ€" tre worth the same money, to clear at lc a yard. Amongst the list of successful stuâ€" dents who received their B. A. at Queen‘s â€" University, Kingston, we notice the name of W. Ramsay. Walâ€" ter lefit for the West Friday last.â€" Plattsville Echo. Mr. Geo. Peppler, who holds a good position with the Metropolitan Street Railway Co., New York city, has obtained leave of absence owing to illâ€"heaith and has returned to his home here to recuperate. The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Veiâ€" del Sunday _ afternoon was largely attended. After a short service at the house the cortege proceeded to Heidelburg for service and interâ€" ment. Rev. Mr. Petschke officiated. The engagement is announced of Miss Edna McLauchlan, Guelph, and Edward F. Seagram, son of J. E. Seagram, Waterloo. Mr. E. F. Seaâ€" gram kas bought Mrs. I. E. Bowâ€" man‘s â€" beautiful _ residence â€"Woodâ€" stock Times. Rev. C. G. Kaitz, late pastor of the Evangelical congregation at New Hamburg, will ccoupy the pulpit of the Evangelical Church at both setâ€" vices on Sunday. The recent conâ€" ference has sent him to Alberta . as missionary. Mr. H. Vincent Clemens and bride returned Monday evening from a most pleasant wedding trip to Lonâ€" don, St. Thomas and Detroit. Mrs. Clemens will be at home at the Commercial Hotel, New Hamburg, after May 12. Dr. Ludiow, dentist, whose card appears in another column, will open rooms in the Central Block, formerâ€" ly occupied by Dr. J. H. Armitage, for the practice of his profession, on Tuesday next. â€" Rev. C. F. Kaatz, late of New Hamburg, delivered two able disâ€" courses in the Evangelical Church on Sunday. Mr. Kaats ï¬m‘ sevâ€" eral weeks with his , Mrs. Kaat:, Albert street, before leaving for Didsbury, Alberta, where he has been stationed. Work has been commenced on the cement sidewalk on Herbert street between John and Union streets. Mrs. Martin, widow of the late 3Jishop â€" Abrabam Martin, who died about three months ago, died at her Franklin Good shipped 139 of export cattle to Montreal y. Three car loads were shipâ€" om here, two from St. Jaâ€" ind two from Breslau. We are pleased to note that David M. Fry of .‘MH successâ€" it Admad dn e en mentth University last week. He has had the h:no of Bechelor of Science conferred upon him. For staples, as grey and white cotâ€" tons, Aannelettes, prints, ginghams, thrtings, cottonades, tickings, and towelings, Doering‘s, Waterloo, take their the lead. Terms cash and produce, and ore price, which is rockâ€"bottom im every case to all. The Beaver bascball team defeated the Shamrocks, better known as the Button Factory team, in an exhibiâ€" tion game of basevall at . Westside Park Saturday afternoon by 10 runs to 8. Batteriesâ€"â€"Engel and Brodie; Czerwinski and Hollinger. Mr. Bollert of Cassel, and his sonâ€" inâ€"law, C. C. Fry of Bright, spent Tuesday forencon in town renewing old _ acquaintances. The former, though four score years of age, is still hale and active and occasionalâ€" ly corresponds for the local press. Mrs. Caroline Veitel, mother of Mr. Wm. Veitel of this town, died at the residence of her sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. Ziegler, King street, on Thiursâ€" day morning, after" an eight days‘ illzess. Deceased had reached the age of 73 years, two months and four cays The many friends of Mr. L. P.: Snyder, formerly manager of the fraders‘ Bank at Elmira and well known in Waterloo, are pleased to learn of his promotion to the imanâ€" agership of the branch of the ngy established Sovereign Bank at St. atharines. Mr. Snyder‘s efficiency makes the change a most deserved one. SEWERAGE BYâ€"LAW CARRIED Guelph, .Ont., May 5.â€"The rateâ€" payers voted toâ€"day on a byâ€"law to set aside $52,000 for the installation of a system of sewerage in this city. The total vote polled was 856. The vote for was 563, and against 293, making a majority in favor of the byâ€"law of 270. . SATURDAY MARKET. Produce was quite plentiful at the weekly Saturday market and the atâ€" tendance _ was good. Fresh garden products, _ such as rhubarb, unions, borse radish, etc., were offered in fa rly large quantities. The price of butter and eggs remained the same as last week, namely, 18¢ for butâ€" ter, ard l1c for eggs. The many friends of Mr. J. Willâ€" iam Fischer, son of Mr. John Fischâ€" er of this town, will be pleased to learn that he has been successful in passing his final examination in meâ€" dicine at the Western University, London, . and is now a fullâ€"fledged doctor. Out of nine subjects Mr. Fis her reseived honors in six subâ€" "ecis, viz., medicine, obstetrics, the.apeutics, gynecology, children and ophthalmology. _ We congratuâ€" late Mr. Fischer upon his good showing. APPOINTED HOUSE SURGEON. A FULLâ€"FLEDGED M. D Dr. J. William Fischer of Waterâ€" loo, who recently graduated in meâ€" dicine from the Western University ir London, has been appointed House Surgeon of _ St. Joseph‘s Hospital, London, duties io begin June ist. This is a responsible position, â€" as nearly one thousand patients pass through _ this institution annually. Mr. Fischer will spend the intervenâ€" ing time _ holidaying at his home here. His â€" many Waterloo friends wish him every success in his chosen xrofession. Prof. G. E. Day, of the Ontario Agricultural College, and Mr. A. P. Weâ€"tervelt, cf the Provincial Live Stcck Association, will accompany Mr. F. W. Hodson and other memâ€" bers of the Dominior Live Stock Asâ€" soiation on a trip through the Northwest and British Columbia, for the purpose of further increasing the interâ€"Provircial _ trade in thoroughâ€" bred stock. The sale of Ontario horses to farmers throughout the Canadian Northwest has been steadâ€" ily growing, and â€" has now reached large proportions. The commissionâ€" ers will study means of further deâ€" veloping this trade. Many of the older residents of Waâ€"| ASSESSMENT AND POPULAâ€" terloo _ will remember Dr. Henry Yeagley who practised his profession TION here in the sixties. News of his * death which took place at his home last Friday at Lancaster, Pa., has . 1. fReully, acsessof, " Teburt ; the assessment roll, showing a to just reached us. He was in his 75th assessment for 1902 of $1,512,475 year. He came to Waterloo from increase of $63,060 over iâ€l" .." Johnstown, Pa., in 1864. He was a population of 3'.“ an M.'“. man of prepossessing appearance and 15 over the ’n'vion.c year striking personality and soon made The chairman of m'm many friends and enjoyed a large Works was authorized to advert and lucrative practice. He resided | . the Contract Record for tent in the house novovnelnndoeu-;: ot'vnlhlor th‘e'rn pied by Mr. Geo. Randall. In 1871 ""“‘““" ke sold out to the late Dr. Wm. P rned Vardon, brother of Dr. Thos. Varâ€" The Council ther wijou © fom O‘ is i6 remertd (6 PAW |WATERLOO‘S ASSESSNMENT. tintil 1876 when he went to Lancasâ€" Soul completed ter, Pa., where he resided until A:'M-nz‘:.h roll Tu:.‘; death. His wife and a number of been a g.atifyi Iu.:fuu in 1 children survive him. ~He and his takable "m.: pror lati good wile celebrated _ their golden | Fyovy wart shows an increase in wedding on Dec. 16 last. bpcmmont Jnt the narth munk Th DR. YEAGLEY DEAD TO IMPROVE HORSE TRADE Accident.â€"Master _ John Spactzel had the misfortune to break his arm im a fall from a wheel last week. He is doing well under Dr. Rice‘s care of New Dundes. . Arbor Day.â€"Arbor Day was celeâ€" brated in our school last Friday in Personalâ€"Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bowman and their two children, Meâ€" Ihlnt.lluu,hflieno\hflw afternoon on an extended visit to reâ€" latives and friends in Michigan. M A NNHEIM have ProgAes> in | Im 1901 .. .. * B.ik»,Sateens, Ladies® Sum:sser Uudâ€"râ€" wear, Gloves, Hosiery, Corse‘s, Paraâ€"ols, Boots and Shoes, Hats and C+pâ€". The Council met Monday evening im the Courcil Chamber. There were present the Mayor in the chair, and Messrs. Bechtel, Diering, Conrad, Letter, Uffelmann ana Ovens. The minutes of the preceding sesâ€" siomns were read and confirmed. A deputation _ from the Finance Committee of the Saengerfest, conâ€" sisting of Messrs, J. B. Hughes, E. Haedke and Chas HFroehlich was heard respecting a grant from the Council for the deceration of the towr at the Saengerfest next Augâ€" vst. The amount asked for _ was $500, which the committee thought ought to be granted in view of the splendid advert.sement the Saengerâ€" fest would be for the town and the g:ut number of people that would attracted here by it. Mr. Tait, representing the Gutta Percha Rubber Co. of Toronto, and Mr. Nicholson, represerting the Canâ€" adian Rubber Co. of Montreal, were heard on the respective merits of their fire hose. Mr. Bechtel, chairman, _ presented the report of the Finance and Printâ€" ing Committee, recommerding . the payment of the following accounts: S. Flynn, salary .. ... .. .....955.00 Fred Meyer, salary ... ... ... ... 25.00 J. Peppler, salary .. ... ... ... 12.00 Wm. Snider, electric light ......163.50 Wm. Snider, charity .. ... ... .90 Ingnatz Freiburger, wood ... 8.00 Geo. C. Peppler, street waterâ€" ing, 9 weeks ... . . ... . 80.00 Geo. C. Hasenflug, indemnity for injury to horse ... ... ...... 10.00 E. Durmel, sewer connections 18.76 E. Durmel, flushing sewers... 38.70 E. Durme!, cement walk ......245.95 John Letter, road list ... ... ...120.56 J. M. Scully, assessing ... ...175.00 The report was adopted and _ the Mayor authorized to isswe his order for the payment of the several acâ€" counts. J. M. Scully, assessor, _ returned the assessment roll, showing a total assessment for 1902 of $1,512,475, an increase of $63,060 over 1901; and a population of 3,649, an increase of 15 over the previous year. The chairman of the Board of Works was authorized to advertise in the Contract Record for tenders for cement walks for the current year. Mr. Scully has completed his task and returned the roll., There has been a g.atifying increase in both taxable property and population. Every ward shows an increase in asâ€" sessment but the north ward has a slight decrease in population. ‘The south va~d now leads in both popuâ€" lation _ aid a~sessment. Following \m the figures: Town Council. ASK FOR $500 GRANT FINANCE REPORT Juefortorfane ofeefnfoofocps fuafanfunfonle chenfonfnfcnfonfunfonfoofenfonde sfanfonfunfne Etore Opposite Zimmermann House, WATERLOO. . +JunJaofaSJunSe: ofenFunJonf on fosfanJanJoofasfaafe: »PueJenfasfuc$e efeofacJenJen§e cfeofecfacfacte Cash and One Price to all. 1 tore opposite Zimmermas Our Store is the P roper Place to buy Shoces DRESS G0098, There is no way of geiting around the fact that "lql"nllho.-hdhkï¬p:i‘m‘fl.mtolh‘ ods w;!l 2.-!-3}0- -_.ohtm'mu ’-;:'non ulhhlz D OUR SALES show very conclusisely to us that our -|n“ha- llcg;‘uh‘ public by giving them Value, Upâ€"to Shoes and Courteous Tretment has not been in vain, and we desire to extend to you our bo.‘lht'h-mï¬u!ynhu:: will g'mdnuhnt 1t will be our aim to keep our assortment of g ods well John Schondelmayer, $228,775 . _ 155 442,325 . 1,025 581,175 _ 1,054 Total Full assortment of every line at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Don‘t forâ€" get our Millinery Department, best and cheapest in the county. Iation J. Uffelmann, Waterloo. The Sewer Committee met Monday eveming to open tenders for the conâ€" struction of a 12â€"inch trunk séwer or Cedar, Peppler and Elgin streets. Two tenders were handed in as folâ€" lows: J. M. Scully, at $1.24 per ft.; Ed. Durmel, at $1.20 per ft. The tender of E. Durmel, being the lowâ€" est, was accepted. 299,900; personal property, $195,â€" 875, taxable income, $16,700; numâ€" ber of dogs, 154. The Fire Committee met Monday evening to consider the purchase of 500 feet of fire hose. Tenders were opened from the Canadian Rubber Company, Montreal, and the Gutta Percha Rubber Company, Toronto. Afterâ€"a lengthy discussion of the matters the chairman was instructed to write to towns where the differâ€" ent brands _ were in use as to their respective merits. FIRE COMMITTEE. A very happy and pleasing event took place near Erbsville at the reâ€" sidence of Mr, Louis Kochler, Reeve of Waterloo Township, on Thursday, May 16 when his eldest daughter, Miss Annie, was united in marriage to Mr. Henry Doerbecker, a rising yo ng farmer of the same place. The interesting ceremony was performed in tle spacious parlor at 11 o‘clock by the Rev. E. A. Schulz of Waterâ€" loo. ‘The bride was a picture of loveliness, gowned in lavender silk, trimmed _ with applique and carried a shower bougquet of roses. Miss Christina Kummer and Miss Mary Koehler, a sister of the bride, made pretty bridesmaids, dressed in pale blue cashmere and _ white organdy amd carrying boquets of carnations. The groom was sunported by Messrs. Hy. Koehler and Ed. Schaefer. Afâ€" ter _ hearty congratulations . the guests numbering about onc hunâ€" dred, sat down to a delicious dejeuâ€" mer after which the yourg people took a drive to Waterloo, while those rema:ning were shown through the large fruit orchards of which Mt. Koehler is the proud owner. The remaining time was pleasantly spent in social intercourse, games, dancing. PRETTY MAY WEDDING SEWER COMMITTEE etc. The bride was the recipient of mary costly and beautiful presents, testifying to the high esteem in which she is held by her many friends. The happy couple will take up residence on the old Doerbecker homestead, near Erbsville. We join their many friends in wishing them many years of wedded bliss. Among those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. John Amos, Williamsâ€" burg; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Reist, Kossuth; Mr. and Mrs. Sam. E. Shantz, Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schneider, Bloomingdale; and Mr. and Mrs. David Shoemaker, Berlin. Personal.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kinsie of Berlin spent Sunday unâ€" der the parental roof. â€"Miss Eliza High of Berlin spent last week with net mother here.â€"Messrs. Milton and Elden Detweiler of Berlin spent Sunâ€" day with their grandmother. â€" Mr. Frank Moyer and Miss L. Detweiler ol Hamilton are visiting friends in he neighborhood. Briefs.â€"Arbor Day was observed at the school on Friday. Our teachâ€" er and pupils were busy improving the groundsâ€"Service was held in T urimice in the neighborhoot . i ho have contracthd acrcage for the sugâ€" u':-l factory are busy getting the ROSEVILLE ie Â¥ P OOA RRRRRRARRRR seRA eeeceaeceeccaccecaeecene ; W. J. Elliott, Principal. | CAAA MR Briefs.â€"A number of the leading Conservatives attended the convenâ€" tion held last Saturday at. Berlin.â€" C. F. Ottman, Peter O. Ottman, M. Schaub and F. Berdux were assistâ€" ants at the barn raising at P. Berâ€" dux‘s, near Waterloo, last Saturday. â€"J. G. Reiner started for Spokane Falls last Wednesday, where he will spend several months visiting at his daughter‘s. â€" The mill buildings are well under course of construction, the roof being made of tin by good me.hanics. Mr. Ratz from Tavistock has the contract.â€"Arbor Day was properly observed at â€" our public schools. After the yards had been cleaned a half holiday was taken in a bush near _ by. â€"The band corcert mext Friday must not be forgotten, as a good man has been engaged for the occasion. Tickets may be obâ€" taired at the drug store. Come and seoure them _ carly.â€"Mr. Drummer, manager of Mr. Reiner‘s tin and hardware department, has moved inâ€" to the house vacated by Mr. Berdux‘ sister.â€"George Forler is the happy father of another little daughter since Saturday last. . Congratulaâ€" tions. Reunion.â€"A. very _ pleasing event took place last Monday evening at the manse on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the wedding day of the Rev. and Mrs. Lochner. i The choir and a number of members of the church:completely surprised them by presenting them _ with a nicely worded address nnd made them the recipients of a very handsome couch as a token of the high esteem and affection they entertained for them. The reverend gentleman responded in a few well chosen remarks and welâ€" comed the guests to take charge of the manse for the evening, which was very pleasantly spent. The inner man was not forgotten as the fair sex very liberally provided for that part. When at midnight the gatherâ€" ing was called to assemble at the table, a sumptuous supper was parâ€" taken of, after which everybody went home rejoicing with the hope that many such festivities may be celeâ€" during their stay with us. 6 @¢qais¢kaesakakakakckaekaad6da anaaadaca d d aaaana a ki Tororto Star: Mr. Whitney mast show a better claim on the Premierâ€" ship than the fact that be has not yet had it. ‘You take no chances when you attend the popular You are sure to get the best business memsel whese graduaite a o in Mromg nel w ui a o in demand as teachers in business colleges, and as stenographers and bookâ€"keepers for prominent business firms. D#~ Write for Catalogue ~WE A rumor that we are out of the Wall Paper business has gained some ground. This is by no means the case, as we are to the front with one of the finest lines of paper hangâ€" ings shewn in the County. MUSHI‘IS and !’ Cotton Qoods| _____ We find our stock of 10¢ papers a little too heavy and will dispose of them in this way:â€" 10c Paper for â€" = To. 10c Paper for â€" â€" 8c. It will pay you to come some distance to see our line. Stratford, Ont. WELLESLEY W 4( BECKER & (30, e Sm abmimbend â€" ob mesinde" d 4C #1 A Centleman‘s Watch . . The Omega watch has won prize after prize at the largest E::ln‘pean oxâ€" positions for their high quality until toâ€"day it stands first in the roll of Swiss watches. Positively one priceâ€" the same to every body. OMEGA W ATCE Watchmaker. Central Block, Opposite Snider‘s Mill, Waterloo. If you have any paper hanging to do be sure to see our line before buying, as we can save you money. New Stock, New Shades, New Designs. WALL PAPER! Waterloo, T‘rue Ring Accurate in time keeping and of quality to insure service for genâ€" erations, such is the almi. J _ LeG@O6, Martin Bros., Wedding Rings. may denote the sound of a bol{htwowi-hto.llyur attention to our They are true in quality, ctylo.l.-hbntl’rhs :h'yntrh‘ywrbdh'iï¬ REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ~Â¥ Â¥ . . The ..