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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 1 May 1902, p. 4

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rm. RiE W IV monaumu.“ PM Ont. Chronic!» Telegraph wow nun-w mm m “m ugh“ -e info-F TO ADVIITISI” laundmnuhluanua-nm In. an M noon. TI- - “I ”In: MM” "erupt M” Thi Exmsrimental Farm- Reporul tor the your 1901 hats been Issued by Wm. Sounders, L. L. D., Director ot the various experimental [Arms in the Dominion. The reports (ram those farm as exceedingly interst- ing IS they include not only the report ot the Central ExperimQul farm at Ottawa, but Also reports trom the oxperimental (arms loam Nauru, N. S., Brandon, Inn. India Head, N. W. T., and Ago-B. DAVID ulna W- "r-et-r-mos"-'"' tttit/tr-trt, 0...... Jtitttt,tN%t ”I. and - " B. C. The value of the information tr obtoinnble from this source is ot u inestimahle interest to those enpged B: in agricultural pursuits, as the a: twieatitie tests and experiments per- B iormed at these stations places li those interested in a position to m engage in form operations at once, t, with n knowledge that might other- h: wise take years to acquire. it is a tl well recognized tact, that the ngri- ts cultural interests of the Lominion a» is the foundation of its national k wealth. Not only is this true ot the h Dominion but also of the Province n of Ontario. The high state of "ri- i: culture in the province ot Ontario a may be estimated by the prizes i, which have been taken by our people r at exhibitions where the competi- e tion has been of the keenest bescrip- 1 tion try breeders ot horses and cattle l representing some oi the best herds I on the continent. It is a well known tact tint there is no more prosperous or enterprising class of l agriculturists in the world than the : farmers of Ontario. The high state ', of agricultural development as‘well as the progressive character of the farmers of this province is largely due to the liberal assistance which has been rendered by the Provincial Government of Ontario for the last quarter of a century. No stone has been left unturned by the Liberal Government of the province not only in obtaining the most advanced intor- mation on all the agricultural ques- tions of the day, but the most tyIr- proved methods of importing such information directly to the farmers have been used. The reports of the o, A. C. the issuing of the bulle- tins periodically and the attention paid to the organization of Farmers) Institutes in every riding in the province goes to show the wise policy or the Government in the promotion ot one of the chief indus- tries ot the province. Nor can the . Government be charged with giving undue attention to the ngriculmresl requirements of the province to the detriment of any other de- putment, but rather its can.L tul attention to this department is a leir sample of its administra- tion in every department of gorerr1- ment. i'iiriiraasavat--_ “UM-labial. PROGRESS OF AGRICUL- TURE. Pal-m Fencing no! a]. “ta-unwound“ AN Gun-liars to M an!" tol helm “Maw-u m m. as.“ but .. 't_-q-rr-tlp" 1!. Vim-CIA. THE ISSUE OF THE CAMPAIGN. out: " H II. b ”‘8 who h on an no. a. u. I not -.. ". M an up: can te" ban the our “1. d h W U a I“ m- .. an pun-I new a on by hy um b that be. h be w.msm.1.. J. WM ed In: with“ lo We all h 1|:th Inn h hat-I. ,tutaer.Breittaas.tdu6oete' men In: e em both; tho-outin- ol a. whole no». u the oom- - people, all Mr. Brrithenpt. be iraoausottureorutsan"u on this question we “no u my other amen. vis., " " comic-a my dicta%. At the umu Kelly on Friday evening Mr. J. A. Salie- hnthouu onthoheedwhel he spoke ot the “mend: that no be ing employed by tho Connervnives in North “turbo, especielly in the country; where the corruption cry will he and to it: tulle“ extent." The Conservetive Men in to mule [ it Appear to the electors u though I they had been cheated out ot a pu- _ liementery repreaenttitio through the mxuption ot tho Lihenll. Lot " look it the taeta. A Conserve- tive had been elected in North Wa- terloo. but vu unseat“ tor bribery himself barely canning personal conviction on the chase. But Mr. Breithnupt was returned by n hemlsome majority, but on mount ot the indiscretion ot some of his lriendl WI: also unsented tor cer- tnin irregularities, ot which he, Mr. Breithnupt, wu personally ignor- ant. In View ot the tact that Mr. Breithsupt wu allowed by both po- litical puties to represent the rid-l in; by acclamation during the last two sessions ot Parliament, it is had to conceive of mything weaker than to now tell an intelligent elec- tor he deserves to be defeated on account ot corruption. Every one knows that Mr. Breithnupt during his term ot ottlce has made an able and inmtoutial reprmrerrtstive, hav- ing the courage of his convictions and is in possession of the happy faculty of keeping in touch with the requirements ot his own constitu- ency as well as the province It large. Mr. Breithtrupt's prospects tor getting a large majority at the polls were never brighter. continues to talk 1 lot of nonsense attttttt having been cheated out of soul tn the byoolectiortn which he legitimately carried, In proof of this wild Assertion he Miers no evi- dence. There are only two bye-elec- tions in which WIN-tampering has been shown to have occurred. One Lot these, West Elgin, has been send- mg since that time a supporter ol Whitney, while the other, North Waterloo, in the succeeding bye-elec- tion, the Conservative party put up r0 candidate. While he is at it why does not the leader ot the Oppose ition explnin how it happens that out oi seven bye-elections which have taken place the put two yea: the (lawman? carried u, tNe of these try mum. There is no opportunity for ballot-stuffing when no polling takes place, but the fail- ure of Mr. Whitney to put up can- didates shows the inherit weakness of his party. EDITORIAL NOTES. An erroneous report has been cir- culated reading the necessity ol applicants for registration taking the oath before the Bond ot Manhood Suffrage Registrars. The announce- ment that A clone was passed at the last session ot the Provincinl Pulinment making it option] with the Registrar whether on qplieant like the oath or not, is not correct. It requires no very great effort of common none to realize that A court conducted in this wny would be en- tirely too loose, and in consequence upon the request ot nny one the oath will have to be taken u and, but perhaps somewhnt abbreviated in (om. It in duirnb" that pnrtles Brantford Expositor: Mr, Whitney in quest of inlonnuwl rm my sub- iect should consult reliable author- ity before forming conclusions by wych to govern their conduct The Conn” Council much in we chi nation Bext My. May I. All to“: led to the In" (Acton m. on Bull-y. " is etrutgmtqd that over 8,000 people visited this plan on the sauna. County mm Blah-on od Ayr m h - My, and ll com- pay with Me. Goo. . not". . at local I." d I. can Props: GEM“... w my“ much as ". M” m Talon van on T " by m Conny Its, at my Commune lot lug“: now IM- :: tlerdt, War”- k, _ t a w- I an an m -, m iViiiiie I" “Manhunt In WW no dun: “it at no Pub-l in: School w w,“ h to: C . o: 1tt'tLg'gt, in. n In I.” his“ Pong-n and no lone-in; Inc.- ton who can t'eat to order, via., lam. J. u. “3?. Be. H, 0. Links“. F. Km, . L. It”. I. Vogt, Dr. J. E. Hon. Ttirc am. (older. and Dr. I. J. Arno”. C. L. You»: In a. only “scum. A “pantie. mm the Bali- fe.,tl an Almanac. counsel ot MI. P. Friedrich, w. has. all M- C. an“, J. [than ad K. lud- lu mo inundated. in own; to the absent: ot tho dull-nu ot the minim: they war. not ”and to 'iGriiiii the Bond with a! 6-!- ‘iniu mum and at“ an s - cm mun; be and " “other has. The rogue-t VII paid. Semis m htttrsiti, Ilz. H. W. Bron and tor . week's [one ot “we in one: that Le my with on the nautical tor Brsttiaaa [notational txrrttb one: amnmi. he uracil: to supply I “1".st “mm“. The re- quart w}: stunted: Miss Berry made Amputation tor the position ot “mm“. tor Mr. H. W. Brown“: room during the mo- del school term. The Board decided to - mu Berry tor tour months during the model school term at I may ol $25 per month. ' Th'e [allowing resolution was pm ed by the Bond: _ _ _ . . "TE-{.5 the Principnl is held lo- aromritiU tor, the Hell being ot thy szhools, he in at liberty " the uni- lonn promotion examination to adopt such mode ot examination in reading, writing and duwing " in his opinion seems beat, provided that such plan be not in opposition to the views of the Inspector. The chairman sure the following report oi the Public School Bond’s "rpreserttatives on the joint com- mittee that is dealing with the Mtut- m Training School question. He ma: Al a Bond they will put up I i building partly to be used tor men- usl training and domestic science, I and partly tor additional branches of l Eduction badly needed in the Berlin , High School system of education. They wish to have the Public end Separate Schools to co-operate with them, so tar as maintemnce ot ssid draining school is concerned, pro- portion ot running expenses to he di- vided according to the number of (losses sent in by the dilerent mhools. The High School Bond wishes this Bond to Appoint 3 com- mittee to approach the Town Coun- ril wiring to lurnish the necessary fund for their building. It was men- tioned that a joint committee would "are e morsl effect upon that body ll it we: decided to co-operate in sing the manunl training system. by the Public and Separate School: n connection with the above High tyhool proposition. A motion was put re-nppointlng ' heirmur Pequegnnt And Dr. H. G, panther on the committee us re- vested by the High School Board, ind liter considerable discussion wss .inslly passed. The Board granted the Teachers‘ Association permission to place con _ tribution boxes in the dinerelt ) schools in order to ' th- whol- r are to contribute their mite to the I silk Children's Hospital in Toronto i they so desire, 1ir%tohert Alexander of Galt was appointed examiner in the Berlin Model Sthool. Berlin News. The question of providing more ec- rommodntion tor the kindergarten derptsrtmertts was discus-ea " con- sidereble length. The choirmen ot the Bond reported that he had the "met, ot forty ponies who desired to send their children to school: but owing to the present crowded con- dition ot the kindergertel room they were unehle to provide accom- modation. The Board decided that there he two kindergarten classes opened in the slternoon. one In the {"cntrnl school end one in Agnes street, it neceenry, the claim“ And the princlpel to me their '\own judgment in the mutter of Agnes street The Clerke’ Union nailed to hove Ihe Central School granule lot mot- bell practices two nights I week. The - we: not granted. The inspector mrbrrtittod e report on cut: ot We twenty-eight divisions which we. ion-d "ti.tnctorr. He allowed the attention of the Board to the over crowding in may " pertmente. There ere three in the Centre! school. “I” in A” Bt., two " Continue “me, All three at lea-gnu emu. in ell eleven depart-ts in which the tenet ot up”: in “New. in over the le- aal ii-iutioe. Bone moi. be" m I all I. "by “It ie 4ltd1.tl,'i' an eh I”. " d w - ' “only m. . i "st r‘ The Bond decided on and! hai- “MUM".myoim tF wanna-n any“ “that.” m. ;mmmywmn¢uu {mas-9. -.i-. EXTRA KINDERGARTEN CLASSES. INSPECTORS REPORT u. I!” ' w w Melt took pm at . In. In” ' mil-I u in” ,¢ fad In; In. eat, - w h um " " Armt Fund a “and. - hymn-pl- "but I. - trg t '" 't,'tT.gu'lr, " "fli Arr. 'd'lfll'd "reet, mm: d a. goon, vb 0.0qu a beet no he it“. to“ . and!“ you ol [non clot], and n a. Inception which lolbfd "adv“ In I taab xomblc In.“ use. At " c “on. O may wu nu fix... cl no mo. Kin. 3M Viki in M is about In” M who WI cl u "eetiegst nub: ill-x. and M which no in". a! no - - a can). no drunk and cont-ab no" ate-hm It. and In. Par- Id leet on the I.“ "all M New iyorh and can mun Auto» kitten via am. More “It; up moi! "than in [ma]. . It. run“ I. e-tad with one at lunar- but; liquor loun- when in hold: I was past- tion. He is well hon in Berlin, "vial spent ' was ”no: in this tonm, during which he "I the Itu ot the Tw'erity‘s champion hockey tum. ' list En bu elven been A [evol- ne In Twin-City new”, end her to have! will be regretted try her mun! kinds. They on“ their but wishes to her end he! Inn-bend tor I long and happy wedded Me. Tht Vin: received try the bride wen numerous and handsome. A muting: of unusual interest ,tel attractiveness took place " twelve o'ciook to-day " the residence oi Mr. Noah Zeller, the populu hand- mutet ot the 29th Regiment Band, when his third daughter. Min Airna," became the wile ot Rev. Eli S. Meyer, formerly of Berlin, end late- ‘iy pester of the Evangelical Chad: " Selkirk, Ont. The ceremony we: performed by Rev. S. R. Knechtel. presiding elder, assisted by Rev. A. r. Heist. putor ot Zion Church. it the presence ot nhout any guests. all ot whom were reletivee and ire timete iriende ot the contracting parties. PARRILL . "I NUPHALB The bride wore n handsome dress of cream crepe de chene with lust trimmings, and looked exceedingly pretty. The bridesmaids were Miss [.er Zeller, sister ot the bride, and Miss Addie Meyer. sister at thr groom, both ot whom were becom- ingly .“tired in white muslin with suitable trimmings. The bride and bridesmaid: each curried handsome boqnets ot roses end cnrnntions. The groom was minted by Messrs. Aaron Weber and Julius Zeller. Alter the Ceremony was performed and the newly wedded couple had re.ei\ed the congrntulntions and good wishes of their friends, - tin guests sat down to on elegant wed ding dinner, " which toasts to m bride and groom were proposed and untidy rqponded to. Mr. and In. Meyer we on m we train tor Toronto and othe' points on e wedding tour previous tr takirg up their residence in Soutt River, where Mr. Meyer was star wowed by the recent conference held " (‘hesley. The congratulations and good wishes ot the many friends will te extended to the newlyvcddcd -iuiidin which The Telegraph heart. I], join. A very pretty wedding took place " St. Mery's R. C. Church Tuesday morning " ' o'clock, which wee " tended by a Inge number ol the friend: and relatives of the con- treating parties. The heppy bride we: Miss Cecelia, deughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Schneider, Cherry street, necepted Mr. Henry Kergee, one ol Weterloo'e popular young men, as her hulbend. The merriege vows were perlormed try Rev. J. Schweitzer. The bride, who looked very pretty in white orgen- dy, we: supported by His: Katie Kergee, sister of the groom, es bridesmaid. The best men wee Mr, Geo. Kergee. brother of the groom. Alter the ceremony the wedding pu- tr proceeded to the home of the bride'l perente, where . reception :5: -r,gr" ind 'nn elegnnt wedding but! last was partakeq ot. At 3 o'clOck Tuna-y Afternoon the home of Mr. and In. P. I. Jake. Waning,“ street. presents] " In- nutlly pretty and ucumuve' scene when no“ 100 - aa.etrtbfed to who. tho mum-.3! ot their (MIth her. In Am. to Mr. llama Stun-I. . pop-In yang Interloom. The mum-y wn ”normal by Rel R. TOtt Pitch under A large ml of evergreen. beautifully decorum 1m Howe" which had Inn each! in the wlo‘ parlor ot “in elo- gut minke. Tho bride was nt- und in A mum In. of um Mb, win-d win “hem Ind. uni look-l “we; pretty. sh wu um!“ tr “M. It" 1mm. " In! cl bout. who won t with null-jig m_H-e. 'EiiiJiiittt, at. In- Enn- but: ot Inch». a! - mu: an“: of -, will won tut. nun- do", gill NR.“ - 'itttig11"it)'i?: "t you." "It qnti- m- JW.” up“: . ill- - --. - - -_.__. Ana no may as mum Anna - ., dummmon.» John I301!- .._ cMI M. "rt" an . vul- A'omk‘l Ln: ... “I“ was and .0 MI p- uma Ind ....r my; te, "' p, - 'tft1es"hf?s M ..., R ARGES - SCHNEIDER MOYER - ZELLER "em0ther' “In!“ STORE - J ANKE $ert"gt"tgM .. 'lN.'1u'NtS,"ar. M's-Whitw. u.mdumw antenna-Mun M Ila-hum“ I. aorta-um man-M a -tnerttn.tmrrttngtHttt-nt' u toumtte-taatsaeertra “that In! PII? - UNI“ no - 4 Beugi0et ”an: to) lilo on m In _ “b Me. a. J. Iimlnl III I [and on - a. 0.1.8. authorities, In - " “unit. 'F ah“ I Waphlc - an tortreartoa--rtrethe 'ontario Bun: Co" taetorr had left [Bo-w- Huber. lick, tor palm. Tho bony mu qt ”My mu uninj- . luv an all In; ”on than! muo- m new to the an: - site, - it ahtaoqt to I." ti. In» yuan tgtrT, Ino- load- to a: Catt-Aunt. Nou..-0tt. (am of an: neigh- hoxlood Icon to to plead to In" Mr. A. C. Haiiman living in their man. It. Hall-ll h wall hon through“ alt Oatario and use oth- er "when, u be is Manly con- tact“ win the Fumn‘ latitu- SOcIny Washer“ the Dominion. He he! mute e mace-e ot lerming end we would - that our lumen try end- imitate him in the l wey ot pmtieel leaning. which is l no more exmlive end peye best, l Mr. Hellman is very entertaining end elweye pleased to give eny ad- vtce he possibly cen. A iew hours spent with him in well Hreat.-yms :en imagine we had Iota oi lun lest ‘week when we heard the wegon. home, stones. etc., roll over each othee down the hill. However, nothing eerious heppened with the exception ot the teemster becoming somewhet excited. The hill is too steep tor Inger heats. e: they would roll out on the grmmd-ausletsts it we: panchued trom J. R. Good. - Potatoes end turnips ere being ship- ped thin week by Mr. Haaendug of Water1oop--We expect to get e nice track before the summer is over, We heve boo meny roadster: to do without otte.-Miss Belle Shoemaker he: returned from Chatham, alter sponding e tew months with her sis- "r. We ere glad to see her back-.. Mre. Kern and lemily ot Berlin ere spending e iew deys under the "r- entel root.-adr. Julius May end Mr. end Mrs. Joe. Roberts were the, guests oi Mr. A. S. Geiger on Sun- ur-our young boys ere investing in rubber tire buggies this spring. George in thinking ot getting one :oo.-Hired men ere scarce in this ommonity bat there is a time oom- trg when they will he more ptenti- 'ul. - Merino MM wears e smile, hearse it's it big bor-our Royal 1 Hotel is being re-painted end when I ompleted will add greatly to the appearance of our town. Tle New Hamburg ratepayers vot- d or. the $10,000 bonus to the Ham- = MT; Co. on Monday and the ote resulted .3 follows: For, 115; against, 31. mummy, M. 'r, the oldest resident at Hespelcr used may at 8.10 o'clock thir mining. in tfs Mth year. Dorcas: d was a nathe cl Cumberlam o My, Eng, and has lived in Hes ck: lor shout thirty-fwe years. " all the manumrturing establish- ment: would show their good will ovum: the Queen Victor}: gate project u the employee of the Wa- e 100 “manning Co. have done, and we hue no doubt but they will, or,e gate fund would grow rapidly. 'rel done! laundry. IIESPELER LOSES OLDEST RESIDENT. tu EEN VICTORIA GATE, Vespcler, April 21.-Iticlttr_d Gov The etrttrtores of the Waterloo 'urtutscturing Co. send in I tund- ome subscription to the lung. _ 'Irieriéilawing when list and for (a success Mr. bullshit“, who had hugs of it, deserves much credit: [, nglmrst s. F. Hanan ."m. Menu“: ...... .. otrert P. m. q..... .Zenry Ferdmaml ... .. John Balm .w.... m..". In“) H. Schmidt .. h, Hugo“ ...... .P.... .v. H. Nuns»; .m.mr. J. F. Swim ..r... .. J. Erich! ..Tm.. m..... . lion’s ...... .w.r.. .... Fin: w: ...... ....r. Adm N. - mv.... \ Inh- 8min“ .. \I‘Miu I. HUI-rich '. r. tom ...... .... Jon. at” .r.... . 3th - ...... ‘. Y. Stuart F.. . hula- Hellman ' Ink Van Every _ 0. CM ...... .., ‘hulol H. Ihiehert " an: all Jaye. BY-LAW C ARRI ED BRESLAU. '.t.-- MEMORIAL $1.00 _ .50 F .50 . .50 . .25 . .50 _ .so . .50 . .25 . .50 _ .50 _ .50 . .25 . .25 . IO . so . IO) . u .. .35 .. .u _. .50 .. .50 .. .u .. as .. .3 .. .u 'e. a '. .18 .. .u lot hula: Happier $r bud Christ. Lem. tr.F9. .1 r, Cntion TF.'.. ..._ \. blunt-[man ... 1.00 ’rit’. Bronel ...'. .50 lorry karges .__ .50 0hr: lleimbecker .50 fem. Hose. 'ttFP. T Form can be ruined by pan 'till) NE comm Only those that will re- F, lllliN , tsin their shupe should be worn. l? ‘ 'llllllE Our stock comaina all those of ev LT E' _ tl "blushed trurit. We have A full Ili' iii) line of short nnd long wtsitsttrptoutts Rt ] ma Aim., mama-1y priced good. 'ty and those of mote (-xpenaixo (97% ' rnnke. -- Dainty Shirt Wists CHILQ§EN8 Bricker & Diebei. M. Krupp F...., d m Heimbetker 01. Weber .__p'. .._ red. Freehlich _.. 'rter Brill ..NrFF ... "at hew "ttrar Henry Fume: .r. _ d. Ludwig ..F.w. . V. Rugs .., (V 'r. J. Niagara .F.e._ W. lick" .p.._. Fem Adam Booker ... . L. Onion PMP.9. ._. H. Grout. .-... 'wVeF L. Bulk mt.... F...rt H. o. Home: m.... John D. Snyder Goo. Morley ...... (no. Schmidt ..... and ”one .. All. We: ...... Putt, “I ...... Ma Ma "ou.....-..- " q.................... 'l l Milliner Rimmed "" for little out is quit. II m at one. Simplia'ly not] 'ee an the ehtmestaeiAitt My. " and nodal. ‘ TP A glance at than will tell you more than we could in a thousand words. Such beauty and excel- lent quality is not looked for in goods at these little Bguree. The assortment contain white and Tlored Whisk, new, fresh, and smooth, and worth at least a hall more than we ask Indus-W attention and tho Auipit'"a 31%.»:- -:~:-w¢~.w>m 'ooot 'l A Few Words About I if: hililtig Medicines. f WWW LiC'C, Ch" EES' 13511 Its been _ ' Wt! di- ' * ' l N In”. , Wrtr " ll mumMIlI I 0 hip-mud GERMAN 2ul'lr. DI F s am! mu». tmilgltte In [an bh. Fwd! I u my value-or. M... Wit- Brig .I.ul.hvr [ha ImuMI”_d [I mu , mt on I '-rr+Nr the dm'gmn . d TN A o. 00. m. m bundle than. "id Intmnldph-nmh In- nmollnhul "autumnal a. - lulu-m who'd y the. .. a your we ghlrvr about: men. Chaim-cm 't,l0autqttae, Red (Eh-(I'm [When n Powders. Conn OM Wot- Mint. Tape Wan: Cure. Echo-n1 Powder. Got-u Bum Tu. te-to. m nd Nu. tic-u Wu! Wu. F bun-kit M lied min. In!“ when... Una! l in“ In. In. WATIILOO. Ont 'Ci,

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