M'lo IMI. m â€up...“ bin-III. “dun-IMU-HIHQ.‘ - h M I... ". g p. cn in - a! lib bun-a in '.tnMs ho- the pun-tun lub- “t at on â€inâ€. ot lulu- - in has been whim. Th - m ot s an“ rusty- " nun, showing a may do the â€in â€one" ot Canadian oom- mht. a. mu» ot at when with by them duh: "ot - " by out In million ot galls" an m“. by a. British and Annie:- oompulu conblnod. In - Item tor the huh ot the compani- them was an tum-e. the We! helmet in "nou- chum- eBtiotta, in A number oi compute: having been man than also: by the bonus! in others. The Can-dim companies. show u 1mm“ ot 1.,- MI in the numbc: ot yolicies in tome " clots ot 1001 ova: 1000. their number now being 239,653. This is 80,8" units than in 1899 and ".011 more than in 1808. The number at ponds in [one tuned by Cumin: comma tberelore. lacuna! by I... "The": “ lt tf, the: hue connection with the Bell Tele- TIt Jr,',",", tlla',,",',,"".:,,',',', phone Compuy. The mileage ot the t ' B '.1 T l h C ' 4 . $901,151,086 in 1900. a gain ot 820,- . up on onâ€, u ' Ju “8,900 and is an increase of $35,- WI OT COUNCIL. I983" over 1890 and $59,905,471 LM - over 1898. Por the Canadian com- Wilmot Township Council met at ponies the increase ot net lite Assur- l',, “rain? Itll: Billion}?! 'tt war s 0 pm, . em {a e “0° in in in 'tur three {cats present, the Reeve presiding. The In: " “f ° . per oen q minutes ot the previous session were For the British oompnnies there need and eotttirmqd. A number of val an increase ot 230 in nntnber oi letters and telegrnms from the Cen- policies and ot $643,290 in net is: 1ttasetui." were read and . or er 0 . “I 1n iorce " cioeeoi IM)i, lt Moved by John Weber, seconded by tout. tmira, “f policies, 20, . i. B. nitner, that By-Law No. 421 will“ 20,010 m 1900. end In te now read a ttrat, second and third amount in ioroe 840,128,684 corn- time and t1muly pessed. Curied - pared with $39,485,844 in mo. Com- T',, teitit,',st'r1t,tr1is"Jtt' I d . n o in. re en e?"" .01 the British compares ot! ere tor alteration to be made in "rith others is somewhat disturbed root division No. M. it w" mov- by so many of the British companies el by John T. Otto, seconded by having prscticaily retired irom Can- G. “:3- ‘hul 2VtUft, ot rmrd 7 L way ween o s an in conces- ada. Laat "l" no l". thatt 10 Bri sitn 4 be tnken trom road division tiah CornpNue8 showed - mur- 19 and added to wed division M, one. in Moe than in 1000 owing to and that the stntute labor ot Angus the Immunities ot - business KrmPlen. Phillip Poth, FrBrtk . id li 'es hi h u Johnston, Aaron Hunstterger, Henry 'tdl,,",?;" 't o f: Tl', "ll,",'.':',' Giidner. Mennonite Psrsonage. least hr t , " p l . . ' ' Pr'), Truman Current, Charles Cor, we take the British hie compo-ks um Wm. Spmtzel “d samuel Sch. that are in active operation in Can- mitt be periormed in road divisior eds, we find them to have made the Ne.. 23-Cur10d- iollowing increases since Inâ€. The (in Til t'aVid'iltgi,,tict't'd bi London and Lancashire raised its Feb. rr,'fiiir, 'dao'lfd?IU'Tfl inmrsnee in ioroe from $8,M5,801 in oi hthway irom road division No "" to $0,026,142. en adv-nee oi 28 and ridding some to division 20 $100,341. and the Standard, irom tcln1,i.i',,itr,Nr, radii-m. 1:1;th . I IV I n o. 5 " a $18,U0,0" to 819,018,917. a , it was formerly but that the statut - of $1,0",824 and the British “or ot Pred. Schritz' property b Empire, horn $0,133,312 to $0,271,» ti en irom division No. " and Add 181. ed to division No. 28. Curried. â€Hm; I... v n “(On-v e-rooGsa h aiuGaaG.uii- loath-W It. o-ta----. “Mu-Ivan Tb A-iran companie- did en whip! Maine-I lat you. Their when for the yen were $4,709,- 298 extinct $4,361,181 in 1900. m in- cxeese of $448,117. The mount of policies new end taken up was» $32,- 541,438, which exceeded the 1900 fig- ure by $5,909,392. the increase in number ot new and taken up policies being 03,150. The American com- peniee heve now $138,868,227 in force an compared with $124,433,410 in .1900, the increue in 1901 hula; been $14,434,811. The returns show tunable reunite tor the lilo com- parties, so 1n n increescd business it concerned. Ctr-eds is making rNrid strides in this respect, the not mount ot life usunnce in (one huh; inc-tensed in the int ten yen." trom $261,475,229 to $486,- 990,850, the increue in the Inst de- V «in. being $205,021,011, a which itt- - the Inn of $144,131,178 we; secured by the Claudia compuics. $1,780,"? by the British, at! 353,- 100,762 by the America commie. "ht. u no “no for . than. Toto-to Star: It will to the: “I and ms lot It. “they on H .0. IIJIWII, the Coolant“. can- - " I.“ Huron, in “not '" -ttteat.ta' pledge In! uh ". - of atl “an†no i.- ‘lh Lined-MAN“. no go- " h I. qt..-atqgrwdteeqed. LIFE INSURANCE m CANADA. ‘hy o-thates-es"-" pnym'm I." at - dun-mum!“ Illr m. l‘hwwmd “I m can gunman-y. -eetu0-tt-,rrttt%e. tiralNttiiE$ilt!!rt', Q! "6 _ A... to 1mm: EDITORIAL NOTES. fgwulmh fire“! at In.“ an}. of.“ d - d W H. TI' tflr,'t4 ut.u8a'kttT, w. ‘ Tho was and. - u n In" M [on val on" ".tor.- mm thtare6. t___ V m“ mammal-“alt 6.0.. “It! out Wt', haunt-Hi T tie 'r-it-ra-ti-ts it Prod-en. Micah-“AI It "tat.oetu-rat-utitmet murmhtamw inthrdsrnanAhetuprxt+ at Dumb. Tb W will b ova In in than " - JAMIE, to a. inâ€. lion-I- .. 5W um maul Cam I“. M III. no don" 0'. A on. - b both st on." and form, Cu- min. at unduly Cumin, In on m "tcorard, much!" The no good and that t. spite ot bad crops. Vote ' Grit Government. all Good Times. Replying in the Dominion Perilo- ment to Mr. Morrison (New 1ecl mine"), who sought intormatiottl, remedies telephone. the [mister oi Agriculture and that there ere " ittoorporatad telephone oompenie! in Cumin, six ot which have been sold to The Bell Telephone Com- peny, and " ot which were in oper- ation lest yeer. There is no record oi how may of obese companies hue connection with the Bell Tele- phone Compeny. The mileage ot the Bell Telephone Compeny in 04,314. l'e petition ot Wm. Spaniel 3nd one†lor Alteration to be made in root division No. M. " was mov- el by John T. Otto, seconded by Cr. Hohl, that the halt mile ot road “by between lots ' and 7 in conces- si(n 4 be “ken trom road division Moved by John Weber, seconded by l. B. nitnex, that By-Law No. MI te now read n Brat, second and third time and madly passed. Cut-ion! - wad uni passed accordingly. 19 and added to road division M, and that tho “Mute Inbor ot Angus Knmplen, Phillip Poth, Funk John-ton, Aaron Hunstterger, Henry Gildner. Mennonite Pnrnonuge. lune Pr), Truman Current, Charles Cor- lam. Wm. Spmtzel and Snmuel Sch- mitt he performed in road division No. 23. Carried. li‘oved try I. B. mm. seconded by l G. Hohi, tint the mailman - Feb. It, IMO, an»; one-boll nu'ei ot h'ghwny irom road division No. 28 Bad adding some to division 20, be and is hereby rescinded, and that load division No. 28 shall remain as " wns formerly but that the statute 15L: ot Pred. Schritz' property be ti en irom division No. " and Add- ed to division No. 28. Curried. Moved by I. B. Dimer, seconded by Geo. Hold. M m not“! halt oi lot No. 5. E.R.N.. in - from road division No. " and and to divi- sion No. 55. Carried. Moved by J. Wow, locondcd by J. T. Otto, that the one hull ot the statute labor of lot No. M, conces- sion 1, A., be taken from road " villon No. It and added to road dr. vision No. 18. Carried. Moved try J. Wow. seconded try G. Hohl, that the following w- "ratta be passed and that the Reeve Essie his order: on the Hunter in rarrnent of the suns. viz.: D. Ritz, " printing and advertising to date, $37.45; H. Knight, cost ot poll No. i (exemption lay-luv). 812.50; Jacob Kriuol, cost ot poll No. 2, (exemp- lion by-Iuv). $11.50; Juob Scum. er, cost oCpo,t No. 8, (exemption ty-lor), 811.50; John Reiter, cost ttf poll No. s, (exemption by-lnw). HIM); W. H. Becker, applies. $1.- Ht; Munich»! World, “acumen forms, 85c; - a Nr'cy Co., Limited. Hall. and bolts for to“ muhin. 88.50; F. llolwcll. Hg. " It I & it's In gamer. mam“. freight And Rm, ete., re by-luv min, $10.30. Carried. - IN much a. (knell ndpnrnell at.“ the no: day ttt In. whu a Font o! Rod-lo- wlll he held and [nun-nun will naive their ll» stmetietqa. Paulina-ten requiring th. rou much!†should let the wart. how on or More We all at“ of Mar. - -- _-_-- l The Minna brought down " a. Bout at Ruth ot Gulyb at I Wuh- of $8,105.50 lot an em huh-u And $10.18 me - schools. At.rstmttsahMWoodstorA" hmmlol‘.~mlm tt-Htttr$t86. Gaspard n- tra ll. damn-chm. gunman. â€We!†Int-nu... /f,'Au't'l.u",t/ilr.".U,Tt diet at†and ‘L m. “a, w mind Miami-tuba Ton autumn. “A.†“I iiit'.k%i'iuiy'ii? “in“ than:- P. HOL'ELL. Clam “which...†--'us*iTu-'e. Malawi-5““ â€Wimmtu mama-.7...- " J can, - mnstoe-htd* . . “noun... . high-Tho. an. m. 0» -. puns-"M4... m. nail. â€in WC“. Itch-gills. - tre, ykremt. - - -- -- - I'll: 1tiaiuga- B. Coy-o, w w. Bt. Tho-u. â€If" West-o-id Brown. M. hymn. , Bt. Thoma. Essex North-Jule. W. Ankh. Iqb- mt, Sandwich. - Beer. B.ttth-O. G. not. M, om '-a. Simpson. Re um Alex-3d? " ' Grenville-P. leer... Registrar, PM can. G North-it. McKnight. lt W, ol'2'dt,Q earis Grey 8outh--T. [And-r. Regina", barium. Grey ctrttm--C. B. Moore, M. Owen Sound. Haldimotd--J. Bum, Reid-tr", CB. M'; _ - _ - -- _ - __ - Hamilton W-b-R. Hope, Regina-Ir. Hamilton. Hamilton 1e"t--J. T. Middleton, Shir ' ingnilton. Fudngn Bart-o. P. Hope, Slit-rill. Bella“. Hunting. W-b-B. H.11- ' Re . tr“, helium; y tru harem M.st---R. G. Reynolds, ttherftr, GoderrUh. my, mum... ' ’ -- r Kent Toat-l. R. GemmMi, 31mm, cumin. with}; “My! Lumino- Wei-Jam- Hinton, Sher "'Ltg1" ti North-P. C. Ileana". Ite. g'ttmr,.AItyoat.P. - _ -- - Putin. -. ,,,_. umgox--C Gib-on, Registrar, . Theohs-T. C. Dalton, aha-m. tet. Cum _-___-u. DEALS WITH THE CONSERVATIVE RECORD OF CORRUPTION. was!" new“ In: mums» On mother oxnsion Mr. “may, in company with his rivnl tor tht Opposition leadership, Mr. Cumul- Ian, ot Hunmon, "dressed tr meet- ing " Stoney Creek on the mm In the course ot his address the pre- Bent leader repeated, n he had done in every constiwency he had visit- ed lately, his appeal to the clergy, to the religious was, to the motel end right thinking element ot the community, to put him end his pair in power in order to “parole cor- ruption. in View oi (he admitted iecte ot history end in View ot the record of the party ot which he is leeder in Hale Province, there vex something positively idler-mu "ttr this eppeel. W. Whitney we: "in "rattr tie-twin ot the use ot Mr. mor. or tttuorittq he ammo-ed that than being eddreeeel had very ehort memories. Did he I.†thee the clue to whom he " epoch!†- trested took BO little interest in pub- lie eiieiu that they had never had ot the Ceeediel Penile We" DH " twine that they were more†n to the oer-Wei oi nonlethal-e! unveiled " on." during the tat- ter period oi Coneervetive rile - that they knew nothing oi the le- Groovy-WV“: eceedel, oi in see tion B ireud. ot tto Carrel: bridge reeceiiiy. oi nely other “an! en: oi public piracy - um- ione ot doliere In the “use“ Vere Cher“ into We poehhoi eon- lmn in mt-ttlon oi Niel :oetriheuoee to we corruptio- iedeoltheperiy? Ohioepedoi Proviniel new“, did Mr. mm um they led lever been oi the ttnttoo--D. Robertson, War, rm- Bum &tqtttr-9ohrt 14 Pork, Dry! Huron We.t--Wrn. Robertson, Why: In}: W. D. HeKell-r, My KIIQIOBH. A. P. Weaken, " 1e.Ure SontH. Armour, Registrar, (Tom-toStu.) mama-mum “update-law“. _ “moth-3H 0- ',Sa.itfll 'l=u1'l'lat"l'rt'c mumbling-hot fl,tu2gegt/ttidtttlftt,ttl'g tuio mm. ntul‘oly. "NI-Iii“! “in.“ “annulmnnu- “WHOM-lamb 2ttid""'""""P"r="Uttdrh%"t h In“. ._- [at â€a“ iii-huh“ â€In. my.» ' I Exam mm’ _ mmupunmu. THEY All PRESS!!!“ m- Um Hon. John R. Stratton I Ea-o-tgg “ â€a, v.1 . " “WEI-Immmm tre,rhior., - - -. __ -_- _'" _ tr f ' 'ttmtto.d. has 'lt.'htiM"" we...» Bo- WW- Mu-ta,., FiGiG7 w £4 A. run and: " . ' n W.‘ Rm thtattk--rt. A. "tt"sttel1, It. Mere, Peer. --.. H _ ,, --- ._ - Randi"! Neetb-W. Moffatt. Bh.ritt hum. Rua-ii-ah- RobilHrd, Mei-nu. Ottawa. Saul: Bu. Mute-R. Canny. Burnt. Built Ste. M 81m 'hurt-ll but. Regina", NrrU. - 8tormortb-A. HeNub, Sin-rill, Com VIII. Toronto Wq6--43hnrhe. Lindsay, " lhjr-r.AT-I;m_ -- ----__.- -- _ - Toni-to Eaab-J. H. Widdibstd, mm M. Toronto. toronto Nortk-Wederkk Mow" Storm, Ioronto. Tpronto irortsox-8peateer Love. To mto. - A vietyyit Ihrt--R C Young, "iedsria 'VAS-g. dchnmn, ter, “MI-y: - - - __ Waterloo liorttr-J, D. mm M cur, Berlin. Waterloo Bouth--John Mob, Sher". Berlin. _ "iiutund--g- Smith, tnleritt, Wet, Und. . Wellington 1gut-gohr, Am, It.. ghrtrar. Arthur. Went-gm Wt.b--A. tr. Ann, sham, York Wemb--Petar Ellis, J.P., Total- to Junction. _Yark Ttes-o, t. mm, W. Wellington 8otsttr--N. HIglnbothml. Rehtyfr, Guedph.. L _ . - _ bribery couepirwy by which it was attempted to buy the majority ttf a 3mm. to Mite mush Liberal ( members to betray their constituents Land sell their votes in order to put Mr. Whitney's friends in power? Did not the intelligent, ptttme-nririted class to whom he appealed on high maul grounds know that in one elec- tion in South Ontario the Conserva- tiveeprmded " 000 in shameless .and wholesale bribery to elect Mr. Calder. and that Mr. Whitney was in close and intimate end political lellowehip with William Smith, the confessed distributor of 81.100 oi if.', nation (and: and the convicted agent in tbie colonel scheme ot cor- ruption! (Hear, hear.) Did Mr. “lithe! think that the elect)“ would lorget that hie cullidete in Went Elva wee elected by peremal plugging la the laet election? Did Mt. Whitney forget hie candidate ir', North Waterloo was “seated tor) bribery? Did he forget that " ee mm in Last Elm uaa nascent lee bribery? Did he target that his radiate in North Ranting' hed to Mire on account ot bribery? (Hear, beer.) la the light at the. prone and admitted tutu that could. be more hypocritical or more mu. tUn Mr. Whither: attempt to mac the. Ir. Whither- attempt to pone as the anetle cl political attitude. uncle“, when hie heerere - ta'l to Ind ee - record dilr. Whlteey'e during all " - - I having ou ny one mien Trtteeed I a I1“ word 0! coed-lathe at the eaepeahbh corruptio- Mac f to the qr%it or durum e! the Oeu- eenatlve gartr' sy,te.t6--Aturt Haw. Shall. â€it 118beard-J. Gull-pie. Ml. Simeon w-b-o. I. J. Brown, Cr» and We out “his! gluon have In. W: J'Y'M thaheuBqrse an. w. no. - on. late Itâ€. _ A L -- Haul-Michal: tie In; (immune-1m FDR Reg1+ Regin- Th about and new“ at tbo Um Pmtehtal Aaooeiathm It now In malo- nt Toronto. WIPMWWIII The necktie. new no thel Ancient Order ot United workmen. the Candies: Order of (but Friende. the Qttholic Order of For- Sues, the Cetlone Hated Be-tlt AIM-non, the Canadian, Order ot Oddhiioqrtt, the Ir3utty ot the - (steel, the Cut-dim Order oi Home 1Circlee, the Odlellove' Relic! Ate soeietion, the Royal Anemia, the ‘Royel Templa- ot Temperance, end e Son- ot England. Dr.J.M.CAttoat, president ot the new mention, presided end in hie ad- dress admitted um the present ta- bles ot rates no insumcient and ad- voceted the adoption ot a unilorm system ot minimum “we by ell so- cieties high enough to" meet the in- ueuiug death alums es the com- panies grow older. He and in put. “I m an advocate ot . uniform system ot minimum rates of Asma- ment, to he adopted try All tsocieties on A table mrfBcietstly high,to meet the amenities. This can be unin- ed in two ways: lst. By 1 voltut- Luy agreement Among ourselves. 2nd. By compulsory legislntion on the part ot the Government. “We admit practicully that the ta- bles ot rates under which the me- jority ot us are doing business in installment, end that our plans ue wrong, that we sre mislesdin; our membership when we can tell them by inference, it not in words, that they are to receive whole lite pro- tection. We do not want any more societies started on n wrong syl- "ear, but we went to go on And get ‘in new members on our old tables, which we admit ue lmlty, It is s dimcult nutter to change plsns and systems which have been working tot thirty yours. but honesty should compel us to hue that which is wrong mule right. We can then up- peel to the public with clean bends. "Are we not placing ourselves in a very ridiculous light when many ol us. with totes far below necessity, with u: accumulation oi impaired risks on our bands. which will neces- sarily have to be accounted tor dur- ing the next twenty years, continue doing wrong, and soy that we can- not now do otherwise." Wattle pan of die body. TA ans-mommm I. teal unions to be "ttvibe-tmag, "tadrpttttryee'rut's that Ares 'ke-ttis will do for you. 'l‘le dates ior the reputation of voters will likely In on Friday nnd Saturday, I†i And 10. The Prohibitiolilu may establish I weakly mannign on“ in To- ronto, with W. W. But-hum " edi- tor. t?iieJit,i,itB:2tt'tiaiitE1 Mr. Whitney Innon'nces tut he’s satin!“ with the due of the elec- t;ons. Wonder it he'll like the run"; a wall. Tho Conan-tins of North " mloo will hold I actuation in no: lin on Saturday Jul-noon, May '4 (on the pm ot nominating n can. latte. Toronto Bur. ' We don‘t know when that“! be peace in South M- rieo, tmt we took tor it in Ontuio the a†atter an 19th ot May. LII-nit. you; and old, would al. and the grad any in the Lib- .ul than on FIN†"cling. Your - will - all to the than. 01 “a “in; Toronto Star: Th cadmium will tfd may in the gtttl'l': ot , " very many vi up will no“) an gun- nd sport- on tttqt qtt, a. mm dMherrttr in I“ may! to m "re It if“ _ an. "in; owing to we with qtrNhm" of a. madiMtm a! an: m. mic Roulen Annul- I-ouuu,uwuauwm out atmpbhhmh dttrtng a. m. a may night, i- m with Ibo. J. R. mum. nun-uumnu. tttth. W ',er-ihtt.fht. Wm. the keePttet2tPteAt't'S', [may “will“ u. a ,iiiiiiiirttCioe .tt, Loui- will win, Runembcr Ross Build up memo Ktrtp cool And don't bet unis I?) now. MATTERS POLITICA L 'mhmu..- I m -Utrditef' V "r7"ettdedi' _ iT," ‘W and. “Input! talking machine. It is made in CM W tors nan. , You can buy one me-ri-iv-hand-o “ups-eat} Inuit-dared by B. W, 1815 " Cub-rim Bt., In“. Sammy's Hm 3mm will nun u.- - “iv-d Hal-nun iii: in “War-.1" TEieaitra' ira7.G7uik __ irT.Gi'G hon-Unload“; All his; 'llh"r.t.'trlCrur,', rx'auhtg,' 33“»... n...†'ht 'gl'p,t"A'SQ gyms-q ','lClth'lG"A bring unit. om: In"... - - - Writ: all“; _ irfd't','dW,T4='t'dG--s.ui, “hind,“ SUGAR BEET EXPERIMENTS I The Ontario Department ol Agrl-l culture he Arranged lor sugsr beet; experiments this season at St. Ceth- nines. Brussels and Meridian. Ne gotiations are in progress in retpud to experiments " Renfrew, Orange- ‘ville end Guelph, but not yet demi- itely settled. The experiments this year, which en: in some cases car- ried out " points trom which the spplicetions were received too late lest rear, will be under the super- vision ot Prof. Robert Harcourt, chemist " the Agriculture! College. About 30 lumen will raise beets st each point. This is the third suc- cessive year ot - beet experic ments in Ontario. The results here- tofore hue been very utislsctory, and en Mort is being mule to u- 11in how generally the soil is Ident- ed tor this root. tiitttr, In {hoiun‘V-hnnu u! "may†In. tir -eh I Mud an, and I‘Mh In In "I In. with I..." w and shut-Mona. “.923. "l ISTABLISIIIBIH "'t.t't" - m w Ind - lath-Mal Twit-II a! mm on nunun: A gummy, oATrTItttr.-B-. hart-tirq. an but “I." So BTU," - only hall a- m. Ivy-bu.- mgr-(ml by In! «uh Jada: l."attpt"ot, All pull-a un puts" camp-[“1 B. O 00.. 1mm." Sixty settlers and tive cm of took and enacts left Michigan tor the Cnnadun Northwest. It is altogether probnble that the Berlin & Bridgeport Railway Co. will carry the Brst load at height!» the sugar lactory, " the, Grand Trunk does not seem to be in I hurry to build its spur line: Mr. Hottrnan, Millbrook, the house- builder and mover, seyl: “H it wes $500 e bottle I would pey it. " cured me and I wes e wreck. I shook BO that some one ind to hold the up tor me to drink. I was struck with e derrick on the spine. My nerves were injured. I wand away to e skeleton, couldn" ed or sleep. Por two yeere I enacted. I hougM e bank ot Tondolin Bit-1 lets et Millhrook, which wee the tirtrt thing that helped me. I would take it nine days, then quit it nine days. In e lew months I regeinod _my health so, that today I weigh 118 pounds. I em " you: old end cen do u much work es en] men in my employ. I lleep well end eat hearty." "Do you keep taking the medicine ell the time?" "No, I don" need it BOW, unlea- I get e little touch ot rheumeuun. then I take e couple at doses. It ecu on the kidneyl. Sometimes one dose puts me right. It is rteartr two you" since it cured me. Since the! time l hue spent 50 cent: tor mi- cine end that we: tor ‘Tondolin.' " Kenulectured br Jena mm. I 't commend it to everyone, end elm the Oil or Tondolin Linimt lot " old bruise or hurt or m of the ankles. We my [notice medlelne. Ask your druggiet for Tondolle Bit.. ten, 15 mu It Mule. Inmate:- ed by Jem- Blelr. TRUSSES PRICE 815 TO 84:0- FOR SALE AT TONDOLIN "unless†Music Store, Berlin, Ont. FDR vb. anion-at null-and nus-rel try Ltseumdimt Neat Inlet, Ibo churns I. â€so 2"p'fdt'J/t'p', pawl: run down on telling only the t ot - 't " llmku. has In reputation of entering to "as bert Pooh In tho Twin-Ct", so winc- the we " hn In: I term mm. when in: an Sq' um very LI: tar the ums Inn-ex We awn}. ham-full Ibo at hoof. W. tet I.†has, and - LEADING MEAT MARKET. JOHN B. FISCHER, Proprietor. 0M3. ++0++0H..0H...H.o0t0 WWWHW¢W iiigii, ia, iai% VEWETT' -__ie -__ â€"' In." an.“ . - . Meat ddh'end In any part it tho â€Inâ€. that "Orr has told from on! than a n hum Pit. We have Elude. Bud Rubber, “I!“ TMI. 3nd London ad Ab- damlul appear"; alto the but mad-â€Wu. _ _ We hmnim We In. D Private Boom in out no" than the» good. an fitted tad nun-ted “II: - necnoy. - oar It’ck I. lug. ltd our price. no the lowest. Berlin Wells Drllled . . "Craft mt be vetted, bot truth ion naked." Poor on must be highiy natshedAo yell t-girGiive- caudal, but good shoes and not fear to be tan in their natural leathers. - A " The cost ot sham! finish ts put into mused mi“ and valued br the SEE?- (dmzh their Alt kinds of repair- ing done " reasonable pnccs ira'ati_)hs--- "The Slater Shoe" LEAPER BROS , Windmills Sugplled. Clarke’s [Ill, J. 3. Boos, Sole Local Agent. Huntsville Ontario