* Little Liver Pills.|«; S The Molsons Bank. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL 1,}12,| pursiy s To i i ww en n en e e Seerenme S ies ce n Paid up Capital $3,6500,000| ryc Industrial Committee met on Reserve Fund â€" $2,150,000 | Friday evening and discussed . the propositions ol the Gross Manufacâ€" turing Co. and _ the Berlin Novelty A general banking business done. COl| ~or1s; _ @@There was nothing fOf tht ections made, drafts issued payable in 1| procs was the reply of one of the parteof the Dominion or any piace in th¢| members when asked what was dont world Highestrates of intercst allowed for| at the meeting. ""'":"“‘““"‘""' Bank or §P¢O®| ((omplaints are being made by sepost JACOB HESPELER, citizens _ who have taken pains in Manager Waterloo Branch |keeping their boulevards in good reâ€" pair, by having them damaged . by ________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"|workingmen digging trenches . along the streets by throwing the grounc BANKOF HAM'LTON and laying the heavy pipes along the boulevards. This should be stopped ERLIN BRANCH av once. BERL * Wm. Mahlon Davis, C. E. of this own, bas been engaged by the town REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT. |of Listowel _ to prepare plans anc A general banking business done, Col ections made, drafts issued payable in all Mdm Dominion or any piace in the world Highest rates of intercst allowed for money deposited in Bavings Bank or specia deposits JACOB HESPELER, Manager Waterloo Branch Money can be sent to all parts of the world at trifling cost by our drafts and money orders. â€" Bank drafts are absolutely safe and we guarantee that the money will be paid only to the right party. + . P k. 92 P oomone esn d c enc t Travellers can purchase Circular Notes, which can be cashed everyâ€" where without charge, personal idenâ€" tification or any kind of trouble. The safest way to invest your monâ€" ey is to place it in this department. The rate of interest may .seem small when compared with that promised by speculators, but the inâ€" come is at least certain. _ > _ Remember that the money is perâ€" fectly safe and that you can get it when you want it. f Et . eCs _ One dollar and upwards received. Interest added twice a year, BANK OF COMMERCE WA Deposits of one dollar and upwards received in the Savings Bank or on‘ Bpecial Deposit and highest rates of interest allowed. Drafts and Money Orders issued on all points at lowest tates. Special attention paid to the business of farmers and ®ut of town customers. Blank Notes for tarmers sales supplied free on application. ~ CURE SICK HEADACHEK, How and Where | To Borrow Money Easy Terms _ Easy ayment Borrowers Given a Definite Contract. Principal and interes setaily paid upby monthly payments or th .can may be nego tated in the regular way. For particulars see BUCKBERROUGH & W-o Fire, Life and Accident Ins. Agents, Waterloo, «â€" Out. D. Buooxssanover, The Millinery Question Easily Solved. Must Bear Signature of See Pacâ€"Stmile Wrappor Botow, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Missos F.C. G. MiNTY, Mawacse J. P. BELL, Agent. THE CANADIAN FOR SALLOW $KIK. â€" FOR THE COMPLEXION G. A, Ranoo®, BERLIN. 1.." 16 abt Aonge ~ onattar o Eoys ï¬;.x.‘flï¬uâ€"u‘u to the Bank of Hamilton stafl as juniog. There was a good attendance at |a, |he Young Liberals‘ meeting on Friâ€" It is reported that a subscription list will be opened for the purpose of securing deer for Victoria Park, The _ ~decided to fix .,'&!‘22-.- !& rear _ of Huether‘s Beer Agency on Queen St., for bowling purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Clark . enâ€" tertained a few of their friends on Thursday . evening in a very hospitaâ€" We manner. Messrs. _ Muelier & Riets were awarded the contracts for the paâ€" pering and painting to be done at the County buildings this séason. Otto Williams, who bas just reâ€" curned from Halifax, will likely play on the defence, for the Woodsides, .n the City League series. He is a strong man on that division. Mrs. Menno Shantz, Alma. street, was pleasantly surprised by a score of her friends on Thursday evening, cn the occasion of her birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent. There is a strange house to house anvasser â€" whoâ€"â€"is making himself quite unpopular by forcing his way into houses without the usual inviâ€" laton. ‘The man is being watched. .oecifications for and take charge 0‘ he construction of a system of sewâ€" e:age and sewage disposal. A byâ€" iaw to raisg the necessary funds wil} e submitted to the ratepayers early in April. Messrs. M. Robson and Geo. Kres: of Ayr were in Berlin on Friday transacting â€" business. They visited the Ontario Sugar Co.‘s site, Vicâ€" toria Park, and the Tuerk foundry. At the latter place Mr. Robson was so pleased with the engines that arc manufactured by this firm that h« placed h‘s order for one of them. Elmira Advertiser: An employe 0‘ G. B. Ryan & Co., Berlin, who waf in town some time ago taking order: for carpets, was brought up befort Magistrates Jackson and Weir or Monday charged with violating the Transient Traders‘ Byâ€"Law .of _ the village. Lawyer Clement of Berlit who appeared for the delendant, conâ€" tended that the case could not possiâ€" bly be brought ubder the Transient Traders‘ Byâ€"Law, and cited similar cases where Judges decided against municipalities that were trying . to \stop such _ sales. ‘The magistrates teld over their decision for a week. r-;;-thâ€"e}rT;"Hark, hark, My Soul," by the choir. _ § -'R;;;iiï¬;;"uissionary Work in Ja pan,‘‘ Miss Lucas. |__ wiiéndingâ€""linionuy Progress in Japan,‘"‘ Mrs. J. Brown. Organ voluntaryâ€"Miss M. Zoellâ€" râ€"i{ym;&;lxfl, Christian â€" Soldâ€" iets. â€" Duetâ€"Mrs. J. A. Hilliard and Mrs. J. Brown. _ .â€":l_ott'.ing'l’ from Students‘ Conven tionâ€"Mrs. J. S. Williamson, 0 "ts';cr;t_a-.iyii Annual Reportâ€"Mrs J. Brown. Sn Alter the programme had been renâ€" dered the gathering adjourned to the basement, where refreshments wore served by the ladies and a social hour was spent in a vety q)o‘.ble manner. ‘The members of the W.M S. are to be congratulated upon the splendid success of their thankofferâ€" _ Organ â€" voluntaryâ€"Miss M. Zoellâ€" pet. ing service M Patterson Macfarlane _ of Nor:‘h‘gum died last Saturday! morning, aged 33 years, 4 months. She leaves a husband and six ren to mourn her loss. ' 'l-(.udingâ€"“Ont Work," Mrs. A. 8 JUDGMENT RESERVED N. Clark enâ€"| GOING TO SOUTH AFRICA . Private Otte Williarms and J. Wild{ang, 'h.m.abgw- rigon duty at dlfl.': past year, returned to their i# .. in Berlin toâ€"day. Both of the young men . look . better for their year‘s drilf, and speak highly of the manâ€" ner in which theyewere treated. They have not as yet decided if they will return for another term. Hamilton Spectator‘ Charles Barâ€" ker, son of Santuel Barker, M. P., lieutenant in the fourth South‘ Afriâ€" can contingent, and will leave> for Halifax at once. ~Mr. Barker is â€" a licutenant in H Company, Thirteentb Regiment, and â€"allâ€"hiss many â€"friends #ope that he.will"be sucéessful. Mr. Barker is well known in Berlin, havâ€" ing been ‘employed ‘inâ€"the Bank â€"of Hamilton last year: for â€"some time. The annual meeting. of the Zion Evengelical â€" congregation was held on Monday eveming, at which there was a large attendance. ‘The reports of the various departments of the church were read and showed that the congregation is njoyizdgumy- ing prosperity, both spiri and financially. Mr. L. J. Breithaupt, the retiring trustee, was reâ€"elected for the next three years. The memâ€" bership of the church numbers 400. ‘There was eo-plntlnl&' little ousiness â€"transacted _ at Park soard meeting on Friday evening. Those _ present were Messrs. Karl ueller, chairman, Wm. Roos, Geo. Rumpel, L. J. Brelth:fl. Mayor ‘den and Secretary J. S. Hoffman. iccounts amounting to $14.37 were Jassed. e â€" â€" A committee*was appointed to inâ€" spe:t the <fence ~between Woodside Jark a d the ~Sohuetzen Verein ‘ark, a..d another one to lay out the lifferent tenmis==courts for the Many of Berlin‘s citizens will reâ€" member Mr. Augustus James Jackâ€" on Thibaudeau, who lived in Berlin i@r about fifteenâ€"years. Mr. Thibanâ€" lifferent clubs. jeau‘s father having come to Berlin itom â€" Walla Walla, Washington Terâ€" rkory. in order that his boys might wcure a High . School education.. During the ‘last temyears Mr. Thiâ€" audeau bas been divingâ€" in Niagara Falls, N. Y., practicing law, and reâ€" ently he was appointed City Attorâ€" dey of that city, which carries with % a very handsome â€" salary. . For many years while living in Berlin, "Farry‘‘ Thibandeau was the crack toal keeper for the old time Rangers ind his many friends will be pleasâ€" td to learn of Mr. Thibaudean‘s sucâ€" ‘ess on the other side of the line. He is a brotherâ€"inâ€"law to Messrs. H. J. aud D. Bowman of Berlin. BERLIN TEACHERS‘ ASSOCIA TION. ‘The Berlin teachers met in reguln‘ session on Friday afternoon at the. Central School. A resolution from the Trades and Labor Council was ead, and a committee was appointâ€" «d to report on it at the next meetâ€" ng. Mr. Suddaby reported that the hool Board were opposed to the lan of soliciting aid from the puâ€" sils for charitable institutions, so, n motion, it was unanimously . deâ€" ‘ided that the teachers subscribe a um to be remitted by the secretary to the treasurer of the Muskoka Sanitarium for Consumptives as a donation from the Berlin Teachers‘ Association. AN OLD BERLIN BOY‘S SUCâ€" I : BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS Mr. Suddaby resumed his talk on Psychology, . dealing particularly with _ "Judgment." He illustrated inductive _ and deductive reasoning, and hence .the syllogism. He also showed what is meant by reasoning from bypotheses. Dr. Hett, who was »resent, took part in the discussion, and incidentally promised the assoâ€" ciation an address on a different asâ€" pect of psychology at a meeting in the near future. DEATH OF MISS IDA MUNROE The many friends of Miss Ida Munâ€" roe will be ~pained to learn of her death, which occurred on Friday aiâ€" jetnoon. Although not .unexpected, the death of this bright young lady will canse general sorrow in . the community. ~Miss Munroe has â€1 ill for the last eighteen months, sufâ€" fering from that dread disease, conâ€" sumption, and although all that meâ€" dical science and â€" kind attention could do she was forced to succumb \otbgl.mhnlulunt when life in the majority of cases has its brightest prospects. The deâ€" ceased was born in Paris in 1874 and came to Berlin some nine years ago, dvâ€"fl'fllï¬'.fl.& R. shirt for «ome years, where she won the confidence and csâ€" teem .of her employers and shopâ€" teem .of her employers and Shopâ€" m,'hvll-bmy- sociations they have: had her . "nurch â€" and â€" also . of the Rebecca Lo.ge, ~~1.0.0,.F., in each of which she was an active worker, whils she ANNUAL MEETING. PARK BOARD .& dnther and a sizâ€" he .eumpathy of . all ty ~is now on a Arm foundatior The oficers elected are as follows: Chairmanâ€"F. O.; Bochmer. Viceâ€"Pres.â€"E. A. Strasser Treasâ€"8. Sauder. Bec‘yâ€"W. J. Woollard. Chairmanâ€"â€"J. E.. Nevilie. 4st Viceâ€"Pres.â€"E. M. Devitt Znd Viceâ€"Pres.â€"A. Werner. Treas.â€"L. R. Clarke. Bec‘yâ€"A. J. Roos. Chairmanâ€"W. Weichel. Ast. Viceâ€"Pres.â€"â€"J..P. Fennell Znd Viceâ€"Presâ€"Philip Gies. Treas.â€"P. Hymmen. * Sec‘yâ€"Jac. Conrad. ‘‘The officers have not been elected, Hut the following are members: Geo. MHarrison, M. Reiner, M. Tylinski. | At a meeting of the Executive f:mmltm, all of the above mem ts being present there was a large attendance and the interest and ¢énthusiasm _ displayed augurs well for the success of the association in the Twinâ€"City. Chairmanâ€"A. Jansen. 1st Viceâ€"Presâ€"A. J. Gable. 2ud Viceâ€"Pres.â€"P. Pequegnat Treas â€"Hy. Heller. iSec‘yâ€"Nelson Bochmer. EDUCATIONAL CLASS BANQUE] The most successful season of the educational department of the Y.M. C.A. since its organization in Berâ€" lin _ was closed on Friday evening by a delightful banguet, which was tendred the class by the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the association. !There were about thirty young men in attendance, who did ample justice to the many good things provided by â€"ihe ladies, after which an interesting toast list was introduced by . the chairman _ of the evening, Mr. S. |Lutz. ‘‘The King‘ was responded to by the singing of the National Anthem, and the other toasts were proposed and responded to respectâ€" ively as follows: ‘"Our Country," E. Detweilet and F. Dunham; "Our Town," L. Brubacher and S. Lutz; "The Y.M.C.A.," Jas. Jaimet and Rev. Dr. Williamson; ‘"Education," I. Oberholtzer and Rev. Dr. Willâ€" iamson; ‘‘The Ladies," J. Bornhold and F. M. Belismith,; ‘"Secretary Elliott,"‘ L. H. Wing and Geo. N. Elliott. Chairmanâ€"G. O. Philip. 2nd VicePres.â€"J. Doersam Treas.â€"W. Schlieman. Sec‘yâ€"J. MacCallum. Chairmanâ€"W. H. Becker. 1st Viceâ€"Pres.â€"W. Martin Treas.â€"H. S. Hallman. Sec‘yâ€"N. Nicholson. Chairmanâ€"A. Weseloh Sec‘yâ€"W. A. Ziegler. Chairmanâ€"A. Schneider During the evening Mr. Ed Riener rendered several excellent mandolin selections, and Mr. F. M. Belismith sang a solo in fine style. ‘The awarding of the prizes for the best penmanship was performed . by Mr. J. F. Martinson, who has been the instructor during the past seaâ€" son. The successful students in orâ€" der of merit were, L. H. Wing, L. Brubacher, J. Bornhold and E. Detâ€" weiler. ‘"The judges were Messrs. F. H. Illing and W. H. Schmalsz. A pleasant feature of the evening‘s programme was the presentation of a beautiful gold pin to Mr. J. F. Martinson. The presentation . was made by Mr. N. B. Detweiler, who also delivered an interesting and apâ€" propriate address. Mr. Martinson responded in a very modest manner, expressing his gratitude to the class for the l:lth evidence . that l Chairman Karl Mueliet of the Berâ€" lin Park Board has beon successful in securing a pair of swans and a :Irolvnl geese, this season, and is now thinking seriously of passâ€" ing a subscription list around â€" for D:n.dmutoul | to present assortment of birds and animals in Berlin‘s park. ; | The -u; is looked upon Pn o heruns the deer will The National Anthem closed: the evening‘s banquet. j TOBACCONISTS YICTORZIA PAKK £00 DRUGGISTS HARDWARE STATIONERS JEWELLERS GROCERS BUTCHERS TAILORS 2 ‘::Pa"oww? rés' HA;couts i ; [TVAL @m @urrNific§RIP 9 o ies "‘gf"'q "":a.:’.'@ CLEAN ‘‘Well, we think we see Galt‘s dinâ€"| ~ s this season,‘‘ said an enthusiast to the scribe at Victoria Park on Friday evening. ‘‘How so?"‘ was the .unocent query made by the newspaâ€" per man. ‘‘Why, take a look at that aggregation of players that is on the .eld this evening, did you everâ€"see as many heavy and fast men in the game at any one time for the last en years?" was the enthusiast‘s reâ€" mark. ‘"Look at the old standâ€" »1ys,‘‘ he continued, as young and speedy as ever they were. There‘s Dave Brown, Ab. Ruddell, Otto Voâ€" gelsang, Alf. Scherer, Geo. Bochmer, Mut Heller, Geo. Wagner, Graham, ackner, and then look at those Inâ€" termediates, who will make excellent senior men, after a few practices. There‘s Oliver Seibert, Harry Sherâ€"| iiffs, _ Homen â€" Hymmen, ~Beverley Brown, Alex. Meinke, Sammy Roschâ€"| man and a halfâ€" a dozen others. 1 .ell you, scribe, that Galt team is simply _ out of it. And if they are out of it Seaforth and the Riverâ€" sides are not in it either. "Oh, I don‘t know,‘‘ was the scribe‘s reâ€" mark, "I beard that same remark ast year, and _ what was the reâ€" sult?""‘ ‘"Cheer _ up, fellow, cheer up,‘‘ last _ year‘s experience has waught the Rangers a valuable lesâ€" son. This season it is going to be practice, _ practice, and practice again, and the fellow that don‘t |practice won‘t play, no matter how good he is. We are going to have a <enior and Intermediate team that |will win, you can bet on that." ~‘All right, we shall see,"‘ was the scribe‘s remark, as he walked away n order to watch the game more closely, and _ to his gratifying surâ€" prise saw some of the fastest and ‘| rettiest football imaginable. There ~I were no â€" less than thirtyâ€"five footâ€" | ballists on the field, and over a hunâ€" ‘ | ired spectators, which showed the ‘| nterest that is being taken in . the °| ;ame. Berlin will certainly see some ‘|iast football games this season, . as ‘ l o difficulty will be experienced in °| lling the various positions of the |aifferent teams to the best advanâ€" E | age. FOR SaLt By Aut ORUGGISTS. PRICE 50c PR SOML, BUY THE GENUINE â€"MANFD BY Galt Reformer:> Baseball will wear the funeral pall in Galt this year. The game has taken a terrific tumâ€" ble in this part of Ontario. Why, even the Maple Leafs have been put away in a big book, and ‘pressed. When Guelph ignores its oldâ€"time favorite, baseball must be near its finishâ€"for a decade and a day. â€"Galt Reformer: "Butt" Saunders left for Brandon this morning, where he will play with the team of that place Diamond Dyes The Only Kind Bought and.Used By Wise and Prudent Women. ‘The only pure, harmless and _ unâ€" dulterated package dyes for home use are the Diamund Dyes. â€" Each package colors from one to sight pounds of goods according to depth of color and character of faâ€" bric. * ‘The full and explicit directions on each package of Diamond Dyes are so simple that even a child can underâ€" stand them, and easily match . any desired gshade. ho t w â€" Diamond . Dyes make old things look like new. You can color old and faded dresses, skirts, suits, blowâ€" Diamond Dyes give the best â€" and #trongest ~ colors, unfading in washâ€" 3&“. You are always when youâ€"use them, no disapâ€" pointments or failutes. _ _ ses, jackets, ._capes, silks, ribbons, hosiery, feathers and other goods, any desired shade, making them look dealer to buy dyes, do any‘ but the ‘‘Diamond," they mmnmmma Conductor=â€"Now, â€" then, Miss, g6t| __â€"â€" in ghick;" please. < The train is just| _ _ FOOTBALL BASEBALL t KIND OF HIM! #+ ie ‘4 "“u.'v‘.‘ Men‘s Spring Suits â€" â€" Men Men‘s suite, single breasted, sacque shape, all wool, dark brown or dark grey hecked Lnved, Iishian imluge, 1 m ‘ Men‘s suite, fine colored worsted and domestic tweed in neat small check paiterns, dark and medium light patterns,choice linings and trimmings, Men‘s suits, imported navy blue and black twilled worsted, single breasted, Sel _iï¬ï¬o’ï¬;ï¬,’ï¬ï¬bxï¬ facings, double breasted vest, first class trimmings Men‘s suits, black clay twills, black vicunas and dark colored worsted, silk stitched edges, very best trimming, $12.00. SALE OF SAMPLE SHOES AND HATS FOR MEN AT LOW PRICES. : Doing a Little Piping and other plambing work all over the city which could be postponed until the fall. But our customers know that at the present time we can give jobs better attention becausenotrushed with orders. Take time by the forelock. Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, and Pipe Atting. . _ " Lhone MZ . m mhole oi ie se t ns k t 55. HAVE ALL PruMBmc6,Gas Firrâ€" INXG AND StEaAm HEATING done before the plumbers‘ busy time. Our workâ€" men will give every job their bost attenâ€" tion. Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL â€" . > > > $250,000.00 DEPOSIT WITH DOMINIONGOVT | . _ 117,14041 All Policies Guaranteed by the LONDON & LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. with Assets of $16,306,638. These are samples of the excellent bargains offered. «]afoafeelonle ofecJeoPenfonPenJenfanfonJanfonle ofenfonfonfoode { [mitimery] } T 2A _ CJOlLS 9. OO are the words we emphasize in reference to the prices. These lines are standard valuesâ€"not here toâ€"day and away toâ€"morrow â€"â€"but always present, a ‘s suits, single breasted, sacque shape, all wool domestic tweed, neat patâ€" t:r'm, g:ogd Italian lininp,q?ï¬m The vexatious problem of suit buying finds an easy solution hcre, for our clothing rezches the summit of style, the zenith of workmanship and the gflnnac'o of material ‘This has never been called into question, To wear our suits is to assert a dressy individuality and a personal taste compelling admiration, The Mercantile Fire S. R. Ernst & Co., Alfred Wright, Secretary, T. H. Hail, Inspector, .onmnestly Risglht Incorporated 1875. HEAD OFFICE â€" â€" ~â€" WATERLOO, ONTARIO. you may GEO. E. POTTER, INSURANCE COMPANY. Conmrad Brosg., uquue 32 King St., Berlin. has 40. | done promptly <pat * /. w6 Shoes for Women, Men and Children made of calf, vict kid and other htness and are 7 tofabincd in tins m line "of wear. (b‘uodï¬r- and ease secured without sacrificing ity, All styles of Cyele and Motor Co. for BRANTFORD GENDRON Whesls both chain and chainless from $40 We also represent the Beriin luyd:(hh BERLIN and RACYCLES from $35 to $65. New and Second Hand wheels 1901 Models We _/ s s p Waterloo, Canada represent the Wt Give us a call aFF esd dn esnas 117, 14041 â€"â€"