Insurance Force The nomler of rlkk- in force WA# p in 21,785, assuring 1,718,031, the reserve ..; _ on which, based on our own standard, Actuaries 4 per cent., on all ic .. business previous to 1900, and Hm. 3 1â€"2 per cent. on all business taken ~*‘‘slnee then, is $5,301,100.41. ‘The cash assets are $5,439,541.65, and Assets and Income the total arsets $5,757,822 17. &m gs on Govertment standard, over all liabilities, is $605,470.00 ; on uï¬_d m,ï¬:““:: m.go 551.7 (;M unï¬iâ€"h- moâ€˜ï¬ ;"n s .06 ; interest ‘vrent ; anm pumlnm § ____ total income $1,277,686.08. f f _Pald . W The amount paid to pouoyholdoil' was to Po '3-%.0&.03&4&.,-: which=sum $305,021.95 of Substantial Gains. â€" .. .. Phe Thirtyâ€"second dlr N C at ces well Olird with e deep interest 9 oi iices Sociie reicd the chail on mwoting ...?'% The ‘g tshen the , on . H. : dCell, Becrotary of the Company, acted as Becrelary the »-m;.m-n«mmmm 1 #8) * DIRECTORS‘ REPORT. | Your Diréctors for 3 our contiderstion and their < M mmuuehImnmumth)muflnn Now Business They are pleased to inform you the business of the in all has been of the most eatisfactory character, -.h:m- to make the same liberal distribution of surpius to policybolders as in the past. The volume and character of new business were all that could be destred hddlmmmm"huml-.ndmmd' surrenders, in proportion to business in very moderate. Amount of applications for new aesurance received was 44,403,000 ; accepted and policies issued $4,071,009, all of which with the exception of Investments 48 nÂ¥ rada First The Board of Directors have not seen mmm&qmfld.pnh the rule hitherto followed of. confining operations to our own country and.Newfoundland. o $188,510.50 ; Matured was paid to living..policyholders. $1 10.00 ; Matured . _ Eaoowinoris e AARReCEEeE ug';&gs.w; Surplus $82,255.515 Annnities $6,763.07. en o n bas:been: active, and the Company have been fully fllo"- inter good, and payments on menn nd in promptly met, the interest @verdye g much :g ‘The Manager, cfficers and staff continue to @lecharge their duties gmmunnmum Board, and in the best interests of the om: + a m’ Exrecutive Committee have carefully examined all the Securities, and compared them with the entries in the ledger, and found thermm to correspond therewith. h: H nas . S en ie oo e s d & [am CAROME WO COUIE ER mE CE Eiiet You will be called upon to elect four Directors in placs of Rt. Hon. Sir Wiltrid Lautier, Alfred Hoskin, K. C., E. P. Clement aud Hon J. T. Garrow, whose term has expired, all of whom are eligible for reâ€" Premlums, Not.................... Interest, Rent and Annuities...... Death Claims, Endowments, Profiw, etc. All other Payments.................>>« e Mutual Life Reserve, 4 and 3 1â€"2 per cent....... k1 other LinbiHitiGs.............:.» 32nd ANNUAL MEETING. TotAl............ ... ««. $5,377,851.64 SURPLUS. On the Company‘s Standard, 4 and 3â€"1â€"2 per cent....$ 379,970 53 On the Government Standard, 4 1â€"2 and 3 1â€"2 per cent. . _ 605,470.00 to express to you the great pleaeure it gives moto meet you a 3 and to be able _w_m'flh?m for your consideration ,e,".!“g:! of the last year‘s business, which is so eminently satisfactory in every respect ; for whilst the new business was a little less than last year, it was quite up to our expectations, and beyond the amount I believe issued by the majority of other Cavnadian Companies in Canrda.. The statement shows steady progrees in all that denotes strength ard stability, while the ratio of expense to income was the lowest in our history, vis.: 16.88 per cent., or 3.57 per cent. leas than the previous In moving the adoption ofthe Report, Mr. Melvin said, allow me to express to you the very great pleseure it gives meto meet you again, year. â€" We added Mmimhlwm.muflum"u five years the Jarge amount of $11,71 considerably over one >!â€"d tf the total amount in force, a very grltï¬zil' incresse indeed, ri :ch ulnoohlulbqultyoflhem one by our ageney si. 2, or which they will please accept the hearty cbanks of the Directors. _ which they will please le;:ï¬ the hearty chanks of the Directors. During the year we to polisybolders in surplus thg anm of %82,255.51, and during the past five years the lunun n of &go‘,m.u‘ Dunn‘ntho -n'o"serhd we increased surplus on from $231, 417 05 to $379 &lfmmbmmum the Combined Experience 4 per cent. %:mh foree nreâ€" vious to 1900 and Hm. 3 1â€"2 per cent. Table on all new business since then. llnmnohuuémn_a(' allowe 1 by the Government, viz.: Hm. 4 1â€"4 cent. on old besiness, a standard that some Compatites atill use, th ® wonld. be 86 470. “"Fni-?&iï¬i&'&"""ï¬' wmonnted to $208,471, being much b«â€" f .00 Toss th + ‘The interest and rents vat , the emount paIG for claims in 1901 by $67,307 5 jfl‘ ‘in m past five years by An¢ large sam of $155,000.20. For snis wo ato, ho doubt, indebrea m Sont front taroful in bie neldetax of Hiake, aod. sigo. to our magical â€"_ The large sam of $305,021 95 was pald to Hring boiders durâ€" Mc omamnon mt esd en # 727.36. .‘The aimoont paid to Iridg is large> i as & lcrfllm instord of, an \g.:l:- 35B the whot it biane, which at on+ timg ware More I4 taror. .___ At the Anpual Mesting 6#‘ Miy 20t%), 18908; in refe se and wirpion 1 ud fyres words ols mar bo neme of was secured in Canada. ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS FOR INCOME. PRESIDENT‘S ADDRESS. Total........... DISBURSEMENTS. LIABILITIES. ASSETS ‘wea mhy ‘dé >."V'l.flo the rate of to $163, 6 ware fho Jon., 1598, m re . « . . « 85,801,100 41 2..... _ 76,751.23 interest has been ..§3,707,822.17 .. The death rate .$ 998,619.06 . 279,067.02 IQOI. .$ 709,209.39 .$2,650,566.61 . 2,012 449 03 1 ‘6143,361.93 l0 123,720.01L 200 14,312 25 . 313,403.34 $1,277,686.08 in any former #% 493,532.45 " ‘215,676 94 or value of to the reâ€" ‘The following interesting letter from Mr. E. W. B. Smider, of St. Jacobs, has been received by the editor. Mr. and Mrs. Snider, it will be remeimbered, left a short time ago in company‘ with their two. daughters on an extended trip . to the Southern States: Dear Editor: It may be of interest to your readâ€". m.jto acquire some information . of southern country. I left home on the tweotieth ult., when ‘the thermometer registered near zero. Here eight days later we find it from forgy to sixtyâ€"five, quite spring like: It will not be necessary to relate anything north of .Washâ€" ington, only this that snow had not disappeared when arriving there, in tact Buffalo was blocked from . preâ€" vious snow storm and Philadelphia streets. . were in a borrid condition, Tt migss of thy Bithr howerer, made the night of however, made a clean esweep of it. At. the city of Richmond we . made L. might .mention though, after leavâ€" ing . Washington I received my frst impression of the negro question, the colored :people not being allowed the privilege <to.ride in the same cars with whites,each having their sepâ€" arate cars, -tm“gm-cw" Ninths Shanemen fhemont ‘ _ ta 1 ,w«.&h.-hflx.h taking one side of the _ apd th'hwotht. ‘mau ay down to this point~ the ~dimost unanimous iB Ee mmith WOR RAC PPAE TS mmmun,mo,vmmm"‘&uk ‘fying she account was mh-q-mm-& ear. mnumunm-ï¬ï¬‚umn-um{.m pcflhnnu..uhmmwm‘dhumnm :.'&'.‘:T.."...c:r" ooo iann n acidatferne yase apon vhich nohare now entered may mwlhn the one just past 1 in support of the motion, Mr: A.~Hoskin, K. C., 1st Viceâ€" â€" said:~~The President has been so full and explicit in the tm:m%u but little has beeu lefs for me to say. 1 may be ed to take up a fow minutes of ymbohnhrhu.mmnlupdnmby him. In this as in all insurance mt_h‘hm-t‘d_‘_th"“ d“m com is of vital he varblug power. tDCE ® M e oA B MEG M d ctts 2W ts ult P & dition has given a deal of his time and & to this :,tot the business and, I venture to say, with success. ‘As the end of 1901 the interest due amoun $3,693.00 on ies .Mh:‘ thh.m,&t.ourjm is wo mfl'? en paid. major Mamnanv‘sa investments are in municipal debentures M‘l Company‘s investments are in municipal debentures and mortgages muflm It may be of interest to the members to know how Tgvmhi:om " unmm«i,' amoubnt vested on h!ll a m sity property $1,033,584.14. In mesttobe there are $180,974 iverted on farm $178,815 upon city properties. ‘The debentures are disâ€" tributed as follows:â€" : Cities ......... ‘The average rate of interest realized by the Company during the past year was nearly five per cent. 1 think it well to refor to another matter which the members at large may not be aware of, which shows how their interests are safeâ€"guarded. ‘The Executive Committee mest onee a month and among other duties m- upoh every payment made. on behalf of the Company, every item disbursed is scrutinized and no item allowed to pass unless if has been expended solely for the business ot the coany ‘The same Committee once a year go through all the securities of the Company. ‘They take up the investments made durâ€" ing the year. ‘The mortgage is produced ‘and is compared with thoqpmhnmd the Minute Book of the Company to see if the land embraced in thoma‘tmhm-meuthnnmwhichltmnmd to lend, that the amount mentioned in the mortgage, the terms of payâ€" ment and rate of interest and the parties, agree with the application atd the Minute Book. Also the mortgage is examined to see that it is zt'%pcly -fz:d by the .rn’u and properly registered. The Mortgage ger is examin to see if all these partioulars are catered init. If all is found to be correct then some member of the Committee puts his initials upon the mortgage, so that on its production at any fature thice and the initials being found there, the Committee know that the above investigation has been made. . In addition to this, once a year all the debentures and mqu are goue over with the Mortgage Ledger and Auditorsa‘ d statements. . Each seourity is produced and bandled by the Committee, the Mortgage Ledger is compared with the Auditors‘ list and statement to see if they agree as to the amonnts still unpaid. Each mortgage account is looked at to see if it is in arrear, and for what length of time. By these means the Board .endemver to keep a check uponâ€"the jnvestments of the Company. .. .L would ask to be permittedâ€"to make arfew: remarks personal to myself. J ~~ve now been a member <f the Board for twentyâ€"one years and can say 1 nave "come of ago". Iam proad to have been for such a length oftime a member of such & prosperous and reliableinstitution, atrd in a manner to have “‘aown up" with the Compauy. To show the growth since L becain@"®! Director, the present assots exceed by $1,500,000 the total insurance in existence when I joined the Company, ard the present annual income of the Company is ;h'nool‘ one ml{llon h C RNUULE URA CR LOWrawaerthet timaâ€" I RabG Interesting Letter From Mr. E. W. B. Snider, Exâ€"M. P. P. aru taP peS@uRs MAE PCA O P WOC1 O Cl LA d. llars more than the total assets of the Company at that time. { hope those uho will be here twentyâ€"cne years honce will find, as I ventore to predict they will, that there has been as gréat if not a greater A C RAEBPVRRNC PRC PPE P COT L 42. $ Somerville and Kidd, Manager Wegenast, Mesers. Earl, Barrows8, Sipprell, Linton, Stewart, Mills, Muir, Scriptaure, Ormsby, Chisholm, Co:tin, Moore, Dr. Webb and others havi spoken, aud the retiring Directors having been re:elected,. the mu‘flu, adjournéd, | The Directors met subsequently and reâ€"elected Mr. Robert 3 elvin, President; Mr. Alfred Hoskin, K. C., First Viceâ€"President, and. the Hon. Mr. Britton, Second Vice President of the Company for the ensuing year. ‘The honorable Mr. Justice Britton, and Mossrs. Bruce, Clément, ts I SO2Rs 0 s s mL LK wb THE SUNNY SOUTH. VICE PRESIDENT‘S ADDRESS. .$ 885,700.79 o 1,134,339.:% .~ ©138,043. * "34,955 89 . â€" 68,300.21 Account Value $2,012,448.03 $1,044,758 95 200,969.67 people depend nearly exclusively on the colored people to do their manâ€" ual labor, as _ well as performing household duties and interestnn nnn housebold .duties and intrust into their hands the care of their: childâ€" ren. Comparing these matters (I find it difficult to favor the opinions generally held. by those whose forâ€" tunes are so closely in touch in their everyâ€"day _ life in this part of the country. In this (Charleston) City, they claim _ to have about 66 cent. colored and 33 per cent. â€gr Now, as to Richmond, this is â€" a city of 85,000 and appears to grow somewhat . slowly, not having the push and energy equal to the more northerly cities, it being the capital of the state naturally gives it promâ€" inence that it otherwise would not have. I had the pleasure of forming the acquaintance of the Speaker ~of the State Legislature, and the House being is session, I availed my self of the opportunity to attend their sesâ€" sions as well as the sessions of the Senate. The procedure of the sevâ€" eral assemblies are very much simâ€" ilat to our Ontatio Legislature, only more Do:o’cr'u'm. no lmzhuy deâ€" corum , appeared me~ :/ to‘ lack orderliness. ‘The sï¬ build~ u Mm Iu';, &‘ fluï¬ m"“' & library is . located in a separate ©Tah ‘ ban. &A $ t . tn Ghm * cce -‘*c' & ‘of "’-"'t\"'*l' n ‘\'-, m-.‘;ah“ i _art W s \Charlesto® is not" what 1 cohsider # 377.541.87 1,140,739.83 134,355 .96 ied 28 65,245 192,999.99 i any, Par Value .60, in resorye we passâ€" |Co, 50 pet g 5;&'%4 at leskt Mho Sopuisth counted, lor the wnm iple _ Â¥ will have 4. te f m better business ods. ... _.} i‘# In an old bistorical city like this there are . many ?fl“ of interest, notably Fort Sumter, Moultric, ‘the Barracks, Iste of Palms, Sullivan‘s Island, a number of public buildings, some of the oldest churches is Amerâ€" F y Admiral! Schiey “‘(mtmï¬- m"“mo lum on the: Ex i POtINE | 24 . 20 hibition grounds delivering &n:. ad dress at the meeting of the Daughâ€" ul e glion on d o oo hgas ic h l Un CEes T ‘ I might ï¬h .that the lleqi}g\lmi tz worâ€" thy a visit byâ€"a nor ner, for here. the ru; is seen . the nearest point morth and grows luxuriously in the sands along the sea lbomt : Expect to leave here for Florida about the third of March. §®â€"â€" Just .. returned _ from| Fort Sumter. Found it _ . in | rather dilapidated . state, locibé about four °_ miles east .of"* the city onâ€"the mouth of :m River, the swell of the sea it difâ€" ficult to land. I consider the Fort quite inferior © both in size m sols idity as well as apparent ment to the Fort at Quebec.: I purâ€" pose visiting the phosphate works which seems to be the largest ‘inâ€" dustry here, this afternoon, and if time permits may go to Summerville where the famous Pine Forést Inn is located and the‘ Pinehurst _ tea farim, only a short distance from depot. €harleston, S. Carolina, March 1st, 1902. Canada‘s total mineral production for 1901 was‘ $69,407,031, according to the Geological Survey report. The Council of‘ Essex town are nothing if not ecomomical. At the meeting to . appoint officers, Frank Brown was appointed chief of .. poâ€" lice, dog tax collector, sanitary inâ€" spector, truant officer, janitor of the town hall, repairer of sidewalks, and water rate collector, at $450 .. per year. Some of the people thought he would grow rich too rapidly at this rate â€" and complained to. the Council, who then added the duties of assessor to his varied repertoire. Nervous Troubles MAKES LIFE A SOURCE OF We also ‘had the pleasure of hear The Sufferer is. Constantly Tired lll‘\ Depressed, Will Startle at the Slightâ€" est Noise, and is Easily Irritated. .i\ There is no torture more acute and intolerable than nervousness. . A nerâ€" vous person is in. a state of constant irtitation by. day.and aleeplessness by night, . The: sofferer.statts at every nolse ; is oppressed.. by a feeling that «anmething awial, is going, to happe? ; ‘sa ebaky, depreseed, and, al gh in a [cono:nwy exhausted state, is nuable to sitor lis still. * _ If you are nervous or worried, or sufier from a combination of langour and copstapt, irritation,, you, need »& mnerve food and uorvmtor_’.p:}nd Dr. MWilliamg‘,Pink ‘Emn are absolately the best thing in the world for y&n. You will find after takinog them that your feelings of distross and worry are being rapidly. replaced by strength, conâ€" fiderce and a {°°"n§ that {2 are on the road to full and compl health ‘md strength. Get rdid of {:nr nervousâ€" ness i2 the only possible wayâ€"by building up atrong, lu_Qdy_nuve!' _ Miss Ioa Dons«*, Batharst, N. B., saps; "Words fail me to tflnmiy express what I owe to Dr. lame‘ Pink Pills I w»s attacked by la grlpr, the after effects of which took the form of nesvous exbaustion. . The laast nclee would startle me and I would tremble for some time. I used eezeral medicines, but they dids not help me, aud. udao went on I was frutln; worse and was so nervous that was afraid to remain alone in a room. 1 alept badly at pizbt and would frequently awake with a start that wonuld compel. me to scream. The trouble told on me to such en extent that my friends feared for my reocvery. s:thh time my aunt urged mo to try . Wiliames‘ Pink Pills, and after neing o!,xht boxes I was completely reâ€" stored % 1 feel that Dr. ~Wilâ€" HName‘ Pink saved my lifeâ€"and I sincerely hope my .ï¬um. will benéfit soms other eufferer." CONSTANT MISERY. Respectfully, E. W. B. SNIDER $wak n Admiral! Schiey In order to save bscr row =~:~gtwo or more separ â€" ate remittances we have m ents with the publishers by with The Chronicleâ€" aph, _ special low gates, cis clubbing nuowitbdlmm†and .American ng!.popcn and magazines quoted on application, s 3 f mm w (with2preminms) 1 60 W pmaepenirns it â€" Staz IPRORIEDENEY â€"1â€"1<+ /n «in in r n ar snn s + vie ++ â€"â€" i M Sn mrem m ganaldhap ons |g hrodlble relegraph ‘nud ~Pariming Warld...... ....... 116 Ohronicleâ€"Telegraph and Northern Messenger.......... 1 20 Cash must accompany all orders. Make remittance by Postal Note, Registered Letter or Express Order to THE MUTUAL LIFE CcoOoMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. Dominion Life Assurance ‘The 20th Oentury finds this Comâ€" mzni,x; a .plomilal-p';o‘:ltln‘.‘.‘t Security, so , progress equity are our We have increased our Subscribed Capital from $257,600 to $400,000. We have increased our Paidâ€"up Capâ€" ital frowm $64,000â€"to $100,000. We hare placed all our old business on at 4 per cent. Reserve Standardâ€" highntx:n(iovmmtn_quhmuh We have increaged our Surplus over all Linbilities from $21,210 to $35,852. We have increased our Assets from $416,807 to $539, 206. All forms of regular sou@d life and endowment assurance are issued. See any of onur agents or wirte Head Oflcllor,wï¬mlll‘: f Formerly THE ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE. Basy Terms Easy Payment Borrowers Given a Definite Contrack. Principal and interest maybefully paid upbyâ€" monthly payments or the loan may be nego tated in the regular way. For particulare see BUCKBERROUGH & CO., Fire, Life and Aocident Ins, Agents, Waterloo, .« Ont. How and Where D. Rrox »wanove%®, The Purest, Handiest Soap in all:the World. Ohronicieâ€"Telegragh and Weekly fon (a farm journai) Chronicleâ€"Telegraph and Country Gentlemen .. .. .. mï¬w and Ddly’Gloho............ Telegraph Aal;omï¬o Daily News.... COh sonicleâ€"Telegraph and m&gy World .. .. Ohronicleâ€"Telegraph apd Toronto y Mail...... Chronicleâ€"Telegraph and Toronto Evening Mail, . Chronicleâ€"Telegraph and Toronto Daily Star... ... Premiums, Net hmv:nntudAnnntuu....,.:, lcwml.lnluvn Profits, etc., R;Idmwmn ..;-'.A Progress in 1900 sURPLUS 3:':&"oov-:-':¢'?£.¢-h.’fnx u’ï¬x. Reserve, 4 and cent. T ooke Laduithe. C‘ To Borrow Money CHEAP READINCâ€"FOR 1902. 0. A. Ryon®, Abstract of Aocounts for 1901. j INCOME. DAVID BEAN, Publisher, DISBURSEMENTS LILABILITIRMS Ceo. Woegenast, ABSETS Eeoromical Mutoal Fire Ins. Co. Not Ansoin isf 1in 1000 “st gcog.eo Government Deposit ï¬m 08 Gromer Laxe â€" â€" â€" â€" @uso Kraxs â€" â€" â€" 0 â€" W. H. SoBMaLs â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Jos. ©.Beagram M.P.................Watarioo WATERLOO MUTUAL Total Assets 3ist December 12 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED IN 1863. BOARD OF DIRRCTORS, Geo. Randall, Keq., Waterioo, 8. Snyder, Eeq., ad Geo. Disbel, Req., # J, L. Wideman, Eeq., Bt, Jacobe. Allan Bowman, Req., Preston, P. E. Shants, Preston. Thomas Gowdy, Req., Guelph, James Livingstons, Reg., Baden, Mutual and Cash Systems. OFTIOERS ; â€" l-‘::fl.a-u-. Wm. , {Viceâ€"President. Frank Haight, Manager, R, T. Ort, Inspector, Mesers. BowTby & Cleman‘t, Bolicitors, Rer BUCKBEERROUGH & OO0‘Y, BOARD OF DIRECTORS. of Canada. Exosisitor Trading Co OF BERLIN. PREMIUMS FREE Sond no Monay. Waterloo, Ont. «.....« 808,470.00 _ C â€" ~ President $1,277 $2,613,006.61 2,019,049.08 615,301.48 â€" 193.799 01 . 18 385.75 _ 300,280.84 301,100.41 -‘iLI,JMJ! $5,107,822.17 $ 908.619.06 . 279,007.02 $5.377,851.04 $ $93,582.45 . $18,676.91 $ 700,200 39 1 16 + 15 Manager. Amen ts |2