!f;fl)h is an age of wireless tele graphy and smokeless powder, and the records of the Parliaments now "In.session, both Dominion and Proâ€" ‘wincial, show how there can be @peechless speeches. The manuscript ‘Of these orations could be passed to ï¬ â€c.:;“ orters .. without . delivering them, it would enable a lot of memâ€" bers to speak to their constituents on the same day without the rest of %he House beirg obliged to hear W‘The large attendance _ at the Noung Liberal Club on Friday evenâ€" n last speaks volumes for its fuâ€" y usefuiness. The principles . of "Liberalism have always been strong @«grttactions for young men of ability ‘and integrity, and the town of Berâ€" a is no exception to this rule. This gflw offers to its members not only «m vast field for usefulness, but a intelligent discussion on the _ public questions of the day, offers a :tm opportunity for mental developâ€" ment, and the formation of trce poâ€" C litical character. ï¬! i‘s be any New Ontario ‘toâ€" @ay, the territory would belong . to Manit« or . some other province, ":' the forests and mines that are C .»i; j so largely to Ountario‘s Wealth toâ€"day, would have been parâ€" lled out among Tory heelers â€" and henchmen for little or nothing. .‘ ‘The Dominion Senate has Lbeen reâ€" formed and is now practically . Reâ€" form. The Cold school of Senators may still be numerically spcaking in the majority, nevertheloss a large per cent. of this class ace becoming so infirm _ through advancing years as to render them unable to attend %o their senatorial duties. The fact that there is no probaâ€" ble danger of obstruction bâ€"ing . enâ€" eountered in future from this source, to any progressive measures passed by the House of Commons, «‘!: have # tendency to inspire confidence in commercial circles. Cornwall Freeholder.â€"It should alâ€" &‘bwh-m_ that if the es â€" had â€" bad their way there "I have heard a great deal about the politeness of street car conducâ€" tors on the other side," said a reâ€" turning European traveller, "but 1 never Fnew just how far it was carâ€" ried until I had experience on a car in Dublin. In that city the fares on the street car lines are graduated by zones. That is to say, if you want to ride five mi,es in an« direction you pay: five ceurs, the rate being one cent a mile, with a minimum fare of two cents. When the conâ€" ductor came around I found to my t that I bad nothing a £1 note. The conductor not make the change, and I ly knew what to do. ‘Well,‘ I 3 *I suppose I had better get off, get some &m, «nd take another €ar.": | "That â€" 'Ihntulml ‘sary," said the conductor. ‘T‘ll carry pou all . right. Here‘s a bill {for “;_: ‘thwith he pulled out a age in a book of blamnks which he irried in his pocket, tore it out and â€"har W‘" ; to me. ‘Be kind enough to f t“,‘ ’I. m ." -‘ "*y J At ‘c top was w M :"?&'" r.‘ Be it L F \x;. s ““r- oiz oï¬ ty < +i , ,‘ â€Â».-'».' w & reduction of six end a ‘million this year. ‘The .Mail “'* says ‘they show an inâ€" se ol three millions. .. Yqu . pay _ money . and you take your te. One thing is certain; ~you your money. coal of this inâ€" ';'"â€.“’f; of His ~ Deplorable Condition â€"Appesred to be in a Rapid Decline. Dominion due for iD The after effects of some troubles, such as fevers, la grippé, ow., are freâ€" quently more serious iu their results than the origin :1 iliness, and the paâ€" rient is left an almest physital wreok. In such cases as those what is needed is a tonic medicige,to enrich the blood, streng‘hen the nerves,and put the sy8â€" tem rightâ€" Mr. L. Baroabaidt, a progâ€" )eroue young farmer living near Welâ€" m proof o‘l'b trath of m en uie joimg in ths mo years ag0, »lag United %1 was attacked z typhoid fever,the after effects of | proved more â€" diâ€"astrous to my constiâ€" tution than the fever liself, and for h.::"h" ;:u d-t.nlnl'.x:‘u. 1 | no appétite, Was emâ€" aciated, and Jmm I :fl vislent distressing beadaches, 4 my whole appeararce was su tive of a rapicd decline. I tried om than three dootore, but they failed to benefis me. At this junoture a friend of mino mentioned my case to another physician, and he sugzested that I should take a course of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. I took his advice and found it most savisfactory. _ Almost from the ountset the pills helped me, aad I conâ€" tinued their use until I bhad taken about a dozen boxes, when I felt myâ€" self fally restored to my former healib, and my weight increased to 165 pounds. I have enjoyed the best of health ever since, and Iâ€" will always give Dr. Wilâ€" liame‘ Pink Pills the praise they so richly deserve." These pills are a certain cure for the after effects of fever, la grippe and pueamonia. _ They make new, rich, red blood and strengthen the nerves from first dose to last; and in this wey they cure such troubles as snaemia, neuralgia,rhenmatism, heart weaknese, kiduey and liver ailments, partial parâ€" alysis, St. Vitus‘ dance, ete. They also cure the funetional ailments that makes the lizes of so maoy women a source of constant misery, and bring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Other alleged tonic pills are mere im itations of this great medicine, and the buyer should see that the full name "Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills for Pale Peoâ€" ple," is on every box. Sold by all dealers in medicioe or aâ€"st postpaid at 50e a box, or six boxes for $2 50,by adâ€" dressing the Dr. Williâ€"im« Medicine Co., Brockville, Oot. + Carthage this summer. Mr. Hugh Wright of Tralee held a successful auction sale last week. Misses _ Annie and Celia Voll of North Dakota _ are sojourning at Misses _ Aunie North _ Dakota Hesson. Mr. H. B. Kerr of Fernbank, who had the misfortune to fracture |his cukle a iew weeks ago, is recoverâ€" Mr. Ed. Campbell of Burns was snowâ€"bound at Harriston during the late storm. Owing to the recent blockade only nc mail during the week ending Feb. 8th reached Burns, Carthage, Tralee, Dorking, Hesson and Fernâ€" bank. ing If you want to gain a woman‘s everlasting friendship, ask her adâ€" â€"ice, and follow it. \, Pale face, disordered digesâ€" tion, these are the signs of thin blood. © School girls are the most frequent suffercrs from thin blood. Scott‘s Emulsion is just what they need. It is blood food. You can easily tell whether Scott‘s Emulsion is doing the girl good. â€" The signs begin to change. Pale face gets some good color; appetite improves ; mind brightens; temper beâ€" comes happy; digestion strong; habits regular. A new school will be erected at Scott‘s Emaulsion can do all these things for your paleâ€"faced girl if you will give it a fair cthance. The disease some THE SIGNS CHANGE MORNINGTON AN TBAE ~DIS 1TSELE. £! frmed. Copy of the payment in the . |auit of Bock x. Wilmot was received mï¬g township solicitors, Messrs. & Sims. Nonâ€"suiting . said Book. Also & copy of notice of apâ€" peal against said judgement was forâ€" 9 through the same source and f received. A petition from L Littwiller and 13 other ratepayets asking that a grant beâ€"made to Petâ€" & â€" toâ€" g _repal w i ho io Sis raction eng ~was and a grani United BElectric Company and Jaco plant poles string eleotric wires on part of the <between New Hamburg and. the Orâ€" pauden as well as certain s in the vil= tlage of Baden, was neiv? m reply . it. was movg by J x secondéed by J. T. Otto, that this Council having heaudâ€"the request . of the United Electric Co. through Jaâ€" cob Morley, for the privilege of erecting poles and stringing wires on the highway, (Snidere Road) be tween New Hamburg and the village of Baden and along certain stracts in the said village of Badenâ€"sees no objections to granting â€"such priviâ€" leges to the extent of such powers conferred on this municipality by the laws of Ontario and the Dominion of Canada, the said permission not. . to be exclusive and not to class after a thorough search of the laws, pass a byâ€"law granting such privileges i found within our power to do so. A request was made to take half a mile of the north part of the side road between lots 9 and 10, in conâ€" cession, A, from that road beat No. 28 and add the same to road beat No. 29.â€"Request granted. A petition signed by Wm. Spaetâ€" zel and 27 others asking for alterâ€" ations to be made in road beat No. 23 be received and laid over uatil the 27th of March. Bmb Ti NCn en Moved by J. Weber, seconded _ by Geo. Hohl, that the following _ acâ€" counts be passed and that the Reeve issue his orders on the treasurer in payment of the same, viz.: be e o s u4s Mo d Ssn ced en ie Â¥ Henry Seegmillet, for work, etc., on N. Easthope T‘p iine, amount $4.50; W. H. Erbac, salary as audiâ€" tor, $8; Hy. Forier, salary as auâ€" ditor, $8; G. Herrgott, convey ing pauper to poor house, $2; Wm. Kneiâ€" sel, hardware supplies to date, $3:â€" 46; Baden _ Spring Show, annual grant, $20; Millar & Sims, on acâ€" count of law costs _ re Bock suit, $75; Peter _ Vozner, grant iowards assisting in repairs, etc. to traction engine, . owing to its having bioken through a bridge, $35. ts Ese oL a On motion _ the Council adjournel until the 17th of March, 1902, when pathmasters will be appointed. F. HOLWELL, T‘p Clerk. On their _ own merits most men should keep quiet. Sitene is a virtue that is frequentâ€" ly overlooked by fools. It is easier to start a woman lalkâ€" ing thon it is to stop her. A man may be able to laugh at a :ove on himself, but he is never able to mean it. ‘The double tracking of the Trunk â€" line west of London will begin soon. . Woodstock may get one of the two new curing stations for cheese facâ€" tories to be built shortly. % The Ottawa fair will oe held from August 22 to 30, which will bring it abhead of Toronto Exhibition. _/ ‘The recent big snow storm cost the city of Montreal $60,000, of which the street railway will pay half. The carnings of the Railway for the week 14 were $469,073, and week in 1891 $476,035, $6,982. The cletk of Howick Township . is a woman, and so highly are her serâ€" vices â€" appreciated that the Council recently increased her salary from $175 to $200. Dominion Agent Speers, just reâ€" turned from the Western States, say$s 50,000 _ United States farmers and families will settle in Western Canâ€" ada this year. Eggs are getting to be a valuable product over in the States. in 8t. Louis egges are worth 50c a“‘om. a trifle over six expected that th have to pay $1 hens settle down spring trade. . and at Pittsburg they are selling at a trifie over six cents apiece. It is expected that the Pittsburgers will have to pay $1 a dozen before the hane settle down to business for the The Gueiph City Council has parâ€" tially considered the plan of sewage disposal on which a large sum of money is to be expended. They ate going to pay $10,000 for two septic tanks 120x30x7 feet, and one acre of gravel beds. ‘The estimates for the sewers make the total $36,355, and there is provision for a large addiâ€" tion to this sum for real estate and with the visit of Pr Henâ€" to the : United States are to be in and the idea of having Gerâ€" is laid to one sideâ€"| derfal mediatna is the the Grand â€"Trunk week onding . Feb. and for the same 035. a decrsase of Grand Ont., ved | thereby hangs a tale, ‘% the summer: of m a was made by Hamilton at barre!, while Galt bad aco lowest Canadian: tender, $ barrel.. Hamilton, it is buy say, had inside inlo_xqï¬on im feamiet fls m..‘u inside _ en= pany: in tit *A & year‘s trial of the imported article Hamilton‘ is ready to makeâ€" a . setâ€" end contract with the American conâ€" cern, and the possibility _of such an agreement © has oreated a Oktter in dovecots of home mnaulacturers . of cement. â€" The © Hamilton Board of Public Works =has been bombarded with reduced prices as the following quotations go to show: «D. Ramsay, $1.85 péer barrel,; w!â€" peba brand; John Lucas, $1.69 per barrel, Sampson brand; Rathbun & ,Co,.ug'.’n per barrel, Star brand; McNally Co., . Montreal, $1.05 per barre! ‘of 388 pounds; Jolin Mann & Son Lom..yz!.fl per barrel, Sailâ€" or Brand; Cayuga Lake Portland Ceâ€" ment Co., $1.60 per barrel; F. ~B. Holmes & Co., Detroit, $1.73 per barrel, Alpha brand, FP.. A.â€"Carpenâ€" ter:& Co., $1.68 pervbarret, Vuicanâ€" ite brand; Belihouse, Dillon & Co., Northampton, P. Q., $1.63 per barâ€" rel; Thorne Cement Co., $1.69 _ per barre!; Grey & Bruce portland Ceâ€" ment Co., $1.90 perbarrel; W.~ A. Freeman ~& Co., $1.75 per barrel, Nazzreth ~brand ‘Now the gross price â€" as the Hamilton â€" Spectator . states â€" of American cement is $1.60. The duty on‘ a barrel of 350 pounds amounts to 434 cents, which deducted . {from the gross price delivered in Hamilton leaves $1.16% as the price of the American céement in the United States â€" the company agrecing to pay the duty when sold to Canadian consumers. The lowest Canadian tender was $1.69,â€"which makes the actual excess of cost over the origâ€" inal cost of the American cement amoun‘:go_éfl-m a barrel. The differe is too great. In Galt the ‘Town Council has paid as high as $2.60 a barrel. We all want _ to favor home industries but the home cement manufacturing company must not make individuals and municipalities pay for overâ€"capâ€" itagution. The margin of profit seeihs at present very much too large and the cut that Hamilton reâ€" ceived shows that other towns have a chance to do better than in any OF INTERE3T TO HAY FEVER SUFFERERS. previous year Physicians generally recommend a change of climate for the relief of floweh'- ragweed and honeysuckle Hay Fever, where such weeds and are not indigenous, as these and many other flowers and grasses agâ€" gravate the disease. Many localiâ€" ties have been recommended, such as mountainous. regions _ and the sea coast, but generally at these resorts a great deal depends upon the vagarâ€" ies of the wind, and results are not always satisfactory, as if the wind should blow off shore, as it irequent: ly does, there is no relief. In Muskoka and among the 30,000 islands of the Georgian Bay condiâ€" tions are different. It is of no conâ€" sequence which way the wind blows. The preponderance of water awea to land surface; the curative odors _ of balsam and pine, together with the elevation of a thousand feet â€"above the sea, renders hay fever an imposâ€" sible condition â€" in this district. Handsome _ illustrated booklet . enâ€" titled "Hay Fever; how to avord and cure, ‘ may be had â€"free by applying to M. C. Dickson, District Passenger Acent, Toronto A very sad accident occurred . on the premises of Mr. Beckley, a reâ€" tired gentleman of St. Agatha on Friday afternoon last, by which Mr. Jacob Zinkan, a citizen of Berlin, aged about 66 years, lost his | lile. Mr. Zix},hn was engaged in Aeepenâ€" ing an /old~well (which . was already 70 feet deep) and intended placing concrete tile as a> lining for addiâ€" tonal excavation of about nine feet. One tile hbad already been placed, and at haliâ€"past three o'cloek'ix the afternoon the second tile was léwerâ€" ed. The deceased then attempted to descend the rope.lor the purpose of loosening it from the tile, and when atout 15 feet from the top his hold slipped and he fell the remainder of the distance with _ terrific forte, treaking his spine.~ The suffecor livâ€" ed about four hours after the acciâ€" dent, when death came to his _ teâ€" lief. Mr. Zinkan is an old resident ot â€" Derlin, â€" residing. on Waterho street. He leaves a widow and nine Lchil‘tel, four sons and five daughâ€" ters A COMEINATION THAT DRAWS Courteous treatment of customers, pure drugs of full strength asd low 190‘ MOdels prices are allâ€"powerfal for the drawing and seouring of trade. Our closest atâ€" We . ropresent the Canad tintion and best care is at all times deâ€" |Cyele and Motor Co. for voted to the filling of your pBysician‘s . mflpï¬m Oar stock of Perfumes,| BRANTFORD s yauuht.lmm.&-ho, AND Combs and Sponges is onsurpassed in GENDRON Whee‘s variety and quality. . One call will conâ€" L . vinee you that we are leaders in the| both chain and chainlese from $40 drug trade. to $80. â€" > At this time when thonsands are suffering from the comman is of life, wa can %«:::flm.nd Psiog‘s Celery Compound. â€" This wonâ€" MET DEATH IN A WELI A Lir®â€"Givr®o Menrorx® feverish. Uoless some:bing is dore a ance to relieve a siuyle cold, the reâ€" sult is often very oem»no‘-q-.'i:l_ that many a chiio‘« ife bas been lost. There is no remedy that can <gaul Baby‘s Own Tablots in â€"cgses of this klod. _ ‘These tablets promptly break up eolds and carry 08 the ; offonons matter thar has been retaiged in tho system. By doing thas they reduce the faver ; tue pulss becomes nm,l; the appeli e is reatored, and the cbild the appeti e is reatored, and the cbild 298 0.E Barit, Hreciecite ~Mrs. 0. E Eafle, vilte, Oat«y *AYR:â€""I dm‘ uso . m Oxn Tablets for b my o , aged amu,ldlvmn. when thoy are at all unwell. my mdâ€˜ï¬‚ï¬ wan s i s haehivg. whogh, 409. 1 Ahind 10e ‘whooping . cough, f * tablets v M‘li‘%fl!“ that time L always E.n: them in the house ready for ase. ben the children ~are troubled"". with â€" billousnes«, ~>@hy derangement of the stomacb, are. peevish or fretfu), or when they have a cold, I always use the tablets, and am always pleased with the results." ‘These tablets are & certain care for such troubles as coli¢, sour stomach, indigestion,. :diarrhoea, < constipation, s mple fever and colds. ‘They prevent eroup and altay the irritation accéomâ€" panying the cuttisgof teerh. They are sold under an absolute guarantice to contsin po opiate or other harmfal of drug. *‘ May be had from draggists or wi‘l be sent postpaid at 25 cents a box by addressing The Dr. Williats Mediâ€" cine Co., B:eekvile, Ont. Briefs.â€"The recent cold snap â€"has stopped ‘the fishing on Rock Lake.â€" The farmers around Mather are busy hauling : wood from Rock Lake. The snow last night made things a little lively, that is in the wood line. â€" Messrs. Coulter and Bale are stayâ€" ing at tlhe Lake: getting out woodâ€" boarding at Mr. W. Pogson‘s the last two weeks.â€"The Fulford Broâ€" thers are staying at Mr. Pogson‘s, and getting out wood this week. â€" Political _ meetings are all the go just now; three men in the ficld, e‘ection soon.â€"The choirs of tne Mcâ€" thodist and Presbyterian charches in Mather are getting up a sacred conâ€" cert© to be held on Thursday evenâ€" ing, Feb. 20th. .Everybody _ welâ€" come.â€"The social held at Royal Rest, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pogâ€" son, under the auspices of the Laâ€" dies‘ Aid of the Methodist Church, Mather, was a decided success; peoâ€" plé coming ten miles, although . 40 below zero. Quite & lengthy . pro> gramine of vocal and instrumental music, _ readings, recitations, etc., was given which everybody scemed to enjoy. 4 The Toronto Star, under the headâ€" ing of Â¥Want to Rival Toronto," reprints the following items of, inâ€" terest to Berlioites trm Wocdstock The Times says: Simon Snyder of Waterloo and J..S. Anthes of Berâ€" lin, â€" toth members of the Canada Furniture Syndicate, are in the city toâ€"day, transacting some business in connection with the Anderson facâ€" tory. Neither would say much about the head factory â€"â€"of â€"theâ€"syndicate; whether â€" they thought Berlin or Weodstock would get it. "‘We‘ve ‘got to get it away from Toronto â€" first," said Mr. Anthes, slyly, ‘"and Toronto is Hogtown, yoi know, . and will keep it if she The Sentinelâ€"Review says: Mayor ‘toe> BS had (ows hing .s, cAÂ¥ ts morning with reference to the action cf the Mayor of Berlin in going to Toronto to urge his town‘s claims for the head offices of the Canadian Forniture Syndicate. "I woald go down.there myself if I thought the Directors did not alâ€" ready know the situation thoroughâ€" ly,"" he said; "but surely they must know .the respective advantages of the two places, and how completely Berlin is distanced. Berlin is in the tackwoods. . It is sidetracked. I ta.e bheard that they are prepared to offer a building for offices, but this syndicate have their own vacant offices at the factory here, and, beâ€" sides, what is an office building eomâ€" pared to 6ur railway facilities and the advantages . to be derived from havinz two competing lines for shipâ€" ’i‘v†r ‘"We‘ve got excellent water faciliâ€" ties and ovuyt#.g they need. They can reach any place from here, eithâ€" er with their travelers ot their goods, 24 hours sooner than they could from Berlin, and time means a good deal with these peopie. I tould talk to them all day on the advantages.of this place, and, as I waid before, they surely must know them We also represent the Berlin Racycle Co. for BERLIN and RACYCLES _ from #85 to $65; New and Secon4, Hand whesh ROCK LAKE, MANITOBA.* m MEQEEy 2OO . EBE . NCY skleâ€" and the ~child qg Uiless some:ting is dore at leve a slwple celd, the reâ€" ‘n very serious â€" ep erfous a chlio‘«s life bas been lost. ANOTEHER RIVAL THE MUTUAL LIFE Cash must accompany ‘all orders. Mase remittance by Postal N ote, Registered Letter or Express Order to < * +. »inl SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL . ~. ° . . ~. $250,000.00 DPEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOVT . . 117,140.41 All Pelicies Guaranteed by the LONDON & LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. with Assets of $16,3:6,638. * The Popular Boot 2 Shoe Store Formerily THE ONTARIO MWUTUAL LIFE. Robt. Meivin, We Sell Shoes * WATERLOO, The Mercantile Fire _ Jacob S. Roos, on our shoes are interesling whether shoes are needed now or not _ Two or three Tacts about this footwear &&h be | ut awary in the storehouse of memory aud drawn on when shoes, no longer . wholeâ€"soled, must be replaced. of the n» west style, best maâ€" terial and finest workmanship at moderate prices. That‘s the story in a nutshell + SOLE TO S8LE TALKS Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery Chronicleâ€" Te]â€" graph .and (hm.ldv‘l‘uhâ€".u& and Oh sonicleâ€"Telegraph and »Telegraph and Torunto Daily World ... %;:i‘h’l'l;:ï¬nâ€â€˜hwd’!-muobdgu...i. OW&TW and Evenipg Mail, W' Telegraph and Torobto Daily Star;, , . . ronicleâ€" Telegraph and Nor Messeuger . .. _SALE Miss Ponelton‘s m-m-uumnu Yoang on First stortpagen . C ... . Muniipit Iichontmes sig Bonds ... :.* *.* * Loan« on Company‘s Policies .. .... ... ... Keal E t ‘I Company‘s Office ...hm::km"uflu‘" Death C‘a Endowments,. Profits, Reserve, 4 and cent AMO\M:I..buï¬:'..‘... On the Company‘s Stan*ard, 4% and 34%, Oa mo«ve':: my«n Stasdars, 4}% n:(fl}‘ #!*re6 Wright, Secretary. HEAD OFFICE YX President s« OF «â€"« s A P mm INSURANCE COMPANY. Abstract of Accouhts for 1901. INCOM E. DAVID BEAN, DISBU RSEHMEN TS (Ceeyri ghtâ€"â€" 1. King St., $ Beriin . LIABILITIR®S Incorporated 1875. sURPLUS Total Keo omical Matual Fire Ins.0o. Net Assets ist Jan. 1900 l% Ameunt at Riek $15 â€" Goverrment Deposit Manager Jom® FENXELL â€" â€" _ â€" ~â€"* President Grorer Lixe â€" .â€"~°.â€" ~ vm Hven KRaKE® â€" o_ _ _ Manager W. H. Sommaiz â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" â€" Secretary. Jom® A. Roos â€". â€" â€" â€"~â€" Inspoctir: Joh»n . Fenmeli........ seorge Lang witge w. B. Bowiby, Q. C.. Fr. Sny ler............ 4. KheH....+.. ...« !, A. MackieJ.P... ... H. L. Janzen...s...... L J. Breithaupt.... . . Son, 8. Merner..... . P, 8. Lautenschlager P, JHOODL .. .. 5+ 122 11 0e ‘ramk Torner, C. F Tos, €.Reagram M.P WATERLOO MUTUAL COMPAN Y . MEAD OFFICE, â€" WATERLOO, ONT. Ts eaplenar postoony Secert7, mlt;..m and equity are our We have increased our Surpiue over all Linbilities from $21,210 to $35,852. _ We have increascd our Assets from Dominion Life Agsurance watch words. We ha ased uol from Tohik to ovegy" "" * We have increased our Subscribed Capital from $257,800 to $400,000, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . INCORPORATED IN 1868. , _ otal Assets 8ist Dmnbor" $334.082. y BOARD OF DIREOTORS, â€" _ Geo. Rendall, Req., Waterioo, * 8. Snyder, Keqg., * f Geo. Disbcl, Eeq., a J. 1. Wideman, Keq., 8t. Jacobe, Allan Rowman, R=q., Prestor. P. R. Shazitz, Preston. MM,I...M_ James Livingstone, Eso., Baden, We have OFFICERS ; George Randal}, President, 1y Wm. Snider, ; Viceâ€" 6 Frank Haight, -1:"“ 8 R, T. Orr, Inspecto®. Merars. Bowiby & Cloment, Solteiborn, # lin. 4 BUOKBERROUGH & OO‘¥, WATERLOQ, ONTARIC. Mutual gnd Cash Systems. ly of Canada. T. H. Hall, Inspector. BOARD OF DIEECTORS. Progress in 1900, orF BEPRLIN. Organized 1871. Waterloo, Ont. Chwe $1,277 666.06 2,643,008.61 i mang $5,107 8217 $5,301,100.41 ..6 16.751.23 $ 370,970.58 .. 800,470.00 #5.9377,801.04 $ 996,619.06 .. 210.007.02 _ £10,076.94 $ 100,t00 30 $ 493,582.45 613. 301.18 l%’l' OL 383.76 $00,289.84 our Waterlon and pre (3