B1 06 i «l ite Notice of changes wust be left at this office not latet theo Hasurces noon. The copy for changes must bel {t no later than Pvcs #sy poon, . Casual Advertisoments so cepted up to noon Wednesday cach wosk. rade kuown on epi The Christian Advocate . compiled and published churc tistics which bring out some ble and interesting facts re the progress of the various . nations in the United States In 1900 there were 27,360 municants; in 1901, 28,090 Roman Catholics lead with Communicants, a gain of 473,08 over 1900. As the records of Cath« lic population are not revised > ever year this is taken to represent th growth not of a year, but of a pe iod of years. The Protestant Epi copalians seem _ to have made . t} next largest gain, their total bein placed at 750,927 with a gain of 31 341. The Desciples of Christ who : 1890 were in the eighth place | wi a total of 641,051 communicants, ai now in the ï¬â€™x‘t\ place with 1,179 541. ‘Thirteen bodies of Baptists a reported | with a total of 4,581,5i municants, a gain for the year &, while the seventeen Methodi have a total of 5,966,500 cor municants and show a gain for 19 of 50,151. The Lutherans have 1 696,268 communicants and show gain for the year of 36,101. _ Twel bodies of Presbyterians have 1,60; 015 communicants and show a ga of ©0,615. _T the other der gationalists, aakly cewspaper pubsabeg over} Thucsa Evangelical, 7,742, 019; Salvation Arn Brethren, 1,072. of ‘communicants it 1904 is 730,027. In discussing the munic bill introduced in the Ontar by Mr. Powell, the Hon. son remarked that it woul as reasonable _ to put brt municipal control as coal. There is however, _ one great «difference beâ€" tween the bread and coal questions. namely, the sources from which these commodities _ are obtained. Up to the present time it has been, _ comâ€" mercially speaking, unprofitable . to ship Canadian coal further west than Toronto. _ Consequently the supply of coal for the western peninsula is imported _ _principally from Pennsyl vania. The proprietors of the coal mines are membera of a c mb ne fo: the control of the sale as well as the fixing of the price of coal, and the consumers have to a greater o less extent to become subject t dDAVID BEAW, Prupil wo> MUNICIPAL COAL YARDS the consumers h: less _ extent t« these. regulations uncommon | for kings, to make rangements with so control the tr their goods as t lations oppressin The sources from whic obtained are so vast and it would be practically in corner the supply. The and intent of the munici is to protect the consu the oppression of the cor might to a certain exter plished as far as a comt coal men is concerned, 1 ficult to sce how a m yard _ would _ be any against the onslaughts « HR JNICLE FELE GRAPA CHURCH STATISTICS ary dealers THE BERLIN AND BRIDGL PORT RAILWAY. for cil meeting an franchises th cord as op franchises be ton _ road i chises asked concessions to a of local men w the town in clos port and the fin ing. Berlin has becoming the cer way system, but every thing TO ADVEATIBEAS Bridg A.peculiar feature of the fight now being waged on the prohibition issue ,lq-rc the two sides have both One of the matter mine owners than are the Iway francl endment ko think, b discussion at T ng of the Board as _ the _ Berli EDITORIAL NOTES The increase w atyo wl iina tiot 175; Du Army The whee ans] coal kings, tike oil special freight . arâ€" lines of railway and 1 would be 27,360,610 Comâ€"| "~ 28,090,637; _ the | (9" o with 9,158,741 | !° gain | of 473,083] *‘ cords of Cathoâ€" | C t revised > every the ) represent â€" the bes r, but of a perâ€" He rotestant Episâ€" f'“ dy tre gain t nothing pl n the parat de rt Ber 044 d bread al. TJ and pric r their r DrE rd pa h a rad it bine M The Be Br TY H T ble B ar C t th N d d â€w Grant of Q'-ann.: versity,~ Kingston, is champion ol the antis. l In the Ontario ° Legislature~ last week Col. Mutrie introduced a w‘ to provide for the aiding in the conâ€" struction of sewers on the local as~ sessment plan, making the council secure estimates of the work before it is undertaken. The estimates are to be kept in the clerk‘s office for 15 days, so that they may be inspected. The bill also enables the construcâ€" tion of sewers by levying a special rate on the property in the area drained. Before the latter system can be adopted, the bill says that a threeâ€"quarters vote of the council is necessar y The Seaforth Expositor points out that whatever may have been . the case in years gone by, the cry that the Collegiate Institutes are chiefly for the benefit of those who intend to follow the professions nas . no foree now. According to the last report of the Minister of Education the classes of our population are bet 0 D orâ€"inâ€"Council or some official ap wointed for the purpose, that the di ectors of the companies shall file . worn statement with the Provincia Treasurer â€" showing the amount . o The ishes _ the gener That the director rilway compants M Beware of Druggists Who Sell Imitations Knowin ; : aem to be Such. The ©Somathing Jus \1 Good" shich is a poor and worth!> » imitation of life saving Paine‘s Cole: ; C mpound is foisted on many an nnâ€"n«pecting buyer by dishonest and gicedy drugâ€" gists and dealers who have not the slightest Interest in the weifare of the sick and afflicted. Their ‘‘ouguts ar wholly centered on extra 1.« zo profi‘e ; it is a matter of inCifference to them whether you or your friends li~ec or die Wo have recently come int> posseasion e bonding ight of one of the imitations referred *o ; we have had it chemically examined, and find it unfit for homan use. mister _ of Publhc Works a sworn atement accompanied by all neces ty documents showing the cost of nstruction and equipment of their e that so soon as the net proâ€" The large majority of on~ {rugeiste are hotnest and eympatbetic men, and will never condescend to substitation or deception. _ You should, however, when any ons enggeste the "Something Just As Good" or offers you a vile imitation for the Paine‘s Celery Comâ€" pound which alone can meet your case, at once resent his impertinence qd leave bis store. All bonest .and straightforward druggists gladly re commend Paine‘s Celery Compound to their customers and speak with pleasura about the wanderfa! cures it has effected. Bewnare of the "Something Juet As Gooa" and all imitations. Se~ that the name PAINE‘3 is on «rappar and ership by fightir sU e "Something Just As Good" Sutbstituted for Paine‘s Celery Compour d ed efor ht \@T t id 1.953, and t to revision by the Br ert th d and other | Mr. Patu TALIW mpany are Su c cent. intere: th 11 th the Eo 1d M 1h the t le TEYI h d the wh 54 t dr tru pI not the|i e of the| p wate ars | i profie ; | t to them | 1 c or die | r sscasion | r D ta: wed t H d th h Voluntary vs Foreed Restraint. B etlt It and particularly desires to express its obligation to Mr. F. W. Hodson, Dominion Live Stock Commissioner, for his valuable services and untiri efforts in the interests of urrltou'x HCRSI ts princ the are tempe e men wh p That cal Stat s in the terri ndebted to the H Agriculture, _ a th solution this ass pal obje t pl WI ernme 18ti DIMG IN TH at t] 1901 th the would proved led d W WI ail 11 t t M The will of the late Miss Margaret Bryden of Galt leaves $1,000 to the Galt Hospital 4 le "Woodstock is in the measles. Over thirty posted up in theâ€"city. Guelph city Council fixed the numâ€" ber of tavernm licenses to be granted during the ensuing year at 15. D. Hughes Charles, manager of the Galt branch of the Bank of Comâ€" merce, has been appointed manager of the Peterborough branch, . taking the place of the late R. C. McHarâ€" rie. D vear given the Rev. F by the congregat Methodist Chure tinue his past defeated Il W W Winnipeg City Council has decide{ _accept Andrew Carnegie‘s offer 0 free library, without submitting i a vote of the ratepayers. A mo on favoring Sunday street cars wa rd D M M 1d V M dresses delivered were of vital in terest to all agriculturists.‘ Presi dent Knowles occupted _ the chair The following _ addresses were de livered: T. C. Douglas on "Culti M th PI M Th M P wh th » » AND » » report M M fi M 0 M B BADEN Sei T1 M A NNHETM P DistRict. the rate H W Iy Strat Berlit undry M the B M M grasp ‘of placards uted manager anch, _ taking R. C. McHarâ€" ed d d W W M t M Il be pH Mr 11 B M Fe 3rd the th bee b M 1y 14 meuiaeatant bactbi ces in sn diénce. The meeti oved a suctess and it is _ to :’Ao.a that Mannâ€" heim will bereafter be on the proâ€" gramme of meetings of theâ€"8: W ®: 1. ‘Those to whose efflorts we owe .30*“]. "are to be congratulatâ€" rary , Meetingâ€"A very.. 3 m’ was held by our m Society last Saturday evening ° at the home of Mr. Spaetzel. An . inâ€" teresting _ and entertaining . proâ€" gramme was provided by the comâ€" mittee. Not > the least interesting feature . was a debate on ‘"Observaâ€" tion vs. Books," in which the books proved to be imore than a match for observation. A solo renudered by Mr. the H M ted Id . Diamond Dyes All Garments and Mate Made tâ€" Look as Good tr D freshness of new materials," and their bright and beautital colors cannos be surpassed by anything direct from the dry gooda store. . With a little care in follawing the directiods for using the dyee, and therougbness in pressing the goods, you will be delighted with the perfeet success following the use of Diamond Dyes. > Have you seen the protty designa in sleigh . we ortun 1 Diamon If not, : addreas M M W I)~ not ijr a moment imagire that canse gords are colored over with ‘nmond Dyes that they will look abby or old. _ When Diamond Dyes e used, your garments or goods, be ey beary or light, will bave "the eehness of new materials," and their ivht and beautital colors cannos be amond Dyo A at and Rog Patterns! not, sead a pbatal card with your W M J rive Surprising Resalts, 1.â€"Mr the Sunday had a One of the H W lv H and The Wells & Richardson M Ofh W as also well received Mr. Mattel is in pos excellent phonograph s one of the best o records â€"are well . se be distinctly _ under preciated at quite . t ry to say, had ave the runner c rh We Jacob dding « Be as New Dr elgh M fly th the W U W fr We 11 ienuds here on â€"Mr. and Mrs. lin, spent part L1 and Materials th LF1 M be ~\â€"¢~ A Gard of Thanks M ill On e best ad lag It W ly ti elected be Dt the B d are will de draught day rec M D& d H t ed he Lt the $18 [ Agnes Wedâ€" th the )t. Be nd Mrs Ot at we d R Mar it W H the larn whicl fire rd ral d h D h MA MAAA MAAA MAAA LL We "ave in Stock as Follows:â€" Wells Drilled Wind Mills Supplied King St All kinds of repairing done at reasonable prices PNEUMATIC HORSE COLLAR. Manufac urer CIGAR STORE. A Delightful Smoke. Musical Instruments c yout s ogs Acueired at »y ~Retog, Bb Sugsk o saw at ) i Waterlon. J o P L7 .‘ Erb & o Fancy Bread, Buns, Rolls and Fancy Sanderson‘s Bakery. Near the Railway Track, Waterioc «t tanoed Joniner an i rnone made of pure im. Sure cure for sore shoulders. Guaranâ€" ced for on~ year. Test of testimonials from o=e who have used them. Canadian patent r sale. \Will e sold by county rights or for e Domicion. Write for descriptive circulars Kliprit Undertaking Co. ders sen: by mail or otherwiso will have ompt attention. 2000â€"T7 feet long, 6 inches aud upward in diameter 1000 â€"8 â€" " i6 6 «« W 0 5 o 6 x J. DOERSAM, We sincerely wish to thank the public for their Liberal Patronage during November and December and we cordially invite a continuance of their patrovage for the future. We «re stillâ€"giving Double Trading Stamps or 10¢/ Disâ€" count Fur overccats, fur lined overcoats, imitation buffalo overcoats, i~‘*~tion lamb overcoats. A good assortment of Irish friezs v_.ters and overcdats in men‘s and boys‘â€"fine beaver and grey overcoats for men and youths. Our â€"tock of readyâ€"toâ€"wear clothing is still well assorted. _ Our stock of gents‘ furaishings and dry goods is very complete. _ We ask you to come and prove for yourselves the geruine worth of the valucs we are offering this month. It will ypay you to call and cxamine our stock before purchasing elsewherc. Yours for business, S$. SAUDER & CO., LEAPER BROS HAWKESVILLE Unclertakers and Embailmers One that you‘ll appreciateâ€"is always the result when you use our choice tobaccos.: Of all kinds, Walking sticls and sporting goods are among our specialties, Logs Wan King St, Waterloo Oakes always on hand Be sure and get my prites before disposing of your Chas. Kreutziger. I WILL ALSO REQUIRE 3000 CEDAR POSTS. DOERSAM‘S WM. SPAETZEL, wner~ should have it. Made of iner ani ruone made of pure New Dundee. Birch, â€", Beech, unph, Hott Elm, Rook Elm, MAAIPNPNNPPPPANPPPPALA To introduce their cabinet size THIS MONTH ONLY. American Block, :â€": King St. BERLIN. FOR the on iccst moa!zand samsages ty the Leading Meat Market, the only ce in the Twinâ€"City whore ww"n can on gebting only the Laol meate. This Market has the reputation of muvrlv‘mna best people in the Twinâ€"City, :o what‘« the use of bl‘:n.: i ferior m ate when you can get the very best for the LEADING MEAT MARKET m ata when you :an get the very best for g†+ k full Tt Prie masnnlg Rank en ind e wgee ot erery 1. Ifl‘.llv-fl 4 nt-y m‘:(hom JOHN B. FISCHER, Proprietor. â€" PHOTOS â€" "Bitter is pat but its fruit is st Inconvenient _ is waiting; but beiter order by mail, than Get a dozen and Save a Dollar accept substitutes. know,â€" "The Slater Shoe" Marr & Mcintyrse are giving a big reduction J. S. Roos, Get the shoe you "Goodycar Welted" Sole Local Agent. Whitte Agh, Iâ€"d Oak, W hite w,. Cherry. Black Ash svezt icnce, BERLIN