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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 13 Feb 1902, p. 8

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DBVITTâ€"At . Waterloo, Feb. +8th, C of Alyash E. Devitt, of a E Sâ€"Near Hespeler, Jan. 27th, _ the wife of D. B. Ellis, of a son. IPFERâ€"At Hespeler, Jan. 29th, ‘ Ahe wife â€" of John Dopfer, of a _â€" daughter. ROWMANâ€"At St. Jacobs, Feb. 1st _ the wife of Phil. Bowman, ol a r. 7Zâ€"At Berlin, Feb. ist, the wile of Addison Shantz, of a son. EINHAUSâ€"At Berlin, Feb. â€"8th, the wife of Geo. Dekleinhaus, , ~of a son. BAKERâ€"At Elmira, Jan. 31st, the â€" wife of T. G. Baker, of a son. â€"SNIDERâ€"In Woolwich Tp., Jan. . 8ist, the wile of Simeon W. Smidâ€" ~~Cr, of a son. WFEâ€"AQ Galt, Feb. 5th, the wife cof E. E. Rile, of a daughter. _SHAFERâ€"At Berlin, Feb. 9th, the â€" awife of Hy. Shafer, of a son. 'fi‘l“l‘RlDGE â€" In Mornington, Jan. ‘_~89th, the wife of Thos. Attridge, \ jof a son. ~BRYDONE â€" In Mornington, Jan. * Sist, the wife of, James Brydone _ of a daughter. â€" . ~HOFSTETTERâ€"At Bamberg, Feb > 8th, the wife of Jacob Hofstetter ~~Of twin boys. M We gua~rantee :alis ‘action, MeCREERYâ€"BERRY â€" At Langly <Prairie, B. C., Jan. 22nd, Wm. McCreery of Treherne, Man., to ‘Lottie Berry, formerly of Mildâ€" ‘you could not find a safer place W Tatby iPloks recerca fas © â€" x::ilqin!lfiod in the highest e, both by college training and may, and sister _ of Mr. Jack Berry, formerly of Breslau. KNITTEL â€" FIEDLER â€" At Waâ€" terloo, Jan. 28th, by Rev. J. Schâ€" â€"â€"weitzer, Andreas Knittel, to Marâ€" garet Fiedier, boun of Wateri0o. BCHNARR â€" SIESZ â€" At Berlin, Feb. 3rd, by Rev. Father Kloepâ€" fer, Louis _ Schnart to Eugene Siesz, both of Berlin. BRENNER â€" HEKiC â€" At St. Cleâ€" ments, Jan. â€", by Rev. Father Brohmann, John Brenner of Linâ€" wood, to Annie Heric of St. Cleâ€" ments. SCHLEGEL â€" RINGLE â€" At Berâ€" lin, Feb. 4th, by Rev. R; von Pirch, Otto Schiegel of Buflalo, to Katie Ringle of Berlin. BUSCH â€" LENHARD â€" Atâ€" St. Cleâ€" ments, Feb. 10th, by Rev. Father Brohmann, Alex. â€" Busch of that place, to Mary Lenhard of Wellesâ€" ley. SCHLITTâ€"At Tavistock, Jan. 2001, Alma, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlitt, aM two months and 16 days. HANSONâ€"At Barrie Hospital, Feb. 1st, Mrs. Angeline Hanson, formerâ€" ly of Berlin, niece of Mrs. â€" John Guggisberg, aged 32 years. BECKERâ€"Near Williamsburg, Waâ€" terloo Tp., Feb. 9th, Henry Beckâ€" Jansen Bros., Watch House â€" â€" er, aged 66 years, 4 months . and . 14 days. KREASONâ€"At Galt, Feb. 9th, Mrs. _ Catharine Kreason, in her 67th year. WINGâ€"At Kimbo, Wentworth Co., Ont., Feb. ist, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Hy. Huether, Mrs. Chas. Wing, aged 78 years and five months. WOELFLEâ€"At New Hamburg, Jan. 80th, â€"Miss Annie Woelfie, in her â€"â€"Sist year. STEPHANâ€"At Listowel, Jan. 29th, Caroline Girling, wife of William ~.Stephan, formerly of Elmira, aged . §4 years, 7 months and 25 days. BRYDENâ€"A¢ Galt, Feb. 2nd, Marâ€" _ ~garet Bryu. 3, in her 80th year. THE WAY A RINCG FITS . The World Over a great deal to do with the way ¢ it. â€" Now it‘snot much of does know the size of do occur and e to the ring i fmer( tnd weddion viegs m For Rnhd lvl'tw in the country . . We invit attention to our stotk of Aia BIRTHS MARRIAGES St. Jacobs, Feb. 1st, Phil. Bowman, of a King St., BERLIN DEATHS. 1/ 7{ dence Duke 8t., opvosite J A Small Advance in Wheatâ€"Lire Stock Frade Activeâ€"The Latest Quotations. : * & Toronto St. Lawrence Market, Receipts of in were om -uke:'flh llflh % “mm fering. | I‘vices were steady. _ _ ; ____; ;lru‘nai-‘-w E. g'tm nit Toronté Live Stock. a’f“-{':"..:-'a: '%m'“' Mazket Ti % soioicee c Sacintalned the strength of last IME MMETWE] MRRNUOIITOT CCLILA ES MAcamak week, and in some cuses an s over last week‘s )flt were strongest sellers ck marl and vanced frou 25¢ to mm Aemand . for 11 cat has ;nd. as a m t sold at an Cw offerin; ‘ Emn Csnle%cn in ‘ro( ann-d and sold at strong prices. O ng to the strong emand prices advanced slightly over the h fixures of last we k. Bu(thflh' Cattieâ€"Were selling well, there Mn’ a stroug demand for them, and the offerings being of a good quality, Picked "1‘&;“”' “"t‘"'.?nm l.ld“-ful'tlfl to . er ewt, 9 ones Al $ per Cw ._.\.....3.!.“ 2. Gate anaa AF g“ Ba 'hm::- nntl ltot-'rlâ€"-z ere not & classes and the m&al | made the offerings uncerti market also is poor, and tl demand from that quarter, Sheepâ€"Were Armer, the port being very good. The demame MNTT ARITIL NA Sheepâ€"Were Armer, the hrnd for exâ€" gr( being very good. They advauced from eto.’flcgflm,audmlfigmu $350 to $3.70 per ewt for -rfl ewes. Legibsâ€"Remain at last week‘s prices, the demand continuing stroug. <‘They sell at $3.T0 to $5 per ewt. Veal Caivesâ€"Are steady, selling at $2 to g10 each and being in very demund, Hogsâ€"Are steady. Choice ones sell at $8 per' ewt, and lights and fats at $5.175 per owb Te market receipts were 76 loads, which Included 1,341 cattie, 1,578 gheep and lambs, 262 hogs and 40 calves. Chicago Live Stock. s Chicago, _ Feb. 11. â€"Cattieâ€"Receipts, &~ 000, including 400 Texaus; steiuly; good to rime steers, $6,50 to $7; poor to mediuu, & to §6; stockers and feeders, $2.50 to 50; cows, $1.25 to $5; helfers, iz,w to $5.25; canners, 31.25 to §2.25; bulls, gdz.'. to $4.90; calves, $2.50 to $7.60; Texas steers, 1‘ to $6. _ Hogsâ€" eipts, 48,000; slow and shade lower; closed strong; mixed _ and butchers‘, $5.95 to ?qu; mfi to choice heary 36.30 to $6.47%4; roug heavy, $6 to go.’z:.-. light, $5.10 to $5.90; bulk of sates, $5. to $6.30. Sheepâ€"mlrl. 12,000; .hee{: strong; lambs strong and g‘fh": Kood to cholce wethers, $4.75 to $5.25, western uheer. $1.25 to ‘6.85: native lambs ind ‘gur lngs, $3.75 to $6.00; western lambs, .25 to $6.05. o $4 per cWt East ltuflnlohflb‘ 11 300 head; dull and c $8.75 to $9; common t« Hogsâ€"Recelpts, 5,500; mand but 5e lower: \: light do, $6 to $6.10; : to $6.40; ~olce heayy 10e h cholce $6.15 sheep, No e s to $6.40; ~olce heavy, $6.49 10 $0.00, DIBIY $5.80 to â€".85; reugh=. $5.40 to $5.70; stags, §4 to $i.50. Sheep ind lambsâ€"Receipts, 5.000 head; fairly god demand and 5e to 10c higher for lambs; sheep, foll steady; cholce lambs; $6.25 to $6.35; good_to choice, §6.15 to $6.20; culls to (1“'. $5.65 to $6.10; sheep, chotce handy . wethers, $5 to $5.50 ; common, extra mixed, $4.50 to $4.00; culls and common, $3 to $4.25; mixed ex ort ewes and wethers, $4.75 to §$5; yearluigs, $5.00 to Chlmg‘o kekk ++ New _ York ...« B(:lldo e luth, i bard Hlmmuuo“w [s Milwaukee, 2 no Detroit, 2 redâ€"=. Bt. Louls ....> THE: MA RIKCET REPORTS London, Feb. 11. â€" " meâ€"Whent, on j 2 size, mict and stea" * @Mmgoes about rfo. 1 Cl‘i.. jron, prompt, 303 sellers: Iru0, pacsuge, 308 paid: iron, arrived, 308 60 sellors. Mainer on passage, . qulet and steady. . English country markets of {entcrqulel, Livernool, Feb. l.â€"Clos»â€"â€"flro! whent wlm; No. 1 standard Cal., 6s °d to 6« 3l40; alls, 6s 1%d; No. 2 red winter, 6s 1 to 6s 21; No. 1 nortbeâ€"n spring, 6s 1d to Gs dWd; futures qule& March 6s 14d, May O# 1%d; spot corn qm et, oll 5e 4d to 58 4%40. rew 5s '.!3% to 5s 84; fulsres ste«llg., March At" »ed, May 56 204. . Flour, 6d . to wlm: No. 1 sti alla, 6s 14d to 6s 24; No. 1 XÂ¥d; futures q 1%d; spot corn rew 5s '.nfi to bs 2%d, May 123 84. Paris. Feb. 11.â€"A holiday Flouar, Bnn.lperton.......... 19.00 Midd:ings, H:" ton.... 21.00 Butter, per lb.......... .16 East Buffalo Notice to Creditors| Auction Sale In the Etate of Henry K i: ceased. LL creditors and other par~ oA ommc neanen, \.. i Wlflm’!‘.‘.’.‘.’..’! ar about the teath day « Sarolyf dpired on or be mOnty 0T MCY T Sm P ES EHT ceir o aims and of Emm--h ) held oy them; and after last monic»od 3 xxeout is of the will of the said deosas proceed to di ribute the assets of the said deâ€" n-fim\h.w-ncmd thereto, hayâ€" »lrfinl only to ims of which notice shall have been re lke SP) sns SOFE E dEmATm EBC RNIOIOC N C 1 1 nend \ +) ur ardediver oo U heberet Reasise®, inang.Cound 5t Waterioo, one of the executor «f »be will «aid decense, m.l-nmul ‘I « rosses, at ateâ€" nents of the r accounts and foll particulars of eB TTE CCCA v6 l::N wm:&gku ) 53t THE und uo rnotion at wig W eins tor n? at He Z.liax in the villag Eimira, on Monday,17 thday of February,1902, and common to fatr ones at o esthe Arnknownes the Woke im thout 1wo and &mfl!."_..“.'. V imge of Klmira, l.o;n;tn-lu Wfl «nd. There is on Ptinin® Te name more or lass c Logogn (.ol and. There is on #+me a one and oneâ€"half t s t3 e rmeet o p S on e Mymnn-. Leading Wheat €WT and WMM{ dy; rot a strong demand ot..zfll d the comdition of W has offerings uncertain. Gm o is poor, aud there is yery Farm for Sale By Public Auction. British ng previous day. Closin toâ€"day & Cash. l{ny. (‘n-fi. Muy Cattle Market. irers, $8.15 to $6.25; mixed 3. ckers‘, snad , $6.45 10 §0.930; Pigs, $5.40 to $5.70; stags, aid â€" lambsâ€"Receipts, d demand and 5e to ; sheep, foll steady; $6.35; good to cholce, â€" Cat(leâ€"â€"l{ecel?tl. ler; veals, choice, uod, $6.50 to $8.50. fairly _ metive deâ€" Markets n u. n t fo‘s ho 8 day â€"f $ 0.75 2.25 215 40 y K. Hahn the C unty 1 baving $ 0. 51k 13% 15% 9.00 ship of W aterloo, gne ::.“Bnlx h road, ‘ commencing at o‘clock noon SNEITA MTT tollowing va uable viz.: Lays Srocx.â€"Bay mare, ‘nnno‘d. in foal; rising 7 y old; bay horee, 11 years oli}$ biack horse, 10 years; sorre! mare, rising 6 ;ur-.bnd Forest Mambrino dun,“o;?(‘»o -n';bDuhun‘ndo cows (4 in . on# ; 2 Jersey cows in calf; 3 cows (2 :o calve in ); 5 fat steern if not previously sold ; 10 cattle ; 16 shoats about 6 mcnths old ; llhllunn‘l.&; 1 C RCR"C ELX and w ud ner .19 3 cows 12 °9 ETT POPT PX previously sold ; 10 cattle ; 15 shoats about 6 mcnths old ; thlluarm; 1 sow in pig ; 11 Leic sheep and a ner ramy ; 80 chickens ; 3 ducks, and 1 dog (a good heeler. Py S 0 ASPE O Hnnlo s hindar .14 78 t will h.:g_‘_ [ cmises o . _ promi Tuesday, Barch 4th, 1902, . Auction Sale £ SELB ETD MRCCC EmE i m':f chains National aun1 separator (if not prcvi s 14), 2 churns, 2 washing machines, 3 , 10milk cans, aadcad Romhicrtpierentats boond nder an ou table , Lenches, crocks, sink, 6 bed ...“2:’.‘.1:. 10 chairs 3 burcaus, 2 box stoves and pipes and other articles too mumerous to mention, ‘Also 8 ton= of hay, about 300 bushels of 0 ~ta, 40 ‘ busiels of .l;od hmmfl:’qunuqd '::::pt. Termsâ€"Fat cattle, hay, n’!“.Ln.n‘ ar P\ Dust@® CDMTTUTIC CGLE Szain tornin Terxs â€"Fat cattle, bay, ’nh. turnips, chickews, hog, and ali sums ol $10 and under, ca h; over lg-;:ti :mou-‘t.ol:? mont s‘ nc& ou m ve ntnotes, aunum :gunt % payments of a&r:nwnu Jos Micxvs, Gzoror Dorr®, MERITLO G Dranviator: «<%x 0ME ***1 Stook, Implements, eto. Tm:mc will b« + 11 by public auction on the farm of John R sx-whmhhu Berlet‘s: Corner, 3 miles scutheast of Webcsley Village, in tue T wnsbip of Wilu.ot, on commencing at one o‘clock p. m , the following 1 valnable property, Â¥is: LIVE STOCK Dtown horse 11 l ars \:I& worrel hor«e 9 years old brown mare 8 years horse 7 ye râ€" ol .2 f t cows (These cows m 0 well br«ll..ouva isome fresh and others supâ€" posed to be in calf), 3 heifare coming 2 llu." old. 10 spring â€"calves, 2 {win calves 2 nmon! old, 2 . C ED EVE ETL URALINE smws * mm RNURUTG TW IL auwas 0 kea E calves5 week= oid, 8 ewes, 2 brgod sows, 'lcm :l:ont s old, 2f t 1igs, $ hena, 2 young BB 01. Nee W 4A Nt iceue Mavide mower (near 1 10°€), BJ MUD MUCC O uhined. harvester, seed drul and cultivator co vbined, broadca<t seeder, laud roller, 2 loughs, 2 disk harrows, 2 iron harrowa, 2 wn‘!o truck wagon, mnm‘v, vob sleigh, long s eigh, cuttiors,fannâ€" ing mils, straw cutter, horse , separator {_h+m;ion Hamburg make, neally new), lm &ufh, veale 1000 lbs capacity, Ahay rac y lowser, bag truck, 281 s do/pbie harness, 2 sets plough harness,2 ets single barnese, clrouâ€" lar saw.seif r ke,sickle Jrumu-,w ing machine barrel /f cide, barrel of vi x can, all the castings of a drag saw lso the saw forks, shovels, rakes chains, 3 lounge, $ pickle barrels, 2 fron kettlos, c ett e, 100 sap buck ts, t complete bed and matâ€" tresses, wood chest, ink, cu| ward obe, bureau, 2 chests, sausage gri h;&hb‘o and other articles too numerous , Also 300 bu hels oats, 25 bushels pdf® 50 bushels Auction Sale SmC MB MSR O TT 210 0& 00 mixed and 50 bushels ba EARS Urain: tas piak: ist collre, chiekene, ynnplrnddlnm-u&l.o.nd under ; nlefmg apprprad roint noter s 0 9 dopact for n a v or t cash ;iymt of credit amounts. x JO8 )ncxgs, JOHN R SCHMITT, A eer. ~ P.oprietor. C2t A. KAUFMAN, Clork. Tuesday, February 18th, 1902, . &44% OF + r% Live Stook, Implaments, etco. BC IMPLEMENTS ETC.â€"Bind r (nearly commeno‘ng at 10 o‘clock a. m., the following valuable property, viz: Sorrel team, mare 7 yours 0‘d, horse 12 years old, bay mare? years oid in foal, bay horee 7 years old, b y mare in foal, 2 colta 2 re suck!ing colt, 5 cows in ca‘f, 4 hoifers to be in oa f, 1 steem rising #? years, 4 steer s ;n not previously sold),7 calves, 1 bulliffy shoats, mnnn ed lol.::r. in "1. ttere at fim 1 raim. -q:l-nl e dnv‘?ln l:l‘d vden, .Hx bâ€"nder (nearly ""I ' * unmu-rlyw NMepamin qpnl 1 oo nort roller, disk, hay fake, meoffien,. wen oxfu, land foller, disk, hay c, souffier, $ J hes racice faung ml%’flfl'l'i 2 now gack Tds es bort, 2 sete gravel planks, téam harness, u«t sing‘e oacnesss n n Laone m hio" + nack a., .fi.fi* saws, sickle vrinder, dfi Hiert ie 500 -.:m" Tt bariey . horke k 2 cooking io aich s mrge bureau, 3 bench u‘ov-fl' lha 1' , 2 cider b«rrole a “-p:-' m ¢â€" Pou i: over that Auctioneer. ame ~HERK will be sold by wh- on the L farm of William Koo! Con. 9& We lesiey *p. 1} miles north west of St, on . Thursday, Feb. 20th, v amounts JO@. MI Farm For Sale. Farm Stock and implements. Extensive *Po4 2R T. AORUMMER, Clork 1nâ€" manths blic auct the oo Ponie ic licthe Powe 8 RIV. â€"BIT ROUICE DC e=\, hay rake, mower and peA â€"â€" OF â€" WILLIAM KOKBE! of a m., the following a Iso The SEW, 3 re, lounge, 2 c kett e, 100 and matâ€" h h'"d o:e. rge tab‘e ue tsn. Also a 80 bushels w Propristo® | ‘The Mutual 1 umxu"rmvhmm lar price 4 00, 3.75 Ming qs bo O * This Sale will Scoop the 27 pair child‘s, girls‘ worsted overstockings WOTFD SUC 9 pF« 3 pair infants‘ tan felt booteg#, worth 35¢ a paIF .@...»â€"»«« 3 pair vm;.rod overgaiters,bigh cut, worth 50¢ a pair. 20 pair gitle‘ child‘s felt alippers, felt sole, regular price ‘, 4sc and 500,bunched together cholco for pair this week. 9 pair girls‘ and child‘s cardigan rupbere, with worsted mu-’:mum.ms\\wmu.xs............ 6 pair child‘s pretty Jaliet Felt house shoe, far boand, red and blue, uflhluwrdt......................... 14 pair women‘s black felt ;l‘apan, with elastic front,sewed sol~, regular price 60s 7 pair women‘s India Kid (elt lined slippors, elastle frout ‘This is the time of the year 9 pair women‘s German slippere,felt and leather eombination sole, very warm, Worth 606. . .. . . s 2e » «e ce 4 n nc men s se es 7 pair infante‘ or child‘s felt shoes,fine leather soler,reg. G0s. 18 pair women‘s beaver overgaiters, high eut, worth 60e ~*~ MOQ TOG. . . .,, . oÂ¥is 6 xz02rk k6 k4 k «4646 ++ Our prices never empty your purs@.........> 21 pair women‘s and girls‘ high beaver sizes, regular 806 and 90c...... . . â€" 7 pair child‘s black Jersey leggings, & priG® $1.00 .. . . ... c.es0es w en es > 12 pair women‘s felt lace and gaiter ‘ warm and easy, worth $1.00.. ... . & pair women‘s cardigan rubbers, w ~ $1.25.. ...1.20006 k0 00 es n e k9 7 pair men‘s leather sole. felt alippers, 10 pair women‘s kid toe ulippor: an : ooe inennmbong t 9. ZIEGLER‘S IN Sewing Dénflmunt & number 0 find -te‘dir mm:ant. RICHARD ROSCHM AN & BRO. acres o l L8 mm cdiato good orcha‘d. Immediate n /A Al A Pair of Dollars Buys| ONE + cre cf land situated of New Dundee. Th containing eight (8) rooms, f hard and soft water Girls Wanted ON Albert 8%.. Waterloo, The house is a 11 story frame containing 5 rooms. On the 16 is alzo a small +tible, scme tfruil be;r‘im trees and is well supplied with hard and water.. Forfurther p rticulars »pply to Mas. SAUER, ma_s Waterloo. 45 acros of land 2 mile» north PR CPIT OR q usg. URSUANT to the Art of Incorporation, notice 8 Mfl glv‘n that the 32nd Annu Meeting of T UFfUAL LIFE ASSUR fiNCI CO. OF CANADA will be held at i s ead Office in Waterloo, Oniario, on ihure day, March 6ib, 190%, a: one : 1 the clock, p. m. "GKo. WEGENAST, Dl.azs Wakh Athâ€"1902. Manager. bAf T“ “t:l...‘ has for service A"l'-glwfl oo nteayy apoanle t woul 3'&'.5. and 1 shorthorn heifer with pediâ€" .$ MENNO 6. WEBER, epte m Box #50 Watrerlo0, PeC e e e C UC Sag cCn ir men‘s leather sole felt slippere, worth 90c.......... air women‘s kid toe slippers and turned sole, elastis front kid slippers, worth $1.25 .. .. .....s>s.> css > > > > Not.ce to Farmers. THE u farmers of this nred Yorkshire ue bip stables in W | Money to Loan. 6â€"1mo w T" s Pliin rmmat ioh tries It a barber homestead and the Mailett homeâ€" the & BREDCCTTC TD NS emenite Cons uie ons Avcolling Louse and one framg cisterna, To srtesian weil three ot cholee frait, 20 mores of .c:nnv-h'hotafln- i0 gia ploughed : ea * ..mnwhnoo-la‘\-u k onTenteD® SX Cotars apn y on the premines.or conveniant to EM C atant m tss T3 :. The Mutual Life Assurance Com pany of c.‘*, has '.m sums 0 House and Lot For Sale. d 2 uterloo, Fob 5th, 1902. Farm For Sale. Annual Meeting. 200 Acres of Valuable Land. Tamworth Boar. FOR SALE. * For Sale. r;’v.n;..m. Solic1 rges, if application to the Head Office. When we attack prices it‘s no Sham Battle. THEY ARE JUST WHAT WE SAY T | Early Choosers Have Enslest Cholce. MR PC oo xn firs â€"class barn and buildings, mmediate poâ€"seâ€"sion given. TsAAC r MOEMAKEH, P.eston P. 0. MUCHRCUCIL C OWY Waterioo Button Works. situated balf a mile south ee, Thâ€"1e0a is a brick hou e w mo,l'n;'. rl-an\'o hu-n,aru:m 'd' . wriicuars & 0 sotomb® i s UFMaAN, Washington, Ont. worsted overstockings worth 40c & pr tiey that he fee a Meroogh miy That he bas a thorough, Winter worries are Overcome Solicitor‘s,or other ation is made dirâ€" number of girls B DUERING® of Preston. 10 aa gaiter shoes, leather sole, ht Canâ€"You Stay Away? ~~| in Winter Shoes Ordered Out of the House. when our patrons make our profits. Winter Shoe Business. Tamworth YOoU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY TO BE WELCOME . .. \Long Wearingâ€"Short Priced ‘ll.h 'lvtbo'klngl. worth go&l’ '.fluln(, regolar eloth Farm for Saile. HREE hundred acres in the Township of Pilkington, lois 3, 4 and 5, concession 3. is one of the best farms cither for stock or fmnln Ontario. ‘There are twoâ€"ets of buildâ€" ugs and it is suitable to bo fa med as one, two or three farms. For par iculare nm&o the undersigned on the premises, or by to o2A JAMES HUNTER, _ _ Farm for Sale. rrBE undersignod offers for sale 1 is valuable farm, situated 3 miles northâ€"west of Watâ€" erloo, just out ef the .corporation, eondcu: of 97 meres of land, wel! c\ntlvnu(‘laxf which is 9 acres more or leas of bush swamp _ On the farm is a house 21x29ft,kitchen 18x 18ft, woodâ€" Serdn iCaricisg shed 228 It.good ecchardseged xX & hard and sofc watcr at house and barn, For fui ther particulars appiy on the premises or by st mail to Small Farm for Sale THE undersigned offers for as le her valuable farm, ituaied 4} miles southwest of Berlin and 1 milo east of Mannheim, consisting of 10 cres On it is a good d we‘ling bouse, new bank barp and al necessary cutbuildings, fruit bearing oc n in oi h sc ie figi st uo of oultbradion water. The farmis in a high stw of mfifl- and is suitable for market gard s . ing. fur 6â€"1mo rl\HE undersigned offers for sale Gh-} m Homonied n the forath 1 of Sparedternt omes e e towns h miles from Hawksyille and lrmil!lhum The farm con «i@ts of lot 21 and part of lot 22,and o ntaing 15) nores well fenced and in a good sve of euhivatior. (= it aroa go 4 house, vaco, how. pes aud al n outbuil â€" ings; wind pump with water supp t&mhn 4â€"1 mo. PTTU ETDE TL LVE * M anwas an and s‘ables, power mill on barn. 29 acres sown in fall wheat and 35 meres in grass.‘ 4 acresroed orchard, school houseo» farm. convenient to churche«. â€" For furthor particulars apply on the her particulars apply 10 premises or by Jetter to !‘“wfi’mma'mawi Pn daent? aopit o opi t "lom > howse. a hank ".“’!‘.:.‘!!T‘!-.Lg d well ‘1-.' bank barn, @OC 2::‘::-& m.n'.:r’um mm= water apd is in a frst clue state of cultivation. &r:zudmmlyn-hm e tss LCS!!D& arst 18 \Gm P.O. Farm for Sale. HK undersign d offers for sale deatrâ€" able farm kuown as the David homestead, in the '-.3"4 Waterino, 1 1 mlles ...:“&'_m T ot _ Waterlso. nox* ht tmo bniunce -ou'budv:: _‘m-.'_“.'_-â€"& I'h.:m at "‘"""’3""““'&' s of water mearer Reganiice: 82â€"1mo 12â€"4f legging»; «) Your Choice, a1â€"if AT val farm consiati sores, :.el\.r:%'.-q_t. near Gâ€" rl:c.l.&!m r Gâ€"rman Miis, three Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. s A Pair â€"â€"â€"â€".This Week . T c riee CatBARrINE STRasBURGER Manvheim, Ont IRVIN C. m‘..w'- KQy THIS WEEK. 68c MONEY Noak Kxn, * Waterioo, Ont. td Ima. Low Pricedâ€"But Not Cheap. SAVING Thefe"uudil‘tmlfiprhnlnl and the difference is yours. 6 ris‘ all felt alippers, fur bound, regular 500. .. :E:lt:gm'.mmmunmhqnfi:rmm 1 pdr‘ wow.mol’l_ leather slippers, rsewed regular 0 16 MiMMel o1 ««ClerraÂ¥rzx «1 Â¥t8 + inR tbad 6 s s a¥¥r 68 3p-z:md’lallbunddo..m.du.lqthrw¢.... Take your pickâ€"you‘ll be sure to pick a winner. It‘s hard on other dealers but these shoes must be sold at these prices. 9 pair girls‘ felt slippers, soft leather sole, sevreral colors,° ___ __ . ~â€" _ _ > Reguler TDO..... . «rre4reres@kr@hr ®erns 4Â¥eeer00r4 «* 4 pair women‘s all felt slippers, fur bound, regular price 656 9:1': !uld’-b[ut beaver cloth leggings,full lengtb.reg. 750 9 pair little boy»‘ cordoroy leggings in brown asd fawn, regâ€" 'n"um pr\n:oo‘“h: 'M' women‘s very ver gaiters, @veryâ€" seam %eamwwqm 8.« /x«««6ix+s 11 pair women‘s jersey leggings, veaver cloth foxed, regular .Ell“ L4O RCd §1.50..:.¢,.¢+.ccererXir«¥zer1e« 242+% 3 pair moen‘s beaver spring side leggings worth $1.50..... .. 16 pair men‘s and wowen‘s felt juliet elastic side shoes, __ _ leather sole, regular price $1.50. ... . ........««=»«+«« 5pdr::""ham-ho-.m"hsd around the sole, 14 pair men‘s and women‘s jerrey 1 and 2 buckle waterproof ___ overshoes worth 1.75 and $1 85..............».«»«»* 3 pair women‘s felt button shoes, kid faced, worth $1.50. ... 6 pair men‘s felt elippers, I‘nu‘ make; flexible leather sole __ Worth $1.50... .24 .« . 2002080 s pa8 esÂ¥ 8808 6e e «e vek a%% + 7 pair women‘s plaid German felt slippers worth 1.75â€" and __ B1 05 c2004, .. en e e r enc es e es e en e e e 88 sn e ns + 6 11 pair women‘s fine, all felt, real for bound slippers, \WARDâ€"Cnattahooghie Valley Exposition, 410 #ILVER MEDALâ€"Industrial Exposition, A1G @EST AWAR don, cnnfi 31X GOLD MEDALS and Dipto . 1010 MEDA! 145,504 Home Comfort Ranges 8e .-"___"'“'v"‘“ on ty ht a iMetime with ordinary care. tronâ€"wiil & with ordinary care. inifor Mr. Jack Isbell has located a branch of the above business at Waterloo and will Repair all "HOME COMFORT‘ Ranges Fr#z. * _ Weusled 1064 . Paridâ€"up Ospital $1,000,000 e i .. Factori.s, Salasrooms and Ofices : TORONXTO, CANADA, and ST. LOUIS, MO, @ Western Salssreoms and Offices: . PEXYER, COLO. 8 'chmWM“l%“d“"u‘““l“ mequa led WOME COMFORT STEEL ACRS. Write for catalogue and prices. have spent Fifty Thousand Dollars in improvements their goods sints last they visited this seetion and are t6 effer you the regular price $1.75............. oN THE BALANCE oF. MY BUGGIES EC bus, 624 1908. D NE blan Expesition, Chicago in order to make room for a dap flls ons se fore ~â€"__K .Â¥_ . dhaz at the cuq Store, Berlin, than at ng other Place, We are givâ€" ing a STRAIGHT DISCOUNT of 20 PER CENT. off ALL Boots During the first two weeks we have -lreul& sold more than double the quantity that we sold All Last Month; 60 if you inten 1 to take advantage of this memorable sale Come At Once. We have cleared out a number of lines already. i mtR Renge 111 f nited States ‘n&. “.-fld‘y-‘fim?rmnl-n- It would be Wasteful to miss this Opportunity OME GOMF _OE*& (reat Reduction REMEMBEBER The Wrought Iron Range Co. H1GHEST AWARDEâ€"Nebraska DIPLOMAâ€"â€"Aiabama FW&I(DALI nitl Cotton WROUGHT IRON RANGE CQ., + * ‘That You Can DUY Boots and Shooes 20 per cent. Less +~I+ .. "Best Range on HaÂ¥th." : beaver cloth leggings,full length.reg. 756 /s ordoroy leggings in brown asd fawn, regâ€" a *.i * vICTORIES * Shoe Store. . ectern Fair Assevciation, Fair Lon» bamigp Agricultural and 1 Society, orid‘s Colum» .Miawinter Fair,"06. 1 Silver, World‘s Centenâ€" Terento, Can., 1806 and ca‘f boow, patent and plein, reg= . *k price 5 00 and ao 50. 4* C $%4 John Hill to SOWS ons year and up» all bred from imported stock. W. H. LEESON. """*â€"This Week . From six and sight weeks up Wellesley. our This Per Pair. / "y is 6+ now BERLIN. upwards

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