W WATERLOO AGRICULâ€" "‘~___ TURAL SOCIETY. [he aflairs of the North Waterloo â€" [Agricultural Society are not in the _~ most satisfactory condition at the | present time. Theâ€"annual meeting \ for the election of officers and direcâ€" _ tors was duly announced and . held _ at Berlin.on the day in January of i‘ this year as fixed by statute. Acâ€" ‘â€" cording to law _ no one excepting _ members, ‘qualified by the payment kk D0 Mb AIMEET Amarters . in . e m i anieiy retab n Lietyle _ of â€" the _ ‘postofice. _buildâ€" Jmg as compared â€"with the _ cost tdnn amounting : to " about $38,000, reflects anything but credit ~ on m‘@“ judgment and foresight wof those who managed the \business g planned its erection. (It is too : Iate, however, at this functure to ) offer any cfiticisms on the past, as f Wt opportunity _ . tor‘ ~exe _' of" thoughtful _ suggesâ€" ons on the present and (uture. The ‘should be taken into special conâ€" ation â€" that Berlin is a fast growing town, brim full of .life and enterprise. In order then that the woulu; demands for greater ipostolfice .. kecommodation % " sup. Tate action must be takâ€" n %6 . meet the :demand, â€" We underâ€" ‘sÂ¥and that the department has been made® aware of this necessity _ and /. ‘The secretary of the society . has ‘communicated the condition of things "%o the Department of Agriculture, 4 h will authorize the calling of _ an 1' t â€"annual meeting in the near â€" ', . ~ This meeting will, no doubt, ie a very interesting assembly . as ‘Hone but properly qualified members Will be allowed . to take part. â€" At Best, these local agricultural shows »Mave â€" cnough to ‘do to keep theit &u annual fee of one dollar, have _ right to vote at euch ammual w:. This important feature of what constitutes lawful membership "of an agricultural society appears to â€" ave ‘been ignored on this occasion %o such an extent as to render the whole proceedings illegal. â€" Ther: :‘K been many precedents for comâ€" ‘@ueting annual meetings in this manâ€" ,lï¬ï¬. nevertheless after the election of %‘Board of Directors at the meeting i question such radical. changes in ie appointment of some of the offiâ€" ‘cers were suggested that attention has been directed to the illegality of e whole proceedings. peads above water, and can ill afford iny. schisms in their ranks. b is to â€" be hoped that this s digression from the usual tranâ€" guility of the North Waterloo Agriâ€" ultural Society meetings may not lestroy the harmony within its â€J <but instead lend fresh life and ation to this year‘s exhibition. «The:Toronto Star has been getting t Opinions ol leading physicians as be danger of winterâ€"funerals, and some think there is no more than ‘any othersexposure, all _eareful wrapping up. @ve traced serious iMNness, and ~ent while following incouvenience suffered by the have traced serious iNiness, and Lï¬,, ib chills, got while following ab * the graveside. 1t is y to vall attention to such matâ€" .‘:%__ lu not seen delicate es waiting for the last shove arth to be put on the . te ‘ alt . the â€" more â€" liable to conâ€" ï¬ï¬l\h- k""" EDITORIAL NOTE % to the dead that be endangered, and who have infuence the OFFICE atural E5 e Lt i V*“""*-.iz,ï¬-‘i"“ #< x ;}‘v M | on _ Shilding "in" HRerlit~ hak ie o on m - i ins: imemBarchin &, 4 Ns : Caa ‘?f irectors are now face to fate with the probâ€" "ince th6 inte sontention 1h¢ bisk con j tss ngk Mu‘# town have takem x more ?I nâ€" ary interest in the work of the asâ€" sociation and some have offered <to contribute liberally toward the erecâ€" tion of a new and modernly W association â€" . huilding. â€" ‘The feeling among the business men is that ~at present Berlin lacks two important features which the Y. M. C, A. can furnish.‘ and successfully. manage, namely, @n auditorium balls with a seating capacity of about 500 or.800 people, "and also swimming baths, which is desitrable in aâ€"town that cannot furnish waters suitable. for swimming puUrpOses. ***.~. 2 The Y.. M.C. A. Ditectors met on Friday evening, with President : A. Pequegnat in the chair, and nearly all of the . members present. The Finance â€" Committee ‘brought a proâ€" position before the Board_of extendâ€" ing the present building to the rear, which would cost in the neighborâ€" hood of $11,000. Other propositions were discussed, but the most popuâ€" lar scheme was the erection of a new building on a~central~ corner properâ€" ty, which can be secured, it is â€" unâ€" derstood, at a~nominal figure. The Board decided to have a meetâ€" ing of, the . business menâ€"called for next Friday evening, at which, it is expected, ~a final decision will "be made, as to what course will be purâ€" sued by the directors. ‘ E; Galt ~Reporterâ€"Chiel Ahren* was called up by ‘phone late, last night Some Berkin manâ€" wanted him. * "Is that Ohiel. Abren?" yet?" ~**NQ." _ hC . No building. done?! llNo‘l‘ ‘‘Foundations begun?" “NO." ; . 7 4 ‘‘Not a thing done?". > ‘"Not a thing." s "Well, I guess I win myâ€"bet. It was on a bet you know Chief. I:bet & man here toâ€"night that they hadn‘t begun work on the Galt Factory yet. Goodâ€"bye."‘ « And he rang o. & Drink, and the gang drink with you; Swear off, and you go it alone; For the barâ€"room. bum <who drinks your rum, «; Has a quenchless thirst of his own: Feast, and your friends are many; _ Fast, and your friends are dead; They‘ll not get mad if you treat Steal, if you get a million; For then you can furnish bail; It‘s the great big thief who gets out on leave, ues While the little ones go to jail. ‘The management and students . of the Berlin Business College have the wellâ€"merited distinction of not only being able to provide the very best commercial education, but also very enjoyable "At Homes®" for the many exâ€"pupils and {riends of . the instituâ€" tion. ‘The "At Home" given on Friâ€" day evening was an exceptionally enâ€" joyable affair, and a credit to â€" the popular principal, J. W. Wiggins, and his students. ‘Those present mumbered in the neighborhood of one h r ‘rcd._ ; The first part of the evening we.s pent in a progressive crokinole tournaâ€" ment, in â€" which Miss Edyth Cumâ€" mings and Mr. Chas. Zucisdort were the successful competitors. â€" Mr. Mcâ€" Dermott of Galt was the winner of the ‘"booby‘‘ prite. Szitable â€" pre= sentations were made to each,. . A splendid . programme wai rendered., presided over by Mr. Robt. Smyth, and ways as follows: (Address, J. Wiggins; solo, H. Hymmen, address, 8. Lut:; piano duet, Misses Hymâ€" men; mandolin solo, Ed. Ricner; adâ€" dresses, A. A. Eby and Wm. Clarke. . Bd. Rienet and H. Hymmen contributed tw6 Rumibers each to the programme.!? . . CXA+ ‘After light refreshments had been served by the hosts and hostesses of the evening, an hour was spent in tertainment to a close at A able hour. . . & 3 gik “é;; is your sugar factory started CHOMT W f So long as their stomachs are fed A DELIGHTFUL The Proston Curling Club are ar ranging _ {for. their annual bonspiel wchwmumtuw-m of this month. Ph-l dual prizes wilt be givem â€" . wON HIS. BET REALITIES. ENTERTAINMENT. CURLING brwor uon Abeacmeg w .. " ie Th ts .3 D up FEOBlh 4 ... ons wu w acinane, ~ way» > mringh hy CnOT OOR sire on : Sscc c in ) n en n * dPBr â€" malntendno :;;,g;g@;.}); in e Td “‘g GenarBte School ‘,_x;.‘-“,'_g;;w * â€" C Nt w ~â€" AMicch . K6 ‘54.‘;“’;: xï¬""'.%:.t; % v.g"; 5 P ;7_: * &1 ard, of Héal Coubnirs 4 g‘aj" t woe* "iz":"’&s' nomai l M s tony e k ut oo o w 1#,..“ MK ‘_.:um-..?.fl.‘ sasten t*,.(". Maradim St. T0C her hinos i %"" s ty e d Cometery‘ o res ,%.: i in nc‘ n ,:w.im:';.: :::: :.:.: _; m %;3:; '»b.ik ’;?&«-.,‘ f;}-‘.;.;.-'f:{'- W n | Soae . St ~,{~___“_ ..:f.;zz},g;.,a.:.:‘,._....:. dÂ¥ w c x rend bayrrg‘ A _Stewart Clark: ... aroi vevigtsanertnaion cateany Wrert > Count) ax account ...,_,-L'-'u.'.‘ -.--_‘v‘-t--ug-uf-' ebac+ dant k44 License MBE e esn ce e ains n en i n es c 6ho rrvoes Rar sn id nmen + OR :. B lc e rnene ) qrisien | wl t &CC weae ce n + + oi se nt qanenn wpla bs t P e o t e k M“,"w:"'"'" stt n n ce onennd C kerih . tï¬ en Prvr neneps © suges Ahmeng! es m in ty > Free U'Is'..... eeyree : ies e ihe ~ w erne . We P rinting, © advert und. stationery «.. :s j Fire, water‘and in en igrte aritafisr on sone‘ millt Sewer local VMpPOYOMeNt \......z.,) use ce se CM" apovcnngy denbitee| engrhntn e idaighe eb nndnene aknpn c tiver s e nndh Berlin and : 100 HOSDitAI =....5...su w coomr csinne Transferred t0* Acét. Of 1000 \,...0..... .0 e sns Due Canadian Bank ‘of Commerte ..ssl. «.. »50> When baiisa are reé! , Croes â€" OP peevish it is the surest ble :ign of iliness. â€" Well bables aleep Bbundly and are cheorfol and playfal when awake. When bsby is cross too m mothers give soâ€"called ‘"aootbing" fcines, which contain opiates that dipaden but do not remove the trouble.} What is wanted is a medicine that w@l go right to ths root of the trouble Aud ~make baby slesp well, eat well and@be cheerâ€" fal in anatural way. Sach edicine is Baby‘s Own Tablets, wh e sold under an absoluate guarantes that they cont: in neither upiates nor harmâ€" ful drugs. . All mothers who rd them for their little ones -ym em in terms of warmest praise, Mâ€"â€"Albert Young, Stratford, saye: "My baby, who is now five months 0‘d,has a{ WAys been very ero..dnd l::l'o‘:hph!: was eonsiipated an: a this «f:uwo looking child cried uuiyn;l the time. I did/‘not kno noiicinn ts hoi her in yonn t cines but mo A friend who bad card Baby‘s Own Tabâ€" lets advised me to try theus. . I did so, and since using t\em baby has been in nrimren, as amp goodâ€"natu 1 am flm\\l&h the Tablets and | keep them on band all ‘the time, and whenever ub;l::u croes and feveiish I give her a Tablet and she is allright." ; Due Town Assetsâ€" ht # Uncollected taxes Yor 1900 and formerâ€" years less 20 per cent: $ 21305 Registered taxes for 1900 and former years less 20 per cent.. . © 623:94 Uncolleoted t&xe$ AQF 100L ; :2 «.ccsc imevine opicnes yc ~ _ 1361000 Road â€"MAterIAl OM HANG ... uces en ho rcien ipnnie sdeien c eipeth 422.82 Debentures to be i dodahend Siner ieli"" recfirney 1 siÂ¥reuets Betdnees : Areirh 36,677.37 ~Liabilitiecsâ€" Due Town Treasure Due Canadian Bank Due Board of Trade Surplus ......;;â€" msioh: ‘These Tableta are the best Medicine | in the world for :Imyph fevers,.colic, diarrhoos, all stomac troubles, oousi-l. Kulon and other minor ailments d‘ ttle ones. They ars for.children of all ages, and dies wlved in water,or crushed to a powder niay be given with absolate safety to the youngest infant. Motheis who onceâ€"try them will never aftrwards use any other medicine for their little -:.‘m by all dealets in medicine ot paid at 25 centama box by the Dr. Williama‘ Medicine Coâ€", Ont. A large number of citivens saw Thutsday _ what may ~never . Ae their privilege to see again,. two sundogs and & rainbow, which : were plainly â€"visible M'ipx and ning â€" o‘clock. ~The . rai ‘was brighter than any that has seen tor years, and was excéeptionally beautiful. The sundogs v large anee of & full moon . A tight of this tare at this season of the AN _ EXTRAORDINARY _ SIGHT RESTLES LITTLE ONES Audited and found cortect, Berlin, Feb. &, 1902 Audited, urer to the sum ~of i Commerce ... ABSTRACT J.‘B. WEAVER, JOHN BROWN, J. B. WEAVER. JOHN BROWN, Becrets Revealed by theCamera. ROBABLY no human invention has aided the course of justioe to a greater extent, says Lonâ€" don "Titâ€"Bits," than the snapâ€" shot eamera. It has been instramental in conderining criiminals, and has also heen the meunsâ€"bofore now of saving Imnocent lives. 4 5 A case in point is that of Alfred Grayson, an Engiishnian who was livâ€" ing a few years ago at Rio deâ€"Janeiro. He was accused of the murder of a Brazilian named Linares, a clerk in the same office with himself. The two were known to have quarreled some days previous to the Sunday on which Linâ€" ares inet his derth. Apparently, howâ€" :gw".â€"mn" y had, made up‘ their differâ€" , for they wont out sailing that day en a small yacht which Grayson had In the evening Grayson brought the dead body of Linaros home,. © His story Was thot the latter had fallen from the mast and fractured his skull. But med< feal evidence was of opinion the wound O6 the head had been made with a Etick or car.. An car was missing from th» yacht‘s dingey. ‘The mastâ€"climbing story, too, sounded improbable, for the na,pc was all worked from deck. Takin® the recent quarrel into considâ€" eration, and Grayson‘s wellâ€"known vioâ€" lent temper, the case was black, inâ€" ....‘w*hut the Englishman, _ The coroner‘s. jury had alreandy found him gullty of rmurder, when a passenger on & Marseilieg steamer, which had arâ€" tived in Riowon the Sunday mafternoon, came forward. with a new piece of eviâ€" dence. X $ This was a<®hapâ€"shot pl:otograph taken as the yl entered the harbor. Far away, uh the cliffs, a tiny vesâ€" sel was %Wlnlt the whita sail was a Which a powerâ€" ful magnifiee proyed to be a (alling man. By an almdet miraculous coinciâ€" dence the camera\ had been snapped Mnuau’-unl\i The photograph turned the scale h Ayson‘s fayor. â€" Almost equally cyrious i Te way)n. which a photograph aided justice in tho Cooper murder case. Coopor was asâ€" ‘1-! to a young blackemith named McKenna in a/Lanarkshire village. Both men to be fond of the same‘ girl. day Coopor was found dead of the amithy. He had been with carbollc actd. ‘was suspected, . But there was proof whatever of M# Soite noid. white Cvoper war known io was have purchdsed, as a toothache remeâ€" the found m his d#end Py from was $154,888.20 154,888.20 101.19 ...â€" 8 3,103.00 42.58 ~ 2,1124.15 6,113.35 ~ 8,610.27 15,484.91 __ 1,281.16 23,480,08 1.50 _ 326.50 174.15 8,181.19 1,465.88 13,071.00 36 .85 11LA11.27 1,026.51 10,751.81= .. 120.00 â€"_â€"_â€" 658.90 _ 1,193.89 " * sH4E TT 2,050.01" * â€"278.07 1 o4s.00 â€" ~ 432.58 Expendiâ€" Sures. 2,050.61 1,048.00 165.27 15,281.84 2,447.02 8,304.37 3,028.42 * 92.22 #01.48 200.00 200.00 287.04 ©63,466.56 1,000,00 . * 9.00 ~ 23,266.98 Ctap $,338.05 1,.441.38 wards McKenna was arâ€" :.Mthunm with a . kodak had h the village on the very e murder. Attracted by 12.96 1,015 39 5,140.90 831.11 2,414.87 6f the old forge, he had asnapâ€"shots of it. ~ The to be a tafling Auditors Auditors $39,613.83 184.43 8,980.55 $30,613.83 35,003.42 2 23 107 .78 358 .34 5,976.50 ~~2.23 35,003.43 3,505.32 1,012.07 140.45 282 83 256.55 99.77 518.00 23.55 305.00 | 200.00 , $8.11 471.27 :\ Our Xmas =\ _ Display. ts qores mas rrsenily uies tad when developed, thrown upon the canâ€" vas at a mysic u}lulgflm. It was then noticed for ‘fie .cr, by the audience that a buman was tossâ€" ‘ng and spinning in the whisting . waâ€" ters,< Bearch was at once: made,â€"and the body of a missing and muchâ€"adverâ€" tised . sulcide ..was . discovered, ‘ stHll caught in tke furlous suction of the whiripool. M . P o ie . * * (9 vo Alogeiane n neighboring high bullding, * _A Plograph ‘picture uf the Otang (Rp °* Q‘ Hindu:.¢criminals succéed by lerg praciice in forming a little bag in thete‘ tember & native was arrested forâ€"steal~ ing a diamond worth 40,000.rupees frem a jeweler‘s window in Calcutta. "But &4 the evidence was anly d:wwm“ and possession unproved, he would have been liberated ‘had it not occurred tb the police to have an Xâ€"ray phote» ;{:ph taken _ of. his throat. ‘That showed the gem safely hidden in the Hitle sac. ‘The thief was sentencedl to iwo years‘ ‘Imprisonment, but he stlll fefuses to give up the diamond. The â€"Roentgenâ€"ray photography has also.been instrumental in adding hevâ€"â€" ecral thougang pounds to the ts ce reventis "o0" Buzhog ~AyTe® Wict~"te last year. Veluable jewelry on _ which no duty was being paid was known i6 be coming ffto the country in leiters, It is, however, Hlegalâ€"to cpen lettors or stamped packages, so the Jawâ€"bren*â€" ers were unchecked, At last, in June, 1900, â€"several â€" registeredâ€" letters. and packages were examined under Xâ€"rays in the presence of the Arfuuuo Postâ€" masterâ€"Genoval. . Sixtyâ€"slx gucpocted packages â€" contaied £4.000 worth ot ewelry, and were, of course, all come Lutod. ~This is the new scientilic backache, Jame or_weak b Bright‘s discase, diabotos, dr Tus Da. ZaxA I PNEUKATIC HORSE COLLAR. ACHE you 500. . Ajl horâ€"e‘c wnors thonld have it, Made of best tanaed lmme!}m tuove made of pure gum. Sure cure sore shoulders.. Guaranâ€" teed for one year. EBeâ€"t of testimon!als from those who bave used them . Canadian patent tor sale. \Vi‘l o so‘d hy county rights of for the Domicion. Write for descriptive clroulare ordors sent by mail or otherwise will have prompt attention. Manufacturer oung *"â€" We have always taken the lead â€" in supplying Gents‘ Furnishâ€" ings 19r~Christmas and this. year our stock is larger and better than ever._ The latest in tiss, ~collars, braces, gloves, mufflers, umbrellas, eto., is to be found here. Our Xmas ties cannot fail to pleasé King St vyou bl x. at John Ritzer, M DR. McGAKEY‘S & Artiorrinds® Keave Gure ts uns I P Sha toont uid Jnaw WM. SPAETZEL, or _ wealk back, gï¬ diabotes, dropsy, -ndv:h and nr'maf{ troubles of If â€" yaar hac ‘kidnens try Jn Prtcng"_q Bat > pias. â€" They‘ll_conth.«e ib bys caring you.@ Price drugzists or sent by mail, ~~=sn Cu., Teronto, Ont Undertaking Co, The Cents‘ Furnisher, â€" . â€"~ WATERLOO, en sn uns tage makes ts frn Du. McGiey Mwptonv®.Co., .. New Dundee: useful to his for A Card of Thanks MMMMMAMMMAMAMMARAHRMMA MRA We Â¥ave in Stook as Follows:â€" King St Wells Drilled Wind Mills Supplied We sincerely wish to thank the public for their Liberal Patronage during November and December and we cordially invite a contipuance of their patropage for the future. _ ~ Fur overcoats, fur lined overcoats, w overcosts, imifation lamb overconts. â€" A good of Irish fries ubsters and overcosts in men‘s and boys‘â€"fine beaver and grey overcoats for men and youths. ©Ourt s of ready toâ€"wear clothing is atill well agsorted..: ‘OQur stock of gents‘ jurnishings and dry goods is very complete.â€" We. you to come .:5‘ prove for yourselves the genuine worth of the valués we are offering this month. . It will pay you to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, ~ â€" Yours for business, F S. SAUDER & CO., We We are still giving Double Trading Stamps or 10¢%, Dis Canada Furniture M‘f‘gs, P. 8. â€"Specially high prices paid for Soft Eim . ~S. ROOS â€" Sole Local Agent. (Operating Sehawfer, Killer & Co‘#s. factory.) _ * ie Sanderson‘s Bakery King 8t Waterloo. ldhv-.l.i-sl-l-al Fancy > Ohkes alwaye on hand‘.. Hahn’s_ Bakery BERLIN »Siee Pm