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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 6 Feb 1902, p. 1

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lkkc>. ~â€"â€"_â€"‘ which we are going to offer to you at a special price. For the benefit of those whg do‘not know wo-yvil say that Gmm are one p!thofonmo-tifnotthoforWof Porcelain in all England, especially so can it be râ€"design. The colorings are dainty and the regular price is $15.00. . * . aste Berlin. â€"â€" â€" Briefs.â€"Chas. M is tly n nepimetancine ... on w e W Bile®â€" &6 M TE T J D s 1J Linmthip bundny Scosot Conren e ons e o . > > b were« Jno. tror, ____ We have decided to continue our great shioe and clothing sale dur‘ | pa" yooun ang sister, Lucls, MiSs ing this week and we find we have between four and five hundred Agnes Smith, the Misses Ida aod pair of shoes left out of the 1000 pair put on Sale and> we are anxious| Syivia Weber and Mr. Mre. Dan. to clear out every pair of them at 986. ons â€"M"_C Snd Schweiteer.. .. The p&fiy and its Shoes for women, shoes for boys, shoes for girls, shoes for childâ€" mn'l‘bo'h:oldw nm “"M ren. Not a pair among the lot but what is worth"from 1.25 to $2 ldud' Sth inst 8y fl L?Wm A ay, «+. . MF. L B. and some for $3, choice for 980 a pair, has sold his hote!l property in St. Bring your boys and girls here this week and have them fitted moh- to ln:lifi Hi:mngc :d that p{a:: with shoes at less than manufacturers‘ prices Also Suits, Overeoats also his terest stoo 5 5 :. , | the Rerlin Rabber M‘P‘g Co. for $40,800 and Underwear at lees than cost prices. Come to us for big bargains hot $40,000 as wl n Iast waek‘s this week Store next to the Post Office, â€"Our Special Price $8.45 Sole Local Agents For "The Slater Shoe." Phone 14, Ts The A. 0. Boehmer Co., 47â€"â€"NO. 6 wÂ¥ Hardware from the maker to the consumer. Waterloo County‘s Greatest Store. A. Weseloh & Co., Window Limited BERLIN. CoUNnTY Bugar Boot Licfinery.â€"Considerable discussion ‘has arisen over Jbe selection of a desirable location wherson to establish the sugar boeet reQuery. Much that the trend â€" of 6 s is botoring wreasse Weet Moomose ‘ne s nlncuillm;mn. nc:'nnoa! strong reasons m emâ€" by :;..d mhmfi & ::l,':{u’:‘“hm‘o:goy;u water privileges are y Amaâ€" mense. The villageis a most 10 aad attractive locality Mm impetus that & <flourishing refinery would create, its future would be one of brilllant progress. ‘The Board of Trade will shortly consider this imâ€" portant question so close‘y associated with the possible welfare of this corâ€" Briefs. â€"Mr. Letson, of Psol, and faumily bave moved into Mr. Weber‘s house in this tillage He will be employed by Byron Letson.... .. The the week, owing to the excessively severe weather.. ... . Mr. Kamp!f, jau., mm-l by Byron Letson.... .. The 1e in the U,. B. church »was not largely attended during the first part of returned from Barlington where he was employed during the past year...... A new sort of religion has reached & p>râ€" thon of our village and its most proâ€" minent feature z the â€" certainty, amounting to viem, with which fogâ€"encircled wfly, deep and mysterious, is 1y unravelled. Personal.â€"Mr. Boal, our teacher, is at Kincardine sttending the funeral of his mother, therefore there is no school for a few days......Mrs. H. Roberts, of Mount Forest, is rengging old acquaintances among her old school mautes kere. She is the eldest daugb‘er (Miiry) of James Durrant, formc:ly of this neighborhood.. We are always pleased to see our old schoolâ€" mates again..... . Albert and Marchal Letson, of Peel, were also visiting here last week. Personals.â€"Jacob Foerster, hardware merchant in Manitoba, spent a few days at his home here....Mrs. H. K. Hahn and daughter, Mrs. Seivet, left last week for her former home in Kansas.... Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Weber, Eimirs, called onl‘rlnsdlln bnslut week. ... Miss Agnes Smith t Sanâ€" day nc.mgm....mmm Koehler, spoent Sunday last in town....Val. Steiss who has been town.... Val. Steiss, who â€"has been spending the last three months with relatives here, left for his homse in Cranbrook, Huron county, Saturday. .... Miss Lissie Rule, Newton, is spending a few days with her friend spending a fow sznvnh her frend, Miss Elmieda ... . Mr, and Mrs. ElomZ. Frey, Hawksville, called on friends in town on Sunday.... Herbert Zimmermann, who has oceupied a situation in Doert‘s Confectionery Works, Berlin, is home again. | _ _ *34*. busband to the Roseville cametary. 8 in hi i mipee ds weis as, n ut "ome + * T. by the .u..«"m.mpmmm,m m â€"\ valuable cow which showed slight Menno Bricker is at| eymptoms of iliness when Dr. Campâ€" r*bmb care. We ;flfl:‘ the rarm a week ago died hope she will «con be able to be around | in a few hours. Although no quaran« WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1902. WEST MONTROSE she will «oon be able to be around |"" ® I0W MARIS. _ B0 r....MIl-lnh‘.dllm-lflltll!mu‘d Juvs «tiitini fendain the natgh. | there has been a qu has been adduced ‘to show HEIDELBERG KOSSUTH DistRIct. WELLESLEY SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION.â€" Welleale '.Eq“u:”w «* y C A on Thursday, J 80 h. â€" The day was ap Ideal wit ter day, sowethink unâ€" wsual {1° a eley Bunday School Convention. ie ~morning . ression opeped at 10 80 with a very fair atâ€" tendance, the Ltuwood schoo‘s hl? well representéd. The president, E. G. Wino, Eq., Opened the convention in the un“t:n the election -:»: resulted as follow:: _ R. E B& ot Linwood, Préss Jac. lloy, Hawkeâ€" ville, Viceâ€"Prés: }ro.vb Bar bour, Crossâ€" hil}, 8eoy ; â€" R ‘I‘. MeColium, â€"Hawkse ville, Trea= ; E. E. Wino, Hawkevilis acd John Hastings, Crosshill, Visiting Commilttes. After the retiring president had adâ€" dressed the comvention all 1epaired to the basement fir luoch. cm% ba.mdnu. The public school at Linwocd being dismissed at ncon and the day being in e dn one in @ ag notâ€" only the convention, b.:n tine gl‘h ride, which the parents also very generally Acceptâ€" ed and came down in immense sleighâ€" loads. A resolution was adopted conâ€" ‘ tinuing ‘the officers of the last year in their p:nu;u n\’?{ tboe!ln- of this convention instea\ of cbanging at once as he:etofore. . Mr. R. B. é-mnm the president elect, was however nil«i upon for an address, the programme baving been so arranged, and epoke in his usual felicitous and earpest manuer. Mrs. John Greenwood of Wellesley and Miss Jennie Boyd of Crossbill, two of our most earnest workers in the Sabâ€" bath School, having died duting the year resoluwins of condolence and sympathy with the bereayed families were . unaniwously adopted. . A very kindly worded address of welcome from the superintendents of the Hawksville schools to the other schools and all visitors to . the convention was read by Miss Elsio Schelley and replied to by Mr. A. Boomet. Reports from a}! the schools were laid on the table and read by the Stcretary and were as follows: Methodist, Linwood Presbyterian * _ Metbodist Union (U.B.) TObkk:, oeae v+ +axÂ¥tncom t a x1 + MOT Bhowing anincrease of 17 over the gmom year. â€" Mr. Hy. Kelley and r. Hamilton, the visitors appointed by the convention to visit the echools also made their report. â€" ‘This was folâ€" lowed by the discussion of some &ncfl- cal questions in 8. 8 work at 4 15. A mase meeting of the children was arâ€" ranged and addressed by the Rev. Mr. Ibbott of Bloomingdale and Mr. Simon Rats of Elmira. At 7.30 the programme for the evenâ€" ing was opened with a half hour song service and devotional exercises. Misa Cora B. Jackson of Glenalian then sang with fine effact the song "One Swootly Solemna Thought," with Miss Boomer as accompanist. Mr. Hamilton then gave his eâ€"itaiion ‘The Fepce or the Ambulance Which," a fire probibiuion selection, which was loudly applauded. Mr. Boomer at the request of the presiâ€" dent replied contending strongly for the "fence" and also that in this opinion prohibition could be much more easily enforced than the present license laws, which were not really enforced at all, nor could they be. =~ â€" .. Rev. Geo. Mitchel!, of Waterloo,then gave a very fine and cultured addrass on "The Possible results in Sabbath BSchool Work", and got a very gocd hearing. At this stage of the convenâ€" tion the houss was uncomfortably crowded and it was most difficult to maintain very good order. _ _ Miss Jackson followed with the so "Hosaunah in Excel:j«" and with -n:g marked cffect that she had to seturp avd sing again. Miss Jackson has a beautiful and finély cultured voice, but scarcéely strong enough for a crowded By special request Mr. Hamilton was nfln ealled for‘a recitation entitled "Britons Never Shall Be Slaves", which he gave in a most masterly style, at the conclusion of which he was cheered to the echo. Reciting seems to be Mr. Familton‘s fort, and we woald not be surprised if his efforts at our econvention should get him into trouble, the trouble of repeating elsewhere. . â€" ing card, wasattended to v Tatworhy by itr. Rate.. h‘ury satie ‘The proceeings of the afternoon and omh&u‘umm interspersed with music, led by Miss Shelly and Mr. M.T. Bechtel. The collections were !iberal, fally meeting all expenses. < Hearty votes of thanks were tendered the apeakers and Miss Jackson for their services and one of the most ancossafol nmymmwt to a close with National Aothem and benediction. ‘The next convention will be held in Weile=loy Village. 6 trouble of elsewhere. The qmo;‘m:dnn a drawâ€" EVENING SEESION. Crosshill. .. Zion ...... Hawksville Wellealoy .. A. Boox®®, Seo‘y MA Total No Council met at Township Ha Baturday, Feb. 1st., 1902. gat» The Reeve in the chair, membere all _ Moved.by Owrhn Reist, seeonded . by John Amos, that Byâ€"Law No 850 to mfiu Poundicepors, Fenceviewers, o en boaind hg $ mm and. second time.â€"Carâ€" T s Moved by Owen seconded 3. ::ny:.’., xm‘n'y:i‘.- No. uaE ap t â€" Asscesore Collegtors tm. be read a first and second time.â€" Moved by 8. E. Shantz, seconded by J. 5. Buyder, that> leave bzuhd the mover:< to introduce a byâ€"law at next session of Council to provide h; the appointment of cyerseers of high ways.>~Ogrtried. Moved by Owen Reist, seconded by 8. E. Shantz, that we grant the town of Hespeler the use of a vacant house, pear the townehip line of Puslineh, for contagious diserses, on condition that they pay rent and other expenses for the same.â€"Carried. Moved by Owen Reist, seconded by Jobhn Amos, that this Council novtg into Committee of the Whole on Auditore‘ report of the Treasurer‘s acâ€" eounts of the finances of this municiâ€" pality for 1001.â€"Carried. * Walerleo T‘pCoune!l Wall Papers +« The Committee of the Whole beg leave io report that they have examâ€" ined the Auditors‘ Report of the Treaâ€" surer‘s Accounts of the fiuances, clergy reserve and loan fond monies of this municipality, for the year . 1901, and found the same correct. MAII of which is reepectfully submitâ€" 9 Moved by Mr. Reist and seconded by Mr. Amos that this Council now . go into Committee of the Whole to f.l in bla::; on byâ€"laws Ng. 858 and 850 to ap t Assessors, Collectors, Fence viewers, Pound Keepers, Caretaker_of TownshipHal!, Township Printer and Inspectors under the Herd Law. The Committee of the Whole beg leave to report having filled in the blanks in Byâ€"Laws 858 and 859 with the following names:â€" Eleo. Div. No. 1 . No. 2 . No. 3 : No. 4 i No 5 . No. 1, ‘Alfred Ellis, W. C. Shaw, John Becker. No. 2,.._John Fry, L. Spitzig, Peter A Snider. +« No. 3, Enos Hunsberger, Jno.Stroh, Agust. Schoarr. No. 4, Aaron E. Shants, J. C. Sniâ€" der, Alex Shoemaker. No. 5, Jos. Abra, Geo. Israel, H. McNailly. ~ _No. 1, Jerry Sauder, Levi Zimmerâ€" man, Levi Hagey, Noah Shirey, Fred Deadles, C. T. Grob.® No. 2, Geo. Zettle, Menno Sbantz, Fred Schafer, M. Durrant, Jonas Bingeman. No. 5, August Terael,. Isaat McNaily, John Schweitzor, A. Wilhelm, Alex Wallace. The contract for printing for printâ€" ing for the current year was awarded to David Bean, ptogbun of the Chronicleâ€"Telegraph, Waterloo. No 3, Henry Kommer, Jac. Ecb, R. M. Quickfall, Ignatz Freiburger, Frank Shub. No. 4, Wm. Schafer, Aaron 8.Shoeâ€" maker, Abr. Creseman, F. C. Meyers, Wm. Woolner. Caretaker of ‘Township Hali, Wm. Catey, at $10 per annoum. Moved Mr. seconded by Ir.lbuu?ht m Nos.858 and 8590 as now filled in in Committee of the Whole be now read a third time and passedâ€"Carried. ; Moved by Mr. Amos, seconded by Mr. Reist, that the following accounts h)fl,.‘hflfih&&t his mn;ll-‘hunrch\“m amounts, Tiz., amounts, Â¥iz., "aes J. R. Devitt, gravel.......:.. $ 6 00 Albert Pock, refund on dog tax 1 00 Martin * 6 hed 1 00 Poter Shirk, 3 coptes Auditora‘® ‘BROpOIt ... .:i.2.222}.... 10 00 Municipal World, subscriptions 9 50 CE « _ stationery . . 2!_‘ D. W. Clemena, timber AuditOf®. . 222 s ..=«â€"> 8. Thoman, wood .. .. . No. No. No, No. No. INSPECTORS, UNDER HERD Liw. No. 1 Abt. R. Witmer. ~ No. No. No. No. No. All of which is respectfally sabmitâ€" l ‘mfin:‘:m again on James Goudie Jobhn.Halter.... Enoch Erb..... Simon B. Heist. J. N. Sipes..... COLLECTORS. Philip Zeller... Hiram Bowman. J.8. Snyder.... Ferd Latesh . .. C. Richard. 8. 8. Dettweller. POUND KEEPERS FENCEVIEWERS. ASSESSORS. REPORT. Joux Armos, Chairman. $ 55 00 48 00 42 00 $ 5b 00 Chairmap 1 62 10 00 Thousands of Rolis" from our store, have been and are loud speaking ie n en in o on sls stock is now on our ves, now brought within reach of all classes, artistic work, and the ba in tor OftR qUAIRTER of the former Toet, " Our Rat semen‘e this department has been a most gratifying one. *"House.cleaningâ€"time" you say, will see some new on mkmMpwhn‘u,.t:,d-flythchmmklg at that particular time? Why not start no -ulglul.hu time and they will execute their work more neatly if not more cha Cheap Cash Store P ‘ ww JP on ie ccxtci d -;; v-v-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"w-wâ€"'â€"- tnill} bosided, daeriptione would bail 1o cadey any laea ut Ok ....'§ magnificent goods we are able to show you now. COall and see Cash and one Price We don‘t carry over Winter Shoes if we can help itâ€"we the room for our 8 stock which is now on the way. Size up prices and your feotpr:fi tingle in a minute â€" SALE BEGINS â€"Don‘t miss it. We have placed the following lines of Slippers: Overshoes in baskets so you can get at them easily. ~ onfi Infant‘s, Chifd‘s and GClirl‘s slippers for 28c. ‘H; 48 pair in this basket of pretty felt slippers with famcy bin some plain, soft leather soles, and some felt soles worth 40¢, 50¢ 60c. sizes 6 child‘s to girl‘s No. 2. GOODâ€" BYE SALE 2Mca Basket No. 1: Basket No. 2. Girls‘ and Boys‘ felt slippers for 38¢. 18 pair in this baske our best and prettiest felt slippers, leather soles, fancy bound, all 8 to 2, worth 60¢, 75c and 90c. Sm yrsft ies o. : GOODâ€"BYE SALE 28c a 1 Basket No. 3. Basket No. 4 Overshoes for Men and Women for 98c. Men‘s fine waterproof overshoes, lumbermen‘s rubbers, woi button overshoes, worth $1.75 and $1.50. GOODâ€"BYE SALE g8c a 3 ap 4 Money Saving‘ Shoe S 21e ler S Matkie‘s Block. _ King St., BERLIN, Last Saturday we had a special sale of winter goods and a good mar youtobkndmu‘Zoflt-. We having the same sale over coming Saturday, only on a much scale, We don‘t ask yoa â€" ‘ yoqdon’tmedt-hnngA Goods bought that are of no use to you are any price. Read this list over carefully and if something strikes your you ought to have you will be welcome to come and get it. e miegler‘s esn A Proposition clear Winter Mitte 75e now 60 «+ ae # w.l.w a« “1@ Horse Blankets. Blankets regular $ . now $3.45. -\*’ s Axes Regular â€"$1 now 8Nc. Men‘s and Women‘s felt slippers for 75¢. sc e 24 pair men‘s felt slippers fi:t.her soles, women‘s fine fl felt ers (French make) fine, soft, warm, plaid felt slippers, 4 elt gaiters, felt lace boots, regular price $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75.. Goodâ€"Bye E0 mmr'nhuy-nflul.lsw car at 5 10¢ Heavy Winter Mitts. Axe Handlos. each or 3 for 2¢. 15 Just a Word to You. 1 +o o9 k vackekin.reg. $:50 «t stt They are a Study! There are only 17 hay forks left $1.75 28 and 25, South Side King St., $1.55. SMYTH WHOLE â€" Wall Children‘s Sleighs th Regular $ _ now $8.%5 Gongs We have GOODâ€"BYE SALE 68¢ a W The balance of our 75¢ lan Snow Shovels. j Regular 30 and 35¢, now Â¥5¢.â€" > Coodâ€"B Sleigh Belis. 10¢

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