“on M thmet tio tru. . â€Woo-k. PM rm d' It h! c - _ De. 'g in: warts. _ - to _ '8.th 'tatt _ - " I m k C W d "a. g and and. with: “at nu In: atl on“ new to tail 10000. Win-r100 - no quickly coming to In front to sub- mnum "no autumn. One of thin I. John Johnson; lain It t Wuerloo, m with. bl: “vortex as " follow:- “Rot u mole of you. I hm bad . geti"iiiiiutiiAt1u+.tysttt8: I. and pork». liver you)», WI I te had cork, u I an I laborer. Mr '10:“ m . ho no of Dr. 912mb lltthft Kidney Tabla: and they F mummy. [sun-blowâ€! min with“. pain Ind an mqm . I: nub planned with tho which. The no but. In Mount" ' a. unit obtained by Mr. 50M“ awed to Wind. at Aching lunch, "at bun, kid»! puma Myth-tom no! go: nib! from Dr, new Bunch. Xian.) Tabut.. Sanford B-.-T'tttt dummy of the Con-even" - erltlehme ot Prank Bon’ Inppoeed mitotic up word ’roMbmoo my be Judged by i In complete nuance on the Melon} - by premier 110an of Henluobe c- the me question. Mr. Roblin wee e member of the goettrtumsnt vhloh paced the prohibition luv declmd by the Privy Council to be within provin- ehl powen, but although now Premier at the Province he hu taken no nope to - It. On the contrary, he has Announced that he will “he no lotion and) he nee what Ontario will do. If thh b not a chamele- brcech of mm, whit would constitute each! The pub- lie would hove more ooniiiUtttNt in the Opposition pre- if it cubcmnted cin- cerety for hypoeruy in the ducal-Ion of public mutate. . The United sum consume by far '" large" put oapita 13110me of some of my oftho union- and In! yen In that; a record oot%ritrtport- insane!" than, mung but nightly Below 1898. Here are the tutttrtrtr of the principll some consuming coun- mu: Total Per Capita Consumption Consumption Countries. pounds pounds. Bum: ...... 18,896,000 U. Kingdom. 29,120,000 .72 Italy...â€... 31,222,000 .98 Ant-Hun“ .. 92,180,000 2.04 Fromm"... 170,120,000 4.62 Gannon Em. 14Mfl4h)i) trl? German Elm. 343,501,000 q. Staten... 801,750,000 At the recent municipal elections tal York township Mr. A. E. Amos, th prominenl Toronto business mm, sud Presidous of the Toronto Bond of Trade, who resides in the townrVp was ph11arsthropie sud public-spirited enough to offer his valuable services us Reeve. A York Township farmer, who contested the omen with him, mad the cry that the Township dldn1 was say “any dudes" sud Mr. Ames was detailed by an overwhelming mu- m. This is poor amour-gunmen for sub-amid business men to enter municipsl life. Sir Robert Giftitt,e-idertt of the Mica! Society, London, and long annotated with Gludatouiau Finance, bu boldly suggestion! the reduction of the income tax in Englmdfrom " to 10 pence. This would mean 310.. of ten million pound. Iteriing to the Ex. chequer bat to om this he would would ruin twenty millions by indirect indium, including a chilling per quor- tor on wheat and 1 shilling per load on timber. m. or our upon- gt $177,432,386 we gold the following to than Englhh- opening mm: Gm: Britain. . . . . . . . . . . 802,957,535 Unit“! Dun-.... . ..Ft.. 67,983,673 Ami-............. 2,297,521 NeqrftRtrtdi.ttd.......... 2,142,877 Bruin Wm Indie... .... 1,806,262 â€61,179,868 Ont punt-nu from English spouting - uilonnud also to our 8160,- 000,090. The Lord Hume! mam'mdvu 'otttifE10,000-r, nah-am -dtithatmttntotnatntatts the dignity " his amnion. Sir Joseph Blanch, tho â€WWIW, will you!†'2",a'lu,',t'l,'.' "mitt It-rat mam-unfoun- 'eeM-,"trottttrsin omen-t nobodhm an "In. rtat&.".-do'tsotssur. It“ ho to- qatmdt.erttertaht “‘11.! gm Ono of the lending Col-mun mm uttboWonYmk Ito-mun] "Mthat" mum and“. of momma-mum'- . 'tet manna-um m ittMt",'ed.ttl'rat,tat. " ar. “.1th â€but EDITORIAT NOTES. M Tu: who. m.957,535 67,983,673 2,297,521 2.142377 1.808262 6.12 10.79 Twelve Computes 'st-der-re. Tonal-‘3“ lin, Waterloo, Gait and Humps. -- Will Revolutionize the Rural Districts. motto. â€Jaipur-8m a. alien-h ‘Mlly ml in - an! to p- H M at. 1-0.." out I). all! apt-J.- itdd. In “I. m U 2N'tet and my all“, db- “. . PMâ€. 1"" ttttqi-h' with qetiqtu'tstMtee" h w . h thy no hm qua: from Oct-nu to Window, and It, tutt-rrerqbuittture-tdbo. continuous line rbrtw.en ‘thou tn points, no.†u than Mutu- froth a!" ar.toNnsinaeh,whiutotu-th- other 3’“: will ruck from London " awn, and. than. the abet. ot [Ah won. dun-known“ m - evinced in rank m rant-yo Oh" I â€vault to it tn Po" gre- which will revolution!†Mr- tation In the continuum tNtt rounds unions - t W“ will greatly who.“ the tub“ " hr- producu. A not-bio mm - tr I study on the mp a! the uric- routes in that may of the In. is territory now not contained), an by nilwnyl. Of mum, it my I» you! before some of the nilnyl now will be built, and it in not an: at“ colony 'lt' mm. ot a; rented tt onyntt ptryyermtt t astute: r future ale. The" Ire. however, . mum her of important rural 1inet, that], in operation in Guthrie. And " h In†that Amen-ion: eitat is behind " but the lines projeded to radiate from 5'tg',i.1t'"' to Toronto. Guelph Ind Wag. " 00. A number of the electric "any an» tenoguud in recent you: In. con- tlin sped“ chm! T,"dt% m grunge!“ rates. Tho subject - of more yearn] intend. and it i! said in receiving the tionsiderrtiots M the Government. A The knowing table shows the com- puliu applying for incorporation ml the routes and npproximlle aaa which they propose to tsopatruetr-- Cornwall to Toronto .. on". to Brockvillo . Total ..... ...._.. ....... Hummon Suburban Raitwar- Huninon to Waterloo ......... Gilt to Gnelgh .F, ... ....... Enamel: to uelph ..... .... . Mr. Henry T. Thurber, of Detroit, heed ot the undies“ which purpose- eon- Itruoung end operating en electric rammr â€new, with Hemilton a ity centre, end (hit, Guelph, Berlin 3nd other We: in the: notion of we Province we piece: to be reached, ha been in the city during we peat few den, mm: on- gaged in the oompeny’e emits. The stock ofthe ttttMt81r in being npidiy satntsribed, and the promoters "Peet to have pennant guru" herein e nun time. and to begin operations II noon " the Mil pulls. the Legielsture. Summon a O'Rou- hue the Mil in bend. Total ..... ... ........... St. Thomas Strut Rnilwny Co. St. Thomas to Port Stanley .... Bt.homas to Aylner .......... itt.Thomtustorambm ..... .... ft BUILD ELECTRIC BAILWAYS. MAJORITY OF THE JURY THINK “I KILLED HIMSELF. Two Bullet “'0Illldl.' Bullet at which In :1d Have 'teV "u. 'r---"'" Ditto- I'm In, Jovor be Inna! ©nmsrod0.. Button, Jul. th-The inquest into the cause of the death of William G. Urlil was concluded to-day, after two or â€In. witnesses were heard. Relatlval of the deceased sworsthat he had shown sign. of mental werntion. The result of the post marten: cumin-“on undo by Dr. Alex. McKillop and Dr. John We! was submitted. It thawed um on bill- let was traced three inches through the skull, but could not he hand. The oil“! was tract-d four inches Hamill the In" part of the brain into the At lobe ot the upper put, where it WI. lound. “I. wound was pmoumd instantly um. and the other, tt w“ stated, would pt.- duco inmunoons unconsciousâ€.- Both doetora were of the opinion tut It would be dined“ for l mu to Intthet both wounds, Dr. Camden 13:11le Bo. Dr. New“? thnuglct it with. W133 gum ot'ht.? innovate Ontario Electric corner-- Those old English Kings made history. Those old En. glish Kings were faat livers. Those old English Kings got sick. _ One disease became 30 com- monto them an to be called " King's evil "--a royal disease. It is new anon; ttr-the well known, â€duh. Thane old English Kings hartdedhdmm, spread it thgough the nations, and hate it k. Too bad Scott's Emulsion was not made in time tor those kings Scott’s Emulsion is . positive can " King's evil--. or not“ . It huh the â€no. THE URLIN Itwg8r. Tot-l " KINGS EVIL " noun-i an: TW, Juan nu ma? HAII LION ml!- 1mm. . . .200 . .821 s','d't.h'h' at. w O IMO- I 'tatt-r- "h,rtot.-ttfhp-. unmarmm ........ hue-maybe- Leda-tom...“ D-totemthror.. but!) Inga-coll .-. 't.sriitredti8roethrrd mans-um. .....yu Ibltmtr-- __ _ . tttha to sum .. mu to Tum-uh TQM! ... .'... ...........’..... ll atorvi-so.xieRattvrsr- seg,',1tstt2%f.%' ......... " Much to and“. M More!“ " Tottt ..... ..... .... ....... Pouch: by“ Runny Gr.-- knh to Wright ........... manual" r............ Mutant-den .......a..... D.w.cestret"tore-.....-v. norm to Ittnmesviile ........t Bunch to Wen ...... ..r.... Patrol“. through FatAhitUn " Sutton-Unto Clinton ..... . Clinton to Godth ..... Blyth to Winghm ... .... Walton to Brussels ... .. Dru-cl; to Wroxeter ... Bayneld l'Old to Bnyitetd ' Bcriul4 to Pukhill ... .. Pukhm to Imdon ..... Dunlop to was... ... Rhianna. to Then»: . . . Therm to Port Elgin . . .. Port Elgin to Southampton scammpcon to Win-ton . Wisrton to Owen Bound .. warding to Wanna-ton Tots! ... ..... .... ooderehrndultine- Watch to Dunpnnon , eulov to Auburn ... ' f,et"h",g2er.yr . Will to Wnton... ..1 k1tanstoBetorth-. m PLAINTIFF TELL! I!" "ORV " COURT. We“ ,eitdnllidua thé Intel nor W ilmd me time alter the other, when the man ind milled from anomalou- uess. The outward indication. were that Both shots were Bred st clone rastgeptsu, that the pistol vu not in contut with the akin. The jut brought in I verdict. eleven agreeing, tint W. G. Urlin am to big death b bullet wounds intiieted by himself, while inane. Two held that he (nine to his death by bullet wounds initiseed by himself or parties unknovn. BURKE BASE GDNTINUED. Iondon. one, J :11. to,--" the Auhen â€nerd-y. before Hon. Mr. Janice I‘m-on, the one of Ilium. Bnth v. Inch-cl J. Burke. John A. ttobhv IMI and John Wesley Cooke '." continued from Manny. and m mac mined when court adjourned “only Inel- infra t. The crou-ennlntlon at In plum: , mu Burke. was manned. The lady developed - "alumna. ml In: men! mne- Id- nonhhd by a court to III-wet an quen- dou “a not brunch " Into when In Win. and specially not o an port In "tiiauakridepttttitoLfeior. by " M “I a. counsel. The: want-u. (and on bib-ll of the uni-115 III- 'lp,"gts"M," out on the "was un- Iry they saw lu- Pa", on mg no. no not. the 1:qu and Into I can I m mum...- . mm; W,,, WWW " r e m of the defendants. (gong-I Byrtr, ’31- Ite A. Robin-on. m order to show tilt (IQ were rowel-IN» hr the forcible ejection of Mitm uric. The deft-m commenced by 2lM,l,'t Kuhn: and by fading the en- nlmt taken Be hone use of Mn. Helen Bane, we! of 1-t'tltU,"','tti ate II bet-, m a o " ll. eotttttrMrtei-tgtrNrrrrt. mum MI am. - boon “I. "with helm Yac,'2rkt,'N,t wilt. 2tt In: My; nod mm o a _ mm o _ the" In a. has up: helm “9%. max Pattie-If "or. tttat from (I! run- Nttmt at the In!!!" be "all not be!!!" her at can. A barber. and W. R. 12N rm to luring the [bi-Int. mt. In It†In W!" Inn-u. which In - John Walt: Goon (IV. In - an“? no NretMe mm." by ltfttr " 'tSl', tWu 'g',',,'N"p'2g,' I 'arM'l: I I a but met Junta In dot-ll. Ho all k *gItmet8ett- wee not to an In - teEi'ii/iir,lti,u,t' ht L'"S,'IS,,e, Pd a no “I ttt'g't,'Ntt1 he wotted h inutuwu PS, Mom where. g g I]. 9k and to g: a mm! In? thl,','tt' mpg"... mm. a y IVE-:0. the clone 'f an um. lull-n bedded AD"! the low I... “not!" - [ Intros], ha. '.-Mr. B. It. outâ€. Pnuldnt of the Anah- WV. My Brad -remHmt ot III - re6Ciatel_ttaAhmr, he Or. “at! Walk on u- 'iiiiFlir'i'e II- - mad. m a " " -arr, nu in em â€in! wt. - 99'" tht Iâ€!!! " “‘9!" a CALM'AY ll mom-AL. l. ll " " " " lo " " um~~Vuhcm -thHotrt-tt-"-rr.-. To-dly â€in M u “tuMJJWlll tttatttiri. N 'u-o . cons-.14:- " new " h! can , Att e','t'tt (ltett tt ll In“, , on me Mice! "and" In “Monica; to he Inc M In not gun neo- iutho Mel â€you: he um tuned. and to one! to - tbat In“. the W b - “be!“ from one pu- n. to W. It lo not nee-null, 1n- berlud. though the tendons, to it an " " u Moran, tttttto ttttmm' law yon-nee the: 90091. with week lulu would at. tho grams one ot thou- _ eelvu topuvoaloonmpllonobtelnio. i . bold upon them. Pore, one-o! (loot Mr, loan of eon-hm: whim. food adenoodtoole m loheto keep the blood mu. rod end pure. will eneblo “you was!" theinmodeolthe duo-no. An e bkoi forming male, more ll no medicine tho equal of Dr. Williams' Plat Plus. The» pill. whore freely and furl: need, will Tree' the weekeet wanna ion, , end " eered meny one of con- m‘npnon when tekeu in ite eerly t etegee. Proof of thin in given in the ' one of In; Alix-em Henry, ({Cher- l lottetown P. E. I. To “earner of I the Mendel- who eelied upon r, In. , Henry mid t--"A few you-e ego Hound I myoeil growing week end pele, end I emeeieted. I took verione medieinee I on the edriee of Node, but none of them eppeered to do me eny good, end two yoen ego my condition heeeme no mueh woree that I wee obliged to teke l to my bed, end eel! in e outer, who l eeld thet my luuge were emststed, and thet I wee going into motion. end he told my mother, who wee mostly in ettendenee are me, that my reeovery wee very don tttal. I - gradually weeket end weeker. I could not lit up tor " minntee; my large pnieed me; I coughed eevereiy. loot eimoet ell _ turmoil, end when I did eet I found it dimonlt to retein food on my promote t tell ewey in weight from 148 pounde to 100 pounde, end I do not think eny ot my friend- e'xpeoted to see me get better. But none ot them urged me to try Dr. Willieme’ Pink Pine, and I decided to do on. I began by tehing one pill e dey, for my etomeeh wee very week, but I wee norm eble to inereeee thin to three pills e day, end tittatlr on my etrength wee inereuing under their nee, I took nine trim e dey. The change which eeme with the nee of the pills wevlittie ehort ot minenione, end eo merked and repid that ineide or two monthumr I began their nee, I wee ehle to ieeve my bed end move about the home, end econ ener- I wee ehie to welk ebout in the open mir and meke short min to my friende. On one of theee ooeeeione I met the doctor who hed ettended me, and he eeked me whet I had been teking that hed mede eueh en improve- ment. I replied that I bad been teking Dr. Willieme’ Pink Pine, end he eeid ‘ell right, continue them; they won’t hurt you enywey.’ Weli, I continued toting them until I had need eeventeeu‘ boxee, with the remit that I never felt better then I do mtqr--ttot even in my girlhood deye. It in more then it yeer einoe I stopped teking the pills, end you oen eee for yonreel! whet they did for me. I any any too, that my weight hen moron-ed to 157 ponnde. I em not enxione tor publicity, but when I thinh of whet the pills did for me, I believe] ought to neriilee my own feeling. for the treeteitt of enme other poor unfer- wnouour ll 73! can“)! A CHARLOTTTI‘OWI um. 01'." Dr. Williams" Pink Pill! have pro- duced Inch remuhble eure- u the above, because they argt wholly unlike ordinary medioiuee, which only moi upon tho symptom Then pm- 30 direct to the root ot the trouble. mum new, rich blood, and giving manned mom with - dose. In this way they cure coo-umpm in in only lug", m dine-ee- u purely“, momma-m, Bt. Vituu' deuce, heart Rouble, nears-131A, dyepepein, comma endpelu, and att the functionol trouble- that mae- the um " 'o 'muny women nimble. The genuine pm. on sold any in boxes boning the run Mme, "Dr. Williume’ Pink PIU tor Pele People.†" you do not tied them " your denote, may will be um pon- pafdat6otmtutoo_ttrtix boxes (on â€why dares-I3: the Dr, William? Imam, B ville, Ont, nmatgaiturtam. - inc mM' and Ih'1o"r.ug,utatd"gu,1t d to be tenured, no that'Bt T't't we no dawning " out energie- “at direction. Alta-wards when we get Ie,, we ,rtil .look" over we grow ' "The" in a great demand new. is there not t" “Yet. we In very b at present. We in" order, from mix-{Inn Trunk. the Michigan Central “Id other roads, and have t1,hlt'ft pretty full. Th undue, no! I toward. hr ' . "ttrl engines, In: 'lat ot he rapt; Iwny wit. t r mullet mm in them up and “pl-city the]: m nodu- atruetnm." Duh. the a. Mr. (‘1th had in- tee%rs with td “illiun Vain Homo. It Thom- BMW, and Mr. C. M. Buys, nu! it maintain that in the In: (an!!! an enterprise will be wit a}, with . may hum-Luck}... P,,tNtt Jun. D.-1‘he President 'thdc'l'22i,l',', a {lam-hm tut?! l no- ta I. o "r"."' I m o or “It: Islam. 1tt ---r. P. Gnh gelt, M o! the minimal of Loco- motive Phe-,. Pa. I. Clark. Grind (It! (30-ng tth Order doing: 1'.me . .my, mat the Fiiiii? e2et'i,i 1t1rtg'sly '1? tl 1 l A. n has?» tlrtltT'c P. inch,dede mm ‘ _ loo-oven II. labs London. o’er-“om tor each. BiiiNi h' ‘ GE awn 'iiE . I, ‘ '.1fitittl ihigi, Tr'" ,"iiir: q sh Club. - U the anaemia: at: ttettaPlt 3‘“ Stt " 'i,ii:iiiiiri2F, " abu, than: d all "“7 Yukon you“ 11% 1‘. “L laden "rargINb-ttrtV urnuomr Prowl-3 t M l ,.. jFIIy, and Mr. hum any. u will {apply ohmic we?! in tho pupae. * t tax t n 2gf,ttlt “are: :ndteurnled a“; th’movemn‘ wt trGierusmiihietip.te-ib' to lava! M T @zmï¬mmw'mn willâ€. d2fht mud 'r2't'lt1.tlt ' . an a tho canola» :1 the two ain’t-l. " tho mm W. no" Chutn- In“ - MMM. Which a... to In... In“... Jug te-The “in“ - unhe- the knowing bdddqt h- . Utter just rushed in. M Aft%e-- The wife ot n Ritthb â€I“, '5. bu lost anything, lard an 6'. " - oown were but. w - “I Io.‘ woman lid cum in a. (On what. the had ulna: rah-go. Bah. Hartttbm, an went to the Con-paint. W -eosr.,satdaaktdifNtrsig+ the milk iron: on of than tor hr at!" of Eva month old. The Comm! 'o. larred her to the cumin-flu afloat. lb referred her to the civil tutori- Aiea, who told he aha could In" no milk, but she might, perhaps, got con- “nation in tIve rears' “no. Mr. Gilbett Parker) MP., was kl- (meted by the Candi-n Club of To. route. A little ch but of Mr. Ghuln an of on"; 'JS 'chokcd to death by . 'crew. . The Far Omcc ttag directed tint“:- the nurses recommended for -t5mrth Africa go by way at Englnnd. Mr. George P. Silk, tdrmerir of Ob tamr, was nationally shot um! killed ty his son in Brit“: Cotumbia. Mayor R. J. Graham of Be1urille In. wanted I contuct for Moo tom 01 My tor the Army .in South Africa. Sht units of one hundred ton. will be on; weekly. _ Judge Wilkinn In gin: Judgment lgt favor of u mutton haw, to the Ateet um the Division " has no gurbdiction out I .oidier in II all“ " debt. The United sum Committee on list. migration will meet Thur-d1, to in! person who have expand . M. In make repre.ertttMrmt magi-Iain. the Chinese exclusion bill. . The Montreal Teleypph Comply do- aided " in "and meeting not. to All two “and" on the director-Ge, than reducing the number 11-th to in h'; Hugh A, Allan N and Pro- I at. The H-lifax Trude. and hbor Gaul. all 3511. tsend awoke.“ to u.s “his“. of Militia tgninat the t"ttirk'."gt, cl troopers of the Second _ .R. doing 1onguhoremets'tr work in loudi by, ett., on, bond the transport with... We hue always taken the loud in supplying Gents Famiah- ings for Christmas and thin you" our stock is larger sud better than ever. The latest in ties, 6011.11, braces, gloves, mufherr, whichâ€, on, is to be found hm OI! Xmas ties cannot. fail to plain you. Call and the “St. iiGaritYiCiiaic" "hid “NET-Iii Th3 money and mrtit Dig? cl 3 than I! prise-nu. 7hi'.'t'ii't,iti' .n tp, a arr: but. a on! 'hih'tii?litil at; a brooch. dhln I t. at"; am†.... 'at ','iii')iE a... --- -77 'ra r_ -- -"'T _ _ â€donor-Ids. 933m qti) lab a Wiitauraar Duncan-uptake! - seliieltr',i?. itgirrliWr. W. W the M Crrunod.tuseCeshe BRANTPORD t'lily,ovm,) " t Iithtirn l tttui'""'"'""""')"""'""'"" 1'tt't s,,2thg""'" M“, mama's-l flu-86.00†w. hulk. o! 'tturi, I2 nun-m M08610 “5. $rrrmdthmaid- “KATIE" IMr WYALI'I'I. gi!,L,lt!,,t,tt, ' Bispllpr, 1901 Models TELEGRAPH DRIVI‘I‘III. “I Imhm‘ uuuv-nm Exam!" John Bitzer, PREMIUIB Ct Fan; land no In". rmmry-ngdmw!†The cm W. - - wuumo. .qsgtmaohqoq.r r'iit,,ii,ithiiiiiiiiiii ONLY TA.†1'liL'l2G'dl.1t2l'l . IQICIGAR STORE. w" chum wad-gum L, I “My“ “I.“ nae-duo" in“ -e "I Cub-unis...- may“ I». my... a sd%lll1tri1"lt'.1%,fldlrloh.f.' N.; P. tg.umte Ctiooieie.Y and an I! want“ a in the button at thiuvyuu “3.3.137 ',et,%,t1tht. fl sometime» CAPITAL . - . . . onposx-r WtTtgD0MtNMtN cow . . " “9“â€-me & unassuming I“: _ AaMMee8r9tMg. l" AMY-III“.- i MAKE Titty iii FARM PAY Near (In My 7nd. Vim THE MUTUAL L_trr.ie'_,'.'siitii.,l.. mm.» mum“. um F of Garitttqt J. DOERm, The Mercantile F iiriti)si, Ao-- tMtPOL1CYHoLDERa , , ". 3: BY POLICYHOLDERS _ 0*: FOR POLtCYHOLDERS _ " “ovmorxwru-mn-spau‘mnm . . . . 'd. azur- wumï¬ ,iii'iiii,tiii"t'iiSliiiii') th'.'tU',ttttt.t"gTftu On. that ,rteo-hto-ds drunk-mull win-yum madam Slate 'Nw‘ illtaAH chairs: “mm. ‘I'.l-Illlilx DOE ROAM‘S INSURANCE continua: h-ttrated 1875. DAV-ID BEAN, 33-"- (r? aahyaiG Ea', iiiil Mam. GiahGa; .iiiCiEaiFiaiai and Tttemrto Stun... " It‘llâ€... "tttttte. Economical Aluminum: 'il) tTiiV Tu..." -- Ti?†Ono-um. - aiiiltt local-Al... -, "A ulnzuuoo‘ Iguanas†L, . fl roan Amta am. Wis nominion Life Amman oonrm. - m 'moe, Mmll6lq at. 1h1hl'lffr','lleNlre'lN - 3r: ' "mm" ‘, -. mum - - - fAGhi,aCirtFiii WobmWo-mho- “an†W in o.2Ntc'tr.'trdc'adttP9 armammarw Wok-upland] a. "no. at an ran. i'li'i'ialit1i'it: 'lulMil'Wai'2rJl a. oArte'tettette.tAqittteryp (ttt,uiiii2d “mum I“... " -. Cull-I‘D... . LLWIlc-nqhguu Alumna“ HIM?!“ n.- m’ in. uh.†emu-n: “mm on ,, W 11.1. Juno... "ee"""""""-."' h. sum-anom- QM Trm. 09-: Intul and Cu]: S: noun) or um mun-mm. or 333m. Ora-bod In; I, In!!!“ f ij), Waterloo, 08,) .wan‘nygol .0. .-truidk'd E5