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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Jan 1902, p. 6

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" TTI, a.» -rruatasamtketttat' . ' ". ., " ' MlSl LT ‘ "ttt " Il? _ ' T a Fai " if! ' q - - ' 1- “ml-4;, . r -; tRae m, Eme. PPiNI "INK- ., 2N ‘q‘g'hq F' , x y , zw.‘ 'iL% be2E% = at" talll-k lif2, _ . - r P 'ii'ilt?tlMrrerll,, a: : iy2i,'iirt.ii'if,tttttlteS','t, e ”in!” C l 'dtt2'l' up:- it» - __ do“ in until at - 'ihtA$q e: 'aitMt alum- - _ 'iteSie=flt, “new r't "S't2r"l In my» not eon ‘ ilk-M wield ro- - My eeeiug Dr. Willie-Ii F m edvctiud II n em in! hil- Me decided to am that I um» reenluhe Poet mm b but M give Mr, “We -rerttttttrorre? wade: “Ya," "id It. emu», “(at nearly four you: I mthe9 lion . Honey oethtliugiN, IN.” loot we when. Inning end - in man inconvenient phone. I In Just twenty-four your! of amend I junk I ma bneineee mo young nod ttge fee! of {oiling spurred me to greet- orotrbetarertt- than in good for) my oomstittttittts, end the conuqnenee In. that I became Inbicce to thou ai- mke which came without my worn-i 'gertgi",','.%' leaving me tenibly e end Giikiitttdittadrer1 got no (held their munnea vary lunch. I oonenlned doeton end took do!!! remediee to no pupae, the " etill troubled me. 1 en! Dr. Willinne’ Pink Pills ndveriieed and determined to try than. l did no Ind the medi- elm helped me no much that i got morn Ind kept on liking them, until to-dny 1 en en well, no boner, than I ever I“, and em not troubled " ell by on. My or the feet of the " seizing we epin. Thinking there Iney be others irimitartr atostad, I give my story to the Poet; It mey perhepe lead them to git? this greet. medicine B trial.” -__. .-. . INtrt, ___ .. “M. ..... ..-.. -- _._--__ _ Dr. WW1s’ Pink Pills no B noel- tive em for all disease srising from impoverished blood or a week or Bttat- tered condition of tile nervous system. Every dose makes new, rich, red blood sad gives tone to the nerves, than our- inc snob disease an epilepsy, SLVitue’ duos. pnrelyeis, rheumatiem, solstice, hoax! troublee, anaemia, Me. These pills are use s cure for the Ailments that mm we lives of so many women s constant misery. They are sold in boxes, we wrspper mound which been the full name-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pele People. Cu: be procured from draws“ or will be sent by mail, postpdd, " 600 e box or six boxes for .260, by “dressing the Dr. Williame’ Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. IHtt defeated Brantford on Frldny owning In a 0.H.A. series game by 9 goals to 5. The Woodstock juniors defutod the conjunct- by the one aided more t r " to 2 " Woodstock on Th-mdoy evening. Owing u a number of Lhe Guelph o.a.c. phyon being “my on moi homily, the league game with Berlir bu been postponed umil me man. On behalf of Jack Carmichael it was _-- -.ie-e'-" - " Thuveday night’s O.H.A. an“. mu" Man that. the above gen’hmen bud Loo 95, IIT, 118, t10, 98, 97, ”halved an offer to pley with Pltub " 96, 94 on Jomspy, Genie! a nebular] of8120 per month, bat he Charla Su.............. .. had rein-ed. Siding on Charla. urea: . . . . . . PRESTON IN THE W.O.H.A. Dwelling How, (fume) rent Sammy I. K. Boos ofthe won. $3900 "" W Lot 119...... A. he received an tsppltetstion from the 0“ PLANT. ann Hockey Club, to enter the Bui1die--0" hon-e, main Junior which)» Woman) Aupcla- building 21m: Mft. buck “no. The applioelion will be we pt- Iron roof trustee and corrug- ed. and Iron not. Addition. A "SMART ALECE" ANSWER. We!!!“ Proof Ttr, 16 1-2 0mm. Reader-ot what is the tt no h” Cot; "ttt emulation of the Western 0.II.A. Metterr room. “h ttt in composed. [ meter room, 12 1-2 a. x 36ft. The con-cicada of the W.0.H.A. 11'.,'e"yglt"gRT2,'2t. in never been properly dingnoeed, F tt. E Id rt,,l'fll1t, ‘thougb several futile attempts have “a" T2"' I: tr, a” made. h’l‘he [toner-1 luppgeluon, g'tf,,f,2,'/ In shout woventn at itie composed er el _.-.......-...."". of beer end punch, that being Ill,', '2gegt,'g'ut't.' 2900 ttttci/teg?:'.:?:",",,',?,'.',,,,?",?,?,,',?,','! 69mm. (u mot. and»: ;_, Eamon Btmetotor.--Ftsrtt"s am "no In Ibo m Mung-r bung made 3 I;- huu I manufacturer In “whim b m that mum“ alcohol. ’ wan-um.» be sumac-1‘ B, Ob m- moluun, that ha in _ M Ionian. Thelm- 'ite, 1 dt-tttrat no will.” ‘- - annual-om mam- . © “ td'A1'll't.'td"LS,"'l,'d 1ltl8Art'1'le1lllkty'r,'i my» " _ - a. cash a! " " _- ‘ M It. a a ; ' . "I“: A “SMART ALECK" ANSWER. 0mm. Reader-ot what is the ”Imitation of the Western 0.H.A. Composed. _ - -- -‘__ _ The con-cicada of the W.0.H.A. In never been properly dingnosed, though neural futile attempts have been made. The [toner-l supposition, however. in that it is composed lugeiy of beer Bad punch, that being the chic! indmzry among the inhabitants mound Berlin and Waterloo. Strych- the, 'tts aid, in unplendld thing to an. up the constitution. Will some on - at. tho W.0.E.A. out into the wintry, far any from any medics! m“, and “minim: on overdo.» of tho .bttmt.--'rotortto Talon/rum. It on eeeily he eeen by the tin-pam- “like manner in which ehe 0.H.A. "metal-gen" refer! to Berlin and Waterloo. the Toronto Auocleclon, mum known " the O.B.A., ere ueeedkmty lore n we promiaettoo and unpreeedented enroeee which he. ec- Iended then elehe “one they eat off their connection we the Omeno Fillet” Andria. 1th ehove new 0 “Male e1 em en the W.0.H. -A. DID! wherein“) em eonunne hmheplteofthened “huh e! the 1mm New a IUCCESSPUL EXPIRIIENT‘ HOCKEY. we: q-sa-tttre", on: .i-u_p_r" - ME Public Owner-hip . Gail: wean-Pmau to: 190! my -r.--ttntremmd Service. a"??? “W in '06 iiauiiNoo#tse In! M w... ',?t?s'ilittlii!i'aiiyi, m” umomth- " ttt " mum Iron ill bagterptt" “n" ovum, “A. - - in ttte tuurstroritesotss-U' “In.“ "" grytifri" ”Ami, LA; 1“)“ “I: .rP"'H"P"d?'It" b has! I“ who! can» an“! " Mul- -ttrtt1dfiuAtt.qeet hula- "G"WiiiiG'iFf'iFfrjEiP.tteee iiaG0tiknikp0apreotetrt.rf 130m km 1191 we 'iuiisitit-at08tt, at: can 1 "t-,attttaiyetil2he W a! "ri,iy,iir.iiiittir"tttr.rtsrti' 2et'irght, 1902 "In." In mam-10mm”. and irifiiiniiiniiu-me.t-tete.r. 228, than titaiiri-pur.of4m icon-um“: amen-n. but“ out er,,,',','." Kathmandu,“ grit not. that annual»! of.“ con-1mm human dab!“ tin- iskuai1airtseert.vrtti.utt." nun hot ot flat rm commut- bu tun-nod onlr64pertmtt. In“ m- on- menu; been” our pumping record shown mann1899 new pumping (including mpply for erloo) pot day I“ 467 ,457 3.119139; t.yll?., 4fth- a sellout; end In 1001 473,581 ga- lone. This oo-ttrely mm in- eueee ttt new pumped unmet e Inge lnereue of eon-amen, h largely the to we ,uee ottgttUN end the eanleqmt tem vade. and to the anew mense- men: of the plane. The extend” ot mem- bu been very eouidereble due the town me the Water Wake. In 1899 over two miles of - were laid, in 1900 about 1 3-4 mile, end In "tte past yet! over 1 1-2 milee, In ee- tuu total of over 6 1-3 miles. Your Commie-lone" bed Intended to make novel-u more extends!» of mine dur- aing the pee: you but had not an ‘funde to do no, u only the protits of the works arm peyins debentnnl ten eveihble for this purpoee. The“ ex- beneloul, should, however,be completed thin your. I Am planned to report that the fire protection at the town has boon Increa- ed from you to year. When the town took our the plant we had 111 hyd- ran'a, and to-dar we have 136. The charge on hydrants has any. been 345 per hydrant, bat for me pa: you this has horn reduced to $40 per hyd- rant, muting I rednomlon to the town for the put your ot $680 on hydrant rental. . In water supply tb mm of 19 “tum! walls have luau put down, Inolndlng tug at to» wells, of these 14 no runn- ing and supplying good wholelome watnr. Camel! the cum» hunting Commit- m submitted I up”; in favor ot mumcipal ownorlhlp of the “(Ming punt. Armand to the report VII the tanning swam?“ of the "We of the property of he Bariln (In and Eleomo Light 00., not: will In of inure" I) 'tui citizens. Those old English King: made history. Those old En. glish Kings were fast livers. Those old English Kings got sick. ' At thelaatrmtetietA n!_ tht Tor? One disease became so com mon to them as to be called " King's evil 'u-a royal disease. It is now among us---' well known scrotal; Thou old English Kings handed it dem, spread it through the nations, and here tt ls Too bad Scott's Emulsion was not made in time for thou: Kinp. Scott's Emulsion is a poeitive cure foe King's evil-- or scrotal; It halt the we. adds strength and M on) hh's Gas and Electrie ih, Plant. lined " KINGS E EVIL Ttlt. $4.000 2,300 420 to Atrd d a-' ‘ml ttttt 131‘. 0% II .1 'bTiatTihrt1tM4"rut de.T: all“ I...“ . -. 'gg/tf/SS?, no dart'" (to. the width. Water Watt. mur- viding and panic! Ill we Worn damn"!- _ ... ., ,i,iiijiiieiliattur,1t', “I“ a-“ - Inh- vi.“ “In“ db In. 'ue-tn-ii-er... - union-mus. "r. With” iiiiGiCC:./...r-H!!t!luf?. Inlm,Do.............. W.” InlDOl,do.............. 73.0.03 " to tho quatitr1tftheye, I mmuy,mmmmm " menu as”, It. "hump! dudutlumou was“ and” Fiii7rmntirteittttrni"uet?t I Joint an: thin night "tteh.' did mm, but lacuna will occur nono- dnu. mmnlmwwm um I husk in on. amply-canon Wilma. - and on the bunny dayuhydrut In nonhuman“ - without mum-Waldut. mun- glnoortnoldorwkoopnp the proper quantum took com. - from the his. Thin Ihonld not have occurred “the almanac! could I)". hung; plied brWaterloo and manned In npprohondon that lt will-(duct. OI". lathe nul- Mann vmho monu- sry to better equip our pumpkin plum and no" apply. " we bud a proper reservoir to re- rcoolvo “a hold the Man fell was: dam; the am the my. in not running, our want my would be apply for me "eh ' and A' iT Toma" aaaV, --__ . " fool min, by toning the well- tho supply on out!) be doubled. 7 _ .. - " In noon-Ir! Rumour, to build I new pumping punt In 010.0 proximal” to the round! and trrueptisrt6rrtt" {oroing of 'tere who}: li Pere am. The 00:11an luv. undo I spacial Imdy of the numb]. want supply during the put three you-- with I View of “curing the best location, All when oonllduod, (or . new rrtlr plant. A. n detailed Incomes: will again be published u nonunion, it will not b. um] to so into {unhol- details hero. . “mil-nix. the nappy“: ghost“! for an gonfidertto. - In tho Bond during the pun Ind renewed by the re election of the old Bond; Your- vory truly, Joan C. BurmAm, Cit-mun, Board of Water Comm-lone". Berlin, Jan. 3rd, 1902. Spare Genentor'u) do .--... Irmif1sotitatm oil pump Md p1pin¢................ .... Blower (o).................. Seruhbcr mdwuhor (h).. . . .. 14 up. 'trtglLttt ample“ , . . . . . 12his.atriiitik motor (6).... Exhaust" with ”It mama engine m--. --.... .... Two "mo patina-I (o. o.) 12 1-2 x 8 " 2 tt. mu: tmklony for heating can" oomploto.. Cum on! and vulva pom. . .. Governor on tttAt............. 8" Gu Maine and return " work. 440 x " $1 10...... 35,000 cub..fs. Execution Ga Bolder...............'..... 12,000 cub. ft. (in Haida”... an Inns. 8" 713 ft a " 10 6" 1960 " " 86 4" a? u " tl 3" ll " ' - 2 1-2" 9368 " a 28 _ P' 12904 " a 18 " 8" 6" 4" P' P' mm " " 18 " 1 1-2" 3161" " " I" 676 " as 10 31 drip hon- " 04 00 9 man no. velt" adboxu -aGrraGtiii....-,.,, 108 336N-tmteesthntapt8tr.ii0 1,840 mtstdt---Alrtteitr* I» ma. Coal am. 'ii trld x Igtt. one may; Ballot 30.213.1403..th¢ brick thtoe 1W shimmy mimothuo'm fk high l 29tt MC! _ Bum-III Dunno but, bun-on! ad In. low. and" in. all In»: ha-trate la. a“ tamort-ittq>ft86,00' 1.-ttm8ttt4" 0m 1_ p._)gg¢&_'hg “_ Wasn't-Iona at! not I-MS Luau! EM i-N.. In”; jam 35:" 9:11 Imp... 'lStthe.Nti. m Mu... but" 801t IMO-$50 60 " run 3600 60 " In 2760 40 " lat 2400 30 " 10at 21 (ht 20 " lrat 14 22 10 "IMtgt 1086 5 "2Mat soo 3 "38" 610 "8qtetael......... 1960 " " 2732 " " 6662 " it t 9368 " It 12984 " It ' 3161 " It 575 " " ammo mom PM". lm Total 11,661 IN 100 236 700 000 Dianna Dynam- m 2e',',lt met and may. Wail-l vi a» m- m " 'g?gg'h'f,dttt, mmmumubul “moduli. Ramayana.“ an.“ n mama M Mgt: no tttttattest'.': ttl' 'f,'iitiht"itiit'ii'iit' ~ 3". " n “on” W "Irina hm no: you... than" and no 99-!!!- 1etff_Ptt19te a: J.iiiiTtiiiiik. "A. Bill- "V" ":"v "Vt-ff "dl'llW. m“.... 'tfiii,iiiii.ijiiit'.f,iiiiii] 8-aourAase mm. [All M-drlnn- “0.9““ ' In? iFiiu, - 'T 1-100 bir.du L,“ nah-p 'i2egSttticaiyiricv', - 'hTr'l."lrl"rJr.'."Gu'r _ iriroitiog0tttttt"tqttA, iiifti..T.li..U...'.,.."t,6M ‘ 'stfntlltt1J'at'la' n i, ', Nrsatltsaqr,._-.vee,.rxv gm 1’0“!“ch Ii00 V11,N0n _ NoGwh...... ...... .... 1,000 EMMWNmOMlo. _ l summon-m. adr- ( odtllOO‘muqduhlim "et-a-tA......".... 2,422 Total polo!“ 91-8. 313 pol-““50 oe.......... 1,410 sue-rue noun. PblMVolt. 600Volt. 7- bmp. Iii-amp. 13- 10 " 7--16 " 6-26 u 1-150 u " I,“ u.....-. ....-. .... I (hulk, In“ I, 1901. . A841, JANUARY CANADIAN moms: Prob-or Goldw'in Smith (ll-cull. “The Publie Sellool W" in the Jam cm Illusion. enorm- g"2't our Tgrghttt'etrtt el e tntuxibt.. thinks voluntary whooln night he gutted on our - agent with some “may. The ' L. 4 Power, Snooker of the Senate, (linen-ea our Hillary Byuem. And "rttesat" the enrolment of All eman- in the volunteer force, with a atom, 11an drill anon. Ho hue- hil mundane an the experience ot Non Booti- - Confederation. Arthur R. U. Coiqnhonn Gloom the Reciprocity “motion, end intimue that Cubed. nu nothing to - ttom the United Stem. Arnold Henl- tein giveo e bountiful wotd picture a! the San. Wellord W. Benton denotibee A new Candi-n 0mm, Ill-nude be- ing well lllutntod. W. a. Ron zine I Emmy of Street Railway- ln Con-do, Ind Jenn Blewett contributes . story. The number is exceedingly "liable. "00300. MB" " CHINE“ “INDIA"!- (lfIIlIli8ll EXULUSIUN LOT. lulu-luc- at the Port " Entry- Relor-I Ordered by the Dome! 'h-e-PN"" For Receiving 3'0"!" -nuto_hro Court'. lot-II. received n petition, signed by n multitude of Chine-e merchants in the Utieuruuq,r-tirtgutuhsrerstrttent to owe the reenactment of the Chin- ue exclusion luv. The petitioners new art tut the bent people in the United State. no opposed to tho law, and only the coterle mrroundhif President Roose- velt favor it; that n Chinese entering the country ere rerded and treate u chain-ll; that both It!" ere strip- Ir,', ttd t,g"ti/"d for (linen:I "gum-t e eelingl o t e 'tttt e use (iii' ant-need 2 the or tlitt",',N',',fi a t It my one ton: hue and u tho unlit ot “urge” lent. The proposed measure to at. um the Chinese from crouching nit- ed Stone in order to enter nice end South ”Many when many 91 than: ikniitr%riatulrturduaa, of them In" jug. intern“l will, it L doubted. may Ham-go undo. Th. dung-h " hn issued an: other diet phyzlr; a duh to con- dlhu fatigue“. She up friendly to bunn- with the Minister- shonhl be ro- man-m! manna.” an Court'n re tum to Putin, w fore it in denim“. that an Emperor snot a “theme, and calm In any to. to be iUed for 'dt g,n'dG.Shtt “m”... B. Jel, can" a at . “trivia in "an!!! the India at an galvanic corps, n Antonin-u that 3 uh t no: Arrange “other nugget. l The edict mention. the hail in whit the Emperor will nod" the Ministers. It In in the Forbidden City and in the an. bull where the members of the Council Brad the highest noble- m received. Thu eorfotms with the pence great} . " In mud tilt . 1.ou “on. tvtitsls?s'i"ts!ti'r,ylii',l1fiiy,",ii'l.. sided, when the W ladie- nn; ww- Inu tho Caurt’n - into. cm. This in n nun-rink was”. _ To-dgy'l "ht' mm the - that ‘wonhdosu‘l-wuovhumln the In“ -ere0, “a order- tlu wrigh- au punishment ot the pram tttttMem. ed In the camp. The to tt Sign My " lot m. iii mm: m 00M. Pokin, "at.Ar..-The Foreign (mice In! (“I £219.? Ton!” 3». . 037.057 now-um val-goat rial “Vantage-1.. nod-mm "mmtmm unammm ”-- . mum crumb-a0 ' . hum- with: may: can 2tt'll'tt 2l'g,t'rgrd,Tgl'ht on mum shirt', lawman- ' ' thrown“ M - - t'ag't',tt1M WW ' one this I'm than... 'A'l Mb.- m MB Mr. J. maintain! Vida. um, and inland to In. J. w. " ‘mmm. WM tho-m ion, "tttmid mums-ll all“. that to Human-to and PM. CageerCerttt- pound mun only hope. w. Inn:- lngtguuyn: . _ . "Ionian-m. Inn-uh- tqun an 'l'Al?d - d and“, and Inc: all at maul-km can a! fir anymmc oaqrrhe, Iotsrugtsdedtotryttre tut W a Datum around-Wool. mooted In». I took tb mm thorexsgh1y 3nd awfully but: can, Fii/iinftyyro.tttttfyetetf.et wracked with pain And waking]! Pound-loco. At IMI 1mm, um ttss-lr-t itod_,Cts-dfrtiyty, "ii2Gri' Cour-ud- It mood and. my cumin 1 can to my a Mr. J, W. 'u-ttOtt-ref NI 5nd and than it. tte is to me, um I took . bottle. I soon begun to he) better. an AM nun. the second bottle I "a I cured no and threw Tfl my crutches. I has uny- boa: I armtr, sud an a “I. so do hard work not In our 1 m” ' Toronto. Jan. &-.-1h. “tonne.- ment of tto death cl Mr. Wilt? B. be; "d', a. =."JNI'S', nt um "not dune-I mt cl whom,“ 'i/i'.' well 'Mt,'Nt,lt normally or by "ovation. Mr. ttt unlit I urn-c told that tttlee."'" tun-em] ot the late Dr. “mu-I. I Iergt1",', dcvdfped tttto a has...“ on: to“ ever. "r. 'dl'.'? rif,"l,'?s)?,'1otiiii,AF', 'lei' - I I V N can . on": not, and min] felt I: mug Pittnburg. Ju. 4.-A punks] indo- Pcndent cot! combination w" formed -- "lag-N..-- “ha.- " Minn-n " It. fa I’m-burg to-dly. to be“ u no Mnnufacturen l Ooh-um Coll Co.- pry, gym: I 'arlul of $900M a te, in. “Newman.”- rolled will be 25,000, All in the PM. My district. The My on“ will I. About 15,000 to“. a u . Ptrtciana,rttterstMetttrt- - and MedidssataM-. l, Ayr, Jan. 4.--Mr. M. lichen in h. mowed Fem-39:}? {I'd'k's' up iinted Penn-Mr for A r "in. the 2:157 tty" by the “ti l/i the In.“ tid tsr-ru. lac-n- o! no Luna-sun on no P-s-A-rut.. Imam... _ Bax-lo, N.T., Jun. s--aureriue+ W. E. Cash a the Pan-American _ tion Company has presented his and rm--.“; tout Qttendnnoe m 8,- 593,048, of this number 5,306,369 wer? {no Ind 3,213,189 paid admin-ions. The te $1 were: Biuulo day, 102,tett at 6r} Bate any; 129.4%; M ttrd 116.560; Railroad any, "MMi y gin}: lt 191.1316= Pyeupr, 103,- Kidd midis-lion d-:. We has M'Iyl than the lead in nupplying Genh' Furnish- ings for Christmas-mi this you our stock is larger Ind W than ever. The Meat in tim, 000m. be-, gloves, mamas, “hill-a. on, is to be found hon. thte Xmu ties cannot hi] to - you. Call ind In WWW! m.“ “St . . - WATMI A. ? Good, Tudor And Wholmmo mm A '.eottttt' . . . h,5,iiht"s,tlhA't't,' Our ttttatt Display, Wu". I. Loom - Arr'. New PMOI- A New Cool Gunilla. IOI‘I'LY DIADHIADI- John Bitzer, Meats in that the tnt want especially during hot - of (In . AI my hating: hi! my . created] have but: our: to build I new RIFRIG . ATOR In ttedee to can I, ”bandit! I. Ailrq t - better pupa!!! tthit Pu', NW7 a“! an 1u'td'l'llll run-l hall! - . Jan! Old 'hee, ' Hob. fty2uet'nutgd (Fl: _ mm In", "r kigiiiid ....-" mm W Bod Imwuw' -- “gaging. 'fg1ttti'eNh1tr2','ttt,"d)d?s't'dt. _ g 'ga'l'r'll'/gfh'gtli . . . . . - - on wmettmeeteMtNG0tr'r . . n pauses-nutty.- moon u wanna "an an. a. mum V 99".“ OF PoucYuowm 1 BY POUCYHOLDE” POR WHOLDERS Ammo II. it“ M.” - PKG?“ - The Marcuntile F ird mum-"W Thus titotettMoNLY. -rroatt-thdt" AatotmTortmrrBtmg3t1-.9ettrtM'. . . . nmmmgmuamu MAKE THE FARM pay One an: you'llW-b “mystic” IBM‘ om: a... Wall-IIIUdI “up-nym- -'erMq ”mm LI.“ lam. MIMI!” THE MUTUAL LIF alum " " . mun-gm INSURANCE COMPANY. tlttgggtiittl Hutu] [inlaid Int-u "ee"'""', '__,".,.:',;';')'; tiiott:tsttttcr'ooqlllllte,'ii; ', row nun aut “in!” nominion Iifbhaamttt ourn-tr. t - "I“. VAT... -. r',t/,l.ts,eiiriyt4i'.tiiai Ill "i-ei-vor ' and 1tfdll'l',"Grl= -at.. . 1ttrgtrataf,aA'te"' td'd'dll't, " 2htttatatauttdlrltt .2: ,'ta'ltii!illi'iii ag1,12t= iro. he.“ mm. at.TttNthN'Bat isnlwmmh ‘uom- _ ., wmwnmm “uh. was... thin“. " m*.- " an“... . tum-9‘” Alumna-an. HI...” ”with.“ Jan-mu. like main-null, 0mm. . “my.“ WI. Uthb-n“ anti-bl.“ 3.12 the, In... "rt""'"""""""""" muo- am. FritWWTCi' Ctr' Dim. 01M an. min-100. }...n- can ... G.....G.2 [tV. a." - '%'

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