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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Jan 1902, p. 4

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t1h"t.9,t$.t W Eur- Blit _ Iii-mam mammal. " , asttsrr "rumm- to 71,. will Mex-pupil: am. " _e.rtt#."'fitu.'tr,.t."'ft , I " ”named. "gt' In ' W nasal-nos has f“ dhunqbdxhoosdnuwo", F. of then lam artav" hour 'iadiettiatttmritt't"ir than: not I'll? Th “new of the bronu‘ -wu m u the school in the Winona-Simmons!" cons Emu-cum... "that. totha m! W tbertshtrr um ”untamed a. at*"ees at ttte ha Adolph. Mueller dur- [tRte-tret""-"'", comma A w m..-, E "titifditFtmth m ore. - Wr6rieiiiiiiV -- do? Wic- k hum! no mm 'ittiitesl out. school, Mr. an». w. 'it'g'tlht: 0m ttt I play-int this. . . can i an» an. no Ht 'Mr'", "ttttettitt m cool-6n! 'et mud ,rtth “to WW]: when! that may you: of honor- stth, who. The Bond my!“ bin "Mg'sa'tost on “to condition that In re- und HI old palm " In!" ot Bowl]: ad Chalet. It In abort!) mum-man prom VII made to hold Ito-Ilka of ox-pnplh for the [ puma“ of giving public recognition to w, Gonna“ noble union In the "-tf admin, an! an (”hating "ts the Open Hon-o Thu-u!” owning 13, we imam to II], n magtttMant I tribute " any public am: over ro- dud. _ W6tNetg ooomod to man the on' 3d: d the waning. Tho chum“ 'mh t Mm mood and tho Indiana - an hive been In honor humor In NI ugly tothe Adda-I ttnd pmont. in Mr. Connor showed Mtptts of bo- jn'dooply “footed and spoke with thin- was“: of the mun. TM in whom oddrouou of ex-pupils no bun full of humor sad in the): s3sioétitittts of am: old ohlof modal. of '"ii in; were any mm to be found In be mine it wee the abeence of Ur renni- from the new Principal of _tho when], Mr. D. Forum, B. A. Thin pm ol the immune, we unen- stand, In. omitted upon the principel’a reqneet, owing to the Intense: of the hour. Beside-e being . Me wholl- Mr. Porsrth II I mm ot strong penan- ntV ind promo-he ideee. Diwlpl'me he regards u tho in: eeeemial to good matt1ta in school work end in “comma 'hell Islam In neeni‘y inelalied in dtiisbrtri "mummy among pupils with in preeeni emf! of t4ttMtttttr8 all of when link high an capabie education. I, the school is b mud to prosper sud Who question of increasing tho manhunt: h confronting tho Bond of Trauma, owing to the rapid hon-u in "madame. In quoting e clan-e from our report ti: ot the speech made by L. J. Breitheupt, oh I.P.P., " the recent Reform Conven- it: thet held in Waterloo, the Nun-Record nice the liberty of ceiling on. peper the epoch! mouthpiece of Mr. Brait. heupt; Without going into all of the drivel of the Niel-Recour- erticle we a feel it our duty to correct thie eeeertion- . The Deily Teiegreph ie not the mouth~ . 151m of Mr, L. J. Breithaupt, not at euy other pereon outside of iti pio- pdotore. In ehort, thin paper, mt be- I Mmtrolied by ejoint stock whimsy, 'l bat heing under the direct manage- e meat of ite punirutors, cieime the I New right of conducting in own " ' hire end dieuweing public queetioue (, which mey come under ite notice with- out feet or ievor. Furthermore, the t Telegreph (finance the eetione Motgr 1 public men exectiy ee they commend 1 themeehee to in judgment " being ( right or wrong. It ie true that thie l piper repreeented the greet uum Vinny ofthe North Riding of Wtxter1tto us being e unit in accepting the - ' in of the m cementing It. Bruit. . hummer: my corrupt motive, cation or intention during hie eiectioe cem- plate 190, eudwe my Wthet the greet “here! Generative - oi ' ame-uthveheeedtheeeme . opiuieeerthe’ When - “anthem tm ”wee In” 4 he...) I”. new can not“, iqirtitrttr by their cute in an". , epf.tW-unr- heath-telem- . ' ’dg he he use neg-II Iv we is (' ‘ - et. " III." igl an»? " " =. ‘WP t1ltPt?t . " Gaia " HOODWXNXING THE PUBLIC. unuum [am- IA “v _ - -- Wipe W‘lql. all hi be. ut, In - I) 1"dtQ,1f2l'ttll, MI“! M will “that: ' the the that no pun!!! we: lap-ml by the” Thi- n“ up; It. W tmtraiianitt go- mu. he...“ of whllb h wee more“: t-etrtl w u an out ut- teutiou in the lure- ot Justice Bole anthem kid of 1898, unim- pomtdeu-o! thigh nod-u tol- lowi: "That he (Dr. Leaner) we: pro-en: end knew whet we: Vein; done in pufeetly our, than who aid- in; in the moth" he meprinuipel might, perhupe, be loud, hue I ttsinh) it better to [in him the 1mtetit of the dub: and not and him guilty of e cor- mm meet-lee." Here we heve mitten [evened entirely from thou of the lui election trill u in this one (“cording to Justice Bone) the cundidete would be morally guilty of conduct of which he was mohnioully held innocent. (Gm Roper-m.) Gm 'atatsdt magnum. to Bet- lin in these Inga but time- nnd oom- [ailments it on In enterprlu, pluck “a detartninntioet, ”man in tho oun- wgu for the wamn‘ of I boot - new”. Other and!” towns, unmanned an Berna u, arittt no strum worthy’ol the name and no 11qu companion, would long ago have given up the "male for a boot - tum. But the people who built I flime%tt- l, my town on baron-cf can» be made to quit in the {we of such an ohmic " prenatal has}! to Berliner- wlun it became "idem that Mond- It our: were pro-ling the claim of Dawn]. to vhe injury of “air town, The Berliner, when he strike. I "git thar" attitude, generally forget, t way to NI objective I polat. T The agitmn fer a use! Maury put our neighbors A. ihtls as mood, and led by Bzipmer General Sun. J William. they have captured the lion ole! citadel a Tomato - calling in reinforcement! ham Bey City, Ileh. The - in thin; everybody in mania is happy “a the soon hence roar hand Damn! It] you eon- “nm to add to the [mad 1'09an L. good old county ot Wan-loo In. obmnod thaw: the 1nd " n m- ltsblo man-arm bin. In Bork, (no It. Detti Bugur) of maintain, an; and who in the Pin: "haven a emu Salami", on Sunday evenittg. The wooden: were up? willy undated. sud those menu tt'n canted her mom The church h mutually deoorated with hour, fl men, an, and loohnrywocty. On Guard” Mtrsr-s nu In." In» don-Id & Draw, on behalf of The Guelph Hamid, um d on Ila-I In lurch & alumni). of “I. Guelph Karena. not-boot nu mm for libel. Thelma” mused tho Baud od using ”Mm... u from null-ll Md 2tttt,'igf, le',",; 2'tlTu't, gel: at , um um- nd tut who Bonn up. Mu Mona m - -. - _ -. Mr. J. Arthur Brett, of Banking- -r,ors.,aerteedef1rtet't"tt ylonpodamlnmlh-o.lt. 1,i'r,'i, how- , vmWitl; In I I my: . all m,mdh¢ohl n11. an. J,1ltu"fl,;'/'l'irti'i'il"hr' “slud- G'tl7'G"GirrGCG?aiG"a" The mural: of tho Berlin ters “no In " me oordtstlr that good ml. of Berlin tomb.» dttgtatt- Mouth”, mam.“ ml m, ml to - Mk- " m amplcnw out. A. o. Maire... Limited In in hm cunt-Inna, and“ In “1:“, ' W a. I.“ I!“ h M taiii,iii1,'iiii,iii_", mt We”. AS GALT 8338 US. YOURS TRULY that! pow r.% -- . _, 'at,ft?tleth iraM,"" Ml. tin-Ila.- I m-I I'M _ _ t' mum-wal- _ Junta. - 2tt2ttatSi?' " I mn|m,”'.Ja ,ttttt-. ma. mttltaed. upma- am. by c, 31“!" “You In“ bl. wanna. by Botrt tstrtttttau a. Imbala- _ -- I, "---- “my. lee, “wu- -_ Die. M. ”my, brg. mm? IndJ.O. Hm JoanEdmhyl'nnk valui- mummum. J.u.hzum,by mum Vanna uwuaw-L " M. L. hum. by!” 10011.1(, mot-W J. 3,113”, br0.ret-rtoth and Jim Cook. Town or Vin-nun tgpreryte8t.te. tyte.0it North WBrd--0. L. lei-nor, J. antenna“. de" Wax-dd. E, am, (mum.- n.) Wet Ward-Wat. Horthlm, Lani. Bordonmr. o. B. Bowlby, Nash "Bee. East wani--Aet1teePoq-t, NJ. Detrmiter. . In: In“. cm Daw. Oauid lint. Wilma ' Mp Wow. John Lurk. Aw Mar. w. a, Collard. Wm Mum. fim Bron. lunar. c. B. waver. Anon 3mm. J, W. Davey. J. 000m“ A, L. Brown». J. Bum-n. vacuum P. We“. David Gnu, if- By Bunch. Solomon Bratwur- Dr J F Eonatterg'e. J M Show. Centre wtsrd--Dr. W. J. Antott W. J. med, Wm. B. Bankrupt wooLencM, Bun, Bourbon and Aunt-n. tyrumMors,J. Bowhstt,0. Wduittstret, J. G. 1hurtrA. mmuh,J.b. gum, s. Koch. mm. Been. Hour: Zoom. Connemara, John Wow. John Otto,- I. B. Dimer and (in. Kohl, all by have. I. Short, W. J. Bette. Co-tBom, Lion”, Kaolin, PM Ken, J. 8. Meyer, J. mm: Ind A. Help}. 1am commonw- John c. Bram-m C. K. angelic!!- Philip bumm- B. J. WM Aug. Lang. norm J. Bonn-n. 3.9mm Ramayana Jun-In. Consuls", o. m1 Said-r, J. Amu, P. Rank], J. D. Blunt! Ind s. B. 81mm. I [mum wmu "m ”a” - _-- decorating the Laban Church Ate no and” School "tteetaingrtetst on Christian ".03. Mr. Carl Batmttdt, mu m I. to!) "tr-tttte, D. B. Shams. ms. . Than cu th wry In. and " the .utortaitttttet" with“: "a a "a uncouth! other. R. Ball, Int-M push-n: a! "tin, auTitrGiikiiito-trt.qttN"r, aged 66 you. A madman Mu the “who! arm You; Pooh’s 'ttNI', ttte New Jon-don mm, .111 w, on no” mm. m. mu. Bl Theo. Zoolhcr,.wlll mu churn-If In “not! by the and: the 10“ “ohm, and but“: at... It... I. not. and . Bttqhgr and M- Chan. It... 0i- In”, “Jim, J. “In "In“. Adah-loud.“ " -- 25 can. novatlsltnm oft-MOM lon- nom- olnro my; Mean... :0- mm m- Ltll'J, Ill-b. vim he ”Manda-w ,ttltttAt warm a“ " MIN-mm. n'nton'h the TN"', m 01:: on. 't1'l.T'i'lrg m ammo- “tomcat: auiakt-t-ttil-rttot gamma-lb clan-Io- Fira, by Bab. Bqmttagb Ttte “3300!. “ms. WATBRLOO T"P. W. WELLESLBY. WILIOT. U»). L. lei-nor, J. DECORATING. Ono of the We! at the tuning III the the round boxing out», by Edward " And Purl ,Bmlloy, a! thin 'tgt2't't'l' "a gunman clawed th Griisuotihituritqyttd their work III highly -trta'id by . than [mum- _ . _ Mr. Bury Gum invent! the sull- once with n song mm- tttttt otr1o, “When tho Bud- " North “an", and - . - encore. Man but am and Bon- Unit duo as" a number at conic coup, and plum! "nobody” w. Bart by. on. comic rectum- r, g,lintotmule'1t.' manhunt Wm “no pm. during wok‘plm to: mm.- the tuna-one mob, unlucky mm bolus 131', and III won. by Mr. Email Lamb Quirmbaoh. This concluded an pm- mm. m. Rollo-muon- god elem were " . nun-aw Mug tf, M - w. I. has. - I tr J. wan-m, much. Mr. All. and: map-laud In! tho my“! - . . . 'hrdtiiiM.ter1tttttt0? ttreuideroiittidtra.t.tere', iii,ii2eiiiii,ei'tt/'ii',pft"8'. match: ttttBk te,e,iht,',gt'lt, not“ " m was" nun-nu. HI. M (MMUQAW: mu = 4.; w. W.B. Pun-r. 0! ttte "tter Sign Gm, a! Buy i w, val was”. and had _ ‘3" hold." ot ttto um ad - ct_eteeiitAtinttf] "' . . A t'i,iiiiiiiiitiilijt" jiit"iueg IMW‘ can“ oatirurodhrttttfaer.." Bali-wt! Wilmer-mun “(Method at" 500,000 m: be pad may brtho Ttte T'tn-Oin magma and Council held “I itmt.arttitm1 W1 in tho has“ Batt mm! "ttsing ad 0mm in - as who mum upon the no. out of on It: an: an“ Tho hull tumult. mauve-am- ‘Tho panama was t M on. - ‘IMDI -tsqe, ”all, "dado“, w..." ....__- w_ - --" -_ man . M, ”humiliation, &tt. Ku'lr, an Inn! tumult: anchor on ',Nr1'rs7't.' the INC “<10qu nu by J.A.Fkt$.‘ of Human, Viet Premium ttt tum Dominion Mechanic, who I" monk. and Wu at Tracts Unlonnn tho Tir%.trttr. "ra, ', Mr, R. Gunning, of the Dominion Lube: Banal. and In. B. Odo“, Baum Ann: of sh Boot and” Workers Union, ot Toronto, the am brief addr-., - " ., GiGi Gait the ovulat- on Wain-thy Dec. Mth a 3 o'clock 1 Hi. Malian PM; youngest tuughtar 1 otMr. Ind [11.30 nFrlod, was united _ in muting. to Mr. Albert (loading, old.“ non of Mr. at! In. Stephen owing, all of mm Prompuy stla0 the bridal puny unnamed try a low of ttmir an“ itttltrtate d- left tor Berlin, the common inking place It an United Brahma mun. Rev. W. Bunn- III on calcining clergyman. The will? much In pluyod by Mia Current Bulk). Ila Lily (label at New Dumbo minted the bride while It. In Kind. ably Inp- pmod ttto gnom- The brid- loohd very ddntyinn becoming mm of go blue and ,rtttt. with but towes. obtain-Inuit! vain-0d in any with when a! blank ”not. Island», “and”! moon-any an my n:- mnod to thy "girl-non of m let'? puma. AM has"! anomalou- tho [can murtbering to than: “my utdowntoq summa- unnot- m which the due I” unruly - um: mulls both vocal And Mama-I sad you. The ma VIN very mud- you and the number mm on ttfell of tho W0. A plead"; Weizmann!“ wu the hm but“ at m.- pruum tot a. nu. out, . was an - artthe mama-on - lay Mr -9tPllrtt mom-cum by Mr mums Alum not!” vat-nomad on Bad at will manhu- ku . plan an "on: in their lives. Lawn ind “ppm. to Mr. sud In. that“... Xmu m---Ttotrirt Km ad B. Bum.“ the Qua: cm. spam a tu darret Mr hono- bro......Alhart and 01M! mm. of Berlin. "to 2ttvtl'r'f. the punk! roof"... “I. In. autumn, of Shaina. can “of; pt}: q. Ir8ty?, Y A low his. .....I:d. KIM. of We1leeuro'" mom old rgrl'dt,S,t bar. laat "8......“ m. at Penn who“, U. 3., and on Mend. her. at darurtt M......Th. ll...- mum Wm were Honor- " I. t what. on Martin and Bon- W.....J...Io Mullah, ot - m, 1. mum triad-hm» L',rll'l, ......In f2,'gtruf, dots, I. with; 1.191.130. _ _m1..... SUCC‘N‘FULNOKIR B. a. Dittonbnor, at 0mm. span a low an. undue the punt-l root. .. .. Mr. 0nd an: deoanr, at Bruin, no mum} a J. 1mm. . . . .. The In Nom. and Em Lunar was In: Thur-div and Friday In iBerttts, “and“. m mouth. of Mr. it'gth'lhi22d; Aiiiii'li not - a 0mm......o. I. Bhutan - ”mum. to IN a t','triaiiit '22. PIU'..'.'.') - . oo- o1 tttttd w I- n“. a“ “In A CHRISTI!” WIDDIIG HAWKIVX Ia.. j-Fthd. 't by I- I‘ll“ “Ulla-r.“ - __ V __ an. in the canning you. We at. It. mod “can. _ F and 'ii"iiiiittrd,ud,tltctt2irl; a tr t o u um u a , 'iftii?l',t?itx,ilil,,'ittil'i'si, "a mdG t n. . tru, the evening's 'lge'lhl','rd an", tome over-dam Mr. - through An open ”an: - that!!! m. iiiyiiet,frthhty m , of the knee " the nth. mi uk- my. fortune mum! to mm mm tho luau plenum ot the evening, but In no; any gluten-u mu Mt. Smith h dob. an for I.“ under the on. of Dr. Robinson. - m school I! w I“ C "a”, Do. . In an m b "all! "tift..hrhet In Wm tho ”no of s in“! af "up”... UNI. the AM - or,; A m u lift, stumbled on on an" no Bria-1m. ta 0. a! cum Mus I". asp-no! iiiteee1rigtt'y"c:,o, iE5iiii,iiiitii3ii;,5d,t,'t't and to: ' - n “and!“ a. FG; 'at,tiar3 a tiet2gr,'gte on I“! to "an. M1 1.- mo: "and!" a. x... mummy-yet! 1eetl 1'gC.T.hi7.Giiinti'"ciriia, ill in, a Room-- ibiruijieett3ypH ' Mwmmmw.) Pmn' Prod. mm, " Dumbo wuubmtnul muons - mug. {an 'Yiiaiil,1t and“. mug“: ”'0' 'I an.» " rs. Amo- mnwmm A” -- wk-“ " a-“ .m 3:16:33; Eriiierif1iiett, ' - Sum-any nod and» and" this: and trtu......W. Winch": of our, be Immu- 11tet,t Quail” town: p I'M i'GiGii/r'% ')"lltt1.ht3lil.lll. no! um Hun-fear, d In. BtMttratr+ the .e, (Jail Pm Iaat woul......1'ho Ill-u- an and Corn Clemonurho bus but spud!" I your a It. I). ll“. Gallop, " Catharine, In" mauled homo" .... Wm. Daimler md Mia Wok mm. no mum their Xmu bond”! '1. m. in 8.1110501: and (SEMI-d; " Gnu-Pox .aana.--A. III-but d Indium from the Ind!“ Red-tstreet'. ford, moved to the 1mm Eon. than two months no. 0110 of “I. m took “at not not and all” . Lovett, of Arr, . law dun um. Dr. l [men pronoun-d the truth - pox std ttetliUd the swim I“. Dr. Thompson, tttOatt, Go tttdt .M The doctor am out .14 MW ‘m can. bu no um quiet and“ In G", mind a to Irttetttet' pg eye Cr",ii,"s"hiraiGiGtid u a. ttg _ gamma. no red I'd-0| . " W who but own; at tho cum in though: Ilmbohwuhqn. nhvn up In Qua». F » 1...; um Am. a... u-gto" m Implant-u ,,.o,,tl known-m "tttFeet all" _ GaVGiiiYia'iGaTGeRiiis-) Mars 154m III hall-III d I 'iriuiiVrdt-fa"te, " u--- In Ira-U it mev 1 " m d FKA. - Guildh- l II“ FARIS sow. F \‘l AUCTION “I." ROSBVILLI. - All- - P a "r-fu. T * no. ','flg'1ut T ' . ol-Tho Holdal- unul Inn. on ' la lb. mNeroetet _ F all in Win-um - 'l???i'iiiiila Merry Ohrlotmas _"' jour tthrietrn Brickor & Mahala; our cum aittd unsung Stock --erseitt.tteeesi'trqt, " amt-comma. _ ")' 'rut-gt-mm over ”It“ "itt-t-aaustursargar-iireir.- fit" can-w Wrecks“ ,ouwiiiumttttrt-uMlM: mmmumquutm.mim’uig_§. intuwuh emtaideratitm ot our “new“ Jai-ctr-rr-ins-tr-""?""'" mr-tw-ttet", humming» curl-mm which“ I ninth. quantity. makes it “at... T FRUITS . _ _ mrmrtt-sse-nttnmin-itriri, ith still continue we do” our ”unanimity“! dual udVdodtOg mam WWW“ was“... main: tttod-htm “CI-DI.” Ba coo. huysnfiyg, i, Ont e,rsdiiigxer, - watt W mun“. any T gift; Display A Happy New 'al rtav'pir "L, it Ms, 'ila'ts.i:iitt"i"dhj, FT'i, LiUUs. came! 22951-2; Mtt! al 1TuTir"'ih"iGaiFi Jjilie,'lit __ nil-II QM“. Prunes and l an in“ tom tho lwat.“ P. Dinner and Niet an...“ ' mew-nun“ .333. 3 5am?" Juajik iikiiiiy'

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