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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Jan 1902, p. 1

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lk EA Happy aM/r-.:')':'-,'-,--,:.. E mstmritiiiii.iiiilorr"' _ii,'i'i'" The Passing 3:10 Our Many Patrons 5.1; 1868 a: Berlin. "THE CHRONICLE ir. TELE1 ray it “be a. gllt'-iretenaas _ A; New "sr-s-tse/usa::. Happy New Year The First New Year's Day of a new century presenh‘it'l out!» Ilimenta and will receive our distingu' (Mel-Mn. We duo make our little bow and await the _iiit,ti,i',iiiii1i ier duh; the coming year. We offer Shoes and ot mg of the same high grade and makes which has always characterized our, goods and we hope to be able to add to your body and pedal can“ and cm Our Show; will close every night at 6.30, txeopt Ssturdly. and the coming of the New oomph“: m P in the hardware business in Berlin. Ave our very , numerous friends throughout the county - " in the past, Though we suffered a loan b 1io'ett'At of 901 it was a good year with us and we wi C. oi- eight has ttsat we swing into the New Year wit tter dd big“! dues: ahewd of us than ever befon. price §will hl'& biover before towards high qmuity IDWIs‘ER We ah! “no to seek and duel-Ge your an” kotttiem,Huusrrr, Shoes and Fun ieirtlfallitir)1i,aeeaur1in WMM‘V‘M‘ Headquarters in Hardware, l‘msmithing and Plumbing, em st-- The A: tLllkisiimm4hh, 0.0514 "ttt y. AND in the way of th mm mums- we tesll:ot that we he stock so ne special bsrgins, Many lines My; have put I price on them that will allot t, " sum-mag. many 94%: J. I?eruusllkW9m, A. Wesoloh a 00., XXX WISE The Old Year C"itiiiiirllllgtll! m 1% our very Ity - . *tteoetagr' in fin“ a!!!” of 1901 L " oy. I eight Aime mks thanéquick ferdtR' Lil w. want to Limited " 1902- COUNTY The and meeting ol the Win “aloha-l "chem in the uheol‘ lee-echo ehueh en - clam. l ter. “We, whohee been Sept. l 'ret-ttte the you three year,‘ wee My ro-eleoled, u wen ell thocehucaeen one. echoel. Ttsisl' eehool under lice Crowo'e ecperinund .., II. My pupa“! end any he a“ b be eh. bonnet Sande] School of M “w The eehool " lynching!!- (anew very ninhle cervic- welled upon her on Sewdey evening Inn other homo end preeented her with e very oomplimsntarr end Mule cadre“, mother am: . been“ Men rocker. The eddma weereed by lice E. Boomer end the ehelr pro-end try Mr. a. Smlrh. lice Crowo wee wholly when try our» who. but made e very ielicllmu end - N' meeting all thou Dream foe their oeq‘hrlllneee end undue“ Iowerde her. hie Sande, School end the Preehyrerien wheel in pureuence or the recommendation of the townehlp mm will meet in the Prcebyumn church er 2 30 Sunday next for the gunned, review. . . . . .Ucr emu here one " unprecedented bueineeo during the pectweeh in halide] goode...... Mr. and In.“ M. Berle: and children of Which!) joined the family circle " the old home, Mr. A. Spehr'e, Xmu any. .....Hn. J. B. Mmeelmen and lime Helen, of m, Mr, And hire. M. I. Grimm end (orally, of Mllverton, and [he Ilene. Boomer, of Berlin, ere hall min. a Popler Dell......ure. am Fieh returned rm week from n month’e _ vial: went in Berlin end Toronto. . . . . w. end In. Ed. Ward end children, ohm Model Form, open: Xmu day , with m (null, at John Schuurr’c. . . . li- Jeouie Baker, of Toronto, in home " rho tsolidnr.->l" E. Bell, of mutant, woe tho sneer of Mill E, Boomer on "turdar end Sundey. . . . . Klee Jennie Williamson " cpending the Xmee week " her home in _Ee_rriemn ....'..Kl- L. A. Ending hula fare- nll to but any (dead- in town In: My. Ill- Ltly mam,“ cm, In I. In " manor in the junior am of our Ichool......Mr. wd lb Huron wont» Donia; for Xmas. "trtMis--q'tto is. intiu unit-inn M audition, she firat shuns and will: lining men pines on and» night......1‘ho insuiluion of Win Pluuviiio Lodge A. P, & A. M. took plan. inst l'ridsy nignt, B. w. Bro. m of Woodstock, D. D. a. M. of Wilson Diurict paid his tttBeal visit. Visiting brethren was t','et,f, from Ayr, inner- iip, Pt son and Woodstock. A splendid supper In: served by mine host Boohmu. -. .The 1.0 P. held their installation of ofhtNyrs on londny on": last, ,rudiug up with a supper " Bowman's ttitN....Itis reported that In. Chm. Hoffman intends disposing of the can and cooper fwtory...... lump!“ mum no very quiet"; In: lclmio who ha. taught the Md 0411100 ot our pnbtio school bu sound he: connection with an insti- sndon. - v, _. - Tho Slot-Ir. John Blngomon of Wuhtn‘wn, who had I stroke of apo- pluy . few weeks ngo u Improving... Rev. T. G. Nugont in tSantini to bed through 111nm” . .. .Mrl. C. c, Pry in qua til.., Mr. A. Y. Ball who has been vary m In Improving....Mr. Wit. nor, an, h ill with pnoumonh. _ . .Tho um. daughurr of Mr. Wm Mathew“, "rho had diplsthrrU In honor. Tho remun- of the Into Mrs. Willlnn Coll“: were interred " St. June- oemetery on FM», Dee. 13 tr Deon-0d mono this country tr:un) County Form-nub, Irelnnd, neuly mtyyelnego Ind man with her but.“ on the form now 0'31“ by Mr. Jacob Bender. A family nine, Inllllving urvivetomourn her Ion. _ . . Mr. And In. R. Form“ end R, For- M of Btretford Ind Governor Cook and in. Campbell of Berlin “tended the tum] of " Collum.... . .The Truman of Pmonm 'ttttttol section here cog-god the mice- ofluu Ethel le- Bnrney, of Shadow], for the coming Tho Bathe! Church held its “and Sunday Selma! tttttqrtnltttttettt on Frlduy -gtttt .1300. 20ttt. A huge numbn- iii"iilSiiiifii to but they now "an“ rendered by the chl - m. Tho qntteetaitttrtettt W“ n Inca. MIDLWTM Twentieth can Debating Club, which but In badminton In Green! when)! _ hold I "rr manning .. ‘Thundny owning, Doc. " ff... inks.“ fat (1th WI 1- m1 ' ', “MM tttatt CM. . mm WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, ‘ JANUARY A 1902. " to the In than the ',,'fdhllL'b', The d van very bu! snow. _trrtt netive 'urftuuit'l' “on! ”HI.“ “Mufti-MW“) (Hannah-mm week.) PLATTSVI LLB LIIWOOD HAYSVILLE DISTRICT. mad, m he an: beau- .bdl - lug on. Lu: '0“ on m- tttttPa no held at all. art-- " I M; It. Amid" Ill te' :3. 'uer'tr, "titat,'. t o c. a " In: pan . L'Inl'od, Budo. tbs said M 2,530 not” In. not named from the Town- nhlp of Wilma within Minn; diam rho an“. "I about In an to "on mute: and our the hu- dred an Inns:- in “Multan: mun- murmur» but supply in to com fro Wllnnt. Bad tor “an over one 'emdred and Noun-ave tho-Ind doll-u mm be distributed In the TowuhIp he" tall. The Comm, 1hopeo to mun the balms. of the 19aner “my very noon u comm!- l no coming to ovary dur. . The “no evening Mr. Longford wee chairmen n e meeting held in Inver- ton. Ph. Arnold, of Baden, aid that. " the preeent price of wheat it pop bester to grow Inger been end the work wee about the some u my on" won. crop. With 25 hue. of when to the new " 65 come per bas , which in I good yiela and good price now I- days, a farmer would receive 'le.26, while In Michigan out. of I lie: of 65 fume" the loweet in mining been wee $33.00 r here. which in (quel to when. uni 32 per bus., end when you eount in your plowing, summer fallow, lowing, lune-ting, twine, ihmhing end healing to mill, your work and ex- peneelejun " mueh for heeie. On Tuesday Btt4trtMtott . meeting It. held at Donnelly’l Hall, Newton, " which Mr. Grieve: prodded and Haul-I. Kamila attd Arnold were the amnion. "rirriiun. evening I meeting was held " Editor’- in“, Militant, at which Mr Reid In: ohuirmsn. _. um ""'drfrUF mm. were held " Hick-on in the Biterttoon " which Alfred Earwood preldol _ -irii%aiiG B. S. Russel wu chamnnn at a meeting held in Tui- Imck. Mr. Douglas pxplained that the Company's contract has been approved by the Minister of Agriculture of Oni- lrio, which in required by in from Bll engnr companiee building in Ontario to protect the farmer's interest. Ou Pridar evening, Dec. 27m, about 40 members of the Ertsagrtlitusl church, llulJolberg, pleasantly surpriaod their orgsnllt. Min Emma Nouber. and pre- eonled her wlth a beautiful secretary, “to: which the following “dress was Dear Emmi ..-- lt in with plenum that we hue unnamed here this evening 1n hey of your follhfnlneu " organist. We have all ,ertiP"t1Hiirtr.ia the put that your pathway met. with many dean‘s for the It',", of your eoororkers, but not only no we acknowledged it, but togo tried to show oar kindness try pro ”nuns you with this aecretary, and trust you will accept {his small token " er embrence of your oo-worhere l in Regina. It can truly be eeid we “like” been robbed of many prir. lrlll'l “tenet bed eofeltbful en , arm wit"1 bore everything in ' petienee. in mt: oi the long dietenoe end (limb! Wher you had to lane. of yoe mntll yell be eeid. es of Mery of old, “She he th done whet ehe could". We ere index! eorry to think ot your departure in aha neer future, but ere positive that our loee will be mother’s gein. But we teet the: we mey ell follow normal“! enem- neu, end hope each one Chem to 4:3: little they cen. a bury - ta, for we know if f MI)! w an be egeinut uei Even though ”whwey be not strewn with wees 'we know the eunehine will come in due time, end net neared Emme if our wiehee could ceuee your life to be free from the ehede, felling sadly upon poor human heeru.we would wieh that your path midst ell Pr might be laid, end the wholdtourBe oilife tweet end bright I might be made by the one who ell l blednge impart. But it might be, Emme, that ell bleeeiuge like the» would not tend the mird end eoul to I develop for heeven. SouGod done . - whet ie beet in the and we ell 'join inwith thin wleh,thet Hie weye ' mey be your weye, Emme, end whet , heueebeetleey begiven. ' I Signed on beheif of the ' Cmeemnoe. soon In? '"ET""" lawman“ Duel mu; a WHO. 'm-tr M ht Mb, Ind u-Mconlo - "eut.iettuut'.'r2.'trgr gm,“ In!“ in ieirts" (It! - in- In": A PLEASANT SURPRISE. luv. Mr. KW Mytttodut, '"e, ADDRESS a. Int-hi M a ",h"2%'f. ud "an no = I'm glu- Ilklueauz 'ttrv a peruse. {or a. mm ot the radon of tour "lustrltr+r. _ A “(or the cold up.“ In! .10th new I In". to the why-c Qua! no» In About - ll north otCt-r, I will about no hundred to“ high. TI. up at the mm In than. on ttatt all. no!) rum hunkdgodlholuumho mph Me. All than, laugh it eonulm um M and: tor one hundud rep up ”no. _ _ but "ite, loloo Mud tho Mn" gold also which oppoon to ho one of tho riohoot minoo in tho Bitch mm. The dovol opmonu of tho min. on no foltoqrr.-. Ono Mt sunk vortiool 88 toot through 0rd from tho alum do". Tho on Mon out nod on tho dump one-nu to about 80 tom. Anothol' piano tho, huvo run in o tnnnol dong oldo of the vein 80 feet. following tho dip of the vein on on ineiino. At another plwo tho diamond drill bu boon mm und iorunning in on on uncle ot 30 loot to the 100 foot ond hm thoy hon ”no 92reot nod hart, out through two "in. of gold on. It Miller, Superintondont ot tho Minot! gold mine, hoo opont 30 yearo ot bio life in gold mine. in Color. ada, California Ind Rink nun old in clolmo that tho Saginaw gold my _ ono of tho ttttget proportion ho on; _ . The tyiiitsarq of the mnrbie and gold companies no men ot experience. Mr Woodbury, senor-l mnneger, bu eponi hi- mo in the mubie busine- end he: sold more muble in the city of Chime in the Ian twelve year: the: my other man. Mr Chm-lee E. Meson, 8uperUr tendon: of the Herbie or., out. went. Into the merblo garden u A common lnborer in 1870 he "one from that to superintendent end he been in that enmity ever time. He uthoroughly acquainted with every querry both in the United sure- nnd Canada and he aye that querriee have n greater Ivnriely of mnrble than my eompeny _ he no" ore, may“, ennui to PM. Mr B. R. Noble, madam, II a ban- ker and s boner annular can!» be found in the than: of Michigan To tum " all up than comp-nio- m in I ilrgt clue working condition. Ttre directonto in alto mule up of busine- men and no man need. to tear but Bil may fool Isle in zpeu itt"tttmy.tt0. AWMIQIMD I“ Miami-(Hum Thanking you to: thin valuable - I remain Ntyrmy.-'T'tttt merry jingle of the sleigh bell: in mingled with [may tb comb, caused by the "rsedty of now ln many places. . . _ . .J. B. Snider in erecting s Iml power mill on his barn. _ . . _ _ .Erwln Bolder,“ May Cliy,lown, lo whiting relative. in thi- vlolnliy . . .. Ephraim Gingrlch, of Bad Axe, Mich, \called at J. Weber’s on "tarday last, “at. Written by In ex-nupu on the coca-Ion or the High School Reunion. I might wait to sing my songlet till the - songhs " thy brow, Till the spheres chime thee their meme, but I wens to sing it now. Though why been joys in thy labors and reqnim itself Alone, I would twine these lines around it, for they’ve long lain on my own. Fiohour-tretMmrod, thou on serving, with numeroensry care, The eponleship of knowledge, " the greewning deoedee fete. Though the current of youth’s flood- tide curls with may In adverse gush And the seed ground lides beneath it, l still in silent. faith well dost. Mrs. Adam Meyer la on ttie nick (Bold av " from Inn. wool.) GERMAN IllLLS. TO MR. CONNOR. You" truly J. W. Scam“. The coiyt'iiiiiiiiii_i'" of the Seas k Happy and Prosperous . New Year to OlmefimmeMBi-Wfifflâ€"h ,qhiilt mytafaAumeri't fortttmusamouto6jerptst'rt" mu e Fair. We made In offer to clear the muen' stock-l Bh' w - JV“: I ot. We will sell for 6 days only at the "ttxtmo ie I , d a- Not mark of this, lot will be sold before ---~ Elk, " " ' o'eloek, many Md, 1902, the “code will be dis .' En, 5: ' al window, Monday, Tuesday and ednesdny before th " A WE will give the sizes and quantities of each style in this s . ' . ‘ a " 75:3. _ . tl "r, s . an. Pafrs sm m an. Pu an. Pu - t a, Style A drab . " 4 19 4 20 9 " " G. '; . N423i2'24t2g68E00tornssT, " " whtta 18 2 19 6 20 a 21 3 . " a white 20 2 21 , H; . " " Bdrab 21 4 . n u Do not forget the date, of this sale, Thursday January anfisgta 3t 8 o'elock p. m. . 'm Mundane Price Cheap Call: Sun AAdnb " white " b'uk B drab B white D drab C drab E duh F dub P white 0 dub @9002; macaw Awaits any Lady or Gentleman who will pines their feet in a pair of our Overshoes, Lumbermen's Rubin“. Etc. There is great comfort in this warm footwear end for this season of this year you will need something of the kind at least two-thirds of the time. Our My Prices will not prevent your buying. We will prom this assertion if you will call. Here's a chance to put your foot in a good thing. These Saturday Prices . make buying elsewhere expensive. Men's all gthg,1frit, f1ttimr,heavy Box for Rubbers, Sat, Men's Stub or nag proof Lumber-man's rubbers. l butt nllslm, Bandeau“ ...... ...... .... ................ Men's waterproof vershoes. wool lined. timt quality"... Ladies‘ lines Jersey cloth overshoes. button or buckle. - _ -GGG,iaurdry J......-..................... Boys' Lqmber Rubbers. 1 buckle, haw And new 18 " " 21 18 21 21 " 23 18 It 11 ieflety tf' The Yellow Front. lCIAL SALE- 24 21 19 24 19 " ti 25 " " 22 28 29 23 and " South Side King St, 13mm. 23 A Warm Reception SMYTH BROS., " 28 20 21 23 22 1723 Money Jia' 21 21 24 " 21 " ELMIRA

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