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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 26 Dec 1901, p. 4

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for 8. 8. Nos. 1 and 3..... J. F. Master, levy and erant for 8. 8. Nos. 3 and 2..... W, L. Murray, levy and grant for school section No. 4. .. 'S Roth, levy and grant for ‘"school section No. 5...... C D. Brown, levy and grant * for school section No. 6. ... *. Rosenberger, levy and fut for sehool section No. C. H. Bechman, levy and grant for 8. 8. No. 8...... D. C. Knechtel, levy and grant for 8 S. No. 9...... C. Witzel, levy and grant for schoo! section No. 10..... A. Scbiedel, levy and grant for school section No: 11.. C. Rennie, levy and grant tor school section No. 12...... W. H. Erbach,levy and grant for school section No. 13.. J. L. Schultz, levy and grant for school section No. 14.. C. Rischber, levy and grant for school section No. 15.. X. Schuler, levy for R.C.Sep. echool No. 15 1â€"2........ H. 8. Shantz, levy and grant for school section No. 16.. P. Berg, levy and grant for school section No. 17...... M. Shultz, levy and grant for school section No. 18..... V. Z. Waguer, levy and grant for school section No. 19.. N. Steinman, levy and grant for school section No. 20.. Sec‘y Bamberg R. C. Sep. S. No. 9...............0... H.Zoeller,salary and mileage as Reeve................ J. T.Otto, salary and mileage as Councilman........... I. B. Ditner, salary and mileâ€" age as Councilman........ J. Weber, salary and mileage as Councilman........... G. Hohl, salary and mileage as Councilman........... F, Holwell, 4 qrs. salary as Clerk and Treas., and toleâ€" phone, postage and livery, A. Axt, salary as collector, nonâ€"resident taxes and reâ€" fUDO L2 2lll 220008 .....0>. F. Walker,salary as collector, D. Zoelier,salary as collector, Mrs. E. Weiler, 1â€"2 yre salary ~ The 6178 session of Wilmot Counci‘ was held at the A‘p Haull, Baden, on x 16tb, 190L. Membars all vurseout, Reeve presiding. _ The minutes of | previons scesion were read end eonfirmed. The correspondence having been read and disposed of, it was moved by L. D. Di ner, reconded by J T. Osto, thas this Couse l do now go jnto comuwictee of the whule on fAnauce. ;* John T. Otto in the crair, whose re mmmmocdod the par m=nt of t:e | wing school levics, grau:e and acâ€" gounts, viz : A. McDonald, levy ard grant â€" lambs kilied by doge..... Grand & Toy, supplies. ... .. D. Ritz, printing and adver as T‘p Halltenant........ A. Honderich, 2 3 value of lamb killed by dogs...... M. Schultz, 2â€"3 value of two tising to date............ H. Robr, refund of dog tax.. N. Lebegutt, refund of dog (Signed.) J. T. Orr0, Chairman. On motion of J. Weber and I. B Ditner above report was adcptod. Moved by I. B. Ditner, seconded by J. Weber, that the following accouits be passed and that the Reeve issue his orders on the Treasurer in payment of the same, viz : Geo. Lantz,elm timber at $20 gor M.llllllllllll2 222.# 7 60 Jobn Forler, putting up H. Shantz bridge and repair ing & DHORG...â€"â€"...cslll2..ls. 9 00 F. Wetlauffer,plank and work on T‘p line, 1â€"2 amount... 1 00 J. Kelsey, material and work bu ralling............... 6 00 W. A. Wing, putting in culâ€" /~ vert on T‘pline,1â€"2amount, 4 25 Patterson, Ellis & Co., sewer rlpo on N. E. H. T‘p line, e Aâ€"2 amount.............. a 25 H. Neeb, repairing Wellesley T'&une,l-‘z amount...... 4 50 G. M. Smith, 136 loads of All of which is respecifully mitted. , balance.......... Knechtel, 224 loads of Devitt, el.n timber and 2 oimavel........â€"......... ; .g:'oloher.l'lmosds gravel, 3. Rosenberger, 115 loads of \ 1, repairing culvert, C iMmbunt.............. Hill, work on Wellesley T‘p s 1â€"2 amount......... V . Smitb, work on Zorra ~ "I"p line as per agreement, Mrs. G. Risk, 32 loads of Es Jantzi, 33 loads gravel, 2 64 hn Baltzer, compensation it nse of field, otc.... . ... 1 00 . ©. Koch,compenasation for use ot field, ete.......... 1 00 . Bteinberg, payment in full M mnppmetini o == " s ie, payment 0 H. Wiederhold‘s order.... _ 21 00 Pfanner,payment in fall of & Wiederhold‘s order.... _ 14 00 1. B. Ditner, seconded by er, t under the raling of the liniater of Education, the cost of r 1m-mm-rmm s b sections concerned and € ts be deducted from the of schools in Wilmot. every 1,889 1,050 201 58 549 280 456 503 08 550 63 450 440 347 380 350 G4 506 370 341 654 139 10 28L $0 95 50 00 71 65 60 51 67 50 00 50 00 17 50 13 11 11 10 13 2 00 sub 6 60 38 45 96 50 94 56 94 80 16 10 00 10 26 00 20 60 00 20 Reeve Zoeller in ng)ly said that he thanked the Council for their kind vote of thank» and also for the hearty coâ€" operation and support which they bad, one and all, given him during the year. Stating that he did not claim credit for the uthtulo? state in which .the Township was found to day, but that the whole Council and Township officers were entitled to the credit, and he wished to thank them all. On motion the Council adjourned. F. HoLWELL, T‘p Clerk. A communication was received from the Hamilton Bridge Works Co. stating that $800.00 of the contract price for the new steel bridge at St. Jacobs reâ€" mained unpaid, and asked that a farther payment of $750.00 be made, and allow the remaining $50.00 to stand over until the said bridge is painted. Moved by J. L. Umbach, seconded by Solomon Koch, that whereas the Hamilton Bridge Works Co. had not completed their contract in the time as stated in the bonds, and whereas the agreement with the said Company states that five dollars per day would be decucted from the contract price for every day after ths time for completion uutil the sams was ready for traffhc,and whereas 44 cays clapsed from such date we therefore withhold $200.00 from said contract price on that account,and also withhold $100 0) until the bridge is painted, and in the meantime make & payment of five buudred dollars on account of said contract, and that the Clerk is hereby instructed to notify the Company to that effect. Carried. The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship of Woolwich met at St. Jacobs on Morday, the 16th day of December, A. D., 1901, pursuant to adjourninent from last session,and in accordance with the statutes in that bebalf. All the memâ€" bers present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previons session were read and adopted. _ The Council adjourned for one hour atnoon. The Council met again. All the members present. â€" t After consulting come time with Mr. Balmer about bis centract at St. Jacobs, Mr. Umbach asked for leave of absence to attend an insurance meeting at Waterl=o, which was granted him. ‘The chairman in “h&tn&m vote of thanks said that heartily concurred in she sentiments expressed in the resolation and called upon coun â€" cillors Weber, Otto and Hoh] and clerk Holwel\ for an expression of opinion on the resolation. . A;l of whom expressed themselves as m:fm coineiding with the sentiments the resolation und the remarks of the chairman. _ Moved by James Howlet, seconded by Sol. Koch, that whereis according to the engineers teport the new roadâ€" way at St. Jacobs contains about ten thonsand subic yards, being one thouâ€" sand yards more than was estimated to make the fill one to »ne as asked for in the petition for said road. â€" Be it thereâ€" fore reso‘ved that Mr. Bulmer be paid one bundredâ€"and fortyâ€"five dollars for said excra ", leaving the contrace cost as expendec <1,075 00 for right of way, cutting and ;> ~ling the roadway and railing as petitioned for, which was not to exceed sixteea hundred dollars. Carried. Moved by James Howlet, seconded by Sol. Koch, that the following acâ€" counts be paid and that the Reeve grant his orders for the sam»: David Ribertson, gravel......$ 4 10 Poter Miller, gravel.......... _ 4 50 Wm. Schaefor, gravel,....... _ 1 30 Enos W. Martin, plank and timber for bridge.......... Ez‘a Martio, work...:....... Jaco» Weber, repairing driveâ€" Â¥BY......â€"â€"r\nc««@srrssee Wm. M eser, sewer pipe...... Eph. lsist, opening ditch on T040 ...........1@2saeaees George Class, damages for POBAWAY .. .2lllllll.00.... Hamilion Bridge Works Co.,on CORITACE ........}:rarsce00 Rowan & Elliott, balance on nbutmenté ................ Gustave Brobman, for sheep killed by dogs.. ME pe Henry Cress, road w A. Steiner, gravel............ A. B. Schaefer, material for fence on new roac .......... Levi P. Martin, gravel....... Charles Dengis, li;ucing lamp at West Montrose bridge... C. D. Bowman, ove.seeing and measurements on new road at 8t. Jacobs.............. (Geo. C. Bulmer, repairing and El.“ at _ West Montrose Geo.C. Bulmer, work ani extra on bridge at Silas Bauman‘s TAM . :.ii rsrrarrssssses Geo. C. Bulmer, balance on contract and for railing on roadway at St. Jacobs...... Treasurer, postage and bank SLORMDG® . .â€"â€":c«::r.«r«.«> Menno 8. Bauman, work at Floradale bridge.......... Wm. Westfall, for showing the West A‘ontrose bridge...... by Adam Mattusch, that the Treasâ€" uret‘s statement as presented be $818 70 Carried. The Treasurer laid before the Counâ€" oil a detailed staterrent of assets and Mabilitics, showing a balance of mus.n, uncollected taxes $5.27, and bilities $1,008 70: 5s Moved by Solomon Koch, seconded wWOOoLWICH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Weber, error on dog tax, M eser, sewer pipe...... ) (G 500 00 116 24 10 12 49 60 3 00 9 00 65 00 00 50 25 40 10 30 hereby iostracted to have 125 copies| iA & printed in pampblet form in accordanee | i n of printed in pampblet form in accordance | i n of cand‘dates for the offices of oae with the statute. in that behalf,| Carâ€"| Feeve and foar Counciliors for the yes> It was generally expected that the new industry woald be lovated in Berâ€" lin by the citizens, but owing to the bard fight put up by the Danoville men.bers of the company, the unavimâ€" ous desision could not be secured. A week ago on Saturdasy the Daunville gentlemen notified the other members of the company that they . would withâ€" draw their stock frem the company and they could locate wherever they desired. The Ontario Sugar Refining Comp»ny has finally decided to locate its fuctory in Berlin. That decision was given out pablicly in Toronto this morniog and only awaite the formal ratification of the Board which meets on Thursday. Mr S J. Williame the energetic Pres tdent of the Borlin Board of ‘m who is in Torouto toâ€"day telep! the glad tiding : to Mr C. K. Hagedorn and the news is spreading throughout the town. Steps were immediately taken to have the Dununville stock taken up, and through the energy of Mr. 8. g Williams and other members of the Board of Trade, Berlin capitalists were induced to subscribe stock, and to complete the business Mr. Williams went to Bay City, Micb., and succeedâ€" ed in securiog a large block of stock from Mr. W. C. Penoyer, of that city, and other capitalists to the extent of $50,000. _ As a result over $100,000 worth of stock has been taken and Berlin citizens can now be assured of securing the muchâ€"soughtâ€"after inâ€" dustry. Berlin has certainly shown its wellâ€" known enterpriss in the manper in which it has assisted in every pussible manner tosecure the Ontario Sugar Refining Company to locate in this town. The ratepayers voted a cash bonus of $25,000, the farmers of Waterlco, Wellesley and Woolwici Townships have subscribed neatly 6,000 acres of beets for the next two years, and, lastly, secured subscriptions for stock amounting to more than $100,000. By the capitalists of this town subâ€" scribing this large amount of stock means that all the business of ths Company will be trausacted in Berlin, ashead office, factory, etc., will be located here. That Mr. W. C. Penoyer, of Bay City, Mich., has taken a large block of stock in the Company is & matter of congratâ€" ulations. Mr. Penoyer‘s experience in the Bay City industries will count for a great deal in the success of the Ontario Sugar Refining Co., as he is a practical â€"--â€":â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" us i&v'flâ€".‘iv.’iafi_i T _.- ,v_i' Moved by Adam Mattusch, seconded & deputy ly oMooe s by 8. Koc:’, that the thanks of this hth,zplh.-b ons laths Counsil be tendered to the Reeve, Clerk | Township of Wellesiey be now read a und Tressurer fir the courtsous and | frst and second time.â€"Carried. * efficient manner in which they bare| 1t was finally moved by W.J. Bogge 1oci in aanes derep uot past your. | No: 919 veapietnt 1eE piage" far hall @ar. s m past 5 ”;Mdmuhtu Council then adjourned. or e Reove ounciiâ€" Ts J. L. WIDEMAX, lors for the year 1902 ud&um Clerk. |polling places and also appolot a Building operations will have to commence almost immediately, as it takes almost every minute from now until O ober 1st to erect the $600,000 industry. Woolwich, Dec. 16th, 1901 The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship of Wellesley, met, pursuant to adâ€" journment, on Monday, Dec. 16th, 1901 at 1 o‘clock p.m., all members were present, thg Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the preceeding meeting wers read and adopted. Minut*s of 13th. Session Tp. of Wellesley. Communications and accounts were presented and disposed of as follows, yiz: It was moved by J. B. Lichty, sec. by Geo. Forwell that the following accounts be paid and that the Reeve issue his orders for the same, viz: Mrs. S. J. Ferris,gravel account $ 8 30 J. G. Reiner, spike and nail RCCORDE:.....â€"....... 2s s0ce John Huras rep. culvert....... Jos. Z. Koebel tile account .... Menno Martin, gravel and bonus to 46 rds of wire fences...... Jacob Siegner, balance for tillâ€" ing in east approach to River Bridge..:.:.*â€":.â€"~.eâ€"rrreks W. O. Herzog, for sewer pipes. John H. Wagner, over paid school taxes in 1900 refunded Wm. Reichert burying 1 dead ShOeOp......â€"..>:s:crerrres . Alfona Fnetach, blackamith‘s ACCOUNE. L L....2.... .20.... Andrew Hahn, spreading gravel John Reidel, by error of assessâ€" new plougb point.... .... .. R. Ballard, rep. bridge...... .. Stratford Bridge and Iron Work Co. balance contract in full re River bridge.. ....... IMOBb...¢.â€"«:r+*:ssâ€"»=ss0es Wm. Steenson for work on 2 b:idges re Wellesley and Peel Ratz & F:.eischbauer, lumber RCCOUULL. .. +.:« rrrere ns r0es Abs Eby, timber delivered for 2 bridges re Wellesley and Peel Henry Jackson, gravel supplied o COLIFAGLOT§.............. Wm. (Guise, balance on gravel GONUBOB: .. :.:lrie {«rres z. C. Boegel, rep. scraper and a SALARIES TO OFFICERS. Thomas Short, commission as Re#YO....5:.:::r0rrkrrrses2" H. N. Huehn, cominission as CouncilJOr...........:.... . that date.â€"Carried. SUGAR FACTORY ASSURED Baggs, commission ... 30 00 Carried. 100 on 11 16 99 10 57 30 00 4 50 66 19 21 3 80 62 62 38 00 00 40 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of Michigan were visiting friends here last week. ...... Mr. and Mrs. M. Winn spent a few days visitiong friends in Gorrie.... Gordon Peterson of Guelph is spending bis holidays at his home......Menno Bricker arrived here on Monday from the Northwest to be at the bedside of his father who is very ill at present. ......Rov. Mrs. Monsinger returned on Saturday from an extended stay at her home in Smithville....Mr. and Mrs. R. Fenton trom Conestogo are spending their ho‘idays at the latter‘s home here...... Miss Petch of Crossâ€" hill was the guaest of Miss H. Peterson last week.... Amorg the teachers and students who are spending their holiâ€" days at home here we nouice J. Winn of Woodstock, E. L. Diefenbaker of Downsview.....Quite a number of the Sunday School scholars attended the SundaySchool entertainment in Heidelâ€" berg on Monday evening....Communâ€" ion service was held in the U. B. church on Sunday afternoon ... .. . The entertainment â€" held last Thursday evening proved a success. ‘The spec. ial feature of the evening was the Sellâ€" ing of the OldHomestead; also the drill by fourteen girls in costume which deâ€" serves special mentionâ€"of those who took part. It was well attended and much credit is due to the teacher, Mr. McKenzie.... We hear the tingle of Merry Wedding bells... ... Mrs. F. 8. Spies left on Saturday to attend the funeral of her father which took place at Williamsford on Sunday. namd“lfi‘flfitu of orne Reeve and buzuldl lors for the nu.:‘“w.i Bx the m & Emmhc Officer for each«f the six poliing subâ€"divisions in the Township of Wellesley as now Alled ir, be read a third time and passed. â€"Carrled. The service in the Presbyterian charch will be taken on Sabbith by G.D.Hagopian, the Armeniao lecturer. Mr. Hagopian is au Armenvian from the town of Z«itoun the seat of the late Armeniap atrocities. He comes with a recommendation from the Briti h conâ€" sultat Aleppo in Purkey. We ander stand he took personal part in the i1â€" surrection thas brought about the horâ€" rible oruelties luflicte 1 on his Christian countrymen by the Turks. The hour of service is 11. Clerk‘s office, Bt. Clom nts D:c. 17. 01 Personal:â€"Those who are Bpending their Christmas holidays at their homes are:â€"Roland Ferris of Elora, Jean Rennic of Galt H. S., and Nellie Ferris of Macton.....Miss Libbie Coote was the guest of her cousin Addie Coote on Sunday,......Mr. Bartett, teacher, is spending his holiâ€" days at his home near Milverton..... Mr. A.Dinsmore of Stratford paid a fiying visit to our villageâ€"on Monday. ......School Exam:â€" The Pablic School examination held on Friday was a decided success. The school room looked veryrimposing with the beautiful ~decorations ofâ€"evergreens and pressed maple leaves for which the teacher and scholars were highly praised. A sumptuous dinner was serâ€" ved in the basement after which all reâ€" paired to the school room and were entertained to & splendid program of dialogs, recitations and music, given by the scholars from 2 o‘clock until 5. Mr. J. H. Campbell occupied the chair in his usual pleasing manner and speeches were dolivered by several of the gentlemen among whom we wil} mention Rev. Armstrong of Millbank. The program was ibrought to a close by singing "God save the King" and the crowd again sought their way to the ’ basement where the ladies had preparâ€" ed an excellent tea. We wish all readers of the Chronicle Telegraph "The compliments of the season". School Closing â€"Special closing exâ€" ercises were held in our school on Friâ€" day afternoon. The children rendered a short programme of songs and recitaâ€" tions, and short speeches were given by some of the ratepayers. An interâ€" esciog feature of the occasion was the presentations made to the three deâ€" parting teachers. Miss Croziert was presented with a book, Mr. A Laschâ€" inger got a chain and locket. and Principal Baker was the recipient of a be:utiful clock. A Christmas entertainment | was given by the Methodist Sunday School oa Monday evening. A pleasant time was spent......St. James Lutheran Sunday School bad their usual Xmas tree and programme on Tuesday evenâ€" ing, and St. Pauls 8..8. and the Evanâ€" gelical S. S. on Wednesday evening. ......Two of our citizens _ were nominated for County Councilior on Monday, viz.: Dr.Ullyot and Mr. J. L. Umbach. _ There were taree other nom nations: Mesers. C. S. Weber, James Glennvie and Leander Bowman. At time of writing it is not known how many of these are going to remain in the field...... The bouse belongirg to the estate of the late Mrs. Gooding was on Saturday sold to Jokn Kebl for the sum of $320%.....Rev. Richard Bulgin and fnml‘l{w of Scranton, Pa., are visiting his m6ther here...... Wm. Bulgin is home from Calgary, Alta... .. . Chas. Schmidt,of Owen Sound,gave his brother here a call ou Monday.... .. The annuai school meeting takes place this (Thursday) afternoon. Three village trustees are to be elected this year, orfig old ones reâ€"elected ; these are Mesare. 8. Laschinger, J.P. Luckâ€" hardt and J. 8. Miller. Take Laxative Bromo,Quinine Tablets. Alt TO CURE A COLDTN ONB DAÂ¥ HAWKSVILLE CROSSHILL. ELMIRA. To raise the sum of $4000 for the purpose of ertendia@ the system oln-mlg.ln tee Town of Waterloo, and to authorize issue of Deâ€" be: tures therefor. _ â€" â€" _ WITEREAS it is desimble and expedi¢nt upon s«nitary and other grounds to extend the system of «aweragein the Town of Waterioo _AND _ IIEREASY it is cstimated um-a‘. cost thoreof to the Town of w a erlco in â€" tion to the amount to be raiâ€"ed from t‘me to time by local assessment will amount to the sum of $:000 which amount the Corpor.tion of the saii Town will require to borrow. _ AN\) WHEREAS for the ~ aforeraid it will be nucessary to “"Wm"?_.“!'!“ Munlgfi)n.ln.y of the Town of Waterloo for the sum of $1000 as hereinafter provid d (which is the amount of the‘debt intended to be created by thi: Byâ€"Law) the proceeds of the said debenâ€" writes Mrs. Mattie of Pfouts e Co., Pa. 'luntnflymml dmh.nk-nkm“ 1 have several bottles of ‘ Fa: * w I consider a great blessing to was so nervous and knew what to do. Your treatment helped me wonderfully, ‘ and no other _ AND WHEREAS it it is desirablo to issue :ge n:‘ld '%:Jbzg:gm tta.o&o time lnd‘:: make e princ! e said repayable in yearly numg durin{ the period of thâ€"rty yea‘s being the currency of the said debentures; such yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the te amount payabe in each year for pflndp 1 and interest at the rate hereinafter man}»nei in mfiemmwdfl?flhu nearly as o amoun wlb\o lnflmhod‘ of l=u othnrogmty-nlm years of said ""XRND WHEREAS the total amount requ‘ired by the "Municipal Act" to be raised annully by special rate for paying the said debt and inâ€" terest as hereinafter provided is $231 32. _ _ bim Pk::l'.d?k.m Pellets cure should be used in eonneeflum "Pavorite Prescription," whenever the by thi: Byâ€"Law) the proceeds of the said debonâ€" u{r_rsm_g_e applied to the purposes aforesaid tarble property of, the satd, Mustoipality rme ratea y 0 ao cording muz Revised Assessment Kâ€"ll of t.houuniolrah , being for the year 1901, is the sum o(.& AND WHEREAS the amount of the existâ€" ing debenture debt is $124,111.26 and no princiâ€" Palor lolarect is in mureag ____ " _( 8. PeBn use of a larative _ BK IT THEREFOREK uen '{,"‘ Corporation of the Town of Waterloo, by the shall be issued, whi h said debentu:es shall bear interest at the rate of four per centum payable yeary, and which said debentures shall be signed b‘the Mgl(oro( the said Town of Waterloo and ‘by the Treasurer thereof, and the Cle k shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Municipality. |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Byâ€"Law Noâ€" Municipal Council thereof, in Council duly conâ€" ooo o ._ For the pui ra â€"aid sum ‘/«m, thirty l:lobentnm of nt.h‘. said ‘Town of Naterloo to the amount of $1000 as aforesaid 2. That the said dobentures shall be made Fytble at the office of the Treasurer of the said ‘own of Waterloo and shail be payable on the first d y of Fâ€"bruary, one in each year for'fihn next succeeding thirty years, commencing ith the year 1903 and shll each be for the gmm amvant payable in each of the said 0 years for principai and interest at the rate aforesaid. _ _ _ ) _ ). ; ; ; 000 lla i2 ~8. â€"‘that each of the said debentures shallâ€"be dated on the day this Byâ€"law +hall take effect. _ 4. During:no currency of the said debeutur. s there shall be raised anually by special rate on all the rateable proren in the said Town of Waterloo the »um 0 u{l s1 for the v.:fl»o of mlnr{ the amount due in cach of the years o bg ncipal «nd interest in respect of the said e 5, This Byâ€"law shall take effect on the first d? of February, 1902 That the votes of the r‘::liflod -Im'lhfi the said Town of Water 00 shall be taken on t Byâ€"law by Ballot, pursuant to the llnnl:l‘d Act on Monday, the sixth day of January, 1902, from the hour of 9 o‘clock in the forencon uttil the hour of 5 o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day, and at the %laoell and by the Demy Reâ€" turning Officers hereinafter specified, 11 to __For the North Ward (Polling Subâ€"divisions Nos. 1 and 2 united) at ‘he Harmonie Hall, King Street, Mr. Charles Noecker Deputy Returning _ For ‘he East ward xPoIII fiSnbâ€"dlvHona No#, 3 and 4 united( at Wi liam Hogy‘s Office, Queen Str. et, Wm. Hogg Deputy Returning Officer. _ * Tor the Soute "whate ipsliiag gub divigione 7. That Clerk of this Council shall sum up the number of vo&:dflm for and against this g-hwumoOou Ghamber on the 7th day of January, 1902. at the hour of 11 o‘clock in the Nos. 5 and 6 united) at the office of the Waterâ€" loo Wooilen Comp ny, King Street, Conrad Huchnergard, Depuy Returning Officer. _ _ moon. _ _ _ 8. That the Mayor of the said Town shall atâ€" temd at the said Council Chamber on the 4th day of January, 1002, at the hour of 8 o‘clock in the afternoon to appoint persons to .r at the various polling pla es and at the fi sumâ€" ming up of -vo’uwthuu id Clerk respectâ€" ively on bebalf of the perons interested in and nomovn( or oppot' ‘ing the passage of this Byâ€" w ree t vely. Flnlllm after the assent of the rate payers in the Council Chamber, at the Town of W aterloo, this day of 1908, __Forthe We t Ward ( b;hii% Subâ€"divisions Nos. 7 and 8 united) at the O d Council Chamâ€" ber, at the Market House, Chas, A. Hachne‘, Deputy Returning Officer. _ _ _ _ _ â€" > _ passed by the Mun‘cipal Council of the €â€" ation of the Town of wnwloo in the m the assent of the Electors being attained thereâ€" to after one mon‘h from the first publication in the "ChRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPN"® newspaper fi fir«t publication bel‘v:aon the i#th day of cember, A. D. 1901, at the hour, day and Eano- therein fixed for taking the rotes of the lectors the pol‘s will be held. Take Notloo that the foâ€"egoing is a true cop; of a proposed Ryâ€"Law wmh ’-u been h-ké into consideration and which will be fnal GRAMOPHONE They are more perfect now than ever before, and you can buy one on the Moxtniy ParxENT Wanless‘ Music Store, AN WHEREAS for the pur Town of Waterioo. AUhe N TOYS } Why Not ~ ofendiess variety, Dolls by the hundred, from the little one have a cent}lpenmm id bodied at $2 00. AMOPHONE u. fln un piiciynovet fowee A. B. McBRIDKE. Clerk, NOTICK, or A Merry Christmas Corner Sto Bricker & Diebel. 4 Our Christmas Display Our Chinaware and Glassware Stock Terms Strictly Cash and one price to all City Grocery and China Hal), will be complete this week and you will admit for assortment and low prices it never was equalled at this store ; this is say ing a great deal in consideration of our great success, which we enjoyed in Christmas Trade in past years ; we have spared no pains to accomplish this, but owing to our large turnover, which enables us to buy the quantity, makes it easy for us. varieties of Apples, (the latter by the barrel or basket.) Figs and Table m.r‘:flmu qualities. Prunes and Apdgg Sn and "MeEn Cewoen Malsen Gragen, Dantasy and saay a Gra) varieties of Apples, (the latter by the bm_e‘ or basket.) Figs was never more complete, in Dinner and Toilet Setts we are showing a nice assortment at exceptionally low prices. us it has been a Hummer,far exceeding anyâ€" will still continue we close our 15th Busiâ€" ness Year among you thing we have experienced in our â€"Long Business Career here. The Holiday Rush is now over and with Hoping these pleasant business relations Geo. Hasenflug. By Wishing You All . . *%o which we supply many. m ...... AND . A Happy New Year. FRUITS

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