_ _ 1248 rureiy ht ESTABLISHED 1867, Oapits $8, 0,00%. _ ~~: $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ._ &A general Banking Business transâ€" \otod at the ‘ Carter‘s Little Liver Pills. The © Molsons â€" Bank HEAD CFFICE, MONTREAL Paid up Capital â€" . $2,500,000 Reserve Fund â€" $2,150,000 â€" _ Ageperal banking business done. Col lections made, drafts issued payable in all partsof the Dominion or any place in the world Highest rates of intercst allowed for money deposited in Savings Bank or specia deposits JACOB HESPELER, BANK OF HAMILTON Money can be sent to ali parts Of the world ar tnfling coâ€"t by cur drafts and money orders. Bank dratts are absotutely safe and we guarantee that the money will be paid only to the right party. â€" Travellers can purchase Circular Notes, which can be cashed everyâ€" where without ch.rge personal iden ufication or any kind of trouble. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The safest way to invest your monâ€" ey s io piace it in this department The rate of interest may seem small when compared with that promised by speculators, but the inâ€" come is at least cettain. Remember that the money is perâ€" fectly safe and that you can get it when you want it. â€" _ One dollar and upwards received Interest added twice a year, WAjERL â€"© BRANCH BANK OF CON MERCE Deposits of one dollar and upwards received in the Savings Bank or on Bpecial Deposit and highest rates of interest allowed. Drafts and Money Orders issued on all points at lowest rates. Special attention paid to the business of farmers and .out of town customers. Blank Notes for tarmers sales supplied free on application. Easy erms Easy Payment Borrowers Given a Definite Contract. Prinoipal and interest maybefully paid upby monthly payments or the loan may be nego tated in the regular way. For particulars see BUCKBERROUGH & CO., Fite, Life and Accident Ins. Agonts Waterloo, â€" Ont. D. Bvoxazunover, B. E. Brontn C., A. Brros, How and Where To Borrow Money BERLIN BRANCH. REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT. Must Bear Signature of and prettiest in the season‘s id ie is is Tacies MILLINERY Special Display of Fall and Winter to visit our show roome,. CURE SICK HEADACKE, King St., A. W. bOBARTS, Maxacer The Misses Fehronbach, J. P. BELL, Agent. BERLIN Cenuine THE CANADIAN Everything that is newest Manager Waterloo Branch Mr H. L. Jazzen has de *to The ~ Clerk and T/ eacuper says that the books will shaw the balâ€" ance on the right side. Th;w' Board decided at their mee:ing on ra:\y to secure a trme â€" a..x:'.uc oâ€" and plant it : .IIM. the late Adoiph peller. 5 . The Belectors «bf Jurors completed ‘beic session “ll;dl:y 'l'ho? in atterdande Honor Judge Chisbe!m, mn Walter, Sheriff Motz, Crown . Attorney Bowiby and County Clock Bowtnan. _ There wi ally h:Lm'd of farmere Al:m ple at the market Saturdsy morbing., Is was undoubtediy the m»st largely aftended market this year. As might be {expected fowl was plentiful at 10 to 14e a pound. The Twin City Trades and Labor Couccil will hold their first anpual smoker in the Saepgerbund Hall on Friday, Dec. 27. _ A good program bas been provided, including an address by John . A. Flett, Viceâ€"President of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. A valuable couch will also be given to the luckyâ€"ticket holder. The Executive Committee of the Berlin Bible Society met on Monâ€" day evening<to transact important business. Mr. R. Reid, who was apâ€" pointed Secretaryâ€"Treasurer of the Society at the anntal mesting a few weeks ago, resigned, and Mr. J. W. Wiggine was elected to the position. Mr E. D. Lang, of G. B. Ryan & Co‘s store in this town, will leave for Europe on New Year‘s Day, accompanied by Messrs V. Canham, of the Guelph store, and Ed. Mills, of the Owen Store, where they will make the purchases for the spring trade. This will be Mr Lang‘s first trip across the pond. Word has been received in town that Mr. George Williams, of Hapover, and tormerly . ofâ€" Williameburg, died c~ Tuesday after an illness extending ! t some weeks. He was well and favorâ€" ably known in this vicinity and was a brother to Mrs. A. Baer, Frederick St. The foneral took place at Roseville on Saturday. Young men in connection with the Y.M.C.A. took a census of the young men who attend the various churche: on Sunday evening the figures being taken ‘or the benefit of epeakers at the Provincial Â¥.M.C.A, Convention in January. ~Reports that have been reâ€" ceived show a rery low a#erage. heg The members and friends of the Epworth League who attended the social on Monday evening brought a parcel of some article of fuod to be disâ€" tributed to the poor as Christmas cheer. A large number of parce‘!s was secured which will be greauly appreciated by tue deserving poor. Two families in Baden ha~o bad a slight rivalry during the past two weeks which resulted in a police court case being heard before Magistrate Mackie on Moenday evenicg. _ Mr. Gottfried Sebhultz was accused of assaultiog Mrs Geo R Schmid,wife of a retired farmer in Baden, and was fined $1 00 and coste amounting in al‘ to $7.15. An insultiag language case between the same parties was withdrawao. ‘The second debate in the Interâ€"Asâ€" sociation Debating Lcague took place at Woodstock on Friday evening beâ€" tween Stratfod and Woodstock. The question: wa:â€"‘"Resolved that maniâ€" cipalties should own and rontrol their public franchises. â€" The afficmative was take> by Messre A. McBe‘h and G. H. Maitlapd, of Stratford, and L J. Harâ€" rington, ard A. H. Sovereign, of Woodâ€" stock, took the negative. . Stratfird were succesaful in winning their second debate. _ Mr A. Pawallo, M.P.P,, officiated as chairman. _ * At their annual meeting the Chosen Friends elected the following ofMâ€" ter ‘The local lodge of Woodmen of the World held a largely attended meeting on Tuesday crening and elected the *E G.Q . Leni Sn .C.G.â€" C.C.â€"Dr w.3. s‘mfldt. Physitiansâ€"Drs Hett and Honsâ€" n'm“l*z. tit J. W. Wiggine; Principal. : C.C.â€"8S. E. Shoemaker. V.C.â€"Martin Heminger. Recâ€"S. E. Moyer. Assist. Rec.â€"â€"C. E. Mansfield. Treas.â€"Martin Danbam. Prelateâ€"C. E. Moyer. Marshallâ€"A. A« Moyer. Wardenâ€"Precilis Koehler. Guardâ€"Allen Shoemaker. Bentryâ€"Geo Stumpf. Rep. to Grand Councilâ€"J. K. Masâ€" Alternateâ€"A. C. Renshaw. Lieut â€"Hy Haas OFFICERS ELECTED CHOSEN FRIENDS. One day last week at recers Princijal Buddaby gave the pupils in the Cenâ€" }wfl.s an Tulzy to vielt all theâ€"roptoes and halls to view the beauâ€" ufu} Chrlstmaus décorarions W hen the pupile had returned Miss BHornbold dieâ€" covered that ber purse, whica was lyâ€" ug;r the desk, bud beea taken, ar d immediately not:fed ibe Prinâ€" u-cu seemed to rest upon two boys, but up to the present the thef‘ corld not be brought home to: them. A search of all the deeks and persors of uhe puplis was ordered, but nothing one cf the bulls. Tinnmlbl' ' is proceeciag auvd the culprit undoubtediy be discovered. The»Library Board have handed the Céntral Park over to a local real Wbbom«lhub,ud alarge "For Bale" sign has been put up,â€"which is a source of annoyance to f‘., public:spirited ‘Pbé Library Board have spent $700 aver thrir estimate <this year, which amdunts to $1631 and in order to get on an even footing have decided to sell Berlin‘s most central and beautiful bireathing spots. _ e A strong do?nuuon of business inod is peing organized, to wait upon the ubr.&‘ulocd at an early date and enter protest against the sale of Central Park. At the December meeting of the Berlin Teachers the subjsct of Vertica Writiong was brought up at the instance of the School Board. The following motion is to be discussed at the next meeting of the Association: "In the opinion of the Berlit Teachâ€" ‘ era‘ Association, the Spencerian style of w i*ing is more beautiful and more expressive of individuality than the Veriical System, but the latter is much more easy of acquirement by young pupils and is more legible. Therefore this Association would prefer such a modification of the present system as would embrace as far as possible the advantages of both systems. . To obâ€" tain these desirable ends this Associaâ€" tion would respectfully request the Minister of Education to prepare a new series of copy books whose headâ€"lines would be samples of a round hand with a slightly forward slant." The: Board of Exzaminers have handed out the resuits of the Model Sebool Examinations in Berlin and Galt, and it will be of interest to noto th t every candidate has succeeded in pass ing. They are as followe:â€"â€" > BERLIN. Ida A. Arnold, Eloise T. Hamilton, (homors) Frankie G. E. Wiliiamson, Alico Wray, Jas. E. Schlicter, John Wray. Lily‘C. Baldwin, Fanny E. Beaver, Cassie M. Bryden, Mabel J Eliintt, Laura Gavin, Jesie G. Godfrey, Margaret J. Henderson, Liilie Hilborn, Margaret 8. Pettigrew, E :dith Wilkins. Howard W. Tye. The was eventaally found I‘O:m the clothing is The Park Board held their final meeting for 1901 at the Couneil Chamber on Friday evening, with the fo‘lowiog present, viz: Chairman K. Mueller, Wm Roos, Mayor Bo@#lby, L. J. Breithaupt, MP.P., Geo Rumpel and Secretary J. 8. Hoffman. The Board heard Architect Kuechâ€" tel‘s report regarding the amount of lamber that could be used for the new pavilion from the Westaide Park shed Abcut $950 worth of lamber can be utiiized. Cbairman Mueller presented the {)] lowing statement from the Town Cletk which© agrees with the Park Board Secretary‘s books: ° EXPENDITURES. To amount of acct rendered. $1372 85 Debent and coupon Byâ€"law NeG6L............ Sundry parties labor... Dr D. 8. Bowiby, $3000 Kerminski and Hintz....... Sundry labor.......... To Interest to date. J. 8. Hoffman, rentals 1â€"2 mill of $3,216,5095 Interest to date...... By J. 8. Sale of debentures.... The baiance includer an overdraft of §700 from last year, which was paid 'l‘o.li‘:wvu‘d before Police Magittrate Woir Friday morning on one charge of being drunk and disordâ€" arly and another of using abusive 0st Thn 21.90, ‘voing Aned on vow s0 ~$4.40, being fined on both this year. VERTICAL HANDâ€"WRITING Accounts amounting to $59 25 were PARK BOARD‘S FINANCIAL STATEMENT. MODEL EXAMINATIONS. ~" The Happenings at the County S+at Careâ€" fully Bummarized. ~ Loâ€" oal and Personal items. LIBRARY BOARD PURSE STOLEN ‘Total receipts 10,015 63 Total expenditures _ 6,376 16 Due to Park Board _ 3639 47 Hofiman, rentals.. _ 124 45 idys 64 70 €6000}_ 50 15 Printing Co. LAd RECEIPTS. GALT. citizons in Borâ€" 652 42 91 58 3242 46 147 39 6376 16 13 50 1608 30 58 11 542 39 106 30 Iï¬ï¬‚s »trergthened this year by m}ul u'“- -‘?’-’- bi~e arrived in tow» as to the auidteus 2. ._didg ol the Galt team sre already in tha air. ‘The O.H. A. ofiicials will be after you, G al:, if you don‘s watch ou:! $ IXTERMEDIATE W.P.A. TROPHEY. . D r‘~z the pist fow diys there has hbeeg «. »xbiohion at Jansen Bros y etore the bands me new Ioâ€" liate Cap, which was coy govâ€" erously donated by Mr H. J Crawf=rd, B.A., the worthy President of the W. F. A. I is usdoubtediyâ€" the most beautifal tropby ezer uffred for com petition in fomubsll anpals in O atario ubd the W P.A. natarally f.el \lf% prozd «fit. The cup stasds about 1 inchoe in beight, G inches of whigh i« of « l:d ebouy aod the remaioder a silâ€" ver vess which is goid lined. The trophy was won by the Gait Intermeâ€" diates and they bave the proud disâ€" tinction of being the first possessors of the W F.A. Iotermediate Trophy. #LI8TEN TO THE BAND." T: ro ito Telegram â€"A Berlia parer etaics that Golt will be terribly sorry for baviog ev ered the O.{1. A. in place of the Western O H.A. The letters wW.O H.A. stand for the Wide Ofen Hockey Association. They are ov‘dâ€" ently sure that Galt cannot go straight long enough to keep with a respects ble association and are quite willing to let them mix with the western gathering. Galt would be foolish, indeed, to stack up with an aggregation such as the W. O.H. A. but then the chances are they will do nothing of the kind. "Dutcby" Mortison, who captains Galy‘s team has been eonnected too long with the 0. H. A. but at that there seems little danger of the thing occurring. No club with any sense would jJopardizs its amateur standing by entering the W.0.H.A. HERXN‘3 GOOD WORK. The Pistsburg Post of Dec 14th has the following to say of "Riley" Hern‘s work between the posts in a recent hockey match between the Pittsburg Athletic Club and the Keystone‘s, a team compored of Canadian players, such as Hern, Westcott, Hill, Mor:ison and Biseb; the latter team won by 5 to 1. "One of tte main reasons for the P.A C‘s defea was a case of ‘too much Hern.‘ That young man is certain}s the star goal tender of the league and | one of the best ever seon on Pittsburg |ice. Is would be useless to attempt to |enumâ€"rate the number of shots he | stopped, which were aimed directly at | the net. He was repeatedly cheered ‘| for bis briiliant play." "Riley" Hern ‘|is a graduate of the Stratford Indians ‘land recently went to Pittsbuarg to play ‘ | hockey. STREET CAR FARE BOX STOLEN For the second time within a year the s‘ation street car has been entered while the conductorand motorman were attending to their duties at the depot and the fareâ€"box taken. On Wednesâ€" aay evening the car was waiting for the 8 o‘clock train from the east snd Conductor Clemens and Motorm n Boettger were attending. to the mail bags and although away for a very short tims, sme pafty or parties enâ€" tered the car and got away with the fareâ€"box. Th e was ab :ut $5 6 ish and the box \bich is valued at $15. Constable Hubsr has been detailed to investigate the case. A MISSION WORKER SH0T, AN ASSISTANT OF REV. DR. a. SIMPSON. Of the Missionary Allianeeâ€"A Negro Girl Fired Three Shots at "Amâ€" She Had Been Attending His Meet. ingsâ€"Motive Not Known. Nyack, N.Y.. Dec. 20.â€"Martha Gibâ€" son, a negro girl, waived examination toâ€"day in court and was held to the grand jury on a charge of assault in the first degree. The girl shot G. A. Collin, a prominent worker in Dr. A: B. Simpson‘s Missionary Alliance. She had been attending the services, and last night followed Mr. Collin from the meeting. She attacked him with a reâ€" volver, firing three shots, two of which penetrated his clothing, the other makâ€" ing a wound in his right arm. The motive for the attack has not been disâ€" covered Rail ways Completely Blocked for Indefnite Time. t Two Sonthern Pacifc Express Traina Collidedâ€"Two Men Killed. Salinas, Cal., Dee. 19.â€"The northbound Bunset Express, No. 9, of the Southern Pacific, due to arvive at San Ardo at 12.50 a.m., and the Sunset Express, No. 10, from San Francisco, due to leave San Ardo at the same time, were in collision this Ilor‘ll%; The trains are scheduled pass at q!;nda, a few miles south of Ardo. e southbourid train left érrof met the northbound train oneâ€"half mile west of Uplands, between San Ardo and San Lucas, Both trains were completcly wrecked, the enâ€" < hhht.hron from the track and of cars telescoped. Train No. was partly destroyed by fire. _ Tbo"olï¬dil report says one flrfl:‘n“n 3 Fargo messenger wore â€" g and 2} twentyâ€"six persons were WwESTERN STATES SNOWBOUND Berlia Hockey Ciab will be WRECK IN CALIFORNIA ult of tae recent i Nebraska. ail Pacific are comâ€" in snowdrifis ploughs to make iss through, and a Union Pacific by two big comâ€" Mr Jos. Schulowsky, who lives in the North Ward, passed the necessary exâ€" aminations at Toronto on Monday and has been accepted to fill one of the vacancies that have been eaused by the death of members of the Canadian constabulary underGen. Badenâ€"Powell. Mr Schulowsky is a fine specimen of Canadian mankood and will undoubtâ€" edly give a good account of himself. He will leave immediately for Halifax, and will sail with the Canadianmountâ€" ed rtfles on January 10th. It is said on good authority that the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal will, before the end of Janâ€" uary, announce that they cannot accept any more new subscribers for some time. Their offer of three handsome pictures alopg with a year‘s subscripâ€" tion to that great paper, for one doliar, has been the means of creating such & rush of new subscribers that all thei calcu‘lations for supplies of picture: were knocked sky high. The extra work involved in preparing the three large pictures for mailing has somewhat delayed the filling of orders, but a large staff are now employed vight and day, and those who have, subscribed, or do so this montb, nee have no apxiety about getting fthei pictures, as the publishers gu rantee to carry out their promise, and that is suflicient for those who know them. ' the flower fragrance, Her very fragility finds its type again in the frail flower, which languishes when neglected, and is so easily destroyed. . It is a pretty simile and almost as perfect as pretty. All women love flowers, and every woman who grows them knows that their health depends daily care. Not alone are water lnd‘giu*g:{nc cessary to the health of the plant. it leaves and roots must be guarded from the parasites which soon destroy the flower‘s beautyâ€"and undermine its life. If a woman would care for herself as she does for her plants she would preserve her beauty and retain her strength far beyond the period when the average woman looks old and feels older than she looks, zee: Bc for eclds Bhet fest Hat Res Oe fls Renree colds. eto.; PI, most economical Tor Susoitle tacex d to Loop on hand: ** 1 have kept Ayer‘s Cherry Pecâ€" tonlll-'loml-cmuy years. . It is the tPest medicing in the world for coughs and colds.‘" All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Of woman‘s presefvation of her beauty lies in the inteliigent care of the womanly health. So close is the relation between the health of the delicate womanly organs and the health of the whole body, that whenever the feminine functions are deâ€" ranged or disturbed the conbs:guences are felt by every nerve in the y. _ Severe headache, backache, pain in the side, and bearingâ€"down Eins are borne with by so many thousands of women that one who is in sound health is a rare exception. Most women would give anything to Arow how to be cured. The way is very plain. Folâ€" low the path made by more than a half a million women who have been perfectly cured of womanly ills and weakness. #T believe I owe my life to Dr. Pierce‘s Favorâ€" above remedies, . Pierce‘s Favorite 1 Peliets‘ and began t continued (mpmhvlm mnnolel‘gï¬t r months later my lit Than the effect of Dr. Pierce‘s Pavorite Prescription. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. It regulates the gerlod., stops diureenblc drains, heals inflammaâ€" tion and ulceration, and cures female weakâ€" ness. It prepares the wife for motherhood, &'" her “Evr and physical strength, so at the birth hour is pnctic-ll{ painless. It is the best of tonics because it contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other marcotic, For mflnf women in the home, store or schoolroom it is an invaluâ€" able medicine. It qniets the nerves, inâ€" creases the appetite, and causes restful and refreshing sleep,. _ Nursing mothers will find no tonic so beneficial to mother and child as Nr. Pierce‘s FPyvorite Prescripâ€" tion. _ --_--.!. un ‘That question is offen on % for of her it is ugédéfl Chat ndg.to do something in any emergency in the home. When that question refers to health, sickness or disease, the answer will be found in Dr. Pierce‘s Common Sense Medical Adviser. This ï¬ut work contains la:' large pages, and is sent ï¬:' on receipt stamps to pay expense customs and . Send 31 oneâ€"cent stamps for the bo in paper or 50 Address Dr. R. V. Pleres, Bufkio, N. Y Mamps Tot the volume in cloth binding J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y ronchitis THE GREAT SECRET J. ©. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass NOTHING IS SURER WHAT SHALE J DO ? U i enfiont en e t is ex o something in any emergency me. When that question refere sickness or disease, the answer und in Dr. Pierce‘s Common ‘l’l;nl Adviser. fl':.ï¬rfl wo&: large #, an sent k mt -n-g‘:n pay expense of r two years old and I have iny medicine since, so I feel e {:u made a lasting cure much in tbabu’h. it would be to express word or pen to Gog and Dr. Pierce." tion and ‘Pleasant ove rl%ht away, and aining in “""S‘e",‘,' was so great. n dicing in | colds.** ga, N. Â¥. lung vith a throat. at firct but Sirgent‘s Gem Fooi Chepper will chop 1 meat, vegetables of all kinds, fruit, crackers, bread, a1d other foods. »"0% Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Ph mb‘ng and Pipe fitting. white Phoae 142. Store near Post office, BERLIN, $9 Oversoats for $5.9 ATâ€"â€"â€"q BOTTOM PRIC Men‘s extra fine winter overcoats made of dark Oxford grey Cheviot in the loose box back style, lined with heav{ Italian cloth, deep facing. well tailored and perfect fitting, this is a manufacturer‘s up on this line of coats, regular value $8.C0 and $9.00, sizes 34 to 42, for this sale $5.96. 2 3 Men‘s suits, a fourâ€"button single breasted sacque le, made of all wool brown and ï¬re{l check Tweed with an overâ€" pattern, . with choice Italian cloth and finished with good trlmmingli sizes are to 42, suils which generally sell at $8.50 to $10.00 each, for this s Whether Eeou pay full fprice or half price won‘t affect the style, the q-ï¬; or the making of the clothing you buy here, and & suit, overcost reefer out of our special lots will be none thâ€" less appreciated by your boys, We are giying Special Bargains (or this sale. Meat Cutlers, Sausage Stuffers, Lard Prosses, BHM Kaives and Stesls in Great Varigty. â€"==»w prices Hardware Dealers, A Full Line of Holiday Slippers in Stock CLEARING To the man that likes a medi-n-l_o'gfll overcoatâ€"to the man that is not particular aboat the lengthâ€"if price is savingâ€"to any 1 that wants a gond, bhonest overcoat for $5.05, this leader from Clothing Department should bring eveléy man that needs an overcoat here promply . $8 and $9 overcoats. See them anyway, They themâ€" selves will convince you of their value. If You Want Money Saving Shoes o* 4# A latg» stock of Hockey{[Skates and Sticks. Caivers in cases, Silver Plated Kuives, Forks and Spoons at reduced of untrimmed and trimmed hats and bonnets, feathers, breasts, ribbons, ete. Must be cleared out in a short time regardless of prices. S. R. Ernst & Co., CANT BREAK THEM THE CANADIAN RUBBER C BOLIDAIY BHRGZHIINS BOR TBE BOY$S. The Popular Shoe Store, At Mrs. €. Steuernagel‘s Jacob S$. Roos, WATERLOO | Remember | Over 100 Sold This Fall, | Remember |"** Conmrad Brog., NÂ¥rs. C. Steuernagel, GEO. E. POTTER, »€9€I9CI€ SALE 32 KING ST., BERLIN. _ _ King St., Waterloo,. Ont. If You Want Union ‘Stamped Waterloo. You Want Shoes hock