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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 26 Dec 1901, p. 1

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_â€" Berlin.â€"â€"@ Clothiers,Ha‘ters, SI oés and Furnishers. Store next to Post Office,Borlin P.S. Wishing you all a Merry Xmasand a Happy New Year. Merry â€"=>=> hristmas to You And A Happy.One to Us, _ : This bas been the most Stcotesful Seaion: this‘ stote huyetmjoyodfixdwongwtgsfi%itl?.bu the most pleasant one. We have still a few days more beâ€" fore stock taking, apd e wonld jlikesto draw your attenâ€" tion to the fact that they will be interesting ones for you. Come and see us. â€" We have a surprise in store for you. The A. 0. Boehmer Co., Phone 14, ‘Table bells, chafing dishes, nut crackd, skates; hOck ~+ ~Sticks and L. raisin seeders, safety razors | (’flwgflm in variety and excellencé Â¥is seui t w “?- y® Â¥4 Your opportunity to realize is right Mere and Now. ‘?SWOMENM-- + *%€ 3€ %>€ J. Fennell & Son, Hardwareé Kom‘t to the cons: k Nes â€"/ & 52 a s Money Back if Not Satished. A. Weseloh & Co., From Every Directior From the Nortb, from the South, from the East, from the West people are coming for onr Shoe and Clothing Barâ€" gains, and they are attractions of the most exceptional values that create enthusiasm and !-ing’bnsi_nee_s 7 w un Come to‘us for ing and New Vear‘s Cash and One Prics. J 6 §#7 o w | Limited. ‘The members of the County Council :-flm:nwuum- from e years mem dfiommuhmhua rot ing these annual grants, and mauy of them have not as much as seen the exâ€" tertor of these institations, and have not made investigations as to how the money was expended. The members of the Council visited Galt on Thursday: and have returned Warden Waliter Receives Many Compliments From the Members of the Council for His Splendid Services.â€"Committee Reports % well pleased and delighted Speir, of the Galt Hospital Board to the Institution, and a thorough invesâ€" tigation was made. . The public and =‘m wards, the mu:mdu:"- spected and loaln a cleanly and rfilm,MMOM of instisution beard very complimentâ€" the instisution beard very complimentâ€" ary things from the members of the Council. . The nurse‘s home, erected by the Ladies® Auxiliary, was also :Lfl-db-d to be very com{ortâ€" able and homelike. A member told the Telegraph that Berlin‘s Ladies‘ Auziliary would receive some valuable information by a visit to the Galt Inâ€" stitation. A pleasant feature of the visit was the receiving of the County Council‘s cheque of $1000 by President Speir from Warden Walter. . _ A visit to the Collegiate Institute was made and everything was found in an excellent condition. Galt can well feel proud of this institation, which is second to none in the Province. T:IURSDAY MORNING SESSION. The County Council met at 10 woloek this morning pursuant to adâ€" j>urnment, and after hearing the imiputes of the previous session, adâ€" journed until two o‘clock, so as to enâ€" ble the Committees to complete their year‘s work. ~ The members of the County Council concluded their visits to the various im institutions receiving County grants on ‘Thursday onngg'. They are now thoroughly sa that all the money that is granted by the grants will be more readily given. ‘The various committees completed their work about 2.30 in the afternoon, and when in Council it . was decided to wihbold the reports until the morn& and during the meantime the mem mh. visit to the High School, the and Waterloo Hospital, and mfllpnthoflmofna:lcovhm & repast was served by Mr. mmum, keeper aod matron of the House. The members were allowed to inâ€" m every department of the instituâ€" visited, and speak in the highest terms of praise for the manner in which the institutions are contiolled. The House of Refuge Committee have done excellent work this year in having the electric system installed in the Houss, and also the halls and corridos very beautifully p«pered and decorated. Upon resumiug this morning the Council again adjourned to enable the Finance Comuittee to meet, and were in seasion natil 12.30. _ _ _ The Council reassembled at 2 p.m. and the reports of the committees were To the Municipal Council of the County of Waterloo.: Your standing committee on House of Refuge beg leave to report that they have examined and passed bills and elaims against the County for the half year ended December lst, 1901, amounting in all to the sum of ‘ For Meatâ€"At Te per lb for foreâ€" quarter beef, and 86 per 1b for fresh Your committee beg to lay before the nund“m and ploafid‘h. a&re to mumnu are well cared T ten the se biopiim wing making it new 6 Lâ€"Ln ar aan e morlsed that Iho â€" For Breadâ€"At 2 1â€"40 per lb. for white bread; 26 per ib for Grabam and complete. It will be noticed that the sost of maintenance per inmate is somewhat l:F than last mr, al« though it is considerably than the average cost of former years. This ‘h-.-‘.homudhmm‘ faot that revenue from paying patients entirely ceased, and some of the erops on the farm were not -1 heary as nsual. At the same time the expenditure has increased by the purâ€" shase of a horse, buggy and harness, a mower, a cream separator and a new pump. "“"m{ repairs, conâ€" siderable papering and paintâ€" ing has been done. All these causes, together with the fact that the average number in the house was somewhat less than usual, have contributed to inâ€" crease the cost per capita. L During the year alarge new hog stable has been bailt, also a complete electrie wr installed in the House, which be a great convenâ€" tlence and do away with the dangerons pleased and delighted with what saw in that place. After lonch been taken at the Imperial, the Plciitd ’l\' usual contracts for the ensuiog WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMPE® 26, 19o1. THE OOMMITTEE‘8 REPORT. were escorted by President has been graded and partly led. The work was done by farâ€" nder the direction of Philip K. #+ County CGouncil. road through the County and _ fature ically out of grant made by your Council. The gravel was to be taken from the County pit but only 75 loads could be taken out, the remainder being brought from a pit over a mile away. It is exâ€" pected that the gravelling will be comâ€" pleted next sapring. ‘ FRIDAY AFTERNXOON. ‘The County Council concluded its December session Friday afternoon in nh&m. After the last report had been presented and the Warden‘s desk had been cleared of the business before the Council, County Councilior Robson, of Ayr, arose and in a brief address referred to Warden Walter‘s term during which the sessions had alâ€" ways â€" been most barmonious Under him the many county interests had been carefully and impartially looked aftér, the sessions had been free from wrangling and friendly discussâ€" ions had characterized the meetings The speaker was particalarly touched with the attitude of the Warden toâ€" ward the charitable institutions in the sounty, as he has a‘ways taken a deep interest in the hospitals, orphanages, House of Refuge, etc., and saw to it that nothing was wanting to make these institutions comfortable and upâ€" to date. It gave him pleasure to move a vote of appreciation of the services rendered by the Warden to the County during 1901. _ _ Councilior W. R.Plum, of New Ham busg, the orator of the Council, secondâ€" ed the motion, in one of the most eloquent addresses delivered in the Council Chamber in recent years. He referred with pride to the fact that while other counties take from one to two weeks to do the business before them this Council seldom exceed two days, and at the most three days. He gave the credit to the unusual business abilities of the representatives that are chosen by the electors. In eloquent terms he epoke of the long term of service rendered to the County by the g:eunt Warden, who has been a memâ€". r of the Council continuously since 1866, and a more capable and painsâ€" taking CouneAl?l has never been in the Council. m presiding officer Mr. Walter has been fair and impartial and has won not only the friendship and esteem of the Councillors but also of the electors «[ che municipality. The motion was carried enthusiâ€" astically by the membors rising and loudly applavding. Warden Wa.ter tendered his thanks for the kind expressions from the memâ€" bers of the Council and said it was an extreime pleasure to presile over a body such as the Council of 1901. The uuatinity was remarkable. He reâ€" ferred to the past year as one out of the ordinary in that two members of the Council had been taken off without a inoments notice, men whose places would be difficult to fill. The Warden then took a reminiscent vein and spoke of the progress of the various institutions during hbis thirtyâ€" six years as a county councillor, and toâ€"day they canjastly claim the most modern institations in the province. This year‘s council had been both proâ€" gressive and economical, and be boped the same spirit would characterize the see«ions of the council next vear. He thanked the couacil and wished them the compliments of the season. The address was happily received, after which the council arose and led by Councilior Josiah Haliman, all sang the National Antbem, and the session for 1901 was brought to a close by three rousing cheers. The Finance Commitee was in sos sion until 3.50 p.m. on Friday, after which the council resumed, and the various reports were read and adopted The byâ€"law anpointing Messrs. J. M. Seully, of Waterl30, and A. Waerner, of Etmira, auditos, was read and finally passed. Followizg are the reports as passed by the Council :â€" Your Standing Committee on Roads land Bridges beg leave to report as folâ€" owe: bridgo and gravelling...... John Chalmers, filling the apâ€" proach at Woolwich Townâ€" Te bridge............... That the following accounts be pald: Alex. Nabrgang, repairing Wilmot _ and _ Blandford bridge and sandries 1â€"2 cost $ 30 84 %’ Wiederholt,timber " * 20 00 ‘m. Wiederholt, axtra labor 25 00 B. Eichler, filling up at County _ __ _ Chas. Lowell, for filling at 8. Dumfries 1â€"2 time...... Alex. Weir, for work at Damâ€" fries, sinkhole, 1â€"2 cost. ... Adam Mattusch, for repairing mbfldc: 1â€"2 amount.., Richard Boy for repairing Chalmer‘s bridge,1â€"2 amount Alex. lb“ repairing . small ‘ Mad w.le 1stein,1â€"2 cost John s Ooncly work on Porth townline, 1â€"2 cost... Wm. Edgar, plank and labor “:m:, 1â€"2 cost...... Robt. Linlish, repairing Kenâ€" Joun Armnaly fepamibg taate x * ... Alex. Frasor, for repatring Lisâ€" L. M. Clemens, coment for Holâ€" 1. M. Clemens, draining off dam 15 days at $3.25 ... Geo. C. Builmer, masonty ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORTS. 84 at <t 403 12 :\ Clothing Department 20 00 20 03 34 82 11 10 12 48 1 63 5 00 4 50 Men‘s $5 Tweed Saque Suits for.............. $3.50 Men‘s $6 fine woeol suite for .................. 4.00 Men‘s $7 fine tweed suits for....*‘............ 5.50 Men‘s $8 50 solid worsted suits for...... ...... 5.95 Men‘s $5 frieze ulsters for..,................. 8:15 Men‘s $7.50 frieze nlaters for................. 5.00 Men‘s extra fine dress oyercoats for..$9, $10, $11, $12 UAAA OAOAAAAACE OAAA ARAA OAAAE AOAAARRAA 4 4 OA OAAAE AAAAAAAAUAMAA _ _ Boys‘ sailor suits, boys‘ vestee suits, boys‘ 2 plecs suits, boy»w‘ pea jackets, and boys‘ ulsters in every style at prices to please. Bring the boys, we shall send them away happy. Clearing prices for the balance of our stock of ladies‘ jackete: $5 jackets for $3 50, $8 jackets for $4. Come if you want jackets, this sale will be a money saver. Ladies‘ combination caperines. Electric seal, sable, Astracan, blue opposum. Prices, $350, $4, $1.50, $5, $5.50 and up to $30 and $35 ecch. Men‘s Electric Seal Caps, wedge shape, $1.50, $2.50 and $3 Men‘s fine Beaver Caps, $7 each. Men‘s Persian Lamb Caps, wedge shape, $5.75, $6 and $7. Boys‘ Grey Lamb Caps, $2.75, $3 and $3.50. For Christmas Bargains come direct to % SsMYTH BROS., . _ CHEAP CASH STORE. Cash and One Price Helmer‘s bridge........... H. J. Bowman, drawing plans and specifications at Hal mer‘s bridge and other work Hamilton Bridge Work Co., Limited, for Helmer‘s bridge W. I. Reid, for lamber, spikes and WOrk.............«.«f Simon Schedwitz, bardware at Wallenstein bridge, 1â€"2 cost â€" Gies, work at Wallenstein bridge, 1â€"2 cost........... Yost Poters, ditch excavating at Helme:‘s bridge........ Jacob Berlstein, signs on Helâ€" MBT‘3 Dridg@::@:2........ Joseph Bender, use of roadway Helmer‘s bridge........... Henry Rau, blocking up float bridg0.....« .. ...¢.a«««+> D. and W. Becker, hardware. Roland Plum,lighting roadway at Helmer‘s bridge........ Henry Steinburg, stone...... Jacob Spiers, repaiting and gravelling stone bridge 1â€"2 SOM.....rcreccercns seees $4,975 43 Your Committee would recommend that tenders be called for the filling in of the roadway on the County line beâ€" tween Brant and Waterloo and known as the "Floating Bridge" without guarautes beyond the time of the comâ€" pletion of the contract, and that the Clerk furnish the Clerk of the County of Brant with a copy of the recommendâ€" ation with a view to having the work done at as early a date as is practicable. All of which is respectfully submitted, ALEX. PETERSON, Chairman. That coment walka have been laid on the approaches to the Court House and are a great convenience to those baving business at the County buildâ€" ings. Your Standing Committee on County Property beg to report as follows: _ .. _ ‘That the "offices ot the Sheriff and Clerk have been papered and painted and the furniture renovated. ~ _ _ The loose stones on top of the jail wall have been removed and a cement coping has been put on instead, removâ€" ing all source ot danger from falling stones and without rendering it any less difficult for prisoners to escape. The loose stones were broken and put on the carrtlage way in front of the Court House. Several rooms in the Gaoler‘s residence and the Turnkey‘s apartments have been repapered and the floors of the gaol have bean painted also the corn‘ce and doors on small building in the gaol yard. & The addition and the new vault at the Registry Office have been comâ€" pleted aecording to plaas approved by ‘: Council. ué:m rode have placed on the y Office also repairs made to the rods on Conrt House and Gaol. The metal uhm for the new vault in the Registry has been placed in position _ _ _ _ That the “o::lmniluoon of the 8!6“ Specialty Co. with reâ€" gard to more steel "':: ok shelving and Special Bargains in Every Depart.nent for T wo Weeks. Christmas Sale COUNTY PROPERTY REPORT (Continued on Page 8.) Men‘s and Boys‘ Fur Caps Fur Capes and Caperincs Men‘s Clothing Ladies‘ Mantles Py 1690 79 2400 00 110 00 16 62 47 40 3 00 12 00 1 00 4 45 1 50 62 5555555555 555555 55 55SSSSSSSS 5555556566 May the coming year have naught ?in store for you but health and happiness. â€"This store is grateful for the generous patronage it has enjoyed, and we trust we have earned your support by deserving it. 1901 gave us many new friends and cemented many ties that bind us to old ones. Begin now to write 1902. Don‘t forget your dates. Don‘t forget to look to us during the new year for everything that‘s new, reliable and desirable in footwear for men, women and childrenâ€"look to us for lowâ€" est pricesâ€"look to us for shoe satisfaction at every point. We‘ll not disappoint you. Again we say Mackie‘s Block I pay special high prices and $POT CASH for all kinds of good saw logs delivered at my factory, Erb Street Waterloo. 2000â€"7 feet long, 6 inches and upward in diameter. lm__. «e « 6 c« “« e @ «e ® Be sure and get my prices before disposing of your logs A Happy New Year. Logs Wanted "A HAPPY NEW YEAR". Walter A. Ziegler, Pine, Birch, Hemlock, Beech, Tamarack, Maple, Cedar Soft Elm, Basswood, Rock Elm, I WILL ALSO REQUIRE 3000 CEDAR POSTS. Chas. Kreutziger, ~ _ WHOLE NUMBER : Men‘s colored shirts, soft and stiff bosoms, 50, 60 T ows ralp, shirts, reinforced back unn-n,-u‘u. white a Men‘s fleeced undershirts and drawers, and 75¢ each. s 38, 16, 60 ers, silk spliced, sizes 34 to 44, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, #$2, $2.25 and $2.50 each. Men‘s lined and unlined kid gloves, 506, 60c, 75¢, $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 per pair. _ f Men‘s black cashmere sox, 25 to 506 m. ~ ‘lm}:lgk and colored silk muffisre, E, 90c, w.l::’:hflnemk ties, special for Xmas, one in a box, Men‘s Christmas silk ties, strings, bows, pufls and knots, 15, 20, 25, 50 and 75¢. tS Ne 2. Smallware Department ,,: Battenburg lace table cloths, $4, $4 50, $5 and $6. Battenburg lace sideboard covers, $2, $2.25 and $3. Battenburg lace centre pieces, $1, $1.25, $1.50 $1.75 and $2. Battenburg lace doylies, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 50c. Fine imported linen cushion wv: hand embroidered, white and colors, $1.65, $2, $2.25. Ladies‘ fine embroidered linen hdkfs., hand embroidâ€" ered, 25, 35, 60, 65 and 750, _ â€" _ ~_ _ â€" Ladies‘ fine 1»ce trimmed hdkfe., 6, 8, 10, 12 1â€"2, 15, 20, 25 and 300 each. 44e Men‘s white and cream silk hdkfs,, initials, 15, 25 and 50¢ each. Gauntlets, Gloves, Hosiery, Mij Corsets, Night Dresses, Shirts, ote., f:'bn and "-‘Ji assorted with prices to please. Dress Goods and Silks f Blouse silks, new stripes, 25, 35 and 50c. 300 yards fice fancy dress goods, new shades and colorâ€" ings, regular value 50¢, clearing price 35¢. 300 yards heavy tweed suiting, regular value 45 and 5Qr, speâ€" clal 25¢. Our stock of table linens is large and patterns well assorted. Prices per yard, 25, 30, 35, 50, 60, 75e, $1, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.00 per yard. Table cloths and napkins at manufacturer‘s prices Men‘s fine imported natural wool shirts and drawâ€" 23 and 25 South Side, King St., BERLIN Table Linens and Napkins Gents‘s Furnishings 5S5%S% F. aught in store for you but is grateful for the generous trust we have earned your ds and cemented many ties _ Begin now to write 1902. forget to look to us during ‘s new, reliable and desirable childrenâ€"look to us for lowâ€" satisfaction at every point. : we say EW YEAR". Liegl iegler, The Shoe Man, ‘ s â€" BERLIN. 855SSSSS Cherry Black Ash, White Ash, Red Oak, White Oak, CH

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