â€"Even Santa Claus .. Fosterâ€"Seymourâ€"At Berlin, Dec Mohcitâ€" y worth thin % a m'« 0{ 'v‘:’ * or eyeâ€" " . In our r" will fod a R,' ut of the destrable : frames -habg for all . ~cm leatures. â€" It se to atâ€" a€ selection before the Xmas push. If secreey is necessary our . optician can possibly aid you. Form«l a of Zina ber, M. D., Late ~. Professor o Mates edica and Genite â€"â€" Urinary Diseases, Michigan College of mmukh,U.S.A) . Dr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tabâ€" lets are the quickest and surest relief for backache and kidney tioubles, and ean show more evidence to that effect n all other advertised remedies comâ€" . â€" Dr. Pitcher stakes his reputaâ€" tion on these tablets for backache and kidney troubles,and will not allow them to be advertised as a ©jack of all trades" medicine. w20 ul WWe PSA wery. little comfort with backache or zdw_ troubles. I have tried all kinds of medicines and seen many physicians, but got no help until I began the bottle ::)t. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tabâ€" that I got from R. Deyell,druggist. They have done me a world of good. I feel stronger; the dizziness and pain gre gone, and I cannot tell you how pleased I am and,everyone else says the same of them. They are just what everyone wanted. I hope others will use them and get well." . Mrs. Sarah Bovan,of Port Hope,says: «‘Thirteen years ago I fell and injured my buck, and since then have known " Pr. Pitcher‘s Backache Kidney Tab, lets are put up in bmdw t‘;:om“ with green . wrapper, ng the portrait and npn&g: ‘of Z. Pitcher, M. D. Each bottle contains 50 tablets; price 606 per bottle.. Manufactured by The Dr. Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont. xX Gold Glasses \|| . »llth, by Rev. J. 8. Williamson, m J. Foster, of Mono T‘p, to ~AR th Seymour, of Berlin. Kerswillâ€"Brydonâ€"At Galt,Dec. 11th, g Rev. Dr. Dickson, Jas. Henty erswill, of Detroit, Mich., to Bessie L. Bgdon, youngest daughser of Mrs. Walier Brydon, Galt. * Grisshowâ€"Bartholomewâ€"At _ Strasâ€" â€" burg, Noah Grischow, of New Dunâ€" dee, to E. Bartholomew, of Strasâ€" Fraserâ€"At ‘Galt, Dec. 10th, Donald Fraser in his 67th year. Albrechtâ€"At Berlin, Dec. 5th,Renata, wam&- Albrecht, aged 1 and 2 montae. BACKACH EéKIDN EY TABLETS Dr. Pitcher‘s <~â€" BIRTHS DEATHS. Finds our Christmas announcerhents interesting. It will The Reform Convention Tor the pay you to buy your presents here, The goods we offer | #élection of a M“:‘flt‘:’ the apâ€" are exceptional value and the prices are very moderate. 'un ‘_g“.' Ontario will be en on ns C on 190th, â€"lanecan Brae at tmn o‘clook in the forsnod+. ue 2 2# ~ Heller Bros. Jansen Bros., Beriic Joseph Mickus, Auctioneer. Dec. 19â€"Stock and implements of _ Henty Koebel, on 9th con. | ‘l"p.! 12 mnznnoz ds: Clements. f Dee. 20â€"â€"Live stoo! t-‘h-n,ot y oulnu-u.ru:'u ‘aterloo. y Dec. 31â€"Btock and l-ï¬lulmo! gormw.Gda-.m north of reston on road leading from Preston to Bresiau. Jut. â€"Tâ€"Btock * Ajd implements uIHouse for Sale. David B. Bowmar, 1 1â€"2 miles north nc Kalse: Jan. 14â€"Stock and implements of J. K. SHINN, Jan. 15â€"Stock and implements of Wm. Smith,3 miles east of Elmira. Feb. 5â€"The Woods estate, 5 ~miles southâ€"west of Berlin. Feb. 14â€"Stock nnid lmBl:'monu of Philip Oswald, 1 1â€"2 mi west of Glenallen. Feb. 26â€"Stock and implements of John H. Schaefer, 2 1â€"2 miles north of Elmira. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Lost! ‘Waterioo, Ont. Telephone 267. Resiâ€" “ s wikey dence Duke 8+., opposite J Letter. _ | A "tf S4BtaPh Om i ARCE he Wheat is Firmerâ€"Live Stock Tradeâ€" The Latest Quotations. Tuesday Evening, Dec. 17. Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Receipts of grain on the street mnr‘::} numbered 3,900 bushels this morning. Pr were a little easier all roumd. _ _ _ _ _ There was n brisk demand for all kinds aof cattle at the Toromto Cattle Market this morning to meet the needs of the Christmas season. Prices, howuywr, were steady in all cinasos nxtef'; for ï¬xg The choicest/ gop are now selling at per cwt, an udvance of 12i;e per ewt. . â€" 2 m R Export Catthéâ€"Were selling well toâ€"day at hizh_pricés. ‘The choicest exporters brought ï¬:ï¬ per cwt. Medium sell at $3.50 to o L»or ewt. Butchers‘ Cattleâ€"Were also selling at top Iul(-vs. Choice Christmas butcherg catCe wought $5.25 per ewt. Common § cholce ones sell at $3 to $4.50 {wr ewt. Feeders and Stockersâ€"Were in a little bet« ter demand than they were last week. Shortâ€" keep feeders sell nt $8.50 per ï¬wt and meâ€" diuin at $3 to $3.25 per ewt. HMeavy stock« ers sell at $3 to $3.35 per ewt and light ones at $2.50 to $3 per cwt. _M_I.I:h Cowsâ€"Were in zood demand, selling Wheatâ€"Was about steady, 400 bushels c;l white selling at G8c to Tc per bu. ici, 2 bushels of red ut 68¢ to 78e bushel ung 3‘5’.."}"""' of goose at mt: to uic pel shel. Barleyâ€"Was casier, 1,000 bushels selling at 53e to Glc per bushel. Oatsâ€"Were easier. 1,500 bushels selling at atige to 48Â¥e per bushel. _ IKyeâ€"Was steady, 100 bushels selling at "yeâ€"Was steady, 100 bushels selling Af fl% ger bushel. _ Buckwheatâ€"Was steady, 100 bushels sell tng at 53c per. bushel _ Hayâ€"Was _ steady, 25 loads selling. at s10.% to .l"l'.’ per irond for timothy and $7 to $0 for clover. ie , Strawâ€"Was steady, 3 loads selling at $3 to $9 per Ioml.- oys _ Hogsâ€"Were 1 ewt for choice, fats. wg.a;t (I,Suflnlo. lll)eca Illt.â€"oC‘):Iannecel ead; gencra ull; C steady ; &(ï¬er :rnsn lov{r; vmi%‘.? to $7.50; comuon ‘o good, $3. tJ’R‘. Hogeâ€"Receipts, 10, head; fairly active for qnod grades ; =tndz for 'T(AM lowet for lsfht grades; Yorl e:'n:i + o soï¬ light do, $5.90 to $6.03; mixed packers,36.2 light do, $0.90 to $6.03; mixed packers,86.24 it io t big, 8B o 8 9. ratar, n tSL) to $3.00; bulk of sales, $5.00 to $G 50. heepâ€"Reccipts, 14,000; sheep steady to 100 1 wgr. lambs same; good to choice wethers, !%.7' to %4.00: western sheep, $3 to $4; naâ€" ‘5" lambs,,$2.75 to $5.50; western lambs, $2 to $4.25. ('Melgt\ prak ies New York ...... Toledo ... .... Duluth, 1 nor... Mlnnentolln Milwankee, 2 nor Detrolt, 2 red .. 8t. Louls ...... Catharine Williamson, reliet of the| Hoge, dressed.. late Robt. Williamson,aged 76 years. | Hay, per ton .. . Isase Witmer, 3 miles north of New Dundes, and 2 miles south of Mannâ€" East Bufflalo Cattle Market. THE MARKET TErorts. Closing revious y. Clostng toâ€"day. . t P Dec. *?n,v, Dec. Ml;. o ... ... 15400 TY Te 0 TV Lending Whent Markets ; good to cholce heavy, $6 Toagh near?, th.b0 in T6 16. AUCTION SALES Foronto Live Stock. C : higher and in good wlones Aupe io in 819 14% for light and Gult, " Des. Tth, 14 15%4 %4% B 30 to signt, T7 76 Blacksmith Shop For Sale. Tss N â€œâ€˜ï¬ ralf story rnh r-h a Q‘; % i Su %E suitable & n-.ll business. re aacnnk on which are a number of good frait Creen.. Good apring furnishes good Aater all year around. Tnn desirable :u:r Fed q 13x io ue belonging t fl E,.u...d,, house is two nu,n high, coi T reome and uwb'u.wm-n«lu,w and gas. . For particulars apply to _ _ Jh‘““‘mï¬,‘am.“"“‘r‘.‘.b‘m‘?x:u“‘â€? 8 o 4 is one of the farms either for stock or grain in Ontario. are tworets of buildâ€" ings and it is suitable to be farmed as one, two wLw farms. For par iculars mn the undersigned on the premises, or by to JAMES HUNTER, 19.4f. Alma, P.0., Ont. erloo. Upon this pmrm' hnrod' ceme n d'omlamu.‘h-n barn, and couy.nient mmmumu-nw&-hmmm water and is in a Prat lnul%lcnldeon. For terms and particulars apply to the proprieâ€" Farm for Sale. Farm for Sale. tor on the pron.isos, ses sre a good brick house, bank barn, ample stabling. mvi»g':%u and other «M:Mnn good well »n cistern, good orehard, .b"l')m eight acres in fall wglo:r. 40 acres in grass, tarm is all good, arable land. _ ___| _ â€"TERMS en«~. For further particulars, ap par Sn the i Fem! t 93 B7 I90SS Ne popeteter 42â€"3moe. Cresshill P. 0. _ Shor‘:orns for Sale. unde. signod offers for sale $ Shorthorn Bulls, 4, 8, and 18 months old. Pedigtee with each tracing book to l}:azornd stock. . Also a few heifers. Ail . ani red _ in color. Address MENNO 8. WEBER, _ A": _kinds of hides and skins. dressed fiten in untentitiots etou shapreize, dyod ©o o M ns faney colors for mats, eto. Gau tlets for n’:m and women made to order,robe: lined,deerskins d essed int> buckskins by John Motheral, Platteâ€" v.ile, Ont. WATERLOO â€" HORTICULTURAL $OCIETY. NOTICE is henb{ given that the annual mwinim‘ the Wate:loo Horticultural Bociot{ will be held in the Old Council Chamber, Watâ€" ‘l‘flw. ab skm l& dock' on |chdnm~dny evcninld anuary 8th, ‘or receiving the an election of Offlcers and Directors focm“ J, H. WINKLER, §1â€"2t. Secretary. NOTICI i« hereby s:cn That a meeting of the electors of ‘Town of Waterioo for the nomination of candidatesfor the oficesof Mayor, Councilios, Water Commissioners and Schonl Trustees for the Town of Waterloo will be held at the Town Hal!, Market House, on t T at butt past sn NS Lrkans. Rotnnh# Officer, DMII)I.“ Waterioo this 16th day December, In case a poll is demanded the same will be held in the following places in the respective wards on Monday, Jan. 6th, 1902: â€"I King Street, nds heot Aimiiing. Rast Wardâ€"William n%m_‘ y in War KM.&MA Woolien Mills, h%‘w“im Conrad Huchnergard, “nd-. %&‘L\m ber. Market "kg.. ©. g.ul.dml. Deputy Returning Elections for 1902. t Ward, W. Wlfl‘ ru:â€".&;i*"- /A mfï¬ Reform Noi ol pergratty ioï¬ and » good t Monday, Dec. 30th, 1901, '#dmdu-d.'" 'AE{:‘:T AT valuable farm consisting of 183 acres, Bechtel‘s Tract, near German Miis, three s south of Berlin, in the Township of Wat House for Sale. FARM FOR SALE Town of Waterloo ton Annual Meeting. To Rent. Convention. IMPOR | ANT | W. CONBAD, Waterloo. ISAAC SNIDER, +# % ï¬ï¬‚"x?-u Youne. Box 250, Waterloo, 19.00 21.00 50â€"1mo iiaaaes 0| ___ THUroun :{: «6 o 7B | mirea 2. 0| #en‘ 17.00 | i5 Iame. Â¥hisos i9 MaKMe: _ l-_m ; â€" **=+ OR ll.. o Live Stock, Implements, otc. T. meado e ies Arn A Witecian qo o PEOPORT TO! h 1 years old, aged horse, 8 us nm.urr%y, sulky, 2 bob m"u (..\glfy new), p atform, mower, Mfl io. 4 Waterioo plough, \unvow. straw gutter, borse power, small clroutar saw, doub‘s h+rness, single harness, a number of chains, one horse carriage. oto,. @be. _ ____â€" .. + cew L ï¬p'.?"':.?*ï¬%“&f Y in roat mamten it ant aide too numerous 10 mebtion.. .. _ rigl ue w _ TERMSâ€"All sams under $5 cas uv’. llnonï¬â€™ :."i'h'én :r':vx'm:ty.“ 7% diecount for cash p yment of wcdlnmwn}: Jos,. MickUs, Marfix M. Faey, _ Auctioneer. Proprietor. im el on aaee arkk U8, Hawmny i * "ARER 3. BouoMaeks, Clork. / _ 1t <i.. OR **s* Farm, Stock & Imploments. HERE will be sold bï¬pub'le auction on the farm of David W Geiger, one mile north Preston on road loading fr m Presion t B.eslau, known as the "Claflin" homestead, on >â€"7 Eols m P c ns s C In. wells. For further joulars a on the premises or to Jos. xmn. 'wfgon'lv Mrs, R. E. EpxUXD8, dTâ€"t _p _ Proprietross," Winter is Here * It is not necessary for you to go to Bertin to get a new cutter, 1â€"can satâ€" ilfd ‘you right here. â€" I have in stock a full fine of the latest catters, all fitted with chanvel steel shoes, steel braces, removable back, etc. They areknown as the BEST on the market, excelling in comfort, quality and_ styie. See them at the Masseyâ€"Hariis ware: oN THE BALANCE OF MY BUGCGIES Mr. H. B. Duering of the City Meat Market has secured enough stallâ€" fed beeves to keep his custome‘s supâ€" lied until July Ist. You can rely upon getting the very choicest meat thereâ€" fore at all times. TheMarket has been freshly painted and papered, a foun: tain aud pond have been installed, Ailâ€" ed with speckled beauties. The showâ€" windows are filled with hams, cooked and raw, bacon, sausages eto. of the most tempting kind. Dried beef kept constantly on hand. Drop in and see ome of the best and neatest shops in Western Ontario. A. C. Thoman, King St., East of co‘t,. BERLIN Tuesday, December 31st, 1901, farm Stock and implemonts. Farm For Sale or to Rent in Puslinch. «t of cultivation, a 5097 imeom uin done and 9 chaser . ‘sp Auction Sale Auction Sale &fl%‘:‘k‘?‘ml‘i‘ï¬"dï¬ ';"l:"l'?.h ,ï¬ e an yE e ie gnoke £0â€"2 no in order to make room for a ship ment of cutters and sleighs. Horse shoeing done s> as to ’give comfort and develop the feet. Interfering prevented. «t 'Lauti-..h‘o follo wing 8 years old in tosl, & use ues r d .-3 bre xp‘:xmm one with Thurseday, Dec. 19th,1901 Farm For Saile. Stallfed Beef. A New CUTTER. (reat Reduction and you want H. 3. Duering OF E. N. HAWKE, Propriet or Agent. â€"~â€"* Xmas A i £3 62 :/9 baurti d Wt d 6@ Fancy Linens 62 2} 5 69 42 63 62 62 62 £49 c3 ‘ x é Gents’r e Furnishings 8 63 6 apamese Sillk P%t(l re Scarfs, Table Covenj. giano Drapes, Cushion Covers etc., aligold embroidered, at .â€" ! * _ ." _ _}_ .. you to the stove early in the week, ~With that idea in view we ask yourhelp in behalf of earlier shopping andâ€"so relieve the crowds that are sure wï¬:zc in ï¬odfl}fld’b&u in the week:â€"_ It soems soâ€"natural for many of us to leave ever until the last day, the last and the last minute, when a little Mm things so l-lJ better all roup That is why w want to enepurageâ€"éarly â€"ear the aud early in the week. Aft this week only &wo shoppitig d>‘.‘hâ€"â€"t‘o of the busies of the year, when this ‘store will be taxed as never before. While we are prepar r the most extreme emergency, we‘d like larger busginess in the early mornin ; and .mi;& week.. Our store is one flowing with the following special linos"of goods in keeping with the holiday season at prices that ought® to bring Fancy Goods 300 pieces Fancy Linens, comprising Irish linen tray cloths. covering CW Irish linen sigeboard.cloths, hems and drawn damask tray covers, fringed and hemâ€" stitched linen.5 o‘clock~ tea covers, applique stitched linen.5 o‘clocikk~â€"tea covers, applique shams or table covers:{doylies, _nnprksxnt.toweh. bath mats, bath mits,;ï¬bc! Bai covers, centre pieces, sideboard from 5¢ to $5 @ach.s=« s sw . "~* We can safely say that there are more handkerchiefs sold i{mu week than any other season of the year. Nothing makes a more suitable present than a pretty handkerchief. We have them at all prites â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Beautifal Handkerchiefs â€" zo0 doz ladies‘ fancy embroidered and lace trimmed handkerchiefs in lawn or pure Irish linen at 5, 10. 15. 20, 25. 50 and 7.,5f,°,?°h' eq ARAPRCE CC w P o t CC H MC O ma c too doz plain hemstitched handkerchiefs, ladies‘ or gents‘, 5 to 5oc eath.. _ _ â€". _ ie t o i i e se .9 200 dozen fancy handkerchiefs suitable for children at 5c each or 6 foraese. _ _ _ | _ _ Silk handkerchiefs in plain hemstitched, initialed brocaded and fancy colored to :x. Ladies‘silk andlace handkerchiefs,ï¬lcsha es and designs, Zoc to $250 each. o <h dnc s o »1 C Wigh PP PAE ez W A s I Hntan Lmn and Pasrl bum &m 21 to 35 Fine imported gilk neckwear, all the latest novelties for the holiday season, Derby or flow ing‘end, put up in a neat fancyâ€"box, a very desirable Xmas gift, special at 50¢, COLORED and WHITE SHIRTS. Men‘s lanndried.colored or white: Frcuch cambric, open front, da% new patterns in blve, pink"and mauve ‘ sizes 14 to 17, special at $1. MEN‘S UNDERWEAR. MEN‘S NECKWEAR en Apcre o) 1 + 4 No oennmaie m in db CREAT Bricker & Diebel. mits, fancy Battenb :!‘lit‘s. nigg{mm flwg 5o¢, 756. $r and $4 each. Shop Early.while Selection is Here, Gely wy m * . PCE etc., !ndvï¬:ltvidudoflorww -idcandï¬pmchet?nahes buys’soa.ndï¬; and men‘s 1, 1 50 to $3 a pair. MEN‘S SUITS: 3 Men‘s black and navy serge suits,sack coats, Italian linings, first class trimmings, sizes 35 to 44 at 7.50 to $10. ho Atnrgomofboys'andyoutm’ suits: overcoats, men‘s overcoats, etc., at special MBN‘S and BOY‘S PANTS. Xmas prices. Special values in all classes of dress goods in black or colored in the following popular weaves; cashmere nr{::.poplius satin cloths. foils, nun‘s veilings, Biratz cloths, box cloth, ladies‘cloths.Venetians broadcloths homespun friezes, camels hair cloth, etc. FRENCH FLANNELS. 4 Nuhh? makes a more suitable waist than a fancy French flannel.. We have them 30 pieces to choose from all new styles and de PLAIN and FANCY SILKS. Black silks and satins are in great demand this season. We have them in the following w: tafetta,Peau de Soie Mervilleux. satin plain black satins, fuille. etc. Special value in blouse silk, plain or fancy. A b:::.ï¬tul line of Jap. silk, all shades 25c per y o S$matllware and Notions hos.redll values in corsets,glovss laces,ribbon, thon‘i?' mitts,corset covers, suspenders,ladies‘ er bncesh;ies, collars, silk blouses, flannel blouses, ladies‘® whitewear, etc Ladies‘ s in Astrachan, Bocharan,Coney m burfx 8to $20 each, Caperines, boas, ruffs, storm coliars, muffs, &aunueu.fll classes of fur, Special values in ladi s‘ black astrachan Ladies mantlies, millinery, readyâ€"toâ€"wear hats, etc., at Greatly Reduced Prices STORE 4+ 4+