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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Nov 1901, p. 5

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Lo. t f you are. Zg’ ce extrem»] winter you wi au excellent them from 50c to §3 m' "Lorna" the latest At 1ug store. e3 . Bee the large display of Thanksgivâ€" Ing meate at H. B. Dusering‘s. Mr. A. C. Moyer moved into his new residence on William St. Thursday. qifii’nn.ww Larrel at Hasenâ€" Messre. Geo. Mocore and E.M.Devitt were yisitors to Toronto Wednesday . ing. _ Lorna" is very fragrant. The newest thing in perfames at Devitt‘s Drug > pmfw: the Fireman‘s ball to be held at Town Hall Wednesday evening. "Mr. J. G. Doersam sharpened the first pair of skates for the season on Wednesday. > ‘The Evangelicals will commence Festal Chorus practice Sunday evenâ€" Cape Cod eranberiies to be had at Hasenflug‘s. No cheap domestic cranâ€" bermics sold bere. y+ The Executive Committee of The Mutual Life met at the Head Office of the Company Friday. Mr. H. B. Duencg last Thureday purchased 21 head‘ ot. choice cattle from Mr. Henty Hawke at New!on.. ‘~The Waterloo Township Sabbath School Convestion will â€"be held at Dl!tuhn on â€" Tharsday, Thanksgiviig ay. s i Frost Kings and Frost Queens proâ€" teet you from the cold, raw. winds. From 50. cints to $3.00 eachat Dovitt‘s Drug Store. Die Club Fortschritt celebrated the birthday â€" of one of their members Thursday evening and report a most enjoyable time. A grand shooting match. for 500 turkeys, geese and pigsons will I‘e held near Bocttinger‘a Hotel, Bridgepart, on Thankegiving Day. > At a mecting beld at the Town Hall Monday evening the Liberals appointed delegates for their. convention to be Leld here Dec.. 19 h. You will put your fcot into a good thing it youtry a pair of our men‘s good 50e rubbers. Ziegler‘s Yellow Front Boot Shop, Mackis‘s Block, Berlin, The Methodist and Presbsterian churches will ho‘d a union Thankegivâ€" ing service in the Préesbyterian chutch ;)t 11 o‘clotck &a. m. on Thanksgiving ay. *. We wonder if Santa Claus could find a man, wonian or child that we could pot pléease with Clristmas slippers. Ziegler‘s Yellow Front Boot Shop, Mackie‘sâ€"Block, Borlin. % 5 * “LO“L" ' special odor o“jh-q'it Bring your J‘ A gervice of praise will be given at the Evapgelical church next Sgndsy everiog, Dic. 1st. The choir has preâ€" pared a special programme. All ae cordially inviced to attend. The Hon. J. R. Stratton, Provincial Secretary is expected to address a meeting on the evening of December 19th, at the town of Waterloo. This will be the evening of the Reform Conâ€" vention. 3 Our store will be open Wednesday evening apd we wili offer many special Thankegiving bargains in shoes and *@ll through the store.. A. & Co., Berlin, store next‘to ‘ost Office. a Ar. Byron Snyder was pleasantly surprised at his home, Caroline St., on Thured y evening by about a score of i friends who came to cclobrate his 3 . â€" The guests were bospitably ned and everyone enjoyed e evening immensoly. * "ae â€" /A Xmas Bazaar will be held at the ‘Fown Hall.on Wednesday, Dec. 4th,by *hd_lel of St.John‘s Lutheran chareh. ) charges will be made in the afterâ€" Loon, but in the evening when a proâ€" m will be rendered asmall adâ€" fee of ten cents will be charged. M e%ecutive committee of the Waâ€" s d ns Wm. .<Killer, G.. A. ce, B. l‘.n ogcnm H. Schaefer, Gus. cunts, W. G. Welchel, W. E. Rayn mnd W. Morley, will meet at the Alexâ€" ander House on Wednesday evening at It will be‘to he interest of the many C indeoineg map ind to . . B. ?M:u%« . To make ) reom war obliged to e Sied mad af oo enclooct sattie »high ‘‘Mr. Nathan Uttley and son, Jobr ,attended the funeral of the former‘s daughter, Mro. . Waraly, which took fi“ /Flint, Mich., Monday afterâ€" Deceased, who had reached the age of 37 years, was formerly of this %'hnm husband was employed at the Button Works. a Nr, Albert E. Bisb, whose home is in this town and who figured on the St. Gmmm oliToronlo last d ey in Pituibarg, mm ~The manager of the 'nn.uz"’”’” team js securing the best men in mnd is bound to have mmm teams in the United LOCAL NEWS E. M. DEVITT, Clity Druggist, Waterloo. ‘i.'-'m-m:“‘. ;l: 'h':;lrw o e e e e Badep, delivered two able dikéourses s to a large copngregati>n, the former in MR GEO. MOURE HONORED the Eagiish asd the latior in the Ger man language. _ A most Austructive and evening â€" ‘:rrlh ol:’eb. Waterio evening, in a reâ€" view, of their work during. the last $wo mon he in the Acts of the Apostlcs. Papers w“m&o‘. ground were read by several of members and many valuable lessons drawn therefrom. The Rev. Mr. Guehx::'pnaww ing account we got our English Bible, and &qm a short masical programme, was much enjoyed by those present. wl paplanguage. _ â€"~â€" __ _ __â€" « | . ByiaynitFrem D A. C Stidcate.. _ * "" onE > 9 reels ,J\fi,{-wâ€" T ‘,-‘%W“ T. "" s “ y uesd inirt < h{»;‘ M M TSd ‘tha ie ve aa exj o i T u.i',-!-«:., Tolel + somuit uk Th . wa ,",L_»,.I.-A.,A mt GoHeoge mnd LAGâ€" i kn | umge 19 ; EWO view, of their the last $wo | to ins peot the Clydesd monhe in the. Aéts of the ties. | ost Mr. Geo. Papers ground were o is well ra .& 8 by sevoral of the members and a8 & , vdubhlem wu therefrom. an expert of Rev. Mr. G s ”‘“fl s ‘This visit to these ing account &b'“‘ & “w m‘w Bible, and with a short masical | in the f heavy horses wmi:-qv?gwqunm un!m:'t‘ fl:-‘m", go to _ .. mocnl Snepiiin t on dn mt Â¥lu% of heavy .M The Than Literary meeting c s heid as se evgnaient eouron, tss oo mss ts 4e on enet day evening xmm by a ‘,l"n Yards the first week in December. Mr. ooo c iedcnct, was vrerily doy | Mcore‘s record achieved at Chicago front of the eBurch was prettily .deeâ€" last year has won for him a national orated for the ceeasion with chrysanthâ€" m{.‘. in the heayy draught horke emums, fruits, vegetables and wheat, Dusiness. â€" ‘The strides ‘he e‘mbivatign makiog a striking 8P" | butto by pim the paot fow Foats reflect pearancée. . A apecial program®©® ©00~| mme highest credit on our town and its sieting of solos, ladies‘ quartebte® MA®] iyg ssook tnterests. To hav6 th6 OBtâ€" quartettes, octettes, recitstions, readâ€" "rlo ‘s best juadges here to reâ€" ings, dialogues, etc.,had been prepared flm does great honor to Mr. by the members of the Alliance and Moore and shows his ability as a judge. was rendered‘in aâ€"pleasing maBNOT: . . | posiges Mr. Moore‘s horses the students Mrs. . Elizabeth Schmebl, relict|jadged the imported Clydesdale and of the late Conrad Schmehi, of Erbsâ€"|a Hackney belonging to Dr. Campbeil, ville, died at her residence, Princess| Berlin, a pair of Clydesdales belonging St , at 7.30 o‘clock Monday morning t\ to Mr. John Strob, a farmer residing the age of GL years and 17 days. D¢â€"|north of Waterlico, and a Clydesdale ceased had been ill for some years with | beidnging to Mr..J. Kaufman, Berlin, sancer of the bowels. She was formerâ€"| which were brought to Mr. Moore‘s ly a resident of Erbsville, but has reâ€" | stables for inspection. After a careful sided in town for the past three years. | inspection of these animals the students A grownâ€"up family of four, three|returned on the 5 p. m. train, much daughters and one gon, are left to| benefitted by their trip. mournâ€" her death. The funsral o mitireievether ty ce commerrinet took place from her late residence, SERVICE OF PRAISE Priccess St., at1 o‘clock p. m. Wedâ€" uies needay to the Lutheran church, Erbsâ€"| _ ‘The choir of the Evangelical church, ville, for service and interment. Waterloo, will render the following A fow cars o‘:dpotatoea and one car of onions wauted at Hasenfiag‘s. Apply at once. Farmers Notice House For Sale. bw_esllingrhonn for :nlo, m&s’nd W Mary St. â€" For iculars a to W. M. REaADE, Barmrb?nr. Wn.urfi)o. 21â€"+f House to Kent. On Young St., Waterloo, :2 story brick> house, 7 rooms and kitcheo. Immediate possessicn can be had. Apply at this office. _. T. Postponed: . ~~The Notth "Waterloo Reform Conâ€" vention which was advertised for next ‘Thursday,; Dec. 5th, has been ix-:- poned until Thursday, Dec. 191. Delegates chosen for this convention will please ma ke a note of it. e. Sebuiz, Reform Meeting. A me':;g of the i‘:lb;nl- ofmmm‘l 17. 0 Lord Remember Meâ€"choirâ€" of Water was in Lange. Couancil Chamber on Monday,Nov.25th, 18. Prayer and Benediction. at 8 o‘clock p. m. forâ€" the purpose of epenanenirmmem agmiamcel selecting delegates from the town for THE GRAVENHURST FREE HOSâ€" tllag“ibqu convention to be held Dee. | _ PITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. m 4 Phobrrach: Rditer of the Chronicleâ€"Telegraph. * Osh at W. B; Shork‘s studio, Kb€ | Gravesnurey Frep Hospltat for ‘Conâ€" street, and see TH® CaKaADIAX Marâ€" is nearly leted and onl bax, a splendid specimen of the Phoâ€" | 5 smail smount of money has been ro. tographic art which will shortly be fOrâ€" | saived for furnishiogs. By the rate warded to the Duchkess of Cornwall| appeais are coming in we must increase and York through the conrtesy of Hi®|mo number of beds without délay. rEm‘};fl%‘. the Governor General; | Certainly this free hospital is the ccunâ€" Lord Minto. & ir\‘s mont ntasmine need. Near.y every Word has been received of the death ";:f""' of Robert Brown, father of Mrs. R. Y. from t Stewart, of this town, at his late bhome of'mh '}m at Brampton at the ripe age of 76 years. | 5 _ ::t The canse of his death. was paralysis. | ; "° you Mre. Stewart was at his bedside from | NS 540 7 Tharsday till his death Sunday momnâ€" | |MR® (#0 ing. ‘Yhe funeral took place to Glen f"l Williams cemetery near Georgetown on : Tuesday. He left a family of â€" five m children, all grown up, 2 sons and three Tok6: daughters. e c‘r: ." Election of Officers, herself, i _At the annual business meeting| destitate ; of the Harmonie Blngi:s Society Tuesâ€" | to support day evening last &o; lowing officers | fAinds bime were elected for the ensuing year : scourge. Pres.=â€"Otto Rittershaus. heartâ€" bred Death of Robert Brown Viceâ€"Pres.â€"John E: R 3ud ViceePres. â€"rr:f"'l' Helmbecker. Treas.â€"B. Pochiman. Reo.-‘kt’y-â€"l’hmp Kraft. ‘ Carstakerâ€"Ed. Schmidt. ‘ Anditorsâ€"A. 8. MeBride and Wm. Conrad. â€"Trusteesâ€"Jacob Ball, P. H. Roos and B. Poehliman. Directorâ€"B. Pochiman. Saturday Market. . > There was a genéral rush at the regular Satorday market. Everyone '!;med a turkey hn;l‘dmz + was so groat no one mum“ Fow! of all kinds was 20¢. to 406. each, ducks at 40¢, and 45¢. each, goose at 80. and 90. a 1b., f@nd turkeys at 12 and 12 1â€"2 cents a Ib.. Butter atil} sold at 196. and 200. a Ib., while egge were searce, selling mostly at 226. a dozen. Vegetables Wwere offered in the usual quantities and sold at curront prices. Fresh apple Mmhvuym%n& # slxâ€"penny crock. First wood, all ‘fib,-omnw.n, first class maple } beech ';r'“' and second class wood at $1.00 a cord, > H0e. to 406. each, ducks at 40¢, an0| yr, Doering, of Waterloo, formerly 15¢. each, géese at 80. and 90. ® !bâ€",| owned a house on the Potersburg Road ind turkeys at 12 and 12 1â€"2 cents #) which he had rented for a year to m b.. Butter atil} sold at 190. and 200. #) Â¥Fg. M.rm...dum.n it. b., while egge were searte, selling| » sold it, however, to a Mr. Bicber, mostly at 220. a dozen. Vegotable®| who destred to live in the whole houre were offered in the usual quantities and|ang had given Mrs.: Fuabr notice to sold at curront prices. Frosh apple|jaaye. The latter claimed that she batter is very searce, selling at 356. #| aid not have to move and told her new sixâ€"penny crock. _First olass wood, all| jandlord so, in bis mnsma-m in mh,-oldn‘fiflb. first class mapl®| the same house. Mrs. Fohr was very beech at $5.50, and second 61888| wrathy, and said things that made Mr. wood at $4.00 a cord, > m-mlrp,ndu & AAereaden i o4 gounecccurecss uie lfl..’!m againat = ; y saRs 015 on sunpay. mm o1 k ‘Mr Jacob Shooemaker, Berlin‘s can.| de, which the Magistrate disâ€" tenarian, lived to see the 1020d anniâ€" .l-E""n the plaintiff paying n-:y.‘anb on Sunday 3 1 f f . fifi.‘z 1as o hond. was tte led guilty to the charge of stealâ€" on Sunday than he was for some previons and was much brighter i map heartâ€" breaking smfot help. We a are d.puzc.t tely upon the imbecker. benevolent people to proâ€" m sufferers. . We ask the substantial assistance of your readers in this hoar of need. and Wm. Yours sincerely, Warre® Jauzs BrowX, H. Roos Secretary, National Sanitariam Association, 157 Bay St., Toronto. ohni.-.au. for this argent charity may be semt to The National Trust h at the| Company, Limited, Treasurer,22 King Every0U®| 8t. East, Torontn; to Mr.Waliter James giving and | Brown, or to the editor of this paper. ‘The choir of the Evangelical church, Waterloo, will render the following ~rogramme at their service of praise,to be held «t the church on Sunday, Dec. lst, at 7 o‘glock, p. m: 1. "Glouia Patri". 2. Invocation. â€" 8. 0 Give Thanksâ€"cheirâ€"from Mozart. 4 A Divine Refugeâ€"â€"duet and chorusâ€" _ T. 8. Shephard. . 5 Die Himme! Erzaehlenâ€"choirâ€"Chas. Gabriel. 7. Ladies‘ Chorusâ€"select=d. 8. wglpdum up Mine Eyesâ€"OChoirâ€" 9. Alone on the Midnight Seaâ€"soloâ€" Ohas. Connolly. 10. Address. 11. Thank Offering. 12 Hymn. 18. mfl):m;dm Tellingâ€"choir (by uest in. lt.”aonntlln of Loveâ€"choirâ€"E. E. 15. In Deines Gottes Hausâ€"choirâ€"E. ~B. Lorens. ‘ 16. Der Leidende Erloeserâ€"â€"male chorus â€"J, H. Rosekraus . 17. 0 Lord Remember Meâ€"choirâ€" Lange. 18. Prayer and Benediction. the number of beds without délay. | ‘The Misges Moore pleasantly enterâ€" Cortainly this free hospital is the ccun> tained theSin Souci Clnb to pedro at t1>‘s most pressing need. Near:y every | their resiqence, Uoion street, Tuesday mail brings distressi requests for evening. w ho tm sergyoon sieios. vorkem | Min hame Dicel is spfoling the Tdow wants to be cured for tho sake : " D4tksg!ving holidays at. Torgtifo. of ber little boy; a laborer‘s wife pleads iesns a n yae a iL for her young daughter, her boy and DEATH OF MRS. REID her twoâ€"yearâ€"old baby; a father with & 4 L large family of Httle children wants to| _ Mrs. Mary Smith, flmotl:cr of Mré. be cured for his family‘s sake; a mechanic and his wife are toâ€"day conâ€" sumptives and, unless help comes soon, six children will be orphans and.homeâ€" less; a young, heroie girl, struggling to carn £. fiving Jor ber motherâ€"and herself, is now & consumptive and destitote ; a young man giving his life to support an invalid mothér and sister finds bimself a victim of this tetrivle scourge. . ‘These are only a tew of the uest)â€"Haydn. Lngountlln ef Lo . In Deines Gottes 8. Lorenz. . Der Leidende Erlo â€"J, H. Rosekraus . 1. 0 Lord Rememb Lange. ts Te 4 POLICE COURT. . «5th, 19 31. _ Mr. Bert Nichol. spent Wednesday evening last with Elmira friends. :: ~Mr. R. Neagle, of Detroit, was a visitor to our town Thursday. ‘The Misses Jennie McBride and Aliceo Hollingworth . are lsmdlu Thanksgiving with friends in Guelphâ€" Miss Carrie Wogenast pleasantly entertained a number of her Twin City friends to a social tea Wednesday evening. o Miss Huaghes pleasantly entersained a number of her friends Friday evenâ€" ing. Mr. August Fischer, of Bright, was renewing acquaintances in town Monâ€" m ”tlu guest of his friend, "King Mr. Juliuns Richber spent Sunday with his parents at the Exchange Hotel, St. Agatha. Mr. Wm. Snider attended a meeting of the execative committee of the Canâ€" adian Millers‘ Firo Insurance Company at Hamilton Tuesday. Miss Carria Frochlick has been added to the post office staff ¢ Mr.John Richber,of St. Agatha,spent Monday in town. & Mr. R. Y. Stewart attended the funeral of his fatherâ€"inâ€"law at Brampâ€" ton Tuesday. â€" ‘Mrs. Greyerbichl of St. Clements called on friends in town Monday morniog, while on her way to visit friends at Walkerton. Mrs., E4. Gillespie, of Baden, was the guest of Mrs. Ovens, George St., Friday and Saturday. Mrs. J. Bertram and Mr.Fred. Killer of ‘Toronto were the guests of their mother, Mrs. N. Killer, Albert St., on Sunday. L Mr. J. B. Huches left on a business trip to Walkerton Monday morning. _ Miss Stells Beobtel,of Galt,is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Mary Smith, mother of Mrs. Thos. Ovens, George St., has received the sad news of the death at Denver, Colorado, of her fourth daughter Susan, relict of the late Jobn Reid. â€"This sad avent took place Saturday, Nov. 16th, after a lingering illness for three years from that dreadfal disease cancer. About a year ;go she underwent an operation but hout lasting benefit. The fauneral took place on Sunday, 16ch November, to Fairmount cemeâ€" tery and was largely attended. The service â€" was> very impressive. . The floral offerings were many and beautiâ€" ful and showed the high esteem in which she was held by a large circle of friends. t Mr. Fred. Stark, of Hespeler, spent Sunday with Waterloo friends. , Mr. J. Addison Taylor spent Sunday with friends in Doon. Mr. P. W. Dancan of New York was a visitor to our town Tussday. Mre. T. H. Nobes is visiting friends at Bowmanville. _; ‘Miss Edith® Alteman is spendisg a week with friends in Hamilton. â€"â€"â€"â€" Mrs. Reid nee Sosan Smith was born{ at Uxbridge, Oat., about fiftyâ€"one years ago. _ At an early ago she came with her parents to Linwood, Wellesâ€" ley townahip. Some twenty years Ago she moved to Denver, Colorado, with her husband and little children. He rnomo-l her some years ago. She eaves a family of six children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate mother, vis: Mre. Otto C. Floto, Ollie, Grant, Charles, Fred and James, two of the sons being married. We are sure the aged mother of the deceased, now in her 83rd year, will bave the aympathy of her many friends in the bereavements she has ‘un ealled upon to undergo in her old hx'o. It is only about a year and a ago that ahe mourned the loss of her son John who died at Linwood and now a favored daughter has bean borne to her long home. â€" Besides the mother her loas is mourned by one brother and seven mh‘i Mre. Hosea, Linwood ; Mra. m.b.{wm Mré. Stewart, Woodham, ; Mro. Hastâ€" zm K: Wm. P.m‘bt Mre. Frey, of ihn- and Mra. Thos. Ovene, Waterâ€" PERSONAL AND SOCIAL: ’.:r'.r:u. Ouu'l:‘(.d, al:.bo bth con. of wneb CX farma with MÂ¥r. u"éom.uum»fi and moved his household goods atock thither last Tuesday, J . U ffelmann. Overcoats .â€". 1000 Men‘«, Boys® and Children‘s Oversoats. â€" _ Men‘s Overcoats @ 400, 5.00 to $15.00. Youths‘â€" * 8.50, 5.00 to $10.00. Children‘s " 2.50, 3.50 to $5.00. Also a full assortment of Underwear, Hosiery,Ciloves, Mitts, at rock bottom prices. Suits! Suits! Suits! 500 Mon‘s suits at 5.00, 650 to $15 00.» 500 Youths‘ suits at 3.50, 450 to $7 00. 500 Children‘s suits at 1.50, 2.00 to $6.00. g the T to. wiy \ REID her of Library Concert.â€"The concert anâ€"| nouncedto be held here on Friday| evening last in aid of the public libâ€"| tary was an unqualified success The weather in thoc«n.i:s assuamed a very threatening aspect , as some of the talent mmf;:d to come a long disâ€" tance over November roads, it was feared that there might be some. disâ€" uppointments, but all that were exâ€" pected turned up in good time and so did the peopleâ€"tazing the goncert bal}, Mr. Fish‘s large store, to its utmost capacity to contain them. â€" At the apâ€" pointed hour Mr. Robt Hamilton took the chair and opened the program in â€"which outside of the local tailent (which by the way is always quite sufficient to draw a good house) there were Mt.and Mrs. W. W. Grosch and Mis White,of Milverton ; the Miss Struthers, Po‘ton and Wilson, of Atwood ; the Misses Jackson and Rabertsop, and Messre, Curtis and McNaughton, of Glenallan ; aud Mr. Taggert and Miss Gatechene, of Hesson. _ The eake walk and Highâ€" land fllog given by little Elfie Fish and May Berlet, and a boat song by five small boys were amopng the ap:clal ! features of the program and elicited rounds of applause, It is needless to say that all the partios engaged to | make this concert acquitted themselves | most admirably, calling forth repeated encores. . ‘The most amusing part of the program was furnished by Mr.Curâ€" tis in giving an acceunt of his trip to Toronto to see the "Dook." â€" It would be impossible to give “é report of this inimitable effort. Mr. Cartis certainly exbibited a very great deal of tact and down right clevernessin the preparation of this story. It only needs to be heard to be appreciated. On motion of Mr. Bonmer, seconded by Dr. McEachern, hearty votes of thanks were tendered to the singers and others who had done | so much and all grataitously to make | this concert the anccess ~it certainly -namdlo to Mr. Fish for the use of the building and to Mrs. Fish for the use of the piino, and all separated highly pleased with the entertainment thus furnished, and the proceeds will more than free our fine library from debt. Notesâ€"The lecture delivered in the U. B. church last Friday evening by G.P. Hagopian, an Armenian refugee, was well attended. ~ ~Everybody was deeply interested in the lecturer‘s dosâ€" cription of the Armenian massacres. A liberal subscription was raised to aid the Armenian mission...... A very éntertaining program was given at the concert, at Rosebank school on Thursâ€" day evening by Prof. Newoxun. His chief attractions were the moving pigâ€" tures of the Boerâ€"British war, views of thePanâ€" AfmexicagExposition and mauy other interesting subjects. ...A number from this village attended the bible conference at the Blenheim church this week. The evening sessions conâ€" sisted mainly of sermons, delivered by ministers from a distance. Personalâ€"Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bowâ€" man of Berlin were the guests at the home of Israel ~Cressman..... . Mr. D. L. Stauffor has returned home after spending a month in avd around Owan Sound........ Mr. and Mrs 8. F. Coftâ€" man have come from Elkhart, Ind., to attend the hible conference at the Blenheim church. ~ â€" â€" chers the past few weeks~. Their numâ€" bers are daily growing smaller and soon there will be only a very fow left. As a result the people are living on the fat of the landâ€"no, of the pig stable. «Briefsâ€" William Schaefer, son of Conrad Schaefer of this town, purâ€" chased the bakery business from Mr. Gaffield. Success to you Will...... Bome of the "beautiful" is here now, but not enough for sleighing as yet. A few however have already tried it.... Many & poot, fat porker has fallen a wvictim to the keen knives of the butâ€" ...... Mr. Schwurts, who was second miller in Sherk‘s flour mills here, left last week for Elmira where he has seâ€" cured a similar position in the flour mills......Mr. Orphan Wismer bas secured the vacant posttion in Shirk‘s mills. Mr. Wismer was miller here for some years., We wish them both sucâ€" some Jomilee "CC Wamit MUCMC MRICC PMR cess...... Peed of all kinds is very scaree this fall and is getting up to fancy prices ...... The acreage for sugar beots is mnlhf up every day, and no doubt the tota t?uiudwfllbc reached before long. Every farmer should stbscribe a few gores to help to the refinery started on a firm basis. like this who make no bonus hmr%‘fc:‘m bonus fed companies, NEW DUNDEE sompanies, no matter what in our opinion of very little LINWOOD BADEN Efii‘ Mr. John Macki® :« run, | has been aworn in as a 420100000 ... 40002000E snn *n natativann> + ht uts Aude t it uc h s Fw* Our Ladies‘ Shoesâ€"We have Ideal shoesâ€"shoes that suit our & When there is a good thing on the market in ladies‘ shoes we have 16. ludies‘ shogs at $1.50 to $4.50. * /s Shoes For Babyâ€"Red is the favorite color nowâ€"come in nudui'w some shoes we have for Baby, â€" New ideas in pink, blue and white. _ _ â€"_ Ohristmas Slippers For Everybodyâ€"This is the. Christmas Shoe Store. Baby is sure to eat the paint off po ind 7c in hicroas o make: Oar Men‘s Shoesâ€"Men say good thi t our shoesâ€"newest leather®, all sizes. Men‘s tine shoes a}.n_fl..w to .. :\ . 2. _ C t Rings Are More Fashionable Watchmaker and Jeweller. Reform } SEE THESE 1t is impossible for a lady to have too many ’rh;s-. As usual we have provided for the gemul):h of tnhio;: and v:z ave here, ready for you look at, as handsome & line of ;i:g: as you l:;l‘:e:.'. If you ve your m on any parâ€" ticular kind of ring and we don‘t happen to have it we will get it for you, Our assortment and quantity is larger thanever and we can give you any stone in rings you wish. Altoprim fieu-n call and be convin that they are lower for same quality of goods than elseâ€" where. 5 the merrier. Yellow Front Shoe Store, Mackie‘s Block, King St., BERL This week we will have a sale of D.E x a manufacturer‘s lot, consisting of ‘Table C Damask, Table Napkins, Tray Cloths, Five O‘ Cloths, and Handkerchiefs. * . Although these goods from the | facturers as mmbm ilfl slight that they are often scarcely noticable, ‘ there is an imperfect thread or a small hole, wh easily mended, &cmummmnflpflg‘ lintooticivthomn ut!l;iICESFABBlLO THE ] f AR V Fal are unnecessary â€" we know that thommmw of a Linen here is enough to fill the store with buyers. .<_ Now than ever, and the more Opposite Snider‘s Mill. C. B. RYAN & CO. Convention. Central Block, Waterloo, ZIEGLER‘S ON SATVURDZ A. G. HELLER THE LEADING JEWELLER,. A Ebony Toilet ArH All Our Craduates â€" thetfrocgnt avtdunteage tor the best praition*," Ma Surely this is proof of #u7 a has ever loftâ€"our decide to attend any celved onr catalogue, for on®, mouth if possible. caps with large peaks in. P_nl_:hcflan style for New Goods Every W oollard & Xmas C oiec is well us oonpnouoiiy useful as well as ital. â€" giv:o&nairofrichm-# to the "Boudoir",. Silver | or monograms enhance the a ance. See our stock.â€" Our New line tams, new For Boys and Girls. YELLOW FRONT. LET YOUR W. J. ELL OTT,. Chimes better orm“'fl Kotharor'gl‘.g t.h‘-)nSh.:‘ot Stratford, Ont. Â¥x Eols

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