r,.!,,,?')""'-"' THE CHRONICLE 'dey TELEG 'PL. 46-NO. 44 l Bit of General Store Jttiws----c I“! Jfttr"t"t'"t"""'" t A Wiur Investment.. Most' Men Appreciate l I Clothiers, Hatters, Shoes and Furnishers "ai and/0m WoldilotCuI. _ Wuhan-um. A--etee.ef..3.. If vou buy one of thi investments you ever made. Ind thus less liable to crack Coal Heaters Volcano. Cook qloves for Goal and Wood: Happy Thought, Welcome National, Busy Pearl, Peerless Garland. Popular Garland. Headquarters fo Hardware, Tiutirnitlting and Plumbing, MC A. O. Boehmer Go. INDICATIONS so far this fall point tothebiggest season's business this store has ever enjoyed. That we have fortified our“ Ives can be seen by the immense†quantities of tstuds to be found he/ir. Every Department has been thoroughly gone over and stocked with the season's latest and best. We cannot go into detail here, but sutlice it to any that a vieit is wellworthyourwhile. We want your trade, and everything in our powershull be done to serve you well Make this your store, and you will feel better satisfied that youhavenotmisplaced be done to serve y you will feel bette your confidence. Light Prices _ You want a good lantern for fall’ If pm do. you are the one we can benefit. We're right here to help you save money. 50 doa, Lantern. at Prion that Cannot " Equallod Anywhere . We bought big and we're makin fut ales these days, Get the NEW (“011'ng hundwmo cold blast lanterns if you would have an nrticle Mink in strong, given aclear light md won't blow out in my wing. _ new In. this to Conn-or. - Waterloo Cami. - Sun VVVWsy down prices on mmure forks, gnin as and all kinds of {all supplies for farmers. Good Lanterns THE Crown, Hrilliant, Empire,Gartand, Prize, Lily, Peter Hymmen, A. O. Boehmer Go., J. Fennoll & Son, of these stoves in will prove one of the beat mule. These stoves are made of pure pig iron crack than those made of scrap iron Wr A. Weseloh a Go., ammo.) A good thing, nor are the women back- ward in that respect either. That's one reason why our footwear has so great a popularity. You'll be quick toappreciate its good points. Ladies' King Quality lace or button bouts, heavy or light sole, at $3.00. The new shoe for women, the Ern. press shoes, price 82.50, " 84 81.84.50. The Slater shoes for men, all styles, umney can’t buy better shoes Price $33.50 and 35,00. ON Hold only by us in Berlin, Jt2til next to Post Office, Berlin BBC We!!!“ all. â€pays-1pm, Money Back if Not Salk/id. King St, BERLIN “nun. LIMITED. COUNTY up - Sandy in Bylaw . _ . . . Mr. mun Jno. Warmer vhlmd hand- In 8teatbed our Sundty†....Miu Addie Coats is visiting in Hurlmou. _ _ Addie Coot“: visiting in Harrhwu. .. bu guue to Fulcrum, where one mu be ...BarryMtuuitsll, of Linton], upon: the guest of him J. Culp......Alex. Sundayuhh homo hero......lulph Fraser, am: a few ween’ 111nm. in Smith,“ the 6ttt llnoJu In the village ab mt again. - n _ . - mu.‘» Ts -.L. .r\' L'nL-nllwu. Us \‘Luknlo- on Sum-y was} Mr. B. Kelly, gupssriamtdartt of the 3rd lino Sabbath Schwl,wd Mr. Ham- llwn, of Linwood, who were Appointed to visit the Babb“! School: In Wollea~ lay Township " the In: S. 8. Conan dun, paid the Prubywnm Bubbnth School I will: here on Sunday tutti de- livorod interesting marmo- to the scholars. Returned from the Weat.--On Friday last the people of Cronin" were much plea-ed to get beck one of their beat friends, Mrs. Jan. Coleman, who has “My returned after a three montha’ trip in Munitoba end the greet North- welt. On July 23 Mn. Coleman left Berlin with a number of friends, going by way of Toronto and thence _along the C. P. R. to Winnipeg. She was much pleued with the scenery during this part of the trip, and describe; it as "rugged end grand," “making a kind of honndsry between the fertile south ern Ontario and the equn'ly fertile prairies of the West." From Winnipeg Mrs. Coleman journeyed westward to Neepawu, where her uncle,Wm. Scott, resides. Mr. Scott was formerly one of our Wsterloo teachers and his many friends in this eounty will be pleased to hear that he is prosperiug in his new home. Oar friend now sped westward through the great wheat district in the valley of the great Saskatchewan as far as Canary. where can be seen in the distance the lofty peaks of the Rockies. And new northward towards Edmon- ton, that flourishing little town at the end of the railway, which makes a link between modern civilization and the great rating grounds of the North. Here returning home she spent two men with her wet, Mrs. J, Goodrfdgs, and wss much pleased with the people of Edmonton, who, she says, were so hospitable and kind that she slmost imagined herself back in “Old Pcmnd.-Ir. and my Wm uttt oat-io." Nota-The rattle of the turnip weggon has died down again into the more hebituel calm of the October deys, end the capacious “three-deck- ers†hove been relegated to the peace of the 'Int' lofts, there to await in dust an silence the glory of another day. The yellow lines of pumpkins have disappeared from their acous- tomed places amongst the corn hills, and the small boys are guarding them carefully now on the top rows of the turnip collar, for the 31st in near at hand. Then shall there be so sights and sounds as Shakespe re never dreamed of,and he is general credited with having seen “spectre , appari- tione, ghosts, with saucer eyes and horns". . . . . . Mr. Pearce, I P, 8., pnid our school a visit on Tuesday of last week†.. -. Miss Bender, at Rm 1m, hue been visiting for the past Week at can. Dengis'......Mrs. Howard, of Toronto, who has been rmstieisting at, Conestoga for some time put, called on _ Mrs Frank Snider one afternoon last wtrek......Alfrrsd Morrell, teacher at Koseville, spent Sstnrdny with his par- ents here.. - .. .Mr. sud Miss Peterson, of anlsville, visited at the home of C. D. Bowman on Sunday last. . . . . .J. Weber, of New Dundee,ealled on a few of the citizens of our burg on Saturday oilut week......Mr. Ibbott, the new putor of the Liberal United Brethren Church here, preached his first sermon on Sunday int. - ofhooN E1esesurd.--Tlus, reorganiza- tion meeting of the Y. P. 8.0. E of this tre wu hold hut Sunday. when the allowing omegrB were elected: Precl- dont, C. D.Bowmm; viets-Pretsidontr, Mn. Prank Snider, Robert Morrell; Sen-Treat, D. J. Doyle; Correspond- in; the, Mn. Prank Snider. Contrary to previous custom, no look-our or other committee. were Ippoimed. the work which bod previouliy devolved upon these oommiwoee being nunmed by the Society u . whole. Patal Aeeidetttt--A very and accident. occurred in the vicinity of NewBrunnor. Michael Bunny fell from a wagon homily laden with grain and the when]: panned out In. body, 1nfiieting mu Muriel. A neighbor driving ttone the nuns told noticed a mu: lying on the gonna 3nd on oxnmlnnuon found it to 0 would“. body of Mr. thanâ€. The funeral took plum Sundny to Kin- ko's comma And In well “tended. Much sympathy in “pro-nod tor the bereaved one; Brum--M-. Kolntor and Winsto- foldor left Sand-y to join o puny of Mend. " Btratford, from which ploco they "art on their hunch expedition to Munich... . . . .J. Coogk, no" of North Emhopo, Min-J. Cook, A Cook Ind Inna 1111.8. Schmidt, of Baden, Goo. Eamon Ind II- K.tle, Semen, of Sable!“ mo, TUited the Grunge Int weak......1'ho public Inhool board hon nomad III-l Link E. Thompson a prio tbr the comm; you. Thiq than HIM of " uln- Mff"2.", 2't't to tt action I my In a v1 .. Th. III-“ékun no. shoal, VII: In our- ' 1tih"if bonny M Xmu. all! on tho . can"! 1ta% h . 'tai 'hterropttrhayqe'ttuetitg WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3t, 190! im-it-tesp-tu. 'surT.rr.rt Patch. of Tumu- Iu In the will“: one dny laat WEST MONTROSE CROSSHILL AND DISTRICT. ROSTOC K. A Sunsummm i Ssbbsth Brius--TM rooms of the Eeleetrio) y and do- Checker Club will shortly be found on as to the Peel St., opposite the market square“ ....The quarantine on account of small pox an the Walker homestead, On Friday Huron Road, has been lifted. . . .. .The were much Young Liberal quarters are above (be their best post (thee in Becke+ block. The t,who has rooms are neatly decanted and the q monlhe’ long winter evenings will be welt en- ttat North- joysd by the admirers of good guvorn- lornan " ment......0|iver Meyers, of the Har ods, going teller jewelry stormlenves on Th irsday moo along for Cleveland. Ollie will be greatly Sire was missed by his many friends in this Iery during violnity but they wish him success in my... it n his city home. P.moual--itev. J. Culp, ot Pacino, formerly palm: ot the Methodist church here, nu in totrn hm. week. Hi. home on tho Idle nom- to mm with him. . . . A Min Lulu Bounce, who has been Melting in Barttla and Port Huron. returned homo In: Tuesday. . . A. . . Min Emma 8tietelmeler Ieturned home last reek If!" wading some week. sith (funds in Rochuwr and v;cinl'y. . . . . . um Louie Brodmcht bu gone to Puermo, when: the will be the guest of Mn. J. Culp. . . . _ .Alex. Death of N rt'sehgrebitser-- Mr.Nieltpltus Schweitzer, one of Hamburg‘n olden ruldonu, paused away laat week after a long and painful illneu‘ Deceased was in his 75m year. The remains were interred in we Lingelbach ceme- tery. Mmy Islands from a distance "tended th l tuners]. By Law Carried -- The liy-law to bonus a brand! foundry was carried on Monday by a good maj ority. Oat of 189 votes 160 Here pulled, 135 for and 2 against it. In is to bu in operation by next July. Personal-Mies Jenny Shiry has gono" to Dumfrics to reside. . . _ _ . N. Lutz‘ was in Fiansr's Mills on Sunday.’..... Ezra Strains, who has been in the em- ploy of J.Gebman for the last )oar. leaves on l untidy for a week‘s vielt with friends in Mildmay and Clxvslcy. From there helenes for Sault Ste. Marie, where he has secured a lucrative posi- tion in connection with the public works of that place. He will be under W. Gihsm. foreman, who is well and ' {notably known in this district. . . _ - _ Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schunrr, of Ertnwille,msre the guests of H. Gimbel ( over Sunday......Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Clothe were visiting the latter's father Sunday last . . _ . . Abram Hockroth has returned home after a week’s outing in the Rainbow City, taking in the nights " the never-tmha-f vrgozten Pan-Am. He reports having spent a very pleasant and prtiitable time.. “Us, s. llilborn and Mrs. R. Bennett, of Preston, leave on Monday for Muskoka to spand a fortnight in visiting at the homo oi Oliver Bennett, who now resides in the northern val-t of unaprovlnce. .... . Mr. and Mrs l. Schiedel purpose leaving this neighborhood hoforo long to reside on a farm near Haysville. Their many friends here will regret to see them go, bat will wish thein all succeea.. - _ . . Melvin Strome, of Floradale, was the guest of his brother on Sunday. Beet Sugar Matters-h meeting is called for next Saturday afternoon in the Township Tall to discuss we sugar beet induitry and to mate preparation for the aluminum; of may“ to the run-payers of the tnwnship an to whomer they will give a humus of $20,- ooo, Tote for the by-law. Prsrsonal.-ildirog cards are out'; for the wedding of Miss Laura Mailman i, and Mr. s. Rohr on the em of Novem- ‘ bar... .. .Oiiver Kinzio and family, of Berlin, are visiting his parents --tt. Jenni: Evans and M r. Hristow and' wife. of Bright, called on friends in the village last week - . _ A . .(iwen Snyder, of l’nrkdaie, is visiting his Inrents. . . T . .Mrs. Brie, of New l)ur:dee,is visiting _ friends in the neighborhood . ' _ _ _ . Mrs. Cease], of New Dundee, was visiting friends here Sunday . _ . _ A . Ben] Snyder and wife, 1). I). Snyder and son, E W. Detweiie'. Joselviv Barton and two sis- ters and John Perrin and son visited the Pan-American last Saturday. . . . . . Miss Nettie liricker is spending a week with friends in Ayr. . . . "Miss Carrie Leieht spent Sunday with her brother in Brantford. Brlt0.--Mitus Maggie Kaufman left for Elmira Monday to work In a laun- dry. . . _ . . Min Helene Flelechhauer hue secured a sltuatlon in Strelford as dreameker and left for the city Mon- dey. . . .Chee. Zachmen hee purcheled the reeldenoe formerly occupied by Mn. Doerlng, Philiptsbarg, for $1,000 and will take pouceelon thle week. inte e number of our cltlzene are on the move......0ur band wlll hold their duel concert for thle eeeeon'e windup on the 22nd November In the Town Hell, when I llberel prlze wlll be given ewey. A smell edmlulon fee will be chewed end we hope our cltl- zen: wlll turn oat en melee end help the hoye elong. _ . _ . .The jolut stock eele leer. Frldev wee e declded eucoeee. ......John Kaufman, of Blmlre, wee home Sand-y Note-Nutt Hownmn bu secured u position u book-keeper for . firm “I New Humbnrg. . _ . _ .Rov. lhhon, the new U. B. preacher, made him first a - panned! on Sunday In“. . . . _ IT, man be“ indunry In naming tn nll consuming mph: ot convolution. It la A good thing. . _ . . .Jtttt, KirkpatrirA, of Gaol h, was In to" on Band†In». . .. . Tlt.' MoAIlMor Ind hit son John MY. "turned hnttt I few dire mu In new. . . . . Jan. A, Luann mono thu m to Hakim..." .On our. in tunaâ€. " biped +tlrtM - -trgetmq you. an. HEW HAIBURG FREEPORT BLOOMINGDALE ROS EVI LLE WELLESLEY Sri' Jingle; Week l tltrt assistant teachor, Miss Carrie being on the sick “at her broth" little folks a good om beech muting. . . . . . Waterloo " Common Hear Repre mudvdo! the Guano Sag-1Com- puay Bod Berlin Council and Baud of Trade. w Dunne†Wu sugar beet d Menu Hugh' Blah) J. Gage, N. B. Gash repreaonusdA"t oy Cdmpans, Limited. gentlemen were pr Mayor Bumpy, [in md Board of Trade, a Lgood representation the lownohlp. The T'p Council were all Ila referred that Berlin c will be neces l' In Edward ltitttrich'tr., ...Quite a I number from here Bttendrtbthty nie at " Joseph Forweil‘e, 11th conceeeion. . . _ . Mo. Peter F'. Schnmmer end Mra.John Starr vieiied at Eimire on Friday but. .. . . . .Miu Julia Weber ion for Berlin on Hominy, where ehe has secured a ed nitration. . . . . _ John Huber, Berlin, in accompanied by friends. visited our he mun onSundey. . . . . . Herb J.Bowman. . civil engineer, Berlin, paid our town a ti, buineu visit lui. week. which the township councillors asked numerous trtctcioritr, which' were an- swered by we tnumbers of the company and the Berlin representatives. Tne council decided to call a special meeting this week, ttt which a by-law will be framed and given its tiret and second readings. Moss†L. J. Breithaupt, M Wendell Shaun and H. L. Janze addressed the council. A general mammalian took 1.! Will Submit t By-Law. Briefs.-lsmol Ernst has sold property to August Thum, who Cake possession in the near future. Ernst intends leaving our village moving to a farm near Listowol. wish him much success in his new dertaking. _ _ . _ . Quite a number here attended the funeral of Val.I beaker, which took plum at Erin on Tuesday 1.151.... _ .'l'l.o iuniorl m Tuesday last i . . . _ .'l'l.c junior (in i. siou of our school was closed last week, the assistant teacher, Mien F, inckncr, being on the sick list, Thia gave the little folks a good opportunity to go out beech nutting... ...'l‘he Misses Emma. and Lily Stcies left for Walkerville last week, where they have secured posi- tions in a large how1.. . . . .Jno. Schweitzer and Merino Schlutter paid the Pan-American a visit on Saturday. A. _ . _ . Ed Huehn spent Sunday in the Twin City. . _ " . .Wm. and Ed. Koehler are spending a few dnyeviaiting friends in Wallace. . . . _ .The annual Harvest Home Service wae held and the Lord's Supper administered lent Sabbath {mention " St. l'eter'e church. The church was decorated to unit the occa- alon. Brief. -'rhe municipal conncll met " the Boyd Hntol but weak to dlocuu the mouurement of we nbntmenu " the Rim bridgomu! orrittit to ‘he non- Tltr/dh' of Mr. “mun. ohm ttrm ty Rowan & Elliot, it VII postponed to an. mreL......2oeeph “and. In the "at o! . Mn black hon. which In mind as sin III. of Jonph Mull. a Persomu---hfra. l, Weltln and Miss (“Ms Waldo, Duhvvood, are visiting In Edward ltitttrich'tr., ...Qulte a ydr Bowlby iatiodueed the Town numbered the company to eacl regular monthly on To Coumil, u Koehl the ae f tht) Cut :h be addn rort accoun‘ 1e Merlin " r ard Re transm egation meh success in his new _ _ . _ . Quite a number f led the funeral of Val.“ rich took plum at Erma resell to an HEIUELBERG ST. CLEMENTS. My to c " It est than usual, (In large dele- he Ontario Hoot he town council f Berlin, besides drazepayen rem membarl of the present, "d:--- Meuro Jlnsen, it. The general :led before the was heard. , John Flatt, w, and Jan Fowler Brio Beet Sugar The following sent from Berlin: idem s. J. Wil- individually use In asked he 1 also H will M r. and We 1m By buying of our clearing sale prices on wall papa-I. M I“ have availed themselves of the half price sale In delighted with b ell'uctu on their rooms which are done in new, this ain't tre. aud colors and cost but half the usual price. We IhAll Rap .0- ritiee sale open for another ten days during which we will ofhe 5,000 rolls of which we give I few samples below: Hundreds Made Happy Cheap Cash Store, Terms Cash and One Price. 23 and Better goods in same proportion. Take your room Inca-numb on A lip of paprr and we will give you estimam of cost. Alwsyl glad to show Our Sole Agencies - - White Oliver if H H Wanless' Music Store, It, uwley. Haviland l Co. Lmilton S. Gordon. T. Paul Music Co. urge L. Hpalding, Myer, l"il‘l"N .k Strand-org 100 IX) §=¢zm¢i==§g£g£$¢2§i 5:422 «Em ._. so ver [Mann Co. \Vitmmk x Sons The Yellow Front Boot Palace, Mackies' Block. Hello 417. hy rolls, pale blue satin snipe. regular We " Sc par linglo roll. rolls. Indian tannin: ceiling and 18 in. border to muchoic In IN ret' single ro . . in“; chocolate conventional pattern (no ceiling) but 18 Inch it!“ to match, regular 'doc to clear at 150. rolls, beautiful ilt on two-toned green, ceiling and border to mntelt. regular 23¢: Igor 15e per single roll. J rolls, bedroom piper. light ground. small blue serole petunia, glin- uier "ect, regular 100 at 5c 3 roll. H Wehavejust secured the exclusive agency of all the following ‘music publishers. Smith Music SN Berlin, Ont. Smyth Bros., ‘ul 23 and 25 South Side King St., BERLIN WHOLE NUMBER 2445 1 w oollapd ik Go., Regal Suspenders - - Mo Good all Elastic Suspenders 350 New patterns in Berlin brunet 500 New Chester Suspenders - 500 New Everhustie Chester Sua- pendera. - - 50tt The Everlastic is the only sus- pender you can regullte at the back as well as the front. Try them. When We Attack Prices. R's M Sham Battle Here's a case where to spend money is to make it, and you’ll go down in your pocket with a smile when you learn our prices for Saturday. You don't have to buy to be welcome. l Saturday Busmass 3rirgm _tF1s1tpett1etttrt YELLOW FRONT. BERLIN. a J',': 2_ . ' 'iiifiitiitr,