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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 Oct 1901, p. 7

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1% pk a. an “wound tor (In V of - Wm and Crave- w. an: muons . _ - tor its celeb“- q on. would In“ thought. from W at the monument- on ”00.. wt tho Mixes. of llnwkhuut. m r - --"- -_H v.5. tho mac. nae- than the . ’l widow. Dre-mum , MI tram London. how w... . t to ud tro, - surel- from me ,i'ld'o or Ryder'l. m selected to W the - and; junk. ttltd',." Atkin- lud eorngte1ud tho g widow to yum up to but Mum”. and Anna and. . m trip to Bungal- for he“. cud than for donate and au;uptuous was in attire. On. or two ot 'Uad-mn Eliu'u but work VII-en but several an," at mwkhunt In Atuirttt robes. and Lady Wyndo, with Ian, Artful and two maids, spent 'u tuck in London a the long-closed town houu ot Sir Harold. Tho evenuul day cum It lat. and Wu on. of the mellowed. of all that ndlow October. The sun flooded Att. little village of Wyndham in (rum of gold” light. The pretty little atone church m which an nun-idle oer-many was to be per- lornbd who beautifully decorated with flowers. A iiorat arch Vuiled tho doorway. A carpet of red was, trom the glass houses M. Hawkhurst. mm the path tho bridn mot tnveru in going trom be: curious to the church door. lands the church, myrtle. and M - lestooned the walls, and were suspended above the spot where the bride and groom would stand, in the form of a marriage bell. The breath “Jose- tmed the air with perfume aunt-4m “calm were»; Long before creFeHi o"elrbeR, “15'le- lasers and the l_emmts ot Hawkhurst began to assemble at the church. They were all in gala attire, for lady Wynde, with an insatiable van- ity, had decreed that. her third mar- riage-day was to be a. gale day tor the retainer: of the Wyndn family. The villagers and Wilt! ' Were all invntell to a. grand out - door but. at Hawkhurst, where a hugshend of ale, it Was said, was to be branched, and deers and pigs roasted whole. A brass band from Canterbury had been engaged tor the evening, and there would be colored lanterns lus- pendod from the trees. and dancing on the terrace and on the lawn. Soon after eleven. tho carriages of vuious county familie- began to ur- “VG” at the church. Sir John and Itttar'rreisc, with their seven bloom- ing ddnghtei-I whose ages ringed from eitrtsteen"tttiirty-tive, were among the first eoriue, One of .the white-gloved ushers. wt"., a bridal f..V0l' pinned on his coat, showed them into a reserved seat. Other acquaintances and friends, some curi- ous, Borne full of condemnation, made their appearance. and were similarly "eommotitxted. Lord Towyn and Mi. Atkins cam. in together. It was nearly twelve o'clock when two carriages rolled up to the church door, bringing the bridal puny from Hawkhurst. From the Brat of these alighted Neva and Ru- m Black. The heiress was attired tn white. with pink ribbon at her waist. and pink roses securing the kin of lace at her throat, and Rufus more the prescribed dress tsuitpf black. ‘They walked up the aisle title by side, and more than one no- titmd ho6 pale the young girl was. Th took their places in the Wynde {3% pew, for Neva had resolutely declined to enact the part of bride's- mid to. her father's widow, and Wild have declined to appear at “at wedding had not she realized (In; her absence would be more flicked and conspicuous than her 'Mce. ’Thl young heiress had Icnrceiy sank Into her seat, when, a fluttering at the door declared to the assembly can. _the hero and hemihe‘of-zh- 'Nouion wen at hand. In detUneq of the custom ot meeting at the " fir. Craven Black and Lady Wynde M In mama, the Inning upon ill um. Bu lsdyohip VIM drama in n pink not”, with sweeping court tnin of bt" velvet. She had worn white in " ttmt Mam, pearl color at her .md; and for the third. and most ttuiitoriV to her, ind put on tho m of love. A dladem met with T in; diamonds starred her black. Womb” duh-voila! hair, Above h low torchecd. Her can and at war. bare. and gluten-ed with 11. Mad " took their phoe- him an alt ' und we clergyman and In all: ta betran chair 01500. Thu can! qixeuuon. were, ndud and _ ; tho usual upped and. to , who know "nay tttat anus. Wt. - then two about I!“ be and," but which, of coum, m no upon-o; and her third 'tet9th' ring wu IllvPEd upon I” 'they'", m. and tor an “it" an m I ww, - Her taco sous" ihmhed with Mb; her black eye- show. with . "but non-conunt. " any and. mingled with her pro - Minn, it was that by hcr “mm Ion the can. her MM um had contend upon Bet " than was . pro-poet T hm mm would inherit . no. any. and that' she would I. M. a. wily mutant. .grfrte. m I. m nuuul Atta. tho “any, a. newly Inu- rld put winded to In. wary and “pd tho nun-rug. uni-w. Fm“. at”. “nu-hunc- wronged “II-I With emu-hum. Attar, Vb. the ehm-eh tntt marl-lb. the his and It.“ an: em. and 00 Earthling“ In“ M follow-d u no: " “Lu: “in? was“. - 'g/iatau'gfttt “WWW-.3 mmmmmw ta'ti Three Lovers BY MRS. HARRIET LEWIS sad mend-Mom h. t.taeet,tPgNet2.",'fgt Mon-Whom”. ' jun mom:- 1 with "arooar-riomVt-rued. 'uttaeurMett-rortht.tp- ground. Tho-Wadi.” "GiGidtAkrurdi.iueAu+ 'Lmuo. Th “La-net's powered with-tr-ret'-, 'dm. lemon a... and wool“! lirau, m hwoodeI'luhl. ttadtaq [trout porch wan . way bard d ‘ myrtle. nnd rod Iona. ' "It in All In 3W1: Md can.” In Mr John - :4me- u ho may“ the m. "If. my tun, girls. and would In very well 11 " VIII All tor Hurd- mark“. bet it in worn than tuloolery to l.- vita " Mold 'ynde’u mum lid friends to "toil:- at tho vole ding of Bu Harold'. widow to s nun not worthy to u. bin shoot. I must "peat tint It is in singularly bard tum. The tawny are not ludy Wynde'l; the house in not lady Wynde's. What can be Alum to gin distinction to the marriage-thy at tho heiress. u .11 um display in undo tor Lady Wynde?" Mr John’- nentimant was the (al- onl one among the house gun-u. Some were disgusted. and other. pri- vately metered, but there were - to whom the proceedings of the bar. onet'n widow named eminently pro- per, and the" [5M upon her now. The wedding breath“ was “can in tho grad old dittintt-haU, anon; the tlowera which, by a run reunio- incur. of taste, nun neon choral: tire this room without perfume. Tho tables were resplendent with gold and silver plate. Fruits ot rare spo- cics and delicious tuvor, (Ia-h trom the hot-houses of Hnwkhunt. were nestled among blossoms or green leaVes. A noted French rook from London had charge ot the columns-x, department, and the old rare when from Sir Harold's cellar were un- equalled. While touts were offered and drank to the newly married pair in thrs banquet hall, the tcr'atttry W0 .3 amusing themselves with their bor. becue and ale out of doors, and their hilarity corresponded to the loxi'oru toned merriment within the house. After the breakfast, Sir John F'reim, and his family, and several others, all of whom had come out of respect to Neva rather than to"corrtpilrrtent Lady Wyude, took their departure. Many guests remained for the ball Lord Towyn took his have toward awning, and Nova retired to her own room, whence she did not emerge again that night. She had tried hard to dis- suede Indy Wyndo from giving ths ball, but her persuasion: had not availed. Neva had declined to nt- tend the ball, and Lady Frame had supported her In her refusal. How could she dance in honor of the ihlrd marriage of hu- iathcr's widow? All day her thoughts had been of Int“; and of her father, and remembering his tragic late, how could she ra- joice at I union which could never have taken place but for his death? Her step-mother was angry " what she deemed chn‘s obstinate, and came to her and commanded h. to descend to the ball-room. Tho young girl was sternLv resolute in her refusal, and the bride went away muttering her anger and unnoyancc. but powerless to compel obedience. There Was dancing until a. late hour that night in the old baroniul hall that traversed the centre of the great masion, and than Wu dunn- ing outside upon the terrace and lawn .to the music of a brass bend. Mrs. Craven B1tu9t--Tasdy Wynde no; longer-was the belle of The occi- sion, full of gayety and bright-an. Mrs, Artress, to the amazement at everybody who bad known'hcr as the gnu companion of Lady Wynne, f1asttod forth in the sudden‘ splendor of jewels and I trained dress of crim- son silk, and Crnven Blank “and one set with her, and an hr up. plied with numerova partners. In. Arum considered that her (a d servitude Wu over, nnd that " was quite possible that she might mun n "good match" with some walthy country gentleman. for whom, dur- lng All the evening, she kept n dill- gent lookout. Among the guest- wm two or three reporters of moiety papa-I trom London. whom Gavan Buck. with an eye to the publicity of Illa glory, had Invited down to Hawk- hurst. The" gentlemen dnhced 3nd lupped and wined, and in the pause- ot these exercises wrote down glow- Ing descriptions of the asthma. 'elnbdrnto details of the lullen’ dr-. oa. and ecstatlc "ttlretttottfe. of the bride's homily and connection with the Wyndn {nmmn Ind of the groom's pedigree. stating the precin- mm d 'tsv.et.p.hc.halt.tgeSt.Co' . "re. 01m: to his con-In, VicoImt Tank '1 he aunt of tht high. In. aw. of Illnonubury Square, was not pr.- ent. She lay undead M. the point a! damn, I act which In. Gum Black judicioully can“ to her 0W. hunt. the um len‘ null- od her that mornlng " m 'Il draining tir hi an“. _ - At twelve o’clock. midnight, “It Works were dilplued on an It". Thor land our half n how. sad we" very “Ruble. Ann tht bl finished, We: won om. All the ham. mu demand in . and, strum until Bit wen-tom. "It. I.- nntry and 7m...- M to - bonny oafootqtrtn wan-I. a” had cm. The colon! mun! In. alt-downturn momma-u: was) won “way. and Ch 1% when. “£110!th can “on. The bridal ”If V” to c, ""11 u m n. Hawkhunt. and Jr. um to go to Wyldc “an". a. Gm noun d a. bureau'- widow, O“ It but been mud that In! abound Seeomr- Mr W- (tttJet, I'L't “4"" " I In 'y'tte0" My}! Mun-m 2tuttet,', my wt: or on: . . tr..?"'""""" ”can: “Wu-unsung“ or“. When-audit 'di'%tu=l't'l='t,'ttf= up” Iii-don. mun-uh- 1arttt.tttkhgioomuehar_qe. '%rvoteaeatuettksroughtUV “I...“ plated-gins“: - - “0:.me {W amatt -r--9at hum um: 'l11l4i,'ThrilraWA'.".'tTl doc dum‘wtho Indu- ttti.,-' tt,t'hP,a,'r'ts'l"t 00 w ‘01:“le luv-V “a 'goti6--a.unot_t Search aartim.gttatirorthatpitoou dive! Oh. my mu. my “the!” In - had "and to - bod. a will ho mm. upon the and... night 0! Lady Wynd- and Org!- lhnh. hot thought. an ot her but: All at Hutu-uh: at. in h- a. All - loo; - had thought ot htm with War "In”. pity and mm. rec-11m; to mind hm (om. nouns-n. all Mat ot .ota1iarsawt-srsiqtst-,autdnho by 'murtt.dwitttthqrMtuetttr- all“ tn as duwihwonu pad on tho Iawas with; funny to hat out. Ibo had mobbed aloud n the thought that her father had bun no noon human. and that his “Ind. nd “lanky won. now ranking mur- ry ova the marrtqe of his widow to n nun unworthy to crou the thruhold ot Huvkhunt. And thus ”bung and thinking, uh. o','tt,',fg'tt' and in her deep had ed that her lather It“! lived, up! that the luv bun shading at an door ttt a. hut among the tar.ott Indian um. nut! that the beard hi. voles awn; "Ocuvja! News!" And thug, dreaming, Ibo had awakened with . cry ot terror, to Mk herself if it was only a drum. It we. not strange that. Ihe land thus dreamed, mace all the day end all the evening her mind had been Bxed upon her father. It would have been “rouge it the had not dreamed ot him. Her dream had had the clear- nesl of n “lion, but Nev; Wu not romantic. and enhough ehe slept no more that night, but walked her tioor with noLIeleee step: and wildly questioning eyee. yet Ibo convinced herself long before the morning that ehe Pud been the victim of her exem- ed iusNrination, and that her dream Wu "only . dream." Among the cool shadows " no glorious Himalayas are many coun- try mu, or "bungalows," occupied Min Mucus by exhausted tue init manhunt: from Calcutta, with their (unmet, by any ottieera, and _ by ”he" of (only: birth, manned ‘or rendered sickly by the scorching heat of the lea-coast or more level regions. They ftnd "Among an hills" the from nlr. and comrertoent health, for which oLhurwmc they would have to “an.“ a all h- eonveni-wo and and)... a Vow homo to Ithttriastd or Holludl But w... 'n so? There is a philonophy in dreams which not the when. at u. can hthom. And al- though the cause at Nevin dream can be limply and naturally explain- ed M the result ot her agitated though“ of her lather. yet might one not ulna think with loss ot the woNdU wiudom. perhaps, and more of ten- derneu. that the girl's guhrdinn 'ut- gel had placed that picture before her in hat sleep. and so made recom- peer, in the joy of her dream, for her day of ”Willi and unrut? Be on. u it may. our story has to deal with actual he“. 1nd has now to uh . awning turn, perhaps not undated by the reader. A It In then About. sewn o'ciock--. then being” II - III... h tupo--in h. . It {In atrdut one o’clock of the morning when New. awakened from her drum. Th... “do“, Mr the moot M. on ”My bein, ot jag-boo, amid with bro“ and fluid "e .ndu. lllel rooted. wd you“. mum at the sides and grown with vines, to form A cool and leafy up ads, which pm cl the pumme- ot prom “tune-room, munic- non. dung-room. And even sleep- In; room. for than an usually bam- boo mah- W about, upon which tho indolent mt uh- his Ila-u atpnidtur. To on. od than bungnloWI, . tur m. of the rest, We will now direct at auction of tho radar. " .tood upon an: elevated plateau. with“. an mountMu created with new ta the alumnae. lt wu INF waded at the distance of . few at by I range of Inns. and b. “on it and than lay miles of tor- ot. 1.wllm'n Pl an impenetrable , . ' Arum th- bungulow‘ mo rim-u of limited extent. and which was dotted with plumed pd“. hump. and My”: treat. - 'ruuweutgi, mu like .n of m alum Wu “not?!” wall bunt for the dim“... " u constructed ot bamboo, was . 11qu ntory in "dght, and “I that“ with tho broad In". of tttn palm. A Wer- updn. y'ulvu {at M ' syn-cumin! Ii? Tti' tntaifor" muted of I ' Ml). extending from front to "a. with two room- opening from etch I“. of it. The central hull. canal-h; no mimic. van a long ad VIC. apartment, which and u (Hammett. "turtrerorn, and pur- lor, who required. A um. in the roar of this dwelling wan two others, one of which mod n th? mm of an unblhhmt. and no on. u a. qwun of tho muon- nun mtn belonging to tho plum. The New which m nu ttnm -tattrhiertbedttator-dtoaMw. "rAretar,H.M.A.,-tdttmmomt- -tt.roeetttatq-wrod.tttd ”It“. “when“. he“ was that tttrm-ted - In! rode nm for . In: - ride In nah. “v91: $iuftt2t'ca't1Ut,',tf,,uit _r,a%eursro4utalymeit,i. ,<t64tt-rMqmae.ddtob- A M men o'clock ot the non- " M a we h." cud. and M h m¢ who Mu Bwdh. - (I. - tum. WW r mutant; da Be ma . 'dt-tttt 5 . mud vim “an. ar- irrTi m” My" “M a Sttltrtt at out a; 'test, bah. M h' h),- - I. and: at In: an in a. “h nun-nub t"'t't "J: mm:- in country gown d I... no good mm:- ot Ill- .1. may umly’ distributed alr- w." tur-ttkia-ers- www.1AucI-Hooo- " all". dad tn loo-o win. u..- can! run “than. and - hbumloldwumm..lld- duouumhdthom aadarero_ruttmrittsanauam. “m.” an! - In“? an. cloudy. Tho - that“. "Y... Po Uh." stMM 9.17531!“ Ind coup. IN said! 1-; win m and r.- dlud " hull upo- . mm m. continuing to such. H. “I man hours bdou. has taken ttin and morning M. to t.ht hols. ot . friend. In. Mt neighbor. this mile. dink-t. and had "turned to Mint win his wife uni (way. who won now occupied in on “the (on: room. od the dwelling. The no- Jor'l dum- for the day wan new. to In mad until mum. the law- wun; hm being upon: In making, Julia. “In; And partaking tre “and: of light and cooling rah-uh: mu. The W In Windy brought to the major In I crystal jug upoit . we. a. kid down his cigar um upped tho bounce with an air of enjoymant. yet may. " he did av- tttrpm, . - . . . _ . V "I don’t no how I should get dong without you, Kort-m." aid the ma- Jor. "And you know it too. you dog. I pay you " Wages u it in. and now I wont to know how much - tm you will mks, nod 'aretro your pro-cm. menu: of stealing. I think I'd bitter commune. Mrs. Archer ny- you on robbing us right and left. mm do you my?" The native, o Illm, lithe, “new fellow with oblong black eyes, full ot llyncsl and wickedness. o mouth in- dlcauvo of a. cruel disposition. god. with movoments like a eat, grinned at the malor'l speech. but did not deny tho charge. He had formerly been George Wynde's new“: and hum, than Mr Harold‘s attendant. and was now Major Archer'l moat Valued wont. He had mule him- ul! noon-dry to the omeer by his howled" ot all his master's ro- qnirunonu. and his exact. fulfillment of them; by his skill In concocting sherbet! And other cooling drinks; by his apparent devotion, and in other - Being so highly valued. ho had - opportunity, in mm loosely ordered ohotmehold ot robbing his employer, and he was malntalning a steady drain upon the majors purse which that omcer now proposed to nbollsh. "Come, your coppery rusted," said the major good-humorediy, "what will you Me to let the sugar and tea tutd.eotree and the rest ot me things alone, except when you find them on the table?" “Karrnh no make bargain, Sahib." laid the native. rolling up his eyel. “Km‘ah do better as it is." "No doubt; lmL I'm afraid, my worthy Copper, that we shall have to part unlvss you and I no commute your stealing: Yesterday. tor Ir nuance. I left tIve gnld soveroignn In my other coat pocket, and last night - In." declared tho major qooliy. "You needn't deny tho theft, evun it you purpose taking that trouble. I know you took an money. Q You, an A thief. Klrruh." continued his mus- ter placidty and lndoiently'. "and a liar, Kuruh, and . scoundre). Kar- mV, u your rm is an mrod with m - diet, god 1 night " well It" you an another. By the way. my he What. if that in what you are. did you not 1erot right and left from Captain Wynde' " "No Prove, Bahib-uo prove!" add tho native stolidly. "I can prove that no one but you went into that room yesterday exv "Karrkh honest. mun; Kurrah no “I; but Kan-ah IIWLYI “an." "Always the “no! Poor George! 'Poor fellow! No wonder he died!" muttered the major compulionntely. 'at m . consumption ot the lungs by an“... and a conlumption of aa by . acoundrel. And did you Me in Sir Harold in the same way?" The Hindoo'a face darkened, and an pdd gleam phone in MI eyes. H "Sir Harold no 'count. gen'lo- man," In um brietir “Kermit no like him, Three dayn Wore tiger out. him, Knrrah leak into Sir Hucld'l purge and take out gold. only few miserable pieces. and Kan-ah took into Cnphin Wyndc’a trunk and take 3 law hum and diamond pin, Sir Harold com. in sudden. wee it all;- he - ttre up: he seize Ktrrnh by “Manna ‘und kit be out doom. Kurd: hate. Mr 1uroid--hate- "tat" The Moment other chunk More the rudder: bir- d his nervnnt'n ayes, with n bu den radiation of the poniblllun ot that itptorxutt,um- tauMt and vicious naturt. _ "Why. you're A perfect demon, Kurt-h." “chimed the tailor. "You'n u Brebrotd--- devil! It you hated Mr Htrold to such u: ex- tant, how did It happen that you manned In In. “who. and were om" " umdut upon that Int "0h." in aid with. "Km-h go but; Km my parry; know no bum. In Harold In“. and. a: Incl In”, and ”who. Ktrrat on: " Ion Mr Harold. Thu gum Kan-ah . 391:1! mun-nu up coul- The 81111100 mild slowly, . may”, you! glam. _ 7 90 mud Abrupt r, u if In had GTirGKii, di iiiiiaiem. -- """ Mid more than he munded. -----_---t- "Won, what did Lt' and . mul- Me. - no“... - up country or. you natal?" - a" "To Kumh'n people. my all. "'sz ' Oet. tali? kn”: AW, to uy that mm not com an m m. m u. u- m," d.eurxyd the Hindu: morn t. ,rgttf,,'; “Mu; no “have -t ‘W w an. "trt. arch any th an. an Humid can a. m" ”'ftww 'd'a'TI'r,i " 'e-"i1io.ada-o-oaeri. _ . Atta'ktta" In. at! --- - _.. an . I', _ V, V H, on“ cum-mac. "my. “nonhuman“.- irii'i7"ewi"i'F"iiiiTi3riad a. $hragrrq.t,t.. .I- nun-.- "r-' not - '5! this " r unwed. II In “High in!“ that um." Mun“ the and... 'ararm.h not “to! a. In -u.--ti- hm db. Our-3n. Kant-outwe- Dumb. m no Idem! that. lla- hitt in" not. shaman" i "In; nothing man; You my [a Knuth." "I when I‘ll have to]... an hi- low go," matured the “or. Inn- canny. "mn look. no! word- [We no u manly Wt. can» “on. I an who em not to cloud mail) In any season my Mterttet wt A "lake'- vonon. Mow in - in that and unmarried .mo- mam. whoa In laid turhatod Mr Har- old! There Wu murder in hi. look. I declare I had a hundred-little chiv- ero down my spine. It Bit Buck! had not been killed.” unmistakably by . tiger. and " Doctor Graham And I had not. - the {rah track: glad the marks ot the struggle, and it the tiger bad not been uterwurd killed, I would ttfuk-a would be W" Th. W00 [W 3"“ ground mingle ot J)ireaaus., ._ - _ An union: look gathered in bi- uce. and he ended " sentence by A heavy nigh. - - “Strings?" be mid presently, (iv. mg utterance to higwseqrctr thqughta. "my wile never liked this (allow, although I could see no diaerenoo be- tween him and the rest. She insists that he is treacherous and cruel. I’ll dismiss him, and tell her that I do so out of deference to her judgment. But the truth is. Iince I’ve new. the lellow's soul glaring out of his eyes, I lhn’n't dare to sleep nights tor fear I may have (mended " High Mightiness. I think it better for me that he should travel out ot this." He had just announced to himself this decision, when raising his eyes carelessly and looking out from the cool shadows of the pleasant ver- ands. he beheld a horseman ap- prouching his bungulew, riding it great speed. "It may be xDoctor Graham coming up tor a. month, as I invited him," thought the major, too indolent. to toct more thnu I. trivial curiosity at the sight of a coming stranger. "But the doctor's too sensibie to ride like, that. It's either a green Englishman, with orders from head- quarters tor me, or it's somn redness native. In either case the fellow’s preparing tor a. first-class sun-stroke or fever, or something of that na- ture. Bid that's his lookout. I've troubles enough of my own without worrying about him. It might be as well to Brthth my “hot More los- ing my appetite under III order to return_to my post. Oh, bother the The stranger slowly catered tho Ihnde of the veranda» and there halt» ed, his (autumn working, his form trembling. He 'looked weary and trarcbatained. His haggard eyes spoke to the own yr of the bungalow in a wild appeal. Ho sipped MI .tsaettet m1]. not. even looking again at the horsennn. who came on swiftly, urging his hope to a last burst of Bpeed. That the horse was jaded, his jerking, con- vulsive mode of goiniz plainly show- “. He was wet with sweat, and his head hung low, and he froqucnl'; stumbled. The horseman urged him on with spur and whip, new and then looking behind him as if he feared pursuit. The glance became a (fxed run. full of wildmsss und .ffright, 7 The major did not look up until the horseman drew rein before the bungalow, and alightcd at a, huge stone which served as a horse-block, The stranger came slowly and fuller- ingly toward the veranda, and than the Sybaritic major an down his empty cup and glanced at Mm. With the peculiar movement of All Butomaton, the major slowly arose to his feet, and came torwarM, his lace white, " eyes dilating. a trem- uloua quiver on his lips. "Great heaven!" cried the major, even his lips growing white. "It in not A ghost! l am not dreaming! Have the dead come to lilo? " iq.-- It tq-air mm!!! Wpdal" Goya-MI.- Ravivea (to Runof- - A can"! of ‘h- Tong-e. Copenhagen. Oct. 8.-a't" newspaper- hnve to-dty revived the rumon um King mm In In A Indon- condmon from cancer of the tongue without Ad- duclng my evldgnca to that one“. "Don"t know me, the ftramrer wearity tho United hm Goo Survey ma sum-.1 '7.th Won. um dint two you! "nuns: the no. a the name “of”, - It Bydmy wan tn tho unmou- Plume” from wanna. Hat. who“ that had Dan lauded from (he “not Windwnd. They had u trying uni-1m. In (In north. MK both In In good mm my gr. mum that Par! on not - my valuabl- m‘neru “w. my run "a I!!! but. of qrMas, which an on “In. to the In“ III-tum u 'r6MttrtItoeg, M m " In north a human 7.. mum. .019 '.-Dr, Bert cm at lantern at Penn’- Bruit“... Km luWuurs HEALTH (To be confined.) mralriiiiTGG- I N. 3-m- ddimd to a! part oi the himCity by -c=u-c=====.==ra=-= . “H11. detivery. mum?" "baked Guardians uncanny... “no We wt the Can-d. QyttuaotLNttiesrNtkse - GENDRON Wheels Bras both chain .ud chaining hm 't'2h"dE BRANTFORD New and Seemid End whack from $5.00 up. Wu who Undle full line of sundries Repairing done promptly. Give In s all. We Ca. tor" 'e, - anus and new from 835 to $66. 7 . _ We. Are Sole Agents 'vg,th'ssgrge,,at of him Hats American Soft Froht Shirts, the Latest Patterns. " o . o o , a Watch our Bargain Box in from of the store. J. RITZER, Waterloo A big tstock ot all kinds of mln bad food can axial, it”: on gag"! Oata, yrl can]: I tr. Inn an on mm. , “a: clover, “It by the burnt 2t,t'tg'g bmr and tut kinds of meMtu King '" In.“ noxt to Boehmor‘n Cool on... (let one of my splendid new at: of Kma- now. " will hum-ova the ammo. of m ttuttttmtq bindred per cunt. . wnem oo, HONEST HARNESS AT Wells Drilled Wind Mllls Supplled All kinda of repairing done at reasonable-prices “W v-mmwmm can: 1iS2xNIr== «than Gulch-um. “taut-d“ [Er9CtTra, d tCrit “day-I: Gi', TWi'. Fee, _ n ' n. "71L'rir, no ' r W AALJ. L a [ It if“ 1901 Models 1% mo Ek. GI NGRICH. GRAIN MARKET. JOHN STREBEL Merchant Tailor Sure bel’s HARNESS SHOP Wtsalsorsrrrmsentthe Batik" " m Co. (up _ . T..lt,fbt,hssnt" Regaining " 1110de rate.. DIM Ml nyh ”did a my arm A703 to only to mat-uni in I. doing . up better pup-Qt! tua ovq to supp! my Women iii the mist (Union touts Id tender stub. . FOR OVER nmvuu LEAPEB BROS HAWKESVILLE Rahn's Bakery W. Ders Md MWMW --ron TBB-- mu. ”mi wxrunwo BERLIN l aetiie HONEST PRICES celeb-mud King Brand "It. Gent's Punt-her. = “m Waterloo. K ONT ' ltr. ILVIllklnson, LBJ. M... =1 ie2ftiSf E}; in.“ We“ iUTBiaic J - AiifiFi W . t:,s!,tir,fti'?li'i1bl'itvftas M, “My mammal (can: And Am f,td,tt,te',1t'hl,Q."otiQ Iamt-,bsatiem,ot- one-ohm“ I PM no. gum we!!! -fifit MFWW "frbitit-.i' Qua. D. B. a a. as: VIM Cm me in. BOVWIM 51!“!!! iiTaraiiEoaauiiirsjtt an} - eye And on mud. Oils.- Albcrt Shut Wanda). A ',ta'all at tho has Dr, wuu'n I“ O. T. NO D"' mm... 1.. Hound-t9 9f the 90110.0_ trf m" ___ GrGiiGo v V . Benn: ss-dict-ma-. "i'm "UH? s'ergr1tlg'c"gSl,7, math-II. " man's r ' m Stu-u. hummus between TQM.” lot and amount! [mo-r7. _ ,Dsnti".omtmtrtt" WWW Wham-loo. iihii 2r,"2Plii the second Thursday and Thursday Ind Friday at nt l pang PHI!” t p. f Ijt/dll"!?,)",',',)'.".' J,',',Wy W , "aiPstl'i8 iaituirrTiirtGuuirirGi' mxgzfiwaam- JOB)! X. Wu)!” MIN-t0“ " 'ti'fgtee CLTii5',if.ifiitiihiWt Ii,iii?iiiiii'ii1i't1ttt2' II'IIITMI‘M. ”I “MWIMI‘M Inn-ho ', l "l: iii,iii'iiiii?)g, mm ' . C"' hum-annulmi derrtnaram-hrrMnthrq_, Klipport Undertaking "l,,T,,'2N't, 3.1. Liam A. Bunyan G 'll2yi%"is I. W. mum I 0 DIR d ”Link-[h Iva} AND_IXCEA_NBI_II. DENTIST. ' ; Mat 09.. may. "ir'; Offitxy.. Canadian Block, 3&5; L 8003“ IMAM BARBER MIBOELLANEOUB 'irirityt, was. mums. MEDICAL DE NTAL LIVERIES wigs, D, BUG

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