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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 Oct 1901, p. 6

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I . ., new": Us - I 'ird 'tite.? ti. all who i . .5 ‘ Wit no - l qftMt-Hmtt ho lur- li “5&0.me true I Ilit' W III ‘1 Men per- l . " .powlng lama of! , " - ludusuy, Mr. L. J. i W“ 'i - M. P. P., persuaded the l . * Government to [can sn ox- 4 - ‘ _ “than!“ tht growing of l 5:" has hmvinlzlty or liorlin I " , mwmepmdxthuet- mil -eittoia1 representative hes bed. B, “at bringing tho farmers ot , ' bulls: in dime: contact with first m'onh me. o. A. C. Had swam“ who unmlmousiy sgres Enth- nail olthll portal the country, 'r"r,tV81" the Industrious end frugal than“ the yeomury ofthis vicinity g “(and to insure tho-suseess ot this ', m. The unanimity of fooling , aiming between the farmers ot the , “unwinding country and the business V In of the town also goes a long way II Muublhhment of conildtrnett in in ultlmntosuccoss of this undertak- bg. It must not be lost sight of that In Institution of this hind would spend ' I “It amount of money in any place ,rttfm,ituttt-ratiom The encour- -igee.hsttt ofrored by the OntarioGovorn- (will worthy of consideration and mud n offer of one half cent per t mundto be paid to any firm which _ i win mahoture t1rst-eliurs marketable ' - from beets grown in the province “Ontario. Acoudition in connection with this otrer is that the farmers shall ttotrrstmirtsltrtus than $4.00a ton for Whats. Taking everything into .;....eouslderstion in connection with this it .modtion, it would be unwise to ", permit such an opportunity as the present one to slip by without making _ 1h. necessary elicits to secure its lo. cation near the county metropolis. No sum indication that Berlin and‘ Waterloo Township mean baimess ,oould be shown than the pononelie pf I tho deputation, representative of these two municipalities, who are appointed to visit Bay City, Mich, in connection with the sugar beet proposition. Such ounce as S. J. Williams President of the Bond of Trade and IF. L. Janzen at Berlin with Messrs L. Koehler, E. Bowman end W. s. Sham, of Water- loo Township are suggestive of the hot that something of importance is bound to be accomplished. . 7 Englmd: Church of England offer- 1”, 037322.170; plumb ot England, int-um, $28,772,785; Free Church, ' “6,832,500; Catholic Churches, $11, " 411,282; odnoatlon and literature, $43 ‘m hospital: and orphans” 029,- G"'ii','i"it,. Improvements, missions, $18,- (530,765; Boothnd, 31] religion: pur- iim 011,051,400; Wm nnd North, not-mo. Dom ammo, 3102,- _e'a'i'l,'iJ1, Frau-um, 967,290,400; other f, Mn 'pnrpoool, $34,500,000; nun-1.; " ;-jsIbu-In, '8it,266,500; Greek "tlift',,', Pumas}: of CotsstasttistoNe, , ,500; Australian l-‘edonuon, FPt00,0fo; Puma mm um um.- l, M, " “52,500; South Attfesa,02,600 lllittt'f'" India, $325,000; Mn _ * . Mann We, “900,000, 3’ .onciu on the slum ttestdr, Feet RRP, tto-thotles, Ct1,. i"t'ira, L'll " Iowan Cutout lulu. .9.- - _ mango dump a“ m ' _ ‘ ' , wanna». ;‘ 'Gi Cd In alum, 0113,. An American paper has been com- piling statistics of religious progress. I During the last hundred years the pop- ulation ot the States increased _ thirteen fold and church membership has increased about four timrs as tart. The journal has made no strempt to es- timate the growth in spirituality, but we believe it may be judged in a more by the growth in benevolence, dilution and missions. A hundred yous ago s hslf million dollars would - everything raised for these pur- poses. Now the churches of the States spend over treaty-eight millions on null] in various benevolent Works, Athiie the annual expenditure for churches and benevolent work of the world is estimated at $1,009,369,494. The {Moving sumo spent by the church. of the world will be interest- ttttp-. . United sum: Maintenance of all 1stittrottes, $137,563,200; hospital: and ortruri, $28,300,009; improvements and minions, $43,000,000; mincellan- _ie, 046,466,100- ttttttet; hug-cw , 5.! WI“. an 'N.atadb-"e, r a - . an» ti',' der. no OIWpl’lD funi- b BMdTlldodm Eistbbhuhnhtp of no chuk- Ii.I.J. Willi-ml, ”bacon. ”Harmon In morning tho RELIGIOUS PROGRESS, EDITORIAL NOT“ no. mm unborn-Sn 'Met WI... -- !MO‘QW _ 'kt",iii.iltl'.e1'd'tlii"l"ll'dlt hallo -"iiettt A. itt - In“ tr I“. Lam-c .pmu-I In“! an and to an 'g1'l1',"l'dr mun-holy - I w with yumm- tn and" paw Nahum on an - i-rut-ot-thers"'"', amttrsottu-saoott"tr bow- of British loydty." ”can. a! the In!!! it"! “hr don). mom-m: WW, at tho on In autumn“ “when the cling. to not w and In only Iron: Man the Itrtt8 I" sh! the Candi“ Northern mu than the centre of this alum: throughout It: on- tire aunt, my objeouon to the Inst of "Mon, wham- outward or wound. bu been moved. Indeed it would b. diffitttt1t to WM a more dulnblo tUld tor immigration at bun ”more who are not "aid to supple with the ordinary would“ Ind hud- ship. inoldatttal to original “Moment." The Attontssr0eners1 also expects amt nonin- from the mining um hun- borlng indium“ In that loamy. When the Government MuNd to to null! lt conducting experiments in‘ suger beet growing only in the 'rpritstr,1 the Royal City of Guelph slept and did not make applitmtiom It ewskened very suddenly it few any: age endls now almost grietatritskert to tind all eyes on Berlin es the meet desirehle place for the establishment of a. beet sugar rtsfitiery, with other places such " Gel: and Baden boasting of their prospect; " securing one also. To Mr. Whitney the result: of the Nova 800th. elections can afford but want encouragement. Out of a total of thirtpeight ”at: the Liberal- oarrtsd thirty-six. They predicted land-lllde iy the out did not take place. Good, clean, progressive gov- ernment seems to to what is wanted by the people down by the "a and they have expressed their wishes in no uncertain way. The magnitude of the present oper- ations of tho Dominion Steel Co., at Sydney, may be judged try the fact that on its my mil there ere 2,300 names. This will be largely increased as soon re the additional worn new under construction shall have been completed. The Dominion revenue derived from Cum-um for the three months ending Sept. 30, amounts to $8,035,094. This is un increase of $488,924, or nearly half a million dollars over the same time last year. The increase for the month mar September of 1900 was $282,810. An action was filed before Court Clerk John Mchugsil Pridsy morning by Messrs Miller & Sims, who are act. ( ing agents for Carnelian & Cehill, [ solicitors fr . the American Bridge Co, of New Jena, suing John Patterson, of Hamilton, . nd the Berlin and Pros ton Street Rail any Co., for the price of the bridge built " Frmsport, which is valued " $17,150, with interest and costs of prosecution and in event ot de- fault of payment they ask for the prop- erty, including rails, ties, etc, to be sold end the money received therefrom ‘to be applied toward the payment of the bridge. The defendant, John Pat. tereon, through his solicitors, Messrs Gibson, Osborne, O'Reilly and O'Lesy, of Hemilton, alleges that the contract was not fttlfilled, the structure not be. ingeteetedin the 'sireeifitsdtirms. Thecase willbe heard at the Fall Assizee this week. The South Waterloo exhibition at Gal: this you has been a slgmlly successful one.- Guelph is petitioning the Provincial govern mom to locate the V .rtoria Statue at that once. owir g to the diou1ltt In flndipg I "ftabh, mo in Toronto. The Government grant for union clan-e: In Wsmloo amounts 108105.1mdo up as Elmira, $50; Ayr, "5; Benz-e! No. l Wilmot; 3L5. Pale, thin, Y low spirits, no Rosy and plump, fair strength, with pleasure in work, get hungry three times a day, tnd liktgood food, There are 'ways to either condition. Ska}: the first; for nobody manhunt: it, " no: we» vaedé' is yours? SUING JOHN PATTERSON, Which of these two pictures " emulgion of god-liver AN/rtsi1A NO I!“ oetite run-down, fer, 815 contin- County follow: The I! the Y . and the?“ of A'ttttl't, 'dit ttut."; - netted p in; p. we “I gal-mud 01mm". - Ira-git up In smut. One- Iruy lathe met ”when In each mete. we were not “appointed. The undue country 'tled the bill. We tanned the count; by rail from P.letyr " Keutvtlle, tome righty or :nloety lulu. end drove from Kentvllle to Wolfvllle, “not 25 mllee by wey‘o! Look OE Mountelo. The drive an no on excellent opportuulty ot loving the country " eluee range. _ . use: oflhle reflou lo qulto old so oettlement eonnu use in Grenada. The French colony " Port Boyd, near the an. of the present to" of Aauapolir.. wee founded at the beglnnlng ot the eeveuteenth century. Soon other, the long etruggle between the French and Englhh tor the eupremecy in North Amerlee. eEeewd the nettlelneute in the lend of Aeedle, and it in only alter more then a century of eootiiotprtteuded wlth Incident: ot heroism, whoring, pethoe and romance, unexeelled per- hepe in history, thetjhe victory of Wolfe on the Plains cf brahem ended the long drawn out ttonfilet and, settled forever the type of eisilixttiott that would prevail In North Amerlca. ' Tinged with the recollections of our I reading of the romantic history which i was wrought out in the scenes before I as, ye passed that day through a land as lovely " any perhaps that faces the sun. A beautitnlly undulating surface, rising into lofty Mils in the distance, dotted over with on miertahle,sometimes elegant {arm houses, nestling amidst luxuriant orchards. separated by rich, green pastures or fields of waving grain, were passed in succession throughout the entire drive. Evidence of accumulated wealth and solid com- fort met the eye on every hand. The appearance ot the country re-calied our own Niagara peninsula, only for peach orchards substitute apple. Land, we were told, is held pretty high in this region. From 8100 an acre to $150, according to improve- ments, are the prices quoted. An average farm of 100 acres usually has 25 to 40 acres in apple orchard. Solid, good keeping varieties are ehieity raised, the British market being the one catered to. Nearness to the sea is again an element in the situation. Thel farmer, or the apple buyer is within two or three hours drive of a seaport, where his apples, barrelled in the style in demand in England, can be started on the voyage to their destination in a day or two after leaving the orchard. Strict laws relating to inspection exist and are rt-ictly enforced. If unsound or interior truit is slipped into a barrel, I the inspector ttotsfUgatett the lot. The result is that Annapolis Valley apples . have a fine reputation in the British I market, and they live up to it. We were told that one man who has 40 nor: r , f apple orchard, sold his crop on the trees last year for $4,000. This, of com o, is an exceptional price for an excepziwnal crop, bat one quarter of that sum would wo well. Local men, who ought. to know,ussert thatnowhere in America can a community he found in which the standard of comfor!,or the average wealth of a rural population exceeds that of the people of these val. leys. Certainly it would be hard ta flad a spot blessed with the combina~ tion of fertile soil, pure air, healthful ans b‘mtirul surroundings and all the material elements of happiness in greater degree than in this favored an * The chief seaport of New Brunswick inbuay, pushing town. It suffered its "baptism of tutr" in 1877. The greater tart of the city went up in smoke in one dreadful day. Her busi ness men were beggered that night,hut they would not yield to fate. The fiao, well built, brick and stone business blocks, handsome churches and resi- dences that now constitute the city are e. splendid testimonial to the courage, skill and resolution ot the men who have thus plucked prosperity from the _ waxy jaws of destruction. The city in built on a hill which the: rather steeply from the water'a edge, and was in its natural state, a bare rook. Streets have been laid out and graded, over. often through the solid rock, and when one considers the cre- mendouu can of 1,tf/t1f, water and sewer 14pm in men can Mona it cause. coma wonder as to how tins work was I1mttteed. la vely many cases the work of clear- mg . fotrttdtttiort for a homo con-m.» flrtst of all in blasting away a bill of la very many cases the work of club lug. foundation {on bonus con-m.» i1rtst of nll in blasting may a hill of rack. perhaps " bulky n the but” "all wlll be when bullt. "a mllu h ttt be con-hunted than no two was open. An oxuullon may be blasted oat to tho "quilted alto tutdyieruy 0t mo buck yud, consisting of a tool a high " tho home, may luvs a mum mum In It tonne an own hon... __ The not: thou place at St. John is the turnout revoniblo (Alla. A couple of mile. Iron: the centre of the city the rtvrsr.tt' John min- I sharp turn in s “new gory bemoan two stoop rldgu of rock Ind Ml! “on: M test to no lovel of tho I... That II when the tide I: out. ma who tho great tide of the any of Fundy roll- in.nl-in¢ Ibo unto: In mums-mama [mm “no. “on higher, the m1. 'tll Iggy,',,',',',",',:',,':',',',?,'.':,', I. (e mt new ruin. puma-l o ,',h'Tu',',"ul"l'lhllr,Tlhhl'll, M or" I) but. no - m- tttttl it t'hMh'ttl a. an. no “I m F "WON.“ 1%t'G'gllr'8'atl"d , _ . Tina! M iit Is. John won my We. on pony. - cIo-ngl qrtttkerstittttytt"rV'Pr Tl} WNW - 1‘The Press iiieursioi-, .3 No.8. THE MARITIME PROVINCEU. ST. JOHN owmluglmuwm Mit. tiiut.-iertrf-tel?ey, M loll his; an... " John. on! IIOIII in». att-tmtg, dt-ttstr twin- In T,rItttt, om- tt n can, gtrsge this, trl?, huh. ppod by no In". a! 0 0mm in on of hot w and; f,l,i?utt),')iihir'.t,iiit?,,F Imam! the rippling vnvu, bu no“ mind ‘Iflor a short dip, um tins the water Ill cold. - 7 _ 0n the beset: Ill splice! menthol sue sf threeor {our cord. of “one, eovered with soil cloth, from use: clouds of moneyed Men with sundry indescribable odours. About six detect lands were given end the party nested themselves on the beech new the meaning pile and Vendor: platters were passed smnd, hnivee, forks end spoons. also numer- ous bottles of lining attttt. Then the sail cloth III removed end after it ‘grest pilse of smoking res-weed were pitched aide, revealing a wonderful beep ot corn on the cob, pots oes un- dressed, chickens ready barred ahd clams in their shells,herrels end barrels of them, all steaming hot. Business was brisk tor the text he)! hour. it is true, some had to learn to eat clams, bat the chicken and corn and other tillage were unquestioned and the eel air and the ozone were nppetizlng, and some ilnighgd their qnnrt of clams in short order and reached oat for more. Then there were speeches, brief and witty " become: the Press, and'naeur- ences between our party and our hosts that each side was composed of jolly good fellows, which nobody was the least inclined to deny, and with hearty cheers all round we made our way to the train and back to the city and the clam bake was ovenbut never forgotten, (In The mil next day up the St. John River was a delightful one. it was the counterpart of the day's mil on the Bree d'.Or Lakes. In tho evening on arrival " Fredericton, tho Capital of the Province, we were treated to all drive, and a reception at the Parlin-‘ ment Buildings of an informal chatag- ter bat very enjoyable. The people or the city were unueually cordial in their welcome. They lined the ”route, and the fronts of residences, and cheered and waved fisgs as we passed, as though anxious to send through us a fraternal welcome to the people of Ontario. About three miles from Fredericton] is the village of Marysville. We had) daylight enough to 900 it, andl was much pleased to have the opportunity. The village has a population of about 2,000. it is owned by Mr. Gibson, the lumber king of New Brunswick. Be- sides his lumber industry he has a cotton mill which represents one million dollars in invested capital. Seven hundred persons are employ. ed in this mill and its sanitary arrangements and everything in con nection with the institution, bespeak mot only the able captain of industry ‘tiist Mr. Gibson is, bat the kind and considerate employer. indeed Mr. Gibson himself and his way of dealing with the labor and capital problem, are the things that make Marysville unique and a visit to-the place very instructive. I Mr. Gibson is tb'e very ideal of a benexolent despot, He owns the town and will not sell any lots. He owns the land on both sides of the river for many miles, and preserves the woods some: they may yield an annual crop of lumber for ages, if his policy is con- tinued. He recognizes the evils at the liquor um and will have none of it on his domain. Msrysvilie is a "dry" town, if any of his workmen went the stuff, they must go elsewhere to get it, but if they choose to stay in his em- ploy they had better not go too 'a',) or there may be trouble. 'l‘hrre are three or four churches in the place, and Mr. Gibson helps them all. lie is a member of the Methodist Church himself, and he built the church solely " his own expense. It is a wooden building somewhat on the generalplsn oftheNrliametttarr library " Ottawa, that is octagonal in ground Oltut. Very rich stained glass windows admit a "dim religious light". An ex- cellent organ occupies the loft opposite to the pulpit. The building some 450 and the beauty of it may be guessed when it is stated that the cost was $65,000. Mr. Gibson pays the entire running expenses ot this church, in- eluding the miniswr'a salary. Thtsl church is nbsolutely free to the con- gregation, not oven R collrc'inn for nny locnl purpose being alluwcd. Further than nil lhls,we understood that um Renown. lord of the manor takes care of the sick, the Mtfietod nn-l the needy among“ his work penplo with no grudglng hand. The maul; is that his relations with hi. people are of. tnott kindly character. Strike; " unknown. Sometime ago, n pro- fessional labor agitator arrived at Muyuille and begun to interview norm of the workmen with a View to forming a union. Tho men 1tMemed long enough to clinch. the drift of his mum, who: may invited him to ud- Jonrn the setting And never oomo but. They aid they know when they "to well treated sad as may ind no (finance more was no nood on union. Tholnhnr problem in wind in." " my rate, though that»: the an. Myron“ work equally woll 'veereMe. '0 will m new “In, “Mill. d the hind might in mama”... -- A _ _ _ aaa-ua. no: out lpodd "In: and a. m "It! It. Tum who alum-n- WK. T. ' it. and trialled with " no“ 23:1!» mm ot which {an on. own-to, wh m- m m:- wloh the Inm- -tititat out!» Junction, Mets Kr. JOHN RIV " The . ", w“ n "a I »-r u "u_' ~. 1.7 w , T 'geep,tg.rl.it"1t'1ttht c'. m . i4“; ' 1 5"“),2”; T tr2egeg,'tiii _ . 1tWiirrust'et.uCii"" "v"ir"'eli Eli!. "WOW: Jer', '. ' .-= '1 a.” “ma.“ . I” _ _ ., mwpiwvmfl lg te 'oe""". 0.? OL M 'l,'.'.' s't'thttdtg'rd'lf, WI _ ml I MOL m. . l r T up,“ -' vista-(mm. ’ J,eu',g.e.1rlehe mm" "an“ that - argl" e" Atuurt0 urn!" ' " plb~~,- bob] MIL ”The onby “ta-“134m afgtf2t'tt'P,ttf . “a Ir tMag to do to to “will." Bub” 'C,ib',i'it'ililii'.htiti .n oe guy": Tnblou 17mm: trnughseu de. ttttit,r.t', b'2f?gtrt/gt - b.10- - - _. --LL n-l.4l_ ' Ma. "Ar I“ m " Itrtt-It 7 _ a. ' m .. up Ite, in" an! {an I'M at -, and ”all“ hi than. Do not [In hub!“ a”! l 2tl,e,t", mum-gm ”pawl, land 9: use InnMv Wop., Babb. Own '1'“)be are nuanced mum-U no ophto urottter Mums drum the, manic mud, New» 310094;” , go directly to tttt mile! luv troubles. bunched In nu! than unm- cln be given to the youngest M. tant. Mn. Walter Brown, M:lhy,Qm., sum-“I have new» mud any median or baby that did as much good no Baby’l Own Tablets. I would nos be without thear" r Baby’o Ow'n Tablets no for uh " all drug stores, or win be all direct on receipt of price (25 can" a box) by addressing tho "r. Williams’ Madman: Gr, machine, Ont. your ODJIDK "pt. sum, been compiled try Mm: Con Them have treea 87 pris Med durtnzthe your, 82 t females. Nine of was In “an a of age. di Penitcmtiary 2, to urn-m- saved in commonjaii 2t}. Fentcnced tur less than 30 d:: 30 days up to 60, 5 for two fur3 months 1 for 4 months, mouths, 4 {Jr 1 year, 2 for'.?, in There were '27Ucsrgrt:ulent p'. isnnern, and 6) municipal prieonrrs. Total number days for Government pzisonera 413, for.manitipal 1527. There nationalities were, 49 Canad- ian, 10 English, 6 Irish, 4 Adierieams and 18 other nationalities. Ar!", various religions were 22:32:3qu by 3t Roman C'athoiioe, 16 t Inn of Eng- land, 6 Presbyterian! 8 Methodist. and 2 for over 3 yea! iauu, u I 1‘1ch nun-n1, - -..i____F_-_ “V_ 26 other denominations. Thirty ilre were married and 52 unmarried. seven could neither read or wine. Forty- five were temperate and 42 Imempar- Me. I Tho total cost. for food. fuel, gas and water $689.02. The chicory salaries, includingjniler, matron and tnmkuy, $1275.00. Daily coat for rations 8 1 6 cents. Largest number of prisoners at any one time 13; lowest number 2. Thoae committed were for the following e:vrtres;--5 for assault, 2 aggravated assault, 3 for induction, 3 for common ofhmee, 4 drunk and dia. orderly, l crucltyto animals} debtors. 2 false, proxonces, 2 Mme stealing, 2 indecent assault, 17 for than, 5 insane, 2nrhootitrg mun tent, 27 ugrancy, ll other e: hues. The occupations of tho prisoners warn-3 axcnia, 3 turban, 1 bar- srerr:--i' axcnzs, o (LII Hens. 1 um- tender, 1 shncumker. 9 Iii-3s, Ieabinet maker, 2 carpenters 1 carnage maker, 1 cigar maker, 2 clerks, 2 mops", 3 machinists, 29 labomrs. 1 8mm cutter, 3 mouldcre, 3 peddle”. 2 winters, l servant, l tailor, l groom, 1 timnnith, 2 heaven; 4 no occupations, and 10 other tallm QUIET ('uumge. There were no escapes and no deaths _ " b Promoted That In mot Yum“. Oval- "r " Cattle Wttl Greatly Inn-NV. t predict that in the your: the qual- tty of cattle will have BO improved " to be beyond the expectations of the moat lamina. in tact, the wonder- hl reformation in alréady Ihown in theuyoung stock on the ranges. and in a revelation to those who have han- died that class ot cattle. By their (ruin ye shall know them. and one has only to watch the ahipment at cat- tle min the (not breeding grenade of Irene. New Mexico and Arizon- for the next three year: to at an idea an to what the Bhorthorn has done foe the breed and for hunyinity. Some one has said that the literature of a pi,o:lt wu on index to in character. i The tenture and press oba country, i may mould the character oi it: people. but he who prmidee the bee! woollen We brain and culture of the anthr- or editor. Give me the power to elect the beetroi a people, and others max theme its literature, or it- armiee. tor Nth pure, his -hrcul, wholesome beef t will 'l,2n'lli's'tll', brain. the culture and the development at the one and the bravery, the manhood. the endur- Inca uni the natrioiism ot the other. COMMON JAIL STATISTICS " and the development at the one Ind the bravery, the manhood. tire endur- anco and the patriotism ot the out". Good. wholesome. pure d is In el- "mm . -r the develop out of me my not. A. hauling 'u the wrung! “I? most products develop, in the no “do wtll We Inn-use II Intolllmco. ennui-a, mthMtmcnt, prosperity um commercial \mwrum was. yuan)“ llo "and tttHof -. of the an, the ton-Ion eon-add 'ttttion d the will. III. - to II- mu"m.un." madam beet at“ no birthpheo ot m Bttttet. hon._mhcod he om. n! no man. In lung g; “97:31. V KUrsnd I'- pnctlodl: it. only Inc - country ttr-day that may uh Enid” but: “linen 2t.Tg"r. or on. tho 'iiSiki; iiliiaEi'ir IA'. 'dl a I ttrtAttttatktt FUTURE war-25F. an Sam iltrd try J Mr W Jail‘ Manning " the hem. 30th, 1901, have Central h nmmictcrl f '12} If a and under E unra‘auu tor ti: VIM 6 l5 SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL J: " . . . T A DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOVT . . V T Alt I'm Guaranteed by an LONDON t LANCASIHII I'll. ll.- Aucu of $26,366,“: ’ w; dial " Ill- u N experiment" m lately lis- eovered um inter an In boiled in I paper maul. Out ot n In": ttt strong - out n dish nbout six inches in di- " amcter. Next take a piece at wire, not too thin. making at one end thereof n ring about three inchu in diameter, wrapping the other end spirally Mound a cnndle Ind keeping It in place by stickin' 1 pin Into the audio just. below the 1owcr end. By meaning the dish or paper ineo the hollow ot one hand it is given a bowl nhnpe. in placing this bowl in the wire ring w must in when to let Lu rim project shout An inch the" t' gums: or x" rwt'iuuungb- . . -' - afftf9f.'tt'P,tef . . 1%. it a, ©earn* pun ht "no nu Bert tlvl M. "ctiisi,'i'ili - thN.'ti'lttt.'ttrt t'ld't'G'llf, mum! mt. Meet,. mun-9c. the lupport. n this makes It pcssiblo to pour into the paper dleh so much water that the surface of the latter ts nightly above the wire-this being absolutely necessuy'to the succu- at the experiment. It is also necessary that the ttttate ot the candle almost reaches, or even 'lightly touches, the bottom or the bowl. In a tow Ieconds after light- tag the candle the water wilt begln to bon. the paper remaining intact he- aanse the water absorbs the entire heat. of the tlame. The Mercantile Fi Tuesday 'utd9tedneedtty, , Soptombor 24th and 15th, and following um M illilliay (lying " " SUNLIGHT SOAP you save in cost in the cost of the coals un- used, not to mention the longer life of the nrticlu walled. A tablet of Sunlight Soap are new a Dorian! item. Then why burn coals for the weekl wash , Some Soaps won't Wash linen without t,'ilitt' but SUNLIGHT SOAP ‘V__ It's a wise economy to buy the best of all Soaps, when by doing so the quantity of coal used on washing day can be Burning coal to help Inreetornrtd low-priced Soaps to wash is lik- spending I s cent tram fare to purchases a lo cut article for 9 cents. will do more work y..t.t.1.%, and do, it 'tttfirtitelr better, part two tabletg of aint,': cheap son will do M on]... The ','fll?lrr,' oflhIJu lie noon Ind out the line. (no economy. That's why SUNLIGHT SOAP is ”Red for by (has. people to one akin; for my other up in tho world. _ no“ Dilcovtrcd ”Hut Want I.) no null-d In I 11w (In-cl. “has Wright,- Secretu'y. Reduced 50 per cent. . to JOVEL EXP [RIM ENT. Coal Bills IIIAD OFFICE By using The hth of the Twin on" an candidly In hi all M tSt In" obit M - 1.3mm _ .. m. PM INSURANCE COMPANY. lucorwnted 1875 erqtg, IiltotaIiial minimum Nu Aunts trt Jan. 1900 Amcurl "t Bren . . Gavel omens I‘M-pas". Hum Km“. - - as. hummus! P,ioht.............. C.“IM............. Funk Tumor. C. I Geo. Pnttlte-oet..... 'e. F KPrNe mm MI Rriiilfluii) MUTUA Total Assets Mst Mannie! k $834088. V .. mm emcs, vsAtmln‘.'m Iutp; Hrs om tMmp ' mud youlnnnuumll‘ I. wili "end you lautourRmbM “I. la aqua we. on}. WhoaI at .. momym l In witt and _ r. when frwo “(Vanni m: I um" rhvod Im k. I . mm _ til',fJ,L', hd 11itt2 i"gigl'tr, ' Wm: an AAA u: . Inch PM. plan at yftniitt u omxnldslwugglnln m .. A HV h we plnccd all out-old w- an M l ter rrnt. Rosana Bt-Utd--. higher 'df/il';,',')',"');:',",':";"?,".':';. We have increnu‘d our Slurp!" ' V m Lemmas ("In 521.210 to 1%lllt and omrtraisu. Wi run a iii a .3 whim-n you an“: all. an at pun-no from om- mnn aa “we can, Dou'thtmn no: "' w.-" ma INSURANCE can”!!! fNCON't?RATED INitt08. c"-, WAT um. Ml.”- 4lt Mum»! and 633113“ Deo. Rania“, I B. tttt yr! pr. E: q, William Fum- Goo. Din! et, s, Allkn Bowman. Em" [MM P. R, fit-Ml. Fiesta". Them“ Gamay. Fay. Guelph. Jame: Living: (can. In)” Bod-L OFFICERS t Hdiiy m-hw w chgge Rgmdun Wat. t3nider, CT " E'rr‘nk “Light H. T. Orr. h s T. l. teau, ham BOA RD ; PREMIUMS ' FREE Exouhlor Ygreatngt 00., OF BERLIN. Organized Mm. ' fsGffiiii,t, u- 2”]: Cevttrry fitai.ttg"iiirr. u n splendid position. W. y. lungrrss and equity my" words. ' _s' ' have mnroasrd our Sum rl from 8%7,UUU to "01k0tB r . have hm". used our Paid-um" sun 661.000 to “MAX”. f any or our "" for ”macaw. Ham? Life 1isgttiiti..i, coerANY. CT .515 t-brotrrtsitrshrc 7U rm! I 0 #4,": , sstyti;t,if,j',:.i';it,lt' D U? DIRICTOM Send no New. or DIRECTORS. by a Clement. Wm” Emu WI‘MM ,. ROUGH a oor. . “an It, Fool Wen!» _ ‘rc-Preddon‘ S annkel‘. J.ttt. ' ' rgnllu' ”and “I. aad "unce- new 99'ng or vim“ d our Age“ from m. new; hen-too. ”rm wank-J 'l- ID irf ar,, R5' Cf',

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