. 'fi, “It“ u well roman!“ mm. 1Uhtttttt ll. got tab. our: of no. Eur: , t dander-tuna†human Dr. ff» ig ' w sad the Gnlph purple an RI IW, 4_m ad an m Bi ' luv-w. mum-on - itâ€. 1'lttt'g,tgT/t .... Ba 'rsiMlltafl'fg 9 We .liknowtho dimcuny ofintro- (lacing a new industry, and therefore Ab.e'ttr,motisr.te' aucndance at the L _ boot muting should not dia- a, thou: who no working to in the factory located here. our Miittttt competitor. we feel assured, r, "meitts, though it may be tint on: i, ' Men will put up factoring on Him-mum. The prominent â€I it an meeting yesterday gave 99uruitt sound no to the capacny . We: to grow the right hind , Tho and doe not. drift on _ mum all! detesirt other _ "eenia1.rg-etiooaotmv) In; ' so man-nuns 'mt-sa-tret'"""'??)'"-') Wuwmz DISPOSAL non .. Lu. . F he action men by the township of WW in respect to the - fart. may to the town of Berlin has “started fresh intereit in the solution qfthiopeolnstst, ltis generally eon- m that those livirg in the vicinity 'ttd below the - farm must less-art†put up with more or iris “Miners " compared with has living " a greater distance from tht, institution. It is equally true, In!) town composed of 10,000 luv “but! like Berlin, must have some ’Qeans of disposing of its refuse. The problem of sewage disposal is at present in its experimental stages as the as the iiltaring bed system is con- sumed. Berlin has already expended thousands of dollars in the construct- ion of septic tanks and filtering beds and although these plans appear to work well for a time yet they soon be- come overcharged and fail to satis- faestorily accomplish the purpose for which they were designed: A system of sewage disposal known " the ohernial sewage system has proved highly satisfactory where adopted, but is entirely too expensive for towns like Berlin. The city of Hamilton has such a system in operation, which works to perfection, but costs the cityf$lO0.000 a year for maintenance. It is said that in various large cities In Europe sewer farms are in operation which are not only self sustaining but are also a source of revenue. It might be wisdom on the pert of our town fathers to take into consideration the propriety of purchasing alarger area of land for the purpose of distributing the town sewage. There is no invention tor the absorption of sewage which equals natures own provision, namely, wage» tation, which will at once appropriate all the fertilizing qualities contained in such refuse, while the earth will ab. sorb the remainder. Being an inland town Berlin is pro-eminently aditii- cult town for which to provide sat s- factory sewage arrangements, and possessing as it does, numerous mann- maturing establishments which pro- duos a class of sewage of the most difmutlt class for disposal Up to this time, under the direction of Provincial Health 0ttitNrr Bryce, ti e town 'of Berlin has expended about $20,000 in sewer farm experiments and to-day it would seem‘ we areastar from a satisfactory solution of ttre problem as’when we started. it is now proposed by the Berlin Sewer Committee to make an organized effort, by soliciting the eo-operation at other towns and cities, isimilarlysitua- ted to ourselves, to ask the Ontario Government to take the matter of ex- puirnenting on sewage disposal in hand at their own expense, seeing that this problem is one of universal interests Thejastice of such a proposal becamee all the more apparent when we con- sider the liberal expenditure which is being made annually by the govern- ment-for experiments in connection with agricultural development. No more fair J proposition could be made than that the Ontario Govern- ment should make a liberal appropria- tion for experimenting in the direction or solving one of the most difficult pro- blems in which every town in the pro- vines is directly interested and which involves the vital question of the health of the province. Acoording to the following extract [on the Mercury it would appear that 4htelpts feels ft has been beaten to a -tuttlt in the race for the beat an- r "titterr.-- 'Ei":"?.',?,?":??,;:,?."'"',':",",'.'"':."".",'.'?-- runaway - “not! w I It» mum at "postdoc u; â€an: “MH'M " ='ehth2/llh'lAr211'l'l'lUk' Jatau-""e""""""t a! Maine - to out than: -------------a--v-a====a-=== #00, to b. around “III. Kolb "_, _------- _.-....... -m. (unwounmno ad 3 buyout of IS GUELPH OUT OF IT? “I -ar.rrogte- “It.†tn can. - It would appear C i " the farm“: are to b0 the pioneers " co-operation in this country. The “urns of Ontario have lonahnd their c » parative cresm. ( erior, and co-oper . n fire incur-000‘ companies, which. Whom under proper l management, hue im 'ed temarinbiy{ profitable. Amen†‘ to the Omaha1 [ice the farmers of Solomon, Karin-q are achieving gram c. was with a co- I operative claw-tor. Owing to " eiovs- E tor trust the prioe of " wheat this point was kept fourteen ce'nu below that of Kan-u City. Although ,th dlfrerrrttm) in freight charged III onlyun can“. ruling to an . bill which would give them relief through the ham-1mg n It. Ittet union, m farmer. unwind II comparative caesium, put compo- mn men in chug- nnd [In all mom- hou m "Minna-0mg ttteir who» to aha -ttemtt M paid out on: n balm " tho man. The man of duh mm In" M m mt-tled the nun-mum! m In!" It†_ gtfta'g,tt, tt ft'tt, .....- , an. ad it the mop-nu will “up: the W101: may will ban a an: door- but. [Mum for the to“ am Ian on: boon "qtttted. - Kowlihuwding tho tut tint than we: only a!" hour- uun out. unet- tng to be held of bull .ou men and manhunt; of the no", to me: 'ht an tNttttmittoe of the company, tttoy Ian wall "prenatal. Among the; u um I‘m 3. J. William, President of the Board of Trade, [not Bowlby, H. J. Bisna, CK. Haydon), J.P. Bell, J. Mann, C. A. Abram, Jr., lt Smut, J. Lang, J. Bolderbnnnt, D B. Deanna, 0J1. Dalian, BU. Bali, 8. A. Brubachor, P. Hymmrn, W. V. Daley, A. 0. Boohmer, C. E. Mayer, L. J. Brelthaupt, Sonnet Moments. 8tshiistidtsr, J. U. Clemons, J. Motratt, Geo. H. Lung, A. Lang, C. Mel-lick, J. It. Stanton A. Haber, K. Mueller, A. Brlokor, B. L. Juana. R. Bled, H. _ Hagen and when. Mr. S. H. Jane: make of the com- pany as Dot being promoters, but a company of men who have, invested capilal to make moncy ont of it. This country is behind in the raising of sugar been, whereas HAY should bo foremost, as this pez.iuau1a can produce new. The Ontario Government had granted $275,000 for the promotion of sugar beet, raising $75,000 to be ex» pended annually. To build the factory will man an expenditure of $500,000, and when the disadvantages lire considered, it will require another $100,000 to overcome them. All the laborers would be located from the vicinity. The annual turnover for labor and the beets, etc, would be over 8500,00 _ He referred to the fact chat all the i 1w material, with the ox- coptirncfcua ind porhapa lime, and he underitvou that lime could be secured along the river bed. would to secured from the vicinity. They would require 60,000 tons of beet, which " FI a ton would mean an expenditure " $240,000. Mr. Blain 8p die of his visit to Bay City and said the sugar beet factories had been the salvation of that city. There are four factories in that city. One of them used 135,000 tons of beets, with a turnout of 1/200,000 lbs. of sugar. He referred to farmers making from $2,000 to as much as $30,000 annually: Owing to the die- advantages they would require extra money. . t FARMERS AND C' O-OPERATION President 8. J. Williams occupied the chair and stated that they had with them the site committee of the' Qatari» Beet Sugar Compeny, com- posed of Messrs Hugh Blain, chairman, s.u. Janos, A. McLachlan, N.B. Gash, and John Flatt. These gentlemen- have been looking at various sites, and have almost come to the conclusion where to erect their factory. These gentlemen were here to talk business and are willing to negotiate with Ber- lin concerning assistance this town may be willing to give. "It is our business to do our ntmostto secure this con- cern and we must act immediatelyâ€, said Mr. Willituns,. He spoke of the great bonetit this factory will hate the laboring classes, such as masons, carpenters and town laborers in pro- viding work during the winter months when building, sewer and roadmaking can not be done. We must also 15NV sider our disadvantages, in not having railway competition, no lime stone, and no fuel, thus making our site not as feasible as oth- ers that are under considera- tion. He referred to the liolb pro- perty,and if this spot is taken the matter will he a township matteras well as the town. He had the assur- ance of Ileerts shaefer, of Waterloo Tp., that the farm rs would assist in this mettur. Iain Williams called upon Mr. Hugh Blmu to give an idea of what " (agar rermisry would mean to the town. , Mr. Wain said it would be difficult to give all the benefits that Berlin would derive by having a sugar refinery, He referred to the fact, that the com- puny was represented by every mum ber of the Site Committee, thus show mg their desire to gtt down to bpsi IDITOIIAL Kala Will Berlin Get It? MP.. HUGH BLAIR MR. R. m JANE-‘5 adr to Biiad.-want P.yse..nue a: Grand Rivet, tli'; it “was 'ttIW, will M tt that“ In M U! W W “a a. ultra! b It. - but: " mum be m the - The, my: " the beets utliil00aqt' new" and it it “Hunted um no, ooo to 60,000 mm d my. would 5. grown. Ttttst mun: pay $100 awn tor bco’s. [in and than; 'ttst it y “or. (will, human.) u irh an Innâ€, sad when Ml the disadvantage: veto considered, they ware wry Malamu- cxn'. Tiny muted but owns! to mat-mt than.†Ive; {mm ammunition, tsruiitwott!d in“ km the cunpmy nuisances! inventors Intd 0103er 'rotti'e"-tettr'"ttei- An "(Imam made In Plttaburg plug: the loan of wage. .ttttered by the worktngmen in 3 two and I halt manual Idle-cu 1tatteed by an Into Hal sum " can mmion donut. " thin immune "ttt of money would has him: paid to the men ht out: and MM M and it“: thgitttia. land, In month; to I...“ o In, mm I m ttatm. 'rot-tyr, a. but! " IQ 'tttog" "I 'ltiltrit-il- “I“: The Department of Customs hue a new ruling, namely, that tourists on bicycles hereafter brought into Cumin by members of the Lane of Amerim Wheelmen are subject to custom- dntiee, the eame " other tourists, and the privilege heretofore granted to the membore of the lane of bringing in in their bicycles without deposit of dutyie withdrawn, Inbieet, however, to refund of the duty if the bicycle in exported within six monthe from den of entry. protastthtsmrlvea from c urdir. would Bur him th manhole“! inventor: m together. Messrs S. J. Williams and R. L. Jauzeu along with three mpresanta- tivesof the Farmers’ Institute, were appointed to visit Bay City for further information. Mr. Flatt uld ho had daalingu with He: liu 'ritiscpsfor more than 20 years. Hardened tothaGermna quanta of honesty and prcgrrrrsiotnsssa. The factory they proposed to erect van to be am but beet - [actory in the but location. The boot {um And ("more in thin country are in thin vtcinity. We have no idea ot the magnitude of I concern of this kind. magnitude of a concern of this kind. The Germans in the old land turn out 1,700,000 tons of sugar annually. the United Statesis next with 1,000,000 tons in e yesr and there is no reason why Ontario should not turn oat 1,000,000tons in the same term. He stated that all the Germans required was a little-rousing and if Berlin is aroused they will undoubtedly have the factory in their midst. _ HAYOR BOWLBY. Mayor Bowlby referred to the {act that Engineer Bauer Bad made a favorable report in the locating of a sugar retiasrry at Kolb’s farm. He read a. letter he received from Mr. Hugh Blain, in which was contained the proposition, almost the some as above, and referred to the tact thtc that the town would have to negotiate with the township and divide tho differ- ent requirements of the proposition with them. As Mayor he was strongly in favor of securing this concern for the town. A strong committee, composed of the Council of the Board of Trade, the Imiutrtrip) Committee of the Town Counei0nd Mrsare L. J. Breithnupt, H. L. Janzen, D. B. Detweiler and T. P. 'Bell, was appointed to confer further with the Site Committee in reference to framing a by-Ns for en!)- znleslon to the Council and other neceeeary preliminaries calling for im- mediate aetlon. . been nmandc it shall an be Dominion ber, Mr. Williams a; the more fully upon the proposition, and reiterated the statements of the Site Committee men who had spoken. Statistics show that the consumption of sugar doubles every ten years, so there is no danger of the overcrowding of the sugar market. We have the best farms, the best farmers and will have the best sugar beets. He thought the demands were renewable. There would be no ob- jection to drainage into the Grand River. The Government would un- doubtedly assist in the erection of the bridge. The extension of waterwozh would naturally follow for tire pro tection. The railways will look out tor themselws. when it is considered that 600,000 (AW mls of sugar, 60 tons of coa].anti 0'0 tons of lime would be hauled duly. He suggested that the bonus h-xdivided by the town giving $25000, a rd the township $15,000. He admitted Yhut this problem is larger than we we inhabit of handling bat with an Waring for it,.it will be ours. Mr Wi'litata asked a number of those Tyson? to ante their views, and Mean: I, J. “minimum, Senator Mer- ner. R. Smyth, H. L. Janzen, II. J. Ha“, ll [Led and J. P. Boil spoke in favor of the scheme. President W 1123-221 naked {ma standing vote in tavor of the proposition and pledg'ng their assistance, and the meeting was unau' ‘1 nu. . Messrs A. Main, in'. H. James, N. B., Ga ". and A. hieLsehlaa were well pleased with the reception they had received and stated tbelr rexdiness to complete negotiations, STRONG COMMITTEE APPOINTED. A DEPUTATION TO BAY CITY Me. JOHN FLEET ", so " to provide that trarmfaetcred within the to being exported. 8110'an [mil Koahlor. Flam Ant-8t. Lowrance. Aux Merin mom: mum. Ph. mm. a. 'lllkl t 99 ?'trb9r.rtt. .‘..- 29:“: . Mal", any owner In“), u. I‘m-"Ir" ' a... In“... Haul The was" 6eparttttetrt M “no $301" can t “I Grand Trunk In!!!" lay-Mm h In n- odmmnlnm' m . WW mrr. '". mom, who, with In Mahmud, Murmur!“ Kochlor. Bun. OM Oh no» II t _ up“. I‘m... Ala! Heliumâ€: mu CW“. 1 II. Md nah... n. Mater, I. I ‘oumqnammm + ttt,llttta"it M. triiU.tarh C . _. ... bo, ""2 y. dead', I Mahdi. T 2thr."ai; Mil-bu ma. Jon. -Ktlbbbch; that-yards! “guiding, Ph. ram t And Scum; two- oar-old lily at ' A, 'hnosom MT, Blot. Ed. Fri ", gaunt-old can. " Pen-lo, HAM: 'ttmat--- an with tan! “who BM. J. Thomas, P. (Th-Inch; foal, QMRUMIM P. Hammond; thnc- mold 'lt or (Ming. It. Swift, 0. Mtt J. , em but“; two-ym-old 'ltr r.ttdtec J. Holman. M. Swift. Wm. "1.; an. Pitoll cult. P. Patch. F. “amend. . A, Wilhelm. . ' CueriNPr--Brdod mare with foal " foot, W. B. Fn-oholl P. Berour, Haw ting- .Broa ', foul, J. D. Brudlsy. J. Henderson. J. Gilda»; ',t'ittraigQ filly or gelding. J. Gilda-LC. .lolet. 0. Sterling; two-year-old ï¬ll: or gold- ing, J. Vanee, W. Lsuume lager. J. Molina-on; one-year-old colt. J. Gild- nep. Blaine:- Em. F. Walter, pou. Rom Tnlfmt. Louis Know"; 3, any other kind. Roht Talbott mothy need, T. B. Fritz. L. Room"; Indian com. T. B. Fritz, Gm.A. Hyde: pop corn, Jno Mal. “illicit-m irtipt, bunt. J. B. Richty, L. Rouble" was. my other kind. L Korma; fodder corn. GI]..- DIh-o. Huang- Roadstor- Brood nun with toal " foot, J. Hill, 11. Panama. L Scum; tmst, J. Richardson, D. Dorari, W. Sender; three yelmold my or gold- ing, E. Swift. H. Daring. . Lombard; two-rear-old frly or gum ' alum: Bros., J, Farewell, h. 'Adil',.'. onc- GRAIN AND NEEDS. White in" who“. Louis Kwhler. T. B,trrfta; red fall whonubouis Kmhlor, M, (3. Platinum; spring. whmt, Inuit Komlerr,white hdrler, Rom. Taliban Loui- Kmhlar: white DIM. Rom, Tul- bot, Loui- fgi,"/T bit mu, Loui- Koohler. ROM “but: um.“ white pom. Baht Tslbnt. Louis (which use. any who: kind. Rom. hum. Lumber wa gon, wooden axle o patent Arm, f eimhhmxer; not trintrle humus. 0.17. urosch.C, F. Otlmnn; â€than: harm", C, P. Ottmnn: pair ttae boots. c. Hammer; pair emu-u boots, U. Hammer. Fumen' rape, J annlton. -' Farmen' trot. Liable. J. Sayers: f2ig','JI."in,.r kind,L.h'chaub. t3hicks-- (lands. T. J. Sayers: bar. red Rock, do., um. &,FltyUchhquer; light, Brahmas, Itatr, * Fleisehhaurr,T J. Sayers; white Leghorns, do., T. J. " era; black Minerva. do., J. M. Wil, heal); Spanish. T. J. Sayers, J. M.W'il~ helm; Hnmhurg. T. J. Sayers; Wyandotte, T. J. Say". Rata & Fleiruthttatter; Bantam. .J. Sayers l and 2: whit» Rock, T. J, Swen: black Java, T. J. SJon-n. -old colt, Me Knochtel. J. Pam Harness horses-Span heavy draught horses, Ph. P-lrie; span rioultural human. T. Kalbtieisch, .A. lt 11-11:. J. Lou; ups!) carriagu horses, 15t hands and over, w, Schwfor. A. E. Matz, II. Reichert; seam roadster horses. under 15! hands, U. w. Maser, A.E. RAIL“. Itrichert; single carriage horse, A. F. McTavitstt, C. Growers. W. J. Moody; single roadster, D. Smith. P. Living- ston. D. Smith; suddia horse, It.Ityde, Ph. Patric: single pony. " hands and under, E. G. Smith. J, It. Ridel: hen lady driver, P. Livingston. J. D. Brad- ley; gentleman's Lurn-out,W.J.Moody, D. Smith. Durhtun-Bull, 3 years old and upwards. J. Berg: two-year-old bull. A. MeGilhtwee, J. Hill; one-year-old bull, L. Kushler, J. Venton; hullculf. under one year,J. Hill,Hastings Bros.; cow. three years old and upwards,that raised a. calf this your, J. Hill 1 and 2; two-year-old heifer, J. Berg, J, Hill; one-rear-old heifer. J. Berg. J. Hill; calf. any age, J. Berg, J, Hill; herd,D. Koch l and 2; best female, J. Berg, J. Hill; herd of calvel, J. Hill, J. Berg. Jersey-Bull', two years and up- wards, Geo Latch; bull, one year old, J. Gildner; bull calf, under one your. J. Gildner; Jersey bull, any age. G. Latch: heifer, two years old and up- wards. Cr Latch l and 2; heifer, one year old, Cr. Latch l and 2; heifer calf. under one year, J. Gildner l and 2; best female, any age, G. Latch. Hohstein-mull, one your‘old. c, It. Cries; bull calf, under one year, C. R. Gier, bull, any age, C. It. Gies; heifer, tonears old and upwards, C. R. Give 1 an 2: heifer. one year old, G.R.Giea l and 2; heifer calf, under one year,0. R. Gies l and 2; beat female, any age, 0. R. Gies. Gt-aries-Dairy type cow, J. Hill 1 and 2; beef tyre cow, J. Hill lnn'd 2; fat cow or hei er, J. Berg, J. Hill; fat steer, D. Koch, J. Hill. Bronze. turkeys. Jno. Truchsel: tun keys, any other kind, Jno. Trachsel l and 2; â€l'oulouse geese, J. M. Wilhelm, J, Trnchsol; any other kindu,Trechsol t and 2: Pekin ducks, J. Tracusel 1 and 2; ducks. any kind. T. J. Sayers, J. Trtuehsel; Plymouth Rocks. Inn-ed. T. J. Sayers 1 and 2; dark Brahmas. T. J. Sa ers: light Brahmas, T. J. Sayers l “1&2: brown Leghorns, do. 1 and ly, white Leghorns, do. 1 and 2: black Minor-ms. do. 1 and 2; black H nnish, J. Wilhelm, J. Trwhseli 's'v'h'2he',lt'd'. T. J. Sayers; Partridge Cochins. T. J. Sayers. Rim. & Fleischhnuer; Silver Spangled llamburgs, T. J. Sayers, J Tracheal; Wynndottes, T. J. Sayers. Ratz & Fleischhauer: Games, do., do.; Bantams, J. Trachscl. T. J. Sayers; Houdnns. T. J. Sayers: black Jawts,T. J. 15r.ytertc, Iy'iieorP,ttr2r -kittltr'schtyub. l Aged Berkshirpbort A. Hyde; Berkshirel in 1001, Geo.A.H.vde sow, A. Hyde; sow p Hyde l and 2. Long wool-Hastings Bros. took all prizes. - --- M _ _ Yorks -Aged boar, C. R. Give, Geo. A. Hyde; hom- pig of 1901 G. A. Hyde land 2: breeding sow. J. (Hill 1 and 2: sow pig of 1901. G. A. Htrde, J. mu. nmst five bacon hogs-Hastings BrosoCr. ll. Gies. Short wool-C. llm'tleib took prizes. . SPEEDING Prize List. M ECHAN [CAI HORSE! PO U LT RY SWINI S " EEP, kTTL5 or eldin ' I -II, fi','.' Igu- Keuzie Bron well. Span heavy»: CONTESTS. Zieglerl. Dwrr, W n Air, Z'Iegler, Fred use, It.itydTr, " hands and a Ridel: hen ttT l and 2 J, Hill J. Hill herd,D Berg, ' Berg. all and! Me's-7&1. lend-h Eats. "eb'erstS. iyiildiiliiiii Iett'l. D “drunk L Kuhn. â€With; Baum Wm H HEW L Kohl" (Mum's P'svotlw. " Ntwutt a) other' kind of ulnar pan A McKay, H Neel); collecliuu at bell an! Immu- pen". L Kcetsicr, Inlubnd Hanna.†Rim-r. L Koehler; Green G i. JI " Trwuh. L Koehdst Yellow " T J S.yen.41) Fritz; Abumlanc-n it Mc- Tavistr, WHY I [INT kind. J Tr irwrt, J a'r?it,i.fi" ttre, .1 SchmHtu ..mnlm'ol pew-1w. J u a". w. T l J '.'ite,','k,r..1,?,t'ttl, at um ma T " mu, , We“. mu'er: mlL-cuon of human, ' , aâ€. g, " rrttmidtreoikrBtor,t of cumin, Hunts: H T J New; mucouan oh 1&me Rum none; col m Ion dill-4‘0". TJ on. L eh- Walkaway! out. now " no but». hum! Brm, J 'iRt'li fithf,',t,t,", tau-Wm ' ' serum“. cum-hr: on m In- v- - you; 1 Noll-nun.) H Infant; m Akin. any an T J 33.7 -', . Wu... Brag: . I .. l It. , B I’ ' . Tum; any “but kind. J 'r, " Schmidt; oolleoliotl ot ' Kochkr, Juo Trauma}. ' 'dft,r,'g,',tpri A McKay tan ooatkrt . TJ ?Vrli. Pt "otrers, A Muay,' Juayeu: brill. H Nah. I" “when Ni, Me lg H Neel): any other Nests, Molly; com ch01: ti Lyell-y. H_ eeb.___ - - Cottequott of vino: drum T J NT', cmkuuon of " Bohml t; â€Ween 't of nut/w t'rtt l, AWN“)! u" Ltuart Y. cull-gm and! In“; iii-15%: Mun-Am 8 Noah. J. B 't'fa Ruth-111 Rutset, u IcTovbh. L unbur- eoeeset'q"s a! 2m." y" tall “mks L $23.94“... Tomato“. luge.’l‘ B Fritz. A " Kay; lull] rel'.ow, A [disk , B Fritz; monk melons. A Me &y. 0 Datum; water melons. 0 Damn. A Meksr, enrolls, G Dduul. Robt TIL bqt; collection of cum-d fruit. J B Sr-hmldt. Thomas J Sayers; Loni-- Bunnie peat l J Buys“. L Koehlon Qooglqle pun. ll hieTavUh, L Sr-hmldt. Bonnie pe Goodnle Koohlor. Ct In bloom. T , at: cm Hunk- bloom â€qu. dark doub n ne' b nI-.T J dunk. tl' b‘opm, 1 rm K ARTS. . Oil ','N11,'gii' mm, Min! F, Thu, MttN Fleisch. Inner: pane (Ir-wink. Marie anâ€, In. N FNischtuaer; qrapm drawing. Mn N Honch- hnnar. T J Snyen: nil painting, ',t'tlritr,i In N Fittirrshhtrmtr um W Keltorbonwll on cling. animus, Hurt Sum:- Mn W Ket'irts m; water color mum . In it manhunt. I 8mm Erin Ind on Fun... Mrs N F d chum, I“. N Hall. Ju tre.-tntm E-on. In I _ ny. Gonnmvm. wallet Isl hula. J B Schmidt: Kc bloom, J ifiGiiiiiar', J InNoo Schmidt it“; holder, Mis" K Hall. M c, Wilmot; pin oust-in ' Mavis Boner Mr- W Renewal-mm our†and tour dmiies, 3 C Wihrtot,Niss B New“; Man cosy. mounted, M l) Wilmot, Mm E Hull; while): 6 K Needing, Mus E Hau; “lung In slit, Mrs T Kenny. Nuns E numbed dressed do'l, K "sxiittg;bttr hunted stockings. Him H Hall. J R Schmid ', sideboard wart. Mrs T Kerser, J Fterohtu.uer.ctusV hand [on ' Mario Sam-r. " W Rem-rho mention pt Cut! q vi] " B Schmidt. J Fioimstusuer;uloth mood qul t, Jno Tuck-gel: lmmod (mil? J newline-Jet. lla- R 'hA'ern;croettet qnllu B Schmidt. “in E Hall; log cabin qur't, F Wumr. J WWI. Factory cloth, Ill wool tweed. J G New"; woolen bed tlt/ttt J Weltlnuler. J G Rainer; mularl, , 6 Humor. Wettlaut r; tuned Math. J Weumufer. J G I,',f,er".'"s?i,'lt wool on stock- ings or socks. A Crew. his E MoVeAn; pour wonted do., A Cram J. Wuulautex; pair mit, tens. woollen. Miss E ilcVean, A (Tent: my ting y rm white, J G Reiner. J w. ttlaular; hunting yarn. colored, J Wettlauter,g G Rainer, n-sorlmant ot Immod goods, home-made, Mn Tho, Remy Miss E Hall; “Ear wo‘uy J Wettuuterabover1'd.ptl wool, Scab; union covet-lid, E ttoed'urtr, J M Wilhelm. LADIES‘ WORK. Pair slippers. croohet,E Wins.“ Hie Sonar; 30's. pil'ow. moun'ed M U " i'moLMnrie Sonar; Bratz Hun point lace. Mrs Thot, Kelsey, Mm. in; Hall; Coronation braid, E tt mm. In) T Rar- Wer, Romu- embmidery. M U Wilmot, Mini: E McVonn‘ Vmellan embroidery. Al C Wilmer. Miss E HcVonn: Danish embroidorf, Mn; T Ke "taht' EMcVenn;K cteruasuca embroid- cry. m? Kemey, Miss E Mch m; embruldory in silk. M C Wilmot, Mn! Wm Kelwrb m; sin- b oidcrr, M if Wilmon. Mina K Movmsi, om- hroidery in luce Hutches. M U Wilma. M a T lie-may; embroidery in silk r p ' " C Wilma. Mia: K Mch: embroidery. ivory Mina K Me. Vo4n Mistt E‘Hali; an, brmu “wright: w Umnt. Miss k McNemn ideal lloniwu lace. M' C Wil- moi. Mrs T Kereerortutraertial mania work, Marie Bauer, M C Wilttto tpil ow than“. mn- chiuernade, H. Roe inc. J F'itjwtlauer; Queca Anne darning, Miss lilch an Mrs T Rene): “alumnus: E Hall, 12a E Mchan; Batten. \'cnn.Mius r: "all; roam-L 5 Mrs N h'1titrbtmuer,child't, N" k, E Psoeditrg, Mini F. Meh Mini K MnVr-n. K 1toedimc:1 Hall, Mrs W 1ieiterbort.; " par-ted Alien E McV'cnn. Mrs Work. Misg- K, Mever, 't Mu w rk. Mia E McVex- _M C ohlet me. My! {but ' Alta? an; Ruedin Mi H E CANADIAN PLAY GROUND! in FLOWERS AN iaNi, I Say me, "atMet ale-3min trom, , won. //tt','f,f/ 'y"iteeWg',',ir'5,'1t,',' sum“ 0 m t tr an 'r',5rr.rA a. Me, In tronm, iiiiiiriicd 't%lk"dl'h"t I. mm double. in bloom,J w ettho, new ; sandman. ivy-lawn] double. T J Wt; m»: tuneful-n dirk Mn. un. T andâ€. J "Bonith' 1"th " bloo'HJ Wtulnu'Ol'J Schmidt; dart doub e.iu bloom, T J “you, nonl- . T J fN,i,'a'glN yummy... ' Mann 1 u Br, and Im Single in mom, T J tum, it an; an a or Afghan M: Mis- E Mo. r: "all; roam-L shaw ' E “ceding. 'orbtmuer,child'ts crochet bonnet In ting, Mini F. MeNmut; l hlld‘a drama. (an. K [Medium toilet. mat». Mm K W_1irittrborty, 'tey. workeg or CUT " VEGI'l‘A BLES In? I4 Kn up It [Tar-M 'lip. . 7 "KW WI tioo M " ord 'riaiee Ice, [nubml I‘m“ not; Grew a 1'." lo- gh‘u': Yellow " T I in; Abundance. " Mo. thor kind. J Theme}, J :olleclion of Human. L Frncbso). _ lulu. A McKay. F Wal. TJ S VH1. Pu it'.ctert ld/rl mayo-s; MooraN " F Walter; Xingu-s, A setn any "thee 1nd, 15 'r; Folhctiuu ot - x drummomiu I no! tg,'.? l p, of "rtrrtr, J F Myomuluv. J " a I? lull-ma Ir! cm " Mum-a. ngwlrktm a " I Medum le' PLANTIN POT .\ll “than urinate“. “in. a 3L FAC n. Ph inf 15261 11.1 14 Sch Fri , Wilma ;cr chat. I: McV'emwnlnl- YR i'ieischt'vrr. ucy work, Miss bi ~,'r1i'FEm; 'r', stained made soap. A Mutar. ruler. T B ; inclination “nation ot 'r'rsoturel: ma; til] on Loan, It Talbot. rs . eatery r; winwl lin unh- -'i'il'i't'ir': E tor me, an E Mo. " shock. t In ies' J Flelrh. wool. E ATS"?! “us c4 turrets ItTff, 10. a: mind. a. Rom. rt" wbrk l Though the Grand Trunk Inga; In , expending momma: of dol in il. _ 1:1»me and descriptive pnmphleto, I putting forth the “traction- tad bun- ttos of the poputar run": In ho Blah- r' lundl of ontario, u health And room- ; tion mud. drama the "ttBttt.? months: thou no, mm, my who do not who than u not . l ttsagnitulrnt shy mud within my _ The tytrhts which thin region unbeaten a. without doubt tho out gum-x on th- lwth Aataguan at: " " m canton was cum our the bridge " the brunch of who Oma- mm River nm low-nook! with s loud “and mmmnmm... In: the can,“ =u"t can an. - I of "out, may, _ - 3353.31. on, but we "to fully repaid for the " lay by coaching the hush“ of Ont-Ho In all their blue of Oowbor'o glory, It la a wondotful region mun Gland Trunk open: up and one “not will be appreetated not. tad more. The only pity ll mt people do not know or null" more fully who: undrounod of wpalnu of bounty and bottle. of tonic and glad reltettmttnt an to he found in the mnrvollvmn Mouton Duirut." iauuiai GiGauUtaui, UtauFrtiiGby at“? if“ ii." : tt'a'Afttt'n"e,,'L't"t"-s1tNt " that Kenn . Davis; “you - '"amfbat-d " l: The Win. Buck Stovg Cm. Lin-bod. 'si,ia ' m. " nodal & :35. can!“ hmoewid. _ who re an econo- nerd 1qu Tfu', â€will, : , a“ Pggir “on t In not pedal 11 m in 130% s'd,'Stf3ot'llfY,1a' him Thought Ranges J. S: MOS---. Sole I oeal Agent. M. Welchel a tin, wmmmmuummm if“?! taken from {“03â€dewa he is prepared tom to G'- mmersm . and not lot cooling pupa-sooty. in any qualities, Mtge at "tall it amiable pripet Thinnest: - in “will purpom as its ICE! ICE! ICE! The undersigned has laid in a very large quantity, l 2,500 TONS Abtoluto Purity I. Guar- ED. DERMUL, Waterloo and Berlin PU REST ICE, Wednesday give Double lnlil fur ther It. " mom. rm m. OF THE.,., LOCALW t 11; [tdit