@oyalty _,'i'r Visits Berlin. Waterloo County's Greatest Store No Axe to Grind 'i5'jiiif) - "'1 Ir,,-, _ NW Eiiid I ' I fl Ei ‘ m ' . 'jii!ii'/l IF..y I E l N 'l, l p. . Clothiers, Hatters, Shoes and Furnighers. The Savory Roaster I. 7 _ ,.tw-"-1t'"-"1tTat'.t mm: C r. "lt w . "It Mamba "F â€yawn IMM- l, . â€u “Wand-I6 l -'T'e"="'""="'""" â€to...“ “mm-MW . Mum m. vb“. It... Ir.lllllndll'lh NFL punch-W nva V - J.NC. "" ttan _ NOW" Att ottMte this for End's". 'irehttffg numb!" rad Haunt â€whale! Hamilton 3. O. Boahmer Go. The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York will make a short stop at Berlin and it will be the. duty of all good and loyal citizens to decorate. We have a limited supply of shields, flags, lanterns aedPn- ners, especially got up for the occasion. The prices are very low so that you can make a good showing without a great deal of expense. Light Prices ." You want a good lantern for fall? " you do mrsthtsmssswetmnb-fle Wo‘n right has to G you an nanny. . amunumutpnmunt â€Mhlquuhlmm.. . MOM We ht hing 17"" linking fut Oh tht" humus-c the NEW 0mm! hand-"mo â€a,†lawn-if youwould Mann-tide u... kAirte,gt'saseruarlietsood won't blow out in "-'» "vï¬ downy“ on was forks. â€MqJMdmmhfm Who-mac“; NO. 41 Good Lanterns THE A. O. Behmer Go., J. Fennel! & Son, A. Weseloh a Go., .ON. with anyone or tste'; Why do we sell and keep on so ling st the walla-I possible margin? It in our own m. " concerns you only in this mstrpoeb--rou get the best clothing and (contou- " the lowest prion. Our new fl" ammo-ta for mu at 86, " 89, 810 and 812 we perfect in " flruUh and workmanahip. T Our new (All suits for men st " 60. to, $8, $10, 812 and 514 are the but made suits to he found. You in." new no. ready-me clothing so beautiful and tterfect lg om: fell and yinm Ire,h. "Come and talk us. Store next to Post Offiets, Berlin. Peter Hymmepi Money Back ifNot W04. tile iriaia- Tar" it): Try-snout. mun than In twin-l. in" It... -. LIIITEI. ii.iiiiiiii,ieilitttge, but.†gin-um undue-ulnar.- t-nod In. -M tum tsip' " Wuhan-Ind m mum...- W. Wu. Mood, "00.9mebe ‘LGnul 'tatted - “Paton tTGiiF.T,pitj-trryMet1itttt.'f "afrtitteDte aims-M ' P. k Em. A pn‘llo ex- udation "held in the wheel, no mention hide! them, Oet. 4th. men: pert oi the Moon we! - by M. the ole-u as they were embed by diam: when, whlle the modeling the "II taken up with . very mun-ting Wine. The vidtttttt when were Home. Koch from Hennheln end Dorm from â€but. All pee-eat were humbly nape-ed with the procre- T ot the eehool, end About hell at these were punts. Thu nnmhet- ll 3 thir repreuntetlon of the people ofthq section, end the teacher- ehonldfeel iUttarqd that the people generelly no mm. " intact in the "um of the new. Dr. Klee mule A very lmpreeelve eddreu end edvlled the pupil: to hue an elm in we. He told than that they would eceomplleh much more try Inning In elm, end he wee glad that but had been neonatal in obtelnlng loving oertiiioataR, and ' two entrance 'utrtitltsBte, and he he much pleasure in prowling the Inc- eeeetul mdldetee with their mrrtih. Death of Conrad Sohnoldnr. A very ad ovum took plus. non Wilmot Centre on Saudi, 28th am, when Mr. Conrad Bohnddpr, . tfl-to-dy {Irma}, died after n that: 111nm of typhoid fever. 0n Wading-d.) he wu " Ber. lin. Coming home ho wu when with have†illne- Ind - um, on sn- urdo: mod 47 - The {moral I" largely stunned. The "when were conducted by Rev. C. G. Kata of New Humbug, who preached in Gel-mm ad mam. A widow sad 6 children, Ebonuzd 1 winning Inna-from 8 to 20 no un to mourn hi: untimely am. Thu! hue m lympnhy of their 11-le Ind neighbor: in m and amount which bu Mon onfhem.‘ Bride. Weere eon'y to learn that I number of femi'iee are lam to move from here. Among thou mentioned m: Hell-Re, Geringer’e, hm! Creel- men’e and gtautttrt'tr. . . . . Aht Friday evening the 4ttt mount old' are. Bock MI and dieloeeted her shoulder. Dr. Rice reduced the fracture and the old lady I. improving. . . .HnGldeon Bork ieon the no): 11-3....Begreu ere ex- pressed m: Mr. Menu we. forced to give up lumines- in our villege on ec- eonnt of ill been}: end that he he de- cided to reside it Gut. The rumpu- enm Halon-y mloee a men who he elnyI Men each an inter-elf. tn We -'-- -_ 77777., - Dr. In» Ball Inn commenced the practice of he: polo-don in Wood-wok 3nd bu taken the othtts recently n and by 1tt.AtsLur.g. .1 A Spindld Showing. The concert lut Friday night undor the mph». ot the public school n- u no“ neon-I. The loo-1pm wound to 005. Loyde Amen the in" of Bmuotd. who no. In ttge emplo o! Undo, Daniel in a wood " Mn. m- we] arorth on who of dull-Ion. Mr. In Doom 'dt',',':'.',".',,',:'."',':',',"':'?,' nit round cum, in 3 equally 2w grey-“mm. '.t'Phr 'aaTirHU.iiai% 'PoouI'Ihomt- t'l%il,d trf W, ohtnnel fle who. HIM Inna “an shamans-"Nam tttint alarm Alum "Input-own of mama: WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURS DAY mm Plum-hum unmade! themed lamb,â€- oohooLMwmonnm unmi- iaiiiiitiSir-eetti,tmte1r In; and a! and moduli“! tiGartr,tetmteft,.t11t?e iiiUiGiT n! (out me Part M, (was Io which. mung-u) of when that m -fttl. on at mummmwow m. M â€Mouth-nannm. “numb-It. Inha- Ga_iiit-4uB1iuur?ilrof aiiiatiit-ivottr.o-tttu"d 3787M _ ' _ him tuqrm.trarrttiimorn '5tffe?fAt'gtfgt'g,t2'ttt aaeMel2fgit,,'e'.'.tt2','ll CM‘ w M...†1,3945.†tAe. Hula?!" um B. PM!» kiddo]; an. m at â€in.†WK!!!†'erLeuattMret.t: PLATTSVILLE B". P. E. tfttertt ted MEI Brief-I: Some of an‘young poople DISTRICT. RAW“! -t--w" Julh'muh in in. “in; II. nut-I'M Dunbar u the mun- hero. it In: - human: w W433†t Maul: mud on IMO! â€not.“ run to the New Wm......‘J. G. Lulu-ad MI. -tteu'resdtr.Ptt Heeee! . - v“... __-- _ . If. and in. I Macon! Poet Dow, '07. with; we be. tan "a. .. lu- Addb Buyior' all it. Bath Andaman "to "do†" tho Pam Amulet. In: tutardae . .- "All. Ida Fro, humid on Sunday um spani- iu aunt wooi- wighfghndo In let trrtdtm.A..,W" Am, a! In mu. III the not: of I!- Ell-t who: on Sundgv- ' " Bee-ttev. Bonus-n, pm of the U. a, Church for the put ant your, will “and the Wallet a h to“ " 11aittattoexrtsirtt.,, Quinn nub-r ttt our “than attdttded tho 31min futon Thu-Mu Mun" Funa- m buy an. took taking up mall to“! lid [)0th Both In I Mr crap. Ottittmrr--rt in onrordnfnl duty to chronic]. the death Curio, oldest dough!» of B. Patch, which mound last Thursday morning after a lingo:- lng Inna-I of about . you and . tttpt Demand had been. memborol the Prerstrrt.ruts choir for n number of you: sud her death bu out a gloonr over he: â€poet-ton, among whom one Hun-gm“ (Home, being at I qaist and Imhblo dhpoduon. The moon] not plus on Sunday “monsoon. Service via conducted by Rev. W. Eds. The rumma- were taken to anhvnlo cemetery for mammoth!- lowod bra large conceal-no of people. The Ionowinz family hove the gym- pathy of le wmmnnity. - â€"- -.-- 77,," - _ Church Note-Tha tea meeting held [ in the Preebyterinu church on Hominy evening wee e decided meme. The wenher wee nil that could he dolired and the Feaple ehowered in from the mmund " towns nnd villages .Tho speakers of the evening were Rev. W. Beluga-cor of the church; Bev.Cnmoron ‘of Bun-end; Rev. 8. Cunningham, of ‘Bewkeviile; Rev. B. McCuliooh, ot Tnvietoek; L. J. Breirhenpi M. P., Berlin; A. B. McBride, barrister, of Waterloo. Rev. E. MoCuiloeh de- lighted the nudience with n couple of epieudid meantime. The mneied part of the programme wee furnished by Mr. and In. Gmechmf Milyerton, end wu‘ highly nppreeieced. The Mince Ferri- and Webeter snug ednei and wore hardly nupinuded. Theprooeede(in- using? Band» collections) amounted to . "P-nat-A. thnurr end Mien A. Goetz, Linwood, Vinita] " Thou. Ran. nie'e on Snudey......Mr. and lire. B, J. Bullnrd, of Hewkevllie, were the saunter .1. Webster on Sunday. -.t.. “in L. Cooto, of Beeohvslo. spent‘ Sunday in the villus†. ...Roland Ferris sad I: Maud, of Eton, spent gamut " his home. _ . . . A. 01mm, of Chicago, in at his home here, lining been summoned to the bedside of " mother, Mrs. B. Fume, whole â€dorm ly 111.. -. â€Mus Beanie Playford is recovering from not illness. .. . . . .Idiu J. Leighton, of Toronto, in visiting friends Around tlMrvi0ttgn. . . - . .Mr.und Mtg. Sewage] and funny opens Sunday " Berlin. no walking around town tsarrvittg Buffaloes with mom (not Buffalo bugs) which lndloetee they,have been to the Pan. Am. Some we ere told had their {nee- taken. All expreeeed themselvee " having seen a great many wonder- ful things. . . .. . .The New Mennonite Church in now completed and eervleee will again _be held more In the future. "id"Giai." -tgr. sud Mrs. Mom Davin visited their son- Edwin n Wet Montana :ndAlbort " Emil-9. . . . .llr. 1ifield Bmey, tormerly in die employ of Mr. J emee Ronni-“whe- ville, in " present " home. . . .Mr. end In. OLA. Bum" left on Mendey evening for their new home in Paisley. Their goods are being ehipped there thin week. . . J“. Henry For-omen is pulling . new engine Ind boiler into the old mill to tsmtotntnotUte the pair lie in doing ehopping my end even day in the week. ...Ilr."Henry Brae be: heme end on the ileumâ€... In. Bunnie Weber epent Huntley with Mend- in 3mm. ...Rev. Fatima at Ohio preached in the Old Mennonite meeting home on Hominy evening. .. . th. Jeremieh Brute is moving to ion on. week. ma. Montana Han-Io and Pam up)": to Bnmlo Baud†muulr. M. L. muck» our -tor, In- Wham Inn-ad soc-pm! I moh"r%ttsttorts- in mm in an nWVTmnto. Mr. M who: of a“ will. ha kindly mum“ to at. Mr. Diem- bukor'u place and] X13... Not... The {mum in thin vicinity tg.tgr'ttt"DNt,'t,"rr'l,I','ftr,ci and; D. ltti,t2l'llt',tA'f, '.h'h'hN'fl"N,t'd",1n.fl.ttJt'l'11 Giiiikrit-ur-idedth"1trttrs MMM....Wde§- ttTudlt'.tr.1Let im tab- m - the an» about In â€In. it» In In!» an» 9,11)!!! _ -i A (Tool as In In“. weary: Issue) CROSSHILL. "7.5,“ "1.3,; 34 My." ho b "A W 'tttrt 33".! IPP, WIIT BRBOU “I Jr..7.iiiraritrs ii. w -FGiu- mm b. .9919, out». atdhtlri",i.)l,'f,t..tcri'euu"'tt BRESLAU ‘BVJLL‘ ST. AGATHA MORNING, OCTOBER 10,1901. mm. Mr "d 'i'tti,".1titt pit-d b “not: on â€63).... and It". Jon. Lad-y. Um - Bump} will; w. - Mt 0).!“ will}. and In. We sebum M.w¢msnduvhllr.ud In. Jacob smut. . In“ Quin . out. from on t'a'tdr'grtttfettg,e.".". mucus “Mug†Homvmmhmm ttiiiibl".iiribl, m’dl " Yrl't tat - mun“ hauls-null l t'itPt,fl"drfg1."'a"i'ne."lf) In human†mdl the. to handing push-an. Men In! Gonna)“. " mm. mm alto-Inn. The mif- ‘ill outâ€! n t to: two 'i,ri'iiiiiiii'ii':iii' †In“ Sudden Death. If: John long More»! Robert butdlthkphoo, Ml dad 11210.10“ m map that 6 o'clotk tdt on My, Oat. an. Mr. Ban been In very poor hum: for name who put bu I'll um die to go about. 80 Ian MI " you: of no. The funornl will can place on Thursday a I detect to Hath-mo “newâ€. A -. A _ . - .. Briefs. The We!“ ot the Lord’l l Supper wee diepeneed in the Pie-byte- rian ehnrch here on album. At the clone of the proper-m setvlee held has .week end conducted by Rev. A. Boa, M.CA., of Guelph, u became] communion net. Ill preeented by the lelee’ Aid to the union of the chureh. The new service Wu need on Ssbbalh ‘for the flat time. Person-L Mr. D. Detweiier ind (mayo! Berlin were visiting his mother int week. . . . .Mlnl Lizzie Lumbar: of Gal: Hospital in the guest of Mine Curie Leieht Saturday and Sunday. _ . Ed. Reiohurd of Emma wu the guest of Wm. Detroiler he: week. . . . Mr. B. Burkholder. an old Mennonite Him-tor of Ohio, occupied the pulpit of Shane church [at Wedueedny evening. . . . -. .E. W. Detwoilor and A. Kinsio intend npondlng Wednendty in Berlin. ....Wn:. Hope in attending court at Berlin n. jgrymnn. - L Briefs. Threshing is the order of the ‘ day. Veiteh Bros. thrashed for Mr. szie lest week. He he in the neigh- borhood of 3000 bush. ot grain. Setu- day ehernoon and Monday morning they thrashed for the Hope Bmon the Good term. They have between 1500 end 1600 bushels of greln......Darne rumor he: it that there will he a wed- ding in the neighborhood before long. M0170 later om Persotttrl. Rev Manna vowmen tutd" wife upon: Sunday in Merionrough where Mr. Bommut Instead " th church re-openlng service . . . .Mr.Dnvld Bonnie and wife, Toronto, ere visiting under the parental roof this week. . . .Mr. E. Bowman and W. E. Wray upon: Sun- day " the latter’e home near Linwood. ahead Mre.Sheperd oi Ponnlylvania have returned home. . . . . .Mr. Leander ‘Snyder and bride have returned horn ‘tbelr honeymoon trip and taken up "he" residence at the femily home- em __ 7 7_ . A Good Yield. The yield of men- golds and carrots“ excellent this year. The sugar beet bee also given great tttbtiafaetiott end there is no doubt that. good return. would be forthcoming in the sugar beet growing for any: pro- ducing purpoeee. _ GmGRICH--GEHMAN, NUP'HALS. A very pretty ,rstrttmrtmrkpHeott't Wednesday 3rd. lost. " 3 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Geh- men, of Cedar Creek, near Dumfries.' The econ-Ion was the marriages/rt their annular, Esther, to Norman 8. Ging- rich, formerly of this eonmy. The ceremony wee performed by Rev. Jones Snyder, of Waterloo, in the pre~ tonne of shall: any guests, nearly all being the immediate “lame ot the meme Min. .. . The bride looked exceedingly pretty dreued In whim end 'snrrudt)rTm boqnet of beauttftt1 tit"Ntg. Ilia Bonner nurse a the Beriin-Weterioo Mai, we! Imam-ad, and looked churning in e new at whim. Mr. Simeon Gingrich, of Berlin, supported an, stool-3- . A, Aha thet my the hearty 000- gtltt't,'", of those pro-on: won ex- ondod to the mu wedded couple. 80m. “no in - In new mur- umn after which MI pm tn the mpuloudining room Ind a: down to [sumptuou- wedding Pee. L L Pretty Wedding It Cedar Creek, mnntriea. The uncon- mu nun the only joined parties - and their My mum and to mow the Ins-nu which that my friend- and remin- lnn In that '01!“ - _ ' 3': if 'i'litr' "GhiiC" - --9.. ___-_ -__ "9:93;; 7" Mr. tad In. Quotable“ the lune Thro- methods for "cal: for Elihu“, Indium when will! ',Srt iii2itatnf,ltt,"rtt "g,,t"at""T'" mm lla' ' 'ggegr',tA' tru "gahh thlttt M *dttrMrtg ht M a mm trss',,',",!' A. 'aue.t'.t at on. at maul-’3 . In“ gttttat" It “a 2,? 2t.lfiSit ttttfait “s t? (Incl. Sunr- mambo-meld on. of the loading but“. colleen m onâ€, “in. 113 a. mum.) my. iiui. 1au I.“ w um .33. an an to h- “In.“ the mm 'tste 393937, - a W HEIDELBI“ BLOOMING DALE LINWOOD. ROSEVILLE Special Display Friday & Saturday Our Gm auurrtottusanttiaeir-strih. non, the latest mutant of style. our prices nu ma. t cum: and buck. length 30, 36, and 40 inches. and _ are :pecigly invited, A _ _ , " - _ -- - d j C - We hue the " and " 1uttiaeeeiatyevytttAw,v. the longer length. Prices in than line-Inc felt, " " t Stylish, well and: menu. all nicely lined, acy'purl ', feu'u mien Ind Ill-ten, No. I. a. b 4, 5, 6, r; pftee - - _ "Soto tle., _ -- _ __ _ __ . m " - n - trURs.-Fur lined cam linings 1in..iygy. an: Mot-.1 inches long, 144 in "up. warth “Jot 16. 1'11er of broad cloth. large “In collar. Thibct fur nipping edit Ladies' black 551339119 jacket; black nun Jiningt 'as. , 7' CAPERINES: J. Electric seal tttttdh',' atuia. J 'll special " $550 and $4.25 on Saturday. not line. Mr CE ’ . , Manchu: combinations, "so, 06.50, 87.50 and .10. san- ““2~ _ tails, at .6 50, $8.50, " .10 and 812.cach. V _ i Mild“. m _ c" if; Our Sole Agencies - " We have just secured the exclusive agency of all the lollowmg music publishers. White-Smith Music Pub. Co. Oliver Ditson Co. M. Witmark & Soul. Jon. w. Stern & co. T. B. Hum: & 00. Howler, Envillmd & 00. Hamilton B. Gordon. E. T. Pull Music 00. George L. Ssalding. H eber, Fiel I & Sumnberg. Dillon Bros, l W l , M . Sta i an ass IBlt re, Berlin. Ont. - (Joan HEATERS. (il Our coal stoves have Doublo Maison“. Inn 1ptedt potr, Doublo my at. An Souvenir - “new!“ a. whim-In " A " " " " n u u u u u ttttti., " " " " " Pa will hold the baby if he has on 3 pair of our "to. little shoes. " will smile when she sees the prices on our chlldm‘l shoes Is there a baby st your home? We hog; there is for we went to "tt you some baby shoes. We we some of the dearesW lune baby shoes you ever saw. If you Inven’t a by, It- row one and bring him here for shoes. Moon-ins. has)“ slippers, and shoes, in black and {may oolan, some elaborately trimmed, 29e., 35c., toe. and me. If we en'G please you in baby shoes, give it up. __ - Your Shoe Man .. ' Tho Yellow Front. Mia's Block, "my. \u " v g? dassg’zéle g), Q You Furnish and we will furnish Walter A, Ziegler, LtggtiW rm Jakob. "and“ m out. and m . . _.',, The Shoes. 28 and " SanthSido King tk, alum: The Baby _..:-i.tj:trLii,].L2.i,lct.i,a,.re,4 'Hrit) QR; We Stock: Wohvuhuull-hu Woollard ilk (30.; New Fall Hats New shapes in Wild.“ - h“ _. 3 New dupes in wituhl M. " ' New America: an but: . 14; New style in Union Label link. a: New line of bow den. ‘9; New line of satin shift. “I "7. a. a B. co and out. 3.4;? New in all line- foe M "f" Cleu' line of neckweu- m " pen-m. kid glove-ho In. V ' and rurnuhineiii,'.ii, Jult arrived toa.rt-- YELLOW FRONT. Swing cam, «g Dome top, “f: Sid. mile, :3 a: M a pinup. rt Bing. was; it... oh sri Nickel and