T " ','pv",',1ti'f Hawkhu , Wynde former trim , ized that. he should ., , forgotten by the w - and that a man so - e or to the buronet in ' attributes should ha l , , to take his place. 0 M. l - {cumulus ot Nevu’s - g the number, were "‘v-Crnven Black should ' lir during NeVu's minorit . "master of Ilawkhursz, . Futttly one morning. a J: - the publication of thr . t. Sir John Freise, M "' Lord. vayn, rode a; 'wlhursl, and demanded Mt, _ with Lady Wynde and I. If“: Wynde appeared ftt “we“ won the gold knob ot his walk- - 'm , and regarding the hand- "1“: P widow with troubled gym. mgâ€; r 'hl been at Wyndhnm but a iew I" t A . I grant that he in of at- "ti VWior. Iardy Wynde, but a. ', it you know of " character? E'i , come here to make any h - .13th Mr. Black but those " V' 't “out! to nub-taming. Then " ', - who hon accompanied me . . but ll. out in the statement 1 " I hit no personal prejudices , ' “when and that I am gtqttttgt- MB, a by A desire for your lady- . . n man-u and gut of Mm " I In" written to London " ‘m the report of your est- BE ud yesterday received 3 " - , _ [clinch moment that I sum- tI = _ C' yt Town from " main: Ell w It. Atkins from Cantos in“ “mommy me into your pre- tr w an! mm me to impart to - 4 'u8,",',','l'"Lt, news. hay ' 't'ftiat 047nm Black. your ac- ..gl‘ w' s.vrBa_rrst.tstrtune KA, V dwormy your consider- K ‘9 1-99-90: - CM.. Wyude appeared first in the . wing-room, simply drvsscd in l Lite. and fresh from n rumble in i . wk. She looked a little Worn l i _ troubled, as it her nights ' wore ', ra it more in anxious thoughts than Flumbms, but the radiance ot her C" Mum] red-brown eyes was un- i “mad, and her face had lost no- . ng of the plquant witchery which . it} cliietest charm. “V l. to time had been granted Neva "11m†than exchange greetings with her guardians, Lady Wynde en- , Ag 31w room with an indolent Ian- . - ite motion, and welcomed her = or! with allusion. m ' Ul is an unexpected pleasure. A ' unnam'j said her ladyship, her Meye- glancing from one Co an- â€other. "You have come to congratu- //ut' me upon the change in my pros- V posts. I dare say. I have been over- fltwhglmed with calls during the past 1“; and begin to find my connec- " with the old county family de- tb" dly onerous." and she laughed C "T y."‘All of Sir Harold's friends _ been to see me, and really I h" sh that some of them have felt , q their duty to condole with _ 111101: the mialortune of so soon groom " a step-papa." 'ite. in. mm " :94 an John I ". Mr. Buck'- h III â€and: _ In to be I a, m to tru, an Better u: .M â€â€˜4- A TEG' three gentlemen had called for gypnrpose of discussing with Lady T do and Neva the expected chvnge 'kttss prospects of her "utyship, but m qulut. audacity of the handsome widow's speech and manner half-con- ,I’nndod them. e M" V _ __ ., -- sffiiiF%% Trcisei bdrm? (Midwest ,0! _ party, took upon himself the no of spokesman. _ t" was run old friend {Lady Wynde," he 1 rum-y {was a boy. but I know him well, "oved him. I know how deeply :ma attached to you. and it is for _ 'suke that I have now intruded 'tt you. You urn still young, and "a your nttructlons and your for. â€a you are peculiarly liable to be ., _ ' by $ortune-hunters. As your JArshaerd'tr,moert intimate friend, l] rs re to ask you " you have we“ immoral! this step you are about A†take?" _ 1"th bowed a. cold use“ 13* knowledge ot the character , _.Jttnrk can be 1rubn1ight," per- Sir John Freise. Inning his "p r Mrms ot (hatch-m In . alo- pt8e1ePet"?'! of Ir, Black, and In- M Hill to M. home with the hope ERS' . " ‘ him into have: courses." 'Sl " .llr hi- mnly. "But It In ( "" ttdt2 hm cmmtloml. rm . 7.," Mills". no: Worn your - but. lm,lu1'yldo. - m to emu-r your Gr , t.» Better ta.†tumor Y. . " m Mtro" m ‘ V. » . F into the K be mm. “Iyndc’a int . quite a " " my 'ndo. with “a. "It. Back, to my '0. In a. ttmt nodety. " the Duke of Cheiten- luom. and tho due is I . t mm. a nary one Inn. mu "drum " bruited _ s. The t announced 3va Blue! . graph and . and this t' Triiacak an up." no be 'ttra-, " - “I! "I P'- " , u mt'ot Gavan Bind - Wynde. now gun. " had I n to chg, was no long- . "new; trom the world. Mr. BP, . moment ot good‘nntund ' loll. informed hlu host. El _ " . Inn, and the unur _ i _ Invited the story through t 'ot (In Wynde. now p: to cht, " _ were! trom the , ' . moment ot go _, loll. informed 1|th inn. and _ with tha “IVh d utter. In“. m “r to 419': ind. - to also u month or at: ,d the single week tor i"t'tu2'if . 1m. A.tp Q! I. Buit. And 11".. I qrgttag wnmcung Icel- mure “A. trader al- _ ' ctt, um 311d to be rellev- neg-icy tor an Immediate Ema, gamed the a. _ _rtfs d“LIl’ w» “my.“ ' ." um 7iiLw; In, at: Yuma x1: Med, as it her re in anxious ars, but the m l red-brown e; and her face the plquanl \\ :hiofest charm. time had been wtMr 8. r The engagement was need in the court pa- Black himself writing and procuring its in- his announcement Wu ' Kentish journals. unnamed. um MW! of intended marriage pro- a. sensation in the ml Hawkhurlt. Sir tf Hawkhurlt. Sir former friends were he should have been In by the wife he had an a man so pupably baronet in cmractcr should have been his place. Others, the ber, were in-pleased k should take his " minority as nom- [a\vkhurst. and ac- xorning. a. fortnight Lion of the engage- Freise, Mr. Atkins. ya, rode over to demanded an inter- av was. HAR§XET LEWIS gfhrée lovers no court pa- mu-ll writing wring its in- mcemont Wu journals. um new. at Walnut-om.†l of Sir Har- tsaid, a little when Hir Har- arr-huge pf n in ll u Aiorm. to! at" ho- the the m . urn - v'-'.'.",",.'.".', m tt PP. go no; O???“ Tatt; tikiiiiaoiti1ttto+t_teftt your My!†by "mah.t.q um no: the “an!" . an Joh- looked dual, w? Mr. ted',", Iookod 'tia-tM. Lord oWyI'l Warn tttue 1:. Wm di- roestad toward It". nth. than to- ward W Wyndo. bat he lost Ions- mg ot an munition- “I nu pcrlorlnad on, my duty in wanna; you, 14d, Wynne." um BI: John, that s pm... “You an belt. upon thin Inning. with . nun who v†. than." to you threo Inonlhl “not. And no no. after the "an: an. of " Budd Wyudn In Indian" "I no" wnitod u you And ue) month- bolero Mm “do." do. ubted Lady Wyndo. bmtimtly. “Why should I wait ion"? Bunny . you of mourning in nil um cu.- tom required. And an to not know- ing Mr. Buck, permit me to on: that I know him welt. I know him be litre I gver met Sir 115mm mnem- ing the "an circle. In town, nod meeting more than one. " the nun. house. in the country. it in impol- Iiblo that I should not hove known him. And here I beg you will drop tho subject. I am in no mood to hear your asperssions of on honoroblo man, and your Jealousy for the mem- ory of Sir Harold Wynde nod not blind you to the {not that virtue and honor did not die with him." Sir John looked shocked mt! unna- ed. mmo lace paled. and a ludden indignntion named in but eyes. but. she remained silent. "I think, with 'm deference to your opinion, Sir John," said Mr. Atkins, "that, as Indy Wynde sug- gests, we would better drop the tsub- ject ot Mr. Black. It is dilhcult to convey we unpleasant information in e case like this without giving onenoe. We have dam our duty, and that must. content us. let. " now come to the actual business in hand. Allow me to ask you, Lady Wynde, if you intend to conunuo your rui- dence at HAWKhurst. Mter becoming Mrs. Craven Duet?" A "sh of defiance shot from tter lndynhip'n black eyes. "Certainly, I intend to reside hero with my husband during the minor- ity ot my trtep-dtxughter," she de- dared boldly. " am Neva/a gnu- dinn. and my residence as such wnI assigned at mswkhurat." "Sir mrold never contemplated 5 state of attain: such as you pro- pose, Madam," said Mr, Atkins dog- gedly. "To make thin Mr. Craven Blank nominal master of tho home of the Wyndos is something utterly unlocked tor." "When I gm mistress. my husband will 'e be master!" asserted Lady Wyndo, with temper. A . "."'". fl... _. .-'" "It would be so," designed In Andi“, "but you no how inappro- priate it would be to make Mr. Black master ot HIthul-It. Good ttuntr--pmion my puirutess---would dictate your ludyship'a retirement from Huwkhurlt- upon the occasion of your third mun-loge, and we has. come to propose that Hawkhunt be closed, Miss Neva. transferred to the guardianship of Mr John Frame and mdy Frelse, and that you nnd your now husband all. up your ubodn n Wyndo Heights, your dower house. or " any other lilac- you may pre- ter." "'I'ady Wmde {rowed hot user and detitmeq. __ A _ .- "I shall remain at mswkhurst,"- she exclaimed haughtily. "It you desire to remove me, you must do so by prom: of law. " you thlnk her lathe-â€I wile an untlt personal guar- dim for Miss Wynde, you can hast Sir Harold's will set. aside, or "" legal proceedings to obtain for her another guardian. I shall not to- linqulsh my post, or the chars. my dead husband repoaed in me, until I an compelled to do no." _ "Tn; - -young Lord Tom he. naked, and he addressed h his clear, ringing voice "Mia: Wynde, this matter mean. you aboVo 111 others, and it in tor you to hare a voice, in it. The pro- posed marriage of Lady Wyndo com- pletely vitiatn your patient uls- tions to her. In becoming Mrs. a- van Black, I couldc on. W Wynde thrown on tlt dictum“ to Sir Harold Wyndo. and mm to be your 'rtep-mpther. It in for you to deem. if you will choc“ u now pc- nonal guardm in her "and." . All ayes turned upon tho Mr young girl. The young earl lwuced her reply with . besttb- 1m untidy. Str John Franc all Mr. Atktns tHed their - “no upon her. and Indy Wynde rot-Mod her sharply and with poms uncul- no" "Before Never comes to l tueiMors." said her lady-hip many. "I lav. I word to any to hot. H." I not treated you with all kindness and tenderness. Nun, than you come un- der (his roof! mu I been guilty at one not of “I“, ot Wop-mow†cruelty, of want o! consider-non? Have not your wishel been consular ed in alt things?" “There in no aluminium in 'tttr) Hu-old'l will that t should not, mum ry again." continued lady - "Mr Harold. without mention at m contingency of another man-hp on my part. con-tinned In. MI dashb- " person“ (“ml-Ir, with the to- queu that I In.“ EUwhtturst A! homer mm] In. mtrrm or “.th - mum-w. Not on. wo’rd I: all about or mum, â€49:311....†will 0% can can†nrif - old Ind. was too .‘mfblo to - M tha. to no“. . “1&va my up too. Ky “up. c, 11‘0â€. to. not hung" with - "lulu“! rend" "m A†em.“ w "I “I. this 1et.e. ' ‘you - Inc. to a?" I an! rib-I. a! to I . _ I. -' - “a Q my rut'. to an.“ tBt'ltiitt k to I! a Nev- could an answer thee - tiotta In the want - 7 _ _ "16.131; -tuiGuiiitime" it at 'yemttq. - with u- mnn at i't%ttitft'S - - ‘ ' bps-tutu tut 1lllr - a? Mrn. a: - T you“ to in. " - Mini duo- cl “than. all: M is - many NW to all. to - - uul by on lamb... at an plhmt at in; â€Mâ€. 1W Iy-do had at... ung to IR. not my ftutliut1 I. in“. u can". 119'». had “III!- 1y lath ot which to complain. m.- 'lla, "W- pgt!ty.ttf, 'ee" - "Trr-"'W' .-r.. -. a I? It. a can†I}; w. Ag. all not. m to - " "" It has but - - m. in†humor M In! dun to my in- to a. mum which we" not “My to gloat an old. Bu le't that harm 1|ch positionmut 'tr. Out]. (to though. 'u phi- to . C -"%u. um I. you cat-ton. my cunt" put " a.» run. pour- any. “You no vary kind to no. Flt John. Ind you an. Lord Towyn and It. Mil-I," all no young girl cannon-1y, "and I cannot propor- ly apt-n my “nut“. to you tur your concern tor m. I npprociuw all that you in“ and. nll that you man. I on that lady Wyndu'n tn- undnd in â€pupa". to mo. and mm»: “dent-ml bow he lndylhlp cnn aka Mr. Crgwon Blast into pnpn’l place. but I have triad to recount“. nay-ell In the Me. And I think." added Run. her 1025Mâ€: “mug. and n Brhvq low-shinny " her was oe red gloom. "that l have not ButBetent “out. tor “wading to the luv Lo give me I change cl guardian. l nun haw . little to do or my to Mr. Crnven DUN, and Hnwkhunt ll Inn. enough for us both. It wu Pnpn‘s will-A that I Ihould remain tor n cer- tain period under the cm of Lady Wynde. nnd I cannot. large! that do Wu papa'tt wile, nud that ha loved her. And more," concluded New; vary gently, "It Lady Wynde to about to contact In imprudent marriage. and it Ibo ll likely to know sorrow ‘beCnuu ot her lulu Imp, she will need my friendship when the truth come- homo to her. I thank you ngnln. Sir John, Lord Towyn, Mr. Atkins, but 1 do not think I should be ttsaute', in taking the decided step you ndvine. "I don't but know you are right, Neva," and F'ir John. "At any rate, r"-'e your ideas ot duty a fur um, rad it )ml change your mind let u. know. " is not as If you were go- r"-'e your ideas cl duty a tair triul, rad it MM change your mind let u. know. It in not as if you were go- ing sway from us. Mr. Black, find- ing himself in a quiet. decoronn neighborhood. may choose to settle down, and become u better man. We Ihnll no. you frequently, and my house will “way: be open to you, my dear, And my wife and girl: will alxvcyl b0 glad to receive you u .1: inmate of our “wily." - “I, shall not tortrist your kindnes- Fir John." Add Neva gratelully. . "Miss Revs has always a wny'ol escape trom an unpleasant situa- tion," said the practical Mr. Atkins. "Her marriage will free her from 1asety Wyndo’s guardianship without publicity of an unpleasant descrip- tion," Nova rsddened vividly. The franknm with which the con- vomtion hnd been distinguished had considerably surprised the young earl. No out, seemed to require ths use ot diplomacy in making plain an unpleasant mania, and evsn Lucy Wyndo did not seem offended at the “twee of homo truths from the lip. of Mr. Atkins. It was an hour (or p1ain-deatictr, which was freely hdulgsd in. The visitors. tlrtding their errand mule". ottered Lady Wynde their boat withe- tor her future, um bade her good-morning. At the door, Sir John Freiu looked back with a smile and said: - In. procured he Lu. and [allow- " " John out. of the house. The horn. Var. in “JILIIIg, and Ilr, At- uu “an. Sir John and Lord Tom took thvir hridles on their guy“. And walked slowly down the long arched avenue, with the young heiress. "You look pale. Netra. Came down tho uvenua for I walk. I have a menus» for you from tho girls which I “not to doliw." mud}; Wynde watched them jealous tr Irom up 1tirrdow, .. .. "I an and. my den." said tho kindly been“. "mat you have made . r-ttht don-ion May, but you mun doclde in this matter tor your- nll. It you rennin unmarried, that Black: will fairly riot n, Huwkhursl. tor the next three years. Craven Black will ttil your lather‘s house with diasolubo company, and you wilt bo brought into contact with men whom your laLher trode,.',', never luvs allowed to cross his t retrhold.P' "Should such An event also." said New», her lovely face growning n30- Mate and 3mm, "I wilt then couider your proposition, Sir John, to nest l chum. ot gunman. But I dread the public“: Buett a proceedlng we.“ can..." -v "Why don't you “he into conBid- -rtlogt It. Atklnn' Idea then?" de- mudad Mr John. smiling, yet earn- It. "You must. nutty some day, In; why not marry soon? You it" - of sultan. Only choose Ion-.012. Worthy to stand in your hum-'- alga. are son will be "g- 'rr _ mm R cm: Wt WI, out o! the ditBeuttr--the bat and the union. It would be a “fear. to“! " my mind to no: you happily M ' deerr child. Wait I mo- ",t,'t'yrSLtt, added the hatchet. tubing My voice. "Why [a BO “It? I in†A word to thy to you." ' Th - old man hurried on td I“ to his Minor. lacing his Ion. u h vat. and Nerr and 14:" Tom m kn to, them-elven --9lh mortualQ wiglly planned by Sir Joby, yum mm in man- can. u Middly [gem-vellum and who chum-may phased him- qu no; that were". - “a will" earl 3 Walt " Fri-im- “A" had 10-. than tormtmxtmt, and ho m now stopping at hit, mun-m vim on an coat. . dozen mu. or no" _ no distance wu- not to [nut that he could not Mo our to [kw-hum m plan-O. any. artdheSM.ewtthaatqtter dism- - d we: or “he. an an 1rtt& has. how-m. had an we.“ - In and! - grlt1ltt.",ttat I. H . I. I. m. In In“ I. M In†riir tl my “It! to ms, Mr also. Lord 'rowyn an! ain'u-immhvmu. . - has: " b you Jamar-mum m mounted. "an tnr John Fall. was dour-u“ to and. u: don ton" 1wty Walk "on I who which an. I. lady to no“. But Myth“: I. 'oo pm and "no to compr‘ehand the GirGUrGrta%iiior, phi uh. will cling to him All the non Manned- ly bot-nu of our wall-mum. wan- itrouttwiltt-tu' Lord Taryn. with m (not man. J hone". soul. had not tho slight-t marmo- at the you durum ot lady Wynds. " - Block W†had, Ibo Wu also bad. She could an. In" loved or been wholly at one In tho society tit . good man. " am sorry for singing. _ -.__~-. “Sh. unit 'go her on “it: " Odd 5asedlrowyah, "but you must. not. be involved in her unhappiness. Nets, duling Neva. I would almost die to man you one pang ot Borrow. one sludow of grist. 1 love you, tutd cub day only adds to that love," and bin volw grew unsteady and lump-aloud. . "You have held me at! at ums' lwth ever nince that evening In w h I told you so prunuturely how dear you were to ma. Do not repulse me now. Tell me honestly. my darling. whether you could be happy with rue--wtteth- er I m dearer to you than an- other?" His bluo ayes. radiant with the warmth of his glowing soul, flashed an electric tight into hers. His ptur- “out. has. no fair and handsome, so nob]. in expression and (nature. looked love into hers. News]: aya- lids trembled and drooped. An un- awerlng thrill convulsed her heart. and she know In that moment that, come what would. she loved Arthur Towyn with all her soul, even as he loved her, and that nine would know perfect happiness only as his wile. Yet the conviction came upon her is s painful shock, and in that _in- nut. the struggle between her love and her auty ot obedience to the Bup- posod wishe- ot her dead lather be- gan in has: hurt. . "You love me?" whispered the young earl udently, and with a pas- Monate tremor ot his voice. "Neva, with nil my soul I love you, and I Tho shy, red-brown eyes were up- raised for . brie! glance, but in their Iwm, nub Lord Towyn read hit answer. and knew himself beloved. never vain? There wu . brief “lance between them full of rapture. 'They exchanged no betrothal kiss, no embrace. but Lord Towyn hold Nevaha hand in his, and In In. (grunt [pr-sure his soul spoh to kl. " may w Mr John and Mr. M- kins that we are betrothed, may I not, my darling?" said tho young earl softly. as they walked on yet more llowly. "Not yet, Arthur-not yet. I love you." and the girl's voice sunk to a whisper her lover's cars could answer ly catch, "but I want a little time to Mel..- Don't look surprised, Ar- thur; I do Iâ€. you better Wail- tho world, but it is all so new and lungs. 'sud-and---" "I Wand." ttaid the earl, his no. beaming. "Our love is too towered to be proclaimed on the in- mm '0 ncknmvledge it ourselves. w. win I. It secret until um: I“: Indc'o marriage: but w. m promlsoll. dull-g! Our happiness would b. qomriete It we could know trey ond all doubt that Sir Harold lmllea upon our union. And why would he not smile upon our marri- age from his home in Heaven? He to?“ no, Nevs. tad he desired our marriage. My father told me thin on his hath-bed "If I could think so!" breathed Neva. "I know papa loved you, Ar- thur. Do you think he would rally upprova our manage?" "What on anxious little face! I know he would approve it, News. My blend little darling, mine own, whom no one can take from mo!" died Lord Town passionately. " Am 5f1'lh home to dine with Sir John, an I will call upon you this evening. I am going to exnet I ion er'n privilege of seeing you when I please, without tin cold. prying awe- of Mrs. Arum devouring me. I will In prudent sud secret. New. nine. you insist upon it', but oh, it my month at probation wen over, sad I might proclaim my hopping-n to the world!" t - “a! mud near the lodge gum. and Nov. returned slowly toward the hon-o. white her young lov malted Into his uddle and "103.4 his friend. with . gouam-nea no rupturr on. (but, they could not uvoid know. In; that no had confound his low " Hm “(I had not ban "new. . _ While they omwhcunod him with can-luscious. which he tried to, disclaim in nllogethcr pan-mun. luv-'- and was divided boun- tor ad grid. and uh. uni-mural.- can.“ an! I dot What in mm for mo to do? I tpre Arthur. tttd In. my pot be complm “than him. man I. tor an In; of an tore, dur-rd rapt. VIII}. Which t vowod in aeaept u nerd com- mud“ on. " T only know what to 1tttttt 'um luv-rm. 9.1M W a me I In be. hell for an iovsii More. D071 love in FOR OVER 91mm» (Token-thud) “at: XXV) Lr,'r mid Nun hit too “can. itaRa, ttt l - Cii'iT I In . T I â€on . g f't2tllti', rhtrtsepet.tttbtsrt-' ai mun Inâ€. on ma wins " ““1 new- bot-n reetrh'tt " th- night: bun-o than: to 0." new“ Can-mum“ the mum.- ‘olout my bad "any“ 00 all)" visit/tSgt, of cab!“ In the Port at tho “not table, “I who troast of ttte how Maul] mud to pronto Malia-Hot the naming. Some may telegraph!†followed, ttte ran): at qrbiett wu that the dining ear I“ an! on thin Honcton, and u vigorolu rmtt. lug out at bnkoro,uoh-monpn,grom etc. from their evaluable 1nd- AF. amed in a wry nice mum: being boned in the Lining on. Most of the party 'ret" ttot aura of the trouble an that bud earned breath-t had boon unnamed. Bat all the tame, it In credmblo to the cmeiemsy of the nor- vice generally that we did no! go hungry that known. _ _ We apent the day on the lemon. and _ beautitul Brae d'or Laue. (Pronounce I this Brndore). A. may be seen by the map, the» lakee are two mmw t-hnnuele, eeperating Cape Breton le- , land into two divieione, the northern one nearly twice no large an the tenth- em. The two eheunele almoet meet each other at St. Peter’e,where a canal nearly half a mile long connect! them, there cutting the Island in two and making a convenient water-way be. tween the principal towne. The quiet beauty of that day’l all will live long in the memorlee of all who participated tn it. Many American tomietu and camper: find this a delightful region during the heated term. They camp dong tre shores. and ecme have built n ttagee and make theee lovely regions their regular eummer home on Toronto people do the Motion lakes. .Moet d our fellow paeecngere on the boat were from Boeton, New York, Baltimore. Wellington, etc. Passing some cot- Vance we had occasion to remark the frequency with which the Mars and impel appeared in evidenoemrovrking the queetinn why the Canadian thrg was not shown more by our people. The reply’we made was to the eiiect that tl a _irequent ohtrueion of the " seemed to on a eymptom or uncertainty in the mind: of Americana themeeivee as to their position in the family ot nations; that Britain, being a world tide power, equally at home and un- challenged in Europe; Ante, America and Africa, and pout-ulna the whole 4 Australia, there seemed to be no reason for nonetant display of the flag any or 'rvervrltesre,exdspt in connection with eome public or national function. Oar people quietly mnme their place aethe Firet Empire ofthe World and any nothing about it, never dreaming that any one is likely to question it. The \DIWOI' seemtd to present a new View to our American friends, which set mom a thinking, nevertheleel, we are not sure yet that Ca‘nadinne would not be wieer to take a leaf from their neighbor’e book in this respect and show their iiag oftener. A . Amongst the many fltttt cottages passed that day is the elegant home oi the famous invenwr of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, where with his family he is accustomed to spend the heated term ina palatial residence, which ne-called to tho memories of some of our company the grand residences of Britain’s nobility on the Highland lakes. . In the evening we arrived at the Sydney's. These towns, five miles apart by water, are just. now the boom town! of the Dominion. For a good many years ihese people here been working c011 mines and smelting iron in a modest way. Two years ago, American capital and push Lock hold of matters, acquired the most valuable prupertletr, and began doing for Sydney what Mr. Clergne and his associates Me doing Jar New Ontario " the 8mm. We spent the next. day inspecting the works at Syd» hey, very kindly guided and assisted by the nourtoons nnd intelligent ome- ials oilhe Dominion Iron end Steel Companies. . , - k The apnea at the disposal of the editor will hardly admit of any attempt at dewxlbiog this immense innimtion, a few notes must Bttffittts. The capital l expended up to date in gtouttds,tstirer, abort tramway, whence, ate-mere, buildings end meehinery in given " 88,000,000, and it is contemplated to expend us much more within two were. The “motion hero is aid to be more rumble for the mnnieeture of Iron end eteel then any other in the known world. That in th his claim, but the Dominion Company maintain it to be the unvtmlehed truth. Three elemente Ire neceuery to the motion of Iron. l First on nbundence ot ore " good qui- lny, corona, cod, third, line to he - no a fittx. . _ A mountuln of limestone glam» as white and pure a marble um. Blot. try the town of Sydney. Cool of - lent. quality ind , sully vetted mm: exist: In prune“ y luxlmmlblo qua- mm rtght do“ tttthe work, no on: It u bran ht in tum em from no pit tttttttth a'l to the walker. Ore any. ing a very high Tg."?,,'?,': of pure lron II found lem- t not iuRortortndland, only I couple M dare all mm the Fan ot Bydnoy. Nowhon a". in no known world,ttter uy.do than “no. denom- llo monument to on» who: or to - “No. Add ttt am In- mm “an... an be: an: Syduoy mg.- n “can“: lath», M, I. 1g'."fa"d't!'ut ham M,1, of ' if!“ n W , - all the you mind all '0 - In.“ i"A7iWGiii'rikair'iiGiihiiiiEri and I. “a .0 Mo). yang-anus It has. bau- "Kw-album tram the and. ohm-I- 'tyrrd_1itattttryyMtaf * TO THE MARITIME PROVINCES. but gnu Fe .14 [A mu bu. M. anguish-c all. so thumb. or will!!!“ numb-n1 luau, out not no; " bridges, buildup, mp "ttms" 'ts, ttter, In [ho [mm 91.0 my-_ - “an: biking and " "(-96 lol- 10!. In - is dtttb-tt It at unit 'll Au suing; the} “mm It: tt "am om. W I mu further “timing on “ dined- Beuuon of Annual-to. . w. me-ttr has.“ the nee- ubeeoeddaedletleh - Coke h nee-en tn the we at em]. Coke ie to eeel an - chancel ie to weed. and - ere buy all the time are“ all into mk'LMd in the proce- utm tree immense gelatin-e d m can “other plea-used to be lot 20 to cute, punching the Air, " burned. illuminating the co {or m In. emd olthleit 1.313: in warm baldn- llke than one nee in Toronto or other largeettieqln equation with the no work. Fromtheeetheguie fed to (mm. which heat the holler: thet farm all the nan - need in the entire mbliehmt. Your huge engine of 2,500 hone power on]! are eupplled with all me men they 11- quire by the gee a Melt need to te mated In a were product. A neet‘ deal of the work done by the mullet machinery xi. effected by the nee ot electric power and all the light required in of oourle obtained in thenme way. It eeems a moral certsinty that the Sydney: will speedily become the Pitta- burg of Canada and may in the next fifteen Part, huetle ite American rival pretty close for that pleee. From Sydney we proceeded by mil to Halifax The courteous trailie mm- eger of the i. C. IL, Mr. Tim]: and hi- lady, bed their privete cu utteehed to our tnin and for the nu; week or no bore us company. Nothing could ex- ceed the kindness and courteey of both. Mr. Tithe and hie assistant. anticipa- ted every want, and Mrs. Tiffin enter- tained the ladies, timt end then both ladies and gentleman to "at homee" in her car, a Id generally exercised the hoepitaiity of a duchese till the play were quite prepared to Meet-t in the usual tuneful manner that ehe too was “a Jolly good itllow" and u for her husband, if any body doubted it ebont Thin, why let him he anathema. At Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia, one of the two irnpregntstrlts {ortreues of Great Britain on the Atlantic cont otNorthhrmsrietr, the things that strike the nun from the interior first and moht'foroibl, are those connected with the sea and the defences. Admiral Bradford’s squadron lay in the harbor. By invi'ation we boarded the ilagtststp and were shown through by the young ottieert, in training who very kindly ex- plained the mysteries of naval tttrains, as far as time and our limited ability to absorb information would permit. We saw one of the great guns in action, aimed, loaded, tired, all but burning the powder, as though in actual bat. tle. The working of Hotchhiss guns, gatling guns, 'lose-firing guns and heavy breech loaders, such " saved Ladysmith, were clearly explained,and we got at least some slight idea of the conditions of modern naval warfare and of the vast preparations for doftmetythts possession of the mastery‘of the seas necessitates. We shook hands with the brave fellows whose skill and cour- areameagettherbasie conditions upon which we may take our peaceful sleep o’nights undisturbed by war’s alarms, with an enlarged idea of the value and importance of the “King's Navee.†and an enlarged sympathy with the gallant fellows who go down to the sea in ships. A - The people of Halifax treated ua very kindly in many ways. They gave us a pleasant drive to all important points in the city including the beauti- ful public gardens and a all on a steamer about the harbor. Many of the leading citizens very kindly ae- comganied the party, including Hon. Mr. rieldiog, Finance Minster of Cami Ida, and a number ofptmrtimmt public and professional gentlemen with their ladies. Among» many very bountiful flower and foliage beds in the gardens, one deeign attrlcted our admiration above, ell the others. It coneleted of a large bed of flower. end iolierze no wronged u to be a complete and perfect rop- rosentatlon of the British colt at erme. The lion and the unicorn, the crown end the motto “Horn eoit qni moi y penceâ€, all perfect in deeign and pro- portion of each pert, even to the dot of the i, or the stroke on the abut worked out in beautiful colon, so perfectly " to oil-Ilene the admiration of every beholder, wee " one a unique tribute to the loyalty oi thin very Englieh City end to the skill end tune of the gardener. _ _ _ The moat conspicuous part " the defences of than: In tho {molt tn. det, which communi- and overt In the clty,but it laundromat In: t. The rod dofonou In Mme“ 19m I. either born In " lambda; moonl- od buttons. with very heâ€) outqatt- uuod {out or the mm. from the olty on oommmdlng positions nou- mo OI- tnnoo onus balm. T. a. Rot Nelson, and It: "at, m m "or an in!“ " Washed. " In - that Vane-ugh will ... our. w on (30me. Whom. AMModm-oodnhm Inmummmummm mm Joni m no (man cl and" a In“: for a. In Inna-av. In. In“ no. 1'ygitdr,'gnVt,t'at,v,u'. nus. mom I m GtN'%itlldTA%&', w Hahn Eduction-u W.- Wollcun.mn. VIC-la mmhmtodldal. nu ma I'll-503A nu ".tttggeo. at: “was 2:5 " 13.. a: a-.-' (?ttipiitiiiFEWE1'l till! irsiias EGiari4 iiiiirimiFim. Jr.c..lttitil.t,'irsretatunasarui ai7faGWriaE - n "nan-.0. A glam-noon waiving.“ communication. DEBI- n- tttlt,' m. tt1,ais?iiii.'tl'st?ii5itirs?tgta 'ma. ""%"i"vir,,rGh7aaii"c5 m _ slsliir, '.'iii'ir'iiti' 'iiiit1iiii'i! Ir."".')" .t. W KW.LKILLIABD. 1t,"',rtgttr2tg."Je'"'Att Univ-u; mud-mot ',&l1tt,'tlittte%W'i goon: and Acquaint- d tub. fugue! Jt.t,"tt,tgllt,t ,'iti'filitirite urn .EORI o ' 0. 'gl',',','."',"'""'"" Ont-lb Id- -- __-_----' _ IP u. Y. woman. Mad-uh: of mm 0.1% “and“; of the Gem. of goon- md Amanda-lot m d an Ind on cranial. otBtt.-thrw Albut sum WIMI'IOO. I m of the late pr. WlId-I'I I‘M-cu. tl,2 “ 033m. 1.9.3.. and at ntal Buttons, D.D.B. Tao-ta U . otl,ltg,trhg't of aging: praothM. 'rht mun’ out. I our thqth. . Stet-o._ immune between retinal-O'- ERR EairiiaWiioarr" - - __ . VI. It'lllklnson, LE8, 0.9.8. butt-t. one. In a. -- Block. Wattle!» W 'l "ail.r'ti.'.'i8 FGGTaEGyriifa'r Fading I w "“3?me an. Waterloo. Will “an 'rfAtlytd .t.t-tomrTtsqrP.ePr_yy1, ,L ,, ,,-3:l iiGiirs7frTiiVrrir." ii2?Pitt2 I'm punk-s mu ot tooth. _ llh"l'Gh1TJ1f'dll'e'ls an 3qu lat- iiGhrcrratiimiivat '"i'éli' T _'"""--. - -.-..w-_.__ :mvwm"o.mm (ii'le'1"L"l, ','llhrctr: away: ANN' BARBER a B. ml mung. m 'i,id,iiir,SSttF.ifati? t Cm".",,'.',',',':'.".' “0"â€.- °annndhnlllul$ VI.- a-s-s-i-i-ae' It in Tttwat “a my. I.“ - â€and. - anal-h . â€Bantam-Cd“ - Ha? WW A, as. up. . 9. anwm‘ LEM Klippert 0mm W. G. HUGHES; OHN """l2l'.e Be-Pt-tot-Fo" WIRE! AND9xqrreNqRtrrAWh, DENTIST. _ Wa Open Daily. omen: Canadian Block, "In. [HAM 3.90m 1 I I :p-IM. ttttgtMtt . f" an P. BRAUN [rttor, ,rmaz,lilNllra'cd', 5MB! with!!! 'l(tiie2l t,r1',tg:fl'* M ISOELLANEOU8 MEDICAL DENTAL LlVERIEB 1' Flt