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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Oct 1901, p. 7

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irFii'iti unid- un my - "f,. Lu- -r. “:6 OIL. SIDE M.--att - 10 z., iriiriut-te.tetttlfe ‘, " a. mum of u- - uh. M an: the on. s- new ite.). and m all App-unnee- a. and 52’” be melted hetero an and). "t'q't .11 week. I"! can but. boon 3*“ out no carefully as the on. bo- w” - by Mr. Justice memos: 37*. Ill " LordshSp 1. being inked n will” upon the evidence u "or! - of m. comm The Crown In. .M mum: In “mnem- u to h. m - 1-- nun i. . 'AI Loom-nu. tr, In York. Bept. £11. a... mm L 1‘1“” " I'm Load -_ -_--'""'" “- and Chic! Inspector Mun-0y. who - the usv.atigtrtiogs, bu provided ()0 Crown pro-ocular with s formid- Ilo on... all one whlch wlll require t1."t, Mummy ot the detence to meet. “£10011” has been stitched to a nu: extent by the testimony (I than who have followed each at. in connectlnx him with the crime, Ind [town more Mgnrd and cueworn ll tho ca" progresses. Th. court room in Invulsbly crowded to its capacity, III tho-e who are concerned in the on. have considerable dlmculty in even was their way to the entrancel at th- murt room. so great its the crowd not have considerable m was their way to th "I. court room, so grea m In. an qon‘ldum. m - - 9t.'i__eN_--" " in not at :11 probable that Edgar Halon. who was the principal witness it the preliminary hearing. will be - Bil connection with the notor- ion- will case has made him a doubt- ful Crown witness, and as his evidean II to I considerable extent covered by Ill relative: he will probably be kept out or the box. The Crown has two new “messes, who may or may not we evidence. They are Edward natal]: Ind Nelson Blackwell, who were incarcerated in the county jail mm Hilton. and who allege that no nude certain admiuions as to the mur- dor. Both men are now serving sen- tences and have been brought here tron: the Kingston Penitentiary. Features at yesterday's proceedings were the evidence of Dr. McNeil, who In. s former witness. but who to Mr. John-ton expressed the opinion that Jouph Sitton's death was accidental, and tho nuditional evidence given by June. Harden, who added several par- ticulu- to his evidence given at the previoul hearing. Almost all ot the limos-es. in fact, instead ot suffering tram lapse: of memory, are giving nor. Information now than when they were heard before the Magistrate. and the evidence is being elaborated rather than ttiqtp1lytWur. In" Maktsrmhe followed Dr. McNeil u the “and and repeated the story or her engagement to Joseph Simon and of the circumltance which broke it " Io luldeniy. She said that she had been anciente for two months and had told Joseph Bitten about it some time More his death. " the child bad been born Joseph Simon would have been the “that Their marriage was arranged Girl! in June. She had been employed for 1 year In Gerald Sitton‘s house as . domestic, but did not tell any ot the funny of her approaching marriage un- til the night before the ceremony was to Me place. On that night Gerald “we to her and asked if ft was a fact mu! she was to marry his father. She unkind it. and Gerald askod it there army-thing wrong with her, and we Mr. I den Inked the girl "Fry llttle " to her ttight with the old man to the home of Edgar Morden, where the Bight before the wedding was spent. again: over this, the girl said that With Mr. Sutu- the arrival " the homestead early the next morning. They were In the house dressing for the wedding when Gerald‘ came to the door and shouted. "Hello." Mr, SK- ton called to Gerald and asked mm what he wanted Gerald replied by m MI {other to come out and ti! him how to " the hayrack. The father In!!! that he (ltd not feel well, and was not going to work that day. Gerald told him to Fume out, anyway. and ten him how to put the rack up. The Me was to have taken place at . o'clock In the morning, the tlme hav- tri been changed by Mr. Siftm). He his son to the barn and a few minutes later Hrrbort name running E Nd her that the old man had fal- tt2Pt th- Iott and was dying. BM _ Bitten lying by the barn In I - at . blqod At this stage of her evidence she sup- ported Herbert in the statement that the blood covered the man's (are. and that there was considerable blood on the collar and lane! of his coat. Ger- lid told her that his father had fallen “on the end of the barn. After the death of Mr. Bitton she lived at the bonus for three weeks. She was told by Gould, after his father died. that he wanted her to continue in live " his bonnie as his sister and that she VII not to do any more hard work. She would live like a lady and when we married she was to have $1,000 a a wedding present. A new "at of evidence given by Misa IcF-rhne was that on the night be- for! the VI! to have been married she WI! urged by Mrs. Bitton not to marry the old nun. Mu. smon said that " It was the girl's deliente condition “it wu her reason for marrying she could give her somelhing that would "gave the trouble and " her all right. IIII Mcrrarune Mild in crou-eth- button that Gerald had told her that h) In}! [one to Martin Morden In Lon- tn in the hope of enlisting his aid preventing her from marrying Mr. 'ttttm. He believed that Martin would M10 lame intNence over her. as she ltd been engaged to him. Gerald ad- lmhd to her that he went to James Union'- house also on the Friday “It. The girl said that she had " child to Joseph Bitton. Shade-hind Gerald that she had been at Edgar we!” house the night Mfore the Cellini Girtttd said that Edgar was sum; up tt scheme to gm money. are mite " ihough he thought th- - “I not " Edgnr'n hnusr. He V We: had tt "Waiver, and If FM. -Mor n “optic" him he wmvld use I. "on that Eds-r Harden would 111:! Mm Re the will ' (In-Wu tot1ownd on the sham! mother. Mrs. McFarlane Mtte that when Btte ttrst heard of m . (imputed marriage she dld not _ lawn Mm or manna . very well. she dented _ that the would rttttter ape her . COM" the wife of Joseph _ On the mom!" that the mur- . On the mnrnlng that the mur- wu to take place one saw nar- - MI wife and Herbert at thetr CM told them how Mary and Drum had been It her hon-u _ ”View: night. on. and (In! w- Iolhl to marry to.» tttb ID. Mid to urn her 1M ”Hutu-soun- . -IX'IIIOIOWI. 'qNitt. my LIAVING won "mu. m elm}. " but “no. - . valnt I! y“ m MI-A oRtrtegtNat In - "an moon repent. I - num‘wo- flan-from ttor. h “In, mm. M nut-0n IftrtMlt,fktiiit "d M.. but in beta: pro by the medic; goon who tak pen tenimony criticism tron' Crown altered In Imlwaru successful in will Under the gttid Martin Morden t at the house marry the do Farlnne. He lng-house tn awakened hy morning of ' man's death. side the door tin that he wi to him. His man's death. Humid was waiting out- slde the door in the dark. and told Mar.. tin that he whim] to t ilk conttdentiattr to him. His Cnthr'r, he said, and Mary View to be married the next day. and he wanted Martin to come right out with him and use his "tfluence with (ha-girl to stun it. Martin asked why the nmrriaqo had been arranged so Quickly. and Gerald said that two months before his father had used force on the girl. and had caused her ruin. Martin replied that under those conditions he would let her do as she likml. ' rack the two or tt of blows from tho to he Induced to out. and said that Mary knew ',hfMll,3 of a nun Sifter: was, and " she wanted to nanny him she could do Bo. Gerald all! tha father never would do lt. He had ”My killed one woman and driven another r‘mzy, Martin understood by this that Gerald mmlnt his mother and his step- mother, both of whom were dead. As he sald that Gerald drew from his pocket a smaH vial, and remarked. "If ram lluln': dam-“t do tho work another will," The vial "ms tV1ed with a white, crystwl-liko sub 'nm‘e. Gerald, how- ewr. Md not mention the name of the aubutanco. Whoa Gould was leaving ho mudt--"wMt, It you won't go with In. Pit he”. the Job clam." Martin went bark to his bed, and the next aftprnoon mama out for St. John's, On his way he heard that Mr. letnn hm! fallen from the barn and was killed. He did not see Gerald thnt day. but met him the next day (Sunday). when the young man desorlhod tho accident, and sald that the father had gmbhed the axe away from him and startpd to knnck the boards off the barn and had fallen. Gerald said he would not have felt so bad about It had not his father been in such a passion when " oc- vurred. Before the accident occurred Gerald said he had a talk with him father, who had agreed that the mar- riage would be postponed for some Mme. Edgar Morden told the witness to try and wet Gerald to make an offer tor the will. and to PM him any old story. On July ttth the witness told Gerald the contents of the will. this In- formation being communicated to him by Edgar, Gerald MM he did not knnw whether to probate “a old will or to have Edtrar up for M'wkmaii. Mar.. tin Morden said that ls [ " the Crown Attorney rm July 18. and told his story to the high county rrnstabie. The matter of the forgery wa- brought clam-1y befor" " 5 fury In tho following question! by Gir, Johnston l Q.--Edgttr told you artnrwnrds. after the trial in this 001'". that the jury had found that the will wan a forgery. In descrihlnx the mement Gerald and that both the axe and the hammer were used In knocklnr MY the boards. At this msetinl Edgar Mordm was also present, and Gerald Mkcd them not to Edgar Morden told the witness to try and wet Gerald to make an offer the had but Q.--He told you t" 'rry had found “In the butter-paper will w" a fol-p cry, but he told you " wu not true. That the will In an right. notwith- standlng? A.-Ves. "But he 'ttttfined that the statermntt he made in the ttre Innmnce was cor- rect t"omid Mr. Blddcll. "Yes.” In- "and the Wine”. Morden'n “my about the curly mom- lng visit paid him by Gerald was con- roborated by Policeman Robert Rob- ertson. who dtrqcted Gould along the “not to the hon-n. hnd to whom ho partial} uni-1:396 Igl- {nlgolL - Mn. Phoebe whNettend, lama lor- den'l liner. II” command tho m- denet u to (no Ttatt paid by 0m)! any: to m." not“. In. on m a was rumored In London mull“, club- lut lam that Lord -- M than“ "(In Mr. BroegtW. all bud rem MI eqmgqIItd. but, Cumin». u Toronto girl of "(can N'h. manna m is :1an an no and on mi of a 1"ll'a,,%' mm In 10". The trial of the nun-mm director: at tho VII). Inna Bank In: in ink- m M with ”My VII his In. I m I! m. _ m "In " "an I... - mum - 3-. UnL. Int. 'o-ah. at“ o! the mutant u u- but. a, and the cum b in at": y and any nut week will d.- Lb. outcome at the trial. " Ill“ I the medial ovldom. " In ad- '. an we who will turn. and an mucous win no hen‘havo u- _ mu the bulb. Beat-d with“: not circle or In. court. that man Jun “awning bunny to every r of the duvet tummy. and Mn fora-Inn! their ooUtionn on the mu' k Mr. I. w op In W III-.- ‘n'rnul. " balm. " ."M im " spok nest t was ttot HIM] Hi 81MB. e of putting up a. har- dog, and said that the nulvl get his father up on onuid give him a couple a hammer and throw him : and it would look like Martin. however. refused ilterdar narfated t Mr. Ridden w’y had found a w“ I fort. .vu not true. 1312!. notwith- that I: Whit impli n8 guts this following riot)":- ~Umii irctttg lhno‘nunugu 1 than ttplayed the best of but“), hu'. than! than time I was matched with vim pruved from the outset to be I love” use of Ihoumaiim, from which I wi- forod great torture. I tried a number oi the supposed cures for this diuue. but none of them bersetitted me. I seemed to be constantly growing wane. an I called in a physician, but as his TiiirisTU. iii) day I am happy um I lid an. for within". um of less than a dozen boxes of these pills the pain from Much I sutured is all gone um I rm] “ranger and healthier than I did be- iure. This I owe to Dr Williams' Pink Pills'. and I would strongly urge similar trutttsrertt to give them a trial." Experience has proved DrATilliaate' Pink Pills to be wiilxou'. an equal as I bymd builder and mum warmer. lt is this power of acting directly on the uhrod ar,d nerves that enables them gills to cure such diseases as rheuma- lam. sciatic). neuralgia, Ioeomotw uaxia, paralyslr, and all the ordinary mean 'tt tr tho blood and nerves. Them pills are cold by all dealers in medicim 'r can he had by mail. rostpaid,at 50c 1 box, or tsiX bums for $2 50, by ad, eraninq tbo Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. can» " Al [IN-Ill cor. omox or was noon REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER The re; ' u‘ssinner v that there tisetsl year mttebanir, iss we: Cvmmunicatinn " Messrs. Marion & Marion, Patent Attomeya, Montreal, uae., and Washiugum, it. C , U. S A The “Inventor's Help," coniainin; useful irafortnativrt on tho subject 01 patenta,cost.of time in the principal countries of the world, will be new to my addnss upon receipt of10 coma. _ The Ontario Department of Public Works has approved plans and survey: for a number of railways. One is the ounmettcetmsnt of the Manitoulin) and North Shore Railway, for a dislanco of 18 miles south-east. from Sudbury, 14 miles of which are now in operation. Plan: for the Bruce Mines and Alanna Ra‘lwnv. from Bruce Mines to Rock Lake, 16 1-2 miles, are also approved. This line will connect avaluable copper mine and reduction plant at Rock Lake with the Son brunch, of the Candi“ Pturitie, Railway. " bat also approved the plan! of J, Fort Erie Ferry Rail- wav exreneiott, an rYetrie lino to run [loin ()hippawit to I, The most beautiful thing, in the world, is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. The dimples and joy haye gone, and left hollows and fear. It is fat that is gone; gone with it, comfdrt and color and curve; all but pity and love. The little Tc gets no fat from her food has had none for weeks: she is Irving on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers. She is Might tatrit it death;begtiickt . 7 _ , ',orttttItttylptutot cod-lint r 1. PITY AND BEAUTY tr OF PATENTS, F. I. ALLEN nd For the Fiscal Year, 19034901. paws, I 51,350 (' unmet-om t m. a» it Mid-l 170' applied an f v 26 48t p'lzonta gr re-i was and (its m minke, '324 label " "rnstervd. The at “wire! was 201 ,. “Nb:- U' ind States Com- 1 Mommjus! pAuted,stsowr were rvceiwd in the last 42,4)82 auvlieations for EU ,030 M 31 it 'pplir'atiom 'in for re- 2 applications pg lxcauons for m fe prints val-unno- or an am- ape no; mu. m I". IQPLIDI N mau- ADD-I... m. M. w. T.. Inc. m an v. on: W an when d an». More I. w to - an. ”an. or an um: um "W - Rut. and thte luau-ad In an- Qlum and on." out]! by tho an. in ruched mm ‘0 van Into . "don when chm undoubtedly I“ ban a ran all at new. “a t mph of tube- um In on an ground. At Imam... where we mm In hour, in I”!!! somewhat ste-mutt-ttrite, 375.33375.) "513;";ou1a do mi '".'f"A,'rf."ATaal'.Ta cm that um Pt in stock- m tho ,'l.aiSitrtd.k"r.: - - 1 Midi. Ono particulnrly mini-tic luv . Arno-9.1““ “Mini would not be Inth until In had Inn " Witfrbt under to (all him attout it, ttut, when tltr Wilfrid .9. -========x========r-== Pearod tho crowd could do nothing but . that. and the Premier had to undergo BERLIN SCHOOL BOARD. the honor. ot Ln ov-tion. whether ha would or not. One could not but Id- mire the only relation: which he At The September meeting of the 'rtit2,'n"vi'1','id in? the ”not", 'IT Berlin Public School Board wu held Y no It er " or B- n- wnitinx. he listened to the pundit; at J,', Tbnrydhx evening in ttto come" the people. but the sunny lel had bnmbtl’. The follostatr mum)“. their tnttuence again. tor he had not are -t,Cbairtrmn Delta-Aunt: a?“ long with“: with)": 3°33? Dr. J. E. Bett, A. BtieUr,Wrrr Togt, I e [tea maor y Bomew a - ' ‘coumed the gloomy we," ot L. L. Pearson, B. J. Hall, W. (the lint man. They and they had no Itir?tre Plindpll Budd"), had experience at so early 1 unow for nevln- weremv Bowman. lean {e311, and that fits are?! on t2: Chairman Manner, of the Finance w en was a matter o con ec ure, " . [ , . all events, - was not like ge; t',', T mm tcr, 1osertrd " fohul'r. did not wet the straw until " egan o , . t _ ' ,. melt, and it there wan ',"'if",ll'e'irt of FINANCE RKIQLI‘. its doing any harm in a melting period the remedy was to lift the Simpson Co, furniture 90....6 50 sheaves and shake it oft them. The M. Boobmer a: Co,, l 2 can! cheery View prevailed. ' W00d.............. 325 TPt ,irirttieite.?aeerue,"yy,"Wrieo,2 Aug.Bag r, “mm cirytrts 9 ill . . rn and the air the snow w: result was Dec region is famous called “Rumba" mixture ot water could be used tor this the Duke am the station to Go it they enjoyed il " The Duke replied as follows, hit enunciation being again distinguished by that clear and carrying quality thai has been noted everywhere c-- "The Duchess and I would ask you to convey our heartfelt thanks to ab' these bodies whichryou represent for their kind words of wehromit6 Whlct their addresses give expression. I an especially gratified at the unfts1terirU note of lo and attachment to thl mother country which rings throughoui these messages ot greeting. and it will be a pleasure to me to communicate te my dear father. the King, Your assur- ances of deep and abiding devotion to his throne and person. We are touched to think that the welcome in extended to us from some of the re- motest parts of the vast Territories, and we cordially reciprocate their ex- presaion of regret that time does not admit of our personally visiting their towns. We are glad to and ourselves'ln a town whose name will be forever linked with the memory of our beloved and deeply mourned Queen. We have been greatly interested in our Journey through this boundless land, rich Ind fertile in its soil. great in its possibility of development, and look forward to the time when " maybe the home of a great, pros- perous and loysl people. Contrasting the free, healthy and useful life which is enjoyed in this country. with the nnrrow, and, alas. too often unwholo- some existence of the thousands tn our great cities at home, one cannot help wishing that the prospects here offer- ed were more widely known and more freely taken advantage of. We sin- csrely thunk you for your good wishes for the continuance of then blessings which hove been vouchssfed to on throughout our long and eventful tour- ner." .. .. ei------- The paragraph regarding the mama In Britain who would be benettted by transplantauon to the went was and with particular emphasis And unm- cance. _ - _ " The presentation of medals to tho South African vetenn: was then made, Major Cuthbert leading the line and Capt. Moody following. When Ser- gennt-Major Church came up for hll medal his Royal Highnen uked him if he Ind not been at one time in the Home Gum-dun (the Blues). Ho replied that he hnd. and hem. naked for how mun! yet". he unumred touneen. "That Wll a long service in the Blues," his Roynli Highneps re.mePtd. Thu - "w... ........_.7 -___e Duke of Roxburthe and Lord Crlcth tom both oftteeN in the Blues. ind who were nnpunn when BerBt.-Mtuor Church was In the mtBttoetst, about! they must have been tall 'strtp11ttrq then, took the agt,t.""4 of having I “It with “I. let-cunt. c was g vat- u-ble member of Col. nnm‘ command In South Atria. hlq splendid physique m Intdlinence Mint molly "III-bl. huh“ trying amp-um. " " "h'cciaTiir" ,Taiarr-e about no o'clock. The report of the American Damn- mont of Antenna" on the oondluon of the "that crop- of the country on Sept. ut Indie-tea a - in tho total non otqth-rttrg and mm both Included - comm I'm: the who at “an In, of 14,00A000 oh. Io mum “mu m mm at 7jiitii'i '- pun-imam. "r .93 noun. uncut-Ill " ill at: Mt. D Pe r" vammv, l-urcwa'o and repairs---. m-twt- Philip Uiee, ropauing {manna Fred Martln, dating black- wood.........._....... tlieo E. Hour. Butystituto. . . mobs Healing Co , labor. . . . Sur, Frost, earetaktn's salary E‘eacbers mimics" . . _ . . _ . .. r'. Kramp, tioorirg Agnes St. Sch»cl............ .ww-. \ng. Frost, water works digging...... twr _ ...... V; " Mr. F. Kaempf had handed in an accouin 01 $40 for a job at'the Agnes 'rcet school, which Chaixmmi “Bear- so: would not certify as corn-ct. 'pr.r.. Kaempf had received no authority f6 proceed wrh the work from the Chair! man. and the work was only worth tbout t20 when -eorupltsted. Mr. liaempf appeared below the Board md stated his position, and apparent- “iggétvnrvd -iiGed to pay $20 to Mr. Kaempf, but the latter would not accept it. W: in; VrCdied with Ilia woreUrough . misunderstanding between him and the Schoo] Committee. M _ __ Eco t3omtiderc0:-- From the Minister of Education stating that he had forwardad educational books for main Publie Schnol Library. The Secretary was authorized to aeknowledgo receipt of name with thanks. From P. Lnft, making summation " caretaker for Marzaret Avenue School at $300 a year. . No action taken. Miss It. Thumbs-m, of Agnes street Miss B. Thompson, of Agnes street ache)! kiadergarton class. applying fur supplier, amongst which were six Hides and twelve ehairs., The Board authorized Chairman DeBusand Principal Sudduby tone: “ml! the Chairman? saggestioa, and that um other necensary tupplies be neared. , There was quite a batch ofcom- manieatiomt complaining of the uhnl boundaries, which were read. The Board referred (In In to Chairman De- Bul Ind the Principal. 1i'ei,e,rs'itlkl: ",tit,'s'E 'i'lii,tlliiirit,r95. w as; i,t,a."ai."'" S'au Tho secretary reported that the following amounts had been expended by the various School Committees and the general fund. no to Sept. In, tunrmrstirrg to $9,939.44, vizingontrnl Ihm't 'tttgt "Areru" ' _ that ,rill at. you 3m and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayerhs Sarstspa- rilla. a...” mind-u t4,073:27; Agnes Sheet. '2.295,85; Hunter Avenue, 31.39175; Court.. Iattd Avenue, $1,335.26; general $86 31. Principal Snddnhy’a report to report curds as given in the Tumour-n in in! meeting) report I'll adopted, with the exception of one chm, viz; which nonmmanded that ropon cull be rot Issued " "In month of April. The Board worn of mu Minion that mm with the East" holidnya murdering, 3 Import m-ihl he mndo by the [our ". Prnmrciott exrvx‘miiom um be mm In Jun, no: heretofore and If my scholars {an dy, ibc examin- nilnn, their monttrls' rope": for the you win he nonaldnred Ind trum- futory, an pupil um be promotod. A lengthy inter wu- rud by the Chairman, which ha "and from Ree. p, o. out-Ind". " MM“ in ,rtuott mm inhuman: Informan- wn gtro' min. the 'i'.lrli'i'i) manual” new inn-any. l ‘uhodl an in. no. to human-1 ‘to the my: schools, at the I an ',t,'s, “'Rmmmai: $3.. t tt In s, . iiiqirtayetr, mm. who. at In. to“ is - than. 'liiiii.?diiiifettturttd 1tsdtri T 6 . .. w . 3 _ vs:'., Lc).,', "rl- i , t The Board had received to 00 from Mr. B. Hallmar, of Wtrt.tltt9 Tp, for the “aching of three children. . an." nun-nun:- m, Ann. 'atg'.trd,tmt,fda2 iiiiiiiiilliii nihilism-II 'hte-o.,-.- The report was accepted The foilcwing oomtnuu'asr'.iot1ts were H d h iyde G‘NIBAL mum‘s; COMMUNICATIOXS‘ naming and ', Mam!) g.... " report m iron ftelt 81446 94 ll ' l 50 12 50 l 65 16 66 G7 08 50 00 ti8 41 50 17 SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL - . . . . V DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOV'T . . '. i . Alt Fold“ Gunmateed brthe LONDON & LANCASHIRB Fill In, . Ana. 0! $16,y6,633 , __' "World Wide" is . weekly ro-pmlt of article. from leading Joarmhaod reviews retieeting the current thought of both hemispheres. This remulsblo Ind moat rudablo jonrml, published by net-axe. John Dongall & Son, of the "Witncss," has pushed its way,ln afar months, beyond all upeomllou. elm fir ulna to the goodwill of in rapidly- i growing constituency. “Warm Wide” '. bu found its place on the s'udy table. , Prtraettsrr, teachers, writer! and tttink- . up generdl,s, hue lulled It as a new, and mm velcome companlnu. A: l', plenum tottitr--a stimulant to the mind, “World Wide" has DO peer-It -he prion no rqaal 31mm: Ihei urnala of tha day. Regular readers of "World Wide" are kept in much with the world'. "hinting. Fifteen coma will brine this I most imam-Hug and valnlblo paper to l Ibo end of tha year. Address all cnm- I municn'inna direet to (be JiiiiiaG/ John Dmgall a: Son, "Witness" Bulld- ine, Montreal. I...) THE ONTARIO aurruaL UPS tttti';,,,',",,:?,',,.':?',":.:.:,",,.; V It'"' 'iibhrEs",i'o,' sf,t5,itthtirltir',.t'a',1 thttMtl II III . w III-nub"... It' atop Lunch --, W... 'tet “Hilda.“ “the“. " We Are Sole Agents Marian Soft Front Shirts, the Latest Pawns. We also carry I good “acumen: a Watch our Burgnin Box in front of the More. J. BITZEB, illttttqrftttt The Mercantile Fi - Deducts OIOUNTOIUII/‘Em . "Chmbu + Adds Smilight Soap + Divides .Mm Lever Brothers Limited, TORONTO. GRAIN MARKET. Mind IMIM. Secretary. Huntl‘ Tailor "" OFFICE WORLD WIDE. Multiplies "a 'orfachrred b --r0n TBB-- Comfort in the Work to Cleanliness in the Linen. the Care: of Washing Dal from the House- wi e's busy life. by two the Life of the articles washed by two the tHours of labour. - BIRLDU INSURANCE COMPANY. Immud 1875. tire PoLii:imoiasmts BY POLICYHOLDERS FOR POLICYHOLDERS and - l _ - In wuw.- v ITB-- l _ Bin-ply send r and”... W“ "W E‘Rfifiwfifi'maVE=L:Z"-r"'£'~"'M'-'§ In!!! lint. w...’ W“ _ . an?" 3?“:“1'23; 2 3363-" ' t . t . vol; III e m t of Union Hats 'itFiyy,ii,'tiF'h',i1ll'lt,i'd1 . with. In“ WI not ard ’ront Shirts, the ttfa,T',t,t, iiir'iiiil am- $51: "1'41th can... , F o o nun-lop 1m 00.. f MI W. 5t}? [ Beonominal Mutual PM“ Jun Fungal. annulus . [luau Km: - John Fotnett........, tue- 141:; .....-r.. HE-Bowllw. 0.0.. H. Knell.............. r. A. Mtuteg.p...... ILLJAnarp.......... L. J. Hmlttsarqtt...... Hams Mertrar....... 9.3. Launching" P."eoht.............. ',.Nbttt.._......... . ”an. 111mm,". B.. Goo. Patttmreat..... .. Fo-. Emma» MA'. 'raiee W. n. Sum“: Jon: A. Boo: Ihhijlflull) liMUbsriisfi',' 'lit Dominion Life Assurance The Mth 0912ng fino uni-Cour puny in u tmieuitii Mum. my, solidity. pmgresu and equity "o." watchwmds. ' L . COMPANY. “(AB MIME, WATERlcmm. We have Increased our Bum Capital from $257,600 to 't00s0tt M t sin, have inert and our Fd-tttAlt ital from 864.000 to "(new _'] i We have iruced all our old 'ttee 7 , l on at 4 Ker cent. Run-v0 Sta . highert anaoveromentreyutee' in, have mom-ed our Stu-pk“ e am Liabilities from £21,210 to ttat We haw im-rrnsed our Aurt- in. £416,897 to mam A otal Assets 8tst Decembu 1_t"i),3j, 3334.033. ‘.¢;-;-§3 BOAR]: orriihrcaoms. . Ir',', - Ail (mm: of regular sound m: - endowment sum-me are bound. OfBce tor" ”tannin. Iona: D41 mu: INSURANCE (JOHNNY INCORPORATED IN 1803. am. Rudd]. Ertt., Winds». d. 1‘»de. Mo. " Wnrtror, rumor. Elm. " Commute]. Esau . " J. L. Wldrmw. Km.. th. Jacob. Alun Baum-n. Em. Preston. P. E. Elan". Prawn. Thom-s Gordy. no" Guelph. Jun! 1aMnissuase,%q., and. Ile guy of (gm-53ers“ or m Mend lutual and Cull Sum thsorgxs Btusda'.i, Proud“; . Wm. Fmdrr, :Viuo-Pnddmt. Frrrtk Enlahu 'ussager. lLT.0rl.hspcc3sr..._. . _ _ A loam. Down-y . Chum. Belkgtae_ it BU OK BERROUGH & Oo't Amt: In moo. Mmuu0. 1rjvt.',ivs1, EDA RD or pummel: Bu, Progress in 1900. or BERLIN. Org-nixed A87: PREMIUMS FREE MR “ninth had no long. OFFICERS t w-mhi. R

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