ttiii5iiie,agifft' "an... a. _ Ate. 'd'. u. 10-. In; b] . 'tu ttt le, q b --h" and min. In? huh. 'll'h'ltgW8h"l1 I: laud-W WW 3w. - J. Uirelmagtrh to: Mon 'ill?, - at luminary. crrris. mu mm. a a. an John'. . church many "my van _ “andâ€. r"I. Witch! & Son In a prelim _itiitis' improvements at their one. in ,' 1534'". “on. â€If.“ Humans. proprUtor ttf a» M Grocery, comemphlu ovorhnnl- Wettto from and: atom in the new We. _ In] of out 0mm- are taking Mvatttatto of an Wooten: Excunim and no visiting friends in Mlcmgnn In other Welter!) 8mm. a loom. Alex. Homer, Berlin, and P. Boos, Waterloo, returned on Satan In from L'mark, Manon, where they spent Mural dlyl duck shooting. Ttrsr captured 63 beauties. mu Furnish Heinrich, gold trtmulut Toronto Conservatory of Hula, and concert pianist, will give a moon In the Opera iIoasus,BtrrlimOtst. Mth. Bntretr.iptiots lists am now being chanted. 100,000 bushels of barley are wanted at once at the Waterloo Making Co.'s matt how on North King Street,Wat- ttriots This in a good opportunity for Name having bmey to dlupou of to who the highest market price. Rev. Mr. Baum, of Wilmington, Delaware, and Rev. Mr. Meyer, of Milwaukee, Wis., preached two inter- eating tutd1trsprssssiro sermons in the Evangelical church on Sunday. Both these gentlemen no agyendlnu the Gennln Baptist Conference held It Berlin. Thedlrecmrlof the North Waterloo Agricultural Society will meet at. the Grand C'eatral,Rousl Borl‘n, on Satur- dny the 5th: of October at 1 o'clock pan, parties having accounts against the wcleby will please present them to the Secretary Mr. B. Devin on or be- fore shin date. "Dopney" Hardy, who pitched for the Waterloo baeebail team the poet eeeeon, pitched an excellent game for the ttttttttttttttt against the Toronto Eutern Leaguore on Seturdey. He made the League" play an extrn Inn- ings, though the latter won out by 4 rune to 3. He had 13 strike cute to his credit. Alex expecte to be with Tor, lento next spring. Rev. Mr, Levelle of Ayr, filled the1 pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday, both morning and evening. In the morning he gave I very interesting and instructive talk to tho children. which he illustrated by crayon sketches. in the evening he preached an able sermon item John 10 '. 10. “I came that they may have -ttfiand that they may have it more ghundenti)â€. He gave a echoi- iiitr exposition of the text and his re- merkl were iietcned to with deep int- ereet. Lost. A pearl brooch on King St , Water- loo. Finder will be rewarded by louv- Ing it " Snyder’s drug store. Home For Sate F Ill!- lluuur win no vannuwu v] 'Em.'- Ing it " Snyder’s drug store. l FAREWELL CONCERT. m For Sale. F S _ G In?“ bonus for we, situated on Mr Geo. Ptt 1'fffe. t S ' - t. For particulars apply to w. It w" a happy thought and on. for M. RBamt, Banister.Waterloq. 21-tt. which the citizens of Watch» fool moot Wand. grateful, that prompted Mr. Goo. Pox A senor-u -ant. Apply to an. to give a menu concert in Wnlor'oo â€mono: Mary and Benton mun, Rio" Ieavtug W tttt extended W ‘lctlln. from the Atlantic to the Patina out: __ -- in 'sornent yitllugho tuneu- Bung l) kPrsr - T ' itettatttrti tlt ., 111t 0n Young Sh, Waterloo, 2 Itory Mink house, 7 room: And kitchen. human.“ possession on be had. 1m " thin 0mm. 37-tf, -rototricers, " TM mane] meeting of the St.Ceeiiie‘ 'm (choir of " Louie B.C.Chnreh) i. held on Monday evening. The a.†made by thin Society during [not yea bee been the beet lino. Reorganization. Under ihe leaderlhlp " the orgmtitst,Muts Bertha Biddeil.the Choir bu attained e high atate of attkeutt.r. The retiring Preddent,lr. a. Sprain; tr, we]! ehoeon word- “M t e one that ell members the“ continue to do eheir any n - done in the pm The elec- ', I M melted u follow-z ..i. Theo. tbpets,C. R. '.-rtt.-rhif. w. Fischer. . . tt=ychtt 3.1mm. l . ".--.A1tmrt Eiierhrnnn. ( “Mm-III L. Treeey. _ 'tti-r.--" A.Beeker. Out-m New-h. Home to Rent coke. A very was†"out of oonddonblo ttttart" to tho young min of our town (out nine. " use country residence of Mr. and In. John Housman, um. Inna nth-mt. of Waterloo, when “it hound. dam, Emu, was mind ht an ttl of valiant to ILAMn Solo! ,1 PM“! young We! non CW The coro- - no mind u4dmmn. nth - in and of snugl- 3nd "numb-â€.0111. ood,d 2gPftfg'tt lb Id. 2tftlt t m, a: w, ',ir,1'i'llii?j, M you} gtNttt mi. 1 I" u a - u; WI blue 8103: '" LOCAL N EWS BetttttuBrttht_1ter To!“ 'd "etl arid an: W‘um't I'ii'rtia"'iTir.Ti in†you. A “a an“ '90.? I"! Hd l Prelt'rto - $313.7.“ Vuu .. in... -q"H'.'e..'-5'. -__.__H 11 {and at ' D-W ‘0. II - a ird''r'h"21v'F'trtt1'ner- t1téithi'rltiili2yet,tir', - e..,......-..-,.,..'..:..,, 'd.tiththttrl'3t=tL5'l'. ---s------V Qhw- Why“!!! lac-mumm-ymdlud Minna-I " we and Melt that-“mm nd [ Huntsman!“ We!“ WWW“ m mu- " iitt,auiiitorett-0Wdtr, mxmnvuujhm w- mulfuuuonuf 01-“:wa I gnti'r'2tl'2ll mayday - lath. you Imam'hxchhuw fillet)“. . -- __,- "_-ee Pm, coo». Wag: loo, Oct. 2, 1.1. J','.',','.',".', teg', ttte mu- at our on! Nubia _ - inc-mine the Putuu’i‘elazme can. otg.B.Bioutt t'2',t/lMS1 ohm. lune. You will and accommodation he" within my not of the ground- nnd tgg'egf'ht splendid - of the buildings. house, carpal, inmitnre and bed- In all new ant the Home in chum ot " Men. and the Hillel Onset, denghtere of Mr. Mom Once! or Pic» ton in beautifully kept Good mule can be obtainei tor "trrtsnty-fi" - jat I neighboring manhunt. Bath room end nil eonveniencee. AM npendlnc e pen of the pun week were with members of my bully, I hue no _tys_tiuuion in .pmnonnolng the Vii]: fully up to the chime made by the Idvenieer. If you go by the LVJLB. take an Elmwood our to West Aliment gate and trnnefer to tb Kenmore on, which will take you within two mlnnm 'Ilk of the Home. DEATH OF MRS. FRANKLIN GOOD It is with deep regret we chronicle the death of hire. Frnnklln Good, which took place " the reddenee, Albert Bt., at 3 p. m. Friday, It the age of 42 yearn-.10 months end 25 due Deceased had been aatrarirtg from on car for the out your end I half. In April,1900rNt operation was performed by Dr. Webb, which gave temporary; relief. Lever two cancers were removed with plaster' and hire. Good wee for eeVernl months quite well and ehle to do her work. Three months ego an- other one formed but the beet medleel "ill and tender nurtlng could not are her. She Buffered eevere pain until Arfday afternoon, then she - ‘pewefnllv â€my. Although I very jdif tsuftsrar ehe here her Mering- with Christina fortitude and page†Mrs. Good, ne Anne Marr Kuhn, denghwr‘of Mr. hi hn,of midst- bergmu born in; V burg in 1868 and was mnrried' t 1 Good " Ber. ‘ lin, Sept. 11th, 1877. Thin union was blessed with 7 children, of whom three girls and one boy survive. In religion Mia. Good was a. consistent member ot who Evangeliosl Amcintion. The be- reaved husband and family have the sympathy of their many friends in their sore bereavement. . . The funeral of Mrs. Franklln Good Wu held Monday afternoon and wee attended by a. large concourse of friends. After eehon eervlce a the house the carnage proceeded to the Evangelical church, where the Rev-.G. D. Damn), pumr of we loonl mum gotten. and M. L. Wing, of Berlin, de- livered epproprim end impressive du- courses. the former in Germm end the letter in the English leagnnge. After the eervleee the, romaine were taken to \Monnt Hope cemetery for interment. 'Grii5"hiii"irifi.- -iilsirh united by Mr. Chas Hakim, n popular bui- toe, of manpton.. . --__ A. m", -. __._m__, There may heve been larger endieao- " then the one which mumbled on Friday evening, but we venture to In! there heve been none more eppneie- tire. Mr. Fox hilly excelled himeell, executing the molt electing ngmben in e style befitting e In“. With lightning rapidity of execution he ceniee you through Joeehim’e thrilling “Hungerien Deuceâ€, and in reeponee ‘to a hearty encore plexe "Annie Letitia†" he only on play it: “Reverie" by Vienx'l‘empe Beethoven’e "Romano" end Grieg’e aiaiF were Mr. Fox'e other numbere, end be m "celled after eBertt, "Bo" the enootee being Sohnmen’e been“!!! compoeltion “Trenmereiâ€. Br specie! request Mr. Fax gave thet m â€up in; oompoeition, Leonel-We “Dam†in um the melody end the moped» men: no both pity“ on the â€out: n ,t,h,ittutgi',etttattte,1T o! the eevereet me- e vi one he put to. Mr. Pox, however. Wt out the dttt%gtt mine! .8 - win one - _ _ .. _ " van lr.Chu unkind m» “H wane. We a Wading-Mae- udho did not di-trent-Me. minnow-0.0â€! a not balm Madman-me you at in with much onto-inn. mm tall. -miuetr ul:""d~ A“ Man-m "a tho'-\.“»"~' Lon wmm‘m‘vw. ire. bert,amt 'lt,%21'ahTiti. In ( “LI. and.†“VILLA AVIIUI HOME." At was. and-(om in! nu " work In my nod - lull â€an. Amy-3.0.†Wad-d CA†OF MKS "'- - tP2ttad - WH _ V t lit in." an - unmet. I. on My. " 'roeidot.ta.nrt-at-ritt+th, mull-7WD a-ated humid plant In! all IN“ mill-uMJoum o! otiaeii-iuep_d.beartttmt plain-dupl- Ite, an "on morn-tun. nub-rh- My m so than, u! dihkhmlo t'th'tM2dltf."t."t which manna-Chou: l. The hum mm“ and M one: splendid “maze. I“. [Nut loathe-nebula! connect: mil-l in. mun-u m an: But who in b- 1: mu m- Bl mm b “I h than. til: It "tot. - A the hulk; my. this us- a- 'l'ML' Gum. and a. In" tegtter M men-ton and Mon at tho comm black and runway Moo-1N3“. In "intr than tout ttlf/ttt “no, and the an III of yolk!- (ltt autumn duo) Minus. uny- pron, bud-luau - an again Mutable. while will but will in much Inn. [’1an and 10mm" of our) daemon a. mung], tn vogue. Some tr new Ind may to B Bott, may mark) with All down In pug-09. . An object of - “nitration m e pretty, brown hat with e shined velvet {mom an crown ween! 'itstt,tmsrm felt an?“ on mail: and 'aught down with " vet and the! buckles. Between felt and do wee e iott roll of orange minor velvet eoveted with max inlet- tion, and I lembrown bunt down left aide added to it: beauty. _ _ . aa-irtnireatBriih; Muslin-w; A striking _ereation wss s black Gsinshoro with s soft, velvet‘lncing. The top of the hat was made ot black taffeta " and chenille with In im- mense knot of islets in hoot and soft black plumes going either way. A pretty hst for s girl b one with s tom felt rim end shined silk crown of a t"m effect. A huge bird on the side is wright d In with new ot silk, the flayed (nds down back end steel buckles and pink rosettes on band benesth. Among other t"gt novelties we noticed crowns ot so feather meterini with s breast to msteh. The riring generation are by no meme tor.. gotten end here is to be found an ex- ;cciicnt displsy ofchildren’s weer. In re idy-to-wesr has n large assortment is shown. There ere my other nriietie creations worthy of mention, in fact Bricker & Diebol'ts,who ere always to the front, here this season in the millinery line something that no lady l in the Twin City shoal miss seeing. l The msntie department is, " elwsys. incomplete shepe. All kinds of tors in beaver, ssble, seal, Persian lamb, ete., mods up in counretus, runs, col- iers, etc. are displayed here; also a select meat of hr lined apes. 1n dress goods, All the season’s intest pro- ductions are shown in homespons, cheviots, broadcloths end French Batt- ncls for blouses. Customers from every part of the county come here to deal with this reliable firm, knowing tint they will receive oonrteoue sttention ' and their money's worth every time. The time spent by the eeribe in the well-known millinety establishment of Mn. C. Emanuel wee well spent. Perhnpe no etnre in the Twin City hed mule mute eleboreu pnperntione " n {all opening then thin establishment. l Mr 2 Smernq‘i'e experience, um _ end new in the en. hue won for, he! I} reputetion end e popnlerity that mete, her opening- Inoet interesting end at. treetive Her store for yeere hen been I tevnrite retort for the indie- ot the ,Twin cm end vicinity when in eeereh of anything In Lehionnble millinery. She he- one at moi-meet etoeh of the newest millinery in the Twin City end her enetolnere heve the tulleet nonn- denee that in her hende everything will be Wily end Wetsuit) made. There ie quite e ohenge in the mlee einee lee: lee-on. The huge draped velvet with felt, chenille end fer trim- mings eae etrongly in vogue thineaeon. Birds, innate. feethen, hnehlu, lelte end ,ehenille eompoee e lerge part of the trimminge. been in pondhly indi- ttated more etrongly thin - then it tmattmgtAtrtttttrt4t wintenpen. Itieper- tienlerly earned" on velvet but not elene herewill it have item; A combination thet hquite the thing thin - ie tttr end bee. In colon blue, enter. brown, black, white end verdi- ¢ree green predominete. To do Justice to all an bout!!!“ mimicry mm nvwonld n- quimrrtisrsqr-ertr0f"" our mundandocdwmotmcdof lb. was mm but am willâ€. Upon emu-h: tho-howmyntn- "ittioetuato--dmmttoth-t-, in up!“ of WI and m of "nag-mm. wank-n nonhuman! mam-ml aeadrt.omisrtutrXt?rrttr9dty_ ‘mm in Myanmar-ya an Mu. A Manual numb“ d-ttte-rt-ttart-ttrid, mam Thom-Immune! mud M-ttMot-tted-ith., W Ian-min Winona -enartttttiAed'ttttt bin-rib- bon and no! hulls. All M gratt2t2P,,ttet2l,',t'lli ‘III-Inkhm Mum“ PM: 2tgr2tt,trgrtS1', mum mW‘M GT% ala "_ "in "tvit, ind-m on. In. all and - no gWgrdrat11'ltl'huti “CD but.“ mm with; wearing: you monumwlmo mm “but with. no mun-mum tggri,tgfl vamp-mm"- In " man u mums: AT nu. SHUIRNAGRL'! w a“ T. I l m "on¢M-uanm Hui-duh! Ivut' m- 'l'lUSlritll'll tell'tdNh?fdgrtl'll11' I “a tsr.rmm--rho"rethytPrtr u'tt,t,t,'1tlg 'eiiiasif"e'""""""" Pdt . _ - I I LS In. who LE C) . In at . -", "d ' 4 mm " , sr' 'w ' IV“, Gi teil , "Cl! which _ ' .’ "I‘? U'di, 's, A dt' I 'd â€it?" i , A "tr _ WWW Mn. Schmidt: Ind Mr. Goo. Schu- born, the hue been visiting and: pat- anu tore, “turned to their home in Room Sammy. Mr. and Mm. Christi-n L. Nil-191,0! Flash, and In.“ In. boob but. ol Human, Loam Co., Pa., u- ted.ed the Wlfnhmmgemu wed- dldg on Wodnuduy ot In: wool. The! - enjoyed their wish to Cum. "ur.uearramssto h holidaying In Dom“. . ' Mr. Carl Steuernngol u holidaying in Cincinnati, Ohio. MA. Conrad Tiok left Thursday on . visit to friend- In Don-01: and Ann Arbor, Mich. m- ' Bath u nondnm in Don-oh. - an“ Bowman left for Penny, Mieh.,Tturradar. ' Mr. J. L Stow-n, of Hamilton, wan the [meat of his brxsther-iu-hor, Mr. C. v. Scum, Thnnday. _ _ Mr. Mathew Bush, at Pluttavlllo, gun the tmronietotritTraph omco a deadly all on Thstmdar. Mr. Enamel Whaler, of TonamuuU, Is the guest of his nephew, Mr. Jno. Bruegeman. m. Geo. Miller,who baboon spand- ing I month with " sister, Mrs. B. Poohlman, left for his home in Detroit Thunday. The was: own Roos and Melinda Zimmerman left Thursday on a visit to friends in Detroit, Fondue md Clove- In. D. B. Etry locompmiod by her mother, In. Knob", Iett Friday morning out-ours! wuka’ viait to Mend-1n Freepon, Mich. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Schiedel, Albert Bts, was the tNMMM) of a pleasing event Thursday evening, it belng the occasion of the celebrntton of the ether wedding of Mr. and Mn J. D. Runes, of vaidenee, B. L, and aleo the birthday of Mn. lune Both men, of this town. Only the immediate relative. were pretrent but than repre- named {our genemione. The evening was a thoroughly enjoyable one. Mr. Nelson Wimer, of Montana, formerly of Pro-ton, and Min Emma Boos, of Preston, were married on Wedneu'day evening by Rev. Mr. Schulu. of Waterloo. _ . The mun Came And Maud “who: and the mm Mom gnd_Clm_Fiac139r iriuiGaurGarat heck: " Detroit Mr. and " By Schmidt m taking In the PunoAmencm. In. J. Nichol in uniting Manda In Michigan. who Mrs. T. B. Baum! Toronto, no the gnu:- of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Wobh. Mr. Em Submit: of The natal Life M Ion Sammy morning co spend a two week! "cation with friend: It Detroit. PERSONAL AND SOOML Mo-n. Chats. Hohmeier and Gina. Root left Saturday to npond seven] dun " the Pnn- American ttttd Toron- " m.- éonnom Umtadt let mm» on. VII“ to Mona: m Down And (novel-ad. . Mr. Ind In. E. Bollingor no upendlng . week with Down Mandi. Mr. W. B. Ridden, We and dumb- ter be" "tuned from e two weeks! trip, during which they visited the tell. ol Mega-e end other pieces end ego!» e few den eight eeetng n the en- Amerleen. They were " Bethlo when we President died end “I we "at crowd. jammed nbcut the City Hell "mag to get . Iaat look a the nut- dered m. m. and mu. C. Kmpt m minus the Pun-Anemu. mu mm, a! sunspot“, In the m of Mr. and Mm. Enoch Earp“. Italian! I. ttoMnrirttr In Dutch. Mr. all In. B. Flynn 8m morning to w mill (his 'tttlt Oh. lam-m bgmttee " m Arbor, m W. and In. J. (LM and Mr. Ind In. A. C. “on: wore new the vital-"Ins mun-MAW mm. In. L K. W. otuttte pth,N. t,-t-tdarittth"'t'trtCiV "aiettFennsittt- tcrutrtev.)th.4"met"tdyty. w. m Mod . ttsettetg d tho Wan-’- Khhmry M at tho Ila-mo- m - In no IMMJIIQM. In. y. M. 3:11“th My 'ste-traft'-.'- â€I... . J. 1lfhthnann'trFalt Stock. : m. F!“ 39:! T.. Treeeaa=uaaaa= utdiee Cletttttss Pi! ‘chm an capes, lull“ mm underwent. "The largest It. lament of ladiee' fur: in enperines, for capes, collars, wife, etc., ever shown at way down prices. 'Er.ttrsdMriGotrd,MBeoms fur, m, m manna Mond- In Mr. L. L. Banner no " Toronto Tummy min; to coating MI nume- a the Medical College. Mr. and line. A. nun-mm loudly evening from u no wait nation trip to New York, Album BUM and other peintaot than“. Mr. Begin“ Mom! upon: novel-d at†with " brother Will an. Ink. m- Waganor, of Tlvhtookmu the guns of BOY. and mu}. D. Dunn on andâ€. Mr. c. Weber, of Hanover. in the guest of Mr. Fred. Pf1Nr. Mr. “new in waiting his Ion, Chum, " Giovanna. _ - Mr. and Mrs. ax. Sonny as am; in the Pt5gt.Attterfttttgt, It, Albert Schulz, of Elmira, called on h brother, Rev. E. A.8ohuls,Mors- day, while on his way to Toronto to continue his studied a the Medical School. Mr. Edmund Killer left .Mondny “(swoon to take I course " the bloody Bible Immune, Chicago. His miny Mend. here will! him every cactus in his studio; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wells, Mrs. J. B. Hughes and was Armstrong Ion Monday morning to spend a week " the Pan-American. They won tro- oompsnlod by Mrrs.Thotnpaott,of boon. Mr. Walter Somenme bu resumed his duties " The Mutual Life um: holidaying " his home in London. Mr. and Mn. km Erb of New Dun- dee, spent Wodnooduy with friends In Mr. Ben). Deritt “tended the Galt Mow on Tuesday. Menu. Goo. Moore, Rom Moore, Wm. Lib“, Leigh Bong and J. B. Hughu were nmoug those who u.- 'ndod the Gait Show on Wednesday. Maura. W. B. another, of Ashton, ., And Henry another, of Kimbo, entronh Co., ont., and on Meade in' In an. week. Emma E.Vogt, can, and P. Fosmr. Plattaville, were visitors to our town Wednesday. A NURSE'S STRANGE CONDUCT. The Berlin and Waterloo Hospice] Board have meshed complaints dur- ing the paatwotskeallistg tar Medina ictlon. The matter complained of in that while two smell children were in the leoletion Hoeplul, the nurse in chnrge of them, abused and “rack them, claiming they were irritable end dieobedlent. _, - _ The Board met on Tneedny evening and considered the oomplelnu. A committee wee spammed. which met Wednecday and bend the evidence of the smritrta,thsittitstutsmdet, and the mused mule. " a result of the inveetignlon the nurse wen im- medleuly digchelged. ' [The Bond of Dimwn dummy re- gmt thin occurrence. Their prompt union In the - u to be oom- mended. The 13th Generel Conference of the Baptist church, which bee beenin lee- Mon in Berlin elm-e Thuredny lest eloeed Tneedey momma. Addreeeee were delivered by In BoeyfNn, on "Work in the Gide Home? and m- G. Meier read 1 the report of the Women’e Home Mie- eianery Society. The denim: of Y.P.A. omen! Alto took piece. At the evening union, the moderator, Prof L. Eel-er, read the report of the omnmime on ree- elation. in which very hearty than were tendered tome citizen: of Berlin ‘tonheir hospitality, mthelediee of the $,"sh,',Nhtr, and theme-I, end to manna runway firtheiphmd- d te-tation. The evening wee the up with “are... on you; people’e work. Willi-n Card, on d I mm for.- mn a Guelph manna "We " Toronto. "ir-ttot-tthir. Em Wall Paper, A. G. HELLER, "I! “ADI" JMmutt. Window Shades, mm curtain Poles ii''fi;z,i,' to hand. ._._.....E‘: 1’de Mammy W.H. Booker a: 00.. THE CONFERENCE CLOSES. -AND- [.4 Dress Goods Silks {191“ manning-In If! t mum.mumnu u mammals-mm. a: "ruextiartrrettrratt-tn+B. mammal-mum - -geeoentsatgr-tirggeM_ 'illtt-tt"tra-'"out'< Write for, Styrtples.r--w.srne.t Mantles and Furs, Berlin, Guelph and Owen Sound. 'MMMMMMIMMk5utMhi, Whamm- balm-nu vol-in.“ u {an " Nut. . I» -_' asi, Arcaikr.riFs SE3: fl trtuithrih' wrininsfn'll iii 'VJIIMW W V m " w a ,Ohe w. v ', a “arm. Mg",?, and“ eff w' d Our 1ild--tti.-txte.itsitmef, Magnit' MIMIE'JMMmlu-l-flh-ï¬ glkx,9te., tk.,' “066 ttai . Itrouhav-er-oprtttqiryroq1mrl, with! b com one stock-of the“ goods. ttttttgaze, ",'h"tt'th'tt'eut, and 0 ildnn'l WWW“ I! u mum-sung been». the - is compute all price-sloth. f l Choice Selection of Clocks. 0t . 7 *9'taow almost " the jirtiii!lre'i' fait huh. "tttd m I. _ .‘vmunhinktlulu undo. and Wine! to the nuuhctu not: than isaitt qualms about prion l 60tt--q.e invite it. . new "H mauve aiiriiq ',r' t't'Nt, upon} of the will line. t'it'ef1ti1ti'i' I here which can; interest an, if you “I“. In win at you to who “lupin. Btu-M Ont. EM UAW . Fall - Millinery Opening iiirarCiSi Sllvorware Watchman: and Jenner. School . . Boo In buying “my!†3% u exercise a little 1% , .. member-all Kawasaki . r ' and some (laden In ., Lg' I landlo inferior good-a W gl "jut a nice†but. may I f "T wear. g3"- ou can and the _ ‘ ‘ » ___ " ttt mantle annual. I " stun on out (00*. . PM a; t"p,Qg'2Pd ', rec-on ‘ , quet9tr_F.. _ .. . " " 1901 J,'2 We te,tlggt 'itat, clog-at, 1"r,'2/,t',', not. ' _ data “out In vicinity. .i", n mm m 'd"ad'i'it Martin mama-wed anhSohool Tut 3* tstrenttseeu,rsensiotqtA1 and», and an! E. J. R005; OMEN-fun That . Central Bl